<p>““Mom,Mom, II NeedNeed AA WebWeb Hosting!”Hosting!”</p><p>AA GoodGood MomMom WillWill AnswerAnswer You.You. AA GreatGreat MomMom WillWill ShowShow You!You!</p><p>Editable Version by clickmars “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>“Share this e-book to your friends and family, and get the chance to win a new iPod Video every month!”</p><p>For details on how to win the iPod Video, go to: http://sweeps.clickmars.net</p><p>LEGAL STUFF</p><p>You may distribute or share this e-book for free to anyone in any way and form, online or offline, without any permission from the publisher and the author. You may alter, edit, modify and/or change any of the contents of this e-book in any way and form. However, you may not edit or change or remove the title of this e-book and this page which contains this LEGAL information. You may not claim the copyright to this e-book and you may not add something or anything at all that not belongs to you.</p><p>All other brand names and logos are copyrights and trademarks of their respective owners. None of these copyrights and trademarks owners has authorized, sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed or approved the publication of this e-book. Clickmars has not received any payment or compensation in return for including any company or brand name in this e-book.</p><p>The author, publisher and the editor have made their best efforts to produce this informative e- book. However, the author, publisher and the editor make no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents of this e-book.</p><p>Clickmars accept no liability of any kind for any losses or damages caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, from using the information contained in this e-book. Some text, links and images may be subject to copyright and other intellectual rights owned by third parties.</p><p>Clickmars.com 2 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>Copyright © 2006-2007 www.clickmars.com. All Rights Reserved. Introduction:Introduction: ““WhatWhat IsIs ThisThis AllAll About?”About?”</p><p>Let us guess; there must be one reason for you to open this e-book…</p><p>1. Either you’re currently looking for a web hosting to host your website, or… 2. You’re thinking; why on earth you would need a web hosting?</p><p>Well, whatever your reason is, this e-book will definitely give you the answers to any of your questions. We will let you know how to choose the right web hosting to build the website that “PAYS” you.</p><p>Because, it will be a total waste of time and money if the website you’re going to build in the web hosting you choose doesn’t give you any benefit or profit.</p><p>Clickmars is an “All-In-One” Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting Provider on the Internet. Supported by one of the biggest Internet Companies in the world as our backbone, we are determined to give the very best to our customers, from hobbyists to small business entrepreneurs, around the globe.</p><p>So, are we the best Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting Provider on the Internet? Of course not. We’re being honest here. </p><p>Are we able to satisfy our customers’ needs? Are we affordable? Yes, to both questions. We are confident in our customer service and we are affordable for everyone to start a website. Then again, only you can make sure that we are telling you the truth or not.</p><p>So, what is this e-book all about?</p><p>YOU. This e-book is all about you </p><p>We will tell you everything you need to know to ensure your website up and running smoothly – no matter what kind of web hosting provider you’re going to choose, no matter how low your budget is.</p><p>And of course, the most important thing is, to ensure your website “PAYS” you in return for your efforts. With the right web hosting and the right website, you can make more money, you can start working from home, build your own small business, quit your current day job – you name it.</p><p>Clickmars.com 3 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>On this e-book, we’re being fair and square. There is no need for you to use our services if you don’t want to. This e-book is 98.99% pure information and knowledge. The rest 1.01% is pure gold.</p><p>Build a bad website in a great web hosting -- you're dead. Build a great website in a bad web hosting -- you're gone.</p><p>You need to build the right website in the right web hosting.</p><p>Straight and simple.</p><p>If this is the first time for you to read an e-book or probably this is the first time for you to own a website, then sit back and relax. We will make your journey as smooth as possible.</p><p>TIPS: If you already know why you should have a website and currently looking for a web hosting to host your new or existing website, you may skip the Quick Explanation and jump to the Main Course directly.</p><p>But, if you still wondering why you should have a website, then please read the Quick Explanation. It will help you “digest” this e-book with no trouble </p><p>Before we continue, we apologize if you found too many dramatical – we mean, grammatical errors in this e-book. We will try our best to upgrade this e-book from time to time, so please visit our blog often at: http://blog.clickmars.net</p><p>Enough for the introduction. Let’s go!</p><p>Kevin and Joe Snappe, your hosting friends Clickmars.com</p><p>P.S. In the future (or a lot sooner than you think), each and every person on earth – living or dead – will have a website. It’s only a matter of time.