<p>EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>1 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>INFORMATION TO RESPONDENTS The CAD Technical Requirements are broken out in a table by category: Functionality. High level topical description of the CAD function Description. General description of the requirement Importance. Rating given by the ECD as to the importance of the requirement as follows: Mandatory – ECD reserves the right to reject any proposal that does not comply with a Mandatory requirement Important – While not mandatory, the requirement is extremely important to the ECD Desirable – This function would enhance the overall product or service Optional – Optional/Future, not currently a requirement, but would like to have in the future or as an option Compliance. Rating defining whether the respondent complies with the given requirement. The Respondent provides the Compliance Code, defined below, and may provide additional response to explain their compliance with the given requirement. If a Compliance Code is not provided, it will be assumed that the proposal does not comply with the specific requirement. Complies – The requirement is met by the Respondent’s existing system and is included in the base cost of the proposal Modification – The requirement requires a modification to the Respondent’s existing system, but is include in the base cost of the proposal Option – The requirement is currently available from the Respondent, but at an additional cost above the base system New – the requirement is a new feature for the existing system and can be provided at an additional cost Alternative – the proposed system does not meet the requirement, but an alternative is being suggested Exception – the proposed system does not meet the requirement.</p><p>2 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Proposals shall list and include all software Software - Mandator Enter required for the system including manufacturer General y Text and version. All source code must be documented in English Software - Mandator Enter and placed in escrow and all managed updates General y Text are to be included. All applications shall have the ability to Software - Mandator Enter copy/cut/paste information from one application General y Text to all other applications. The system shall have the ability to automatically Software - Mandator Enter (or with a function key stroke) fill common data General y Text fields from multiple applications. Operating The system shall use an operating system Mandator Enter System platform acceptable to the ECD. y Text The system shall use a database structure Mandator Enter Database acceptable to the ECD. y Text Proposals shall include and list all hardware Hardware Mandator Enter required for the system including manufacturer, General y Text model and configuration. The hardware shall be sized such that it will Hardware Mandator Enter support operational storage for the next seven General y Text years on-line. Hardware shall be from major hardware Hardware Mandator Enter manufacturers and readily available in the General y Text commercial market. Compatibilit y with The system hardware shall be compatible with Mandator Enter Existing existing Center furniture and server room space. y Text Furniture Compatibilit Proposals shall identify any incompatibilities y with Mandator Enter between the proposed system and the current Existing y Text communications center configuration. Furniture Compatibilit If such incompatibilities exist, proposals shall y with Mandator Enter identify and propose options that are compatible Existing y Text with the proposed system. Furniture The installation of the system shall meet the Mandator Enter Installation ECD’s standards. y Text</p><p>3 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce All wiring must be appropriately rated, tagged Mandator Enter Installation and wrapped according to the location of the y Text installation. All terminations shall be labeled and mounted in Mandator Enter Installation an identified equipment room. y Text Proposals shall identify any special hardware Mandator Enter Installation requirements, such as cooling, power, grounding, y Text etc. that will be required. System pricing shall include hardware for the following number of functional positions: 24 multi-discipline positions on the dispatch floor Mandator Enter Installation 2 supervisor positions y Text 6 positions for the training room Licenses for up to 10 positions within the Mobile Command Center Users of the system shall have the option to Mandator Enter Installation utilize the keyboard, a pointing device, or both to y Text complete dispatch functions. The system shall allow the System Administrator to configure multiple function keys, by a single Mandator Enter Installation keystroke, or a combination using the SHIFT, ALT, y Text or CNTL keys. The system shall allow for up to 10 command line Mandator Enter Installation windows. y Text When referencing a unit in command line syntax, the system shall use the current location of the Mandator Enter Installation unit without the telecommunicator having to re- y Text type the location. Time The system shall be able to synchronize to an Mandator Enter Synchroniza external time source as defined by the ECD. y Text tion No single point of failure shall render the system