Shabbos Shacharis Zmanim-Minyan by the Minute

Shabbos Shacharis Zmanim-Minyan by the Minute

Shabbos Shacharis Zmanim‐Minyan By The Minute Vasikin Yeshivas Brisk 9:00 Adas Bnei Israel 7:00 Anshe Motele Adas Yeshurun 7:15 Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel BAY Shul 7:25 Adas Yeshurun Beth Sholom Ahavas Achim Ezras Israel Mechitzah Minyon Heritage Russian Jewish Cong. 7:30 Kehilat Chovevei Tzion Kehilat Chovevei Tzion (Ashkenaz) K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel Sha'arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park 8:00 Chicago Community Kollel Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie Kollel Ateres Ami (Russian) Or Torah Kollel Zichron Eliyahu Park Plaza Synagogue Or Torah Poalei Tzedek Telshe Yeshiva Yehuda Moshe 8:15 Bais Medrash Torah Utfillah Young Israel of Chicago Hebrew Theological College Young Israel of Northbrook Ohel Shalom Torah Center Young Israel of Skokie 8:20 Adas Yeshurun Young Israel of WRP 8:30 Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim 9:10 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov Agudath Israel of West Rogers Park Shevet Achim/Buckingham Pavilion Bais Chaim Dovid 9:15 Ezras Israel Mechitzah Minyon Bais Yitzchok Darchei Noam of Glenbrook CCTC‐Chesed L'Avrohom Or Menorah Or Torah Yavneh‐ Newberger Hillel Center Sephardic Congregation Yisraelink Skokie Community Kollel 9:30 Anshei Lubavitch Yeshivas Brisk Bais Menachem Nusach Ari 8:40 Persian (Iran) Hebrew Bnei Reuven 8:45 Adas Yeshurun Chabad of Bucktown Anshe Motele Chabad of Wilmette‐ Kesser Maariv Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook Bais Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim Lubavitch Chabad of the Gold Coast Bnei Reuven Mishna Ugemora Sha'arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair Or Simcha Nusach Ashkenaz Shearith Yisroel Tannenbaum Chabad House 8:50 Atereth Yehoshua 10:00 Chabad of Gurnee Kehilat Chovevei Tzion (Sephardic) FREE Khal Chasidim FREE of the North Suburbs Lubavitch Chabad & FREE of Niles Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Lubavitch Mesivta 32 MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE • SHACHARIS Sunday Sunday Vasikin Yeshivas Brisk Lubavitch Chabad of Wilmette Park Plaza Synagogue ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 5:45 6:00 Or Torah - Summer Poalei Tzedek Bais Chaim Dovid Or Torah 6:15 Or Torah - Winter Sephardic Congregation Sha’arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair 6:35 Sha'arei Tzedek MIshkan Yair 8:00 6:45 Adas Yeshurun SJ Abrams Cheder Lubavitch Boys Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim Tannenbaum Chabad House Atereth Yehoshua Veitzener Kollel - Summer Bais Medrash Torah U'tfillah Yehuda Moshe 7:00 Bnei Ruven Young Israel of Northbrook Young Israel of Skokie ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 6:50 Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim Chicago Community Kollel Agudath Israel of West Rogers Park 7:10 Kollel Zichron Eliyahu 8:15 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov Shevet Achim at Buckingham Pavilion 7:15 Or Torah Young Israel of West Rogers Park 7:25 Veitzener Kollel Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Bais Yitzchok ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 7:20 Hebrew Theological College Bais Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim 7:30 Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel Darche Noam of Glenbrook Persian (Iran) Hebrew FREE of the North Suburbs 8:30 Telshe Yeshiva K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park 7:40 Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi Kehilat Chovevei Tzion (Ashkenaz) Kehilat Chovevei Tzion Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook 7:45 Ohel Shalom Torah Center Mishna Ugemora Yeshivas Meor HaTorah of Chicago Yavneh- Newberger Hillel Center (not Summer) 7:55 K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park Bais Chaim Dovid East Adas Bnei Israel Heritage Russian Jewish Cong. 8:45 Adas Yeshurun Khal Chasidim Anshe Motele Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Anshe Motele Bais Menachem Nusach Ari Bais Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim- Summer Bay Shul Bnei Ruven 9:00 Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Kesser Maariv Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed 8:00 Beth Sholom Ahavas Achim FREE Bnei Ruven Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Lubavitch Mesivta Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed 9:15 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov Chicago Community Kollel 9:20 Or Menorah Ezras Israel Mechitzah Minyon 9:30 Lubavitch Chabad and F.R.E.E of Niles Kehilat Chovevei Tzion-Sephardic 9:45 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov Khal Chasidim Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE 33 MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE • SHACHARIS Monday & Thursday Monday & Thursday Vasikin Yeshivas Brisk Adas Yeshurun K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park ר"ח Adas Yeshurun- 5:40 5:50 7:15 Sephardic Congregation ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 5:45 5:55 Bnei Ruven Tannenbaum Chabad House Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim 7:20 Bnei Reuven 6:00 Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Kesser Maariv 7:25 Veitzener Kollel Arie Crown Hebrew Day School ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 5:45 Bais Chaim Dovid 6:10 Bais Menachem Nusach Ari ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 7:20 ר"ח Persian (Iran) Hebrew 6:00 