</p><p>And by the way… SPAM will never die.</p><p>Clickmars.com 4 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” QuickQuick Explanation:Explanation: “Why You Should Own A Website And A Domain Name Right Now?”</p><p>Why? How about an easy, affordable way to promote your business globally, to establish your name as an expert, to have class reunion or to share your favorite hobby with people from around the world?</p><p>Your friends, family, clients, customers or anyone in the world with Internet access can type your domain name into their web browsers and visit your website instantly.</p><p>Who should own a website? On this day and age, everyone should own it.</p><p>Just in case you’ve been living in a cave – exiling yourself from civilization for the past 20 years – allow us to update you with a little bit of information that’s going to make your adrenalin rise…</p><p>These days, anyone can make money with a website, including YOU.</p><p>So, why do you have to own a website right now? Because; if you wait another day, or month, or year… you would probably never be able to see this kind of opportunity again, for the rest of your life.</p><p>The world is moving fast, too fast for slow people to catch up and seize the opportunity. We are not joking.</p><p>What’s more, anyone from your grandmother to your soon-to-coming grandkids could now create their own websites in no time, without ever need to learn about HTML or web-programming. Technology has made our life easier.</p><p>In this e-book, we’re also going to show you how to make money with your website. No, you won’t become a millionaire, but the money you’ll be making could be a lot bigger than your current income – seriously.</p><p>Now, as we all know that in order to create a website, you have to find a web hosting provider to host your website – which soon we will explain in details – and a domain name registration to register the name for your website.</p><p>Regarding the domain name, it can be your own name, your family name, your hobby, your sport, your skill, your job, your company, your product, your services, your organization, etc. The list is unlimited.</p><p>Clickmars.com 5 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>The key to register a valuable domain name is to make it short, easy to remember, and above all, it must sound good to hear.</p><p>Single, generic word can also be a good domain name for your website, although it’s almost impossible to register a valuable one these days. Since more than 95% of all the words in dictionary have been registered, the only way for you to own a generic name is to buy it directly from the Domain Name Marketplaces.</p><p>The only problem is… the name can be extremely expensive!</p><p>GreatDomains.com, owned by Verisign, is one of the most renowned domain marketplaces in the world for selling generic domain names</p><p>And you know what? You could sell your domain name too if you want. What for? To make money, of course!</p><p>Yes, people are selling and buying domain names for millions of dollars on the Internet. Even though it looks too simple, this is a multimillion-dollar business.</p><p>Recently on December, 2006 -- a Russian entrepreneur has paid $3,000,000 (that’s three huge million dollars, my friend!) only to acquire one domain name: vodka.com, to expand his business into the US market.</p><p>Vodka.com's price tag is among the highest ever revealed for a generic domain name. In May, 2006, diamond.com reportedly sold for $7,500,000 to jewellery retailer; Ice.com. While Business.com sold for the same price back in 1999.</p><p>Clickmars.com 6 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>Still think this is a game? Think again.</p><p>If you wish to sell your domain name at the Domain Name Marketplace, or probably you want to know the price tag for your domain, you can see the value of your domain name with Clickmars DNA check; a Domain Name Appraisal service at: http://dna.clickmars.net</p><p>So, what’s in a name? Money, Mr. Shakespeare! Lot’s of money!</p><p>What would you do if you could sell a domain name for $1,000,000? Of course, that’s almost too good to be true. But, the opportunity doesn’t end there.</p><p>You could start your own Internet business with your website and start working from your own home – now THAT’S more likely to happen in your life.</p><p>There’s no need for us to tell you how Jeff Bezos started his Amazon.com, how Pierry Omidyar made his first million dollar from eBay.com and how David Filo reached to Wallstreet with his Yahoo.com.</p><p>Those are old stories. Today, it’s your turn to tell your success story to the world.</p><p>Remember, you are “person of the year 2006”. Forget The Apprentice. With your own Internet business, you are your own Boss!</p><p>Even Bill Gates said that the future is on the net, it won't be long before everyone's got a domain and a website.</p><p>Now back to the topic.</p><p>After you have registered your domain name, you have to find the right web hosting provider to host your domain name.</p><p>Shall we?</p><p>Clickmars.com 7 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” MainMain Course:Course: ““HowHow ToTo FindFind AA GreatGreat WebWeb HostingHosting ForFor You!”You!”</p><p>Finding a good web hosting is easy. Finding a bad one is even easier. But finding a great web hosting can be time-consuming and quite tricky.