Mandator Enter Failure completely inoperable. y Text Workstations shall be able to operate Mandator Enter Failure independently even with the loss of the server. y Text Proposals shall describe the system impact of the failure of each of the following components (if Mandator Enter Failure appropriate): server, status monitor, work y Text station/terminal, data network, and any other system component. Hardware warranties shall not begin until Mandator Enter Warranties acceptance of the system. y Text</p><p>4 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Proposals shall describe the hardware warranties including the identity of who provides the Mandator Enter Warranties warranty service, the terms and conditions, hours y Text of availability, ability of remote diagnostics, etc. System The system shall be available 24 hours a day, Mandator Enter Down-Time seven days a week. y Text Proposals shall specify the level of service to be System provided in terms of the percent of availability Mandator Enter Down-Time per year – 99.999% (5.26 minutes of down time) y Text per year is desired. Enhanceme Proposals shall describe their policy for Mandator Enter nts enhancements and upgrades to the system. y Text This policy statement shall include whether system upgrades are provided as part of the Enhanceme yearly system maintenance and whether Mandator Enter nts enhancements purchased by other users are y Text provided as part of the yearly system maintenance. The system shall employ data security measures Mandator Enter Security that are compliant with applicable local, state and y Text federal security standards. The system shall employ data encryption that meets the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Mandator Enter Security security policy standards for any exchange or y Text transmittal of CAD data between remote devices and CAD system servers. The system shall provide appropriate safeguards to ensure that only authorized devices and users Mandator Enter Security are allowed access to the CAD system and stored y Text information. The system shall provide a security profile to control individual user access to the various Mandator Enter Security modules, applications, functions, features, and y Text data available within the CAD system. The system shall provide security to ensure that unauthorized personnel do not have access to law Mandator Enter Security incidents when CJIS data is restricted to only law y Text enforcement user access.</p><p>5 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall validate each user’s credentials through a mandatory logon Mandator Enter Security process before beinggranted access to any y Text functions or data available within the CAD system. The system shall enable a user replacing an existing user to quickly log off the existing user Mandator Enter Security and logon without the need to exit from CAD or y Text re-start the CAD application (i.e. when two-factor authentication does not apply.) The system shall enable System Administrators to create and maintain a centralized and indexed database containing information about each Mandator Enter Security system user, including their unique user ID, y Text password, contact information, and security profile. The system shall enable System Administrators to Mandator Enter Security define individual user access privileges and y Text assign them to security groups. The system shall provide a method for authorized Mandator Enter Security users to reset a user’s password. y Text The system shall associate the user ID and Mandator Enter Security workstation ID with all CAD system transactions, y Text including data entry and report generation. The system shall limit access to the centralized Mandator Enter Security user security database to only specifically y Text authorized users. The system shall establish security profiles that are assigned to individual users or user groups Mandator Enter Security based on personnel classifications (e.g. y Text telecommunicator, System Administrator, and supervisor). The system shall prohibit deletion of any data Mandator Enter Security entered into an event. y Text The system shall provide application and module level security that enables certain users to access Mandator Enter Security specific CAD system functions and application y Text modules, while keeping other users from accessing these same functions and modules. The system shall provide data entry form security that enables certain users to access specific data Mandator Enter Security entry forms, while keeping other users from y Text accessing these same data entry forms.