<p> Curriculum Vitae</p><p>Brian J. Frost</p><p>University of Nevada (775) 784-1993 (phone) Department of Chemistry/216 (775) 784-6804 (fax) Reno, NV 89557 [email protected]</p><p>Education: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, 1999 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, B.S. in Chemistry (ACS), 1995</p><p>Professional Appointments: Assistant Professor, 7/2002-present University of Nevada, Department of Chemistry, Reno, NV Mechanistic organometallic chemistry and catalysis; water-soluble phosphine ligands</p><p>Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1/2000-6/2002 Columbia University, Department of Chemistry, New York, NY. Professor Jack R. Norton Kinetic and mechanistic studies involving small molecule reactions with organometallic complexes</p><p>Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, 9/1995-12/1999 Texas A&M University, Department of Chemistry, College Station, TX. Professor Donald J. Darensbourg</p><p>Thesis: Investigation of CO-Lability and CO2 Insertion Chemistry Involving Low Valent Group Six Metal Carbonyl Complexes Containing -Donating Amido, Pseudoamido, or Fluoride Ligands.</p><p>Research and Teaching Assistant, 1992-1995 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA. Professor Charles D. Schaeffer and Professor John P. Ranck Organosilicon Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy, Computational Chemistry</p><p>Research Assistant, 8/1994-12/1994 University of Copenhagen/Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. Ole Faurskov Nielsen and Dr. Daniel H. Christensen Investigation of Fats and Oils using vis- and NIR Raman Spectroscopy </p><p>Summer Research Assistant, 6/1993-8/1993 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA REU Fellowship with Professor Charles C. Clapp Synthesis of R and S Enantiomers of 12-Bromo-cis-9-Octadecenoic Acid</p><p>Honors and Awards: NSF-CAREER Award (2007) Poster Prize for Scientific Content and Presentation ICCC36 (2004) Junior Faculty Research Award, University of Nevada (2003) Phi Lambda Upsilon R. H. Hayashikawa Award, Texas A&M University (1999) Phi Lambda Upsilon Travel Award, Texas A&M University (1999) Arthur E. Martell Travel Grant Award, Texas A&M University (1998) Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Fellowship, Elizabethtown College (1994) ACS Southeastern Pennsylvania Section, Chemistry Scholarship (1994) REU Fellowship, Bucknell University (1993) – 2 – Brian J. Frost</p><p>ACS Student Affiliates Sophomore Chemistry Award (1993)</p><p>Professional Societies: American Chemical Society (1995-present) Phi Lambda Upsilon, National Chemistry Honor Society (1996-present) Grant Activity (Awarded): “Aqueous Phase Organometallic Catalysis: Development and Mechanism.” ($8,000) Supplementary Grant for ACS PRF Summer Research Fellowship; 5/1/2008 – 8/31/2008. “CAREER: Water-Soluble Phosphine Ligands and Catalysis” ($578,500) National Science Foundation (CHE-0645365); 2/1/2007 – 1/31/2012. “University of Nevada, Chemistry REU Program.” ($201,764) National Science Foundation (CHE-0552816), BJF co-PI (Sean Casey PI); 3/16/2006 – 3/15/2009. “Aqueous Phase Organometallic Catalysis: Development and Mechanism.” ($35,000) The Petroleum Research Fund (PRF# 43574-G3); 9/1/2005 – 8/31/2008. “Integrating Nano-Technology into the General Chemistry Curriculum (Chem 202/202H)” ($4,000) UNR Faculty Development Program – Interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Minor; 7/1/2003-12/31/2003. “Water-Soluble Organometallic Hydrogenation Catalysts: Synthesis and Reactivity.” ($15,000) The University of Nevada; Junior Faculty Research Award; 7/1/2003 – 12/31/2004.</p><p>Grant Activity (Instrumentation – Major User Awarded): “Acquisition of an NMR Spectrometer and Upgrade of an Existing NMR.” ($597,752) Major User, NSF-– MRI (CHE- 0521191); 8/1/2005 – 7/31/2008. “Purchase of a Mass Spectrometer.” ($118,200) Major User, NSF-MU (CHE-0443647); 2/15/05 – 1/31/2008. “Purchase of a new X-Ray Diffractometer.” ($260,000) Major User NSF (CHE-0226402); 3/1/2003 – 2/28/2006.