</p><p>First of all, you can begin your hunt by checking out web hosting directories on the Internet. These directories will let you search in details using all the features that you specified in order to build your website.</p><p>Beware though; that many of the listings you see there may also be paid listings -- in other words; pure advertising that has nothing to do with the quality you’re looking for. These naughty directories usually don’t care about you; they just care about selling their ad space to advertisers.</p><p>Bad, bad, bad. </p><p>Next, you should also try visiting web hosting message boards and forums on the web. Read through the posts and see what other people are saying about the web hosting they used. If you see lots of negative comments, you might want to move far away from that particular hosting provider.</p><p>Likewise, if you see an exaggerated positive comment like this…</p><p>“XXX is the best of the best web hosting company in the world! Their services are better than any other web hosting! You gotta try them! Click here quick: http://www.XXX.com/wrjg3463945nvjh4984hbj4i6.php”</p><p>It doesn’t necessarily mean that “XXX” is really the best web hosting provider in the world – heck, anyone can write that!</p><p>You can be sure that the person who posted that kind of comment is an affiliate to “XXX” company. Those people just want to earn their commissions fast, which they will NEVER receive.</p><p>Not that we hate affiliates. In fact, we love them! Like many Online Businesses, we will also use the power of affiliates to spread our wings over the net. But, good affiliates will give us their highest recommendation, NOT excessively promoting us.</p><p>A good web hosting provider could hosts up to hundreds of websites at the same time in one server. Therefore, a great web hosting company require plenty of </p><p>Clickmars.com 8 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” servers (in the real meaning; server is a real computer just like the one you have right now, but with more sophisticate hardware) to host all the websites.</p><p>These servers are placed in one building or in a “quarantine facility” called the Data Center. The facility is 24/7 connected to the Internet with a broadband connection, which makes the entire websites in every server alive.</p><p>This is what we called Uptime Guarantee; where the web hosting provider guarantee that your website will always active and ready to greet its visitors no matter what happened.</p><p>If your website cannot be accessed from your browser, then ask your web host why. Probably they’re having a Downtime; the time when the server where your website is hosted, unable to respond. If your website is popular, this Downtime can kill your business for sure.</p><p>Too many Downtimes mean; pack your bags and migrate immediately.</p><p>Data Center must have a secure environment with on-site security staff to guard the building, certified technical supervisors to react to any possible problems, corporate antivirus software to protect all the files, emergency fire protection, daily backup routine and the most complete disaster recovery system – just in case “Katrina” is stopping by.</p><p>First, you must test their customer support. To make sure you get the best from your web host, we strongly suggest you to find only a web host that provides 24/7 email and telephone support.</p><p>A web host that provides no more than an email support may not be able to satisfy your needs, so both email and telephone support is a MUST.</p><p>Please, make contact with them and get answers to any questions you have before you handover your money. Even if they already provide you with some detailed FAQ list, you still have to contact them.</p><p>Send three or four emails persistently, call their staff and ask them any questions you have in mind. You can even play dumb with them if you want.</p><p>Are they fast enough in responding your emails? Are they polite answering your questions? Are they patiently enough answering you in details?</p><p>Pay close attention to their responses. A bad web hosting provider will begin to lose its outer skin and showing you its true habit. If they stop responding you, please, please don’t walk away…</p><p>Run away!</p><p>Clickmars.com 9 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>Why do we strongly urge you to do this? Because when you’re having a little problem with your hosting account later in the future, the last thing you want to hear from their customer support is… snoring sound!</p><p>The maximum tolerant time limit for a good web hosting provider to reply your email is 2 X 24 hours. Beyond that time, pack your things, go to the receptionist and check out right away.</p><p>Remember, no bargain on this one, okay? Customer support must always be at #1 if you choose a web hosting service. Period.</p><p>Go ahead; test Clickmars customer support team to the last trial. Send all of your emails regarding our domain name registration process and web hosting services to: [email protected], or give us a call at…</p><p>Support Phone: (480) 624-2500 From outside the US, please dial: +1-480-624-2500</p><p>NOTE: Our customer support staff is available 24/7 all day and night, even at December, 25th and January, 1st – all year long.</p><p>If it’s too late, if your web hosting provider turned out to be uglier than you thought, then you know what you have to do…</p><p>Next!