<p> Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Y3 Objectives: Place 3-digit numbers on a line; order and compare 3-digit numbers; find a number between two 3-digit numbers; understand place value in 3-digit numbers. Y4 Objectives: Divide whole 2-digit numbers to give 1-place decimals; multiply 1-place decimals to give whole numbers; recognise decimal and fraction forms of tenths; place 1-place decimals on a number line; round tenths to nearest whole; compare 1-place decimals and write one in between, e.g. say what whole number comes between 2.1 and 1.2. Very quick starter Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Plenary M Place 2-digit nos on Revise placing 3-digit nos on a number line; Divide nos by 10 to Y3: TA with easier group if available Show a o a 0–100 line give 1-place decimals Chn mark given numbers on landmarked lines and ring the nearest 10 (see 0.1s, 1s, Mark a point on an Show a blank 200–300 line, mark 275 and ask chn to guess what resources). 10s and n empty 0–100 line. number you have marked. Mark 250 to see if this helps. Discuss Harder: Chn’s lines don’t have the 10s marked (see resources). They mark the 100s place d Chn write on their how 275 is halfway between 250 and 300 just like 75 is halfway nos in the line, then write the nearest 10 for each. value chart a w/bs the number between 50 and 100. Rpt with a blank 300–400 line marking in GUIDED: Y4 Easier (see y they think you have 425. Chn draw their own 400–500 line on w/bs and mark the Give each pair a place value grid (see resources). They each resources). marked. Discuss, 10s, then 437. Chn compare their answers with partners and shuffle a pack of 1–9 digit cards and take one each to form a Discuss the modelling marking in then all say together the nearest 10. Discuss how they knew whole 2-digit number and place it on the grid. Each child patterns of the 50 at halfway to which was the nearest 10. Rpt with 472. thinks what their digit will be worth if they divide it by 10 and the digits. help. Rpt as a whole Send Y3 away now to work with TA or independently. Launch move it one place to the right. They record the division, e.g. What class and then chn the ITP Moving digits. Click and drag cards to make the number 37 ÷ 10 = 3.7. Rpt. Challenge chn to do at least 10 different happens play in pairs, 450. Click on ÷ 10. What has happened? Rpt for 456. What is the calculations. to the digit challenging each 4 worth now? And the 5? Point out that each digit is worth 1/10 5 when we other to guess what of its previous value and has moved 1 place to the right. Point to × by 10? nos they have 6 and explain that this is 6 tenths. Remind chn that we can write And ÷ by marked. this as 6/10 and explain that we can also write it as six point six. 10? Reset and make the number 27. What will happen when I click on the ÷ 10 button? Click ÷ 10 to confirm. Rpt, for 49, 409 and then 40. What do chn think will happen this time? We’ve got a 1-digit number! Why? Rpt for 4, giving 0.4. Discuss the need for a zero before the decimal point. It helps us see that there are no ones! T Count in ¼s Place 3-digit nos between multiples of 10 on a ‘hundred’ line, e.g. Y3 Activity: TA with easier group if available Ask a pair of Y3 chn to u Sketch a line from 400 to 500, round to nearest 10; Multiply nos like 3.4 and 5.6 Give each group a selection of 3-digit nos from your pot to mark on choose to place one of from 0 to 5, by 10 and then use function machines 0–1000 landmarked lines (see resources). their nos into an </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value e whole nos Draw 0–1000 line on the board. Ask a child to pull out a 3-digit Y4 Easier GUIDED: Y4 envelope. Each small s labelled and ¼s number from your pot. Model how you might place this on the line. Chn identify the input, output or function Harder group/pair from the marked but not For example: Sam has got number 250. So, first we will draw a line in function machines (see resources). They Carry on using rest of the class in turn d labelled. Point to at halfway, showing the 500. Then, we could either find half again, make up function machines for a partner the function to think of a question a various places on to get to the 250, or draw in the hundred lines to help us find 200, to guess. machine. Stick × to ask about the y the line and ask then draw the 50 between 200 and 300 to find 250. Invite chn to 10 to the front. number to try and chn what come up and rpt this