<p> EMERALD FOUNDATION ______</p><p>TRAINING IN PAINTING THERAPY</p><p>C o u r s e i n f o r m a t i o n</p><p>Mesdagstraat 118 2596 XZ The Hague The Netherlands</p><p> version dec03 2 Contents</p><p>Contents...... 2 The Foundations of the Training Course...... 3 Liane Collot d’Herbois...... 4 Books by Liane Collot d`Herbois:...... 5 How did the training course start?...... 6</p><p>How is the content of the course composed?...... 7 Stage 1...... 8 The Foundation Year...... 9 The training course in painting therapy...... 10 Stage 2...... 11 Stage 3...... 12</p><p>The therapy training course in practice...... 13 Structure of the training course in painting therapy...... 14 The daily timetable...... 15 Entrance requirements………………………………………………………………………...16 Application process...... 17 Relationship student and training course...... 18 Assessment during the training course...... 19 The diploma in painting therapy from the Emerald Foundation requires the following:...... 20 Recognition of the Emerald diploma...... 21 The following are required for professional establishment as a painting therapist by the medical section of the Goetheanum:...... 22 The teaching staff...... 23 Work opportunities...... 24 Refresher courses and post-graduate courses...... 25 Extract from the statutes of the Emerald Foundation:...... 26 Location of the training course:...... 27 Please see appendix for the following subjects:...... 28</p><p> version dec03 3 The Foundations of the Training Course in Painting Therapy</p><p>The content of the training course is based on general medicine and the spiritual science developed out of the deep insights of Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), which he named “Anthroposophy”.</p><p>Rudolf Steiner created out of this spiritual science the foundation for widening the scope of general medicin. This is reflected in the book “Extending practical medicine” (GA Nr. 27) which Rudolf Steiner wrote in cooperation with the Dutch doctor Ita Wegman (1876-1943).</p><p>The painter Liane Collot d’Herbois (1907-1999) developed a colour theory for painting and painting therapy based on the same foundations. She gave the impuls for the start of the training in painting therapy</p><p>The training course in painting therapy is therefore a schooling path based on Anthroposophy.</p><p> version dec03 4 Liane Collot d’Herbois Painter and painting therapist 17.12.1907 - 17.09.1999</p><p>Her deep understanding of the world of colour enabled Liane Collot d'Herbois to express in her painting Rudolf Steiner's image of man. What Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925) revealed about light and darkness was further worked out by Liane and on these foundations of light and darkness she developed her way of painting and the painting therapy. Liane Collot d'Herbois received a strong impulse for the development of her work from Dr. Ita Wegman (1876 – 1943). Liane painted pictures for patients following instructions from Ita Wegman in all Dr Wegman's therapeutic institutions in England, France and Switzerland.</p><p>Doctors and therapists from all over the world visited Liane to ask her about the therapeutic working of colours. Until the last days of her life Liane Collot d'Herbois shared her knowledge freely and generously, in lectures and patient consultations, of the cosmic trinity light colour and darkness in relation both to the picture of the healthy human being and to the images of illness and healing.</p><p>Liane painted out of light and darkness, which are the creative activities behind colour. From this a colour space comes into being. This threefold cosmic space of light colour and darkness is an image of the threefoldness of mankind: spirit, soul and body. Light and darkness are the doors to the incarnation path of the ego both from above and from below, the upper pole and the lower pole of man. In painting therapy these form the foundation and give the impulse for the healing processes.</p><p>On large format paper we work with charcoal to make visible an image of the invisible creative forces of light and darkness. On stretched watercolour paper we paint with water colours veil upon veil building up step by step a transparent atmospheric space where the laws of light and darkness express themselves. In this space the colours are revealed in their objectivity. We can also work on moist paper with water colours, veil by veil making the laws of light darkness and colour visible. The situation of the patient, his process within his illness and the therapeutic path chosen by the therapist will determine which of these three ways of working will be used.</p><p>The foundation of this painting therapy is reflected in her book: Light Darkness and Colour in Painting Therapy.