E376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 16, 1998 Whereas, upon his return to Croatia, of his native language and culture, as well as A TRIBUTE TO JAMES A. ROONEY Dobroslav Paraga risks imprisonment again practical experience defending Chamorro because of his open criticism of the Govern- ment of Croatia's human rights abuses; and rights, both as a practicing attorney and as a HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI Whereas in 1998 Dobroslav Paraga called on private citizen. Whether it is enjoining the OF PENNSYLVANIA the Government of Croatia to take the fol- desecration of ancient burial sites or encour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing actions: (1) to establish independent aging the talents of local artists and musi- Monday, March 16, 1998 television and radio stations in Croatia; (2) cians, Michael Bordallo is an active proponent to allow full freedom of the media in Cro- Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of Guam's cultural identity and heritage. atia; (3) to allow free and fair elections to to pay tribute to Mr. James A. Rooney of take place in Croatia; (4) to establish a judi- Michael was born on July 14, 1961 to Attor- Northeastern Pennsylvania. Mr. Rooney will ciary and lower court system that is inde- ney Fred E. Bordallo and my sister, Annie be designated as the ``Man of the Year'' by pendent from the ruling party or any other the Greater Pittston Friendly Sons of St. Pat- party in Croatia; (5) to re-establish the inde- Underwood Bordallo, who instilled in him a pendence of the Croatian Party of Rights love of justice and the law and a strong sense rick at their 84th annual banquet. I am hon- (CPR) that was illegally disbanded in 1993, of identity. Mike graduated from Saint Anthony ored and pleased to have been asked to par- ticipate in this event. including the reinstatement to the Croatian School in Tamuning in 1975 and from Father Parliament of the 5 seats of the Croatian The fifth of nine children of the late George Party of Rights; and (6) to end the terror and Duenas Memorial High School in 1979. He J. and Catherine Horan Rooney, Jim was born abuse of justice perpetrated by the Govern- then went on to the University of Notre Dame in Pittston, Pennsylvania. He attended Jenkins ment of Croatia against Dobroslav Paraga in South Bend, Indiana, and earned a Bach- Township High School and earned a Bachelor and the Croatian Party of Rights: Now, elor's degree in Business Administration in of Science degree from the University of therefore, be it 1983. After returning to Guam, Mike went to Scranton. Resolved, That is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government of Cro- work in his father's law office. He also served A veteran of World War II, Jim was awarded atiaÐ as a legislative consultant to the Guam Legis- two bronze stars for his service in Europe. He (1) in recognition of the provisions of the lature's Committee on Education. He later re- is a member of various veterans' organizations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, turned to Notre Dame University, attended law in Northeastern Pennsylvania. During Jim's career, he served as a should guarantee its citizens fundamental school, and received his Juris Doctor degree human rights and freedoms; weighmaster/shipper for the Pennsylvania (2)(A) should establish independent tele- in 1987. After passing the California Bar Coal Company, an accountant at the State vision and radio stations in Croatia; Exam, Mike returned to Guam and went to Correctional Institute, and an accounting field (B) should allow full freedom of the media work as an Assistant Attorney General rep- supervisor in the Office of the Comptroller of in Croatia; resenting Child Protective Services in the the Pennsylvania Department of Public Wel- (C) should allow free and fair elections to Family Court. He was sworn in as a member fare. At the time of his retirement, he was take place in Croatia; of the Guam Bar Association in 1988, then Chief Financial Officer at the White Haven (D) should establish a judiciary and lower Center. court system that is independent from the went into private practice with his father. ruling party or any other party in Croatia; Jim is active in his church and the commu- For the last six years, Mike practiced law nity. He is a Grand Knight and the financial (E) should re-establish the independence of alongside his first cousin, Michael F. Phillips, the Croatian Party of Rights (CPR) that was secretary of the Knights of Columbus. illegally disbanded in 1993, including the re- in the firm of Phillips & Bordallo, P.C. With Mr. Speaker, Jim Rooney has been a mem- instatement to the Croatian Parliament of much affection and admiration, many of the ber of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick for over the 5 seats of the Croatian Party of Rights; friends and family of the two attorneys often 45 years. He is