Excellence: Exceed Expectations / Follow-Up / Continuous Improvement

Excellence: Exceed Expectations / Follow-Up / Continuous Improvement

<p> POSITION DESCRIPTION (Combined)</p><p>Job Title: Financial Accountants (2 Positions) Group: Financial Services Team: Finance Responsible To: Senior Financial Accountant Responsible For: N/A Position Purpose: Provide effective leadership to improve the effectiveness of the organisation in achieving its goals in the areas of strategic financial management and risk management.</p><p>Date: January 2016</p><p>Organisational Values</p><p>Excellence: Exceed expectations / Follow-up / Continuous improvement Professionalism: Polished appearance / Knowledgeable / Respect others / Represent TDC positively People First: Acknowledgement of achievements / Empathise / Listen Trust: Meeting commitments / Honest and direct / Supportive and loyal Key Relationships</p><p>External Internal Audit Department Mayor and Councillors Council supported organisations Chief Financial Officer Other Local Authorities Senior Financial Accountant Other Government Departments Revenue Manager General Public Finance Team Tararua District Council Staff</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 2 January 2016 Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 3 January 2016 Key Result Areas</p><p>The major functions and Key Result Areas detailed are for both Financial Accountants’ Role. Roles and responsibilities will be assigned/allocated based on the applicants experience.</p><p> Project planning and Management Reporting  Infrastructure, Operational and Intangible Assets  Treasury Management  Statutory Function  Finance  Projects  Reporting and Planning  Service delivery  Organisational Responsibilities</p><p>The requirements in the above Key Result Areas are broadly identified below:</p><p>Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when 1. Project planning and Management Reporting </p><p> Provide specialist financial expertise on . Budget and forecast rounds are planned the development of Council’s financial and executed within agreed timeframes plans . Budgets, forecasts, reports and  Ensure that the budgeting, forecasting and commentary are complete and free from reporting system in use by Council is fit for material error purpose and able to capture complete . Monthly reporting data is available to information for budgeting, forecasting budget holders via well formatted, user and reporting friendly and properly constructed reports  Assisting the Senior Financial Accountant within the reporting tool in the preparation of monthly managers’ . The integrity of each manager’s Budgets reports including Council and activity and forecasts are maintained so that the Dashboard reporting. Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive  Ensure the results of budgets, forecast and can hold the budget holder accountable actual performance are presented in a for the achievement of the budget or manner that allows timely and informed forecast business decisions . Advice tendered is accurate and based on  Ensure controls over budgeting and evidence reporting are effective. . Timely assistance is provided.  Published reports to budget holders are in . Timely, clear, relevant and concise a manner understandable and accessible, financial reporting against agreed key include commentaries from all budget business and performance goals, out of holders on significant variances, their line situations and planned remedial implications from budget and forecast, and action – The No Surprises approach an action plan . Key issues are articulated and addressed in a timely manner  New reports are designed when new . Monthly reports are prepared on a timely</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 4 January 2016 Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when operations are introduced. basis.  Develop external reporting systems for . Internal controls are developed, effective new operations. and meet external auditors’ standards. . Absence of financial irregularities. . The reports are designed and presented in an accurate, timely way that meets the needs of the end user. . External systems and reports have been developed and comply with IRD, relevant accounting standards and legislation. 2. Infrastructure, Operational and Intangible Assets</p><p> Maintaining and updating the Asset . An Up-to-date register is in place and Registers for operational assets, intangible correct depreciation values applied. assets, and investment properties. . No adverse audit comments on Fixed  Reconciling of operational and intangible Assets records are received. assets from the asset registers to the . The asset register reconciles to the general ledger. general ledger each month.  Depreciation is processed monthly for . The correct asset values are recorded in both operational, and infrastructure the Annual Report and the disclosure(s) assets. comply with the relevant Accounting  Liaising with external valuation service Standards. provider(s) and providing them with . Issues are proactively identified and required asset information. (three yearly promptly resolved for buildings, annually for all other valued . Unit rates fairly reflect Council’s asset assets) replacement cost.  Fixed asset disclosures in the Annual Report are updated accurately and reconcile to the General Ledger and Asset Management Systems.  Identifying and solving problems with infrastructure, operational and intangible assets.  Liaison with and provide support to asset staff for capture of asset information and asset management plans.  Support asset staff with capitalising infrastructure assets and process the correct general ledger journals.  Support Assets Team to determine/Validate unit rates for asset valuation. 3. Treasury Management</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 5 January 2016 Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when</p><p> Review and reconcile daily Cash Sheets. . The Cash Sheets are checked and  Complete the daily Electronic Banking. reconciled in a timely manner.  Review Eketahuna Money Exchange . Electronic Banking completed and cash counts to ensure they reconcile to reconciled in a timely manner. the general ledger . Ensure Eketahuna Money Exchange  Indentify dishonours and send out balances are reconciled to general ledger letters.  Completing daily/monthly bank . Direct Debit dishonours letters sent out reconciliations. promptly.  