SIGPLAN, Special Interest Group on Programming Languages

SIGPLAN, Special Interest Group on Programming Languages

<p>SIG SIGPLAN, Special Interest Group on Programming Languages</p><p>Mission SIGPLAN, the premier programming languages organization, promotes awareness and advancement of research and practice in programming languages. SIGPLAN accomplishes its mission by sponsoring conferences and publishing newsletters. The SIG also serves as a coordinating body for the volunteers who wish to undertake projects to further the SIG goals.</p><p>Newsletters 1. SIGPLAN Notices is issued monthly.</p><p>Volume Issue Date # of Pages Arrived at ACM HQ</p><p>2003 38 1 January 2003 308 pp. 3/13/03 POPL ‘03 38 2 February 2003 68 pp. 3/20/03 38 February ’03 Supp 300 pp. ISMM ‘02 38 3 March 2003 148 pp. 4/22/03 TLDI ‘03 38 4 April 2003 72 pp. 5/02/03 38 5 May 2003 360 pp. 7/1/03 PLDI ’03 38 6 June 2003 72 pp. 8/13/03 38 7 July 2003 304 pp. 8/20/03 LCTES ’03 38 8 August 2003 68 pp. 10/1/03 38 9 September 2003 312 pp. 10/14/03 ICFP ‘03 38 10 October 2003 340 pp. 12/15/03 PPoPP ‘03 + PEPM ‘03 38 11 November 2003 432 pp. 12/23/03 OOPSLA ‘03 38 12 December 2003 100 pp. 12/29/03</p><p>2004 39 1 January 2004 364 pp. 2/9/04 POPL ‘04 39 2 February 2004 40 pp. 2/12/04 39 3 March 2004 56 pp. 4/26/04 39 4 April 2004 688 pp. 6/8/04 Special Issue: 20 Years of PLDI, 1979-1999: A Selection 39 5 May 2004 80 pp. 7/12/04 inc. 2004 SIGPLAN CD (to members) 39 6 June 2004 312 pp. 8/4/04 PLDI ‘04 39 7 July 2004 280 pp. 8/12/04 LCTES ‘04 39 8 August 2004 88 pp. 9/8/04 39 9 September 2004 264 pp. 10/18/04 ICFP ‘04 39 10 October 2004 464 pp. 11/16/04 OOPSLA ‘04 39 11 November 2004 296 pp. 11/29/04 ASPLOS ’04 39 12 December 2004 140 pp. 1/20/05</p><p>2005 40 1 January 2005 404 pp. 1/31/05 POPL ‘05 40 2 February 2005 56 pp. 2/16/05 40 3 March 2005 48 pp. 3/3/05 40 4 April 2005 64 pp. 5/10/05 40 5 May 2005 56 pp. 6/19/05 40 6 June 2005 340 pp. 7/27/05 PLDI ‘05 40 7 July 2005 248 pp. 8/03/05 LCTES ‘05 40 8 August 2005 64 pp. 9/1/05 inc. 2005 SIGPLAN CD (to members) 40 9 September 2005 348 pp. 9/27/05 ICFP ‘05 40 10 October 2005 560 pp. 11/17/05 OOPSLA ‘05 40 11 November 2005 80 pp. 12/3/05 40 12 December 2005 40 pp. 2/7/06</p><p>2006 41 1 January 2006 432 pp. 2/22/06 POPL ‘06 41 2 February 2006 36 pp. 5/23/06 41 3 March 2006 52 pp. 6/7/06 41 4 April 2006 44 pp. 6/27/06 inc. 2006 SIGPLAN CD (to members) 41 5 May 2006 56 pp. 7/24/06 41 6 June 2006 436 pp. 7/27/06 PLDI ‘06 41 7 July 2006 220 pp. 8/15/06 LCTES ‘06 41 8 August 2006 56 pp. 9/12/06 41 9 September 2006 312 pp. 10/02/06 ICFP ‘06 41 10 October 2006 508 pp. OOPSLA ‘06 41 11 November 2006 440 pp. ASPLOS ’06 41 12 December 2006</p><p>2. FORTRAN FORUM is issued three times a year.</p><p>Volume Issue Date # of Pages Arrived at ACM HQ</p><p>2003 22 1 April 2003 16 pp 4/17/03 22 2 August 2003 32 pp. 8/5/03 22 3 December 2003 32 pp. 11/26/03</p><p>2004 23 1 April 2004 16 pp 5/6/04 23 2 August 2004 24 pp. 8/3/04 23 3 December 2004 24 pp. 12/8/04</p><p>2005 24 1 April 2005 24 pp. 4/14/05 24 2 August 2005 32 pp. 8/5/05 24 3 December 2005 24 pp. 12/2/05</p><p>2006 25 1 April 2006 32 pp. 4/15/06 25 2 August 2006 16 pp. 7/26/06 25 3 December 2006</p><p>Membership 1st yr 2 + years Total Professional Affiliate Student Institutional Total Subscribers Retention Retention Retention June ’03 3,079 120 350 12 3,561 386 55.1% 83.0% 78.9% June ’04 total 2,694 121 301 10 3,126 304 Print 2,529 118 276 10 2,933 304 58.1% 80.1% 77.6% Online 165 3 25 - 193 - 28.0% 100.0% 68.8%</p><p>June ’05 total 2,419 93 242 11 2,765 222 Print 1,813 52 135 11 2,011 222 48.8% 67.7% 64.9% Online 606 41 107 - 754 - 62.2% 100.0% 73.8%</p><p>June ’06 2,273 97 185 