<p>Turner Street Pre-School Kindergarten</p><p>Family Handbook 2015</p><p>Preparation for life Learning through play Positive relationships Stimulating learning environment Inclusive practice Family collaboration Turner Street Preschool Kindergarten Turner Street Preschool Kindergarten Association Inc Incorporated Registered Number: A0010434C DHS License ID No: 844 ABN: 79970775 746</p><p>Address: 38 Turner Street, Pascoe Vale South, 3044 Telephone: 03 9350 1902 Fax: 03 9350 6413 Email: [email protected] Website: www.turnerstkindergarten.com.au Term Dates 2015</p><p>Term 1: 29 January to 27 March Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December Three to Four Year Old Group </p><p>Teacher: Janet Bucknell Diploma of Teaching Co-Educator: Pina Bertoncini Certificate III in Children’s Services Session Times The 2015 Turner Street Kindergarten 3-4 year old sessions run twice a week on:</p><p>Monday 8:30 – 11:00am Friday 2:00 – 4:30pm Four to Five Year Old Group</p><p>Teacher: Claire Parker Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Co-Educators: Elizabeth Way Certificate III in Children’s Services Anna Psarras Certificate III in Children’s Services</p><p>Session Times The 2015 Turner Street Kindergarten 4-5 year old program consists of two groups. Each group comprises up to 25 children. Children attend three sessions per week. Each group has one 5 hour session, one 6.5 hour session and one 3.5 hour session.</p><p>2 Table of Contents</p><p>1. Welcome…………………………………………………………………..4</p><p>2. Philosophy………………………………………………………….…….5 </p><p>3. Parent Committee of Management…………………….…….6</p><p>4. Our Kindergarten Programs………………………………………7</p><p>5. First Days.………………………………………………………………..10</p><p>6. Communication.………………………………………………………11</p><p>7. Parent Involvement.………………………………………………..11</p><p>8. Leaving / Collecting Children.………………………………….12</p><p>9. Gate Safety……………………………………………………………..13</p><p>10. Parking……………………………………………………………………13</p><p>11. Playground Safety.………………………………………………….13</p><p>12. Snack and Lunch Time.……………………………………………14</p><p>13. Birthdays and Personal Celebrations....…………………..14</p><p>3 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 14. Clothing.……………………………………….………………………..15</p><p>15. Emergency Evacuation Plan.…………………………..………16</p><p>16. Illness, Health and Medication…..…………………………..16</p><p>17. Grievances……………………………………………………………..17</p><p>18. Funding the Kindergarten……………………………………….17 1. Welcome to Turner Street Kindergarten </p><p>We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your child and hope that your association with Turner Street Kindergarten and the other families that are part of our kindergarten community will be a happy and enjoyable one. </p><p>We hope that your child has a memorable and positive kindergarten experience; exploring, experimenting, learning, building relationships, discovering, imagining, creating, expressing their feelings and ideas and becoming confident, competent individuals. </p><p>Our kindergarten is part of a network of local Children’s Services within the City of Moreland. The Kindergarten is managed by an annually elected parent committee of management.</p><p>The State Government through its Department of Education and Early Childhood Development makes a contribution towards the total running costs of the 15 hour kindergarten program offered to the four-to-five year old children the year before they commence school. Fees are also collected from families who are not holders of concession cards and these fees supplement the government contribution. </p><p>Turner Street Kindergarten also offers a five hour three-to-four year old kindergarten program. Costs for this younger group are met totally by family fees as the government makes no financial contribution.</p><p>The teaching staff for both the four-five year-old-group and the three-four year-old- group have tertiary qualifications in teaching, specializing in Early Childhood Education and their co-educators hold a Certificate III in Children’s Services. The Victorian Early Years Learning Framework is used as a resource and guideline when planning and reflecting on the kindergarten program. It outlines a clear focus on children’s learning and well being, providing a base for planning, promoting and assessing learning.</p><p>Please take the time to read this booklet, as it will answer many questions that you may have.</p><p>4 5 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 2. Philosophy</p><p>As educators at Turner Street Kindergarten we endeavour to build a foundation for children’s learning. We believe early childhood is a critical time in which the experiences children encounter greatly influence their future lives and learning.</p><p>Our teaching philosophy is based on the Victorian Early Years Framework and reflects the National Early Years Framework – Belonging, Being, Becoming. Our programs support children to develop skills to: </p><p> have a strong sense of identity be connected with, and contribute to their world have a strong sense of wellbeing be confident and involved learners be effective communicators</p><p>We provide a positive, safe, stimulating, challenging learning environment where children feel a sense of trust and are happy – a place where children feel a sense of belonging. </p><p>We believe children are unique individuals who have differing personalities, temperaments, learning styles and interests, and therefore learn at different rates in different ways and at different times.</p><p>We listen to children. This is a place where children’s voices are heard and responded to in a positive manner. We value the importance of positive relationships and work to develop respectful, trusting and close relationships with children and families.