Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2017 10) 168-176 ~ ~ ~ УДК 929.733 Officials and Officialdom in the Middle of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries in the Social Structure of Tannu-Tuva Salimaa S. Khovalyg* Tuvan State University 36 Lenina Str., Kyzyl, Tuva Republic, 667000, Russia Received 24.10.2016, received in revised form 14.12.2016, accepted 10.01.2017 The article describes a social structure of the traditional Tuvan society at the turn of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries. The author analyzes historical conditions for the formation of different classes and a special place occupied by officialdom. Officialdom of Tuva as an integral part of the traditional Tuvan society and the administrative system of the Qing Empire in the Central Asian region was formed and existed on the basis of a targeted government policy in the field of public administration. A study of formation and development of the officialdom as a whole is a new trend in historiography of Tuva. The research of the topic will provide an opportunity to fully explore the issue of formation and evolution of the managerial staff structure and can be very useful in solving problems of the management system at the present stage primarily in the national republics. Keywords: ambyn-noyon, khoshun, ugerda, state apparatus, official, state management, tabunan (efu) – an imperial son in law, historiography, bugude-darga, class, social structure. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0017. Research area: national history. Introduction short period of time there has been a change of Today, marking a 95-year anniversary of several eras before the eyes of contemporaries, creation of the People’s Republic of Tuva and which was characterized by significant social summarizing the economic and social development changes that led to a completely different form in Tuva, we inevitably turn back to the issue of of society and state. A purpose of the article is quantitative and qualitative changes that have to examine officials and officialdom of Tannu- occurred during this significant period of time. Tuva as a social group that has occupied a special A social sphere of the traditional Tuvan society role in a social structure of the traditional Tuvan has experienced the greatest transformation since society since its formation till the present day. the second half of the 19th century. In a relatively The scientificrelevance of the research lies in the © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] – 168 – Salimaa S. Khovalyg. Officials and Officialdom in the Middle of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries… lack of knowledge of the problem of formation and of the Civil War and foreign intervention in the development of officialdom of Tuva in domestic region, the history of formation and development and foreign historiography. of the Tuvan People’s Republic (1921-1944), etc. However, questions of history of the Manchu Theoretical framework domination and interaction between the Russian In historiography of Tuva, despite a huge and the Tuvan peoples are often overly politicized. number of works in history, ethnography, culture, This mainly concerned the articles published socio-economic development, yet no attempt was in scientific journals. The main drawback was made to comprehensively analyze the history of their journalistic character, the unreasoned use officialdom of Tuva, although historians have of such terms as “occupation”, “colonization”. touched on some aspects from time to time. The Sometimes, even serious research works suffered relevant issues have been reflected in the research from it (Leonov, 1923, Kaiskii, 1926, Natsov, works that can be grouped chronologically into 1927, Shostakovich, 1929). three stages: 1) from the second half of the 19th Scientific understanding of the history till the first decade of the 20th centuries; 2) from of the Tuvan people begins with the works of the 20’s till the beginning of the 90’s of the 20th Soviet historians (Kabo, 1934, Dulov, 1956, century; 3) from the early 90’s till the present Potapov, 1969, Seifulin, 1968, Serdobov, 1971, time. Iezuitov, 1956, Aranchin, 1982). The apparent The first stage mainly involves the works advantages of works of the Soviet scientists of an ethnographic and journalistic nature and are: firstly, expansion of the research topic; is set out in the writings of anthropologists, secondly, inclusion of a wide range of sources geographers and linguists. Travellers not so much into the study, including previously unused studied history of the Tuvan people or the system archival documents; thirdly, introduction of of the administrative apparatus, the formation some features to the study of the Tuvan society and development of the Tuvan officialdom, as in the early 20th century, such as a system described the administrative-territorial division, analysis, a formation approach, principles allocated tribal groups, studied traditions, of historicism that helped to provide the first customs, crafts, the anthropological