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Articulate Engage Word Output

<p>Important Health Insurance Changes for 2015</p><p>1. Changes</p><p>1.1 Welcome</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Welcome to the It's Your Choice 2015 Important Changes presentation. The It's Your Choice Open Enrollment Period runs from October 6 through October 31. Any changes you choose to make to your insurance coverage during this time will be effective January 1, 2015.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.2 Navigation</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Hover over each blue button to learn more about navigating through this presentation, and then click on the next button when you are ready. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.3 Home</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Generally, if you plan to stay with your current health plan and you are not changing your coverage, you do not need to take any action during the It’s Your Choice Open Enrollment period. However, you should review the following important changes and the new High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to determine whether this plan is right for you. </p><p>All state employees will have a new option this year, which is the HDHP. Local employees will have this option, if their employer elects to participate in the new plan.</p><p>The first thing that we are going to look at are the important changes to your benefits and network. If you are a state or UW employee, please click on the blue box. If you are a local government employee participating through the Wisconsin Public Employee Program, please click on the green box. </p><p>Please note. At any time during the presentation, you can click on the home button to return to this screen. Once here, you may click on any of the colored boxes to go directly to that section.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline Let's begin.</p><p>1.4 New Health Plans</p><p>Notes:</p><p>There are two new health plans being offered in 2015.</p><p>Arise Health Plan Southeast will be offered in seven counties in southeast Wisconsin including: Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha.</p><p>Current members in WEA Trust - Northwest plan who selected Mayo Clinic as their care system for 2014 will automatically be moved into the new WEA Trust Northwest Mayo Clinic Health System plan. It will be offered in Barron, Buffalo, Chippewa, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pierce, St. Croix and Trempealeau counties. Note: out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care will be higher in 2015. See the plan description page in the It's Your Choice Decision Guide for more detail. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.5 Plans Not Available</p><p>Notes:</p><p>The health plans that are no longer available in 2015 are WPS Metro Choice Northwest and Southeast and the State Maintenance Plan (SMP). </p><p>Subscribers who have the WPS Metro Choice Northwest and Southeast Plan must select another plan. </p><p>The State Maintenance Plan (SMP) is no longer available in Pepin County, so subscribers who have this plan must select another plan or will be limited to the SMP providers remaining in other areas.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.6 Health Plan Name Change</p><p>Notes:</p><p>WEA Trust - Northwest changed their name to WEA Trust - Northwest Chippewa Valley in order to clarify which doctors are in the network. If you are a current member of the WEA Trust - Northwest plan and chose the WEA Trust - Northwest Chippewa Valley Network, no action is required on your part, as you will automatically be enrolled in this plan for 2015. If you choose to see non-network providers, your out-of-pocket costs will be higher. Please refer to the plan description pages in the Decision Guide for more detail.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.7 Network Changes</p><p>Notes:</p><p>These health plans have made significant changes by adding contracts with provider groups. </p><p>Arise Health Plan Northern has added providers in Door and Waushara counties.</p><p>Dean Health Insurance added providers in Waukesha county.</p><p>Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire is expanding into Clark, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Price, Taylor and Vilas counties.</p><p>GHC of South Central Wisconsin is also expanding into Columbia, Marquette and Sauk counties.</p><p>HealthPartners Health Plan is newly qualified in Ashland, Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Marathon, Monroe, Sawyer, and Washburn counties</p><p>Physicians Plus is expanding into Dodge, Juneau, Vernon, Walworth, Waukesha and Wood counties. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline</p><p>State Maintenance Plan (SMP) will now be offered in Vilas county.</p><p>See the IYC book for more changes.</p><p>1.8 Dental</p><p>Notes:</p><p>There are a number of changes to the dental care benefits. </p><p>Delta Dental will be the new dental vendor for Dean Health Plan, Dean Prevea360 and Gundersen Health Plan. </p><p>Dean Plan members will have access to Premier and PPO Delta Dental networks. All members in these plans should verify if their current dentists are in-network.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.9 Medicare Prescription Drug Underwriter Change</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Effective January 1, 2015, the Navitus MedicareRx (PDP) plan, which provides Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage for eligible members of the group health insurance programs, will be provided by Dean Health Insurance Inc., rather than Sterling Life Insurance Company. This change will not affect benefits members receive or who members should contact about their coverage. </p><p>The only two changes members will notice are:</p><p>1. They will receive new ID cards that show Dean Health Insurance, Inc. as the underwriter.