<p> Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION -I : CURRICULAR ASPECTS</p><p>KEINS College of Education for women was established in the year 2006 with a mission to make the weaker the leaders. The aim is to promote excellence in the sphere of teacher education, to uplift the living conditions of girl students from the rural areas. Keins College of Education for women serves as a beacon for rural students after their graduation. This is to train them to be an intelligent, social minded, vocationally prepared and committed to the cause of quality education. We work towards continuous improvement in the discovery of knowledge and sharing.</p><p>Change is permanent! Education is undergoing tremendous change with the advent of technology in education. We equip our teacher students with all latest novel technology in imparting knowledge, like using language laboratory, digital interactive board etc. We will work hard to make it remain as one of the best Education college at the state level producing, globally competent teachers.</p><p>Vision is to promote life long learning and enrich the community to train the world class and intelligent teachers. Our teachers are there to spread the fragrance of knowledge, love, and humanity and to serve the nation with the motto “By love serve one another”. to make a positive difference in the society</p><p>Our Goals are to Provide career programs to prepare students to function in a technologically and socially changing world, Provide professional development programs to ensure excellence in teaching learning process, Provide support services for all students, Serves as an education center for the community in the surrounding areas, Enhance teaching and learning through the use of instructional technology.</p><p>1 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary Objectives is insuring that general education courses enable students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, effective communication skills, evaluate and update curricular, programs, and courses in response to workforce needs, provide faculty with access, support, and training in computer- mediated instruction, provide academic, career, and personal intervention counseling, provide job placement services as required, provide technological education, to develop the total personality of the teacher trainees, to meet the challenges in the field of education, to enable the teacher trainees to become creative and innovative in pedagogy, to equip the trainees in communication skills to make them interested in lifelong learning, to become aware of concepts in educational psychology to deal effectively with behavioural problem of the learners, to implement the knowledge of psychological principles and theories in the teaching learning process, to inculcate commitment towards national development, to function efficiently as a role model, to impart values.</p><p>As an affiliated to Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, the college follows the curriculum prescribed by the Bachelor of Education in the frame work of annual pattern.</p><p>The course of study shall be for duration of one academic year consisting of 200 working days/ curriculum transaction days or 1080 hours (6 days per week @ 6 hours per day) excluding admission and university examination days. The 200 working days include teaching practice, revision examination and study holidays. The B.Ed. course consists of a theory component and practicum component. Theory component consists of three core papers (1.Education in the Emerging Indian Society, 2. Psychology of Learning and Human Development, 3. Educational Innovations and Management), four elective subjects (1. Perspectives in Special Education, 2. Guidance and Counselling, 3.</p><p>2 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary Environmental Education, 4. Computers in Education) and nine optional subjects (1.Tamil, 2.English, 3. Mathematics, 4.Physical Science, 5.Biological Science, 6.History, 7.Commerce, 8.Economics and 9.Computer Science). Practicum component consists of the School based Activities.</p><p>Two of our college faculty members are academic counselors of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and has given as guest lectures in various colleges of Education. Some of the other college faculty members also visit our college to give guest lectures.</p><p>College introduces a new programme within the regulations of the NCTE and Tamilnadu Teachers Education University system, the college takes maximum of one year. College follows the syllabus prescribed by the Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai .The course outlines (Notes of Lesson) are designed by the core, elective and optional subject teacher educators for the betterment of the students. </p><p>Teaching plan is prepared at the beginning of each academic year consisting of various dimensions specially the course contents, number of teaching transaction days and evaluation (Unit test and Model test). The college assessment of the teaching learning process on the basis of feedback received regularly from the students, alumni, employers, academic peers and head of the practice teaching schools. If needed, suitable action for improvement is taken in the teaching learning process.</p><p>The external theory examinations are held for three core courses, one elective course and two optional subjects. Each theory course question paper is designed for 3 hours duration which consists of Section-A, Section- B and Section –C Maximum mark is 80, (Internal assessment is 20). A candidate shall be declared to have passed the written examination only if he/she secures not less than</p><p>3 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary 50% on each of the sis courses, with a minimum of 45% in the external examination in each paper. The practical examination conducted by a panel of examiners dully appointed by the Tamilnadu Teachers Education University. The panel consists of Two External examiners and One Internal examiner. The panel of examiners examine the teaching competency of each candidate and also his/her practical works/ records (School based activity). The practical examination consists of three activities Group-A, Group-B and Group-C maximum marks:400. The candidates who have secured not less than 50% in each of the practical activities for which weightage is given shall be treated as passed in the practical examination.