Monitor and resolve bank issues . The Bank reconciliations are completed including fee anomalies and differences. on a daily/monthly basis.  Processing transfers from/to the current . Bank issues are identified and resolved in account and money market on a daily a timely manner. basis. . The daily money market transfers are  Managing the Special Funds and Trust made correctly to minimise funds in the Funds by: current account, and compliance with the - Updating the spreadsheet so that it Treasury Policy. reflects the general ledger account . The Special Funds and Trust Funds balances. spreadsheet accurately reflects the actual - Posting journals for interest received balances in these accounts and contains and any movements requested by sufficient information to allow a reader to Council. understand all movements during the year.  Prepare general ledger journal entries. . The journal entries are made correctly  Prepare monthly general ledger with appropriate supporting reconciliations and month end sign off documentation. sheet. .  Preparing a Treasury Report every The month end sign off sheet and general monthly which shows: ledger reconciliations are prepared and reviewed in a timely manner. - the bank balances of all investments and their current rates of interest . Monthly Treasury Report is completed accurately and timely for Finance - the loan balances and their current Manager. rates of interest . Quarterly Special and Trust Funds - commentary showing that all statements are accurately and timely for restrictions in the Treasury Policy are Finance Manager. complied with.  Preparing a statement showing the movements and balances of Special Funds and Trust Funds every quarter.</p><p>4. Statutory Function</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 6 January 2016 Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when</p><p> Providing cover for Management/Project . FBT and GST returns are prepared Accountant in ensuring Council FBT and correctly and filed on time. FBT obligations are met. </p><p> Preparing and returning the . Statistic Surveys are prepared correctly quarterly/yearly and any others Statistic and filed on time. Survey from Statistic NZ 5. Finance  Completing monthly reconciliations of . The suspense accounts are fully suspense and control general ledger reconciled on a monthly basis. accounts. . GST and FBT returns are accurately  Ensure accurate and timely reconciliation prepared and filed by due date. of Council’s NZTA subsidy claims. . NZTA claims are reconciled to General  One Financial Accountant to provide cover ledger, and variance promptly followed for Accounts Payable Officer and Financial up and resolved. Accountant . Monthly reports are prepared on a timely  One Financial Accountant to provide basis. cover for End of Month and Revenue . Timely assistance is provided. control functions of the Revenue and Finance Administrator 6. Projects</p><p> Undertaking projects as and when . Accurately scope, investigate and report needed. on special projects, as agreed with the  Contribute to assigned project teams as Senior Accountant. required. . Research and report on relevant projects  Communicate to appropriate having ensured the correct information stakeholders on projects. was accurate and useful to the stakeholders. . Effective contribution to assigned project teams both in the provision of specialist financial advice and as an integral member of the team ensuring that the project goals and targets were achieved. . Analysing any findings or results and presenting to managers/stakeholders, identifying any areas of concern and recommending potential solutions. . Projects are completed in the agreed timeframes to an agreed and acceptable standard.</p><p>7. Reporting and Planning</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 7 January 2016 Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when</p><p> Assisting with the preparation of Council’s . Well researched, up to date, relevant and 10 Year Plan, financial strategies, monthly accurate information is supplied, and annual financial reports. complying with relevant legislation.  New reports are designed when new . Timely assistance is provided operations are introduced. . Monthly and annual reports are prepared  Developing external reporting systems for accurately and timely for reporting and new operations. audit.  Other duties as and when required. . The reports are designed and presented in an accurate, timely way that meets the needs of the end user. . External systems and reports have been developed and comply with IRD, relevant accounting standards and legislation. . Internal controls are developed and put in place. . All internal controls meet external auditors’ standards.</p><p>8. Service delivery</p><p> Liaise with the Senior Accountant to . Smooth delivery of service to internal and smooth and share workloads. external clients is maintained.  Enquiries from internal and external . Internal and external customers are customers are accurately completed accurately identified. Enquires or within the agreed timeframes. requests are acknowledged within three  Contribute to a customer focused culture working days. with the intention of providing a high level . A customer-focused culture is encouraged of service to all customers. and actively fostered. . High level of service is provided to both internal and external customers. . Customer service (relationship management) standards are set and maintained. . Effective working relationships are developed and sustained which maximise outputs and ensure that excellent customer service (internal and external) is provided at all times.</p><p>10. Organisational Responsibilities</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 8 January 2016 Jobholder is responsible for Jobholder is successful when</p><p> Demonstrating a proactive commitment to . Positive behaviour is demonstrated Council’s Values and Behaviours . Council responsibilities are undertaken  Attending training as required to maintain and completed accurately, meeting the necessary skills to fulfil the specified standards and within agreed requirements of the position. timeframes.  