</p><p>6 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall provide record type security that enables certain users to access specific CAD Mandator Enter Security system record types, while keeping other users y Text from accessing these same record types. The system shall provide transaction level security that enables certain users to access specific transaction types (e.g. criminal history Mandator Enter Security queries to the National Crime Information Center y Text (NCIC)), while keeping other users from accessing these same transaction types. The system shall provide data field level security that enables certain users to access specific CAD Mandator Enter Security data fields, while keeping other users from y Text accessing these same data fields. The system shall facilitate the use of unique user Mandator Enter Security IDs and passwords to control CAD system access y Text and privileges. The system shall be capable of using biometric identification (e.g. thumb print identification, Enter Security Desirable retinal ID) to control system access and Text privileges. The system shall provide a “single entry” to enable logons to multiple authorized systems that Mandator Enter Security are available through the system (e.g. NCIC, y Text National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (Nlets)). The system shall limit access to system functions Mandator Enter Security and data by physical device (e.g. PCs, terminals), y Text as well as by user ID. The system shall have the capability to automatically log-off CAD workstations based on Mandator Enter Security inactivity periods set by the System y Text Administrator for specific user groups, users and workstations. The system shall provide the ability to “lock out” Mandator Enter Security a user after a System Administrator defined y Text number of failed attempted logons. The system shall require users to change their individual password after a System Administrator Mandator Enter Security configurable time limit for use of the same y Text password expires or a set time period (e.g. 90 days).</p><p>7 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall provide the ability for individual Mandator Enter Security system users to change their passwords. y Text The system shall provide the capability for Mandator Enter Security individual user name change (e.g. getting y Text married) by a Systems Administrator. Mandator Enter Security The system shall keep a link to historical data. y Text The system shall stamp date/time and log CAD activities, such as status changes, task Date / Time accomplishments (i.e. Fire Attack Initiated, Time Mandator Enter Stamps Fire Declared Under Control, Time at Patient), y Text and notifications, as well as many other system transactions and the time they occur. Date / Time The system shall save original time stamps even if Mandator Enter Stamps they are overridden. y Text The system shall protect time stamp overrides; and, any changes shall be documented on the Date / Time Mandator Enter incident, including the ID of the person Stamps y Text performing the modification and the reason for the modification. Date / Time The system shall maintain all time stamps to be Mandator Enter Stamps minimally accurate to the second (e.g. hh:mm:ss). y Text The system shall include a transaction audit database that contains all system transactions and that includes the logon identification (i.e. Mandator Enter Logging user ID and workstation ID), date and time stamp, y Text transaction type, contents before ID, and contents after the transaction completes. The system shall enable System Administrators to turn on/off the transaction audit log function by application module, transaction type, specific Mandator Enter Logging data entry form(s), specific tables and data fields y Text within tables, individual users, user groups, and various combinations of these factors. The system shall enable authorized system users to search the transaction audit database by date and time ranges, by application module, Mandator Enter Logging transaction type, specific tables and data fields y Text within tables, specific data entry forms, individual users, user groups, workstation ID, and by various combinations of these factors.</p><p>8 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall enable authorized system users to create formatted reports and/or export the Mandator Enter Logging results of transaction audit database queries and y Text searches into user-specified formats. The system shall enable authorized system users to generate statistical reports on transactions contained in the transaction audit database for all Mandator Enter Logging users, a subset of users and/or user groups, for a y Text specified date and time range, and for various combinations of these factors. The system shall prohibit any changes to the Mandator Enter Logging contents of the CAD transaction audit database. y Text The system shall store all transactions completed on open/active incidents, including the Audit Mandator Enter transaction’s date and time stamp, the user and Database y Text workstation ID performing the transaction, and the before and after results of the transaction. The system shall store all system messages, Audit including the message’s date and time stamp, the Mandator Enter Database user and workstation ID sending and receiving y Text the message, and the message contents. The system shall store transaction information associated with all CAD configuration parameters Audit and files, including any time a user views, prints, Mandator Enter Database edits, ads, or deletes the configuration y Text parameters and/or CAD system configuration file records. The system shall capture the messages and associated information (e.g. date and time stamp, Audit Mandator Enter user ID, workstations ID) of user and system Database y Text generated queries to interfaced system and databases (e.g. NCIC, NLETS). The system shall capture the date, time and user Audit Mandator Enter ID associated with previous incident history Database y Text access. The system shall capture transaction information associated with all CAD security transactions, Audit Mandator Enter including any time a CAD user views, prints, edits, Database y Text ads, or deletes the security information within the CAD system.