</p><p>We recognise that families are the child's first educators, and children learn best when educators and families work in partnership with each other, to support children to reach their full potential. </p><p>We strive to provide an environment where children and families from all cultural backgrounds feel welcomed and accepted. We make use of our communities' resources and incorporate the child’s community into the program.</p><p>We believe children learn best through meaningful play, to be curious, discover, explore, question, experiment, problem solve and imagine. Our play-based, child centered programs are inclusive of all children’s capabilities, needs and interests, and reflect the holistic development of each child. We support children to develop physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally, linguistically, and aesthetically. </p><p>We value environmental sustainability and believe it is important to engage children in sustainable practices and a respect for our environment.</p><p>We believe as educators we are continually learning alongside families and children, reflecting on our practices and principles to enhance our professional development.</p><p>6 3. Parent Committee of Management</p><p>As an “incorporated association”, Turner Street Kinder is run by a committee of management. The committee has legal obligations and is governed by a constitution. The committee is responsible for the financial management of the kindergarten, employing staff, and keeping up to date with policy and legal requirements. The committee also runs fundraising and social events during the year. A voluntary committee of management is elected each year by families of children attending the kindergarten. </p><p>Each committee is completely different; each newly elected member brings with them a variety of past experiences, personal interests, skills and expectations. The years served as a committee member can be highly rewarding, satisfying and sometimes challenging as individuals get to know one another and work together as a team.</p><p>All families are encouraged to participate in the Turner Street Kindergarten committee. Voluntary contributions from families help keep our fees as low as possible and ensure our kindergarten is well run. It helps to share the workload among our kindergarten community, and generates a more dynamic organisation representing the needs of all the families involved. </p><p>Previous experience is not necessary to take on any of the roles, just plenty of enthusiasm! If you feel you have skills in regards to a certain position we would love to hear from you. Please speak to a staff member if you are interested. As a small token of appreciation for the work committee members do, committee members are not required to do laundry duty.</p><p>To support the management committee, a management handbook is provided by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and covers every issue from operations, management roles, legal issues, finances and personal and industrial relations. There is a wide network of support for these roles offered by the educators and staff at Turner Street Kindergarten, Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA), the National Quality Framework, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and the Children Services Liaison Officer at Moreland City Council.</p><p>Committee meetings are held one night per month for 11 months of the year. Committee meetings include staff reports which describe the educational programs and plans for the future, treasurer report, fundraising report and matters regarding the running and continual improvement of our kindergarten. All parents who have children attending the kindergarten are welcome to attend these meetings and participate in discussions. In addition to its usual business, in 2015 the committee is planning a make over for the kindergarten outdoor area. </p><p>7 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 4. Our Kindergarten Programs </p><p>Our programs offer children opportunities to learn through hands-on and relevant experiences. In particular we encourage children to explore their environment which is rich in learning experiences and fosters creativity, imagination and collaboration. </p><p>We recognise the worth of children for who they are now and provide opportunities for children to tell and share stories, reflect through play and express their ideas.</p><p>We take a holistic view of children’s learning and development and embrace the view of children’s lives being characterised by belonging, being and becoming, the three inter-related elements contained in the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework. </p><p>Our programs draw on the Victorian Early Years Framework and therefore reflects experiences that support children to work towards the five learning outcomes; Identity, Community, Wellbeing, Learning and Communication. Below we have outlined some of the aspects of each outcome. </p><p>Identity: to assist children to develop a strong sense of identity This is evident when children: sense and respond to a feeling of belonging openly express their feelings and ideas in their interactions with others initiate and join in play are open to new challenges and make new discoveries increasingly cooperate and work collaboratively with others celebrate and share their contributions and achievements with others show interest in other children and being part of a group reflect on their actions and consider consequences for others </p><p>Community – to support