</p><p>4 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION-II: TEACHING – LEARNING AND EVALUATION</p><p>Our college advertisements of B.Ed. admission appear in the local and national dailies. The applications received from the candidates who have secured the prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations. A committee has been formed for the admission process and it strictly follows the transparency adhering to the rules and regulations of the Government of Tamilnadu and Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai. Our college selects the students on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the qualifying examination and gives special consideration to sports students, physically challenged, ex- serviceman and students from the economically and socially deprived communities. Next the institution conducts the entrance test to check the Teaching Learning aptitude, Reasoning and General Knowledge of the candidate. This is followed by the Interview conducted by the selection committee.</p><p>College prepares calendar in the beginning of every academic year. The calendar consists of college details, time table, eligibility for the B.Ed. admission, faculty details, subject studied during B.Ed. degree course, scheme of evaluation and monthly college activities details. The college also publish News letter in the name of “KEN KEINS” every academic year.</p><p>The college conducts orientation programme to acquaint the student teachers with the college atmosphere, Theory examination scheme (Internal and External examination), Question papers pattern, Intensive Teaching Practice and evaluation process (Unit test and Model test), extra curricular and co-curricular activities. Soon after the orientation programme life skill courses are conducted and Six Micro teaching skills are practiced . In order to have command over the English language, our college arrange classes on communicative English, for students to</p><p>5 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary improve their communication skills. The student teachers are given assignments and encouraged to learn more on their own with the help of library and internet. Learner centered pedagogy is introduced by projects, field trips along with the lectures , students’ participation in seminars, quiz programmes and discussions are encouraged. The Student teachers are trained to handle and utilize educational aids such as OHP, LCD projectors, Language lab, Interaction Board, Using Internet and Audio Video packages. The process, experiments, operations and modern educational trends are explained to the students with the help of audio visual aids. College has an impressive interaction board this is innovative multimedia in the teaching learning process. The ICT supported teaching and learning enables accessibility to advanced development. Computer literacy has been made mandatory. The students use the available resources and gain competency. This enables them to get better placement. </p><p>The student teacher prepare lesson plans for their intensive teaching practice as per the university curriculum and their skills are developed through micro teaching and macro teaching. The teacher educators prepare students for a perfect teaching through the micro teaching. The lessons are taught verbally with teaching aids, live models and audio visual aids to gain easy understanding and assimilate facts systematically. The performance of the students are evaluated by Teaching competency, tests, assignments and projects. Students are evaluated by repeated written tests and proportion of teaching aids for internal and external assessment. The college has adopted a scheme of evaluation of the Teacher Educators by the students through feedback mechanism. The college has implemented a number of examination process for the smooth and transparent conduct and evaluation for internal and external marks.</p><p>6 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary The college follows innovative teaching learning methodology. The teacher educators are exposed to modern gadgets of technology and also motivate the students to utilize in the teaching learning process. Students are exposed to conducive learning environment and feasible classroom infrastructure that promote better learning and personality development. A teacher has to be an integrated personality and should handle the emotions effectively.</p><p>7 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION-III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION</p><p>Our institution encourages the faculty members to pursue their research work and persuade them to participate in conferences, seminars, workshops, research colloquium and present research papers. Our management provide moral support to do their research work, secretarial support, study leave, adjustment of teaching schedule and financial assistance are provided, if the faculty are willing to engage in research projects. The institution also suggests topics on present education scenario towards the enhancement of quality education.</p><p>Our management motivate the students to do research projects such as Action Research, Research project of parental discipline and presented papers in various seminars and conferences organized by various educational institutions. Our management helps to faculty members to publish their research articles in referred journals. Our faculty member a got dedicated teacher award from the management for producing 100% results in May -2012 University examinations. </p><p>The faculty members are motivated to prepare quality instructional materials using innovative technical and technological devices. Our institution organized co- curricular activities and extracurricular activities with the help of various academic and non academic agencies. Institution conducted extension activities in our campus such as YRC and RRC programmes. Our institution has planned to create a remarkable record in consultation services and collaboration with other reputed educational institutions to share and utilize the accessible resources for the development of quality education in the forthcoming years for the progress of neighboring community and students’ community.