<p>Investigation of the Perilipin 5 gene expression and association study of its sequence polymorphism with meat and carcass quality traits in different pig breeds M. Zappaterra, M. Mazzoni, P. Zambonelli, R. Davoli</p><p>Table S1 Primers for the sequencing, the genotyping and the gene expression study. Primer name Primer sequence (5’- (sequence ID) 3’) TM (°C) Size (bp) Sequencing (ENSSSCG00000013513.2) PLIN5 -FOR 5’- TTGGGGCTCTGAAAAGTGAG -3’ PLIN5 -REV 5’- GCAGTTGTGGTTCAGATCCTG -3’ 64°C 600 Genotyping (ENSSSCG00000013513.2) PLIN5 -FOR 5’- CCAGGCTAGGGGTGGAATC -3’ 63°C 119 5’- AAGAATCCAGCATCG PLIN5 -REV CCATG -3’ PLIN5 (ENSSSCG00000013 513.2) 5’- GCGGTCTCCGATGCT TATAG -3’ 5’- PLIN5 -E-FOR CCCTGTTGTCTCCTC PLIN5 -E-REV TGCTC -3’ 64°C 476 5’- GTGGAGCTCAAACGA TCCAT -3’ 5’- PLIN5 -I-FOR TCAGTCATGGGCAGG PLIN5 -I-REV AAGT -3’ 67°C 89 LIPE (AY686758.1) 5’- CCGAGACGAGATTAG CACCA -3’ 5’- LIPE -E-FOR CCTAGCGAACATGAC LIPE -E-REV CGAGT -3’ 66°C 247 5’- AAGTCTACAGTGTGA GGGCC -3’ 5’- LIPE -I-FOR CGATGGGAGCTGAGT LIPE -I-REV AGAGG -3’ 70°C 96 Normalising genes HPRT1 (AK346023.1) 5’- GCCCCAGCGTCGTGA TTA -3’ 5’- HPRT1-E-FOR AGAGGGCTACGATGT HPRT1-E-REV GATGG -3’ 64°C 183 HPRT1-I-FOR 5’- 66°C 88 CCCAGCGTCGTGATT AGTGA -3’ 5’- CCTTTTCCAAATCCTC HPRT1-I-REV GGCA -3’ YWHAZ (AK344707.1) 5’- TGGAGCACTTACAAG GCGTA -3’ 5’- YWHAZ-E-FOR ACCGTTTCTGCCCTT YWHAZ -E-REV ATCCA -3’ 64°C 168 5’- AAGGCGTAGTGGAAG TGGAT -3’ 5’- YWHAZ -I-FOR GCTGTAGTCAAAGGT YWHAZ -I-REV GTGCA -3’ 66°C 98 B2M (AK239552.1) 5’- AAACGGGGAGAAGAT GAACG -3’ 5’- B2M-E-FOR ACATCTACCTGCTCA B2M-E-REV GACAGT -3’ 63°C 377 5’- CCTTCTGGTCCACAC TGAGT -3’ 5’- B2M-I-FOR TCCCACTTAACTATCT B2M-I-REV TGGGCT -3’ 66°C 99 For all the considered genes in the table are reported the used primer, the annealing temperature expressed in °C and the size in base pairs (bp). Each primer name is composed by the gene name, “I” for internal primer or “E” for external primer, “FOR” for the left primer and “REV” for the right primer. 1TM (°C) Annealing temperature. Table S2 Immunostaining results for Perilipin 5 (PLIN5) protein and average fiber size in pig Semimembranosus muscle in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc samples. Samples belonging to the two breeds have been compared using Wilcoxon test, and the relative P-values were reported.</p><p>Immunostai ning results ILW1 IDU2 Mean SD Mean SD P-value PLIN5 staining total CSA3 (μm2) 715 261.66 100 166.11 708 011.97 84 280.84 0.931 PLIN5 staining CSA percentage (%) 92.94 5.13 94.96 1.92 0.931 Average PLIN5- positive myofiber size (μm2) 7 673.47 776.34 7 459.79 909.47 0.931 Average PLIN5- negative myofiber size (μm2) 6 677.67 2 967.15 6 156.80 2 607.23 0.792 1 Italian Large White pigs. 2 Italian Duroc pigs. 3 CSA stands for cross-sectional area. Table S3 Additive and dominant effects of rs327694326 SNP on backfat fatty acid composition, with the means and differences of the estimated marginal posterior distribution for the genotypes in Italian Large White pigs. Additi ve (a) and domi nant Estim (d) ated effect mean s s Estimated differences between genotypes TT- CT- Backf CT CC TT-CC at M fatty e acids P(>0 C a 1 ) d P(>0) T CC Mean P(>0) n P(>0) Mean P(>0) 3 8 . 0. 6 2 C18:1, cis-92 0.64 0.002 0.85 6 38.39 -0.25 0.07 7 0.79 0.02 0.52 2 . 0. 2 0 C18:1, cis-113 0.48 0.0003 0.83 2 2.20 -0.03 0.10 3 0.69 -0.008 0.44 0 - . 0. 0 0 C18:2, trans- 1 0 - 9, cis-124 0.30 -0.00002 0.05 9 0.022 0.002 0.98 2 0.09 0.0004 0.38 0 - . 