<p> BID COVER PAGE Solicitation Information Agency Contact Information Solicitation Number: 2920004496 Agency Name: Department of Environmental Quality Project Name: DEQ Sign Contact Name: Val Ray-Wortham Project Address: 707 N. Robinson Mailing Address: 707 N Robinson, PO Box 1677 Project City: Oklahoma City, OK Delivery Address: 707 N Robinson Project Zip Code: 73101-1677 Contact City: Oklahoma City, OK Contact Zip Code 73101-1677 Contact Phone: 405-702-1167 Contact Fax: 405-702-1186 Contact Email: [email protected] </p><p>Issue Date: September 10, 2015 Bidder may contact the Agency Contact listed above Pre-Bid Walk-through to arrange for a site visit by September 18, 2015. Pre-Bid Question Response Deadline: September 21, 2015 at 2:00pm CT Reference ITB No. 2920004469 in all e-mails/fax Bids Response Deadline: September 28, 2015 at 2:00pm CT</p><p>The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is inviting qualified bidders to submit written bids for all labor and materials described by this solicitation.</p><p>Bids will be accepted until the Date and Time specified above. Late Bids will not be accepted.</p><p>Method of Responding to this Solicitation: Bids will be accepted by mail, fax, email or hand delivered to the Agency Contact specified above.</p><p>The requirements of the proposed contract for construction are described within this Solicitation, and the Solicitation will become a part of any resultant Contract. Bidder will perform work in compliance with all applicable codes, standards, ordinances and laws. The issuance of this Solicitation does not guarantee that the State of Oklahoma will enter into a contract and the State reserves the right to reject any and all bids.</p><p>In preparing your bid, please review the attached documents and comply with instructions given:</p><p>• Bid Form: Submit your Bid using the form provided. • Statutory Bid Affidavit: Complete this affidavit and return with your Bid. • Agreement Between Owner and Contractor: This is the contract that will be used. • Invoice Affidavit for Construction: After contract award, this document must be submitted with the Contractor’s Invoice for Payment • Scope of Work (SOW): Description and Requirements of the proposed construction contract. • Non-Collusion Certification: An original executed Document (DCAM/CAP - FORM A100A - Attached) • Verification of Minimum Qualifications: Submit completed letter with your Bid.</p><p>If the Bidder has any questions about this Solicitation, please contact the Agency Contact listed above.</p><p>This Solicitation and any resulting Contract for Construction is in accordance with 61 O.S. §101- 138, and specifically 61 O.S. §103(B) regarding projects under the statutory amount mandated therein. Any resultant contract will be awarded by the Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services, Division of Capital Assets Management, Construction and Properties Department. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 2 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>Table of Contents A. GENERAL PROVISIONS...... 3 B. SPECIAL PROVISIONS...... 5 B.1. Introduction...... 5 B.2. Project Overview...... 5 B.3. Minimum Qualifications...... 5 B.4. Contract Term...... 5 B.5. Contract Type...... 5 B.6. Basis for Contract Award...... 5 B.7. Insurance...... 6 C. SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIFICATIONS...... 7 C.1. Scope of Work...... 7 C.2. Specifications:...... 7 C.3. Unauthorized Obligation...... 9 C.4. DEQ Responsibilities...... 9 D. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPPLIER...... 9 E. OTHER...... 9 F. VERIFICATION OF MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS...... 10 BID FORM...... 11 Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 3 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>A. GENERAL PROVISIONS</p><p>A.1.1. Deadline: All quotes received by the deadline stated will be considered for award. </p><p>A.1.2. Award: The DEQ reserves the right to award by item, by group or as a whole. </p><p>A.1.3. Delivery, Inspection and Acceptance: Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation or awarding documents, all deliveries shall be F.O.B. Destination. The DEQ reserves the right to reject other shipping terms. If a delivery fee is not included on the quote form, no delivery fee will be allowed.</p><p>The Bidder(s) awarded the Contract shall prepay all packaging, handling, shipping and delivery charges and firm prices quoted in the bid shall include all such charges. All products and/or services to be delivered pursuant to the Contract shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance by the State at destination. "Destination” shall mean delivered to the receiving dock or other point specified in the purchase order. The State assumes no responsibility for goods until accepted by the State at the receiving point in good condition. Title and risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the supplier until accepted by the receiving agency. The supplier(s) awarded the Contract shall be responsible for filing, processing, and collecting any and all damage claims accruing prior to acceptance. </p><p>Bidder(s) awarded the Contract shall be required to deliver products and services as bid on or before the required date. Deviations, substitutions or changes in products and services shall not be made unless expressly authorized in writing by the Central Purchasing Division. </p><p>A.1.4. Excise and Sales Tax: State agency acquisitions are exempt from sales taxes and federal excise taxes. The prices herein must not include any Federal excise taxes or sales taxes imposed by any State or Municipal Government.