</p><p>CRITERION-IV : INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES</p><p>8 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary The management has plans and facilities for need-based development and expansion of infrastructure. The maintenance of existing infrastructure resources is looked after by the central construction division and a standing committee with faculty and student representatives. The present strength of the staff in the teaching cadre in 9 , the non-teaching staff is 10 and technical staff is 3, all the staffs are permanent.</p><p>The management employs appropriate persons (Gardener) for the upkeep of a green and clean campus that is environment friendly. The campus has a bore well for uninterrupted supply of water and provide RO purified drinking water facilities are available.</p><p>The college can boast of excellent infrastructural facilities that include 9 Methods rooms, 6 Laboratories, 2 staff rooms, 1 waiting hall, 1 sports room , 1 store room, 1 multipurpose hall, a auditorium and well spacious library.</p><p>The library has well stocked 4500 books. The institution has subscribed 2 dailies, 21 journals and 5 magazines. There is a reading room with a capacity of 48 students and 6 staff. Book bank facility is provided in the library. The library working hours on working days 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, on holidays 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, during the examination days 9.00 am to 6.30 pm. Faculty members can borrow 5 books and students 2 books simultaneously and the students should return the books within 7 working days and it is 15 days for faculty members. Online access, Photo copying, Internet, Power back up and partially automated facilities are also available in the library. </p><p>A psychology lab, a Physical science lab, a Biological Science lab, Computer cum Language Lab, an Educational technology lab, methods room and a workshop for preparing teaching aids are available. The Physical Science lab,</p><p>9 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary Biological science lab, Psychology lab and the Educational technology lab can seat 25 students.</p><p>The institution has an auditorium for holding a variety of programmes including “Annual Day” celebrations, Camp activities Seminar and Workshops. The multipurpose hall is for holding a variety of functions including Teachers day, Women’s Day and Association Meetings etc. The campus has a dispensary –cum- first aid room that remains open from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm and manned by a trained medical assistant. </p><p>A health care centre is there to attend to the medical needs of the inmates. The doctor is available on call.</p><p>10 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION-V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION</p><p>The ultimate aim of the institution is to equip the students with sound teaching skills and produce exemplary student teachers. Hence their progress is of utmost importance. Therefore the institution offers a number of facilities for their support.</p><p>The result of the college in university examinations have been more than 98% for the last two years, but last year (2011-2012) 100% result in the university examination. </p><p>As goes the same “A sound mind in a sound body” the institution considers sports and games as the prime areas of its focus. Sports bring in discipline and pave the way for better performance. Hence the institution does not lack behind in providing all sports facilities such as an Athletic track, Basket ball courts, Volleyball court, Hockey field, Ball Badminton court, Table tennis board, Gym and Kabbaddi court are available for various sports activities.</p><p>The Institution has hostel with mess facilities. Hostels are built with modern amenities, so that the inmates get the feelings of a “Home away from Home”. A cafeteria with adequate seating capacity provides a variety of quality foods, snacks and beverages.</p><p>The institution identifies the late bloomers based on the oral and written tests. The teacher educators pay more attention to the late bloomers such as tutor ward system and remedial instructions. Our college conducts the bridge course in the beginning of every academic year as per the university guidelines.</p><p>Through various ways the institution finds out the outstanding students in academics and, offers some financial assistance such as merit scholarship ,fees</p><p>11 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary concession and loan facilities for deserving students to complete the course successfully. The institution provide the transport facilities for students from rural area.</p><p>The institution regularly conducts the alumni association and receives feedback from the alumni and students regularly for improving the quality of teacher education and campus experience. The institution is publishing magazine and prospectus every academic year. Student association functions effectively through out the academic year.