activity. Others mark on their w/bs where they Write a number guess what it is, e.g. is number goes would place the number on the line. Chn then peer mark each other on a card, give it between 300 and there. Include and as a class compare with the example on the board. Send Y3 to one child but 400? Is it even? Is it 1½, drawing out away now to work with TA or independently. don’t show rest between 300 and 350? two ¼s = ½. Draw a large decimal point on the f/c. Ask 2 chn to stand on either of group. They After each pair/group Count along the side holding large digit cards 2 and 5 to show 2.5. Chn discuss in post the card have asked a question, line: 0, ¼, ½, ¾. pairs what each child will need to do to multiply 2.5 by 10. Ask a pair into the function they all write a guess 1, 1 ¼, 1½… to give them instructions. What happens to each digit when we machine and on their w/bs. The multiply by 10? It moves one place to the left. Chn write the 2.5 × 10 post the output. closest group/pair win. = 25 on their wb/s. Rpt with other nos with 1 decimal place. Rpt for Can the rest of 0.6. Ask one child to operate a ‘function machine’ (cardboard box!). the group guess Write 45 on a card and pass through a slot in the box to the child. the input? Rpt They follow the instruction in the box, ÷ 10, write the answer on a for ÷ 10. card and post out of the box. Rpt with other chn, asking them to divide other 2-digit nos by 10. Post 2.3 through the in slot, so it comes out the out slot as 23. Discuss how multiplying by 10 is the reverse of dividing by 10. </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Very quick starter Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities Plenary W Count in Partition 3-digit numbers into 100s, 10s and 1s; compare and order Y3 Easier GUIDED Show the rest of the class the e 1/10s to at numbers Groups of 4 chn play the Nasty Game, two against : Y3 three-team variant of the least 2 Place 1-place decimals on a number line and round to nearest whole two (see resources). They agree at the beginning of Harder game played by the Y3 d Use the Give a ruler marked in cm and mm to each child. Point out that the little each game whether they will win with the higher Add a Harder group. n counting stick lines are used to measure mm. How many millimetres are in a or lower number. Team C, e to count in centimetre? 1mm is 1/10 of a cm. Show how we can write this as 1/10 so there s steps of 1/10 and 0.1cm. Chn measure length of one of their fingernails to nearest are d from 0 to 1 mm. Ask Y3 chn to record this in cm and mm, and Y4 to record in cm three and back only, e.g. 1.3cm. Sketch a 0–2 line labelling 0, 1 and 2. Y4, where would pairs of a again. Point 1.3 go on the line? Mark this. Y3, where would 1½ go on this line? Y4, children y to 5/10. How how else can we write this? Say that we round nos ending in 5 up, so we . Explain else can we round 1.5 to 2. Where would 0.9 go? What is the nearest whole? Where that the say this does 1.2 go? Round it to the nearest whole. Rpt with 1.8, ½ (Y3) and 1.4. winning fraction? Rpt, Ask the rest of the class to round them to the nearest whole. Send Y4 pair is this time away now to work with TA or independently. the pair counting who from 1 to 2 in make 1/10s. the number in the middle of the other two (see resourc es). </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Play the Nasty Game with 2 teams. Each team shuffles 0–9 cards into a Y4 Easier Y4 Harder: TA if pile face down. They take turns to take a card and place it either in their Give chn items less than 10cm to available row or in the other team’s row. They want their team to make the measure to the nearest mm. They Chn work in pairs to larger number! record the measurement in cm, e.g. shuffle a pack of 1– 100s 10s 1s 5.7cm and round to the nearest cm, 9 cards. One child Team A e.g. 6cm. takes 2 cards to Team B make a 1 decimal When each team has placed all 3 digits, compare resulting 3-digit nos. place number, e.g. Which number is bigger? How do you know? Confirm by placing both on uses 3 and 7 to a 0–1000 line. Rpt, with each team trying to make the smaller number, make 3.7 or 7.3. then rpt but first placing 3 in the 100s column of both nos. They choose a coloured pencil and mark it on a 0–10 landmarked line (see resources). Their partner does the same. 1st person to mark 3 nos in a row without one of their opponent’s in between is the winner. Rpt on a new line. They choose 5 of their nos to round to