</p><p>Student Grant Activity/Fellowships (Awarded): “The chemistry of gold-PTA derivatives” ($4,840) NSF-EPSCoR Fellowship to Christian Herbig, 2007-2008 academic year. (Pending) “Synthesis of Novel Chiral Water Soluble Phosphine Ligands & Catalytic Metal Complexes” ($4,840) NSF-EPSCoR Fellowship to G.W. Wong, 2006-2007 academic year. (EPS-0447416) American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) student travel award ($250) C.A. Mebi, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2006, INOR 328. McNair Scholar Fellowship, G.W. Wong, Summer 2006 ($4,000) “Labile nitrogen ligation in water-soluble phosphines” ($5,500) NSF-EPSCoR Summer Fellowship to G.W. Wong, Summer 2005. American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) student travel award ($250) C.A. Mebi, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2005, INOR 636. “Synthesis of water-soluble phosphines containing labile nitrogen functionality” ($1,000) UNR-Undergraduate Research Award to G.W. Wong, 2005-2006. “Development of Novel Ligands for Aqueous-Phase Catalysis” ($1,000) UNR-Undergraduate Research Award to B.J. Janes, 2004-2005. “Synthesis of New Water-Soluble Phosphines.” ($1,000) UNR-Undergraduate Research Award to P.W. Gingrich, Spring 2004. “Aqueous Phase Suzuki Coupling.” ($5,500) NSF-EPSCoR Fellowship to P.W. Gingrich, Summer 2003. (EPS-0132556)</p><p>Service: Department of Chemistry Inorganic Division Liaison (2007 – present) Co-Director NSF-REU program 2006, 2007, 2008 Safety and Services Committee (2004 – 2007) Instructional Computing Coordinator (2005, 2006) Graduate Recruiting and Admissions Committee (2002 – 2005, 2007 – present) – 3 – Brian J. Frost</p><p>Seminar Coordinator, Inorganic Division (2003, 2004) Inorganic Faculty Search Committee (2003, 2006) Graduate Study and Advising Committee (2003 – present) Professional Service ACS Sierra Nevada Section Alternate Councilor (Term 2006 – 2009) ACS Sierra Nevada Section Officer: Chair (2006), Chair-Elect (2005), Secretary/Treasurer (2004) 2006 ACS Western Regional Meeting Executive Committee Member (Treasurer) 17 proposals reviewed for NSF, PRF, DOE, and other organizations 25 manuscripts reviewed for: Inorg. Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Mol. Catal. A, Organometallics, and others Checker for Inorg. Syn. (2005) Reviewed 4 Davidson Fellows proposals (2004, 2005, 2006) Reviewer for Brooks/Cole Publishing (2004) Reviewer for Wiley-VCH publishing (2005) University Service Judge for the College of Science Poster Competition, May 5th 2006 Member of the Network of Faculty for Undergraduate Research (NFUR), 2005 – present Reviewer for the NSF-EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Summer 2004 (44 proposals), Summer 2007 (39 proposals) Reviewed 12 proposals for the Graduate Student Association Research Grant Program Spring 2005 Reviewed 11 proposals for the Honors Undergraduate Research Award Program Fall 2005 Community Service/Outreach Organized and wrote the 2006, 2007 Northern Nevada High School Awards exam Western Nevada Regional Science & Engineering Fair Judge (2004, 2005, 2006) Organized and performed “It’s not magic, it’s SCIENCE!” Chemistry demonstration show. 2005, 2006, 2007. (~100 7th graders from South Lake Tahoe Middle School each show) Teaching: University of Nevada CHEM 435/432 Chemical Synthesis/Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Fall 2007: NA/4.0; Fall 2005: 3.60/4.0; Fall 2004: 4.0/4.0; Fall 2003: 3.71/4.0 CHEM 431/631 (formerly 415/615) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Fall 2006: 3.74/4.0; Fall 2002: 3.15/4.0 CHEM 202/202H General Chemistry for Scientists and Engineers II Spring 