</p><p> version dec03 5 Books by Liane Collot d`Herbois:</p><p>Original English edition - Colour Driebergen: Stichting Magenta, 1985 ISBN 90-8000011-5-5</p><p>- Light, Darkness and Colour in Painting-Therapie Ed. by Margreet Meijer Owingen: IONA, 1988- out of print Edinburgh: Floris Books, 2000 ISBN 0-86315-327-5</p><p>German translation - Licht, Finsternis und Farbe in der Maltherapie. Anhang: Englischer Originaltext: Light, Darkness and Colour in Painting Therapie Dornach, Verlag am Goetheanum, 1993 ISBN 3-7235-0635-6- vergriffen</p><p>- Farbensphären. Band eins und zwei Owingen, IONA,1983 ISBN 3-9800849-0-6</p><p>Dutch translation - Licht, kleur en duisternis (vertaling van Colour, part one) Driebergen: Stichting Magenta, 1982 ISBN 90-800011-3-9</p><p>- Kleuren in de atmosfeer (vertaling van Colour, part two) Driebergen: Stichting Magenta, 1985 ISBN 90-800011-2-0</p><p>French translation - Couleur - une étude Genève: Editions Anthroposophiques Romandes, 2001 ISBN 2-88189-162-4</p><p>- Lumière, Ténèbres et Couleur. Thérapie par la Peinture Genève: Editions Anthroposophiques Romandes 1997 ISBN 2-88189-126-8</p><p> version dec03 6 How did the training course start?</p><p>Josine Hutchison-de Lanoy Meijer started to work as an art therapist in 1976. In 1978 she started to work as a painting therapist with Dr L. P. Walburgh Schmidt and from 1982 with Dr P. T. Hutchison.</p><p>Since meeting Liane Collot d'Herbois in the autumn of 1978 she has been working to put into practice the wide knowledge of colour and painting therapy that Liane shared with her. And from this point in time more and more art therapists came to Josine, both from The Netherlands and abroad, to work alongside her in her practice in order to learn about this painting therapy and to be schooled in it.</p><p>At the close of the painting therapy courses which Josine gave for final year students at the Tobias School of Art in England from 1980-1990, she was also frequently approached by people requesting a full-time training course in this way of doing painting therapy.</p><p>And so, in the spring of 1986, in direct response to the wishes of Liane Collot d'Herbois herself and to the desire of a group of people from England and The Netherlands, she started the first training course. The course was made possible because of a unique combination of series of therapeutic pictures made by patients in Josine's practice combined with the knowledge and indications for treatment for these patients which Liane had shared with Josine.</p><p>Over the years there was a steady increase in the number of participants in these courses and it became clear that a more official framework was needed. In November 1988 the “Foundation for Promotion of Painting Therapy on Anthroposophical principles” according to the work of Liane Collot d'Herbois, was set up. In March 1989 Liane Collot d'Herbois gave the foundation the name “Emerald”. Since 1988 the Foundation has taken over all activities. Josine Hutchison-de Lanoy Meijer and Dr Paul Hutchison are the founders, directors and senior teachers of the training course. Until her death in 1999, Liane Collot d'Herbois had contributed continuously to the training course. During the courses she would speak to students of the spiritual background out of which she had developed her all-embracing insights into light darkness and colour in relation to the cosmos and to man. </p><p> version dec03 7 How is the content of the course composed?</p><p>The path to becoming a painting therapist</p><p>The training course in painting therapy comprises 3 stages.</p><p>Stage 1 General basic work in light colour and darkness according to the work of Liane Collot d´Herbois This work must be started 1-2 years before you begin the actual therapy training and should be continued between course modules of the training course.</p><p>Stage 2 General therapeutic work in light colour and darkness This work is a schooling for the future light/ dark painting therapist. Medical perspective: light / darkness and colour in relation to the picture of the healthy human being.</p><p>Phase 3 Individual therapeutic work in light / darkness and colour The therapist transforms the general therapeutic work from stage 2 into individual exercises for different groups of patients: those older than 18, young people under 18 and children up to the age of 12. Medical perspective light / darkness and colour in relation to illness and the process of healing in the human being.</p><p> version dec03 8 Stage 1 General basic work Light colour and darkness in relation to the macrocosm</p><p>This work gives students a basis in the general light colour and darkness exercises which Liane Collot d’Herbois gave to the international painters group “Magenta”.