also a member of the Donegal and refer to them simply as ``Mike and Mike.'' Dur- Society and the Anciety Order of Hibernians. (F) should end the terror and abuse of jus- ing his career, Mike Bordallo has represented I join the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in honor- tice perpetrated by the Government of Cro- and participated in numerous actions involving ing Jim as ``Man of the Year'' and send my atia against Dobroslav Paraga and the Cro- best wishes for a successful event. atian Party of Rights; issues such as desecration of ancient (3) should dismiss the charges currently Chamorro burial grounds, the military land f pending against human rights activist takings following World War II, the implemen- IN HONOR OF DR. HECTOR GARCIA Dobroslav Paraga and end all forms of har- tation of the Chamorro Land Trust Act, and a assment against him and his family; and Cost of Living Allowance for Government of (4) should conduct an investigation into HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ the death of Ernest Brajder, who, according Guam retirees. He also has represented sev- OF CALIFORNIA to the Department of State, died under eral legislative committees since 1992, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ``mysterious circumstances'', and should has represented the Territorial Board of Edu- Monday, March 16, 1998 make its findings public. cation and the Guam Department of Edu- f cation. Ms. SANCHEZ. Ms. Speaker, today I rise to honor the late Dr. Hector Garcia. It was on MIKE BORDALLO'S APPOINTMENT In 1989, when the House Interior and Insu- this day, March 26th, that Dr. Garcia was TO THE SUPREME COURT OF lar Affairs Subcommittee Chairman Ron born. It is fitting that we should pay tribute to GUAM DeLugo conducted the first-ever hearing on him on this special day of remembrance. the Guam Commonwealth Act in Honolulu, Born in Mexico, his family fled the country HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD Hawaii, Mike Bordallo helped found the Guam when he was only four years old. This was Commonwealth Hearings Association, which during the Mexican Revolution when so many OF GUAM raised funds to subsidize the travel costs of sought refuge in the United States. The Garcia IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Guam residents who otherwise would not family settled in Texas where young Hector Monday, March 16, 1998 have been able to attend and submit testi- Garcia's life began its course. After his grad- uation from the University of Texas Medical monies at the hearing. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, on Thurs- School, Garcia joined the Army. He served his day, March 19, another native son of Guam In view of his activities in a wide range of country overseas, in World War II, as an infan- will advance the course of Guam's judicial his- island issues, Michael J. Bordallo was ap- tryman, combat engineer and medical corps tory when he is installed as a judge of the Su- pointed to the bench by the Government of officer. His distinguished service earned him perior Court of Guam. Although this history is Guam and unanimously confirmed by the 24th the Bronze Star with six Battle Stars. relatively brief, the judicial branch of the Gov- Guam Legislature earlier this year. I join his After the war, he began a medical practice ernment of Guam coming into existence in in Corpus Christi, Texas. As a medical doctor parents, Fred and Annie, his brothers and sis- 1950, the name of Michael J. Bordallo will join for the Veterans Administration, he saw the a distinguished list of Chamorro men and ters, his wife Carla and their children, Joshua need to assist the Latino veterans in their fight women who have sworn to interpret the law and Stephanie, in congratulating him and plac- for benefits. There was a great deal of preju- for the people of Guam from the bench of the ing trust in his sense of justice to guide him dice toward the Latinos who had fought for Superior Court. Like his peers, Mike brings on the bench. their country, yet were not afforded the same with him an inherent love and understanding rights and privileges given to others. At this March 16, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E377 moment in history an occurrence took place Youngstown, Pittsburgh, and Detroit. The jobs woman to enter the Catholic religious life. She that would forever changed Dr. Garcia's life that awaited them were not easy and the was accepted as a novice in Belmont, North and thrust him into the national spotlight. working conditions not always safe. Nonethe- Carolina in 1926, and until her death on March When a funeral home in Three Rivers, less, these brave people endured and suc- 9 of this year, she remained firmly committed Texas, refused burial services for a Mexican- ceeded to build better lives for themselves and to her vocation and dedicated to her calling.
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