<p> Brandon Valley Middle School Physical Education Basketball Historical Facts about Basketball ◙ Invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, an instructor at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. ◙ Specifically created to stimulate winter attendance at the YMCA. ◙ The game got its name from the two half-bushel peach baskets that were attached to the gymnasium balcony. ◙ The peach baskets were attached 10 feet above the floor and established a measurement that remains in use today. ◙ The original game began with 13 basic rules that re the foundation of the modern game. ◙ Women’s basketball competition began in 1892. ◙ A player from the first women’s team later married Dr. Naismith. ◙ A metal ring with a netted bag was used in place of the basket in 1893. ◙ The ball had to be released by pulling on a metal chain after each goal. ◙ Nets without bottoms were not introduced until 1913. ◙ Backboards were first sued in 1894 to keep spectators from reaching out to deflect the ball. ◙ The game was originally played with 9 players on a team (Dr. Naismith had 18 students in his class) ◙ Five players on a team has been the standard since 1895. ◙ The first college game was in 1896 between Chicago and Iowa. ◙ The first professional game was in 1898. ◙ The National Basketball Association (NBA) was formed in June of 1946. ◙ In November of 1946, the NBA’s first game was played at Maple Leaf Gardens with the New York Knickerbockers beating the Toronto Huskies, 68-66. ◙ The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) was formed in 1997. Original 13 Basketball Rules Here are the original 14 rules from 1891, written by Dr. James Naismith, the man who invented basketball. 1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands. 2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist). 3. A player cannot run with the ball. They player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball at a good speed. 4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding it. 5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking of an opponent shall be allowed in any way. The first infringement of this by any player shall count as a foul; the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made; or, if there was evidence of intent to injure the player, for the whole of the game. No substitutes allowed. 6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3, 4, and such as described in rule 5. 7. I either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count as a goal for the opponents *consecutive means without the opponents in the meantime making a foul). 8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batter from the ground into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges and the opponents move the basket, it shall count as a goal. 9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the opponent. If any persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side. 10. The umpire shall be the judge of men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have the power to disqualify men according to rule 5. 11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall decided when the ball is in play, inbounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep time. He shall decide when the goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee. 12. The time shall be 15-minute halves, with five minutes rest between. 13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. IN case of a draw the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made. Basketball Equipment Ball The official ball is spherical (round) with a circumference of 29 ½ to 30 inches for mean and 25 ½ to 29 inches for women. The men’s ball weights 20 to 22 ounces and the women’s ball weighs 18 to 20 ounces. Leather balls are used in competition, but balls are also made of rubber or synthetic materials. Basket The basket consists of a simple metal ring that is 18 inches in inside diameter and is secured to a backboard made of rectangular or fan shaped glass, wood, or fiberglass. A white cord net is suspended beneath the ring form 12 hooks. Basketball Positions ◙ Five team players usually include a center, two guards, and two forwards. ◙ The center (post, pivot) is usually the tallest player. He or she often takes the jump balls and is responsible for rebounding the close-range shooting. ◙ Guards are usually the best ball handlers. They advance up the court by dribbling and passing. The point guard sets up a team’s offensive pattern like a quarterback. ◙ Forwards are responsible for shooting and rebounding missed shots. ◙ Extra players on the bench can substitute for the players on the court. Basic Rules of Basketball Although there are rule variations between men and women’s basketball and between the various levels of play, there are basic rules that govern play at any level. ◙ Only five players play on each team at one time. ◙ A goal is scored when the ball passes through the basket from above. ◙ Two pints are scored for a goal from the court other than from the three-point area. ◙ Each successful free throw awarded for fouls scores one point. ◙ If a player puts the ball into the basket of the opponent, a goal is scored for the opponent. ◙ A total of five 1-minute timeouts may be taken and may be requested any time by the team in possession of the ball or by either team during a dead ball. ◙ If the score is tied at the end of regulation, play continues for as many extra period are needed to break the tie. ◙ The clock is topped when an official indicated a dead ball. ◙ The clock continues to run after successful field goals. ◙ The ball is put into play at the beginning of the game by a jump ball in the center circle by two opposing players. ◙ After each goal, the ball is put into play by the team that did not score the goal from behind the end line at the end of the court where the basket was scored. ◙ Quarters and the half start with the team entitled to possession given the ball at the center division line. ◙ A player is out-of-bounds when it touches a person or thing that is on or outside the boundary or the supports or back of the backboard. ◙ A team is awarded the