<p> Curriculum Vitae Stacey Nofziger, Ph.D. August 2016</p><p>Contact Information: Department of Sociology Email: [email protected] The University of Akron Phone: 330-972-5364 Akron, OH 44325-1905</p><p>Education: Ph.D. 1999 Sociology. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Dissertation Title: Bullies, Fights and Guns: Self-Control Theory as an Explanation for Juvenile Use of Intimidation and Violence.</p><p>M.A. 1995 Sociology. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.</p><p>B.A. 1993 Sociology. Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington (cum laude).</p><p>Professional Experience: 2016 -Present Associate Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Akron. Start June 2016 2011-2015 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Akron. 2009 - Present Associate Professor. Department of Sociology, University of Akron, Akron, OH. 2003-2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Akron, Akron, OH. 2000.2003 Women’s Studies Faculty. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 1999- 2003 Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS</p><p>Honors and Awards:</p><p>2015 Faculty Mentoring Award (2014-2015). Presented by Alpha Kappa Delta chapter of the Department of Sociology, The University of Akron. </p><p>2007 Chair’s Outstanding Achievement Award for Professional and Community Service. Awarded by Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Akron.</p><p>2007 Faculty Mentoring Award. Presented by Alpha Kappa Delta chapter of the Department of Sociology, The University of Akron. </p><p>2006 Outstanding Service as Sociology Club Advisor, awarded by the Department of Sociology, The University of Akron</p><p>2000-2003 Invited Member of KSU-PDS Partnership Project Funded by a U. S. Department of Education Title II Teacher Quality Grant and a National Science Foundation Kansas Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation Grant.</p><p>2000 Invited Member of New Faculty Fellows Program: Kansas State University.</p><p>Funded Grants </p><p>2013 Nofziger, Stacey. Recipient of Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Online Learning Initiative Grant. For development of on-line course. Awarded $2500.</p><p>2007 Nofziger, Stacey, Principal Investigator. “An Empirical Integration of Self- Control and Lifestyles Theories to Explain Juvenile Violence and Victimization.” Faculty Research Grant, University of Akron. Awarded $8,000, Summer 2007. </p><p>2005 Nofziger, Stacey, Principal Investigator. “Mothers’ Self-Control and Children’s Participation in Risky Behaviors.” Faculty Research Grant, University of Akron. Awarded $8,000 for Summer 2005. </p><p>2004 Nofziger, Stacey, Principal Investigator. “Parental Deviance and Juvenile Delinquency: Data from the National Survey of Adolescents.” Faculty Research Grant, University of Akron. Awarded $8,000 for Summer 2004. </p><p>2002-2003 Nofziger, Stacey, Principal Investigator. “Correlates & Consequences of Juvenile Exposure to Violence: A Replication and Extension of Major Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents.” Data Resources Program: Funding for the Analysis of Existing Data. U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Awarded $34,980.</p><p>Other Grant Experience</p><p>1998.1999 Lee, Hye-ryeon, Principal Investigator. Graduate Research Assistant. “Full Court Press Project Evaluation.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. $3.7 million. 1994-1997 Hirschi, Travis and Michael Gottfredson co-Principal Investigators. Graduate Research Assistant. “A Measurement Study of Control Theory Explanations of Delinquent and Deviant Behaviors.” National Science Foundation. $150,000.</p><p>Publications:</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles</p><p>Nofziger, Stacey, Katherine Newton. Forthcoming. “Self-control, parental crime, and discipline across three generations.” Deviant Behavior http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2017.1410616 .</p><p>2016 Nofziger, Stacey, Rachel E. Stein, and Nicole L. Rosen. “Comparing Children’s and Caseworker’s Reports of Physical Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ?? (?):1-26. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260516670880 </p><p>2016 Nofziger, Stacey and Valerie Callanan. “Predicting Suicidal Tendencies Among High Risk Youth with the General Theory of Crime.” Deviant Behavior. 37(2): 1-17.</p><p>2010 Peralta, Robert, Jennifer Steele, Stacey Nofziger, Michael Rickles. “The Impact of Gender on Binge Drinking Behavior among American College Students Attending a Midwestern University: An Analysis of Two Gender Measures.” Feminist Criminology, 5: 355-379.