<p> EEI ASSESSMENT TASK 1A 11 CHEMISTRY</p><p>Name Class Teacher</p><p>Assessment Category Extended Experimental Investigation – Report + Logbook</p><p>Topic Energy in Fuels</p><p>Finding material in an indexed collection; interpreting the meaning of tables, graphs and Research diagrams; summarising written text; generalising from information Visualising; hypothesising; devising; calculating with Planning calculators; applying strategies to trial and test procedures Manipulating/operating/using equipment; observing systematically; compiling lists/statistics; Gathering data recording/noting data; compiling results in a tabular Common Curriculum Elements form (CCEs) Graphing; extrapolating; classifying; analysing; Analysing and synthesising; comparing/contrasting; interrelating evaluating ideas; judging/evaluating; reaching a conclusion; justifying Structuring, organising extended written text; setting out, presenting, displaying; explaining to others; Communicatin translating from one form to another; using correct g grammar spelling and punctuation; using vocabulary appropriate to context</p><p>Annotated Bibliography 3 Aug 2016 Proposal 5 Aug 2016 Practical Work 8 -20 Aug 2016 Dates Draft Background 11 Aug 2016 Full Draft due 26 Aug 2016 Final due date 5 Sep 2016</p><p>Task Length 800-1000 words – Post results</p><p>Scientific Report – laboratory work in pairs, individually prepared report + logbook Conditions for Assessment Teacher consultation allowed One draft before final submission allowed Hard copy submitted to teacher + digital copy uploaded to Schoolbox by 1500 on 5 Sept 2016 Declaration of Academic Integrity I hereby declare that the work I submit for this assignment is fundamentally my own original work, in particular, that: I have cited the ideas and material of others appropriately, using the APA referencing system or referencing system identified in the task I have written this assignment myself, without disproportionate input from parents, siblings or others acting in a ‘tutoring’ role. Work that contravenes this Declaration will be subject to the School’s Academic Integrity Policy, of which I am aware.</p><p>Signed: Date:</p><p>INTRODUCTION Fuel is an important topic in the context of Transport. Over the centuries a variety of substances have been burned as fuels – wood, coal, oil, alcohol, natural gas, to name a few. Fuels are substances that provide the energy to do work. Even the food we eat is the fuel used by the body during cellular respiration, releasing the energy that allows cells to function. Fuels are materials that release chemically stored energy for use. The combustion of petrol in a car’s engine supplies the energy to allow acceleration and high-speed travel. Fuels undergo exothermic reactions that result in the release of energy. The energy released is that stored in the bonds of the fuel substance.</p><p>1.1 TASK You will conduct practical work in pairs for this task. You will be provided with samples of the different hydrocarbon fuels listed below and are asked to scientifically investigate a selection of these fuels. </p><p>The starting point MUST be for YOU to develop a significant research question to investigate that relates to fuels/energy. In order to do this, you need to ensure you conduct research on your topic of interest.</p><p>Choose from the fuels listed below and evaluate an aspect of the associated chemistry in order to produce a supported and justified decision relating to your question. You may use one or more.</p><p>Methanol, Ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 2- methylpropan-2-ol, 2-methylpropan-1-ol, Unleaded Petrol, Ethanol/Unleaded Petrol Blend (5% or 10%), cyclohexane.</p><p>After formulating your question and choosing your fuel(s), you will need to select an independent variable to manipulate and decide what you will measure (dependent variable) in order to collect valid and reliable data that will allow you to answer your research question. Decide what variables you must control and formulate a hypothesis BEFORE you start experimenting.</p><p>1.2 ASSESSABLE ELEMENTS KCU 1: (describe and interpret) . Present and interpret the chemistry of the selected fuels – a. nature of the chemical structure (use diagrams!) and the role this plays in energy released b. challenging chemical relationships associated with the fuels c. complex chemical reactions . Discuss the complex thermodynamic concepts that will be used in analysis of data</p><p>KCU 2: (compare and explain) . Compare the thermodynamic features of the selected variable . Explain the relevant complex chemistry of the selected fuel(s), . Concentrate on the burning properties of these fuels.</p><p>KCU 3: (link and apply) . Apply thermodynamic principles to the selected significant data . Present calculations in detail at least once per calculation type. Repeated calculations are unnecessary.</p><p>IP1: (design and conduct) . Identify a suitable researchable question and a justified hypothesis relating to the background information identified. . Present a specific experimental aim for each test or series of tests. . Develop an experiment/series of experiments that will supply reliable data to provide some information about your question and hypothesis, including independent, dependent and control variables. . Utilise principles of calorimetry/thermochemistry to maximise efficiency of experiments. . If you redesign your apparatus to improve the quality of data, this should be documented. . You may wish to calibrate your calorimeter or perform heat loss measurements . As a group, carry out experiments after checking details with the teacher.