throw-in at the place where the opposing team caused the ball to go out- of-bounds. ◙ An offensive player may not remain in the free-throw lane (the area between the end line, free- throw line, and free-throw lane lines) for more than 3 seconds during play. ◙ If two opponents are both holding the ball, of if an offensive ball handler traps a defensive player for more than 5 seconds, the ball is awarded out-of-bounds to the team who did not last have the ball out-of-bounds. ◙ Violations include: ◙ Sending the ball out-of-bounds. ◙ Double dribbling. ◙ Running with the ball. ◙ Kicking the ball. ◙ Striking the ball with the fist. ◙ Interfering with the basket (goaltending). ◙ Stepping on the line during the throw-in. ◙ Taking more than 5 seconds for a throw-in. ◙ Staying in the free-throw lane for more than 3 seconds. ◙ Keeping the ball in backcourt for more than 10 seconds. Basketball Fouls Personal fouls are violations involving contact with an opponent ◙ A player is disqualified and removed form play after 5 personal fouls (6 in the NBA). ◙ Some personal fouls include: ◙ Holding, pushing, tripping, or charging. ◙ Contact with a shooting player. ◙ Rough play ◙ A player fouled while shooting is awarded 2 free throws if the shot misses. ◙ If the fouled offensive player is not shooting, the team gets possession out-of-bounds nearest where the foul occurred. ◙ The defensive team gets possession of the ball when the offensive team commits the foul. ◙ An intentional foul results in 2 free throws. ◙ A flagrant foul (violent contact that may cause injury) is awarded 2 free throws and the offender is ejected from the game. A technical foul is a noncontact foul by a layer or a violation by a nonplayer or an intentional or flagrant foul during a dead ball. ◙ Technical fouls include: ◙ Delay of game. ◙ Having too many players on the court. ◙ Grabbing the basket ◙ Excessive timeouts. ◙ Goaltending free-throws. ◙ Disrespectful behavior to officials. ◙ Using profanity or obscene gestures. ◙ Leaving the bench. ◙ Coach leaving the box to follow the play. ◙ Coach entering the court without permission. ◙ Technical fouls are awarded 2 free throws, plus possession of the ball at the division line. Length of Basketball Game The length of basketball games varies according to the level of play. ◙ International Basketball Federation (FIBA, Federation Internationale De Basketball Amateurs): two 10-minute halves, 10 minute between halves ◙ National Basketball Association (NBA): four 12-minute quarters, 15 minutes between halves, 130 seconds between quarters. ◙ National collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):two 10-minute halves, 15 minutes between halves. ◙ High School: four 8-minute quarters, 10 minutes between halves, 1 minute between quarters. ◙ Youth Play: four 6-minute quarters; 10 minutes between halves, 1 minute between quarters. Basketball Terms Baseline The end line. Blocking Out When a player positions him- or herself under the backboard in such a way that it prevents the opposition from achieving good rebounding position. Charging Personal contact against a defensive player by a player in possession of the ball. Cut Quick offensive maneuver by a player in order to get in position to receive a pass. Double Foul Two opposing players commit fouls against each other at the same time. Dribble Continuously bouncing the ball onto the floor without touching the ball with both hands at the same time, allowing the ball to stop its continuous movement, or losing control. Drive Aggressive move towards the basket by an offensive player in possession of the ball. Fake (Feint) use of deceptive move to pull the opposing player out of position. Fast break Moving quickly into offensive position before the defensive team has an opportunity to set up. Free Throw A penalty shot awarded to a player when the opposition has committed a foul. Shot is taken from within the free-throw circle and behind the free-throw line. Jump Ball Method of putting the ball into play that involves tossing the ball up into the air between two opposing players in the center circle. Outlet Pass Direct pass from a rebound that starts a fast break. Pick An offensive player gets in a position that causes a defensive player to be blocked from the covering the offensive player’s teammate. Posting Up Cutting to the 3-second lane and hesitating in anticipation of the pass. Rebound Term used for the action of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim. Restraining Circle Three 6-foot radius circles located in the center of the court and at both of the free-throw lines. Screen Offensive player gets in a position between a defender and a teammate in order to give the teammate an uncontested shot at the basket. Throw In Putting the ball into play from out-of-bounds. Traveling Player in possession of the ball moves illegally in any direction. Basketball</p><p>HISTORY</p><p>Dr. James A. Naismith invented basketball in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts. In the beginning, a peach basket was used as the hoop. A year later, Senda Berenson Abbott adapted Naismith’s rules for women at Smith College. By 1932, things changed drastically for basketball when eight national federations founded the International Basketball Federation in Switzerland. Fourteen years later the National Basketball Association began. Then, in 1997, women began their own professional league, the Women’s National Basketball Association.</p><p>FUN FACTS In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in a single game. Basketball is played by more than 400 million people. Today, there are 208 national federations for basketball. Men at the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles won the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) Championship for seven consecutive years from 1967 to 1973. In 1982, Lorri Bauman from Drake College scored the most points in a women’s NCAA Division I game, with 50 points.</p><p>BENEFITS OF PLAYING 1. You get a great workout. 2. You learn about the importance of teamwork. 3. You condition your leg muscles. 4. You can play inside or outside. 