</p><p>2010 Nofziger, Stacey. “A Gendered Perspective on the Relationship Between Self- Control and Deviance.” Feminist Criminology, 5: 29-50. </p><p>2009 Nofziger, Stacey. “Victimization and the General Theory of Crime.” Violence and Victims. 24(3): 337-350. – was accepted but not out</p><p>2009 Nofziger, Stacey. “Deviant Lifestyles and Violent Victimization at School.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 24(9): 1494-1517. – Was forthcoming at time of tenure</p><p>2008 Nofziger, Stacey. “The ‘Cause’ of Low Self-Control: The Influence of Maternal Self- Control.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 45(2): 191-224 2008 Stein, Rachel and Stacey Nofziger. “Adolescent Sexual Victimization: Choice of Confidant and the Failure of Authorities.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 6(2): 158-177</p><p>2006 Nofziger, Stacey and Keith Farrington. “Presumed Guilty: An Examination of the Criminal Activity of Inmate Visitors.” International Journal of Crime, Criminal Justice, and Law. 1(1): 93-104. </p><p>2006 Nofziger, Stacey and Hye-ryeon Lee. “Differential Associations and Daily Smoking of Adolescents: The Importance of Same Sex Models.” Youth & Society 37(4): 453- 478. </p><p>2006 Nofziger, Stacey and Rachel Stein. “To Tell or Not to Tell: Lifestyle Impacts on Whether Adolescents Tell About Violent Victimization.” Violence and Victims. 21(3): 375-386. </p><p>2005 Nofziger, Stacey and L. Susan Williams. “Perceptions of Police and Safety in a Small Town.” Police Quarterly 8(2): 248-270.</p><p>2005 Nofziger, Stacey and Don Kurtz. “Violent Lives: A Lifestyle Model linking Exposure to Violence to Juvenile Violent Offending.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 42 (1): 3-26. </p><p>2003 Williams, L. Susan and Stacey Nofziger. “Cops and the College Crowd: Young Adults and Perceptions of Police in a College Town.” Journal of Crime and Justice 26:125-151.</p><p>2000 Chapple, Constance and Stacey Nofziger. 2000. “Bingo!: Hints of Deviance in the Accounts of Sociability and Profit of Bingo Players”. Deviant Behavior 21(6): 489- 517.</p><p>Books / Chapters / Collections</p><p>2017 Nofziger, Stacey and Nicole L. Rosen.. “Developing Self-Control to Prevent Crime.” Pp. 43-56 in Brent Teasdale and Mindy Bradley (eds). Preventing Crime and Violence Vol. 2. Springer Press. </p><p>2011 Nofziger, Stacey. “Entering Deviance.” Pp 183-189 in Clifton Bryant (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Deviant Behavior. New York, NY: Routledge. 2001 Nofziger, Stacey. Bullies, Fights and Guns: Testing Self-Control Theory with Juveniles. New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.</p><p>2000 Chapple, Constance and Stacey Nofziger. “Hints of Deviance in Bingo”. Pp. 347-350 in Readings In Deviant Behavior. 2nd Edition. Alex Thio and Thomas C. Calhoun Editors. Allyn and Bacon.</p><p>Reports / Other Publications</p><p>2016 Bolton, Philathia, Stacey Nofziger, Amy Shiver Dreussi, and Richard Steiner. 2015 Student Climate Survey Report. Submitted by UA Diversity Council Sub- committee, University of Akron.</p><p>2003 Nofziger, Stacey. “Correlates and Consequences of Juvenile Exposure to Violence: A Replication and Extension of Major Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents” (Executive Summary). NCJ 203981. Washington D.C.: United States Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice. Http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles1/nij/grants/203981.pdf</p><p>2003 Nofziger, Stacey. “Correlates and Consequences of Juvenile Exposure to Violence: A Replication and Extension of Major Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents” (Final Technical Report). NCJ 203987. Washington D.C.: United States Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice. Http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles1/nij/grants/203987.pdf</p><p>2000 Smit, David, Richard Fogg, Stacey Nofziger, Tracy Rutherford, Robert W. Stokes and Cia Verschelden. “Assessing the Writing of Students in General Education at Kansas State University. Report of the General Education Portfolio Assessment Subcommittee.” Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University.</p><p>Invited Talks / Presentations:</p><p>2014 “Benefits of Online Learning” Presentation for Institute of Teaching and Learning series at University of Akron, March 17, 2014 2013 “Does Protecting the Family Hurt the Child? Comparing outcomes for maltreated children at home and in foster care.” Invited talk, Colloquium Series in Psychological Sciences & Human Behavior, Penn State Erie, February 21, 3013. </p><p>Research Presentations:</p><p>2017 “Impact of Positive Parenting on Self-control and Deviant Outcomes.