THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23RD AUGUST 1984 11547 CROUDACE, Stephen John, residing and lately carrying Swansea SA1 SDL. Date of Public Examination—5th on business with another under the name or style of December 1984. 10 a.m. Place—County Court, 10 St Trade Secrets at 15 Station Road, Carlton in the county Mary Square, Swansea. of Nottingham as a VIDEO FILM PRODUCER and DISTRIBUTOR. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of HAGGAR, Michael, of 5 Rosehill Terrace, Mount Pleasant, Matter—91 of 1984. Date of First Meeting—7th Septem- Swansea in the county of West Glamorgan, unemployed, ber 1984. 11.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, lately carrying on business as a RETAIL BUTCHER Severns House, 20 Middle Pavement, Nottingham. Date under the style of Epicure Foods at Unit 1, St. Davids of Public Examination—8th November 1984. 10.30 a.m. Market Centre, Swansea aforesaid. Court—SWANSEA. Place—County Court House, St. Peter's Gate, Notting- No. of Matter—47 of 1984. Date of First Meeting— ham. 5th September 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place—Official Re- ceiver's Office, 5th Floor, Sun Alliance House, 166-167 PATHAK, Arun Kumar, of Shepherd's Bush Farm, Yen- St. Helens Road, Swansea, Date of Public Examination ton Cross, Holsworthy, Devon, AGRICULTURAL —5th December 1984. 10 a.m. Place—County Court, ENGINEER. Court—PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—80 10 St. Mary Square, Swansea. of 1983. Date of First Meeting—-4th September 1984. 11.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63 CORE, Edward, Salesman andl CORE, June, unemployed of New George Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public 146 Fowey Avenue, Torquay, lately residing and carrying Examination—30th November 1984. 2 p.m. Place—The on business under the style of Leisure Unlimited from 96 Law Courts, Armada Way, Plymouth, Devon. Greenpark Road, Paignton as WHOLESALERS of SLEEPING BAGS, previously residing at Greenacre, SCOTT, G. W. (male), of 115 York Road, Weston Mill, Benedicts Bridge, Liverton and formerly carrying on Plymouth, Devon, occupation unknown. Court— business under the style of South West Leisure Supplies PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—59 of 1984. Date of First from 111-113 Queen Street, Newton Abbot all in the Meeting—5th September 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place—Official county of Devon as RETAILERS of CAMPING Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63 New George Street, EQUIPMENT. Court—TORQUAY. No. of Matter— Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public Examination—26th 47 of 1984. Date of First Meeting—4th September 1984. October 1984. 2 p.m. Place—The Law Courts, Armada 10.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, Way, Plymouth, Devon. 63 New George Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public Examination—18th December 1984. 2 p.m. Place— DERBYSHIRE, Anthony, Stubley Old Hall, Featherstall Castle Chambers, Higher Union Street, Torquay. Road, Littleborough. Court—ROCHDALE. No. of Matter—2 of 1984. Date of First Meeting—29th August JACKSON, Barry Christopher, of 213 Kingsway, Teign- 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, Town- mouth, Devon Second Chef, previously residing at 18 bury House, 11 Blackfriars Street, Salford M3 SAB. Prospect House, Eastcliff Read, Dawlish ; Tanton's Hotel, Date of Public Examination— 15th October 1984. 2.30 Bideford, Devon ; Joiner's Arms, Market Street, Bideford, p.m. Place—County Court Buildings, Fleece Street, Devon and formerly carrying on business ait The Rochdale. Terminus Inn, Barnstaple Street, Bideford, Devon as a PUBLICAN. Court—TORQUAY. No. of Matter-^5 NOLAN, Shaun Edward, of 50 Stretchworth Drive, Wor- of 1984. Date of First Meeting—4th September 1984. sley, Manchester. Court—SALFORD. No. of Matter— 11 a.m. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 48 of 1983. Date of First Meeting—llth September 1984. 