</p><p>9 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall store transaction information associated with all CAD system modifications Audit completed by System Administrators, including Mandator Enter Database administrator user ID, date/time of modification, y Text modification made, and table value prior to the completed modification. The system shall store the date, time, workstation Audit Mandator Enter ID, and user ID associated with unsuccessful sign- Database y Text on attempts. Remote The system shall support remote access by users Mandator Enter Access outside of the communications center. y Text The system shall provide access that includes Remote Mandator Enter permission-based views of CAD data by certain Access y Text workstations and/or individuals. Remote The system shall provide remote access that Mandator Enter Access includes security-controlled, web-based access. y Text The system shall be capable of remote access Remote Mandator Enter from a separate location, such as a mobile Access y Text command post or a secondary location. The system shall include functionality to provide Snapshot / a detailed, system-wide snapshot report and/or Mandator Enter Incident graphic display of the system status to include all y Text Replay units and events, based on a user-specified date and time, specific incidents, or other CAD events. The system shall include a partition (virtual or Mandator Enter Test System actual) to allow for the installation and testing of y Text software upgrades and configuration changes. Sizing the System The record capacity for the databases shall allow Record Mandator Enter on-line retention of event and unit data for five Capacity y Text years. Data older than five years shall be automatically Record Mandator Enter archived onto a storage system as defined by the Capacity y Text System Administrator. Proposals shall describe any limits on record Record Mandator Enter capacity, such as preset file sizes or available disk Capacity y Text space, and the impact of exceeding these limits. Record At no time shall the system fail due to a file Mandator Enter Capacity reaching its programmed size limit. y Text Proposals shall describe the redundancy options for the proposed hardware. Options may include Mandator Enter Redundancy fault tolerant systems, hot spares, automatic y Text standby systems, or manual standby systems.</p><p>10 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The cost of each item must be provided as Cost Mandator Enter separate individual line items in the cost Breakdown y Text proposal. The system shall be configurable by the systems Purging administrator to purge records from the event Mandator Enter Records and unit history databases either manually or y Text automatically on a scheduled basis. These purged records shall be able to be placed Purging Mandator Enter on an external data medium for long-term Records y Text storage. System-wide Functions Universal Log All users of the system shall only be required to Mandator Enter In use one log-in/password for the entire system. y Text Operator All operators of the system must be required to Mandator Enter Sign-in/out log in and out. y Text The log in process shall require the operator to Operator Mandator Enter provide a user identification log in and a Sign-in/out y Text password. The combination of the user identification and Operator Mandator Enter password shall determine security limitations of Sign-in/out y Text the user. The following is a list of user classifications, but should not be considered a complete list: Call Taker Operator Mandator Enter Fire Telecommunicator Sign-in/out y Text Law Telecommunicator EMS Telecommunicator Supervisor Operator Access and capabilities of each classification Mandator Enter Sign-in/out shall be definable by the System Administrator. y Text Dual The system shall allow one telecommunicator to Importan Enter Telecommuni handle multiple disciplines at the same time. t Text cators The system shall allow the redirecting of an Dual event involving multiple disciplines to a single Importan Enter Telecommuni telecommunicator for handling of the entire t Text cators operation. Event/Unit Authorized users of the system shall be able to Mandator Enter data search CAD system event and unit data based on y Text Search/Retrie any of the following items:</p><p>11 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Date and Caller’s time address Event/Case Caller’s number telephone Location number First due fire Source of the station call Fire Fire alarm Response Area level Law Telecommunic reporting ator’s ID val district/beat number Occupancy Self-Initiated type Calls Event Jurisdiction type/dispositio Exceeded time n Interval Unit number Contents of Shift / squad remarks field Assigned User defined station fields Caller’s Law report name taken All time entries shall be captured in hours, minutes, and seconds format. Rounding time Mandator Enter Time Entries entries to the half or whole minute is not y Text acceptable. Once the entry is made, time entries shall not be Mandator Enter Time Entries modifiable by any system user. y Text System Logs All entries and modifications within the system Mandator Enter and Audits shall be logged to an audit file. y Text This file shall include the date and time the action was completed, the type of action, the System Logs Mandator Enter identification number of the person performing and Audits y Text the action, and the content of the action (i.e. what was modified or entered). This audit file shall also include any errors System Logs Mandator Enter returned to the operator when unsuccessfully and Audits y Text trying to execute a command or modification. Any operator shall be able to print their Screen Mandator Enter terminal screen at any time to a printer on the Printing y Text system.