</p><p>These are a necessary pre-condition for: Stages 2 and 3 - the actual training course itself</p><p>Students should work on: - the 12 basic light and darkness exercises - the different situations within the 12-fold colour space - observation of the macrocosm</p><p>Practical subjects: - Light and darkness work in charcoal - Veil painting with water colours - Observation and drawing with pencil/ coloured pencils/ (wax) crayons - Gardening - Bothmer gymnastics - Projective geometry - Modelling Platonic solids</p><p>Acquiring the basic techniques: - Various techniques in charcoal - Various techniques in veil painting - Various techniques in drawing</p><p>Theoretical subjects and study: - Theory of light and darkness - Theory of colours - Study of nature - General anthroposophy - Anthroposophy in relation to light colour and darkness work</p><p>This general basic work (Stage 1) takes 1 -2 years depending on students’ abilities and how intensively they can work. This basic preparatory work can be followed in course modules of 1-3 weeks given at the Emerald Foundation and all other institutes where they work according to the principles of Liane Collot d'Herbois, as well as in individual classes with accredited teachers and in independent practice.</p><p>Note1: In cases where students apply late to the actual therapy training course itself they will have to catch up on the exercises described under Stage 1, in between the course modules of the training course. Note 2: The subjects listed above may vary in the different institutes. Note 3: This general basic work is developed further during the actual therapy training course itself.</p><p> version dec03 9 The Foundation Year Light colour and darkness in relation to the macrocosm and microcosm</p><p>The foundation year is the introduction to, and gives an overview of, the actual therapy training, Stage 2 and Stage 3. </p><p>Introduction to: Warmth/ darkness – Light and Darkness – meeting and movement between light and darkness – the coming into being of space – atmosphere „Trübe“ - colour - form</p><p>We will build up exercises, step by step, to show the phenomena above as they come into existence. Further we shall explore how we experience the activity of these phenomena in our direct surroundings, and how these phenomena are related to and affect the different levels of spirit, soul and body of the human being. </p><p>Practical subjects: - Exercises for schooling of the senses - Observation and drawing with pencil, coloured pencils and (wax) crayons - Light and darkness in charcoal - Painting on moist paper with water colours - Painting in veils with water colours - Movement exercises to establish orientation in space - Subsidiary subjects: Bothmer gymnastics, gardening.</p><p>Schooling in the laws of the interactions among light colour and darkness: - Observation of nature - Observation and analysis of the laws of the interactions among light colour and darkness - Practice in observing and sharing our experiences in the work</p><p>Theoretical subjects and study: - Theory of light and darkness - Colour theory - Phenomenology - Study of the elements - Study of the four kingdoms - Study of general Anthroposophy - Study of Anthroposophy in relation to light/ darkness and colour work - Study of the image of man</p><p>Regular and anthroposophical medicine: - Anatomy - Morphology - Physiology</p><p>Note 1: All subjects mentioned above are also worked on at home Note 2: The content of the foundation year is developed further in each of the following therapeutic pictures of the actual therapy training. Note 3: The foundation year takes place at the Emerald Foundation.</p><p> version dec03 10 The training course in painting therapy</p><p>Stage 2: General therapeutic work Stage 3: Individual therapeutic work Light colour and darkness in relation to the macrocosm and microcosm</p><p>The content of the therapy training course is composed of „12 therapeutic pictures“ </p><p>The starting point for each of the therapeutic pictures is one of the 12 basic light and darkness exercises. Each basic exercise represents a different relationship between light and darkness and creates a certain colour movement in a particular colour space. We explore this in the world around us and we bring it into relation with the picture of the healthy human being and with the picture of illness and the processes of healing. </p><p>In this way 12 different aspects of light colour and darkness are illuminated in relation to the macrocosm and to the microcosm in connection with health, illness and healing processes.