2005: 3.60/4.0; Spring 2004: 3.45/4.0; Spring 2003: 2.72/4.0 CHEM 122 General Chemistry II Spring 2007: 3.79/4.0 CHEM 292 Selected Topics CHEM 392 Special Topics CHEM 495 Senior Thesis I CHEM 495 Senior Thesis II CHEM 690 Independent Study CHEM 788 Research Conference CHEM 789 Graduate Seminar I Fall 2004, Spring 2006: 4.0/4.0 CHEM 793 Independent Study CHEM 794 Inorganic Colloquium CHEM 799 Dissertation</p><p>High School Students Mentored (1): Former: Michael Urbano, Spring 2007 (Sage Ridge School) – 4 – Brian J. Frost</p><p>Undergraduate Students Mentored (18): Current: Silvija Denkler, Fall 2007 – present Christian Herbig, Summer 2007 – present (Senior Thesis) Steven L. Johnson, Spring 2007 – present (Senior Thesis) Alexandra Morris, Spring 2007 – present (Davidson Student)</p><p>Former: Robert (Bobby) Angius, Summer 2006 – December 2006 (Senior Thesis) Caroline Bautista, Fall 2005 – Spring 2007 (Senior Thesis) Joshua A. Benjamin, Summer 2005 (REU student from Northwest Nazarene) Alison A. Cook, Spring 2005 Loni DeFriez, Spring 2004 (Senior Thesis) Phillip W. Gingrich, Fall 2002 – Spring 2006 (Senior Thesis) Jennifer L. Harkreader (Irwin), Fall 2004 – Summer 2005 (Senior Thesis) Brady J. Janes, Spring 2004 – Summer 2004 Shawna B. Miller, Fall 2004 – Spring 2005 (Senior Thesis) Travis M. Norton, Spring 2006 – Spring 2007 (Senior Thesis) Morrisa Regis, Summer 2006 (NSF-REU student from Claflin University) Lauren A. Volz, Summer 2005 – spring 2006 (Senior Thesis) Jessica Vellucci, Summer 2007 (REU student from Western Washington University) Gene W. Wong, Fall 2004 – August 2007 (Senior Thesis I and II)</p><p>Graduate Students Mentored (6): Current: Saranya Chatterjee, Ph.D. Candidate Fall 2007 – present Jennifer L. Harkreader, M.S. Candidate Sp2006 – present Wei-Chih Lee, Ph.D. Candidate Fall2006 – present Radhika P. Nair, Ph.D. Candidate Sp2005 – present Jason A. Weeden, Ph.D. Candidate Fall 2007 – present Former: Charles A. Mebi, Ph.D. May 2007</p><p>Postdoctoral Research Associates (3): Current: Dr. Rongcai Huang, 2005 – present Dr. Tae Ho Kim, 2007 – present Former: Dr. Devaraj Jesudurai, 2003 – 2004</p><p>Ph.D Dissertations Advised (1): “Half-Sandwich Ruthenium(II) Complexes of 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane: Syntheses, Reactivity, and Catalytic Application” Charles Assuoa Mebi, Ph.D. May 2007.</p><p>Publications peer reviewed (undergraduate co-authors underlined):</p><p>University of Nevada 17. “Isomerization of trans-[Ru(PTA)4Cl2] to cis-[Ru(PTA)4Cl2] in water and organic solvent: revisiting the chemistry of [Ru(PTA)4Cl2]” C.A. Mebi and B.J. Frost* Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 7115 – 7120. 16. “Nickel(II) complexes of 1-alkyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo[,7]decane: Synthesis and solid-state structures” C.A. Mebi and B.J. Frost* Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2007, 633, 368 – 371. 15. “pH dependent selective transfer hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated carbonyls in aqueous media utilizing half-sandwich ruthenium (II) complexes” C.A. Mebi, R.P. Nair, B.J. Frost* Organometallics 2007, 26, 429 – 438. – 5 – Brian J. Frost</p><p>14. “Synthesis and coordination chemistry of a novel chiral bidentate phosphine, 6- (diphenylphosphino)-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA-PPh2)” G.W. Wong, J.L. Harkreader, C.A. Mebi, B.J. Frost* Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 6748 – 6755. 13. “Manganese Complexes of 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA): The First Nitrogen Bound Transition Metal Complex of PTA” B.J. Frost*, C.M. Bautista, R. Huang, J. Shearer* Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 3481 – 3483. (Communication) 12. “Boron-Nitrogen Adducts of 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA): Synthesis, Reactivity, and Molecular Structure” B.J. Frost*, C.A. Mebi, P.W. Gingrich Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 1182 – 1189. 