</p><p>12 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Telephone The system shall provide a telephone directory Mandator Enter Directory for personnel and agencies. y Text Information stored in this directory shall Telephone include the name, agency, telephone and type of Mandator Enter Directory telephone number (home, work, pager, cellular, y Text etc.). The system operator shall be able to retrieve the Telephone Mandator Enter telephone information by complete or partial Directory y Text name or agency. The system shall be capable of sending Electronic electronic mail (Email) on an existing mail Enter Desirable Mail server either automatically or upon command Text executed by an operator. The automatic Emails may be based on an event Electronic (using the same criteria as listed for alpha Enter Desirable Mail numeric paging) or the results of a scheduled Text report. If the Email is sent by command, the operator Electronic Enter shall be able to forward an event summary with Desirable Mail Text a comments provided by the operator. The system shall be capable of sending a Facsimile Enter facsimile transmission upon command executed Importan Transmission Text by an operator. t The operator shall be able to forward an event Facsimile Enter summary with comments provided by the Importan Transmission Text operator. t The system shall have access to the Internet Internet Mandator Enter using firewall/security applications acceptable Access y Text to the System Administrator. A.1.a) Each individual workstation shall have Internet access to the Internet, with restrictions to Enter Desirable Access websites implemented by the System Text Administrator. Internet A log of sites visited shall be maintained with Mandator Enter Access the system logs. y Text On-line The system must provide all system Documents - documentation on-line so that any operator can Mandator Enter System retrieve information on the system operation y Text Documentati such as command syntax or field definitions. on</p><p>13 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce On-line Documents – This on-line documentation must be searchable Mandator Enter System based on topic or a keyword search. y Text Documentati on On-line Information that references other sections of the Documents – documentation shall be linked so the operator Mandator Enter System can jump to the related area without having to y Text Documentati perform another search. on User The system must allow additional Mandator Enter Documentati documentation to be added by the users. y Text on User This documentation may include procedure Mandator Enter Documentati manuals, notification lists, or user manuals for y Text on other systems. The system shall provide the ECD with the User flexibility to allow searching of the user Mandator Enter Documentati documentation and linked references similar to y Text on the system documentation. User If this requirement is met with the provision of a Mandator Enter Documentati third party “help” system-authoring tool, the y Text on specific tool shall be named. System Messaging - The system shall be capable of messaging Mandator Enter Operational between operator positions. y Text Messaging System Messaging - These messages may be single line or multiple Mandator Enter Operational lines. y Text Messaging System The sender of the message shall be able to send Messaging - the message to a particular person, a single Mandator Enter Operational terminal, a user classification (i.e. all law y Text Messaging telecommunicators) or all system users. The recipient of the message shall be provided System with an audible and visible alert when the Messaging - message is received, the user number and Mandator Enter Operational terminal number of the person sending the y Text Messaging message, date and time sent and the message itself.