</p><p>The therapy training course Stage 2 and Stage 3 lasts 4 years and consists of course modules alternated with practicals and general basic work from Stage 1. </p><p>The therapy training course takes place at the Emerald Foundation. </p><p> version dec03 11 Stage 2 General therapeutic work Light colour and darkness in relation to the Macrocosmos and the Microcosmos</p><p>We will start from one of the 12 basic light and darkness exercises in relation to the macrocosmos and the picture of the healthy human being. From here we shall go onto the colour that arises out of this interaction between light and darkness. This specific colour movement (also in interplay with other colours) will be brought into relation with the macrocosmos and the picture of the healthy human being.</p><p>In each of the „therapeutic pictures“ certain aspects of the following subjects are illuminated: </p><p>Practical subjects: - Exercises for schooling of the senses - Observation and drawing with pencil, coloured pencils and (wax) crayons - Light and darkness in charcoal - Painting on moist paper with water colours - Painting in veils with water colours - Movement exercises to establish orientation in space - Subsidiary subjects: gardening, projective geometry, modelling of the platonic solids, plant study.</p><p>Schooling in the laws of the interactions among light colour and darkness and the healthy human being: - Observation of the characteristics of the healthy human being - Observation and analysis of pictures - Practice in observing and sharing our experiences in the work - Judgement of one’s own work</p><p>Theoretical subjects and study: - Theory of light and darkness - Colour theory - Phenomenology - Study of the elements - Study of the four kingdoms - Study of general Anthroposophy - Study of Anthroposophy in relation to light/ darkness and colour work - Study of the image of man - The cultural epochs and aspects of art history</p><p>Regular and anthroposophical medicine: - Embryology - Anatomy, Morphology - Physiology - Biographical work</p><p>Note: All subjects given in the training course are also worked on at home.</p><p> version dec03 12 Stage 3 Individual therapeutic work Light colour and darkness in relation to the Microcosm</p><p>The therapist transforms the general therapeutic work from stage 2 into individual exercises for different groups of patients: those older than 18, young people under 18 and children up to the age of 12. </p><p>Out of one of the 12 basic light and darkness exercises we shall explore a light/ darkness and colour situation in its specific relation to a certain process of illness and to the process of healing in the human being. From here we will practise building up a picture of a patient out of light/ darkness and colour. Working from out of this picture we shall learn to develop a therapeutic path. We shall practise this process by using the work of a patient as an example.</p><p>In each of the „therapeutic pictures“ certain aspects of the following subjects are illuminated: </p><p>Practical subjects: - Exercises for schooling of the senses - Observation and drawing with pencil, coloured pencils/ (wax) crayons - Light and darkness in charcoal - Painting on moist paper with water colours - Painting in veils with water colours - Movement exercises to establish orientation in space</p><p>Training of therapeutic skills: - Observation of the process of illness in the human being - Observation of specific patients and their illness - Observation of clinical pictures of certain diseases - Observation and analysis of patients’ work - Practising the therapeutic process - Practising the word choice in introducing work to a patient - Presentation of patients - Presentation of the therapeutic path - Working with the doctor - Cooperation with therapists in: massage/ hydrotherapy, sculpture, music, speech and eurythmy. Experience and practise of these therapies.</p><p>General and anthroposophical medicine: - Anatomy - Psychosomatic illnesses - Physiology - Psychology - Pathology - Psychiatry - Embryology - Geriatrics - Paediatrics - Curative education</p><p>- Case studies - Basic knowledge of aspects of medication - Biographical work</p><p>Note: All subjects given in the training course are also worked on at home.</p><p> version dec03 13 The therapy training course in practice</p><p>Status</p><p>The Emerald therapy training course is international, autonomous and independent. The course is at least comparable with a Bachelor of Arts degree. The training comprises both full-time taught weeks at the Emerald Foundation, self study and practice. In the light of the aspect of schooling, the individual path of the student is respected. During the training course the composition of the student group may be a factor in determining exactly how the course will run.</p><p>The training course is affiliated to the Medical Section of the Goetheanum and is a member of the Dutch association of Anthroposophic Art Therapy “Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kunstzinnige Therapieën op antroposofische grondslag”.