children with connecting and contributing to their world This is evident when children: understand different ways of contributing through play and projects cooperate with others and negotiate roles and relationships in play episodes and group experiences listen to others’ ideas and respect different ways of being and doing begin to think critically about fair and unfair behaviour participate with others to solve problems and contribute to group outcomes</p><p>Wellbeing – to support children with developing a strong sense of wellbeing 8 This is evident when children: assert their capabilities and independence while demonstrating increasing awareness of the needs and rights of others share humour, happiness and satisfaction make choices, accept challenges, take considered risks, manage change and cope with frustrations and the unexpected combine gross and fine motor movement and balance to achieve increasingly complex patterns of activity including, dance, creative movement and drama show increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety for themselves and others</p><p>Learning – to encourage and assist children with becoming confident and involved learners This is evident when children: are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration initiate and contribute to play experiences emerging from their own ideas use reflective thinking to consider why things happen and what can be learnt try out strategies that were effective to solve problems in one situation in a new context transfer knowledge from one setting to another experience the benefits and pleasures of shared learning exploration </p><p>Communication – to encourage and assist children in becoming effective communicators This is evident when children: respond verbally and non-verbally to what they see, hear, touch, feel and taste contribute their ideas and experiences in play, small and large group discussion interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, clarify and challenge thinking, negotiate and share new understandings sing chant rhymes, jingles and songs share the stories and symbols of their own culture and re-enact well-known stories</p><p>4.1 Learning Environment</p><p>9 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office At Turner Street Kindergarten our children engage in indoor and outdoor play experiences. The indoor area provides a variety of learning areas for the children to work independently or in groups, create and build, investigate, engage in imaginative play, use a range of materials, learn through play and enjoy the wide range of learning opportunities offered. The experiences are intended to develop the children’s independence and problem solving skills. The children are at times free to choose where they play, and are encouraged to participate in all activities. At times they will be asked to work closely with staff in focused small group activities. </p><p>Our outdoor area provides an abundance of shade and different play and activity areas which includes a range of climbing structures, a cubby house, and a sand play area. Each year we develop an edible garden area where the children have opportunities to engage in activities with staff. The children have the opportunity to plant, water, and care for and pick plants. They forage for snails and worms and make compost. The produce and herbs from our garden provide lots of impetus for learning, sharing and joyful experiences such as cooking and tasting. </p><p>10 4.2 Incursions and Excursions </p><p>For the three-year-old group special activities are planned for and based around kindergarten and family activities as well as one incursion, usually in Term Four. Each year the incursion is chosen by the 3-year-old educators giving consideration to the interests of the individual children and group as a whole. In 2014 this was Australian Animals Bush Babies.</p><p>The four-year-old educators plan for incursions, excursions and special interest activities where it is felt that they are beneficial to the learning program. The daily program is planned around these events and provides children with the opportunities to engage in learning experiences around various topics. The incursions and excursions are planned for on a yearly basis and may change from year to year. They are based on the current children’s interests and abilities. The incursion and excursions in 2014 included the Children’s Farm at Bundoora Park, chick hatching incursion, and a pottery incursion. Some additional payments may be required to cover the cost of excursions.</p><p>No child can be taken outside of the kindergarten without parental authorisation. Parents are requested to promptly complete a separate authorisation form for each excursion. </p><p>4.3 Program and Reflection Book </p><p>As part of our programs our learning journey will be documented in your group’s Program and Reflection Book. The Program and Reflection Book is designed to bring families, children and staff together to tell the story of our current learning, interests and goals, past experiences and future plans. </p><p>4.4 Individual Documentation </p><p>Three-year-old Group Learning Journals: Children’s learning, skills, development and interests are documented in their own individualised Learning Journals, these are working documents and children and families are encouraged to contribute to their content.