<p> NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p>Please read these instructions carefully. Applications that do not follow these instructions with regards to type size, length, format, and supporting documentation will be rejected. If the application deadline has not passed, the application may be resubmitted after deficiencies are addressed. No extension of the deadline will be granted to allow resubmission in this cycle.</p><p>Before submitting your application, please be sure that the following items have been addressed: Information page is included as the first page of the application packet and is fully completed.</p><p> Type size is no smaller than 12 point font. </p><p> Signed Statement of Conditions is included in application packet.</p><p> Letter of support from Mentor is included in application packet</p><p> Letter of support from Division Chief, Program Director, or Department Head is included in application packet</p><p> Letter of support from each co-investigator is included in application packet</p><p> Other grant support is included in application packet</p><p> The entire packet should be submitted as one PDF to Ryan Norton, [email protected] no later than 11:00 p.m. CDT on February 26, 2016. </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 1 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p>NIDA-SAHM Clinician Scientist Training Award in Substance Misuse and Substance Use Disorders Supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and sponsored by the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM). GENERAL INFORMATION – (2016-2017) Deadline for receipt of application - February 26, 2016 Notification of award - April 1, 2016 Funding - May 1, 2016 – April 30, 2017 Progress report due - August 15, 2016 Oral presentation at SAHM 2017 Meeting - March 8-11, 2017 Final Report due to SAHM - May 1, 2017 INTRODUCTION</p><p>The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) has partnered with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to award funds for one training award to support the development of expertise in substance use disorders (SUD) within adolescent health care. The goals of the NIDA-SAHM Mentored Training Award is: 1) to promote knowledge of evidence-based SUD treatment within adolescent health care, 2) to advance clinical care for adolescent patients with SUD, and 3) to facilitate the academic growth, advanced education, and development of future practitioners and researchers in SUD and adolescent medicine and thereby invest in enhancing the specialty of adolescent medicine and healthcare</p><p>Accelerating such dissemination of evidence-based SUD treatments to physicians and allied mental health providers in clinical practice is a priority for NIDA and represents the core mission of the NIDA Blending Initiative. This initiative incorporates collaboration between expert clinicians, clinical researchers, experienced trainers, and NIDA staff to rapidly disseminate research findings from NIDA’s vast scientific portfolio to a variety of stakeholders such as policy-makers, program administrators and frontline prevention and treatment providers. Much like any other medical condition, SUD demands an integrated public health solution, and a partnership between substance abuse research dissemination and adolescent health is an important step in this process. In support of that mission, this assignment seeks collaboration with SAHM to facilitate the dissemination of evidence-based treatment to medical trainees focusing in the area of adolescent health through a Training Award that will: </p><p> Provide targeted dissemination training opportunities for a trainee in the area of SUD treatment and adolescent medicine;</p><p> Link the trainee with an experienced mentor to guide and facilitate an up to one year-long mentored experience, to include the conduct of activities and a project in SUD treatment and dissemination, such as the dissemination of research or evidence based practices in SUD care, or other related topics to enhance their knowledge of and competence in SUD treatments; </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 2 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award Provide the trainee with a mentored opportunity to learn systematic and valid data collection and synthesis; methodologies to evaluate the results and impact of their project, using such parameters as impact on practice, or enhancement of knowledge base; methodologies of presentation and communication of findings; and</p><p> Provide the trainee with the preliminary experience that fosters interest in either a clinical career providing evidence-based management of SUD in medical settings or potentially stimulate interest in securing a NIH career development or other grant award to pursue research in the field of substance misuse and substance use disorder in subsequent years.</p><p>PROGRAM OVERVIEW For early investigators, hands-on involvement in cutting-edge scientific developments is crucial, but often difficult to obtain. This NIDA-SAHM Training Award provides one-year awards to adolescent health clinicians for projects in drug abuse and addiction. Awardee(s) will conduct a project related to dissemination of research on adolescent and/or young adult substance misuse and substance use disorders (this may include secondary analyses of existing data if necessary); present a scientific abstract (oral presentation) at the 2017 SAHM Annual Meeting in New Orleans (March 8-11, 2017); and develop a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Award recipients will identify a faculty member/research mentor (with a MD, PhD, or other advanced degree) with established research expertise with whom they will meet with at least biweekly to review progress on this training award. The mentor is responsible for providing a letter of support with plans for regular phone or video meetings; assisting with planning and implementation of project; facilitating information and resources knowledge transfer; and assisting with developing the poster presentation and peer-reviewed publication. This award will provide a mentor stipend. </p><p>Adolescent Health scientific investigation is designed to furnish new knowledge relating to adolescent health care. Such investigations may focus on clinical research, quality improvement, dissemination of research-informed and evidence-based interventions, epidemiology, health care policy, or adolescent medicine teaching and education. For the purposes of this award, the project must emphasize substance misuse or substance use disorders in adolescent health settings.