the nearest whole. </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value T Count on and back Order groups of 3-digit numbers; Fractional and decimal forms of GUIDED: Y3 Easier Y3 Place a Post-it note™ with a h in 1s and 10s tenths (3/10 and 0.3) Make a large 0–1000 line from strips of f/c paper Harde 3-digit number on each of 3 Pass a bean bag Launch ITP Fractions, click on f & d to show both written as vulgar joined together and placed on the carpet. Pick three r chn’s heads. They ask their u round the class fractions and decimal fractions. Click to show one tenth. Ask Y3s to 3-digit number cards and work together to put them Chn classmates questions in order r and count in steps write this as fraction and Y4s as a decimal. Write 0.1 1/10 on f/c. in order, using place value. Then check by placing work to put themselves in order. s of 1 at 985, Say that is a quick way of writing ‘is equivalent to’, meaning that each card on the line – are they still in the same in They can only move d beginning with Y3 these are different ways of writing the same amount. Show two order? Rpt. pairs themselves, not the others. a chn, passing to Y4 tenths. Y3s write fraction, Y4 write decimal. Show 1/5 & 2/10 on 2 to What is a good question to chn as you pass shuffl ask? y separate bars to show they are equivalent. Write 0.2 2/10 1/5. through 1000, and These fractions are equivalent. They represent the same amount. e a set then back. Rpt, Rpt for each of the other 1/10s. of 1–9 this time counting Send Y4 away now to work with TA or independently. Use two cards, in 10s starting at piles of 3-digit number cards. Ask two chn at front of class to turn then 885 with Y3 chn over top card on their pile at the same time as each other. Rest of use passing through class point to either the bigger or smaller number, depending on them 1000 with Y4 chn, your instruction. What were you looking at to help you work out in then back. which was the bigger or smaller number? Yes, you start with the group 100s. What happens if both are the same? Yes, you look at the 10s. s of 3 Write 125, 387, 742 in 100s, 10s and 1s columns. Ask chn to write to them in order on their w/bs smallest to biggest. Repeat 245, 274 make and 482. Move to not placing the 3 numbers in columns; instead three write them randomly around the board. 3-digit nos. They write the nos in order from smalle st to larges t. Rpt. Y4: TA with Easier group if available Chn identify numbers of tenths that are shaded and write them both as fractions and decimals, and any equivalent fraction where appropriate (see resources). </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Whole class teaching Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice Plenary activities Friday Investigate 3-digit numbers: Order numbers with 1 decimal place Y3 Investigation: TA if available Which pairs made more than Show the three digit cards 4, 2 and 7. Ask Y3 chn to write the smallest 3- Challenge chn to work in pairs to make as 10 numbers? Well done them! digit number that can be made with these digits and the largest. Ask Y4 chn many 3-digit nos as they can, using digits Who made the most to write the smallest 2-digit number with 1 decimal place and the largest 2- that touch on the ‘phone keyboard’. They numbers? Put chn in groups digit number with 1 decimal place. Share answers. Ask each age group to then choose at least 6 to write in order. of about 6. Y3s each write 3- use the digits to make one number in between the pair of numbers using Harder: Challenge chn to write ALL the digit numbers on their w/bs. these digits. Pairs peer mark. Explain that all children will be investigating numbers they make in order. Y4s each write a 2-digit what numbers can be made using the digits on a ‘phone keyboard’. Show a Y4 Investigation number with 1 decimal place picture of one (see resources). Using numbers that touch (can be adjacent As Year 3 but they make 2-digit numbers on their w/bs. On the count of or touch by a corner, i.e. diagonal), ask chn to each make 3-digit number, with one decimal place. They choose 6 3, each group have to put all e.g. you can make 123 but not 128 as 2 and 8 don’t touch. You could make numbers to write in order. their numbers in order. Which 563 or 951. Harder: Chn write ALL their numbers in group was fastest? Rpt with a Send Y3 away now to work with TA or independently. Explain that Y4s will order. new set of numbers. do a similar investigation but must make one place