<p>English III Lesson Plans 1st 9wks, Weeks 1-3 2014-2015</p><p>Week of 7/28-8/1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We will We will identify reading We will We will...continue We will summarize evaluate essay Class Objective initiative strategies and identify key developing school/course policies process for a technology tools parts of ISN's Interactive notebooks personal essay Lesson Activity: Course Activity: Bell-ringer: Discuss Bell-ringer: Activity: Continue Syllabus Overview-New Guidelines for reading in your life and ISN Creating/Decorating Grading Personal your favorite book PowerPoint ISN's Policy/Expectations& Essay Rules Activity: Reading Activity: Activity: Peer Activity: Initiative Create Title Introductions Students will Page /TOC/ compose their Activity: Cornell Notes Assignment Varies by teacher Personal Pages Essay Activity: Student Prompt: Tell Tools: /Online Activity: me Textbook – Decorate something myhrw.com ISN's about you teacher web pages that will make me know you Activity: Response on better how technology has affected your daily life.</p><p>I will I will have learned how complete I will explain the I will complete to use technology tools I will work on Create Title Closing Task importance of course all parts to my available and how the finishing my ISN's Page /TOC/ rules/expectations personal essay reading initiative will exterior decorating Assignment help me. Pages</p><p>Syllabus Vocabulary/Word Personal - Reading Initiative ISN ISN Wall Expectations Essay -HRW </p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): modeling ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): modeling, one modeling, modeling, one on SPED (Inclusion): on one SPED (Inclusion): one on one one assistance, peer- extended time, assistance, extended time, assistance, assistance vocabulary, seating SPED vocabulary, seating peer- SPED (Inclusion): (Inclusion): At-Promise: assistance extended time, At-Promise: extended SPED vocabulary, seating time, (Inclusion): At-Promise: vocabulary, extended seating, time, graphic vocabulary, organizer seating At-Promise: At-Promise:</p><p>TEKS </p><p>Week of 8/4-8/8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We will We will understand We will compose understand key We will identify We will evaluate how key vocabulary from an essay on Class Objective vocabulary from Of important literary culture impacts writing. Of Plymouth personal Plymouth devices Plantation experiences. Plantation Lesson Bell-ringer: “What Bell-ringer: Bell-ringer: Bell-ringer: Bell-ringer: does it mean to not IR for 1st (last 15 read with 'just your Activity: Work on min) Activity: Activity: eyes?” word wall vocab compose an Introduce Lit term Activity: periods 2-8 essay on a devices: Biblical Activity: Use ISN and Complete Word Wall personal Allusion, take Cornell notes on term experience that Imagery, Level-Up Presentation: you would be Metaphor, Historical/Cultural Activity: Complete willing to share Simile, Context (my.hrw.com) Foldables for 6 terms with your Hyperbole in Lit book from Of audience Activity: Identify 5 key Plymouth Plantation points on what Activity: Get with Historical/ Cultural your 3 o'clock Context is appt and share your response.</p><p>I will create a I will create a word I will complete notes I will explain I will discuss my foldable for the wall term that Closing Task on Historical/Cultural definitions for response with my literary devices includes: term, context. vocabulary examples partner and provide definition, image. examples. Literary Devices, Of Plymouth Of Plymouth Biblical Allusion, Plantation social issue Vocabulary/Word Historical and Cultural Plantation vocabulary Imagery, vocabulary from Wall Context from textbook & word political issue Metaphor, textbook & word wall list Simile, wall list personal issue Hyperbole Accommodations ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ SPED (Inclusion)/At SPED SPED (Inclusion)/At SPED SPED Promise: (Inclusion)/At Promise: (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At ELL (SIOP): Promise: ELL (SIOP): Promise: Promise: dictionary ELL (SIOP): dictionary ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): peer-assistance dictionary peer-assistance dictionary dictionary preferential seating peer-assistance preferential seating peer-assistance peer-assistance re-do preferential seating re-do preferential preferential one-on-one instruction re-do one-on-one seating seating shortened task one-on-one instruction re-do re-do repeated review instruction shortened task one-on-one one-on-one simplified language shortened task repeated review instruction instruction graphic organizers repeated review simplified language shortened task shortened task re-do opportunities simplified graphic organizers repeated review repeated review language re-do opportunities simplified simplified graphic organizers language language re-do opportunities graphic graphic organizers organizers re-do re-do opportunities opportunities</p><p>TEKS </p><p>Week of 8/11- Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8/15 We will explain We will We will answers to key We will analyze the We will create an We will engage evaluate how questions Class Objective history and context of, analytical response to in a class culture impacts regarding Of Of Plymouth Plantation the Bradford question building activity writing. Plymouth Plantation Lesson Bell-ringer: Bell-ringer: Review Define the Activity: (test grade-not Class Builder- Bell-ringer: How previous day's human condition in ISN) Create an students might have the vocab/background in your own open-ended response respond