0. 7 0 C18:3, Ω35 0.20 -0.00029 0.12 6 0.80 0.012 0.74 4 0.15 -0.028 0.20 0 - . 0. 0 0 4 0 C18:3/C18:26 0.14 -0.00002 0.10 8 0.051 0.0006 0.67 3 0.10 -0.002 0.14 0 0. . 0 8 2 C20:1, cis-117 0.47 0.00036 0.90 3 0.81 -0.040 0.04 8 0.73 -0.012 0.38 0 0. . 0 7 1 C20:2, Ω68 0.71 0.00015 0.88 9 0.77 -0.014 0.08 3 0.75 -0.001 0.48 0 0. . 0 0 0 9 3 C22:4, Ω69 0.95 0.00002 0.85 2 0.088 0.0004 0.58 7 0.87 0.0041 0.91 0 0. . 0 0 0 1 1 C22:6, Ω310 0.30 -0.00001 0.15 2 0.011 0.0007 0.80 2 0.77 0.0019 0.90 7 3 . 0. 4 2 LCFA11 0.80 0.0018 0.86 1 73.15 -0.15 0.13 6 0.84 0.11 0.68 4 3 . 0. 9 3 MUFA12 0.61 0.003 0.90 4 43.61 -0.33 0.05 3 0.81 -0.001 0.50 PUFA Ω313 0.22 -0.00031 0.11 0 0.87 0.014 0.77 - 0.14 -0.028 0.20 . 0. 0 8 4 2 3 1 All the fatty acids or fatty acid categories are expressed as percentage on the total fatty acids amount. 2 Oleic acid; 3 Cis-vaccenic acid; 4 Trans-9, cis-12 octadecenoic acid; 5 Linolenic acid; 6 the ratio between C18 tri-unsaturated and C18 di-unsaturated fatty acids; 7 Eicosenoic acid; 8 Eicosadienoic acid; 9 Docosatetraenoic acid; 10 Docosahexaenoic acid; 11 Long chain fatty acids; 12 Monounsaturated fatty acids; 13 Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega3. P (>0): Posterior probability of a value being positive. In bold, probabilities above (or equal to) 0.90 or below 0.10. Oleic, cis-vaccenic, linolenic, eicosadienoic, docosahexaenoic, monounsaturated fatty acids, long chain and omega 3 fatty acids levels were reported in Table 4 as the observed P(>0) were close to the considered thresholds of 0.90 and 0.10. Table S4 Additive and dominant effects of rs327694326 SNP on FCR and carcass phenotypes, with the means and differences of the estimated marginal posterior distribution for the genotypes in Italian Large White pigs. Additi ve (a) and domi nant Estim (d) ated effect mean s s Estimated differences between genotypes TT- CT- CT CC TT-CC Traits a P(>0) d P(>0) TT CT CC Mean Mean P(>0) Mean P(>0) - 0 . 0 0 Lean1 (%) 2 0.20 -0.005 0.07 48.50 48.09 48.97 0.41 -0.89 0.06 -0.48 0.18 0 . 0 Backfat 0 thickness2 3 0.71 0.009 0.90 28.29 29.02 27.67 -0.73 1.35 0.90 0.62 0.74 0 . 0 0 Drip loss3 8 0.81 0.04 >0.99 52.59 56.14 51.04 -3.55 5.09 0.99 1.54 0.79 4 pH24 0 0.77 0.001 >0.99 5.96 6.05 5.92 -0.09 0.14 0.98 0.04 0.77 . 0 0 0 2 - 0 . 0 0 CIE L* 5 0.11 -0.009 0.07 33.18 32.86 34.27 0.31 -1.41 0.07 -1.09 0.10 0 . 0 0 CIE a* 3 0.91 0.003 0.86 9.17 9.22 8.69 -0.05 0.53 0.88 0.48 0.88 - 0 . 0 0 CIE b* 2 0.09 -0.004 0.03 3.64 3.45 4.01 0.19 -0.56 0.03 -0.37 0.08 1 The percentage of lean mass measured with Fat-O-Meter. 2 Backfat thickness measured with Fat-O-Meter at 8 cm off the midline of the carcass between the third and fourth last ribs. 3 Drip loss measured with Filter Paper Press method 4 pH measured at 24 hours post-mortem. CIE stands for International Commission on Illumination. P (>0): Posterior probability of a value being positive. In bold, probabilities above (or equal to) 0.90 or below 0.10. Table S5 Number of samples per each extreme group, genotypic and allelic frequencies inside the two tails of extreme and divergent samples, and the results of the two tailed Fisher’s exact test and Cochran-Armitage trend tests performed on the genotypic frequencies of rs327694326 SNP in Italian Large White pigs. Fisher's Cochran- Allele frequencies exact Armitage TT CC (%) P-value Χ2 P-value Traits % N % N % T C Backfat fatty acid composition (%) 0. 