</p><p>Clickmars.com 10 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” The Alternative: “What About FREE Web Hosting?”</p><p>Wherever there’s a paid service, there must be a free service.</p><p>Free web hosting is… free. You don’t have to pay them any fee. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada. You might surprise to see how many users are online everyday at GeoCities.com; there are hundreds of thousands of them!</p><p>Geocities, owned by Yahoo, is one of the oldest free web hosting providers that still exists today</p><p>Hmm, sounds like a good idea to have your money-making website hosted with a free web hosting provider, right?</p><p>WRONG.</p><p>Free web hosting is very popular indeed, but did you know that free web hosting is NOT actually “free”?</p><p>You “pay” them not with your money, but with your time growing that free website – which is useless – and by allowing all of your web-pages crammed with alien advertising; the ads that you don’t want to host in your website. No matter what you do, there will be 3rd party advertising in every single page in your website. </p><p>Clickmars.com 11 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>This is how free web hosting survives, by selling ad space of your website. Therefore, don’t expect to look good here.</p><p>And don’t expect to get a warm regard from the customer support staff either – that if they do provide a real customer support staff. Heck, most do not provide you with customer support at all.</p><p>What about the features? Everything is strictly limited. From disk space, bandwidth, contents, everything. What’s worse is that the search engine spiders are now removing free websites out of their crawling schedules.</p><p>Typically, free web hosting providers are offering you “easy come, easy go” type of services. One day your website is almost done and you’re ready to go to sleep. The next day you woke up, your website is really “done”, vanished, disappeared just like that. Ouch!</p><p>Except for big companies like GeoCities.com, every other free web hosting provider will eventually DIE… in severe pain.</p><p>We’re not talking nonsense here; we speak from personal experience with once-famous Homepage.com. We used to have a free website on Homepage.com, but now it’s gone.</p><p>Hey, look no further; take GeoCities for a near-by example. At first, they didn’t offer a paid hosting, but now? They’re starting to offer you $4,95/month and $8,95/month hosting account – with a setup fee!</p><p>Pssst… even their hosting features are not even close to ours! </p><p>Setup Fee: This is an amount of fee that you must pay one-time, in order to create your account. This is how the other web hosting providers are usually making more money out of your pants!</p><p>If you’re planning to create a personal website or a family website, all of these limited features are probably wouldn’t be some nuisances to you. But, if you’re planning to make money on the Internet or to create a business website, using a free web hosting account will not only hurt your credential, it would also “kill” your business instantly.</p><p>But don’t misunderstand. We absolutely have no intentions of discouraging free web hosting users, or discrediting free web host providers. If you’re not ready to invest in your online success, then please use a free web hosting service.</p><p>Now, after you have made your choice – free hosting or paid hosting – you must also look at their hosting plans…</p><p>Ready?</p><p>Clickmars.com 12 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” InsideInside WebWeb Hosting:Hosting: “How To Choose The Perfect Web Hosting Plan For You!”</p><p>Every web hosting provider will offer you various hosting plans (or hosting packages or hosting features) that you can choose.</p><p>From here, we suggest you to choose only the web hosting plan which provides you the features that you actually NEED FOR NOW.</p><p>Most people would think…</p><p>“Maybe I should choose the Platinum Plan right now to avoid all the upgrading hassles in the future, because who knows my website is going to be huge, right?”</p><p>Yeah, right. This is probably the main cold reason why there are so many – or too many, perhaps? – Dot Com businesses falls apart and squashed like pancakes. They think too big, they started too big, and then they fell too fast.</p><p>It is a fact that most people choose the hosting plan they didn’t need.</p><p>The Platinum Plan or the PRO plan or what-ever, probably has all the features to build a massive gigantic website, but you don’t even know how to exploit them for your own good, which brings you to wasting your own money.</p><p>Especially if you’re going to create a personal or a family website, you don’t need an expensive hosting plan – heck, you might as well choose a free web hosting account in the first place!</p><p>Even with a standard or a basic web hosting plan, you may never even use the entire features yourself, so why bother to pay more when you don’t need them right now?</p><p>You MUST start in small. Build your website slowly. When it grows, let it grow, and that’s the time to upgrade your hosting plan.</p><p>Unless, of course, you’re a big-time entrepreneur who knows what you’re doing, you may choose the most complete hosting plan in order to expand your online empire. If this is you, then feel free to suit your needs.