קהילת תפארת ישראל Lev Echad Supplement / -Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur/Sukkos/SimchasbWelcome to Torah CongregationRabbi Menachem Tiferes Goldberger Yisroel! Parshas Tazria/Metzora בס״ד Rabbi Goldberger Shiurim הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר Rabbi Goldberger has resumed his afternoon shiur for men and women. We will be studying the Haggada ,שליטא Mincha מרא hour beforeדאתרא On Shabbos, one shel Pesach with commentaries. Yankelove in Lakewood, NJ. בלב אחד DAVENING SCHEDULE Kaparos after Shacharis: Thursday — Shmini Atzeres Mincha with Viduyi: 4:00 pm Shacharis: 8:30 am Sunday, September 1 Seudah Hamafsekes/Bless children Yizkor/Drasha/Tefillas Geshem/ Selichos: 1:00 am Candle Lighting: 7:00 pm Musaf: 10:45 am Shacharis: 8:00 am Kol Nidrei: 7:10 pm Mincha: 6:10 pm Mincha/Maariv: 7:15 pm Maariv: 7:40 pm Farewell to the Sukkah Maariv: 8:00 pm Monday-Tuesday Yom Kippur Day — Shabbos Kodesh Candle Lighting: 8:12 pm Selichos (Monday): 7:45 am Shacharis: 8:00 am Bidding following Maariv Selichos (Tuesday): 6:10 am Torah Reading: 11:15 am Hakafos/five aliyos: 8:50 pm Shacharis: 6:30 am Yizkor/Musaf: 11:45 am Mincha/Maariv: 7:15 pm Mincha: 4:50 pm Friday — Simchas Torah Wednesday Neila: 6:25 pm Shacharis/Hallel: 8:00 am Selichos: 5:15 am Maariv with Tekias Shofar: 8:15 pm Bidding: 9:30 am Shacharis followed by Fast ends: 8:29 pm Hakafos/Krias HaTorah: 10:15 am Musaf/Mincha: 2:00 pm ish Hataras Nedarim: 6:30 am Sunday, September 15 Candle Lighting: 6:37 pm Rosh Hashanah, 1st Day Shacharis: 7:55 am Kabbalas Shabbos: 6:40 pm Eruv Tavshilin Mincha: 6:50 pm Candle Lighting: 7:14 pm Monday-Tuesday Tiferes Yisroel Minhagim Mincha/Maariv: 7:15 pm Shacharis: 6:30 am Shacharis: 7:30 am Mincha: 6:50 pm EREV ROSH HASHANAH Drasha: 10:30 am Because we are marbeh b’tachanunim on Shofar/Musaf: 11:15 am Wednesday • erev R”H, we begin selichos earlier than on Mincha: 6:15 pm Shacharis: 6:30 am the other days on which we say selichos. Tashlich after Mincha Sukkos, 1st Day, Thursday, September 19 Men should go to the mikveh after chatzos. Eruv Tavshilin • Rosh Hashanah, 2nd Day Hataras Nedarim (the annulment of vows) Candle Lighting: 6:52 pm • Maariv: 8:30 pm should be said before a beis din of three Mincha/Maariv: 6:55 pm Candle Lighting: 8:41 pm men, after shacharis. A man can have his Shacharis: 8:30 am Shacharis: 7:30 am wife in mind as well, although a woman can Mincha: 6:45 pm Drasha: 10:30 am do it for herself if she wants to. The beis din Shofar/Musaf: 11:15 am Sukkos, 2nd Day requirements for hataras nedarim are not as Shabbos Shuva — Parshas Ha’azinu Maariv: 8:15 pm strict as usual, e.g., a relative can be a Candle Lighting: 7:11 pm Candle Lighting: 8:22 pm member of the beis din. Shacharis: 8:30 am Friday Mincha: 7:15 pm SHOFAR AND KITTEL Shabbos day Shabbos Chol Hamoed, September 21 Men wear a kittel during the day on Rosh Shacharis: 8:30 am Candle Lighting: 6:48 pm • Hashanah. At night, only the shaliach tzibur Rabbi’s Shabbos Shuva Drasha: 5:00 pm Mincha/Maariv: 6:50 pm wears a kittel. Mincha: 6:20 pm Shacharis: 8:30 am During the day, the shofar is blown as Maariv: 8:20 pm Mincha: 6:10 pm • follows: one set before musaf, one set Shabbos is over after: 8:41 pm Maariv: 8:00 pm Shabbos is over after: 8:18 pm during the silent Amidah of musaf, one set Sunday, September 8 — Tzom Gedalyah during chazaras ha’shatz, and the last ten Sunday-Tuesday Chol Hamoed Fast begins: 5:11 am during the final Kaddish (according to Shacharis: 7:30 am Selichos and Shacharis: 7:30 am nusach sfard). Mincha/Maariv: 6:40 pm Mincha: 6:45 pm • We sing a lot during davening, to awaken Fast ends: 8:18 pm Wednesday — Hoshana Rabbah our kavanah, and to uplift our davening. Shacharis: 7:00 am Monday-Thursday ROSH HASHANAH GREETING Selichos and Shacharis: 6:00 am Eruv Tavshilin Mincha/Maariv: 6:55 pm Candles for Yom Tov: 6:40 pm • After maariv on R”H night, we greet each Mincha/Maariv (followed by other with: “L’shanah tova tikasevu Friday — Erev Yom Kippur short bidding and hakafos): 6:40 pm Selichos and Shacharis: 6:15 am v’seichaseimu l’altar l’chayim tovim ul’shalom, basifran shel tzadikim gamurim” Lev Echad Supplement Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur/Sukkos/Simchas Torah (May you be inscribed and sealed purity and does not remove the status of Hashem, forward and up while saying immediately for a good year, for good life, nidda. (The women’s mikveh in Baltimore