</p><p>14 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce System Messaging - Visual alerts shall not remove the focus from Mandator Enter Operational what the receiving telecommunicator is doing. y Text Messaging System Messaging - Transmission and receipt of a message shall be Mandator Enter Operational logged to the system audit file. y Text Messaging Administrativ The system shall be able of processing Mandator Enter e Messaging administrative messages. y Text Administrativ Senders shall be able to send messages to Mandator Enter e Messaging individuals or groups. y Text Messages shall be accepted regardless of Administrativ Mandator Enter whether the recipient is logged onto the system e Messaging y Text at the time they are sent. Administrativ Operators must be able to access their Mandator Enter e Messaging electronic mail from any system terminal. y Text The administrative messaging capability shall Administrativ interface with the mail server so that system Mandator Enter e Messaging operators may send messages to other staff y Text outside of the CAD system. System When an operator signs onto the system, Mandator Enter Security - his/her user identification and password shall y Text User Sign On be validated against a security database. System The System Administrator may select Mandator Enter Security - combinations of functions that may be y Text User Sign On authorized for some users and not others. System The System Administrator may also select Mandator Enter Security - combinations of functions that some terminals y Text User Sign On may be authorized to perform and not others. If an operator is unsuccessful in logging onto the System system more than five times, the terminal shall Mandator Enter Security - be locked out until reset by an authorized y Text User Sign On administrator. System An authorized administrator shall have the Mandator Enter Security - capability of remotely logging off any terminal. y Text User Sign On Additionally, security shall allow a terminal to System be configured so that it will automatically log off Mandator Enter Security - if there is no activity for a user defined specified y Text User Sign On time period.</p><p>15 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Terminal The system shall allow the user to add terminals Mandator Enter Authorization to the system without the system needing to be y Text s restarted. Some terminals such as those in the emergency Terminal operations center will only be connected when Mandator Enter Authorization the EOC is activated. These terminals must be y Text s able to be added and removed without interruption of the live system. Passwords shall be stored in the security Mandator Enter Passwords database in an encrypted format. y Text When the operator is logging onto the system, Mandator Enter Passwords the password shall not be displayed in plain text y Text on the screen. After logging onto the system, the operator must Mandator Enter Passwords be able to change his/her password. y Text Mandator Enter Passwords Passwords must meet CJIS requirements.. y Text The operator must be forced to change their passwords if the System Administrator Mandator Enter Passwords establishes an expiration period for their y Text password. New User Mandator Enter The system shall provide a new user command. Command y Text The new user command shall allow another user New User Mandator Enter to log on the terminal without having to log the Command y Text terminal off. The new user command shall require the new New User user to provide their password and allow the Mandator Enter Command new user to change their user classification (i.e. y Text call taker to radio dispatcher, etc.). Remote Access – Access shall be allowed from an established Mandator Enter Incident incident command post into the system. y Text Command Post Remote Access – The telecommunicator must be able to log onto Mandator Enter Incident the system and act as any other y Text Command telecommunicator in the system. Post</p><p>16 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Remote The telecommunicator handling the major event Access – within the Center shall be able to transfer Mandator Enter Incident responsibility for that event to the y Text Command telecommunicator at the command post. Post Remote Access – Anyone else who logs into the system from the Mandator Enter Incident command post shall be provided the level of y Text Command access dictated by his or her user information. Post Fire stations shall be provided access to the Mandator Enter Fire Stations system through remote terminals or VPN y Text connectivity. The log on information for the personnel assigned to the station must limit access to the Mandator Enter Fire Stations system to only those functions that have been y Text authorized. The authorized functions shall be user definable by the System Administrator and include Mandator Enter Fire Stations functions such as displaying event information, y Text displaying maps, staffing fire units, or sending operational messages. This list of functions should not be considered Mandator Enter Fire Stations all-inclusive and will depend on the functions y Text available in the proposed system. Law Law enforcement facilities shall be provided Mandator Enter Enforcement access to the system through remote terminals y Text Facilities or VPN connectivity. The log on information for the personnel Law assigned to the station must limit access to the Mandator Enter Enforcement system to only those functions that have been y Text Facilities authorized. The authorized functions shall be user definable Law by the System Administrator and include Mandator Enter Enforcement functions such as displaying event information, y Text Facilities displaying maps, activating police squads, or sending operational messages. Law This list of functions should not be considered Mandator Enter Enforcement all-inclusive and will depend on the functions y Text Facilities available in the proposed system. Access to the system shall be provided for at Administrativ Mandator Enter administrative offices and other locations as e Offices y Text defined by the ECD.