</p><p>Four-year-old Group Online Storypark Portfolios: Children’s learning skills, development and interests will be documented in children’s individual online Storypark portfolio. Storypark is an online communication and documentation tool where educators and families will share information, photos and video. </p><p>4.5 Second Year of Funded Four Year Old Kindergarten</p><p>In some cases children in the four-five year-old-group will be offered a second year of funded kindergarten. For a second year of funded kindergarten to be considered, children will be delayed in two or more areas of development. The discussions regarding a child’s school readiness and a second year of funded kindergarten will 11 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office begin at the end of term one. If you have any concerns/queries about your child commencing school in 2016 please talk to your child’s teacher early in the year. It is also recommended families seek support and advice from Moreland City Council’s preschool field officer. </p><p>If you child does not qualify for a second year of funded kindergarten, families can choose to pay full fees for a child to attend an additional year of four-year-old kindergarten. However, this does not guarantee your child a kindergarten place. Other children who have not yet received a funded year of kindergarten will be given priority over a child having a second year of unfunded kindergarten. </p><p>5. First Days of Kindergarten </p><p>Starting kindergarten is a big step in a young child’s life. The first few weeks are busy and tiring as children become familiar with routine and basic rules, the staff and the large group of children of which they are now a part. This experience, combined with the separation from family may be overwhelming. Children can be assisted in their adjustment by receiving calm assurance, patience and understanding from both parents and staff, and being given plenty of time.</p><p>It is important to support your child and help them to gradually settle into their new surroundings. Your child may initially insist that you stay with them. Here are a few hints and strategies that may encourage a smooth and happy transition for you and your child:</p><p> Come into the kindergarten and help them settle into an activity If your child would like you to stay a while, please feel free to do so It is most important that you say goodbye to your child as this promotes a sense of trust and security for your child Once you have said goodbye to your child and the kindergarten staff, it is important that you leave promptly. If your child is insecure they may become more upset if you hesitate If you are concerned about your child, please feel free to telephone the centre when you arrive home or at any time during the session</p><p>Generally children will settle in well as soon as their parent/caregiver is out of sight. Some children take a little longer to settle in than others - we are all different. When ongoing settling and separation difficulties occur, please make an appointment to discuss this with your child’s teacher. </p><p>5.1 What to bring to kinder</p><p> Lunch box/bag (that children can open and close independently) with healthy snack and lunch 12 Drink bottle (that children can open and close independently) filled with water Change of clothes Bag to keep belongings in - children should be able to handle and pack their bag themselves A wide brimmed or legionnaires sunhat (Terms 1 and 4) Outside jacket, rain jacket, beanie etc in cooler weather Please ensure all belongings are clearly named including drink bottle, lunch boxes and clothing. </p><p>6. Communication </p><p>Please feel free to approach your child's teachers to ask any questions or to share additional information about your child. Our staff are always happy to answers any questions and discuss any concerns. Please feel welcome to share significant events or occasions that are happening in your child’s life. It is important for teachers to have an understanding of issues particular to your child or any changes in your child’s life (such as moving house, the birth of a new sibling or an illness). This helps us plan an appropriate and supportive program for your child. </p><p>All families have a communication tray. Notices and newsletters are placed here for your convenience. Please use these for communication with other families and ensure that your tray is cleared regularly.</p><p>Email is also used as a form of communication. Given the busy lives we live we believe this form of communication allows us to contact all parents easily and frequently rather than always relying on paper notices in the communication trays. It is also a more environmentally sustainable practice. </p><p>The committee circulates regular newsletters by email. The newsletter reports on activities of the committee and activities and upcoming events within the general kindergarten community. Parent contributions are most welcome. </p><p>We also have a Turner Street website which keeps you updated on previous experiences at Kinder and important and upcoming events; www.turnerstkindergarten.com.au </p><p>For committee queries/questions including fee or enrolment related issues please contact Samantha Zuccarelli our Administration Assistant on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9.30 and 12.30 on 03 9350 1902 or [email protected]. </p><p>If you need to discuss any matter with a teacher in private, please make an appointment. </p><p>13 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 7. Parent Involvement </p><p>We value the special relationship between you and your child – your home is your child’s first learning environment. Research has shown that children are happiest, participate more and learn most effectively when parents take an active interest in their child’s learning.