</p><p>Substance Misuse and Substance Use Disorders is the repeated use of licit or illicit psychoactive substances, which may or may not lead to addiction. NIDA defines addiction as a complex brain disease characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) uses the term "substance use disorders" to characterize illnesses associated with drug use. The two broad categories are substance abuse and substance dependence; both are associated with a maladaptive pattern of substance use that leads to clinically significant impairment. PURPOSE OF THE AWARD REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 3 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award The NIDA-SAHM Training Award is intended to provide an opportunity for formal exposure to and experience in clinical evidence-based SUD treatment to prepare the applicant for further experience as a scientist in substance misuse and SUD in the adolescent health framework. The applicant should work in an active, progressive environment that intimately involves the applicant in different facets of adolescent health. It is expected that the applicant will receive mentorship in such topics as biomedical statistics, study design, grant writing, and regulatory and ethical concerns. At the end of the award year, the awardee should have a firm foundation in the fundamentals that will prepare the applicant to begin to conduct independent studies, effectively disseminate findings, and compete successfully for additional funding specializing in SUD. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY</p><p>The Applicant may be a resident in an ACGME (approved residency training program (PGY2 or higher, with intention to pursue a career in adolescent health, in an adolescent fellowship program, an adolescent clinical research or training program, or adolescent LEAH program. Eligible candidates must also be based in programs and institutions in the United States. Graduates of doctoral programs or first year faculty members (i.e., starting their faculty appointments July 1, 2016) may also apply as long as they are engaged in adolescent clinical care. The focus of this training award is on clinicians, i.e., those who are providing direct care to adolescents. This includes nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, social workers, psychologists, counselors, and physicians. The applicant should have a career focus on adolescent health and substance use disorders. Applicants must either be SAHM members or have a membership application pending (not paid by the award) and agree to submit an abstract on his or her research for the SAHM Annual Meeting in 2017 (New Orleans, March 8-11) (Note: Budget should not include travel to the 2017 meeting).</p><p>AWARD ADMINISTRATION, APPLICATION, AND SELECTION PROCESS</p><p>SAHM will administer the NIDA-SAHM Training Awards. SAHM facilitates the planning, on-site coordination, and evaluation of applications. Applications are accepted through February 26, 2016 and the award recipient will be notified of application review results by April 1, 2016. Candidates cannot have had previous or simultaneous funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other research funding sources (that is larger than $10,000). Eligible candidates may not have a training award. Award recipients are selected through a competitive process. Applicants must submit the following information: A completed application form, abstract, candidate statement, project description and timeline for the award year and training plan, role of participants, biographical sketches, budget and budget justification, literature cited, and other research support. Project description will include specific aims, significance, innovation, and approach. A letter detailing any current and previous research funding. The applicant’s and mentor’s current biosketches. </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 4 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award A letter of support from a proposed mentor. A letter of support from their current department chair (or appropriate program director).</p><p>Each application will be reviewed by adolescent health researchers who are involved and informed in clinical adolescent health research with a focus on substance abuse. Each application will be judged primarily by the likelihood of producing dedicated, qualified adolescent health scientists as indicated by 1) the qualifications of the Applicant, 2) the qualifications of the Mentor, 3) the scientific merit of the project, 4) the adequacy of funding of the proposed budget to meet the objectives, and 5) the willingness of the institution to train providers in adolescent health care and provide the necessary facilities and support to complete the project as described. The final funding decision will be made by NIDA and the review committee from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, and all decisions are final. FUNDING PRIORITIES Proposals must include components of adolescent substance misuse and/or treatment of substance use disorders. Funding is not intended for prevention efforts. Potential topic areas