</p><p>2. The service area for Medicare Part D benefits has been expanded to include Puerto Rico.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.10 Federal Requirement</p><p>Notes:</p><p>In 2015 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will require subscribers to provide Social Security numbers for all dependents if they have not already done so. Health plans and employers are required to report this information to the federal government.</p><p>Employers will contact members if this information is not on file.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.11 Employee Reimbursement Accounts</p><p>Notes:</p><p>In 2015, the current employee reimbursement accounts program will be administered by Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC). Enrollment during this year's It’s Your Choice period will be handled by TASC. </p><p>In addition, the ERA program has a new provision beginning in 2015. ERA balances of up to $500 remaining at the end of the 2015 run-out period may now be carried over into the next plan year. This reduces the risk of forfeiting unused dollars. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.12 Taxability-Wellness</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code considers financial reimbursements for wellness-related expenses such as gym memberships, fitness classes, and rewards for participating in health or wellness programs to be a fringe benefit of employment. </p><p>These types of reimbursements must therefore be treated as a taxable wage that is subject to income and payroll taxes. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.13 Taxability-Wellness 2</p><p>Notes:</p><p>ETF will collect incentive payment information from the health plans and provide it to employer payroll centers for taxable wage reporting.</p><p>ETF will determine and provide taxable wage reporting requirements for annuitants. </p><p>Withholdings for all incentives issued during the calendar year will be reflected on employees' December pay stubs. Annuitants will receive a separate W-2 form.</p><p>Health plans will delay reporting and issuing incentive payments received in November and December until after the first of the following year to allow time for processing.</p><p>It is important to keep in mind, your health information is protected by federal privacy regulations and will never be shared with your employer. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.14 Optional Plans: Enrollment Opportunities</p><p>Notes:</p><p>State agencies are authorized by the Group Insurance Board to offer optional insurance plans to their employees to supplement group health insurance. Not every agency offers every optional plan. </p><p>Anthem DentalBlue, EPIC Dental Wisconsin, EPIC Benefits+, Hartford Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Vision Service Plan and Aflac are all offering open or special enrollment during this year's IYC period.</p><p>Only active employees may enroll in optional insurance plans at this time, with the exception of Vision Service Plan.</p><p>Anthem DentalBlue, EPIC and Vision Service Plan all have some changes for 2015.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.15 Optional Plans: Dental Changes</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Anthem DentalBlue offers three dental plans and is increasing only the Anthem Supplemental coverage from 50% to 60% for all major restorative services, including crowns, bridges and endodontics with no change in premium.</p><p>EPIC Dental Wisconsin will decrease the premium by 10% for active subscribers in its PPO plan. This includes coverage for diagnostic and preventive dental services, along with major and complex restorations such as crowns. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.16 Optional Plans: EPIC Benefits+</p><p>Notes:</p><p>For 2015, EPIC is doubling the hospital and surgical benefit. For example, an outpatient surgery benefit will increase from $100 to $200 per day. </p><p>It will also increase the accidental death and dismemberment coverage by 50% for active and COBRA members only. For example, employee coverage will increase from$10,000 to $15,000 and spouse coverage from $5,000 to $7,500. </p><p>In addition, the optional vision materials rider has been enhanced. For example, the allowance for eyeglass frames has increased from $100 to $130. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 1.17 Optional Plans Important Information</p><p>Notes:</p><p>When deciding whether to enroll in an optional plan, please be sure to examine waiting periods, exclusions and maximum benefit limits.</p><p>Please note that the Anthem DentalBlue, EPIC Dental Wisconsin and EPIC Benefits+ plans have restrictions and special enrollment opportunities. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 2. HDHP</p><p>2.1 High Deductible Health Plan</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Beginning January 1, 2015, the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program will offer the option of a high deductible health plan (HDHP). This program option was part of the state’s 2013-2015 biennial budget (2013 Wisconsin Act 20) and is now state law under Wis. Stat. 40.515.</p><p>An HDHP is a health plan that, under federal law, has a minimum annual deductible and a maximum annual out-of-pocket limit, and requires enrollment in a Health Savings Account (HAS). </p><p>The plan is designed to offer a lower monthly premium in exchange for more shared health care costs by the member.