5. It’s a lot of fun! Basketball Unit Extension Project</p><p>NAME ______CLASS NUMBER ______</p><p>Equipment needed to play basketball</p><p>Item Where you would purchase it (be specific) Cost</p><p>Where you would play basketball Please explain where in the community you would play basketball. Be specific.</p><p>Health benefits of playing basketball Please explain the health benefits of playing basketball. Include how much basketball you would need to play each week to gain these benefits.</p><p>Reflection question Do you think basketball is an activity you would like to play as an adult? Why or why not? And if you believe you’d like to play basketball, would you rather play in an organized recreation league, in pick-up games at a park, or in your own driveway?</p><p>Bonus question Attend an adult recreation league basketball game and write a brief paper on what you liked and didn’t like about the way the game was played. Add whether or not you’d like to participate in this league as an adult (include why or why not). Basketball Quiz6th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER </p><p>True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is true, put a check in the True box in the column to the left of the statement. If the statement is false, put a check in the False box in the column to the left of the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and its answer. True False 1. If you dribble to a stop, you are allowed to move the front foot as often as you like as long as you keep the back foot stationary.</p><p>2. A person who is hit by his opponent while he is shooting the basketball gets two foul shots if misses his shot and one foul shot if it goes in.</p><p>3. A lay-up shot is worth two points.</p><p>4. Denial is a huge river in Egypt.</p><p>5. If you want to rebound the basketball, you need to get near the basket and jump when the ball hits the basket.</p><p>6. Meeting the dribble at shoulder height is good technique.</p><p>7. During 3 on 3 or 3 on 0 play, the ball is dribbled to the elbow and someone must fill the opposite elbow creating an open post.</p><p>8. When guarding an opponent, keep your eyes on the basket.</p><p>9. It is bad sporting behavior to stop an opponent’s pass or shot from getting where he wants it to go.</p><p>10. For the best control of the ball, the fingers of your hands should be spread out on the ball. Bonus: List 2 types of screens used in class. 1. 2. Basketball Quiz7th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER ______</p><p>Multiple Choice: Read each question and each answer carefully. Be sure to choose the best answer that fits the statement preceding it. When you have made your choice, put the appropriate letter on the line to the left of the numbered question. _____1. What makes the job of the center difficult is a. dribbling b. blocking an outside shot c. timing his entrance into the basketball key on the offensive side of the court d. taking the ball out</p><p>_____2. A good guard a. uses the dribble to slow down the game so the team can get organized b. feeds the ball to the open forwards c. takes advantage of an open lane to the basket by driving in for a lay-up shot d. all of the above</p><p>_____3. The foul shot a. is the most practiced outside shot in basketball b. must be taken with the feet stationary c. is taken when a shooter is fouled in the act of shooting d. all of the above</p><p>_____4. The forward’s important offensive role is a. dribbling the ball around the court b. boxing out opponents c. rebounding d. shooting and scoring</p><p>_____5. The three seconds in the key rule applies to a. all players in the key b. only defensive players in the key c. offensive players when they are in the key and in possession of the ball d. all of the above</p><p>_____6. The three-second count ends when a. someone shoots b. a defensive player gets the ball c. players from both teams have the ball at the same time d. all of the above</p><p>_____7. The best kind of spin to use when shooting is a. underspin b. no spin c. topspin d. all of the above</p><p>_____8. A defense making you responsible for opponents in your area of the court is a. a 2-1-2 zone defense b. a person-to-person defense c. double-teaming their best shooter d. all of the above _____9. The best way to play a zone defense is a. to chase the ball as it is coming down the court b. to go to your zone as soon as the other team gets the ball c. to follow the offense entering your zone, even when he leaves your zone d. all of the above</p><p>____10. The advantage of a screen is a. it protects the shooter from being blocked b. it prevents the dribbler from losing the ball c. it enables the center to get into the key for a rebound d. all of the above</p><p>Basketball Quiz8th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER______</p><p>True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is true, put a check under the True box in the column to the left of the statement. If the statement is false, put a check under the False box in the column to the left of the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and its answer.</p><p>True False 1. The three-second rule limits the time the defensive player may stay in the basketball lane. 2. Once the ball is in the air, it is free, no team is in possession, and everyone can remain in the key to block out, rebound or to shoot. 3. If your shot is hitting the basket and coming right back to you, you are probably shooting it short. 4. A player who fouls too much is ejected from a basketball game. 5. When you shoot you should always attempt to get the ball into the back ½ of the rim. 6. In basketball, helpside is the side of the floor the ball is on. 7. Letting the tips of your fingers touch the ball as it rolls out of your hands imparts backspin. 8. When the ball changes possession, the forwards and centers should change sides of the court as quickly as possible. 9. If the center is playing his role for the team, he will be taking lots of outside shots. 10. The point guard can speed up the game by dribbling.</p><p>Bonus: Name 3 important things about shooting</p><p>1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p>
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