11. “Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of a Quadruply Bonded Dimolydbenum(II) Complex Containing the Water-Soluble Phosphine 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA)” B.J. Frost*, S.B. Miller, K.O. Rove, D.M. Pearson, J.D. Korinek, J.L. Harkreader, C.A. Mebi, J. Shearer Inorg. Chem. Acta 2006, 359, 283–288. 10. “Effect of pH on the Biphasic Catalytic Hydrogenation of Benzylidene Acetone using CpRu(PTA)2H” C.A. Mebi, B.J. Frost* Organometallics 2005, 24, 2339–2346. 9. “Unusual Tosyl Transfer Solvolysis Reaction to 3-n-Butyl-4Methyl-5,5-Di-p-Toluenesulfonyl-3- Pyrrolin-2-one” Z.R. Woydziak, B.J. Frost, D.A. Lightner* J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2005, 42, 731–734. (my contribution X-Ray crystallography) 8. “Aqueous Organometallic Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of the Water-Soluble Metal Hydride, CpRu(PTA)2H” B.J. Frost*, C.A. Mebi Organometallics 2004, 23, 5317–5323.</p><p>Elizabethtown College 7. “Properties and Reactions of Organosilanes and Organogermanes Containing the Potentially Bidentate (X(CH2)n)2N-Group” H.D. Harle, S. Han, C.H. Yoder*, C.D. Schaeffer, P.L. Falen, B.J. Frost, S.R. Hatalla, S.D. Kerstetter, J.K. Redline, S.L. Uliana, L.L. Walton Synth. React. Inorg. Met.- Org. Chem. 2003, 33, 1825–1834.</p><p>Columbia University 6. “Rhenium Oxo Complexes of a Chelating Diyne Ligand: Synthesis and Study of the Kinetics of Protonation” Y. Han, C.J. Harlan, P. Stoessel, B.J. Frost, J.R. Norton*, S. Miller, B. Bridgewater, Q. Xu Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 2942–2952. (Featured on cover of issue)</p><p>Texas A&M University 5. “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Carbon Dioxide Insertion Process Into the Tungsten-Nitrogen Bond of an Anionic W(0) Complex” D.J. Darensbourg*, B.J. Frost, D.L. Larkins Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 1993–1999. (Featured on cover of issue) 4. “Organometallic Complexes of Uracil and Orotic Acid Derivatives: Coordination Modes, Structure, and Reactivity” D.J. Darensbourg*, B.J. Frost, D.L. Larkins, J.H. Reibenspies Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2000, 2487–2495. 3. “Coordination Chemistry, Structure, and Reactivity of Thiouracil Derivatives of Tungsten(0) hexacarbonyl: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation Into the Chelation/Dechelation of Thiouracil via CO Loss and Addition” D.J. Darensbourg*, B.J. Frost, A. Derecskei-Kovacs, J.H. Reibenspies Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 4715–4723. 2. “Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of 16-Electron, Unsaturated Derivatives of Low-Valent, Group 6 Carbonyl Complexes Containing -Donor Ligands” D.J. Darensbourg*, J.D. Draper, B.J. Frost, J.H. Reibenspies Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 4705-4714. 1. “Organometallic Derivatives of Orotic Acid. CO-Labilizing Ability of the Amido Group in Chromium and Tungsten Carbonyl Complexes” D.J. Darensbourg*, J.D. Draper, D.L. Larkins, B.J. Frost, J.H. Reibenspies Inorg. Chem. 1998, 37, 2538-2546. – 6 – Brian J. Frost</p><p>Publications/Book Reviews ( non-peer reviewed): 1. “Metal Catalysed Reactions in Ionic Liquids” By Paul J. Dyson and Tilmann J. Geldbach. From the series: Catalysis by Metal Complexes. Edited by Brian James and Piet W.N. M. van Leeuwen. Springer: Dordrecht. 2005. B.J. Frost, Book review, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 7112 – 7112.