</p><p>Either way, you know that good things come in small packages. </p><p>Okay now, let’s dive into more detailed information for each web hosting plan…</p><p>Clickmars.com 13 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>1. Shared Hosting</p><p>It means: hundreds of websites are sharing the same “bed” in one web-server or computer at the same time. Do you know how it feels to share your bed with hundreds of people, big and small, at the same time?</p><p>Yup, exactly like that. </p><p>But, hey, it’s one healthy choice to smell your sleeping partner’s armpit, right? Shared hosting is the most favorite hosting plan in the world because it’s more affordable, simpler and… more affordable. Who can argue with that?</p><p>Every great money-making website was born from this “bed sharing ritual”. Why wouldn’t your successful website start from here too?</p><p>2. Virtual Dedicated Hosting</p><p>Now, this plan is a lot more useful to a certified webmaster or a small business entrepreneur. Since the web hosting provider offer one king-size “mattress” for each guest, there is no room to smell your sleeping partner’s armpit anymore.</p><p>You can do anything you want with your new “mattress” to make it comfy enough to build a huge website.</p><p>Our suggestion: If you’re confident, this hosting plan is highly recommended. Still, this is not for those who just starting their first website.</p><p>3. Co-location Hosting / Dedicated Server</p><p>In co-location hosting, the customer rent one full “penthouse” suite, not just the “mattress” alone. This way, the customers has the ultimate control over their web-server.</p><p>Definitely NOT for a beginner. Instead of looking tough in front of your love mate, you might end up “premature” if you don’t know what you’re doing. This hosting plan is recommended only for a small-to-medium size company.</p><p>4. Reseller Hosting</p><p>Again, this is not for a beginner. In reseller hosting, you rent the “penthouse” in bulk prices. You can sell your “mattresses” back to other people. Business intuition and marketing experiences are needed here since you’re going to start your very own web hosting business.</p><p>Hmm… talking about having your own business and becoming your own Boss, this one is an opportunity not to be missed – if you’re ready, of course.</p><p>Clickmars.com 14 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>With Clickmars, you can now open your own Internet business, selling domain names and web hosting packages to anyone in the world!</p><p>You immediately get a top notch customer service department, an entire product development staff, and a first class company backbone.</p><p>From the attractive site templates to the easy-to-use management tools, you'll find that we've designed everything to let you get on with the business - without the hassles!</p><p>For details, go to: http://reseller.clickmars.net</p><p>One more thing about web hosting is the Operating System (OS) that you’re going to use. Two of the most popular are Linux and Windows.</p><p>Basically, there’s no huge different on both OS. They are pretty much the same on capabilities and features. We recommend you to compare each plan for each OS, and find the one you like to use the features on building your website.</p><p>If you ask us, we prefer Linux.</p><p>Here’s some quick comparison…</p><p>Source: About.com</p><p>Clickmars.com 15 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” WebWeb HostingHosting Gimmick:Gimmick: ““TrickTrick oror Treat?”Treat?”</p><p>The competition on the web hosting industry is fierce. Some companies are willing to do something ugly only to get a quick profit.</p><p>So please, open your eyes and ears to these fair cautions…</p><p>1. Free Domain Name Offer</p><p>If you see an advertisement on the web offering you a free domain name, then you better think twice before you actually take the offer.</p><p>Yes, it’s true, they do allow you to register a domain name for free, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you own the domain name. Web hosting providers are able to give you a free domain name for as long as you use their web hosting services.</p><p>If you stop paying them for an annual web hosting service (usually quite expensive), they will snatch your free domain name back.</p><p>Can you see the real picture here?</p><p>Free domain name for you to register -- as long as you host your website with them. By the time you pay them for a web hosting service, they practically OWN you for a lifetime, whether you like it or not. You can never change or move to another web hosting provider.</p><p>If you do change or move to another web hosting provider, you will lose your so- called ‘FREE’ domain name for good. It’s like throwing away months or even years of hard work building that domain name to famous.</p><p>The web hosting provider, who actually owns that domain name since the beginning, will get a lot of traffic from the domain name that you just gave up.</p><p>What a shame… </p><p>Now that you know the truth, can you still call that a “FREE domain name” offer? We don’t think so. We call this “Rent-A-Domain Name” service, rather than free. Don’t you agree?</p><p>In Clickmars, no matter what kind of promotional offers you take, every Domain Name that you have registered with us will be 100% yours. We have no control over your Domain.