include: Screening and brief intervention for adolescents misusing tobacco, alcohol and other drugs including prescription medications; Smoking cessation for adolescent patients in the medical or behavioral healthcare system; Medical or mental health complications of SUD; Behavioral interventions for SUD in the adolescent health setting; Implementing screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for SUD in the adolescent health setting; Use of health information technology to deliver SBIRT components as well as phone and related ‘boosters’ after a clinical encounter; Use of social networks (Facebook-Twitter-LinkedIn) to deliver intervention in adolescent health settings and/or to follow-up on such brief interventions and referral patterns; Integrating substance abuse treatment for youth with(in) primary care or a medical home;</p><p> Integration or augmentation of electronic health records to include substance abuse and addiction disorders for youth; Prescription drug abuse in youth; Relationship between prescription opioid and heroin use; Co-occurring disorders in youth; Screening and management of HIV/Hepatitis/STD infections in adolescent patients with substance abuse and addiction disorders; Regional variations of SUD care in adolescent health settings Development of curricula for teaching SUD diagnosis and treatment for practitioners caring for adolescents; or Other projects that meet the criteria of direct relevance to adolescent substance misuse or substance use disorders treatment research dissemination will be considered. </p><p>QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MENTOR It is required that the applicant submit a letter of support from the Mentor. This letter must describe the mentor’s role and responsibilities. The mentor is responsible for supervising the work of the applicant. The REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 5 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award mentor must hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree. In competitive applications, the mentor will have proven his or her ability to pursue independent research as evidenced by original research publications in peer-reviewed journals and/or funding from extramural sources and evidence of ongoing research activity. The mentor must have a track record with substance abuse research with a preferred emphasis on substance abuse in adolescence. The mentor may be from an outside institution, but the application will need to clearly state how the mentor will provide frequent, regular mentorship. Applicants at institutions without a research mentor in SUD are encouraged to contact the SAHM Research Committee (chair email: [email protected]) for guidance on connecting with a mentor as soon as possible to guide the development of their application. BUDGET NIDA-SAHM Training Awards are to promote the academic growth of the awardee. The awardee will be awarded up to $20,000 over a one-year period. The mentor may request additional funds up to $2,500 to defray costs directly related to providing guidance on the project. TERMS OF THE AWARD Duration Applications will be accepted for one-year of training only. Applications for a second year of support are entirely dependent upon the availability of funding and will be considered in the subsequent award cycle on a competitive basis with new applications and with other one-year award recipients seeking a second year. Applications for a second year of funding must include a completed, standardized report of progress towards the previous year’s objectives. Extension of Award Period In unusual circumstances, arrangements can be made for an extension of an award. Such a request must be made by the Awardee at least 60 days before the expiration date of the award. This request must be made in writing, specify reasons for requesting the extension, and state a new expiration date. Project extensions of greater than six months will not be considered. Change of Status of Designated Mentor or Awardee If the named Mentor or Awardee changes affiliations or ceases research in the field for which the award was made, the award will terminate and the remaining balance will be returned to the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Location of work Awards are for investigations in the United States at an accredited medical school, medical center, or institution affiliated with a university teaching program. The Awardee, with the direction of the Mentor, will make all arrangements for conduct of the proposed projects. Liability of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and National Institute on Drug Abuse SAHM and NIDA assume no financial liability if patient care responsibilities of any kind are undertaken by the NIDA-SAHM Awardee or Mentor. The Mentor, the Awardee, and their respective institution(s) acknowledge that NIDA and SAHM are not legally liable for the conduct of the NIDA-SAHM Awardee or the Mentor and associated investigators. Patent Policy The Mentor, the Awardee, and their respective institution(s) acknowledge that if a patentable invention or discovery is conceived, or conceived and reduced to practice by the NIDA-SAHM Award during the term of the award year, the NIDA-SAHM program must be apprised of the invention and the institution’s plans </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 6 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award for protecting such invention under existing institutional patent policy. The NIDA-SAHM program will defer to institutional policies where they are in compliance with those of the Federal government. The NIDA-SAHM program reserves the right where the institution has no patent policy, or policies not in compliance with those of the federal government, to claim rights and interests in the invention or discovery consistent with FAR Clause 52.227-11, Patent Rights-Ownership by the Contractor. Limitations on Awardee Awards are made with the stipulation they are to be used only as support for the named NIDA-SAHM Awardee. Cost for project completion, publications, travel, secretarial support, etc., must be borne by the program/institution and the funding sources identified. SUPPORT FACILITIES The Applicant must submit letters of support if the proposed project uses facilities not routinely available to or directly under the supervision of the sponsoring program.