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 17, 2017. Philadelphia. </p><p>2016 “Parenting and Self-Control over Three Generations” With Katherine Newton. Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 18, 2016, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>2015 “Comparing Caseworker and Child Reports of Violence in the Home.” With Rachel Stein and Nicole Rosen. Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 18, 2015, Washington, D.C.</p><p>2015 “Engaging Students with Team-Based Learning: Challenges for the New Adopter.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 19, 2015, Washington, D.C.</p><p>2014 “Predicting Indirect Victimization of Juveniles with Individual and Community Factors” With Kristin Santos. Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 20, 2014, San Francisco, CA</p><p>2013 “Predicting Violent Offending among Maltreated Youth: The Effects of Home Environment and Communities.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 22, 2013, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>2012 “Violent Behavior by Abused and Neglected Children.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 15 2012, Chicago, IL.</p><p>2010 “ Exploring the Relationship between Physical Victimization, Deviant Peer Associations, and Substance Abuse / Dependence.” With Daysha Lawrence. Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 17, 2010, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>2010 “Extending the General Theory of Crime to the Prediction of Suicidal Ideation among Juveniles.” With Valerie Callanan. To be presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 18, 2010, San Francisco, CA. 2009 “The relative stability of the impact of self-control on deviance across adolescence and young adulthood.” Poster Presentation at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2009, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>2008 “Preventing Delinquency Among Children in Foster Care: The Impact of Kinship Care Placement.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2008, St. Louis, MO.</p><p>2007 “Integrating Self-Control and Lifestyle Theories to Explain Juvenile Violence and Victimization.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2007, Atlanta, GA. </p><p>2007 “Victimization and the General Theory of Crime.” Presented at the annual meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, April 2007, Chicago, IL.</p><p>2006 “How well can a childhood measure of self-control predict deviance across time?” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2006, Los Angeles, CA. </p><p>2005 “The "cause" of low self-control: Testing the relationship between mothers’ and children’s self-control.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2005, Toronto, Ontario Canada.</p><p>2005. “Who Knows? Adolescents Choice of Confidant in Sexual Abuse Cases.” With Rachel Stein (presenter). Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2005, Toronto, Ontario Canada.</p><p>2004 “Witness, Victim, Student: Routines of Violence in American Schools” Presented annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2004, Nashville, TN.</p><p>2004. “A Cry For Help: Help-Seeking Practices of Adolescent Victims of Physical and Sexual Violence.” With Rachel Stein (presenter). Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2004, Nashville, TN. 2004 “Influence of Cigarette Promotion on Adolescent Susceptibility to Smoking: A Structural Equation Model.” With Hye-Ryeon Lee, Kristie Taylor and Antonio Morgan-Lopez. Presented at the annual meetings of the International Communication Association, May 2004, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>2003 “Routines of Violence: Examining the Context and Consequences of Witnessed Violence.” Presented at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2003, Denver, CO.</p><p>2003 “Examining the Impact of the Context of Witnessing Violence in Juvenile Perceptions of and Participation in Violence.” With Don Kurtz (presenter). Presented at annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, April 2003, Chicago, IL.</p><p>2002 “ Perceptions of Police and Safety in a Small Town.” With L. Susan Williams. Presented in a Presidential Panel Session for the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2002, Chicago, IL. </p><p>2001 “Age and Sex Differences in Predictors of Increased Smoking Regularity among Juvenile Smokers.” With Hye-ryeon Lee. Presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2001 in Atlanta, GA.