look and kept systematic description of the history of the record of the folklore (Adrianov, 1886: 25-26, Tuvan people. Here we should emphasize that Afrikanov, 1890: 34-59, Vatin-Bystrianskii, 1913, the process of writing the history of Tuva itself Vladimirtsov, 2002, Bichurin, 1834, Pozdneev, was challenging not only in methodology. A 1896, Potanin, 1883, Iakovlev, 1900, Grumm- source base created certain difficulties for the Grzhimailo, 1926, 1930). researchers. A new area of research was a study The second stage of historiography is of the socio-economic and post-revolutionary inextricably linked with the adoption of a history of Tuva. R.M. Kabo and V.I. Dulov formational and class approach to history in the were the first to study it. Later in the writings Soviet science. For the first time the Russian of the Soviet historians, the range socio- historians have developed periodization of the economic problems has been expanded and a history of Tuva. Major attention was paid to the lot of attention has been paid to the history of stages of establishment of power of the Manchu party building and socio-political organizations Qing Dynasty over the Tuvan people, formation of the Tuvan People’s Republic, as well as of the Russian protectorate over Tuva, events the relationship with the Soviet Union. The – 169 – Salimaa S. Khovalyg. Officials and Officialdom in the Middle of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries… historical and ethnographic research continued Statement of the problem to develop, and the largest contribution to that The article reveals the issues of formation was made by S.I. Vainshtein (Vainshtein, 1961). and establishment of the officialdom as a special Ultimately, historiography of the history of the professional and social group, within which Tuvan people that was available at that time the relations were based on the empire-wide helped to carry out its generalization, the result formal-legal standards and their respective of which was the two-volume “History of Tuva” socio-psychological settings. In Tuva, there is a written in the early 1960’s, which covered the special administrative apparatus with a strong period from ancient times to 1961 (i.e. before the internal autonomy and a clear structure based formation of the Tuvan Autonomous Republic). on a rigid hierarchy of ranks, which is prone to But still the problems of the formation and local autonomy. The chronological scope of the evolution of the officialdom, hierarchy and study is limited by the turn of the 19th – early 20th ranks of the Tuvan local government were century, when Tuva begins to be drawn into the covered insufficiently. orbit of the Russian statehood from the suburbs The third stage in the historiography of of the Manchurian Qing Empire. The lower Tuva is marked by a change of ideological and limit is due to the functioning of the traditional methodological paradigms, which resulted officialdom of Tuva. It is from this time that the in changes in the methods of research and gradual transformation of society and the social historical description. At the same time, image of a Tuvan official began. It is determined researchers have received access to previously by the fact that by this time after the internal and closed sources allowing historians to reveal external shocks a social composition has radically new aspects of the historical development changed, as well as their system of ideological of Tuva. The result was the emergence of values and methods of recruitment of managerial works devoted to the cross-disciplinary staff of Tuva, which resulted in formation of issues of ethnopolitology, historical and legal foundations for the functioning of the state anthropology, social history, etc. (Belov, 1997, apparatus, which lasted until the collapse of the 1999, Datsyshen, Ondar, 2003, Datsyshen, USSR. 2005, Moskalenko, 2004). Scientists of the Institute of Humanitarian Methods Studies of the Republic of Tyva have worked The methodological basis of the study on systematization of materials taking into is composed of the principles of historicism, account the changed principles and methods of objectivism and a complex approach. They the research, extension of the source base and helped to examine the activities of the central and discovery of new facts from the history of Tuva. local governments starting with the first years The result of their research was the new multi- of independent existence from the standpoint volume “History of Tuva”. of dialectical development of events given the Thus, despite some progress in the Tuvan interconnection of this activity with the events that and nationwide historiography, the questions took place at that time not only in Tuva, but also in of formation and evolution of the officialdom Russia and in neighbouring Mongolia and China. of Tuva at the turn of the 19th – first half of the After examining the conditions of occurrence 20th centuries have been studied occasionally, as of the administrative apparatus in the era of the auxiliary subjects.
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