</p><p> version dec03 14 Structure of the training course in painting therapy</p><p>Duration : 4 years, excluding stage 1 and the foundation year. stage 2 and 3 The complete schooling will take approximately 7 years. (This may vary for individual students.)</p><p>Course module : one in the Autumn and one after Easter.</p><p>Duration course : each module is 6 weeks full time. modules</p><p>Timetable : Mon, Tues, Thurs + Fri : 09.10 – 12.30 : 14.00 – 17.30 Wednesday : 09.10 – 12.30 1 - 2 evenings every week : 19.45 – 21.45</p><p>Course outline : each module takes the student through stages 1, 2 and 3. In the course of the 8 modules which comprise the course, the “12 therapeutic pictures” are explored.</p><p>Language of : because it is an international training course the classes are given in instruction English, German and Dutch.</p><p>Independent study and practice: Students are expected to be able to work in their own time. This amounts to, for example, 3 mornings, afternoons or evenings a week for 40 weeks a year. (This may vary for individual students.)</p><p>Independent work includes: - completing pictures started during the training modules - practising therapeutic skills - completing notes on theory - further research on course content - extra practice in light colour and darkness. - individual exercises in light, colour and darkness - individual practice in the subsidiary subjects (see stage 2 and 3)</p><p>Practicals (see appendix) In the course of the therapy training 4 practicals have to be completed. These take place between course modules.</p><p>Stage 1: In between the course modules of the therapy training students are expected to pursue their practice of the basic exercises in light colour and darkness. This should comprise at least 2 weeks full time per year. Courses may be followed at Emerald or in the country of residence with a teacher of your choice. (This may vary for individual students.)</p><p> version dec03 15 The daily timetable</p><p>09.10 - 10.30 - Introduction to the day's work or lecture - Group work - Practising how to observe a patient, observation and analysis of patient work and practising therapeutic skills</p><p>10.30 - 10.45 Break</p><p>10.45 - 12.30 Guided practice : drawing, light and darkness work or painting</p><p>12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Break</p><p>14.00 - 14.30 Independent practice: drawing, light and darkness work or painting</p><p>14.30 - 17.00 Guided practice : drawing, light and darkness work or painting.</p><p>17.00 - 17.30 - Sharing experiences of the work done that day - Observation and analysis of pictures - Sharing experience of the practicals - Presentation of patient work by one of the students - Final exhibition of work by one of the students</p><p>17.30 - 19.45 Break</p><p>19.45 - 21.45 Medical work or lecture given by a doctor</p><p>Note: there may be variations in the daily programme. </p><p> version dec03 16 Entrance requirements</p><p>The training course in painting therapy requires the following: </p><p>- a good general basis in light,colour and darkness according to the work of Liane Collot d'Herbois (stage 1) - a foundation in Anthroposophy, in particular in relation to light colour and darkness - a degree of maturity </p><p>Before the start of the therapy training course students must have done a nursing practical in a hospital or other therapeutic institution (see practicals appendix)</p><p>Applicants are preferred who have an art background and/or experience in therapy, curative education, pedagogy or social therapy.</p><p>Anthroposophical doctors and medical students may attend individual course modules without fulfilling the requirement for a basis in light colour and darkness work.</p><p> version dec03 17 Application process</p><p>Admission to the training course is on the basis of: - a written application form plus a short biography and letter of motivation - where circumstances allow, a personal interview.</p><p>The guiding principles in the interview are: a. Student's background, training and experience b. Whether the personal situation of the student will allow her to complete the training course c. Applicant's suitability for the training course (maturity).</p><p> version dec03 18 Relationship student and training course</p><p>The student 1. The students commit themselves for the duration of one course module only. After each module the student decides whether or not to continue.</p><p>The training course 2. The teachers assess students’progress in each module and either: - allow the student to continue the training without further comment or: - where the teachers perceive difficulties, they discuss them with the student or: - the teachers may decide, after serious consideration, that a student should not continue with the training course. </p><p> version dec03 19 Assessment during the training course</p><p>Throughout the training course, as far as possible in each module, assessments take place so that students and teachers can evaluate progress.