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS All discoveries resulting from work supported in part by the NIDA-SAHM award should be made available to the public and scientific community through approved scientific channels such as national meetings and peer reviewed publications. Publications will acknowledge the support of the NIDA-SAHM Training Award. Two reprints of each publication should be forwarded to SAHM and to NIDA. PROGRESS REPORTS AND MONEY MANAGEMENT A 500-word progress report is due to the SAHM Research Committee on August 15, 2016. The report must include details on the work that has done, what is still planned and a summary of budget to date. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT The Applicant assumes responsibility for conducting the project and the Mentor for supervising the work and advanced education of the Applicant and associate investigators. The application must show that adequate and appropriately equipped space will be available during the funding period. Projects involving human subjects must be approved by the institutional review board (IRB), and IRB approval must be documented prior to disbursement of SAHM funds (if applicable). </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 7 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p>SAHM ANNUAL MEETING 2017</p><p>Attendance is required at the SAHM 2017 Annual Meeting where the awardees will present their work following the completion of the award as an oral presentation. Awardees are encouraged to participate in the Research Mentoring Forum at the Annual Meeting, which focuses on how to work successfully with mentors and develop a research career. The annual meeting registration fee is waived for the presenter. Travel funds may be available directly through SAHM. </p><p>NIDA CTN Annual Meeting 2016 Award recipients will be encouraged to attend the NIDA Clinical Trials Network Annual Steering Committee Meeting. This presents a unique opportunity to network with senior researchers and faculty. The meeting will take place April 11-13, 2016 at the Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Travel expenses for the meeting will not be reimbursed.</p><p>POST-AWARDEE SURVEYS Awardees will be surveyed periodically (once a year) following completion of the award year regarding career paths, subsequent grants/contracts obtained, and publications. Awardees will be expected to respond to these surveys as SAHM will rely on such information to support continuation of such training awards.</p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 8 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p>APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>Submission in electronic format is required. No paper copies please. INCOMPLETE PROPOSALS OR PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE DATE INDICATED UNDER GENERAL INFORMATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.</p><p>Please submit the following required items via a single PDF by email to Ryan Norton at [email protected]</p><p>Note: All letters submitted electronically must contain signatures.</p><p> Completed award application (see attached) including information sheet and statement of conditions. An Abstract of no more than 300 words. A Proposal, of no more than five pages (single spaced, no less than 12 pt. font and 1'' margins), to include no more than one page candidate statement; two pages of project description; a one page detailed project timeline; and a one page budget and justification. </p><p>1. Candidate Statement (1 page), including a brief description of background and interest in the substance misuse and substance use disorders field and commitment to a career in adolescent health.</p><p>2. The Project Description (2 pages) should include the following sections: significance and specific aims, background and rationale, innovation, and approach, and a brief statement on how this project will lead to further work in the proposed area.</p><p>3. The detailed Project Timeline (1 page) should list tentative dates of all procedures for the proposed project. These include but are not limited to information gathering processes, any applicable data analysis, and final report writing. </p><p>4. The Budget (1 page) should contain sufficient detail so that each item can be judged separately. Computer related items (e.g., personal computers, printers, modems, etc.) are extremely unlikely to receive budget approval. No salary support for the principal investigator will be provided. No indirect costs for the institution will be provided. Typical budget items may include but are not limited to: CTN Meeting travel expenses, required materials, and/or payment to project assistants. The budget may include up to $2,500 stipend for the mentor’s participation in this training award. The budget may not include non-specified travel expenses. </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 9 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award Human Subjects section (if applicable) (5 page limit) should include, but not be limited to, the risk, protection, and benefits of human subjects; the inclusion or exclusion of women, minorities and vulnerable populations; and education in the protection of human subjects, following the application guidelines in http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/424/sf424_rr_guide_general_adobe_verb.pdf. More