</p><p>The HDHP Option will be offered by each of the health plans that are a part of the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program and each health plan’s HDHP option will provide the same package of benefits after the deductible is met.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.2 State Employee Premium Contributions</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Here you see the employee share of the 2015 health insurance premium rates for both the “regular” plan, now known as “Coinsurance Uniform Benefits”, and the new HDHP Uniform Benefits. </p><p>You can find these rates, information on the tiers, plan comparisons and answers to other questions you may have in the It’s Your Choice materials on ETF's web site at </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.3 HDHP Details</p><p>Notes:</p><p>The HDHP generally begins paying for health care costs once the annual deductible has been met (except for preventive services that are mandated by federal law). Preventive services, as set by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), are covered at 100%, regardless of the deductible. </p><p>The deductible applies not only to medical benefits, but to the dental and pharmacy benefits as well. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.4 Deductible</p><p>Notes:</p><p>A deductible is a fixed annual amount that you must pay for medical, dental or prescription costs BEFORE your insurance plan begins to pay for covered services. When the deductible is met, coinsurance uniform benefits apply. </p><p>The annual deductible for an individual plan is $1,500 and a family plan is $3,000. In a family plan, the entire $3,000 deductible must be met before the coinsurance coverage begins to pay. </p><p>Remember, the deductible does apply to dental and pharmacy benefits, so after the deductible is met, pharmacy copays will apply up to the out-of-pocket limit. </p><p>The deductible is met when covered expenses are incurred, even if they are not yet paid for. </p><p>It's important to remember that the HDHP plan will not pay ANY medical, dental or pharmacy costs (except for preventive services) until the annual deductible has been met. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.5 HDHP Out-of-Pocket Limit (OOPL)</p><p>Notes:</p><p>After the deductible is met, coinsurance uniform benefits apply, so services are subject to 90%/10% coinsurance, up to an overall out-of-pocket limit (OOPL). That means, that once you’ve met your deductible, the plan will pay 90% of covered services, and you will pay 10%, up to the maximum out of pocket limit. After that, covered services are paid at 100%. The OOPL is the maximum amount per year that you could pay out of your pocket. This includes the deductible, pharmacy copays and the 10% coinsurance. </p><p>The annual out of pocket amount is $2,500 for an individual plan, and $5,000 for a family plan. </p><p>Once again, it's important to remember, that once the deductible is met, the pharmacy copays 5, 15, or 35 dollars will apply up to the out-of-pocket limit. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.6 HDHP Eligibility</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Who is eligible for the HDHP? </p><p>All state employees and their dependents, limited term employees (who are eligible to participate in the State Group Health Program), annuitants and their dependents under age 65, and local government employees if their employer chooses to participate in the plan. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.7 HDHP Ineligibility</p><p>Notes:</p><p>The HDHP is not available to any Medicare-eligible annuitants age 65 and older, anyone enrolled in any part of Medicare, and anyone covered by another health plan such as a spouses plan or TRICARE. Anyone eligible for the graduate assistant/short term academic staff benefits package (and not in the WRS), those who are a dependent of another person for tax purposes and those in the State Patrol classifications are also ineligible to participate in the HDHP. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 2.8 HDHP Enrollment</p><p>Notes:</p><p>If you decide to enroll in the HDHP, (or change to any other health plan) your application must be submitted and received within the open enrollment period which begins on October 6 and ends October 31st. Please note that late applications will not be accepted. You may complete either a paper application (form ET-2301) or enroll online through myETF Benefits at ETF’s website. Please check to see the method of enrollment your employer prefers. The Group Health Insurance Application/Change Form (ET-2301) has been revised and now includes an option to choose the HDHP option. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3. HSA</p><p>3.1 HSA Defined</p><p>Notes:</p><p>A health savings account (HSA) is a savings or investment account set up to pay for health care expenses (medical, dental and prescription drugs) that are not covered by a health plan. It is established for, and owned by, those state employees who are enrolled in the new HDHP. Please note, local employers are not eligible for the state HSA. If local employers choose the HDHP program option, they may sponsor their own HSAs.</p><p>Eligible health care expenses covered by the HSA are determined by the IRS, and the third party administrator for the State of Wisconsin sponsored HSA will be Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC). </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3.2 HSA Eligibility</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Who is eligible for the Heath Savings Account? </p><p>Anyone eligible for and enrolled in the HDHP plan (this excludes local government employees). </p><p>This includes state employees and their dependents, limited term employees, Annuitants and their dependents under age 65.