</p><p>The following are assessed:</p><p>- practical work done before and during the module; - Exhibition of this work; - the schooling exercises; - therapeutic skills; - theoretical work, both in general medicine and in anthroposophic medicine. This is assessed on the basis of written work, the accompanying illustrations plus the student's individual study and further research; - presentation on a theme arising from the course chosen by the students themselves; - practicals (see appendix); - the two case studies. </p><p>The training course furthers an individual schooling path. In the perspective of individual freedom the assessments are carried out with care and caution. The integrity of the individual is taken into account in the assessments and, because of this, assessments are always on an individual basis.</p><p> version dec03 20 The diploma in painting therapy from the Emerald Foundation requires the following:</p><p>1. - a good reference for the general basic work in light colour and darkness (see stage 1);</p><p>2. - a short written statement of motivation saying how you arrived at this profession (about one side A4); 3. - a short curriculum vitae with special emphasis on your previous art and therapy experience and qualifications, including copies of diplomas and certificates;</p><p>4. - the practical work done during the course - an exhibition, held in school, of the finished practical work; - a positive assessment by the school of therapeutic skills - a workbook containing the notes on theory, illustrations and individual research - 2 well documented case studies of own patients from the final practical - presentation of these case studies to the supervising doctor, therapist and fellow students - presentation on a theme arising from the course chosen by the students themselves</p><p>5. - All course modules in the training course have to be followed</p><p>6. - Reports and references for all practicals (see appendix)</p><p> version dec03 21 Recognition of the Emerald diploma</p><p>The Emerald Foundation awards all pupils who have successfully completed the training course a diploma in painting therapy according to the work of Liane Collot d'Herbois.</p><p>After receiving the diploma from the Emerald Foundation it is possible for the directors of the Emerald Foundation training course to put individual students forward to become registered painting therapists with the Medical Section of the Goetheanum.</p><p>With the official approval of the Medical Section of the Goetheanum students can join the Association for Anthroposophical Art Therapists in their own country. Application for membership of the association is the individual responsibility of the student. Please note that the requirements for membership of the association differ in every country.</p><p>Recognition of the Emerald Foundation by the European Academy for Art Therapy is in preparation. The European Academy is a part of the Medical Section of the Goetheanum</p><p>Any changes made by the Medical Section of the Goetheanum for recognition of painting therapists will be followed by The Emerald Foundation.</p><p>The Emerald training course in painting therapy is not a state recognised training course.</p><p> version dec03 22 The following are required for professional establishment as a painting therapist by the medical section of the Goetheanum:</p><p>1. a short written motivation describing how you arrived at this choice of profession (1 A4);</p><p>2. a short written curriculum vitae, with special emphasis on your previous art and therapy experience, qualifications and including copies of diplomas and certificates;</p><p>3. two well documented case studies;</p><p>4. a copy of your diploma from Emerald;</p><p>5. All the above documents must first be handed in to the Emerald Foundation. After approval the Emerald Foundation will undertake presentation of the student for professional establishment (recognition) as a painting therapist by the Medical Section of the Goetheanum. </p><p> version dec03 23 The teaching staff</p><p>The training course is led by Dr P. T. Hutchison GP and Mrs J. C. Hutchison-de Lanoy Meijer, painting therapist.