Actively participate in and contribute to . Undertaking training as required for the performance improvement and role assigned within the developed plans. development. . The employee complies will all directions  Demonstrating a proactive commitment to and instructions from the Employer a safe working environment to meet the regarding health and safety and shall also requirements as set under the Health and take all reasonable steps to ensure that Safety in Employment Act 1992. in the performance of their employment they do not undermine their own health and safety of the health and safety of others. Administration requirements are completed timely and accurately as specified, actions and site record-keeping are in compliance with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. . After establishing the safety of members  Participating in and undertaking of your household, you may be assigned emergency management duties as duties to assist Council and/or required, including Civil Defence and Emergency Management Tararua in the Business Continuity planning. even of an emergency.</p><p> Participating and contributing to Council . Contribution to projects and Council projects and inter-departmental initiatives initiatives: as requested/agreed. - is effective and valued - is approached in a positive and helpful manner/attitude.  Maintaining Council property and . equipment is maintained in good working equipment and ensuring knowledge of order. correct use of equipment is up to date.  Fulfilling administration reporting . requirements (e.g. timesheets, vouchers, Administration support is completed reporting). timely and accurately as specified.</p><p>Note The above performance standards are provided as a guide only. The precise performance measures for this position will need further DISCUSSON between the jobholder and manager as part of the performance development process.</p><p>Personal Attributes</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 9 January 2016 . Ability to organise workloads and work unsupervised . Excellent verbal and interpersonal communication skills. . Positive and enthusiastic attitude. . A strong customer service orientation . Team player . Honest and reliable . Ability to maintain positive working relationships . Able to operate effectively under pressure and manage stress . Committed to meeting deadlines . Tidy appearance</p><p>Person Specification This section is designed to capture the expertise required for the role at the 100% fully effective level. This may be a combination of knowledge / experience, qualifications or equivalent level of learning through experience or key skills, attributes or job specific competencies.</p><p>Knowledge / Experience / Qualifications </p><p>Essential Desirable . Tertiary qualification majoring in . Member of NZICA Accounting/ Finance, eg NZQA Diploma . Knowledge of the Statutory frameworks, (Level 5) or Degree Company law and accounting standards . Sound knowledge of financial and . Working knowledge of effective people management reporting systems, management techniques. principles and standards . Resourceful and able to work . Project management skill unsupervised . IT & Communication systems knowledge.</p><p>. Effective communication and time management skills</p><p>Responsible For:</p><p>Direct Management of The Financial Accountant has no direct or indirect staff. Staff:</p><p>Financial Responsibility:</p><p>Capital Budgets: $5,000</p><p>Operating Budget: $5,000</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 10 January 2016 Summary of Competencies</p><p>Competency Description</p><p>PROBLEM-SOLVING The ability to describe a problem effectively, gather and analyse information and create options in order to generate a workable solution. 1. ANALYTICAL THINKING The ability to discriminate between important and unimportant issues, recognise inconsistencies between facts and/or data, and draw correct inferences from information. Gathers data to define problems and tests for causes based on facts. ATTENTION TO DETAIL The ability to identify and perceive visual detail rapidly and accurately. OBJECTIVITY The capacity to separate one’s own feelings, views, beliefs and attitudes from a situation by remaining professional and non-judgemental. EXCELLENCE ORIENTATION the motivation to ensure the highest standards of quality and productivity are consistently maintained RELIABILITY The orientation towards quality and being conscientious in sticking to deadlines ie completing jobs within fixed schedules or routines. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR The motivation and orientation to act in an ethical, transparent and morally defensible manner. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS The capacity to put people at ease and build sound relationships based on mutual trust and openness ORGANISATIONAL AWARENESS This describes an orientation to know and understand organisational systems, structures, policies and procedures VERBAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION The capacity to listen attentively, present information in a clear manner and respond appropriately to the verbal and written communication of others PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY The capacity to perform a professional and/or technical function to the required standards, to remain abreast of developments in the specialist field and continuously improve/expand own knowledge and skills.</p><p>PLANNING/PRIORITIZING The capacity to break down a large task into subtasks or sub-goals, to anticipate obstacles and evaluate alternatives. Includes needs identification (recognizing gaps between the current situation and desired outcome).</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 11 January 2016 Change to job description</p><p>From time to time, it may be necessary to consider changes in the job description in response to the changing nature of our work environment– including technological requirements or statutory changes. Such changes may be initiated as necessary by the manager of this position or by Human Resources. This Job Description may be reviewed as part of the preparation for performance planning for the annual performance cycle or as required.</p><p>Acceptance of Position Description:</p><p>After discussion with the Senior Financial Accountant, I have read the attached Position Description and agree that it represents the duties I will perform for the above position.</p><p>Employee Name Date Financial Accountant</p><p>Approved: Cameron McKay Date Senior Financial Accountant</p><p>Application for Vacancy : Financial Accountant Page 12 January 2016</p>

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