&mg Cbtoarb's g>cf)ool Cfjrontcle 70l. LVIII—New Series. July, 1943. No. 300 EDITORIAL. Flying Officer T. C. Burgess on the occasion of his marriage to Miss H. Holden of Rochdale T:-:;RE are times when blank despair must at St. Anne's Church, Rochdale, on May 18th, •Kit even the most unconcerned of hedonists, 1943. H :i the delight of life itself is consumed by I « insatiable melancholy. The causes of such ntmditions are many, but by far the most THE following Prefects have left since the Tftrtent we have yet encountered is the painful last issue : Ad devitalising process of composing an B. H. McGOVv'AN (1935—Dec. 1942) ; oftditorial. In our own mind we are convinced Captain of the School and General Secretary, i mat few ever read that short moral essay May—Dec, 1942 ; Prefect, 1940-41-Dec. (Which conventionally precedes the torrent 42 ; School 1st XV Colours, 1942-43 ; )• news and thoughts poured forth in each School 2nd XV Colours, 1940-41-42-43 ; sAsne of the CHRONICLE ; yet„ personal vanity Captain of Swimming, 1940-41-42; ajfetrains us from abandoning the project. Swimming Colours, 1940-41-42 ; School (•What," you may enquire, " is the precise Athletics Colours, 1942-43 ; Secretary of Jdactic purpose of this Editorial ? " It is Debating Society, 1940-41 ; Secretary of afcis: a distraught and gloomy Editor has Dramatic Society, 1941-42; Editor of the ioAnved before the unrelenting demands of CHRONICLE, 1941-42 ; Sub-Editor of ; tfcdition and has produced the third and CHRONICLE, 1940-41 ; House Secretary, 'Afcal Editorial of his career. But, Voltaire 1941-42 ; House Captain of Swimming, a»as more pertinent than we could ever be to 1940-41-42 ; House Captain of Athletics, fcv, Tlfaut cultiver notre iardin' ; it is better 1940-41-42; C.S.M. in J.T.C., 1942; House [»• set one's own house aright before building Company Commander, 1942. t'other peoples' cities. Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Cambridge. Leeds'. P. R. LANGHAM (1935-1943) ; Prefect, NOTES AND NEWS. Feb., 1941—Mar., 1943; Captain of Cricket, 1942-43 ; School 1st XI Colours, 1942-43 ; p" >ITH a short and simple ceremony Big School Cricket Blazer, 1941 ; School 2nd jed :hool was used for prayers for the first time XI Colours, 1940-41-42-43 ; School 1st XV iel i Friday, 'December 4th. The significance Colours, 1942-43 ; School 2nd XV Colours, icti f the event as the symbolical completion of 1941-42-43 ; House Captain of Cricket, 1942-43 ; House Captain of Fives, 1942-43 ; i * ie School's wandering was clear to all. Secretary of Debating Society, 1942; ndi . C.S.M. in J.T.C., 1941-42-43; Senior y i E congratulate : C.S.M., 1942-43. Leeds'. es J- D. Bush on being elected to the Wootton Exhibitioner of Pembroke College, Cam­ rnj aacson Exhibition for Spanish at Trinitv bridge. Jfe ill, Cambridge. M. H. WHETTOX (1936-43) ; Prefect, C F. Figures on being elected to an Ex- 1942-43 ; School 1st XV Colours, 1942-43 ; So hition for Modern Languages at Pembroke School 2nd XV Colours, 1942-43.; House FB| >Uege, Cambridge. Captain of Cricket, 1943 ; C.S.M. in J.T.C., he °- R. Langham on being elected to an 1942-43. Roberts'. ?,» "Matioii for History at Pembroke College, Indian Army. imbridge. ,ad 'f-.H. McGowan on being elected to a Rustat Pribrtion for History at Jesus College, WE congratulate C. F. Figures, L. L. Turner, Wibridge. C. J. Porteous and M. H. Whetton on being E D. Scorer on being awarded the John awarded their 1st XV Colours ; and G. R. Wtt Montague Scholarship at University Harris, A. T. Churchman, H. E. Bingham, flfege, Southampton. D. R. Allcott, G. H. Dunkerley and P. H. J: P- Mitchell on being awarded an Ex- Sefton on being awarded their 2nd XV MJ bition in the Mining Department of Birming- Colours. 1 *? University. Also R. W. F. Pennv on being re-awarded • J- Porteous on winning the Hammond his School Cricket Colours, 1943 ; and P. A. bating Trophy. Kavanagh and G. A. Pell on being awarded their School Cricket Colours, 1943 ; and J. C. DENNIS KNIGHT MEMORIAL Dark, J. D. Dunkerley, J. H. Pugh, and P. T. MEDALS. • Richardson on being re-awarded their School 2nd XI Colours, 1943. MR. Roland Dawes (Old Edwardian)*! Also D. K. McGowan, J. K. Hodskin- given /500 to the Governors to foundjhif Brown, Br. O. Bailey, A. T. Churchman, and award in memory of his nephew, Pilot OUtc B. Bailey on being re-awarded their School Dennis F. Knight (Old Edwardian), m Swimming Colours, 1943 ; and G. A. Mans­ was killed in action off Malta in 1941. 