</p><p>17 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The application to access the system should run Administrativ Mandator Enter on the existing hardware located in the e Offices y Text administrative offices. The log on information for the person using the Administrativ Mandator Enter system must limit access to the system to only e Offices y Text those functions that have been authorized. The authorized functions shall be user definable by the System Administrator and include Administrativ Mandator Enter functions such as displaying current event e Offices y Text information, current staffing information or a snap shot of the status monitors. Workstation The system shall provide short messaging from Mandator Enter Messaging one CAD workstation to another. y Text The system shall include the ability to create Workstation message groups, whether they are dispatch Mandator Enter Messaging workstations, mobile computers, groups within y Text the ECD, or other communications devices. The system shall enable the System Workstation Mandator Enter Administrator to disable this function if desired Messaging y Text on an agency-by-agency basis. Workstation Mandator Enter The system shall log all messages. Messaging y Text The system shall provide the ability to create Workstation Mandator Enter user definable “canned” messages for selection Messaging y Text and distribution to other system users. Status Monitors The system shall provide for the following status monitors: Active Unit Status Number of All Unit Status Mandator Enter Status Active Event Status y Text Monitors Pending Event Status Scrolling Unit Status This list is not to be considered all of the status monitors available. Status Monitor Status changes must be reflected on the Mandator Enter Performanc monitor(s) within two (2) seconds of execution. y Text e Status Status monitors shall refresh automatically on a Mandator Enter Monitor transaction basis. y Text Refresh</p><p>18 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Status Status monitors shall be a window to be Mandator Enter Monitor displayed on one or more monitors of the CAD y Text Display system. Status Each status monitor shall have system- Mandator Enter Monitor configurable columns. y Text Display Status Each status monitor can be ordered based on any Mandator Enter Monitor column, in ascending or descending order. y Text Display Status Default status monitor configuration shall be set Mandator Enter Monitor at the user level. y Text Display Status The system shall allow the systems administrator Mandator Enter Monitor to set the text color/reverse video/flashing y Text Display depending on the status of the event or unit. Status Text color scheme shall be the same in CAD as on Mandator Enter Monitor the MDTs. y Text Display Status Each position shall have the ability to view any Mandator Enter Monitor status monitor for any and/or all y Text Display jurisdictions/disciplines. Status The system shall have a scrolling status monitor Enter Monitor that lists all changes in resource status based Desirable Text Display upon the Systems Administrator configuration. Status Customization and control over status monitors Mandator Enter Monitor (on/off, column order, agencies/units visible, etc) y Text Display should be user friendly. Map Integration and Functionality Map Integration The system shall have an integrated mapping Mandator Enter and solution, and not require a separate monitor or y Text Functionalit software application. y Map Integration The system shall use the current Mandator Enter and geodatabasedatabase. y Text Functionalit y</p><p>19 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce The system shall validate all incident locations, whether obtained from an E9-1-1 controller or Map entered directly by the telecommunicator for Integration administrative line (ten-digit) calls, against the Mandator Enter and CAD system’s geodatabasedatabase to provide, at y Text Functionalit a minimum, cross streets, response areas, map y page and coordinate, legal street names, and zip code. The system shall allow for the manual processing Map of the incident location, in the event a location Integration cannot be properly validated against the Mandator Enter and geodatabasedatabase, so that an event can be y Text Functionalit created if the location has been confirmed or y known to exist within the local jurisdiction. Map Integration The system shall produce (automatically) a Mandator Enter and report of all incident entries that did not validate y Text Functionalit on a scheduled basis. y Map The system shall save original E9-1-1 ANI/ALI Integration information as part of the event if the user Mandator Enter and changes the original information (e.g. the incident y Text Functionalit is not at the caller’s location). y Map Integration The system shall allow for processing of non- Mandator Enter and validated locations and notify the y Text Functionalit telecommunicator of the special address. y Map The system shall identify the appropriate agency Integration (i.e. law enforcement, fire and/or EMS), district, Mandator Enter and sector, reporting area, agency of jurisdiction, and y Text Functionalit any other geographic boundaries containing an y address, once it has been