5 2,560 174 Print 1,496 46 87 5 1,633 174 50.5% 73.24% 70.3% Online 777 51 98 - 927 - 63.9% 87.7% 67.8%</p><p>Fund Balance Date Amount Delta Required Discretionary Discretionary/Member</p><p>June’02 $2,712,068 ($760,125) $847,889 $1,864,179 $422.05 June’03 $2,164,822 ($547,246) $767,000 $1,397,822 $392.54 June’04 $1,789,459 ($375,363) $509,399 $1,280,060 $409.49 June’05 $1,849,822 $ 60,363 $556,209 $1,293,613 $467.85 June’06 $1,996,233 $146,411 $674,955 $1,321,278 $516.12</p><p>Conference Activity</p><p>Papers Papers FY’03 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>MSP ’02: Workshop on Memory System Performance 100% Berlin, Germany 36 Closed ($755) 6/16/02 15 10</p><p>PLDI ’02: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% Berlin, Germany 235 Closed ($24,761) 6/17-19/02 169 28 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES/SCOPES ’02: Conference on Languages, Compilers 100% Berlin, Germany 75 Closed $5,889 6/19-21/02 73 25 And Tools for Embedded Systems/Software Compilers for Embedded Systems</p><p>ISMM ’02: International Symposium on Memory 100% Berlin, Germany 62 Closed $438 6/20-21/02 41 17 Management</p><p>ASIA PEPM ’02: Asian Symposium on Partial Evaluation 100% Fukushima, Japan 34 Closed $1,299 9/12-14/02 21 11 And Semantics-Based Program Manipulation</p><p>HASKELL ’02: Haskell Workshop 100% Pittsburgh, PA 70 Closed 10/3/02 24 9</p><p>Plan-X ’02: Workshop on Programming Language 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/3/02 Technologies For XML 2002 ICFP ’02: International Conference on Functional 100% Pittsburgh, PA 190 Closed 10/4-6/02 76 24 Programming</p><p>SCHEME ’02: 3rd Workshop on Scheme Functional 100% Pittsburgh, PA 30 Closed $150 10/3/02 Programming</p><p>VCL ’02: Workshop on Verification and Computational Logic 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/5/02</p><p>RULE ’02: Workshop on Rule-based Programming 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/5/02</p><p>PPDP ’02: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/6-8/02 36 18</p><p>GCSE/SAIG ’02: Semantics, Applications and Implementation 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/6-8/02 Of Program Generation SCPL ’02: Workshop on Symbolic Computation and 100% Pittsburgh, PA Closed 10/5/02 Programming Languages (co-located with GCSE/SAIG ’02)</p><p>FDPE ’02: Workshop on Functional and Declarative 100% Pittsburgh, PA 40 Closed $ 0 10/7/02 Programming in Education</p><p>ERLANG ’02: Erlang Workshop 100% Pittsburgh, PA 22 Closed 10/7/02</p><p>WWAPL ’02: Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of 100% Pittsburgh, PA CANCELLED 10/7/02 Advanced Programming Languages due to lack of submissions</p><p>ASPLOS ’02: 10th International Conference on Architectural 25% San Jose, CA 200 Closed $10,925 10/6-10/02 175 24 Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems</p><p>Java Grande ’02: Joint Java Grande-ISCOPE Conference 100% Seattle, WA 88 Closed ($ 799) 11/3-5/02 70 24</p><p>OOPSLA ’02: Conference on Object Oriented Programming, 100% Seattle, WA 1,601 Closed ($252,697)11/4-8/02 125 25 Systems, Languages, and Applications</p><p>PASTE ’02: Workshop on Program Analysis for Software 50% Charleston, SC 33 Closed $201 11/18-19/02 26 9 Tools and Engineering (with SOFT/FSE ’02)</p><p>POPL ’03: SIGPLAN-SIGACT Conference on Principles of 50% New Orleans, LA 182 Closed ($4,434) 1/15-17/03 126 24 Programming Languages</p><p>FOOL ’03: Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented 100% New Orleans, LA 39 Closed ($459) 1/18/03 (No proceedings) Languages</p><p>TLDI ’03: Workshop on Types in Language Design and 100% New Orleans, LA 59 Closed $1,112 1/18/03 26 11 Implementation </p><p>In addition, SIGPLAN was in cooperation with 10 conferences in FY ‘03. Papers Papers FY’04 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>PEPM ’03: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation 100% San Diego (FCRC) 27 Closed $2,316 6/7/03</p><p>PLDI ’03: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% San Diego (FCRC) 347 Closed $16,572 6/9-11/03 131 28 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES ’03: Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools 100% San Diego (FCRC) 112 Closed ($1,230) 6/11-13/03 128 29 for Embedded Systems/Software Compilers for Embedded Systems</p><p>SAS ’03: 10th Annual International Static Analysis Symposium 100% San Diego (FCRC) 78 Closed $3,501 6/11-13/03</p><p>IVME ’03: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual 100% San Diego (FCRC) 53 Closed $3,234 6/12/03 Machines and Emulators</p><p>SOFTVIS ’03: ACM Symposium on Software Visualization 25% San Diego (FCRC) 70 Closed $9,733 6/11-13/03 65 20</p><p>PPoPP ’03: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and 100% San Diego (FCRC) 95 Closed $3,287 6/11-13/03 45 20 Practice of Parallel Programming</p><p>HASKELL ’03: Haskell Workshop 100% Uppsala, Sweden 81 Closed $5,535 8/28/03 30 10</p><p>LOPSTR ’03: International Symposium on Logic-Based 100% Uppsala, Sweden 32 Closed $8,820 8/25-27/03 Program Synthesis and Transformation</p><p>ICFP ’03: International Conference on Functional 100% Uppsala, Sweden 152 Closed $32,596 8/25-29/03 95 24 Programming</p><p>DP-COOL ’03: Workshop on Declarative Programming in the 100% Uppsala, Sweden 11 Closed $1,020 8/25/03 Context of OO Languages</p><p>PPDP ’03: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming 100% Uppsala, Sweden 70 Closed $14,338 8/27-29/03 48 24</p><p>ERLANG ’03: Erlang Workshop 100% Uppsala, Sweden 46 Closed $4,430 8/29/03</p><p>MERLIN ’03: Mechanized Reasoning about Languages 100% Uppsala, Sweden 27 Closed $2,544 8/26/03 With Variable Bindings</p><p>OOPSLA ’03: Conference on Object Oriented Programming, 100% Anaheim, CA 948 Closed ($310,354) 10/26-30/03 147 26 Systems, Languages, and Applications</p><p>POPL ’04: SIGPLAN-SIGACT Conference on Principles of 50% Venice, Italy 197 Closed $14,845 1/14-16/04 176 29 Programming Languages FOOL ’04: Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented 100% Venice, Italy 47 Closed $1,274 1/17/04 Languages</p><p>PLAN-X ’04: Program Language Technologies for XML 100% Venice, Italy 37 Closed $ 112 1/13/04 </p><p>SPACE ’04: Semantics, Program Analysis, Computing 100% Venice, Italy 50 Closed $ 517 1/12/04 CW ’04: Continuations Workshop 100% Venice, Italy 18 Closed $331 1/17/04 In addition, SIGPLAN was in cooperation with 11 conferences in FY ’04.</p><p>Papers Papers FY’05 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>CGO ’04: 2nd Annual IEEE/ACM Symposium on Code 5 % San Jose, CA 135 Closed $33,122 3/20-24/04 79 25 Generation and Optimization</p><p>PLDI ’04: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% Washington, DC 246 Closed $ 572 6/9-11/04 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES ’04: Conference on Languages, Compilers 100% Washington, DC 87 Closed $ 781 6/11-13/04 120 28 And Tools for Embedded Systems/Software Compilers for Embedded Systems</p><p>IVME ’04: ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Workshop on Interpreters, 100% Washington, DC 34 Closed ($1,100) 6/7/04 15 6 Virtual Machines and Emulators</p><p>PASTE ’04: Workshop on Program Analysis for Software 50% Washington, DC 49 Closed ($ 882) 6/7-8/04 37 10 Tools and Engineering </p><p>PPDP ’04: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming 100% Verona, Italy 32 Closed $ 