INFECT DIS TROP MED 2019; 5: E569 Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Psoriasis in a naïve HIV-positive patient: a case report F. D’Andrea1, A. Facciolà1, M. G. Coco1, C. Micali1, I. Paolucci2, D. Maranto2, M. R. Lo Presti Costantino2, D. Larnè1, P. Mondello2, G. F. Pellicanò3 1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy 2Unit of Infectious Diseases, “G. Martino” University Hospital, Messina, Italy 3Department of Human Pathology of the Adult and the Developmental Age “G. Barresi”, University of Messina, Messina, Italy ABSTRACT: The introduction of combined Anti-Retroviral Therapy has modified the natural history of Hu- man Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, leading to an increase in life expectancy of the patients living with HIV. Immune deficiency can lead to opportunistic infections and an increased risk of autoimmune dis- ease and malignancy. Here we describe the case of a patient affected by psoriasis, HIV infection and Kapo- si’s Sarcoma. — Keywords: Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Psoriasis. INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT The introduction of combined Anti-Retroviral Therapy A 37-year-old man, from Sri-Lanka, was accompanied (cART) has modified the natural history of Human Immu- to the clinic of Infectious Diseases of the “G. Marti- nodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, leading to an increase no” University Hospital in Messina (Messina, Italy) in life expectancy of the patients living with HIV (PLWH)1- because of a Kaposi’s Sarcoma in nodular phase con- 21. However, it is not able to eliminate the virus22-24. firmed by biopsy. He referred to the dermatologic clin- cART has brought an increased survival and a re- ic for a psoriasis vulgaris poorly responsive to cyclo- duced mortality for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn- phosphamide. drome (AIDS)-related diseases25-28. An oral HIV test was performed, resulting positive. Many of the clinical features of HIV/AIDS can be This test was followed by a serological confirmatory ascribed to the immune deficiency developed by infect- test. Among the risk factors for the infection, he report- ed patients. The progressive destruction of the immune ed multiple unprotected homosexual relations since the system leads to opportunistic infections, as well as an in- age of 17. creased risk of autoimmune disease and malignancy29-35. He complained of cough, burning pain in the left leg Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a multifocal angio-prolifer- and itch. Upon arrival, physical examination revealed ative neoplasm characterized by reddish-purple-brown multiple psoriatic plaques and numerous nodular and papules, plaques, and nodules20. Its clinical heterogene- macular lesion all over the body, especially on legs and ity depends on the host immune system20,21. Moreover, arms. Submandibular, laterocervical, supraclavicular HIV-positive patients are commonly affected by skin and inguinal lymphadenopathies were appreciable bilat- disorders, which are often associated with high morbidi- erally. He was then admitted to the Infectious Diseases ty and mortality36. HIV infection and psoriasis share the ward with the diagnosis of Kaposi’s Sarcoma and AIDS. chronic inflammatory status, that can induce some neo- He was not febrile (temperature 36.0°C), his heart rate plastic processes37-47. We describe the case of a patient (HR) was 60 beat per minute (bpm) and his blood pres- with Kaposi’s Sarcoma, HIV infection and Psoriasis. sure (BP) 120/60 mmHg. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: GIOVANNI FRANCESCO PELLICANÒ, MD; [email protected] 1 INFECT DIS TROP MED Blood tests performed showed a white blood cell DISCUSSION (WBC) count of 3,200 cells/µL, with 46% of neutrophils and 46% of lymphocytes. Procalcitonin (PCT; 0.04 ng/ Despite its occurrence has dramatically decreased in de- ml, normal values < 0.1 ng/mL), and C Reactive Protein veloped countries, KS is still the most frequent tumor in (CRP; 0.09 mg/dL, normal values < 0.5 mg/dL) were HIV-infected patients worldwide33. The widespread use normal. HIV viral load was 65,000 copies/ml and CD4+ of antiretroviral therapy has reduced KS incidence, but T lymphocytes count was 10% (147/µL). Renal and liv- its prevalence is still high in sub-Saharan Africa, while er function tests resulted negative (creatinine 0.6 mg/ is quite uncommon in Europe and in United States of dL, normal values 0.5-1.2 mg/dL; total bilirubin 1.1 mg/ America (USA). The incidence of KS is 1/100,000 in dL, normal values < 1.2 mg/dL; aspartate aminotrans- the general population, whereas in HIV-infected indi- ferase, AST, 15 U/L, normal values < 42 U/L; alanine viduals it is around 1/2020,33. Moreover, the prevalence aminotransferase, ALT, 15 U/L, normal values < 50 in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) is much high- U/L). Ferritin was 847 mg/dl, LDH 373 U/L, β2 Micro- er than general population. KS is caused by the Human globulin 3541 mg/dl. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) with Herpesvirus 8 (HHV8), also known as Kaposi Sarco- emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide fumarate 200/25 ma-associated Herpes Virus (KSHV)33. mg and dolutegravir 50 mg daily was promptly start- KSHV (HHV8) is a herpesvirus belonging to the ed. Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole 160/800 mg daily gamma-herpesvirus family which is able to estab- was started in primary prophylaxis for toxoplasmosis. lish persistent infections, especially in the lymphoid QuantiFERON-TB test was performed, resulting neg- cells20,23. In conditions characterized by immune defi- ative. Serologies for Leishmania, Toxoplasma, Cito- ciency, such as transplant and HIV-infection, KSHV megalovirus, Ebstein Barr Virus, Hepatitis (A, B, C), can cause lymphoproliferative disorders such as KS, Herpes-Simplex 1 and 2, Syphilis, Measles, Rubella and Primary Effusion Lymphoma (PEL) and Multicentric Mumps were negative. He underwent a RX scan of the Castleman Disease (MCD)20. chest, which did not show parenchymal lesions, and a The majority of cases of KS occur in late phases brain MRI which showed the presence of inhomogene- of the HIV-infection with low CD4+ T-cell counts (< ity of submandibular glands, multiple lymphadenopathy 200/ml), although it has also been observed in patients in the laterocervical and sub-angolomandibular area. on successful long-term HAART, with well-controlled Colonoscopy and gastroscopy showed no visceral le- HIV-infection and a CD4+ T cell count > 200/ml20,33. sions. CT scan of neck, abdomen and chest showed mul- KSHV may be secreted in saliva. Even though saliva tiple lymphadenopathy in all latero-cervical, supracla- is considered the principal transmission way, KSHV can vicular, axillary, aorto-caval, iliac- obturator, inguinal be isolated from several other fluids and cells, including stations. Echocardiography was normal. The ultra- semen, cervicovaginal secretions, prostate glands and sound of the abdomen showed a markedly increased peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Other spleen volume. Suspecting a lymphoma, lymph node KSHV transmission ways can be blood transfusions and excision was performed. Three days after the surgical solid organ transplantations (SOT)20. excision, fever and incoercible hiccups occurred. Mul- In MSM, a high rate of KSHV transmission occurs tiple blood cultures for bacteria and fungi were per- even when safe sex practices are used. Important routes formed, resulting negative. The main microbiological of spread among MSM is probably the use of saliva as tests were repeated, and they were still negative. An- a lubricant during anal sex, oral-anal sex, and deep oral timicrobial therapy with piperacilline/tazobactam and kissing34,35. linezolid was promptly started. HIV viral load was Psoriasis is a chronic, multisystem inflammatory 240 copies/ml and CD4+ T lymphocytes count was disease with predominantly skin and joint involve- 24% (245/mmc) after 24 days of treatment. Despite a ment. As a disease of systemic inflammation, psoriasis good viro-immunological control, high temperature is associated with multiple comorbidities, including persisted, with max peaks of 39.6°C, and his general cardiovascular disease and malignancy37. Its pathogen- clinical conditions did not improve. Psoriatic plaques esis is multifactorial, involving dysregulated inflam- were intensely itchy, hiccups persisted, dry cough mation and genetic associations37,38. Psoriasis affects worsened. The abdomen was globose, meteoric, dis- PLWH severely and for a longer time than the gener- tended. Anti-microbial therapy with Piperacilline/Ta- al population36. Th1 cells and related cytokines play zobactam and Linezolid was stopped and Meropenem, a major role in the pathogenesis. Treatments that are Ceftobiprole and Fluconazole were started. Despite intended to suppress the T cell response may trigger the antimicrobial therapy, the general conditions of the the development of iatrogenic KS by causing immu- patient were still severe: it was then decided to start nosuppression39. In the case reported by Selvi et al40 the antimicrobial therapy with Ceftazidime/Avibactam the authors suggest that the worsening of KS lesions and Colistine. After few days, his general conditions despite discontinuation of systemic immunosuppres- progressively improved: the patient was alert, oriented sive therapy might have been related to intra-articu- in time and space, collaborative, afebrile and eupneic. lar steroid therapy administered for psoriatic arthritis. His cough and hiccups improved. We discharged the Furthermore, in a KS patient with severe psoriasis and patient after 30 days of admission in good clinical con- a history of phototherapy, the authors suggested that ditions. He is now in follow up for his Kaposi’s Sarco- the occurrence of psoriasis and KS may be related to a 2 ma, psoriasis and HIV infection. common genetic basis (HLA A1, DR5, DR7, and DR11) PSORIASIS, HIV AND KAPOSI’S SARCOMA and that phototherapy may trigger virus activation and 8. Pinzone MR, Gussio M, Bellissimo F, Coco C, Bisicchia F, KS lesions41. Erdoğan et al39 considered that psoriasis Pellicanò G, Palermo F, Mughini MT, Cacopardo B, Nunnari might have triggered KS development by causing im- G, Celesia BM. Self-reported sexual dysfunction in HIV- positive subjects: a cross-sectional study.
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