</p><p>Invited Seminars: “A new twist on an old ligand: Recent developments in the coordination chemistry and reactivity of PTA” University of Oregon, October 12, 2007 University of Nevada–Reno, September 14, 2007 Organometallic Gordon Research Conference, Newport, RI, July 11 2007. “Coordination chemistry and catalytic activity of transition metal complexes of water-soluble phosphines” Baylor University, March 9, 2007 Texas A&M University, March 7, 2007 California State University, Fresno CA (Fresno State), March 2, 2007 Virginia Tech, February 20, 2007 University of North Carolina-Charlotte, February 19, 2007 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, February 8, 2007 Emory University, Atlanta, February 6, 2007 University of California, Davis, January 18, 2007 University of Louisville, Louisville KY, November 10, 2006 Indiana University, Bloomington, November 9, 2006</p><p> “Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Water-Soluble CpRu(PTA)2X Complexes” California State University, Chico CA (Chico State), October 7, 2005 “Aqueous Phase Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis” University of Nevada–Reno, March 25, 2005</p><p> “Water-Soluble CpRu(PTA)2X Complexes and Catalysis: the effect of pH on catalysis” 229th ACS National Meeting-San Diego, INOR 430 (Symposium for the ACS Award in Organometallic Chemistry: Jack Norton) March 15, 2005</p><p> “Water-Soluble CpRu(PTA)2X Complexes and Catalysis: the effect of pH on catalysis” Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR, October 6, 2004 George Fox University, Newberg, OR, October 5, 2004</p><p> “Studies on the Insertion of CO2 and CO2 Equivalents Into Transition Metal Carbon and Nitrogen Bonds” North Carolina State University, NC, January 15, 2002 University of Nevada-Reno, NV, December 6, 2001 University of Massachusetts, MA, October 23, 2001 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, July 17, 2001 “Zirconaaziridines Derived From Dimethoxybenzene: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Kinetics” Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, January 31, 2001</p><p>Additional Conferences and Workshops Attended: NSF-EPSCoR “Proposal Development Workshop: Responding to reviewer and panel comments”, University of Nevada-Reno, November 1, 2005. New York Section of the Younger Chemists Committee “Proposal-Writing Workshop/Symposium”, City University of New York (CUNY), May 29, 2002. Eastern Analytical Symposium workshop “Academic Careers in Chemistry”. Sept. 29 – Oct.1 2001.</p><p>Miscellaneous Talks/Seminars/Service: Chemistry Show “It’s not Magic; it’s Science!”, May 24, 2007, South Lake Tahoe Middle School, B.J. Frost, University of Nevada invited by Sid Brown (~100 7th grade students). New Faculty Orientation “Being a New Faculty Member at UNR: Some Perspectives”, August 22, 2006, Panel discussion, Invited by Bill Cathey, Vice Provost. – 7 – Brian J. Frost</p><p> Chemistry Show “It’s not Magic; it’s Science!”, May 23, 2006, South Lake Tahoe Middle School, B.J. Frost, University of Nevada invited by Suzie Marx (~100 7th grade students). Chemistry Club Meeting “The ins and outs of graduate school in chemistry” October 11, 2005, B.J. Frost, University of Nevada, invited by Gene Wong, president UNR Chem Club. Chemistry Show “It’s not Magic; it’s Science”, May 25, 2005, South Lake Tahoe Middle School, B.J. Frost, University of Nevada invited by Sid Brown (~100 7th grade students). Chemistry Club Meeting “Career Opportunities in Inorganic Chemistry” February 9, 2004, B.J. Frost, University of Nevada invited by Sadeea Qureshi, president of the UNR Chem. Club.</p><p>Student Awards: Outstanding Graduating Graduate Student, Charles A. Mebi, Awarded by the Graduate Student Association at the Honor the Best Ceremony May 2007. Outstanding Graduate Student Researcher, Charles A. Mebi. Awarded by the Graduate Student Association at the Honor the Best Ceremony May 2006. Governor’s Award, Phillip W. Gingrich, Awarded at the Honor the Best Ceremony, May 2006 President’s Award, Phillip W. Gingrich, Awarded at the Honor the Best Ceremony, May 2006.</p>
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