491 8/24-26/04 44 21</p><p>PEPM ’04: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation 100% Verona, Italy 37 Closed $ 857 8/24-25/04 29 13</p><p>CUFP ’04: Commercial Users of Functional Programming 100% Snowbird, UT 26 Closed $ 829 9/18/04</p><p>HASKELL ’04: Haskell Workshop 100% Snowbird, UT 58 Closed ($1,125) 9/22/04 27 9</p><p>ICFP ’04: International Conference on Functional 100% Snowbird, UT 167 Closed $10,179 9/19-21/04 80 21 Programming</p><p>SCHEME ’04: 4th Workshop on Scheme Functional 100% Snowbird, UT 41 Closed $ 639 9/22/04 Programming </p><p>ERLANG ’04: Erlang Workshop 100% Snowbird, UT 24 Closed $ 56 9/22/04 ASPLOS ’04: International Conference on Architectural 25% Boston 265 Closed $28,032 10/9-13/04 169 24 Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems</p><p>OOPSLA ’04: Conference on Object Oriented Programming 100% Vancouver 1,375 Closed $81,504 10/24-28/04 173 27 Languages and Applications</p><p>GPCE ’04: Generative Programming and Component 100% Vancouver Closed $ 10/24-28/04 Engineering</p><p>ISMM ’04: International Symposium on Memory 100% Vancouver Closed $ 10/24-25/04 43 15 Management</p><p>POPL ’05: SIGPLAN-SIGACT Conference on Principles of 50% Long Beach, CA 212 Closed $6,369 1/12-14/05 172 31 Programming Languages</p><p>FOOL ’05: Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented 100% Long Beach, CA 51 Closed $1,999 1/15/05 Languages</p><p>TLDI ’05: Workshop on Types in Language Design and 100% Long Beach, CA 53 Closed $1,296 1/10/05 23 10 Implementation </p><p>PLAN-X ‘05: International Workshop in Types in Design 100% Long Beach, CA 37 Closed $ 799 1/11/05</p><p>WITS ’05: Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security 100% Long Beach, CA 25 Closed $ 582 1/10-11/05</p><p>In addition, SIGPLAN was in cooperation with 13 conferences in FY ‘05.</p><p>Papers Papers FY’06 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>CGO ’05: 3rd Annual IEEE/ACM Symposium on Code 5 % San Jose, CA Closed $32,956 3/19-23/05 75 26 Generation and Optimization</p><p>SOFTVIS ’05: ACM Symposium on Software Visualization 25% St. Louis, MO 51 Closed $3,883 5/14-15/05 76 20</p><p>PLDI ’05: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% Chicago 298 Closed $11,967 6/12-15/05 135 28 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES ’05: Conference on Languages, Compilers 100% Chicago 111 Closed $12,729 6/15-17/05 95 25 And Tools for Embedded Systems</p><p>PPoPP ’05: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and 100% Chicago 113 Closed $4,622 6/15-17/05 87 27 Practice of Parallel Programming</p><p>VEE ’05: 1st International Conference on Virtual Execution 100% Chicago 77 Closed $4,817 6/11-12/05 65 19 Environments MSP ’05: Memory Systems Performance Workshop 100% Chicago 33 Closed $1,045 6/12/05</p><p>BUGS ’05: Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect 100% Chicago 60 Closed $ 186 6/12/05 Detection Tools</p><p>PPDP ’05: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming 100% Lisbon, Portugal 54 Closed ($1,157) 7/11-13/05 45 20</p><p>PASTE ’05: ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on 50% Lisbon, Portugal Closed 9/5-6/05 38 17</p><p>Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering</p><p>AADEBUG ’05: 6th International Symposium on Automated 50% Monterey, CA 34 Closed 9/19-21/05 30 11 And Analysis Driven Debugging</p><p>CUFP ’05: Commercial Users of Functional Programming 100% Tallinn, Estonia 27 9/24/05</p><p>HASKELL ’05: Haskell Workshop 100% Tallinn, Estonia 70 Closed 9/30/05</p><p>SCHEME ’05: 5th Workshop on Scheme and Functional 100% Tallinn, Estonia 30 Closed 9/24/05 Programming</p><p>ICFP ’05: International Conference on