Hebrew Theological College ר"ח BAY Shul - 6:00 6:15 7:30 Ohel Shalom Torah Center SJ Abrams Cheder Lubavitch Boys Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim Skokie Community Kollel Telshe Yeshiva ר"ח Sha’arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair - 6:05 6:20 (Yavneh Newberger Hillel Center (not Summer ר"ח Young Israel of Skokie - 6:10 6:25 K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park 7:35 Bais Chaim Dovid East Atereth Yehoshua ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 7:35 7:40 Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 6:20 Darche Noam of Glenbrook 6:30 Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie Khal Chasidim 7:45 Lubavitch Chabad of the Gold Coast ר"ח Or Torah - 6:15 Young Israel of Northbrook Yeshivas Meor HaTorah of Chicago Adas Yeshurun ר"ח Kehilat Chovevei Tzion 6:30 6:35 Bnei Ruven ר"ח Ezras Israel Mechitza Minyan- 6:30 Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed ר"ח Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel - 6:30 6:40 8:00 Kehilat Chovevei Tzion ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 6:35 Adas Yeshurun Or Torah Anshe Motele Park Plaza Synagogue Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Adas Bnei Israel Beth Sholom Ahavas Achim 8:05 Ida Crown Jewish Academy 6:45 Chabad of Bucktown YU Kollel Torah MiTzion - WRP ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 8:05 8:10 ר"ח Chicago Community Kollel - 6:30 Shevet Achim 8:15 ר"ח Khal Chasidim - 6:30 Anshe Motele ר"ח Poalei Tzedek - 6:30 8:30 Kehilat Chovevei Tzion ר"ח Yehuda Moshe - 6:35 Anshe Motele ר"ח Agudath Israel of West Rogers Park 6:35 6:50 8:40 ר"ח Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 8:35 6:55 Bnei Reuven Beis Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim - Summer Bais Medrash Torah Utfilah Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed 9:00 7:00 FREE of the North Suburbs FREE Heritage Russian Jewish Cong. Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Lubavitch Mesivta ר"ח Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook 9:10 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 9:05 ר"ח Bais Yitzchok 7:05 Chicago Community Kollel 7:10 ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov 7:05 Kollel Zichron Eliyahu 34 MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE • SHACHARIS Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday ר"ח Vasikin Yeshivas Brisk Adas Yeshurun 7:00 ר"ח Adas Yeshurun - 5:40 5:55 K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park ר"ח Bnei Ruven 7:15 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov 7:05 Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim Sephardic Congregation 6:00 Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Kesser Maariv Tannenbaum Chabad House ר"ח Bais Yitzchok - 7:00 ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 5:45 7:25 Veitzener Kollel ר"ח Persian (Iran) Hebrew - 6:00 6:10 Arie Crown Hebrew Day School ר"ח BAY Shul - 6:00 6:15 Bais Chaim Dovid 6:20 Bais Menachem Nusach Ari Young Israel of Skokie - 6:10 Bnei Ruven ר"ח 6:25 K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park ר"ח Atereth Yehoshua Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 7:20 Hebrew Theological College 7:30 ר"ח Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim 6:05 SJ Abrams Cheder Lubavitch Boys ר"ח Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed - 6:20 Darche Noam of Glenbrook Skokie Community Kollel 6:30 Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie Telshe Yeshiva Ohel Shalom Torah Center Yavneh Newberger Hillel Center (not Summer) 7:40 Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi Or Torah - 6:15 Bais Chaim Dovid East ר"ח Sha'arei Tzedek Mishkan Yair - 6:05 Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim ר"ח Young Israel of Northbrook 7:45 Khal Chasidim ר"ח Ezras Israel Mechitzah Minyan - 6:30 ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov 7:35 6:40 ר"ח Kehilath Jacob Beth Samuel - 6:30 Yeshivas Meor HaTorah of Chicago ר"ח Adas Yeshurun - 6:30 Adas Yeshurun Chabad of Bucktown Bnei Ruven ר"ח Kehilat Chovevei Tzion - 6:30 6:45 Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed 8:00 ר"ח Khal Chasidim 6:30 Kehilat Chovevei Tzion ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov 6:35 Or Torah ר"ח Chicago Community Kollel - 6:30 6:55 Agudath Israel Bikur Cholim Park Plaza Synagogue Adas Bnei Israel ר"ח Agudath Israel of West Rogers Park - 6:35 Ida Crown Jewish Academy 8:05 ר"ח Anshe Motele - 6:45 Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel YU Kollel Torah MiTzion - WRP ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov 8:05 Beis Medrash Torah Utfilah 8:15 Shevet Achim Beth Sholom Ahavas Achim 7:00 8:30 Anshe Motele ר"ח Bnei Ruven 8:40 Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 9:05 FREE of the North Suburbs Adas Yeshurun -Bein Hazmanim & summer Heritage Russian Jewish Cong. Beis Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim - summer 9:00 Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed FREE Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Lubavitch Mesivta ר"ח Poalei Tzedek - 6:30 ר"ח Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov - 9:05 9:10 ר"ח Yehuda Moshe - 6:35 Chicago Community Kollel 7:10 Kollel Zichron Eliyahu MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE 35 MINYANIM BY THE MINUTE • MINCHA Summer Summer Adas Yeshurun 7:45 Bais Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim The Ark - M-Th 8:00 Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed 10 min.

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