1 field on being awarded his School Swimming conditions governing the award win Colours, 1943. published in our next issue. Also J. J. Holland on being awarded his School Athletic Colours. 1943. TH Of: We wish to express the gratitude of the SPEECH DAY. scl School to Dr. Ghose, of the Ministry of Information, who addressed the fifth and THE first public Speech Day for many^f sixth forms early this year on " India," Dr. was held on 29th March, 1943, for theff Ghose was formerly attached to the staff of occasion in the new Big School, a memiB; the League of Nations at Geneva. event in the School's history, as Comma We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of Langley afterwards emphasized. Mr. CMT many contemporaries. Morris, the Head Master, and the Bailiff txK. Foundation, Mr. Siward James, district the prizes. Owing to the large numbeiM. parents and visitors present it was «^ OBITUARY. possible for prize-winners and members oi» Sixth and Fifth Forms to attend. ln: Mr. P. C. Adams. The acting Head Master, Commander •< BY the death of Percy Crofton de Lacy Adams, Langley, after remarking on the unfortuw1, better known as " Paddy," the School has absence of Mr. E. T. England and sew' lost an old and firm friend. At the time of his prominent governors, apologized for •' death early, in June he was eighty and for unimposing list of scholarships, pointings* many of those years he had followed his the loss of masters and the call of out*' profession as a stock-broker. His true activities on available time. Many oldertB1 vocation was, however, to be found in sport, were entering the services, and the rest™ particularly Rugby football. He was a mainly engaged in J.T.C., A.T.C. w founder and captain of the Old Edwardian Scouting activities. The societies »fc XV, and at the time of his death he was O.E. flourishing, and a new Civics Society «\ president. He married in 1894 and leaves been formed, while the achievements oi«a one son, to whom we offer our sincere school teams were outstanding. He thaA sympathy. Dr. Baker for giving his services so generoA Mr. H. W. Rennle. The Bailiff, Mr. James, gave a sketch ofB We regret to announce the death early this move from New Street and its ensuing tf year of Horace Watt Rennie at the age of 76. thanking all those responsible for the mwf He was a metallurgical chemist and for some He then went on to affirm that it vm* years he was assayer of metals to the Pahang mistake for us to be ashamed either ofB Corporation ; later he became a partner of privileges or of the British Empire. 't James Rennie and Co., and a director of C. The Lord Mayor, Councillor W. S. U Holden and Co., Ltd. In 1920 he was who presented the Certificate "A" awarded the C.B.E. for his services to the Proficiency Certificates, praised the worl Cadet Force. the governors and staff in moving from I Street, although he had regretted leaving fine old building. He appreciated the sj SERVICE RECORD. of the boys in volunteering for the servi D but he hoped that they would not be nee WE draw the attention of all our readers to the The new Civics Society was warmly welcd sixth instalment of the Record of Old in view of the present widespread ignofi Edwardians serving in H. M. Forces, enclosed of civic matters. He felt very honoured in this issue. The fifth instalment appeared be the first Lord Mayor to be present i in our issue of July, 1942 ; paper restriction Speech Day of this school during his tert prevented our including a further instalment office. in December last. The Record is being com­ The Head Master, Mr. Morris, thankint piled at the School by Capt. F. J. Williams school for his reception, made a detenu' and at the Old Edwardians' Association (67A but most unconvincing effort to persuad New Street, Birmingham, 2) by H. Metcalf, that he had no right to be present, saying Esq. We again appeal to all our readers to he felt a sense of guilt in speaking, bring the Record to the notice of all who can praised Commander Langley for carryifl? supply corrections and additions. so successfullv in his absence. The ceref' . tas concluded by singing the School Song and ance than Fantasia, in which the means be National Anthem, a fitting conclusion to completely destroyed the end, is the symbol­ ii event of which we hope those members of istic scene from Bambi of the stag fight. A he school fortunate enough to attend will be masterly use of colour coupled with a complete iroud. E.J.H. disregard for previously accepted cinema standards of representation provide a scene which is breath-taking in the speed of its WALT DISNEY-THE ARTIST.
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