Functional 100% Tallinn, Estonia 187 Closed 9/26-28/05 87 26 Programming</p><p>ML ‘05: Workshop on ML 100% Tallinn, Estonia 56 Closed 9/29/05 </p><p>WCFLP ‘05: Workshop on Workshop on Curry and 100% Tallinn, Estonia 20 Closed 9/26/05 Functional Logic</p><p>MERLIN ’05: Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with 100% Tallinn, Estonia 26 Closed 9/30/05 Variable Binding Workshop</p><p>GPCE ’05: Generative Programming and Component 100% Tallinn, Estonia 77 Closed 9/29-30/05 Engineering</p><p>FDPE ’05: Workshop on Functional and Declarative 100% Tallinn, Estonia 27 Closed 9/25/05 Programming in Education</p><p>ERLANG ’05: Erlang Workshop 100% Tallinn, Estonia 35 Closed 9/25/05</p><p>OOPSLA ’05: Conference on Object Oriented Programming, 100% San Diego, CA 1,063 Closed $125,610 10/16-20/05 174 32 Systems, Languages, and Applications</p><p>POPL ’06: SIGPLAN-SIGACT Conference on Principles of 100% Charleston, SC 264 Closed $25,194 1/11-13/06 167 33 Programming Languages</p><p>FOOL/WOOD ’06: Workshop on Foundations of 100% Charleston, SC 34 Closed $ 682 1/14/06 Object-Oriented Languages</p><p>SPACE ’06: Semantics, Program Analysis, Computing 100% Charleston, SC 54 Closed $3,507 1/14/06 Environments for Memory Management</p><p>PEPM ’06: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation 100% Charleston, SC 36 Closed $ 610 1/9-10/06 29 17</p><p>PLAN-X ’06: Programming Language Technologies for XML 100% Charleston, SC 25 Closed ($538) 1/14/06</p><p>In addition, SIGPLAN was in cooperation with 10 conferences in FY ‘06.</p><p>Papers Papers FY’07 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>CGO ’06: 4th Annual IEEE/ACM Symposium on Code 5 % New York City 201 Approved 3/26-29/06 80 29 Generation and Optimization</p><p>PPoPP ’06: Symposium on Principles and Practice of 100% New York City Approved 3/29-31/06 91 25 Parallel Programming</p><p>PLAS ’06: Programming Languages and Analysis for 100% Ottawa, Canada 35 Approved 6/10/06 18 10 Security Workshop</p><p>PLDI ’06: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% Ottawa, Canada 312 Approved 6/11-14/06 174 36 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES ’06: Conference on Languages, Compilers 50% Ottawa, Canada 68 Approved 6/14-16/06 83 21 And Tools for Embedded Systems</p><p>ISMM ’06: International Symposium on Memory 100% Ottawa, Canada 65 Approved 6/10-11/06 45 17 Management</p><p>VEE ’06: 2nd International Conference on Virtual 100% Ottawa, Canada 80 Approved 6/14-16/06 44 17 Execution Environments</p><p>TRANSACT ’06: Workshop on Languages, Compilers and 100% Ottawa, Canada 73 Approved 6/11/06 Hardware Support for Transactional Computing </p><p>PPDP ’06: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming 100% Venice, Italy Approved 7/10-12/06 60 22</p><p>SOFTVIS ’06: International Symposium on Software 25% Brighton, England Approved 9/4-5/06 39 14 Visualization</p><p>ICFP ’06: International Conference on Functional 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/18-20/06 74 24 Programming</p><p>WPG ’06: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Portland, OR Approved 9/16/06 20 10 Programming</p><p>ERLANG ’06: Erlang Workshop 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/16/06 11 7</p><p>ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/16/06 17 9</p><p>HASKELL ’06: Haskell Workshop 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/17/06 24 10</p><p>SCHEME ’06: 6th Workshop on Scheme and Functional 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/17/06 Programming</p><p>ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Mechanizing Metatheory 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/21/06</p><p>CUFP ’06: Commercial Users of Functional Programming 100% Portland, OR Approved 9/21/06</p><p>ASPLOS ’06: International Conference on Architectural 25% San Jose, CA Approved 10/21-25/06 Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems</p><p>MSPC ’06: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems 100% San Jose, CA Approved 10/22/06 Performance and Correctness </p><p>OOPSLA ’06: Conference on Object Oriented Programming, 100% Portland, OR Approved 10/21-25/06 Systems, Languages, and Applications</p><p>GPCE ’06: Semantics, Applications and Implementation 100% Portland, OR Approved 10/22-26/06 Of Program Generation </p><p>PLOP ’06: Pattern Languages and Programming Portland, OR Approved 10/21-23/06</p><p>Dynamic Languages Symposium Portland, OR Approved 10/23/06</p><p>POPL ’07: SIGPLAN-SIGACT Conference on Principles of 100% Nice, Frane Approved 1/17-19/07 Programming Languages</p><p>FOOL/WOOD ’07: Workshop on Foundations of 100% Nice, France Approved 1/20/07 Object-Oriented Languages</p><p>TLDI ’07: Workshop on Types in Language Design and 100% Nice, France 1/16/07 Implementation</p><p>PEPM ’07: Partial Evaluation and Semanticis-Based 100% Nice, France 1/15-16/07 Program Manipulation</p><p>PLAN-X ’07: Programming Language Technologies 100% Nice, France 1/20/07 for XML</p><p>DAMP ’07: Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming Nice, France 1/16/07 In addition, SIGPLAN is scheduled to be in cooperation with 10 conferences in FY ‘07.</p><p>Papers Papers FY’08 Events Sponsorship Location Attendance Status Surplus Date Submitted Accepted</p><p>CGO ’07: 5th Annual IEEE/ACM Symposium on Code 5 % San Jose, CA 3/11-14/07 Generation and Optimization</p><p>PPoPP ’07: Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming 100% San Jose, CA 3/14-17/07</p><p>AADEBUG ’07: 7th International Symposium on Automated 50% Graz, Austria 4/23-25/07 and Analysis Driven Debugging 2007 </p><p>HOPL-III ’07: History of Programming Languages 100% San Diego (FCRC) 6/9-10/07 Conference III </p><p>PLDI ’07: Conference on Programming Language Design 100% San Diego (FCRC) 6/11-13/07 And Implementation </p><p>LCTES ’07: Conference on Languages, Compilers 100% San Diego (FCRC) 6/13-15/07 And Tools for Embedded Systems/Software Compilers for Embedded Systems</p><p>VEE ’07: International Conference on Virtual Execution 100% San Diego (FCRC) 6/13-15/07 Environments</p><p>PLAS ’07: Workshop on Programming Language Analysis 100% San Diego (FCRC) 6/14/07 for Security</p><p>PASTE ’07: ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program 50% San Diego (FCRC) 6/13-14/07 Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering</p><p>ICFP ’07: International Conference on Functional 100% Freiburg, Germany 10/1-3/07 Programming</p><p>OOPSLA ’07: Conference on Object Oriented Programming, 100% Montreal 10/21-25/07 Systems, Languages, and Applications</p><p>SIG Officers 2001-2003 2003-2005 005-2007</p><p>Chair Hans-J. Boehm Michael Burke Jack W. Davidson Vice-Chair Michael Burke Kathleen Fisher Kathleen Fisher Secretary/Treasurer* Tom Ball Jens Knoop Secretary* Eliot Moss Treasurer* Chandra Krintz Past Chairman Ron K. Cytron Hans-J. Boehm Michael Burke</p><p>N/L Editor: SIGPLAN Notices Jay Fenwick, Cindy Norris Jay Fenwick, Cindy Norris Jay Fenwick, Cindy Norris Mark W. Bailey N/L Editor: Fortran Forum Michael Metcalf Michael Metcalf Ian Chivers Ian Chivers</p><p>*Beginning in 2005, Secretary and Treasurer are separate positions, and are chosen from the at-large members of the SIGPLAN Executive Committee.