</p><p>There is a parent helper roster for each group each term. We understand that each family can contribute at their own level depending on other commitments. However, your input, support and involvement can really make a difference. </p><p>Parents of the three-four year-old-group are invited to stay and help whenever they are available to assist. </p><p>Parents of children in four-five year-old-group are requested to select one or two days per term that suit them to assist at the kindergarten. These times will be selected at your interview day at the beginning of Term 1 and at the end of each term in preparation for the next term. If you cannot attend at the selected time, please arrange to swap with another parent/guardian. You are welcome to take part in the kindergarten program at any time, provided there are not too many adults visiting. Your contribution to the program is gratefully accepted, appreciated and encouraged. By assisting, you have the opportunity to observe your child in a group setting and to gain greater insight into the kindergarten program. Your child will enjoy your company and sharing their special kinder experience with you. Additional assistance enables the staff to work more closely with individual children and small groups to offer a richer variety of experiences to all. </p><p>Parents and families are also very welcome to contribute to the program with any particular skills or interest at any time. In the past, parents have helped with cooking, playing instruments, excursions, craft activities, talking to the children about a holiday and even speaking a second language for the children. </p><p>The kindergarten supplies towels and smocks for the children’s use. Each family (other than committee members) will have at least one turn at laundering smocks, tea towels and hand towels etc. A washing roster will be available at kindergarten at the beginning of Term 1. Please check your name and arrange to swap with another family if it doesn’t suit you. </p><p>7.1 Working Bees </p><p>Your participation in working bees is vital to the ongoing maintenance and operations of the kindergarten. At working bees parents perform general maintenance and cleaning tasks, ensuring the kinder is a clean and safe place for children, staff, parents and the community, as well as assisting us to meet the regulations governing kindergartens. Information regarding times and maintenance required is sent out to families throughout the year. You will be asked to choose a 14 task and bring along the appropriate equipment to complete the task. Any queries should be directed to the maintenance officer. </p><p>We also appreciate assistance from families outside of working bee times. Please let us know if you are able to assist with maintenance and odd jobs at other times. </p><p>8. Leaving / Collecting Children</p><p>Upon leaving your child at kindergarten, children must be brought right into the playroom and left with the teaching staff. Please check that staff are aware you have arrived. Please say goodbye to your child before you depart and ensure you sign the attendance book beside your child’s name and number with the time and your signature as you leave.</p><p>Please note the starting and finishing times of sessions and ensure that your child is left and collected promptly. Please do not bring your child to sessions early, as the time prior to a session’s commencement is valuable preparation time for teachers.</p><p>At the end of the session the staff will farewell each child by name. For safety and supervision reasons it is important children wait until their name is called. Please encourage your child to do so. Each child will then be able to leave the kindergarten with the adult who has arrived to collect them. Again, please sign the attendance book with the time and your signature beside your child’s name and number as you leave. If you are going to be late, please let staff know and/or organise someone else to collect your child. </p><p>Children will not be permitted to leave the centre with adults not known to staff and not nominated by parents as acceptable alternative collectors. Children will not be permitted to leave the centre with anyone under the age of 16. Please ensure all adults that may collect your child from kindergarten are included on your child’s enrolment form. </p><p>9. Gate Safety</p><p>Parents and caregivers must ensure that both gates at the front of the building are closed when entering or departing the kindergarten. Although both gates are self closing they should always be checked and closed by adults to ensure that no child leaves the kindergarten without their parent or caregiver. Please do not let any other child apart from your own through the gate with you when leaving.</p><p>10. Parking</p><p>Please park only in the designated areas around the kindergarten. Turner Street is an especially dangerous road and families need to be aware that on days of light drizzle cars may lose control as they drive through the roundabout. Please take very special care at all times. Don’t be tempted to double park or park in the “No Standing” areas. The “No Standing” areas were designated to make our kindergarten</p><p>15 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office safer. One disabled parking space has been provided by the City of Moreland. Please leave this space free for those families who are eligible to use it.</p><p>11. Playground Safety </p><p>Parents and caregivers are responsible for the supervision of children whilst waiting in the play area before and after each kindergarten session. The children’s safety is of prime concern to staff and the committee of management. It is therefore requested that children do not play on the outdoor equipment unless being supervised by staff during the session. Children and siblings are not allowed to play on equipment before or after the session.