to Colonists handled information words and how to the following questions the challenges it applied to the prompt: " What beliefs surrounding they faced upon Activity: Listen to audio colonists did Bradford have that Puritan their arrival version for Of Plymouth contributed to the writers/context Activity: Meet the Plantation ps. 104-110 Activity: On colonists' willingness to Author: William page 111, face hardship together. Activity: Bradford p. 102 Activity: Present complete Use textual Time permitting guidelines for timeline questions 1-8 in evidence from the students will Activity: of subheadings in Of complete passage for support." complete 1 – 8 Word Wall for Of Plymouth Plantation sentences on page 111. Plymouth Plantation in Activity: Create a Activity: groups of 2-3 timeline individually Depending on identifying: who, what, class progress, when, where, why, how students will (with 1 image for each view 27 min subheading) video on William Bradford (found on United Streaming) I will compose a journal (using the prompt on p. 103) and describe a I will support my I will have completed I will have completed I will work with time when answers with my timeline following my open-ended my class to Closing Task "hardship unites" evidence for the the guidelines listed for response to the test answer 5 out of using 3 new questions 1-8 on Of Plymouth Plantation question above. 10 questions. vocabulary words p. 111, from the word wall within this journal entry.</p><p>Colonist Timeline Hardship Vocabulary/Word Human Condition Subheading open-ended response Wall Word Wall for Of Vocab for Of Plymouth Plantation Plymouth Plantation Accommodations ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): Background word wall building, KWL word wall, review, work in partners repeated review peer-discussion review simplified word wall word wall word wall language SPED (Inclusion): repeated review repeated review graphic shortened assignment, simplified SPED (Inclusion): simplified language organizer re-do opportunity language shortened SPED (Inclusion): ISN At-Promise: SPED assignment, re-do ISN SPED re-do opportunity (Inclusion): opportunity word wall simplified language (Inclusion): At-Promise: repeated review repeated review word wall re-do opportunity simplified repeated review language At-Promise: simplified At-Promise: language word wall shortened re-do opportunities repeated review assignment simplified word wall language At-Promise: ISN opportunity to re- do simplified language graphic organizer</p><p>TEKS Fig 19b</p><p>Week of 8/18-8/22 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We will analyze We will examine We will examine We will examine We will identify key the effectiveness of potential reactions events in Of the treaty in Of persuasive Class Objective Edward's considering Plymouth Plymouth techniques in a persuasive audience, context, Plantation Plantation sermon. techniques purpose, & appeals Lesson Activity: Activity: Work with Bell-ringer: "What Bell-ringer: Review Create a timeline of groups to create keeps you in line?" Bell-ringer: Review emotional appeals the events in Of the treaty and put it previous day's & audience Plymouth in modern Activity: Meet devices. reaction to Sinners Plantation language. Jonathon Edwards- piece go over key facts Activity: Read Sinners in the Activity: Create a Activity: Literary Hands of an Angry mind map as if you Devices: God were a member in Persuasion. Edwards' church Appeals- Activity: Open- during that sermon. emotional, logical, ended question: ethical. What keeps you in Activity:Decorate line (closing) page mind map, 10 130 thoughts/questions you'd have & 2-3 powerful quotes.</p><p>I will explain to my I will create a mind I will analyze a I will complete my I will complete our partner the lit map from my Closing Task deeper meaning of timeline group treaty devices in my own perspective on the the sermon words. sermon Vocabulary/Word timeline treaty appeals: ethos, sermon Mind map Wall pathos, logos; vocab for Sinners in the Hands of an persuasion Angry God (p 123)</p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ SPED SPED SPED SPED SPED (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At Promise: Promise: Promise: Promise: Promise: ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating re-do re-do re-do re-do re-do one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one instruction instruction instruction instruction instruction shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task repeated review repeated review repeated review repeated review repeated review simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities :</p><p>TEKS Wednesday Week of8/25- Monday Tuesday Early Release Thursday Friday 8/29 Periods 1-4</p><p>We will We will evaluate We will compare and We will compare and We will learn engage in a the elements of Class Objective contrast prior colonial contrast prior colonial how to analyze class building poetry in early readings. readings. a poem activity American writings. Lesson Bell-ringer: discuss Activity: Activity: Bell-ringer: Bell-ringer: similarities/differences in continue filling in the Vocabulary Meet the Author: previous readings. comparison/contrast Jeopardy Bradstreet and Activity: chart for the selected game- class Taylor (take Introduce Activity: create and begin pieces. game Cornell notes on TPCASTT- filling in important details notes in ISN comparison/contrast chart surrounding their Activity: Read for: Of Plymouth Plantation lives) "To My Dear & Sinners sermon. and Loving Activity: Husband" Class song Activity: Review analysis common elements in