</p><p>IP2: (gather data) . The calorimetry equipment you build must be safe. . Collect both relevant quantitative and qualitative (observation) data. . Use good scientific practice to maximize validity/reliability of data. a. Techniques selected provide valid and reliable data that can be used to form a justified answer the hypothesis b. Data is recorded under controlled conditions and is reproducible. c. Determine the best technique to present your data in order to display the significant trend(s)</p><p>IP3: (analyse and identify) - Analysis . Break down the data collected and analyse for relevance to the hypothesis . Identify data that presents significant information regarding your hypothesis</p><p>EC1: (analyse and evaluate) - Discussion . Clearly present and analyse and the findings . Relate specific data and trends to the accepted theory to support the findings that relate to your research question. . Evaluate the quality of the data by discussing errors and uncertainties including information about how they affected the data and how significant these were. . Evaluate the experimental design in relation to how well it was able to address your research question.</p><p>EC2: (conclusions and future) – Discussion + Conclusion . Summarise the significant findings of the investigation, with reference to the aim/research question and whether your hypothesis was supported or not. . Propose improvements to the design based on your evaluation . Examine the investigation with respect to extending the depth of the study . Future investigation should show a clear link to chemical concepts and be realistic in a school laboratory.</p><p>EC3: (communicate) . Ensure all scientific conventions have been followed and scientific language has been appropriately used in communicating information . Use appropriate referencing techniques whenever you have borrowed the work/ideas of others. In-text referencing is expected. 3.0 SAFETY You must perform a Risk Assessment –sheet provided by your teacher- which will be checked and signed by your teacher BEFORE you are allowed to start on your project. Your teacher is legally responsible for the safety of all students in the class- failure to follow this and their instructions could see you seen as negligent in the event of an accident. </p><p>You must understand the risks involved with all the chemicals/techniques used in your investigation. You will be excluded from all practical work if your teacher has any doubt about your ability to work safely at all times. </p><p>MANDATORY RULES: 1. Petrol burning needs to occur in a fume hood or outside under supervision on a table. 2. All stock bottles must be returned to central trolley before any burning is carried out. 3. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for any unsafe behavior.</p><p>4.0 RESEARCH WORK Time will be allocated to experimental project research. The report can be well underway by the end of this time. Sections completed should include: Introduction, Hypothesis, Aims, Methods and Safety – a draft of these sections is required as above.</p><p>You may have finished prior to this time and be working on data analysis, but you MUST finish practical work by the date indicated.</p><p>Some supervised time may be made available for students to access the school laboratories outside of normal class time- you will need to arrange this with your teacher. </p><p>It is recommended that you check research progress with your teacher on a minimum weekly basis, as results to date may suggest further modifications to the experimental design. At any time, your teacher may ask to see your logbook.</p><p>At the completion of your research, all borrowed gear must be returned in good condition. Projects will not be marked until all outstanding gear is returned. </p><p>UQ Library access for high school students: https://www.library.uq.edu.au/services- for/services-for-secondary-schools QUT access for the pubic: https://www.library.qut.edu.au/services/community/public.jsp USQ school student membership: http://www.usq.edu.au/library/borrow-request- renew/join-library</p><p>5.0 Logbook All students must use a logbook. This will become a complete record of all work carried out in this investigation and will be the primary source of evidence of Investigative Processes. The Logbook is handwritten and includes all the research, ideas/thoughts/discussions, organization, planning, preliminary practical work and modifications, procedures, results and analysis. The logbook must be submitted with your report at draft and final stages. STUDENT RESEARCH PROPOSAL FOR EEI</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Teacher: ______</p><p>Title of Investigation: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Specific Research Problem to be investigated:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Variables:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Hypothesis:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Brief statement of your experimental design:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Attach a detailed designed plan with diagrams of the materials set up as you intend to use them.