information can be found at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/hs/index.htm. If women or minorities will not be included, detailed justification of the rationale for their exclusion is mandatory. Such exclusion may lower enthusiasm for the proposal. </p><p> A letter of support describing the resources, environment, and institutional support from current training program, i.e., residency training director, fellowship program director, or department head, depending on applicant’s current position. A letter of support from the proposed mentor, including a descriptive support of awardee and a brief description on how he/she will play a key role in shaping and assisting the candidate in fulfilling the needs of this award. Candidate's current curriculum vitae (in NIH biosketch format, no more than 4 pages) Proposed mentor’s 4 page NIH biosketch Co-Investigator 4 page NIH biosketch (if any) Letter detailing any current non-Federal research funding (role on project, title, type of project, amount and source of funds). </p><p>Applicant/Principal Investigator (Last, first, middle): ______</p><p>SOCIETY FOR ADOLESCENT HEALTH AND MEDICINE REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 10 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p>NIDA-SAHM TRAINING AWARD Information Page</p><p>Full Name with Titles:</p><p>Name of Institution:</p><p>Project Title:</p><p>Amount Requesting:</p><p>Mentor:</p><p>Mentor Address: </p><p>Name of Institutional Official: </p><p>Address of Institutional Official: </p><p>Applicant/Principal Investigator (Last, first, middle): ______</p><p>Project Summary/Abstract Section (300 words or less)</p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 11 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award Enter the text here that is the abstract information for your application. </p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 12 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.</p><p>NAME POSITION TITLE eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)</p><p>EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION (if MM/YY FIELD OF STUDY applicable)</p><p>Please refer to the application instructions in order to complete sections A, B, C, and D of the Biographical Sketch.</p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 13 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award Applicant/Principal Investigator (Last, first, middle): ______</p><p>STATEMENT OF CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE NIDA-SAHM TRAINING AWARD</p><p>It is understood that any NIDA-SAHM TRAINING AWARD approved by the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine will be made with the following conditions:</p><p>1. Institutional overhead is not allowed.</p><p>2. The applicant/principal investigator's institution is associated or organized for humanitarian purposes and is not a profit making organization.</p><p>3. All reports of work achieved with this grant will acknowledge the support of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.</p><p>4. Any discovery that arises from work supported in part by SAHM will be submitted for publication. Two copies of each publication will be furnished to SAHM and to NIDA.</p><p>5. Independent progress reports by the applicant will be submitted to SAHM as stipulated in the request for applications, and a final report within thirty days of completion of the funding period. Additional reports may be required. SAHM will maintain the copyright of all such reports.</p><p>6. Participation in the SAHM Annual Meeting in 2017 in New Orleans, LA is required. Awardees will be expected to give an oral presentation on their project. </p><p>7. If all requirements are met, funding will begin on April 1, 2016. SAHM reserves the right to terminate payments under this grant at its sole discretion.</p><p>8. If the named principal investigator leaves the institution or terminates the project in the designated field, all remaining funds revert to SAHM. If unused funds exist at the completion of the project, all remaining funds revert to SAHM.</p><p>9. Patent rights will conform to institutional standards. If none exist, SAHM reserves the right to protect such interests.</p><p>10. No project proposal will be funded unless the principal investigator and the Fiscal Officer of the sponsoring institution affirm (if applicable to project):</p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 14 of 15 NIDA-SAHM Training Award</p><p> a. That the investigation(s) proposed in this application are endorsed by the Animal and/or Human Subjects Committee (if applicable) or other designated body of the preceptor's institution, and b. That any project involving human subjects conforms with the principles of the Helsinki Code of the World Medical Association, and c. Projects involving animals or human subjects must be approved by the institutional review board (IRB), or its equivalent, and a copy of the approval or pending approval sent with this application. IRB approval must be documented prior to dispensation of Emergency Medicine Foundation funds (if applicable). d. That projects involving vertebrate animals will conform with the "Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals" as approved by the Council of the American Physiological Society (if applicable). e. Projects involving vertebrate animals must have approval from the institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (if applicable).</p><p>______/______Date Signature of Principal Investigator Type Name of Principal Investigator</p><p>______/______Date Signature of Mentor Type Name of Mentor</p><p>______/______Date Signature of Fiscal Officer Type Name of Fiscal Officer</p><p>REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS NIDA-SAHM Training Award Page 15 of 15</p>
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