</p><p>The permanent core group of teachers:</p><p>S. Aim-Vandendriessche, painting therapist S. Blijdenstein, painting therapist Y. Eijssen-Kessels, painting therapist E. Franken-Holt, painting therapist Dr P. Hutchison, GP J. Hutchison-de Lanoy Meijer, painting therapist A. Lennaerts, painting therapist M. van Veen-van Oosten, painting therapist</p><p>There are also a number of guest teachers who teach on the training course e.g.:</p><p>Dr. C. van der Berg, GP F. van Buren-Keyl, painting therapist E. de Bruyne (van der Vliet), painter L. Hambrecht, painting therapist Dr. C. vd Kroef Prof. H. C. Kümmell J. Mager, painter Dr. G. Maissan S. Martin, painting therapist A. Möller, painting therapist M. Nordling, painter and painting therapist Dr A. Zucker</p><p> version dec03 24 Work opportunities</p><p>- private practice - cooperation with anthroposophical general practitioner - in anthroposophical medical institutions all over the world e.g. Hospitals, clinics, curative education institutes, social-therapeutic institutes, anthroposophical medical centres, nursing homes and Waldorf schools.</p><p>When you are an experienced therapist you may also teach in schools for art therapy.</p><p>Work as a painting therapist can be integrated into other professions e.g. Doctor or psychologist, state registered art therapist or art teacher. </p><p>This profession is relatively new. Worldwide there is a small but growing number of painting therapists working to the insights of Liane Collot d'Herbois and people who are trained in this way are increasingly in demand by anthroposophical medical institutions.</p><p>Students in possession of the Emerald diploma are currently to be found working in all the above fields.</p><p> version dec03 25 Refresher courses and post-graduate courses</p><p>We recommend that all painting therapists after completion of the training course, continue to follow courses in painting therapy as well as general painting courses related to the work of Liane Collot d'Herbois.</p><p>The Emerald Foundation regularly organises post-graduate courses in painting therapy as well as other general painting courses (refresher courses). When new themes are developed for students during the training course for painting therapists, then these new course elements can also be followed as post-graduate courses.</p><p>Post-graduate and refresher courses can also be followed in other schools where the work of Liane Collot d’Herbois is taught. </p><p>It is recommended that qualified students spend one week full time, twice a year, doing post- graduate or refresher courses.</p><p> version dec03 26 Extract from the statutes of the Emerald Foundation:</p><p>Emerald Foundation</p><p>Foundation for the promotion of painting therapy on anthropophical principles and based on the work of Liane Collot d’Herbois</p><p>The training course in painting therapy is one of the fields of activity of the Emerald Foundation.</p><p>The aims of the foundation are:</p><p>- The development and promotion of painting therapy as initiated by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and further developed by Liane Collot d’Herbois; - The training of painting therapists; - The communication of this therapy to doctors; - The stimulation and commissioning of research to further this therapy; - The organisation of conferences, also internationally for painting therapist and doctors who work in the field of this therapy. - The stimulation and commisioning of publications; - The financial support for 3rd parties to carry out the above mentioned activities; - The management of the copyrights over all the work of Liane Collot d’Herbois.</p><p>The Emerald Foundation is a non-profit making foundation. The foundation comes under the court of the jurisdiction of The Hague. The foundation is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under nr. 41155467.</p><p>The Emerald Foundation board has the following members: - (mr) Quintus Mark, chairman - (ir)Askon Eden, secretary to the chairman - (drs) Ben Giesen, treasurer - (mr) Gerda Leppink, member - Hilary Freijser (M.A.), member</p><p> version dec03 27 Location of the training course:</p><p>Since 18 October 2002 the training course has found its home in a house in a beautiful quiet area of The Hague. All the activities of the painting therapy training, as well as all the activities of the Emerald Foundation, now take place here. The Emerald Foundation is easily accessible by car and by public transport.</p><p>Mesdagstraat 118 2596 XZ Den Haag The Netherlands Telefone: 0031 - 70 - 324.77.09 Fax : 0031 - 70 - 324.37.26 email [email protected]</p><p> version dec03 28 Please see appendix for the following subjects:</p><p>Practical information</p><p>O How the number of hours for the course are divided O Course dates O Materials O Colour list (paints) O Fees O Accomodation O Application form O Book list O List of accredited teachers and institutions for general basic work (stage 1) O Practicals O Addresses for practicals O Map</p><p>Articles and essays:</p><p>O Articles by Liane Collot d’Herbois O Articles and essays in relation to Light, Colour and Darkness O Articles by teachers and students</p><p> version dec03 29</p>
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