</p><p>Awards (</p><p>Programming Languages Achievement Award Given by ACM SIGPLAN to recognize an individual who has made a significant and lasting cotnrubtion to the field of programming languages. The contribution can be a single event or a life-time of achievement. The award includes a prize of $5,000. </p><p>2003: John Reynolds 2004: John Backus 2005: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides (The Gang of Four”) 2006: Ron Cytron, Jeanne Ferrante, Barry Rosen, Mark Wegman, Kenneth Zadeck</p><p>SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award Awarded on the basis of value and degree of service to the programming languages community. The award recognizes contributions to SIGPLAN, its conferences, publications, or its local activities. The award includes a prize of $2,500.</p><p>2003: Mary Lou Soffa 2004: Ron Cytron 2005: No award given. 2006: Hans-J. Boehm</p><p>SIGPLAN Doctoral Dissertation Award Presented annually to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in the area of Programming Languages. The award includes a prize of $1,000.</p><p>2003: Godmar Back</p><p>Most Influential PLDI Paper Award Presented annually to the author(s) of a paper presented at the PLDI held ten years prior. The award includes a prize of $1,000. The papers are judged by their influence over the prior decade. </p><p>2003 (for 1993): Space Efficient Conservative Garbage Collection, Hans Boehm 2004 (for 1994): ATOM: a system for building customized program analysis tools, Amitabh Srivastava and Alan Eustace 2005 (for 1995): Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages, Jeffrey Dean, Craig Chambers, and David Grove 2006 (for 1996): TIL: A Type-Directed Optimizing Compiler for ML, David Tarditi, Greg Morrisett, Perry Cheng, Christopher Stone, Robert Harper, and Peter Lee Most Influential POPL Paper Award Presented annually to the author(s) of a paper presented at the POPL held ten years prior. The award includes a prize of $1,000. The papers are judged by their influence over the prior decade.</p><p>2003 (for 1993): Imperative functional programming, Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler 2004 (for 1994): Implementation of the Typed Call-by-Value lambda-calculus using a Stack of Regions, Mads Tofte and Jean-Pierre Talpin 2005 (for 1995): A Language with Distributed Scope, Luca Cardelli 2006 (for 1996): Points-to Analysis in Almost Linear Time, Bjarne Steensgaard</p><p>Viability History</p><p>Review Date Comments</p><p>10/03/98 Found viable. 10/2/02 Found viable 10/30/06</p><p>SGB Attendance</p><p>SIGPLAN was represented at all SGB meetings from September 2002 through February 2006.</p><p>Annual Report</p><p>SIGPLAN submitted Annual Reports for FY 02 through FY 06.</p><p>Member Benefits</p><p>For FY ’07, SIGPLAN members received the following Member Benefits:</p><p>FY'07 Benefits Provided to SIGPLAN Members:</p><p>1. Electronic subscription to SIGPLAN Notices, the monthly newsletter of SIGPLAN, with approximately 4 issues a year that are conference or workshop proceedings. (Also print subscription to print members.) 2. Annual CD including proceedings of SIGPLAN-sponsored conferences and workshops, plus issues of SIGPLAN Notices. 3. Discounts on registration at SIGPLAN-sponsored conferences and workshops. 4. Access to SIGPLAN materials in the ACM Digital Library. 5. Opportunities for support toward achieving professional goals through the Professional Activities Committee (PAC). 6. Networking and leadership opportunities through participation in SIGPLAN-sponsored events. 7. Opportunities to serve as a volunteer in various capacities in support of SIGPLAN activities. 8. Opportunities to participate in SIGPLAN awards program, as described at SIGPLAN web site.</p><p>10/16/06 ghi</p>

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