Hoshiah, down and back while saying and for peace, in the book of the completely is open for a short period of time erev Y”K Na. righteous). morning for this purpose.) • During or following the seudah hamafsekes, HOSHANAH RABBAH Y’HI RATZONS AND SPECIAL FOODS the father bentches the children with the • Some have the minhag to stay up and learn • It is a minhag of Bnai Yisroel to eat special special erev Y”K bracha that is found in the Torah H”R night. There is also a minhag to foods on R”H night, and say the y’hi Y”K machzor. read Mishneh Torah (the entire book of • A Ner Neshama is lit. One per family is ratzons corresponding to those foods. Refer Devarim) from a sefer Torah on H”R night. to the R”H machzor. sufficient. This is in addition to any yahrzeit • The rings are removed from the lulav before • From R”H through Shemini Atzeres, Rabbi candles the family may be lighting. Hallel. Goldberger’s minhag is to use honey at the • We hold the lulav and esrog for the first table on the challah, rather than salt. Salt YOM KIPPUR GREETING seven hoshanah hakafos, and the may be on the table. During this time, no • After Rosh Hashanah, and through Yom tachanunim that follow, until taaneh sour or sharp foods are eaten, e.g., no Kippur, we greet each other with “G’mar emunim. At taaneh emunim, we put down horeseradish through Shemini Atzeres. chasima tova” (which has the general the lulav and esrog and pick up the bundle • On Simchas Torah we resume the use of salt meaning of: May you be conclusively of five hoshanahs (aravos). on challah, and sour or sharp foods can be sealed for the good). • Upon completion of the tachanunim, the eaten again. • Men wear a kittel and tallis all through hoshanahs are beaten on the floor exactly Y”K. five times. TASHLICH • Following havdalah on motzei Y”K, there is • There is a fleishig morning seuda where a special Hamavdil recited, as printed in the kreplach are eaten. Rabbi Goldberger’s • Many kehillas say tashlich on the first day of R”H, after mincha. It is Rabbi machzor. minhag is to recite the first paragraph of Goldberger’s minhag to say tashlich on the • Kiddush L’vanah is recited after maariv on Aleinu forward and backward seven times: day before erev Yom Kippur. This is the motzei Y”K. i.e., word by word forward, then word by day on which the pizmon, that is recited • There is an inyan to begin a little bit of word backward, repeated seven times. responsively during selichos, is based on the work on the Sukkah on motzei Y”K. yud gimel midos harachamim (the thirteen SHEMINI ATZERES SUKKOS attributes of HaShem’s mercy). In either • Following maariv on Sh”A night, we have case, it is still possible, though not • It is a mitzvah to eat and sleep in the seven short hakafos, while dancing with the preferable, to make tashlich as late as Sukkah. Torah. The Rabbi dances the beginning of Hoshana Rabbah. • Our minhag is not to wear tefillin during the first hakafa alone. • Tashlich begins with “Mi Kel kamocha,” Chol Hamoed. It is our minhag to wear • It is our minhag to eat in the sukkah, but and continues with the bakashos that follow. Shabbos/Yom Tov clothing during Chol you should not sleep in the sukkah. Hamoed. • Do not say the bracha leyshev basukkah. SECOND DAY ROSH HASHANAH • Binding the lulav: Most kehillos hold the • Farewell to the Sukkah after mincha. The • Candle lighting is 72 minutes after shkia. lulav with three haddasim to the right of the Rabbi leads nigunim in the shul sukkah No preparations for the second day may be spine, and two aravos to its left, according every year at this time. started until after this time. to the Shulchan Aruch. Rabbi Goldberger SIMCHAS TORAH • We daven maariv one hour after shkia. binds his lulav differently, according to the minhag of the Arizal. • No longer use the sukkah. KAPPAROS: CHICKEN OR MONEY • Waving the lulav: the lulav is waved • Hakafos at maariv and shacharis, with the • If using a chicken, it should be waved over according to nusach sfard, following the Torahs. The Rabbi dances the beginning of each family member’s head in their minhag of the Arizal: the first hakafa alone, both maariv and presence. Give tzedaka of $5/person. If • While facing east — right, left, forward, schacharis. using money, use coins, not paper money, up, down, back. Wave in each direction • At our shul, the hakafos continue well into waving the coins over each person’s head.
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