0.9 96 65 0 0.000 1 0.035 5 0.035 0. 0.6 78 0.00 C18:1, cis-91 86 7 0.200 4 0.114 6 0.214 7 4.984 0.026 0. 0.9 96 65 0 0.000 1 0.035 5 0.035 0. 0.6 78 0.00 C18:1, cis-112 86 7 0.200 4 0.114 6 0.214 7 4.984 0.026 0. 0.7 83 14 7 0.250 1 0.036 9 0.161 0. C18:2, trans-9, 0.7 80 0.59 cis-123 18 7 0.179 4 0.103 8 0.192 7 0.172 0.679 0. 0.7 87 86 5 0.179 1 0.036 5 0.125 0. 0.6 78 0.51 C18:3, Ω34 49 10 0.270 3 0.081 4 0.216 5 1.508 0.219 C20:1, cis-115 0.7 8 0.216 1 0.027 0. 0.135 0.78 0.332 0.564 86 57 5 0. 0.6 82 90 8 0.276 1 0.034 8 0.172 8 0. 0.6 81 90 7 0.241 2 0.069 0 0.190 0. 0.6 77 0.85 C20:2, Ω66 57 8 0.229 4 0.114 1 0.229 7 0.223 0.637 0. 0.7 86 65 7 0.206 1 0.029 8 0.132 0. 0.7 87 1.00 C22:4, Ω67 58 8 0.242 0 0.000 9 0.121 0 0.038 0.846 0. 0.7 77 24 3 0.103 5 0.172 6 0.224 0. 0.7 87 0.16 C22:6, Ω38 81 6 0.188 1 0.031 5 0.125 1 1.416 0.234 0. 0.7 84 71 5 0.143 3 0.086 3 0.157 0. 0.6 79 0.38 LCFA9 45 9 0.290 2 0.065 0 0.210 7 0.474 0.491 0. 0.9 95 35 1 0.032 1 0.032 2 0.048 0. 0.7 82 0.10 MUFA10 37 7 0.184 3 0.079 9 0.171 8 3.494 0.062 0. 0.8 89 28 4 0.138 1 0.034 7 0.103 0. 0.6 80 0.42 PUFA Ω311 75 10 0.250 3 0.075 0 0.200 7 1.882 0.170 0. 0.8 89 21 4 0.143 1 0.036 3 0.107 0. 0.7 82 0.77 C18:3/C18:212 41 9 0.167 5 0.093 4 0.176 7 0.974 0.324 Carcass traits 0. 0.6 76 80 4 0.160 4 0.160 0 0.240 0. 0.8 93 0.03 CIE a* 68 5 0.132 0 0.000 4 0.066 6 5.650 0.017 0. 0.8 90 44 4 0.125 1 0.031 6 0.094 0. 0.7 84 0.62 CIE b* 50 6 0.188 2 0.063 4 0.156 5 0.889 0.346 0. 0.8 91 75 2 0.083 1 0.042 7 0.083 0. 0.7 86 0.76 CIE L* 89 6 0.158 2 0.053 8 0.132 1 0.504 0.478 Drip loss13 0. 0.72 0.738 0.390 0.7 87 3 93 5 0.172 1 0.034 9 0.121 0.7 7 0.233 2 0.067 0. 0.183 81 00 7 0. 0.6 76 00 8 0.320 2 0.080 0 0.240 0. Backfat 0.7 82 0.62 thickness14 19 7 0.219 2 0.063 8 0.172 3 0.684 0.408 0. 0.6 80 67 9 0.273 2 0.061 3 0.197 0. 0.7 84 0.82 Lean15 (%) 50 6 0.188 2 0.063 4 0.156 8 0.306 0.580 0. 0.8 90 33 5 0.139 1 0.028 3 0.097 0. 0.7 85 0.68 16 pH24 30 9 0.243 1 0.027 1 0.149 2 0.802 0.370 1Oleic acid; 2Cis-vaccenic acid; 3Trans-9, cis-12 octadecenoic acid; 4Linolenic acid; 5 Eicosenoic acid; 6Eicosadienoic acid; 7 Docosatetraenoic acid; 8 Docosahexaenoic acid; 9 Long chain fatty acids; 10Monounsaturated fatty acids; 11Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega3; 12 the ratio between C18 tri-unsaturated and C18 di-unsaturated fatty acids. All the fatty acids or fatty acid categories are expressed as percentage on the total fatty acids amount. CIE stands for International Commission on Illumination. 13 Drip loss measured with Filter Paper Press method 14 Backfat thickness measured with Fat-O-Meter at 8 cm off the midline of the carcass between the third and fourth last ribs. 15 The percentage of lean mass measured with Fat-O-Meter. 16 pH measured at 24 hours post-mortem. Figure S1 The full image of the Western-blot membrane. Beta actin was used as standard control (on the left part of the membrane) to assess the molecular weight of PLIN5 band (on the right part of the image). The top of the membrane was cut with the aim of identifying after the development with diaminobenzidin (DAB) which part of the membrane was incubated with Rabbit anti-PLIN5 antibody and which part was incubated with Rabbit anti-beta actin antibody. Three samples were randomly chosen and tested for both PLIN5 and beta actin.</p>
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