</p><p>Investigation approval ______Teacher Signature and Date EEI Materials Requisition Form </p><p>Please be aware that you should be able to supply most of the materials you require to undertake your investigation. The school is willing to assist you in finding materials and will provide access to equipment and some materials it has in stock. </p><p>Laboratory staff will not deal with your request if the teacher approval signature is not provided. At least 24 hours notice is required. Your assistance is appreciated.</p><p>Name: ______Date:______</p><p>Teacher: ______</p><p>Title of Investigation: ______</p><p>Risk Assessment Level: ______</p><p>Approval: ___YES / NO______</p><p>______Teacher Signature</p><p>Item Quantity Date Required Lesson</p><p>Additional Comments:</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______Criteria for Chemistry EEI 1 – Students must provide evidence the meet the required descriptors to be awarded the grade. NAME: ______</p><p>A B C D E Extensive Good reproduction and Some reproduction Some reproduction Some reproduction reproduction and interpretation of of chemical of simple chemical of isolated facts KCU 1 interpretation of complex or challenging concepts, theories ideas and concepts Reproduce and complex and chemical concepts, and principles Interpret challenging chemical theories and principles concepts, theories and principles Extensive Good comparison and Some explanation of Some description of Some recognition of comparison and explanation of simple simple isolated simple KCU 2 explanation of thermodynamic thermodynamic thermodynamic phenomena Compare and complex concepts processes and processes and processes and Explain thermodynamic phenomena phenomena phenomena concepts processes phenomena Extensive linking and Good linking and Some application of Some application of Some application of application of application of thermodynamic thermodynamic simple given thermodynamic thermodynamic algorithms, concepts algorithms, concepts algorithms KCU 3 algorithms, concepts algorithms, concepts and principles to find or principles. Link and Apply and principles to find and principles to find solutions in simple solutions in complex solutions in complex or situations. and challenging challenging situations. situations. KCU A B C D E</p><p>Significant Good formulation of Some formulation of Implementation of Guided use of given formulation of justified questions and given investigations procedures justified questions questions/hypotheses hypotheses to select IP 1 /hypotheses which which inform design and manage Formulate and inform effective and and management of investigations Devise efficient design, investigations refinement and management of investigations Extensive assessment Good assessment of Some assessment of Safe use of Safe directed use of of risk, safe selection risk, safe selection of risk, safe selection of equipment with equipment to gather IP 2 and adaptation of equipment, and equipment, and limited assessment data equip and approp appropriate application appropriate of risk and Conduct and application of of technology to gather, application of technology to gather Collect technology to gather, record and process data technology to gather and record data record and process and record data valid data Systematic analysis Good analysis of Some analysis of Little identification Very basic recording of primary and primary and secondary primary and of obvious patterns of data. IP 3 secondary data to data to identify secondary data to and errors. Analyse and identify relationships patterns, trends, errors identify obvious Interpret between patterns, and anomalies. patterns, trends, trends, errors and errors and anomalies. anomalies. IP A B C D E</p><p>EC 1 Extensive analysis Good analysis of Some description of Basic identification Very basic or little and evaluation of complex chemical chemical of simple chemical identification of Analyse and complex chemical interrelationships interrelationships interrelationships obvious chemical Evaluate interrelationships interrelationships Extensive exploration Good explanation of Good description of Some identification Basic statements EC 2 of possible scenarios possible scenarios and possible scenarios of scenarios or about outcomes and outcomes with outcomes with and outcomes with possible outcomes Draw justification of discussion of statements of Conclusions conclusions/ conclusions/ conclusion/ recommendations recommendations recommendation Extensive Good selection, use and Some selection, use Basic presentation of Very basic, discriminating presentation of and presentation of thermodynamic data incomplete or selection, use and thermodynamic data thermodynamic data or unclear incomprehensible presentation of and ideas to make and ideas to make presentation. presentation of EC 3 thermodynamic data meaning accessible to meaning accessible thermodynamic data and ideas to make intended audiences in in range of formats or ideas. Communicate meaning accessible range of formats. or some basic errors to intended in presentation. audiences through innovative use of range of formats. EC A B C D E</p>
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