</p><p>2000 “Influence of Cigarette Promotion on Juvenile Susceptibility to Smoking: A Path Analysis.” With Hye-ryeon Lee and Kristie Taylor. Presented at annual conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Phoenix, AZ. </p><p>2000 “Controlling Sin: Self-control Theory and the Spurious Relationship between Religiosity and Delinquency.” With Jason Miller. Presented to the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, November 2000 in San Francisco.</p><p>1999 “Juvenile Drug Use and Self-Control.” Presented to annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario</p><p>1998 “Violence in the Hallways: Self-Control and Juvenile Violence in Schools.” Presented at annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C..</p><p>1997 “Gambling, Bingo and Deviance: An Ethnographic Field Study”. With Connie Chapple. Presented at annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA. </p><p>1997 “School Yard Bullies” Presented at annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA.</p><p>1996 “Gender Identity and Delinquency” Presented at annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.</p><p>1996 “Class and Gender: Differences in Upper and Lower Class Gender Identity”. Presented at annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY.</p><p>1995 “Self-Control, Sex, Gender: Alternative Explanations of Crime”. Presented at annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA. </p><p>1995 “Effects of Untraditional Sex Role Attitudes on Women’s Occupational Prestige and Criminal Behavior.” Presented at annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC.</p><p>1993 “ ‘Because those are the rules, that’s why...’ The Interactions of Staff and Inmate Family Members in a Maximum Security Prison”. With Keith Farrington and Charles Cleveland. Presented at annual Meetings of the ASC, Phoenix, AZ.</p><p>1993 “Participation of Inmate Family Members and Friends in Criminal Activity: An Empirical Examination of the Validity of the Camp Follower Stereotype”. With Keith Farrington. Presented at annual Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, OR.</p><p>Courses Taught: Undergraduate: Criminology, Juvenile Delinquency, Sociology of Criminal Justice, Sociology of Women, Family Violence, Women and Crime, Social Effects of Crime in the Media (on line course) Graduate: Professional Development and Ethical Issues in Sociology, Juvenile Delinquency, Women and Crime, Social Construction of Drugs, Elite Deviance.</p><p>Research Interests: Juvenile violence and victimization Self-control Theory Relationships of criminal justice agencies and communities Risk and protective factors for children in foster care. </p><p>Service Faculty Senate, University of Akron. 2015-2018 Member North Central Sociological Association 2015, 2016 Book Awards Committee Member of Constitution Committee, Division of Women and Crime, American Society of Criminology, 2014-2015 Buchtel College Council, Department of Sociology Representative. 2010-2011 and 2015- current Member Buchtel College On-Line Learning Committee, Chair of Faculty Development Committee. Peer Mentor for On-Line Learning. 2013-2014 Member North Central Sociological Association Council, 2011-2013. Ad hoc reviewer for professional journals including Criminology, American Sociological Review, Canadian Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Gender & Society, Journal of Criminal Justice, Violence against Women, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, Violence & Victims, and Journal of Crime and Justice. Member of Program Committee, American Society of Criminology. 2010-2011 Member External Awards Committee, American Society of Criminology, Division of Women and Crime, 2011-2012 Member Internal Awards Committee, American Society of Criminology, Division of Women and Crime, 2008-2009 Ad hoc grant reviewer for National Science Foundation Chair of Student Paper Award Committee, American Society of Criminology, Division of Women and Crime 2005-2007 University of Akron Department Service: Graduate Director (2011-2015) Sociology Club Faculty Advisor (2003-2009) Graduate Studies Committee (2003-current) Served on multiple search committees, Merit Advisory Committee, Comprehensive Exam Reader (Methods, Gender, Criminology) University of Akron Library committee 2009-2011 </p><p>Current Professional Memberships American Society of Criminology, Sociologists for Women in Society, North Central Sociological Association </p>
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