</p><p>Please remember that staff take care, time and effort in setting up the playground for the planned outdoor program, which all children will engage in and benefit from during session time. </p><p>12. Snack and Lunch Time</p><p>Turner Street promotes a healthy lifestyle and encourages healthy eating. Snack and lunchtimes are experiences which encourage social interaction and conversation with friends, both children and adults. Independence skills and responsibility for children’s own possessions are encouraged. If your child suffers from food allergies or is sensitive to certain foods please notify the staff immediately. The kindergarten has a NO NUT policy. Please do not send any food containing nuts to kindergarten, including peanut butter, nutella, and muesli bars etc.</p><p>3-4 Year Old Group Please send a healthy snack in a small named plastic box to each session for your child.</p><p>4-5 Year Old Group Each child should bring fruit or vegetables for their snack. During our longer sessions children will also bring lunch and/or afternoon snack. Additional information will be provided as the year commences. Each snack and lunch should be packed in separate containers to help children distinguish between eating times. Please pack food in an airtight container/lunch box/lunch bag and clearly label with your child’s full name. </p><p>Children from both age groups are to bring a drink bottle of water clearly named (that they can manage). This will be placed on the drink trolley and will be available to the children throughout the session. </p><p>16 Please do not send along cakes, donuts, sweet biscuits, chocolate, lollies, chips, soft drink, juice etc.</p><p>13. Birthdays and Other Personal Celebrations </p><p>We are delighted to help children celebrate their birthday or other special celebration at kinder. Please let us know when you would like your child to celebrate their birthday at kinder. </p><p>Some families like to bring a small treat to share with the children. If you would like to do this please let us know in advance. Some suggestions include chocolate frogs, bubbles or mini cupcakes/muffins. </p><p>If you decide to send food, please include a list of ingredients in the product. Due to regulations, the ingredients are required to be displayed for all parents to see before food is distributed to children. </p><p>We like to keep celebrations for individuals as simple as possible, so that while the event only plays a very small part in our daily program, they are made to feel important and a valued member of the group.</p><p>14. Clothing and Other Belongings</p><p>Children need to wear clothing that is comfortable, practical and easy to launder. At kinder we get dirty so please dress your child in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Protective aprons/smocks are provided by the kindergarten to protect the children’s clothes when they are participating in messy activities.</p><p>The outdoor program is an important part of our overall planning and daily routine. In winter each child will need a coat and rain jacket for extra warmth. In summer a hat must be worn and clothing that covers shoulders from the sun is important. Please apply sunscreen to your child’s skin before the session to guard against sunburn.</p><p>Please include a spare set of clothing each day so that in the event of an accident, children may be changed into something fresh and familiar. </p><p>17 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office Clothing which is not suitable for safety reasons includes thongs, crocs, high heels, long skirts and singlet tops. </p><p>A backpack/bag in which children are able to carry snacks, artwork, and spare clothes should be brought to kindergarten. The bag should be child friendly and easy for children to manage as they will learn to pack and unpack their lunch and belongings in their bag. </p><p>Valuable belongings such as jewelery, electronics and items of significance and value should remain at home. These items can easily be lost, misplaced or broken so please don’t bring them to kindergarten. We are happy for children to bring a small item of comfort to help them settle into their learning environment or items of interest they may like to share with the group. Please let staff know about these items so we can endeavor to incorporate your child’s current interests into our program.</p><p>14.1 Lost Property</p><p>Please check our lost property for your child’s belongings. Lost properly is emptied about twice a term so please ensure you check it regularly. </p><p>14.2 Turner St Kindergarten Windcheaters, T-Shirts and Hats</p><p>Clothing items sporting the “Turner Street Kindergarten” logo are available to purchase from the kindergarten. Order forms were sent out with your AGM invitations. Please see staff for an order form throughout the year. There are a number of items available such as: hats, windcheaters and long and short sleeved T- shirts. </p><p>Prices with GST included are: T Shirts (sizes 6 and 8) $11 Long sleeved T Shirts $13 Windcheaters (sizes 6 and 8) $16 Hats $9</p><p>A hat will be provided free of charge for children attending both 3 and 4 year old groups and will be kept at the kindergarten in a zip lock bag. The hat should be taken home and washed at the end of term and bought back to kindergarten at the beginning of the next term. </p><p>15. Emergency Evacuation Procedure</p><p>Each group will conduct an emergency drill every term. When children hear the teacher ring a large bell they immediately stop what they are doing, stand and listen 18 for directions. Everyone then practices going out of an exit to a collection point in the playground or near the letterbox, where a roll call is done. The co-educator leads the children and any adult helpers, while the teacher checks that there are no children remaining in the playroom, bathroom or outdoors, and then if it is safe, telephones for help.