63 New George Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of 11 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, Townbury Public Examination—13th November 1984. 2 p.m. House, 11 Blackfriars Street, Salford M3 SAB. Date of Place—Castle Chambers, Higher Union Street, Torquay. Public Examination—9th October 1984. 2 p.m. Place— The Court House, Encombe Place, Salford. BATTEN, Charles Roger, and. BOWEN, Elizabeth, trading as C. R. Batten both of Retallack, St. Columb, Cornwall. CARVILLE, P. (male) of 19 Aldenham Drive, Hillingdon, Court—TRURO. No. of Matter—34 of 1984. Date of Middlesex, (occupation unknown). Court—SLOUGH. First Meeting—6th September 1984. 11.30 a.m. Place- No. of Matter—52 of 1984. Date of First Meeting—31st Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63 New George August 1984. 11 a.m. Place—Monarch House, 77-79 Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public Examination— Caversham Road, Reading, Berks. Date of Public 6th November 1984. 2 p.m. Place—The Town Hall, Examination—26th October 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place- Truro, Cornwall. Slough County Court, The Law Courts, Windsor Road, Slough, Berks. COLWILL, Ronald Nelson, of Andora, Trefullock Moor, CROUCH, Kenneth Alan, 61A Park Avenue, Thorpe Lea, Summercourt. Court—TRURQ. No. of Matter—31 of Egham, Surrey, DESIGN DRAUGHTSMAN lately re- 1984. Date of First Meeting—5th September 1984. 11.30 siding at 114A Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, Surrey. Court a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63 SLOUGH (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. New George Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public of Matter—85A of 1984. Date of First Meeting—18th Examination—6th November 1984. 2 p.m. Place—The September 1984. 11 a.m. Place—Monarch House, 77-79 Town Hall, Truro, Cornwall. Caversham Road, Reading, Berks. Date of Public Examination—26th October 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place- MORA, Michael David, unemployed, of " All-R-Own", Slough County Court, The Law Courts, Windsor Road, 59 Tresithney, Carharrack, Redruth, Cornwall, lately Slough, Berks. trading at " Foss Motors Filling Station and Minimar- ket", Mount Ambrose, Redruth, Cornwall as a GAR- MILLER, Geoffrey John, of 67A Coldharbour Lane, Hayes, AGE PROPRIETOR and RETAILER, formerly resid- Middlesex, occupation unknown. Court—SLOUGH. ing at "West Winds", Wfaeal Rose, Scorrier, Redruth, No. of Matter—34 of 1984. Date of First Meeting-^l-th Cornwall, described in the Receiving Order as occupa- September 1984. 2 p.m. Place—Monarch House, 77-79 tion' unknown. Court—TRURO (by transfer from. High Caversham Road, Reading, Berks. Date of Public Court of Justice). No. of Matter—51A of 1984. Date Examination—26th October 1984. 10.30 a.m. Place- of First Meeting—llth September 1984. 11 a.m. Place Slough County Court, The Law Courts, Windsor Road, —Official Receiver's Office, 1st Floor, 63 New George Slough, Berks. Street, Plymouth, Devon. Date of Public Examination —6th November 1984. 2 p.m. Place—The Town Hall, DAVIES, Vivian John, of 43 Heol Will George, Waunarl- Truro, Cornwall. wydd, Swansea in the county of West Glamorgan unem- ployed, formerly carrying on business under the style of COULTHARD, P. (Mr.), trading as Kent Office Equip- Swansea Spray Centre at Unit 4, Penclawdd Industrial ment (occupation unknownX 18 Bullion Close, Paddock Estate, Penclawdd, West Glamorgan aforesaid as a Wood, Kent and lately residing at 3 Mercers Close, GENERAL PAINT SPRAYING CONTRACTOR and Paddock Wood, Kent. Court—TUNB RIDGE WELLS. CAR BODY REPAIRER and also formerly a COM- No. of Matter—20 of 1984. Date of First Meeting— PANY DIRECTOR. Court—SWANSEA. No. of Matter 12th September 1984. 11 a.m. Place—Sunley House, —48 of 1984. Date of First Meeting—5th September Bedford Park, Croydon CR9 1TX. Date of Public 1984. 11.15 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, 5th Examination—20th November 1984. 11 a.m. Place— Floor, Sun Alliance House, 166-167 St. Helens Road, Court House, Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. D2.
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