<p> FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p>Occupational Health & Safety ICAITU004B</p><p>The Occupational Health & Safety Act Clearly spells out duties for all workplace parties Must be followed by employers and employee</p><p>Regulation Rules that deal with certain issues in greater detail than are contained in the act e.g. first aid </p><p>Codes of Practice Standards set by the industry for the industry Minimum standards for workplace practices of OH&S </p><p>What should a OH&S policy do? Indicate a company’s health and safety policy objectives Arrangements to achieve these objective Issues include o Senior management commitment o Commitment to set down functions and duties of all people in the organization for maintaining workplace heath and safety o Accountability of all levels of management o Training in communication in health and safety practices o Regular monitoring/review effectiveness</p><p>Implementation of policy Involves consultation and cooperation between management and employees Policy document should be displayed in prominent place for employee to view</p><p>Hazard Management Approach (HMA) Leads to reduced costs, increased productivity, higher morale and better industrial relations Responsibility of Health & Safety Employers o Must take all reasonable practicable steps to protect the health & safety at work of employees o Managers/Supervisors-responsible/accountable o Ensures Manager/Supervisors aware of responsibility o Ensure employee knows responsibility Employee</p><p>Health & Safety Representatives Representatives of employees to represent them on health & Safety issues To promote/ensure H&S they may: FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> o inspect workplace o consult managers/supervisors o issue provisional notices </p><p>Aim HMA eliminate/reduce risk of injuries and illnesses associated with work. Through 1) Hazard identification Identify all situations/events that could give rise to potential injury/illness 2) Risk assessment Determining whether there are any risks associated with the identification hazards 3) Risk control Determining & implementing appropriate measures to control risk. Practicable means: o Severity of hazard o State knowledge of ways of removing it o Cost of removing 4) Evaluation of control measures Checking to see whether the introduced changes reduce the risk previously assessed e.g. repeat step 1,2, 3 </p><p>Hazard: Potential to cause injury/illness Risk: Likelihood of injury/illness arising from exposure to any hazards</p><p>Identify Hazards in the office Mechanical o Tripping, hot components of photocopiers Physical o Reflections from VDU, poorly designed chairs, prolonged work in fixed posture Chemical o Vapours e.g. paint </p><p>What to consider when assessing risk Likelihood of exposure leading to injury/disease Frequency/duration of exposure Who it may effect?</p><p>What to consider when controlling risks Elimination (most effective) Substitution Engineering e.g. barriers Administration e.g. est. policies Personal protective equipment e.g. gloves Evaluation of control measures</p><p>OH&S Committees FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Forum where health and safety problems can be identified and resolved and where safety systems/procedures can be developed and monitored Meet at least every 3 months Minutes must be recorded and meetings displayed prominently Number of employer must not exceed employee NOT ‘responsible’ for workplace health and safety o Employer ensures health, safety, welfare of employees o Only document and inform employer Functions: Review measures to make workplace healthy & safe Help develop safe working environment and system of work Help develop a system to record accidents & hazards </p><p>Ergonomics Study of the physical relationship between people and their working environment Results in: Increased work efficiency Errors due to fatigue decreased Health & injury problems reduced Work satisfaction increased Work related problems Eyestrain headache/bloodshot eyes Rapid fatigue due to prolonged static body position Backache Shoulder/neck stiffness Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) – caused when using body in unnatural position/carry out repeated actions </p><p>Considerations: Design of furniture Placement of equipment Work Routine Work environment Incorporations of exercise and breaks into routines </p><p>Signs: Red circle with a line through it: Some thing must be done (urgent) Green Triangle: Indicates where emergency equipment is kept Yellow Triangle: Danger, warning Blue Circle: Need for safety equipment </p><p>Carpel Tunnel Syndrome FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p>Electrical Hazards associated with computer and other office equipment </p><p>Accident/Incident reporting procedures </p><p>Opportunities to use Command Line and Graphical User Interface Operating Systems</p><p>Antiglare screen Elbow angle 80 -120ْ </p><p>Centre screen below your 20ْ vision Back is straight Adjustable Adjustable brightness and backrest contrast</p><p>Wrists flat, Height of chair fingers slightly adjustable curved</p><p>Keyboard should be approx. elbow Legs bent 90ْ height Or more</p><p>Foot flat on floor or foot rest Adequate knee Access the Internetroom Access the Internet</p><p>What is the Internet? FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Worldwide groups of connected networks that allows the public to access information, send messages, obtain products/services Networks use the same ‘language’ o Use the same protocols (rules) ‘plat form- independent’ o Protocols devised so that can be understood by all main computer platforms </p><p>Connecting to the Internet ISP Has a server which is permanently online and has a permanent internet address Server connected through high-speed telephone lines, fiber optic links or satellite o Providing high speed data transfer Connected to bank of modems User modem dials up ISP’s modem and make a connection DIAL UP CONNECTION </p><p>IDSN Lines Permanent phone line connection to an ISP o Transfer data faster o Come in a variety of bandwidths (data carrying capacity) </p><p>Web Server??? Own ISP Larger organizations Large network of computers and require high internet access </p><p>Choosing an ISP Cost: prepaid/rate/joining fee Speed: speed of modem supports/support lines for IDSN/cable modems Lines: Line per customer Start up Help: software provided- min. email program/borwser Ongoing support Experience Platform: IBM Vs Macintosh Vs Windows version Accounts: cheque? Newsgroups: Limit to number can join? Additional Mail Boxes e.g. AOL Web Page: Space on server? Size? What is WWW? World Wide Web Portion of internet containing websites o Information can be accessed electronically o Collection of hyperlinked documents accessible on the internet o Hyperlinks allow you to move quickly from one document to another </p><p> Web contains millions of documents known as Web Pages FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> o Held on various computer networks around the world </p><p>How a modem works</p><p>Packets </p><p>Firewall Both hardware and software used to restrict access to data on a network Used to deny access to outsiders and restrict employee’s access to sensitive data </p><p>Implementation Place a computer “proxy server” between two separate networks o Programmed to allow access to/from only specific network locations </p><p>File Compression Reduce download time Internet is used to transfer files o File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – standard “language” used by computers o Allowing one program to transfer data to another e.g. Archie, Fetch, Most Web Browsers Decompression program needed for ‘expansion’ </p><p>Search Engine (search tool) Software program searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of documents where the keywords o Matches 1+ keywords answered Searches an index of Internet sites, which is always updated </p><p>Function Send out automated ‘spiders’ ‘crawlers’ ‘robots’ to scour internet Search engine sends out ‘spider’ to fetch as many documents as possible Program: ‘indexer’ reads documents and creates an index based on words 1) User types in word/phrase 2) Matched against database 3) Search engine displays URL matching </p><p>Newsgroup Collection of news and discussion groups accessed via the internet to a central location o Allows anyone to read/post messages on particular topic o Divided into groups and subgroups Participation requires program called “newsreader”</p><p>Mailing List List of email addresses identified by a single name FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Messages are distributed to a large number of people via email Join = subscribe Get off mailing List = unsubscribe Lurking: on mailing list without posting messages explore Flaming: email of personal nature resulting in disagreements among members – don’t reply/inflame Emotions</p><p>Search Engine Vs FTP Vs Archie Server Search engine: Generally used to locate information Archie: program that enables you to search for files anywhere on the internet by filename o FTP sites are searchable with Archie </p><p>Plug-in Mini applications that add extra functions to web browsers o E.g. allows recognition/play audio/video files </p><p>Browser Software file that allows you to view HTML files Interprets and displays Web pages and enables you to link to other Web pages Basic Function: interpret Hyper Text Markup Language Modern browsers e.g. MS Windows Explorer/Netscape o Display/deal with Graphics o Play sounds & video o Transfer files </p><p>Cookie </p><p>Header of Email: Electronic exchange of messages to and from other computer users 1) Date 2) Subject: useful for recipient 3) To: (recipient) must be typed correctly 4) From 5) Reply 6) Reply all 7) Cc - “carbon copy” (duplication) 8) Bcc – “blind carbon copy” recipient not aware of who else received copy</p><p>Requirements of email Computer linked to internet via LAN/modem Account – ISP Email address (provided by ISP) FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Email Software</p><p>Email Software 1) Stand alone email programs E.g. MS Outlook 2) Mail ‘modules’ of larger Web Browser Packages MS Internet Mail components of Web Browsers </p><p> Perform similar programs: send/receive/manage email Usually for different platforms </p><p>Bookmark Title and URL of a Web page, recorded in the browser so user can return to the Web Page, recorded in a future session Adding: Managing:</p><p>HTML Hyper Text Mark Up language Set of special instructions used to create web pages </p><p>Privacy/Security: Internet </p><p>IP Internet protocol Addressing system for the Internet Consist of four part numeric addresses, identifying the geographic region, company, computer group, and the specific computer location </p><p>Netiquette Guidelines developed for posting articles to newsgroups/email Don’t type in capitals Treat people as if in real life Proofread offline Identify subject ie. Posting Make sure message appropriate to list / no