</p><p>In a real emergency, children would be taken to the safest collection point near our building and remain together until collected by parents/guardian. Parents would be required to sign the attendance book before taking their child home so that we could continue to account for each person.</p><p>Collection Points:</p><p> Exit through children’s bathroom door and through the rear double gates beside the sandpit, walk down laneway to O’Hea Street and stop just prior to footpath.</p><p> Exit through west end playroom door through gate to garden at the front of the building, turn left and walk to the front garden of the 2nd property south of the kindergarten (34 Turner St).</p><p>16. Illness, Health and Medication </p><p>Children who are unwell should be kept at home until well again, for their own happiness and comfort and so that the illness is not passed onto others. If the child has an infectious illness, please ring kinder and let us know. We will advise you how long the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 specify that your child should remain away from the kindergarten and communicate any cases of infectious illness to families. An outline of the minimum period of exclusion from Children’s Services can be found at the back of this booklet. If your child will be away for more than one day, please notify the teacher. Please also let us know if your child will be away for any other reason. </p><p>If a child becomes ill or is injured while attending kindergarten, the following will occur:</p><p> First aid is administered and the child is made as comfortable as possible</p><p> Emergency help is requested if needed, such as advice from a child’s doctor or phone for an ambulance</p><p> Parent is notified as soon as possible. If the parent cannot be located by phone, the nominated emergency person will be contacted instead</p><p> Accident / illness book will be completed by the person in charge and then signed by the parent, guardian, or caregiver responsible for the child</p><p>19 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 16.1. Administration of Medication </p><p>Parents are required to provide written authorisation in cases where administration of medication is or may be necessary. Such information is recorded on your child’s medication form that is kept by staff and filed in your children’s enrolment records. Never leave medication in your child’s bag. Always give it to your child’s teacher or co-educator. Medication must be in its original dispensed container and pharmacy and doctors instructions must be attached to the original bottle/container and packaging. </p><p>17. Grievances</p><p>If you have any concerns about your child or the experiences they have at Kindergarten, please talk to the teacher immediately. Most problems can be easily resolved if we work together.</p><p>The Turner Street Committee of Management is committed to the resolution of any unresolved complaint or grievance that relates to any aspect of the operation of the Kindergarten. A “complaints and grievances policy” has been formed indicating the procedure to be followed to ensure that all matters are dealt with efficiently and consistently. </p><p>All grievances are treated confidentially and with the utmost respect. Should you have a grievance that has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please put your grievance in writing and contact the Kindergarten President.</p><p>18. Funding the Kindergarten</p><p>The operating costs of Turner Street Kindergarten are met in three ways:</p><p>1. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) funding for each enrolled four year old child; 2. Tuition Fees across all groups; and 3. Money raised through fundraising</p><p>As the kindergarten is a ‘not for profit organisation’, all families are asked to pay their fees on a timely basis and to assist, participate in and/or donate to fundraisers to ensure the maintenance and upgrading of the kindergarten’s facilities and grounds. The Kindergarten tuition fees for 2015 comprise:</p><p>Tuition Fees per Term 3 year old group $360 4 year old group $350 </p><p>Commonwealth Health Care Card & Pensioner Concession Card Holders 20 This applies ONLY to children in the 4 year old Kinder. You may be eligible for a fee subsidy for low-income families. A parent/guardian or child who holds a current Commonwealth Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card is eligible for a reduction in fees. Please advise the Fees Treasurer if this is the case. To receive the fee subsidy a photocopy of the current Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card must be supplied to the Fees Treasurer each term.</p><p>Payment options</p><p>Payments can be made by either:</p><p> Cash or Cheque taken to the Bendigo Bank and deposited into the Kindergarten: Account Number 152046397 using a ‘pay in slip’ with your child’s full name as reference</p><p> Payments can be made by Funds Transfer via the Internet to: BSB Number 633 000 Account Number: 152 046 397 Reference: child’s full name or agent number</p><p>21 Turner Street Kindergarten Family Handbook This handbook has been generously printed courtesy of Christine Campbell M.P.’s office 22</p>
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