Early American Poetry and TPCASTT the poem</p><p>I will complete the I will explain the I will work with I will use I will complete 3 columns remaining columns of elements of my team on TPCASTT to Closing Task of the comparison/contrast the poetry in the the class analyze a chart comparison/contrast examples builder poem. chart discussed. </p><p>Vocabulary/Word compare and contrast TPCASTT Compare and contrast Jeopardy TPCASTT Wall</p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ SPED (Inclusion)/At SPED (Inclusion)/At SPED SPED SPED Promise: Promise: (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): Promise: Promise: Promise: dictionary dictionary ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): peer-assistance peer-assistance dictionary dictionary dictionary preferential seating preferential seating peer- peer-assistance peer- re-do re-do assistance preferential assistance one-on-one instruction one-on-one instruction preferential seating preferential shortened task shortened task seating re-do seating repeated review repeated review re-do one-on-one re-do simplified language simplified language one-on-one instruction one-on-one graphic organizers graphic organizers instruction shortened task instruction re-do opportunities re-do opportunities shortened task repeated review shortened task : repeated simplified repeated review language review simplified graphic simplified language organizers language graphic re-do graphic organizers opportunities organizers re-do re-do opportunities opportunities :</p><p>TEKS Week of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/2-9/6 We will use We will TPCASTT to We will use TPCASTT Class relax and We will use TPCASTT to We will analyze analyze a new to analyze “Upon the Objective enjoy our analyze a new poem. “Huswifery” for 6wk CA poem. Burning of Our House” day off!</p><p>Lesson LABOR Activity: Continue Bell-ringer: What DAY- NO analyzing “To My Dear and do you value Activity: Review figurative Complete TPCASTT SCHOOL Loving Husband” and most? language (extended analysis of “Upon the complete TPCASTT of the Activity: Read metaphor) Burning of Our House” poem "Upon the Burning of Our Stanza translation into Activity: Read "Huswifery" Activity: Summarize the House" modern language- poem and then translate it assign stanza per group Activity: Common into your own poem. Activity: Use Assessment No. 7. on TPCASTT to page 121 How do the analyze the "holy robes for glory" poem. mentioned in line 18 of "Huswifery" complete the poem's extended metaphor? I will provide examples for I will I will complete TPCASTT in I will complete Closing I will complete my 6wk celebrate summary/translation of "Upon the summary/translation of Task short answer on Huswifery Labor Day! stanza Burning of Our stanza House" TPCASTT Vocabulary/Word TPCASTT TPCASTT TPCASTT Wall Extended Metaphor Accommodations ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ ELL (SIOP)/ SPED SPED SPED SPED SPED (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At (Inclusion)/At Promise: Promise: Promise: Promise: Promise: ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating re-do re-do re-do re-do re-do one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one instruction instruction instruction instruction instruction shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task repeated review repeated review repeated review repeated review repeated review simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities</p><p>Reading 1B TEKS </p><p>Week of 9/8-9/12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday We will explain connections between We will review We will complete We will work on We will complete Class Objective the 3 poems and guidelines for TPCASTT for TPCASTT project poster decoration complete a quiz over TPCASTT Project approved song the poems Lesson Bell-ringer: Activity: Complete Bell-ringer: Discuss a Understand sections STT of Activity: Begin connection between all guidelines for TPCASTT for song. decorating poster Activity: Finish 3 poems from last TPCASTT project board following decorating my week. Activity: Response TPCASTT Poster Project Activity: in ISN: Why did you guidelines students will need Activity: Answer Work on analysis select this particular to complete this at Analysis Questions on breakdown of song? How do you home and bring it all 3 poems and approved song relate to it? ready to present complete compare and for TPCASTT on 9/15 contrast chart on the 3 poems REMIND HOMEWORK: BRING STUDENTS A SONG (PRINTED) THAT THEY TO ANALYZE FOR NEED POSTER PROJECT BY THURSDAY I will complete I will complete my I will complete the I will complete Poetry I will complete my Closing Task TPCASTT of my journal response in first ½ of my Questions poster song. my ISN. poster</p><p>Vocabulary/Word TPCASTT TPCASTT Wall</p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP): simplified ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): language simplified simplified language simplified simplified repeateded review language repeateded review language language graphich organizers repeateded graphich organizers repeateded repeateded review dictionary review dictionary review graphich peer-assistance graphich peer-assistance graphich organizers organizers SPED (Inclusion): organizers dictionary SPED (Inclusion): dictionary simplified language dictionary peer-assistance simplified language peer-assistance repeateded review peer-assistance SPED (Inclusion): repeateded review SPED (Inclusion): graphich organizers SPED (Inclusion): simplified graphich organizers simplified dictionary simplified language dictionary language