</p><p>A.1.5. Warranty: Bidder warrants that it has good and merchantable title to the goods sold hereunder and that said goods shall conform to the descriptions and applicable specifications and samples. Such goods shall be of good merchantable quality and fit for the known purposes for which sold, and must be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Contractor and the DEQ agree that this order does not exclude, or in any way limit, other warranties provided for in this agreement or by law. </p><p>A.1.6. Invoicing: Pursuant to 74 O.S. §85.44(B), invoices will be paid in arrears after products have been delivered or services provided.</p><p>Interest on late payments made by the State of Oklahoma is governed by 62 O.S. §34.71 and 62 O.S. §34.72.</p><p>Invoices for goods must not be submitted prior to receipt of goods, unless otherwise pre- approved by the DEQ. </p><p>A.1.7. Payment: The State of Oklahoma DEQ payment term is 45 days from receipt of invoice. Payments will be paid upon satisfactory completion of all services and receipt of accurate invoices received from the Contractor, which is subject to final approval by DEQ. </p><p>A.1.8. Amendments: No amendment, modification or supplement to this contract shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.</p><p>A.1.9. Audit and Records: The DEQ reserves the right to inspect all vendor documents relating to this agreement for up to seven (7) years after expiration. </p><p>A.1.10. Choice of Law: Any claims, disputes, or litigation relating to the solicitation, or the execution, interpretation, performance, or enforcement of the Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 4 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>A.1.11. Choice of Venue: Venue for any action, claim, dispute or litigation relating in any way to the Contract shall be in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.</p><p>A.1.12. Bid Preparation: All costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the bid is the Bidder’s sole responsibility; no pre-bid costs will be reimbursed to any Bidder. </p><p>A.1.13. Late Bid Responses: Failure to submit a timely bid including: 1) a signature binding the offer; and 2) a completed Bid Form, and any additional required information, will result in your bid being deemed nonresponsive; these items will not be waived or considered a minor informality or irregularity. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 5 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>B. SPECIAL PROVISIONS B.1. INTRODUCTION Prospective Bidders are urged to read this solicitation carefully. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder’s risk. Provisions, terms, and conditions may be stated or phrased differently than in previous solicitations. Irrespective of past interpretations, practices or customs, proposals will be evaluated and any resultant contract(s) will be administered in strict accordance with the plain meaning of the contents hereof. The Bidder is cautioned that the requirements of this solicitation can be altered only by written amendment approved by the state and that verbal communications from whatever source are of no effect. In no event shall the Bidder’s failure to read and understand any term or condition in this solicitation constitute grounds for a claim after contract award.</p><p>B.2. PROJECT OVERVIEW The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to obtain competitive bids from qualified bidders to construct and install a DEQ sign that identifies the building. This includes all parts, labor, and materials, including installation at the DEQ building, located at 707 N. Robinson. B.2.1. Bidder(s) shall make no attempt to contact DEQ employees or its Board Members regarding this solicitation prior to contract award. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in disqualification. B.2.2. Any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be administered and issued by the DEQ. B.2.3. All notices required or permitted under the resulting contract or agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail. B.3. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The successful Bidder (Contractor) and his/her/its officers, employees, and independent contractors must meet the following minimum qualifications: B.3.1. Must have experience constructing and installing building signs.</p><p>B.3.2. Must have completed a minimum of three (3) projects of similar size and scope included in this ITB within the last two (2) years.</p><p>B.4. CONTRACT TERM The Contract shall commence upon issuance of the Notice of Award (Purchase Order) and continue through completion of the final project and payment of final invoices. The Contractor shall not commence work, commit funds, incur costs, or in any way act to obligate the state agency until so notified in writing of the approval of the contract. The authorized procurement representative is the only individual who can transmit that approval to the Contractor. B.5. CONTRACT TYPE Any ensuing contract resulting from this ITB will be a Firm Fixed Price.</p><p>B.6. BASIS FOR CONTRACT AWARD The contract award shall be based upon the lowest and best most Responsive and Responsible Bid. DEQ may consider the past performance of the Bidder on other contracts with DEQ or other entities. DEQ reserves the right to make such additional investigations as it deems necessary and may require the submission of additional information. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 6 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>B.7. INSURANCE B.7.1. The Successful Bidder shall submit certificates of Insurance for coverage showing 1) general liability, 2) workers’ compensation and 3) automobile insurance. All policies shall maintain coverage not less than the lawful minimum limits covering Contractor’s activities, those activities of any and all sub-contractors, and those activities of anyone directly or indirectly employed by Contractor or subcontractor or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. All required coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect during the entire term of this Agreement. B.7.2. Successful Bidder shall provide proof of required insurance within seven (7) calendar days of award of contract or prior to any work being performed on the contract, whichever is earlier. B.8. SAFETY The Contractor is responsible for all damage to persons or property that occurs as a result of its negligence. The Contractor and its subcontractors must take proper safety and health precautions to protect the work, the workers, the public, and the property of others. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 7 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>C. SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIFICATIONS C.1. SCOPE OF WORK</p><p>C.1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION The Oklahoma DEQ is requesting qualified bidders to submit bids for the one-time purchase and installation of a new exterior building sign. The agency is looking to purchase a new, durable and energy efficient sign large enough for visitors to easily identify the agency from the surrounding area. The sign should be constructed and installed in an economical way to maximize funds, while maintaining longevity and life expectancy of the sign.</p><p>C.1.2. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES C.1.2.1. The successful Bidder (Contractor) must provide all labor, material, supplies, equipment, etc. for the purpose of providing DEQ with a building sign, and must be included in the bid price and will not be allowed to be billed separately. C.1.2.2. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining any necessary building permits, licenses, and arranging for building inspections and approvals required to comply with any applicable federal, state, and municipal laws, codes, and regulations in connection with the performance of the work. These items must be included in the bid price and will not be allowed to be billed separately.</p><p>C. If the work does not pass inspection, the Contractor must bear the cost of any and all corrections. C.1.2.3. The Contractor is responsible also for all materials delivered and work performed until completion and acceptance of the entire construction work, except for any completed unit of construction that may have been accepted.</p><p>C.1.2.4. The Contractor will be responsible for constructing a painted aluminum sign to be installed at DEQ’s main office located at 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK per the minimum sign specifications provided below. The Contractor will be required to do the following:</p><p>C. Construct and install a sign according to the specifications in section C.2 and Attachment B – DEQ Sign Renderings </p><p>C. All work must be preapproved by DEQ Project Coordinator or designee. Any unauthorized work completed outside of the approved Scope of Work, any amendments, addenda, or contracts resulting from this solicitation shall be at the Contractor’s sole expense and will not be paid.</p><p>C. The sign shall be connected to an existing power source</p><p>C.1.3. WORK SCHEDULE The schedule for installation and labor is expected to be completed during normal business hours. Any work done after hours or on Holidays cannot be billed as overtime or holiday pay or added to the bid price provided here in.</p><p>C.2. MINIMUM SIGN SPECIFICATIONS: C.2.1.1. Sign to read “OKLAHOMA DEQ” Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 8 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>C.2.1.2. Painted aluminum letters to be black and scaled according to drawings C.2.1.3. The sign must be illuminated with halo-lit letters and have 2” square tubing frame</p><p>C. The back of each channel letter will have a layer of 3/16" clear Lexan to keep bugs and birds out</p><p>C. LED strip must be attached to the clear Lexan</p><p>C. Aluminum channel letter shall be attached over the clear Lexan. See Attachment B – DEQ Sign Renderings.</p><p>C.2.1.4. Lights must be LEDs and must be white C.2.1.5. The preferred font for the letters is Arial C.2.1.6. The sign must be attached to the building with appropriate wall anchors capable of supporting the weight of the proposed sign being bid Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 9 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION At no time during the performance of this contract shall the Contractor have the authority to obligate DEQ for payment of any goods or services over and above the awarded contract. If the need arises for goods or services over and above the awarded contract for this project, Contractor shall cease the project and contact the DEQ contract administrator for approval prior to proceeding.</p><p>C.3. DEQ RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>C.3.1. DEQ will be responsible for providing power to the sign</p><p>C.3.2. DEQ will designate a Project Coordinator and/or designee to work with the Contractor to work on the project D. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPPLIER D.1. CANCELLATION OF BID DEQ reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, in whole or in part, as well as reject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any bid in part, and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received if it is determined by the agency that the best interest of DEQ will be served by so doing. If the solicitation is cancelled or all bids are rejected by DEQ, a notice will be posted on the DEQ website.