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3.3 HSA Ineligibility</p><p>Notes:</p><p>The HSA is not available to anyone NOT enrolled in the State HDHP including any Medicare- eligible annuitants age 65 and older, anyone enrolled in any part of Medicare, and anyone covered another health plan such as a spouses plan or Tricare. Anyone eligible for the graduate assistant/short term academic staff benefits package (and not in the WRS), and those who are a dependent of another person for tax purposes and those in the State Patrol classifications are also ineligible to participate in the HDHP. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3.4 HSA How it Works</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Active state employees and their employers can make pre-tax contributions each year. Those contributions are owned by the employee and balances rollover annually. The employer contribution in 2015 will be $170 for individual plans and $340 for family plans. The IRS has established maximum contribution limits for 2015 of $3,350 for individual plans and $6,650 for family plans. </p><p>Those aged 55 to 65 may contribute up to the annual limit as well as an additional $1,000 catch- up contribution.</p><p>Because the HSA is portable, when employees leave state service or the health plan, they can keep the HSA. However, they will be responsible for any monthly account maintenance fees. Members can continue to make contributions as long as they continue participation in the HDHP, however only active employees will be eligible for the employer HSA contribution. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3.5 HSA Enrollment</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Once you are enrolled in the HDHP, you must enroll in the State sponsored Health Savings Account with TASC. This can be done at the TASC website following enrollment in the state HDHP. </p><p>Local government employees enrolled in the HDHP should check with their employer to learn about whether their employer is sponsoring a HSA.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 3.6 LPFSA</p><p>Notes:</p><p>According to IRS rules, individuals who enroll in the HDHP and HSA are not allowed to have a regular health care flexible spending account (FSA), otherwise known as an employee reimbursement account (ERA) because FSAs are considered to be disqualifying “other” insurance coverage. </p><p>Therefore, ETF will offer a Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA). An LPFSA can be used for vision, dental and post-deductible expenses only. The annual contribution limit for the LPFSA is the same as a regular health care FSA and will also be administered by TASC. It includes a $500 carryover to reduce the risk of forfeiting unused dollars. Signup online through TASC during It's Your Choice.</p><p>Generally, participants who want to save money in their HSA or have high dental, or vision expenses may be interested in having this additional account.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4. Scenarios</p><p>4.1 Introduction</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Meet Grace. She works in the call center at ETF. Today she is going to look back through her call log and review some important conversations.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.2 Termination Question</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Jackie is leaving state service, and she is wondering how this will affect her HSA. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.3 Termination Answer</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Jackie owns the money in her HSA. She can use it until it is gone. However, the employer contributions to Jackie's account end upon termination of employment. If she elects COBRA, she can continue contributing to the account. </p><p>Because employer contributions to HSAs end upon termination of employment, the monthly account maintenance fees will become the responsibility of the individual.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.4 Medicare and HDHP Question</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Meet Dave and Edith. Dave will be turning 65 and is eligible for Medicare. He currently participates in the HDHP. How will this affect his health plan once he enrolls in Medicare?</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.5 Medicare and HDHP Answer</p><p>Notes:</p><p>As long as Dave remains an active state employee, he can defer Medicare enrollment. Doing so will allow him to stay on the HDHP. If Dave or any of his dependents enroll in Medicare, he will need to notify his employer. He will then be given an option to enroll in another non-HDHP of his choice.</p><p>See the It's Your Choice Decision Guide for further information.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.6 HSA Usage Question</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Jim wants to know if he can use his HSA for non-medical expenses. Is that an option for him?</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.7 HSA Usage Answer</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Yes, however, if Jim wants to use his HSA funds for something other than medical expenses, he should contact his tax professional before withdrawing the money. </p><p>Jim can choose how to pay for approved medical expenses: He can either use his TASC-issued debit card, or pay directly through the TASC website. Please see the resources tab above or the TASC website for a list of approved medical expenses. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.8 Choosing HDHP</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Stephanie is a single female who is trying to decide if HDHP is right for her. The following information may help her make a decision. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.9 Estimated Usage</p><p>Notes:</p><p>In determining whether the HDHP is an option for you or your family, there are a number of things you should keep in mind.</p><p>If you estimate your health care expenses to be low and generally limited to preventive care, the HDHP may be a good option. Preventive services are 100% covered by your health plan and are not subject to the deductible and you can contribute funds to the HSA to help pay for any eligible health care expenses that you do incur. The risk is that you will have to pay for unexpected costs. Keep in mind that dental services and non-preventive prescription drugs are subject to the deductible.</p><p>If you use health care services at a moderate level, you should determine if the savings in the HDHP premium cost outweighs your anticipated health care expenses. Your employer will contribute funds to your HSA to help, but what can you afford to contribute? Enough to cover any expenses you incur? These should be your main considerations when deciding to enroll in the HDHP.</p><p>If you use many health care services, the HDHP with the HSA may still be a good choice if your </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline priority is saving for future health care expenses, or if you have significant health care expenses that will not be capped under the traditional program, for example, level 3 prescription drug costs. Are you in a financial position to take on the risk? If you are between the ages of 55 and 65, not only can you contribute up to the annual limit in your HSA, but you can contribute an additional $1,000 as a catch-up contribution.</p><p>4.10 Cost Comparison</p><p>Notes:</p><p>When comparing plan cost, it’s advisable to consider both fixed and possible expenses as well as your own risk tolerance. The fixed expense is the “known” annual employee share of premium that your employer deducts from your pay check, pre-tax, each month. Fixed expenses for example could also include maintenance prescription drugs you already take on a regular basis. Possible expenses are those “unknown” expenses that you may incur. These costs depend solely on how often you use health care services, and how much you choose to contribute to your HSA to pay for these “unknown” or “unexpected” costs you may incur. </p><p>The Fixed Expense part of the comparison (shown in green) refers to the annual premium cost you know you will incur for whichever plan you choose. The HDHP premium is less because </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline you are exchanging a lesser premium for the high deductible. Your employer will be contributing $170 in 2015 to your HSA. </p><p>The Possible Expense part of the comparison shows the maximum amount you could pay out- of-your pocket for each of the plans:  Under the HDHP plan, (shown in blue and yellow) the maximum out-of-pocket cost you could be responsible for paying is $2,500. That includes the deductible, prescription drug copays and the 10% coinsurance.  Don’t forget to determine how much you will set aside in your HSA to pay for these “unknown” costs.  Under the Coinsurance Uniform Benefits Plan that you are accustomed to (shown in yellow and orange) , the maximum out-of-pocket cost you could be responsible for is $910, ($500 for medical coinsurance and a separate out of pocket limit of $410 for prescription drugs).</p><p>If you never, or rarely use health services your cost would be considerably less. If on the other hand you use health services often, you could incur any amount, but never more than the maximum amounts shown here. </p><p>If you have family coverage, you’ll want to consider how many health care services each of your family members are likely to incur and you should also consider that the deductible and out-of-pocket limits are higher for family coverage. Please see the IYC Decision Guide Comparison of Benefits Chart for more information. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 4.11 Thank You</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Thank you for viewing this presentation.</p><p>Please click on the Resources Tab above for more information before exiting the presentation.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5. Changes Local</p><p>5.1 New Health Plans</p><p>Notes:</p><p>There will be two new health plans offered in 2015: Arise Health Plan Southeast and WEA Trust-Northwest Mayo Clinic Health System. </p><p>Arise Health Plan Southeast will be offered in seven counties in southeast Wisconsin including: Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha.</p><p>Current members in the WEA Trust - Northwest plan who selected Mayo Clinic as their care system for 2014 will automatically be moved into the new WEA Trust Northwest Mayo Clinic Health System plan. It will be offered in Barron, Buffalo, Chippewa, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pierce, and St. Croix counties. Note: out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care will be higher in 2015. Please see the plan description pages in the It's Your Choice Decision Guide for more detail. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.2 Plans Not Available</p><p>Notes:</p><p>The health plans that are no longer available in 2015 are WPS Metro Choice Northwest and Southeast and the State Maintenance Plan (SMP). </p><p>Subscribers who have the WPS Metro Choice Northwest and Southeast Plan must select another plan. </p><p>The SMP is no longer available in Marquette and Pepin Counties, so subscribers who have this plan must select another plan or will be limited to the SMP providers remaining in other areas.