</p><p>After completing the course many of our students get prominent place in the society by getting jobs in government, private and self employed through the placement cell. A teacher has to be an integrated personality and should handle the emotion effectively. Bearing this in mind, all the teachers extend guidance to the needy, the institution offers counseling through professional counselor or teacher educator. The placement cell is to provide right guidance to students. Our students excels in almost every field like religion, education, administrative services, technology, industry and business. </p><p>12 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION-VI: GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP</p><p>To achieve the goals and objectives of teacher education, this institution has a systematic procedure of administration. The chairman of the Governing council is constituted as per the norms. A number of the trust board and the college governing council are designated. The head of the institution monitor the academic and administrative work. The college designated three internal administrative bodies for improvement of the institutional process effectively. The institution has established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for improving the teacher education in the present scenario.</p><p>The ever-changing local, national and global demands are catered to update the existing, traditional courses and introduce innovative courses. It also models the effective use of technology in their own classes which builds up effective future generation of teachers and this will lead to creation of good citizen. Consequently, the necessary training for staff to handle such courses is taken care of with technical and technological skills. Our college organized seminars, workshops and symposia to develop the teaching strategies and use new technologies in the teaching learning process. Research is very important for the present teacher education programme, our college faculty members attend the research development programme every year and our faculty members are perusing Doctoral Research. </p><p>Our college provides loan facility, medical assistance and insurance for the staff, so that the staff are benefited economically, physically and mentally uplifted to the services. Our institutions follow some redressal mechanism for the growth of teaching faculty, non-teaching staff and students. Our management monitors the performance of faculty and non teaching staff based on student, expert and</p><p>13 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary Principal’s assessments. Our college prepares the annual budget in the beginning of every academic year and allotted the amount to each category, at the end of the year audit the budget in internal and external audit scheme. </p><p>14 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary</p><p>CRITERION-VII: INNOVATIVE PRACTICES</p><p>Innovation proneness in an institutional ethos encourages teachers to try and develop breakthroughs in academic as well as other aspects of functioning. In such a context strong nuances such as resource scarcity will be handled with feasible alternatives. Two main best practices is pertaining to a breakthrough in evolving a totally learner centric programme and the other of evolving a course for technology integration in educationally field relevant way. All the Seven Key Areas (KAs), are covered in both the practices, namely, KA I Curriculum Design and Planning, KA II Curriculum Transaction and Evaluation, KA III Research, Development and Extension, KA IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources, KA V Student Support and Progression, KA VI Organization and Management and KA VII Innovative Practices. Our Institution dedicated for the education of girls’ located on the rural area. It started in 2006 and An affiliated educational endeavor graduate education studies only for girls partially residential for students and faculty. Enrolment in one main stream programme and opening for several parallel programmes such as cultural, technical training, participation in the Radio programmes, computer training, communication skill development programme,using the ICT resources especially operation of interaction board, Community living irrespective of cadres, Regularity in academic calendar, examinations and declaration of results, component units and administrative support for innovative practices. These features are reflected in the educational programmes of our institution, which has been evolved with the explicit objective of preparing empowered, </p><p>15 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary self sufficient women. The education programme is called ‘Panchmukhi Shiksha’ (Five fold Education), viz., physical, intellectual, practical, aesthetic and moral dimensions of student development. The admissions are based on qualifying examination marks and an entrance test conducted. Institution adheres to the defined policy, admission criteria and the admission showcases the institution concern and the procedures ensure a fair and transparent admission process.</p><p>Our institution has various innovative practices in teaching learning process. It includes need-based education and aims to produce graduates who are not only employable but are empowered to create jobs for others. Every venture and practice of our college embodies the goal and vision producing enterprising graduate teachers but giving them quality education and practical training.</p><p>Our institution encourages teachers to attend research colloquium, seminar and workshops for updating their knowledge and skill paving way to innovative practices.</p><p>`Our college lays emphasis on spiritually and value added education particularly under the guidance of the saintly management structure. Our institution considers exceptionalities and physically & visually challenged students in many ways and provides counseling and guidance service and trains the students to adjust in any situation. It also identifies the performance of each staff department and share good practices.</p><p>The college has a mechanism- internal Quality Assurance Cell for internal quality checks. The college inculcates moral values and civic responsibility among the students through various co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The</p><p>16 Part-II Evaluative Report: 1. Executive Summary students co-operate in maintaining the cleanliness and beautification of the campus. The college encourages cultural activities which are loved by the students. Within its limitation, the college is trying to work for the all round development of the personality of students.</p><p>17</p>
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