peer-assistance language repeateded review peer-assistance repeateded preferential seating repeateded graphich preferential seating review re-do review organizers re-do graphich one-on-one graphich dictionary one-on-one instruction organizers instruction organizers peer-assistance shortened task dictionary shortened task dictionary preferential seating peer-assistance At-Promise: peer-assistance re-do At-Promise: preferential repeated review preferential one-on-one seating simplified language seating instruction repeated review re-do graphic organizers re-do shortened task simplified language one-on-one re-do opportunities one-on-one At-Promise: graphic organizers instruction instruction re-do opportunities shortened task shortened task repeated review At-Promise: At-Promise: simplified language repeated review repeated review graphic organizers simplified simplified re-do opportunities language language graphic graphic organizers organizers re-do re-do opportunities opportunities</p><p>TEKS fig 19b</p><p>Week of 9/15- Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/19 Class Objective Lesson TACRAO Bar TACRAO Bar TACRAO Bar TACRAO Bar TACRAO Bar Code Code Code Code Code Project Project Project Project Project Presentations Presentations Presentations Presentations Presentations</p><p>I will present my . I will present my I will present my I will present my I will present my poetry project or poetry project or poetry project or poetry project or Closing Task poetry project or create my create my TACRAO create my create my create my TACRAO TACRAO Bar Code Bar Code TACRAO Bar Code TACRAO Bar Code Bar Code</p><p>TPCASTT Vocabulary/Word TPCASTT TPCASTT TPCASTT TPCASTT TACRAO Wall TACRAO TACRAO TACRAO TACRAO</p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance SPED (Inclusion): SPED (Inclusion): SPED (Inclusion): SPED (Inclusion): SPED (Inclusion): simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language simplified language repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review repeateded review graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers graphich organizers dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance peer-assistance preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating preferential seating re-do re-do re-do re-do re-do one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one instruction instruction instruction instruction instruction shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task shortened task At-Promise: At-Promise: At-Promise: At-Promise: repeated review repeated review repeated review At-Promise: simplified language simplified language simplified language repeated review graphic organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers simplified language repeated review re-do opportunities re-do opportunities re-do opportunities graphic organizers simplified language re-do opportunities graphic organizers re-do opportunities TEKS fig 19b Wednesday Week of 9/22- Friday end of 1st Monday Tuesday Early Release periods Thursday 9/26 9wks 5-8 We will complete We will compare and We will review for We will take the We will take the Class Objective missing or failing contrast 3 poems final exam final exam final exam assignments Lesson AT- Risk Intervention Block Schedule Block Schedule Comparison / Review for Final Opportunity and Review Testing Testing Contrast Poetry exam 1-4 Period 1,2,3,4 Period 5,6,7,8 Chart Bradstreet and Taylor I will complete I will review for I will complete missing I will complete I will complete Closing Task compare and contrast final exam or failing assignments final exam final exam chart Compare Contrast The sum of all Vocabulary/Word Figurative language vocabulary during the Wall Theme past 9 weeks</p><p>Accommodations ELL (SIOP): simplified ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): ELL (SIOP): language simplified simplified language simplified simplified repeateded review language repeateded review language language graphich organizers repeateded graphich organizers repeateded repeateded dictionary review dictionary review review peer-assistance graphich peer-assistance graphich graphich organizers SPED (Inclusion): organizers organizers SPED (Inclusion): dictionary simplified language dictionary dictionary simplified language peer-assistance repeateded review peer-assistance peer-assistance repeateded review SPED graphich organizers SPED SPED graphich organizers (Inclusion): dictionary (Inclusion): (Inclusion): dictionary simplified peer-assistance simplified simplified peer-assistance language preferential seating language language preferential seating repeateded re-do repeateded repeateded re-do review one-on-one instruction review review one-on-one graphich shortened task graphich graphich instruction organizers At-Promise: organizers organizers shortened task dictionary repeated review dictionary dictionary peer-assistance simplified language peer-assistance peer-assistance At-Promise: preferential graphic organizers preferential preferential seating re-do opportunities seating seating repeated review re-do re-do re-do simplified language one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one graphic organizers instruction instruction instruction re-do opportunities shortened task shortened task shortened task At-Promise: At-Promise: At-Promise: repeated review repeated review simplified simplified repeated review language language simplified graphic graphic language organizers organizers graphic re-do re-do organizers opportunities opportunities re-do opportunities TEKS fig 19b</p>
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