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.3 Health Plan Name Change</p><p>Notes:</p><p>WEA Northwest changed its name to WEA Northwest Chippewa Valley in order to clarify which doctors are in the network. If you are a current member of the WEA Trust Northwest plan and chose the Chippewa Valley Network, no action is required on your part, as you will automatically be enrolled in this plan for 2015. If you choose to see non-network providers, your out-of-pocket costs will be higher. Please refer to the plan description pages in the Decision Guide for more detail.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.4 Network Changes</p><p>Notes:</p><p>These health plans have made significant changes by adding or terminating contracts with provider groups. Other plans have also made changes. </p><p>Arise Health Plan Northern has added providers in Green Lake and Waushara counties.</p><p>Dean Health Insurance added providers in Waukesha county.</p><p>Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire is expanding into Clark, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Price, Taylor and Vilas counties.</p><p>GHC of South Central Wisconsin is also expanding into Columbia, Marquette and Sauk counties.</p><p>HealthPartners Health Plan is newly qualified in Ashland, Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Eau Claire, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Lincoln, Marathon, Monroe, Oneida, Portage, </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline Sawyer, Vernon and Washburn counties. See the plan description pages in the Decision Guide for more information.</p><p>Physicians Plus is expanding into Dodge, Juneau, Vernon, Walworth, Waukesha and Wood counties.</p><p>State Maintenance Plan (SMP) will now be offered in Vilas county.</p><p>See the IYC Decision Guide for more changes.</p><p>5.5 Tier Changes</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Each of the available health plans are placed into one of three tier categories, based on its efficiency and quality of care. Group Health Cooperative Eau Claire and Humana Western are now in tier 3. For more information, please see your IYC Decision Guide. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.6 Dental Changes</p><p>Notes:</p><p>There are a number of changes to uniform dental care benefits. </p><p>Delta Dental will be the new dental vendor for Gundersen Health Plan. </p><p>Members will have access to Premier and PPO Delta Dental networks and should verify whether or not their current dentist is in-network.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.7 Medicare Prescription Drug Underwriter Change</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Effective January 1, 2015, the Navitus MedicareRx (PDP) plan, which provides Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage for eligible members of the group health insurance programs, will be provided by Dean Health Insurance Inc., rather than Sterling Life Insurance Company. This change will not affect benefits members receive or who members should contact about their coverage. </p><p>The only two changes members will notice are:</p><p>1. They will receive new ID cards that show Dean Health Insurance, Inc. as the underwriter.</p><p>2. The service area for Medicare Part D benefits has been expanded to include Puerto Rico.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.8 Federal Requirement</p><p>Notes:</p><p>In 2015 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires that subscribers provide Social Security numbers for all dependents if they have not already done so. Health plans and employers are required to report this information to the federal government.</p><p>Employers will contact members if this information is not on file.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.9 Taxability-Wellness</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code considers financial reimbursements for wellness-related expenses such as gym memberships, fitness classes, and rewards for participating in health or wellness programs to be a fringe benefit of employment. </p><p>These types of reimbursements must therefore be treated as a taxable wage that is subject to income and payroll taxes. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.10 Taxability-Wellness 2</p><p>Notes:</p><p>ETF will collect incentive payment information from the health plans and provide it to employer payroll centers for taxable wage reporting.</p><p>ETF will determine and provide taxable wage reporting requirements for annuitants and they will receive a separate W-2 form from ETF. </p><p>Withholdings for all incentives issued during the calendar year will be determined by each local employer</p><p>Health plans will delay reporting and issuing incentive payments received in November and December until after the first of the following year to allow time for processing.</p><p>It is important to keep in mind, your health information is protected by federal privacy regulations and will never be shared with your employer. </p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 5.11 Thank You</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Thank you for viewing this presentation. Please click on the Resources Tab for more information.</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline 6. Untitled Scene</p><p>6.1 Contact Information</p><p>Published by Articulate® Storyline</p>

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