personal/ unsubscribe in public domain</p><p>TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Communications protocol used for packet switching on the Internet </p><p>URL Uniform Resource Locator FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Address that points to a specific resource on the Internet </p><p>Creating a Web Page Analyze o Purpose/Achieve/Audience o Important info legible? o Too many pictures/animations o Which web browsers does page support o Contacts/Feedback? Design o Layout o Appropriate user interface with simple navigation tools o Home Page interesting to grab user’s attention Implement Software o Web Editor/Web Authoring package: enables you to create Web Pages o Technically any software letting you save HTML format e.g. Word processing can be used – compatibility of MS Word Vs Macintosh upon upload Types 1)Text Based editors: help you create HTML files by inserting HTML codes that help you manage links o Requires some knowledge of HTML</p><p>2) WYSIWYG editors: work with visual representation of web page o Hides HTML code unless you want to see it o Import Clips like desktop publishing e.g. MS FrontPage </p><p>Text Written in word processing package for proofread/spell-check Fonts used will be stored on viewers computer use common font </p><p>Graphics KISS – slows time Ensure people who choose to turn off “auto load” can still navigate No discrimination for e.g. visually impaired </p><p>Icons/Symbols Navigation aids </p><p>Sound/Video Limits on modem i.e. bandwidths (data capacity) Employ streaming : Delivered in small packets at regular intervals sufficient poor quality Obtain permission FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p> Don’t make essential (i.e. those lacking hardware)</p><p>Copyright Acknowledgment Permission </p><p>Upload</p><p>Maintain</p><p>Advertise Join major search engine ‘add a page’</p><p>Evaluate Independently Efficiency Effectiveness Navigation/cost/download/ISP size allowance </p><p>Integrate Commercial Computing Packages/ Design organizational documents using commercial computing packages MS WORD</p><p>File Operations in Word Manage files Save document Print Open File Send to..e.g. fax</p><p>Why a ‘bulleted’ paragraph called a hanging indent Hanging indents paragraphs formatting in which the second and subsequent lines of a paragraph are indented more than the first line How do you select a particular type of ‘tab stop’ Tab Stop: a position you set for placing and aligning text on a page Difference between soft/hard page breaks Soft: starts a new page (automatic) Hard: force page break at a specific location (manual)</p><p>Difference between ‘cut and paste’ ‘copy and paste’ Cut…: removes texts from the place and pastes it in another location Copy…: exact replica made and still can be pasted elsewhere</p><p>MS EXCEL FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p>Difference between Workbook and Worksheet Workbook: file in which you work and store data, each workbook can contain many worksheets Worksheet: used to list and analyse data, primary document – also called ‘spreadsheet’, in columns, rows and always stored in workbook</p><p>Excel recognition of ‘formula’ “=” or paste function “f(x)”</p><p>When should you use ‘absolute addressing’ Absolute References: cell reference that always refers to a cell in a specific location. If “dollar” sign before letter/number e.g. $A$1 the column/row is absolute Used when don’t want excel to adjust references when copying formula to different cell</p><p>Difference between ‘searching’ and ‘filtering’ Filtering: Quick/easy way to find work with a subset of data in a list Displays only the rows that meet criteria as specified Search: Returns the number of the character at which a specific character/text setting is first found</p><p>The ‘IF’ Function Enables decision making to be implemented in a worksheet Three arguments: o A condition that is evaluated as either true or false o A true condition: value returned if condition true o False action: value returned if condition false Must use relational operators to perform logical test = < > <> <= >=</p><p>Lookup Functions Used to ‘look up’ tables In a lookup table, you use a formula to locate an item of data that is associated with another item of data in the same list Data in table must be ‘sorted’ as: o Search starts from the left-most value in the table/list and o Works its way from lowest to highest value 2 commonly used functions o VLOOKUP(cell, Range i.e. table, value, column) o HLOOKUP()</p><p>DATABASES FreeAsAir [email protected]</p><p>Attribute: Field in relational database Field: Item of info in a record Record: Collection of related fields</p><p>Primary Key Unique field Identifies each record in a table Must have a unique value, used to relate a table to foreign keys in other tables </p><p>Data ‘Form’ Clearer Full field labels seen Easily search/review data Reduction in possibility of mistakes </p><p>Control Graphic User Interface object e.g. text box Allows user to control program/data choices</p><p>When would you use a query rather than find filter commands Query can bring together data from multiple tables to serve as the source of data for a form, report or data access page </p><p>What advantages do reports have over printed forms You have control over the size and appearance of everything on a report You can display the information the way you want to see it Prints information and organized according to your specifications</p>
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