decimal numbers less than 10. Remind chn what 1-place decimal numbers are, i.e. 3 and 4 tenths is 3.4 and 2 and 1 tenth is 2.1, etc. Ask them to make several numbers to check that they understand using the same rules in the investigation as Y3s, i.e. they can make 1.2 or 2.1 or 3.2 but not 3.1 as 3 and 1 don’t touch. </p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value</p><p>Resources Day 1: Year 3 activity sheet: Placing three-digit numbers, easier and harder versions (see resources) ITP Moving digits (see resources) Day 1: Year 4 place value grid (see resources) 0–9 digit cards Day 1: Year 4 Dividing by 10 activity sheet (see resources) Calculators 0.1s, 1s, 10s and 100s place value chart (see resources) Pot of 3-digit number cards Large 0–9 digit cards Cardboard box with two slots, Cards with × 10 and ÷ 10, plain cards and pens Day 2: Year 4 Multiplying and dividing by 10 function machines activity sheet (see resources) Envelope Counting stick Rulers marked in cm and mm Day 3: Year 3 activity sheet: Comparing two 3-digit numbers Nasty Game (see resources) Day 3: Year 3 activity sheet: Comparing three 3-digit numbers Nasty Game (see resources) Day 3: Year 4 0–10 landmarked lines (see resources) Bean bag ITP Fractions (see resources) Post-it notes™ 3-digit number cards ITP Tell Time (see resources) Day 5: Picture of telephone keypad (see resources) Abacus Year 3 Textbook 2 and Year 4 Textbooks 1 and 2</p><p>The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Abacus Workbook Pages for Alternative/Additional Practice </p><p>Year 3 Year 4 Day Group Page Group Page Monday Easier Textbook 2, page 40 Harder Textbook 2, page 41 Tuesday Easier Textbook 2, page 4 Harder Textbook 2, page 39 Wednesday Easier Textbook 2, page 52 Harder Textbook 2, page 53 Thursday Easier Textbook 2, page 5 Easier Textbook 1, page 57 Harder Textbook 2, page 6 Harder Textbook 1, page 58 Friday Easier Textbook 2, page 74 Harder Textbook 2, page 75</p><p>Scroll down for outcomes</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring Maths Mixed age Year 3/Year 4 Weekly Plan: Spring Week 1: Number and place value Outcomes</p><p>Outcomes for most children Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Y 1. Place 3-digit numbers between multiples of 10 on 1. Place 3-digit numbers on 1. Compare two 3- 1. Order three 3-digit numbers 1. Solve a problem using e landmarked lines. a 0–1000 with 100s marked digit numbers. using place value. knowledge of place value. a 2. Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10. with some degree of 2. Order at least ten 3-digit r accuracy. numbers.</p><p>3 1. Understand that when we divide by 10, digits shift 1. Understand that when we 1. Place 1-place 1. Recognise decimal and fraction 1. Solve a problem using Y one place to the right. multiply by 10, digits shift decimals on a forms of tenths. knowledge of place value. e 2. Understand what each digit represents in a number one place to the left. number line. 2. Order at least 10 numbers with a with one decimal place. 2. Understand what each 2. Round tenths to 1 decimal place. r digit represents in a number nearest whole.</p><p> with one decimal place. 4 Default (outcomes for children not on statements but not able to reach the outcomes for most children) 1. Say what each digit represents in a 3-digit number. 1. Place 3-digit numbers on a 1. Compare two 3- 1. Order three 3-digit numbers by 1. Solve a problem using Y 2. Place 3-digit numbers between multiples of 10 on 0–1000 line with 100s. digit numbers. placing them on a 0–1000 line. knowledge of place value. e landmarked lines. 2. Order six 3-digit numbers. a r</p><p>3</p><p>1. Understand that when we divide by 10, digits shift 1. Understand that when we 1. Round tenths to 1. Recognise decimal and fraction 1. Solve a problem using Y one place to the right. multiply by 10, digits shift nearest whole in forms of tenths (only 1/10s and knowledge of place value. e 2. Understand what each digit represents in a number one place to the left. the context of 0.1s, not 1/5s and multiples of 0.2, 2. Order 6 numbers with 1 decimal a with one decimal place. 2. Understand what each measurement. for example) place. r digit represents in a number with one decimal place. 4</p><p>Only record names of children who struggled or exceeded these outcomes</p><p>© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Mixed age Y3/Y4 Week 1 Spring</p>
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