</p><p>Clickmars.com 16 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>2. Unlimited Bandwidth Offer</p><p>Here’s another misguided promotion… If there’s a web hosting provider offers you an “Unlimited bandwidth”, you can be sure that the company is not serious taking you on as a customer.</p><p>Monthly Bandwidth / Data Transfer Limit: You can spend up to this amount of data from your account each month. For example, if you have a web-page that is 100KB in file size, and that page is viewed 10 times during a month; that will be calculated as 1000KB of data transfer. Which means; you have used-up 1000KB of bandwidth.</p><p>These kinds of web hosting providers are telling you that they won’t limit your bandwidth. As a result; your website is not going to be “down” and you won’t get charged even if millions of people visiting your website at the same time.</p><p>We can assure you that there is no such a thing as “unlimited” in computer terms. If you can find a web-server or a computer hard disk with an unlimited space at any retail store in the world, please let us know. We’ll be the first one to buy.</p><p>According to the patterns, these web hosting companies will charge you with some “hidden fees” or “ghost bills” if you have exceeded the bandwidth. Just don’t get shock if you see the charges in your monthly credit card billing statement.</p><p>Or, they can just shutdown your website for a full month and forget you still breathing. Be prepared for the worst.</p><p>3. Same Price Guarantee</p><p>“Same Price Guarantee” means that you will not pay more than what you have paid today for a web hosting service in the next 5-10 years.</p><p>For example: If you have paid $90 for an annual web hosting service this year, then you don’t have to pay more than $90 (annually) in the next 10 years even if the web hosting company have raised the price for new customers.</p><p>For this kind of web hosting provider, usually you have to pay an expensive annual contract upfront with the web hosting company. Consider yourself blessed-by-the-Heaven if they don’t charge you with a costly setup fee.</p><p>Be careful when choosing a web hosting provider. There are just too many people got trapped into the same old trick, over and over again.</p><p>Clickmars.com 17 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>If you see a “FREE Domain Name” offer, or an “Unlimited Bandwidth” offer in some web hosting companies, please read their terms & conditions thoroughly. Most of the time, people are not aware that there is a fatal blemish behind all those beauty offers.</p><p>A good web hosting provider will tell you everything about all the major fees and additional fees before you pay them. A bad one will tell you everything after you have paid them. It’s your pick.</p><p>Remember, not all web hosting providers are created equal.</p><p>Most are just doing more harm than good to your website. Some could be a real pain in the ass (sorry). Few could be good. Even fewer are the top notch ones.</p><p>Use your mind when searching for a great web hosting. Think wisely. Whether is to make money on the Internet, building your own small business empire, or just sharing your love to a hobby, having a website hosted in a well-established hosting provider could help you reach your goal in no time.</p><p>Next, we’re going to talk about how you can make money with your website…</p><p>InIn TheThe End:End:</p><p>Clickmars.com 18 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!” ““LearnLearn DirectlyDirectly FromFrom ThoseThose WhoWho AlreadyAlready Succeed.”Succeed.”</p><p>Now let’s talk about how to build a website that “pays” you.</p><p>If you’re an experienced entrepreneur, you already know that a website can “pay” you for your efforts. But, if you’re new to this website thing, then you must have lots of questions in your mind…</p><p>Can you really make money from your website? Can you really quit your day job, working from your own home and make a living from your website?</p><p>The answer is ridiculously simple… Yes, you can.</p><p>But, is it easy to make money on the Internet? HELL NO.</p><p>Whether it’s online or offline, it’s never easy to make money. You know it and we know it. But today, Internet has made everything much more simple than in the past. You see, starting a business on the Internet is very easy. All you have to do is register a domain name, use a web hosting service and choose what kind of product you want to sell. That’s it.</p><p>What about making money? You can’t just pray and hope the money would fall from the sky! You have to know the secrets first.</p><p>If you know the secret “recipes” that some people used to make money with their websites, you just might grab some serious amount of money on the Internet -- no kidding. Ordinary people like you are now making some hefty fortunes from the Internet simply because they have a website.</p><p>Your Mom used to say that you should learn directly from those who already succeed. Those words are truly undeniable.</p><p>Check this website: www.SecretsOnlineSuccess.com</p><p>Okay, that’s it, we’re done here. We will let you decide what’s best for you. We hope that you get something valuable from this e-book.</p><p>Thank you for reading! </p><p>Clickmars.com 19 “Mom, I Need A Web Hosting!”</p><p>Copyright © 2006-2007 www.clickmars.com. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>Clickmars.com 20</p>
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