</p><p>D.2. NO ITB RESPONSE Bidders who receive this ITB but who do not submit a bid should return the cover page of this package stating “No Bid” and the reason(s) for not responding. E. OTHER E.1. Attachment A – Certification for Competitive Bid and Contract (Non-Collusion - DCAM/CAP - FORM A100A) E.2. Attachment B – DEQ Sign Renderings Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 10 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>F. VERIFICATION OF MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>F.1. Verification of Minimum Qualifications Form Failure to complete this form or provide the required information for verification of minimum qualifications will result in your Bid being deemed nonresponsive and rejected without further evaluation. Note: Each Bidder must submit information that substantiates how they meet each of the minimum qualifications listed in this ITB. REFERENCES (Complete or attach separate sheet)</p><p>Verification: Provide Three (3) references contact information or documentation that shows you (or your subcontractor) meet the minimum qualification, completed within the last two (2) years.</p><p>Company (that performed work):______</p><p>Client Name: ______Title: ______</p><p>Client Contact: ______</p><p>Phone Number: ______Project Completion Date: ______</p><p>Brief Description of Project</p><p>Company (that performed work):______</p><p>Client Name: ______Title: ______</p><p>Client Contact: ______</p><p>Phone Number: ______Project Completion Date: ______</p><p>Brief Description of Project</p><p>Company (that performed work):______</p><p>Client Name: ______Title: ______</p><p>Client Contact: ______</p><p>Phone Number: ______Project Completion Date: ______</p><p>Brief Description of Project Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 11 of 12 BID # 2920004496</p><p>BID FORM</p><p>Failure complete this form and to submit a signature binding the offer with your Bid shall result in your Bid being deemed nonresponsive and rejected without any further evaluation.</p><p>OFFER</p><p>To: Department of Environmental Quality Fro m: Administrative Services Division (Firm Name) 707 N Robinson, PO Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 (Address) (NO PO BOX ALLOWED) Attn: Val Wortham</p><p>RE: Solicitation Number 2920004496 (City/State/Zip)</p><p>(Telephone No.) (EIN/TIN Number)</p><p>(Email Address)</p><p>TO: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY:</p><p>A. The Undersigned hereby offers and agrees to furnish the goods and/or services in compliance with all terms, scope of work, conditions, specifications, and addenda in the Request for Bid. </p><p>ADDENDA: </p><p>The undersigned has read, understands and is fully cognizant of the Information to Bidders, Offer and Form of Agreement, all Exhibits thereto, together with any written addendum issued in connection with any of the above. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the following addendum(s): _____, _____, _____, _____ (write “none” if none). In addition, the undersigned has completely and appropriately filled out all required forms.</p><p>OBLIGATION:</p><p>The undersigned, by submission of this Bid Form, hereby agrees to be obligated, if selected as the Contractor, to provide the stated goods and/or services to DEQ, for the term as stated herein, and to enter into an agreement with DEQ, in accordance with the Conditions, Scope and Terms, as well as the Form of Agreement, together with any written addendum as specified above.</p><p>COMPLIANCE:</p><p>B. By submitting this Bid Form, the Bidder represents that: 1) the Bidder is in compliance with any applicable provisions of the State of Oklahoma Ethics Laws, and 2) if awarded a contract to provide the Construction, Goods or Services required in the ITB, the Bidder will comply with the State Ethics Laws. </p><p>NONCOLLUSION:</p><p>The undersigned, by submission of this Bid Form, hereby declares that this bid is made without collusion with any Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Page 12 of 12 BID # 2920004496 other business making any other bid, or which otherwise would make a bid.</p><p>BID PRICE:</p><p>1. The undersigned, being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work, with the Solicitation for Bids and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the sums listed herein.</p><p>2. In submitting the bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the State of Oklahoma to reject any and all bids, and it is agreed that this bid may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date bids are due. Work is to start within ten (10) days after receipt of WORK ORDER or as otherwise provided for in the Solicitation.</p><p>3. By submitting a bid for services, the Bidder certifies that they, and any proposed subcontractors, are in compliance with 25 O.S. §1313 and participate in the Status Verification System. The Status Verification System is defined in 25 O.S. §1312 and includes but is not limited to the free Employment Verification Program (E-Verify) available at www.dhs.gov/E- Verify.</p><p>4. The Bidder also certifies that they are in compliance with the State of Oklahoma Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01, filed February 6, 2012 and effective July 1, 2012, that the use of any tobacco product shall be prohibited on any and all properties owned, leased or contracted for use by the State of Oklahoma, including but not limited to all buildings, land and vehicles owned, leased or contracted for use by agencies or instrumentalities of the State of Oklahoma.</p><p>5. The undersigned agrees to abide by the pricing contained on the Price and Cost Form.</p><p>6. If awarded a contract, we propose to complete this work within ______calendar days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Award (Purchase Order).</p><p>7. Warranty included: ______years labor and installation ______years materials.</p><p>8. Review the Scope of Work and Specifications included in this ITB and provide a Total All-Inclusive Total Project Price below.</p><p>Total All-Inclusive Firm Fixed Fee: $</p><p>(Bidder Printed Name)</p><p>(Bidder Signature)</p><p>(Bidder Title)</p><p>(Date)</p>
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