validated. Map Integration The system shall display the two nearest cross- Mandator Enter and streets. y Text Functionalit y</p><p>20 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complia Description ty nce nce Map Integration The system shall perform location Mandator Enter and validations/geodatabasedatatbase lookups y Text Functionalit independent of the event creation process. y</p><p>21 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>22 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>EVENT ENTRY</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e Event Entry Events shall be capable of being entered from all Screen, functional positions (i.e. call taking, radio dispatcher Mandatory Enter Text General and supervisor). Event Entry The event entry screen must be consistent for all Screen, functional assignments (i.e. law, fire, EMS, etc.). This Mandatory Enter Text General includes the operation of function key and menus. The event entry screen shall include at a minimum the Event Entry following fields: location, priority, event type, Screen, apartment/ suite/lot number, jurisdiction, caller’s Mandatory Enter Text General name, caller’s address, caller’s 10 digit telephone number, cross streets, and an area for remarks. Event Entry Only the location and the event type shall be required Screen, Mandatory Enter Text for forwarding the event to a radio dispatcher. General Multi- The telecommunicator shall be able to enter an event Discipline for multiple disciplines that will create multiple events Mandatory Enter Text Event Entry without having to enter the event information twice. Multi- For each discipline, the location of an event may be Discipline different – changing the location in one event should Mandatory Enter Text Event Entry not change the location in the other events. Multiple Event Any event entry screen must have capability of Entry/Stackin processing multiple events at the same time, at least ten Mandatory Enter Text g (10). If an event entry is in progress when another call is Multiple Event received, the telecommunicator must be able to Entry/Stackin retrieve a new event entry screen for the second call Mandatory Enter Text g without losing the information already entered for the first call. Multiple Event At the conclusion of the second call, an audible and Entry/Stackin visible signal shall remind the telecommunicator that Mandatory Enter Text g the first call was not completed. Multiple Event The volume, pitch and duration of the audible alert Entry/Stackin Mandatory Enter Text shall be user-definable. g Multiple Event The visual alert to the telecommunicator should be Entry/Stackin plainly visible. Colors and font sizes shall be definable Mandatory Enter Text g by the systems administrator.</p><p>23 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall be able to be configured to either ANI/ALI automatically download the ALI information, or Mandatory Enter Text Interface manually download the information using a single function key. The system shall obtain all different versions (Standard, Standard Plus, Extended Plus) of ANI/ALI information ANI/ALI automatically from interfaced phone systems without Mandatory Enter Text Interface requiring the user to manually re-enter the information into a CAD event entry screen. The system shall populate the event data entry screen ANI/ALI with callback telephone number information if it is Mandatory Enter Text Interface available. The system shall transfer the telephone subscriber’s ANI/ALI name to a field in the event data entry screen’s Mandatory Enter Text Interface reporting party’s name data field. The system shall include data fields within the event ANI/ALI data entry screen for reporting party’s name, address Mandatory Enter Text Interface and callback number. The system shall append 9-1-1 reported data to the ANI/ALI event record if the user has entered data into any field Mandatory Enter Text Interface before accepting the 9-1-1 information, but not overwrite the data entered by the user. The telecommunicator, depending on the permissions granted by the systems administrator, will have the ANI/ALI ability to edit ALI 9-1-1 information in the event record Mandatory Enter Text Interface if the information provided by the phone company is incorrect. All of the ALI information shall be saved into a database ANI/ALI (retrievable by the telecommunicator) and be cross- Mandatory Enter Text Interface referenced to any event created. ANI/ALI The time the 9-1-1 call was answered shall be made Mandatory Enter Text Interface part of the event record if an event is created. This time shall be captured by the CAD system clock ANI/ALI source based on when the ALI record was received by Mandatory Enter Text Interface the 9-1-1 controller. The respondent shall describe how they are planning Next on adapting to Next Generation 9-1-1 standards as they Generation 9- Mandatory Enter Text relate to interfacing voice, text, automated crash 1-1 notification, and video input. Location Verification Location The telecommunicator shall be able to verify a location Mandatory Enter Text Determination entered into location field of the data entry screen.</p><p>24 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The location shall be able to be entered as: Street address Location An intersection Mandatory Enter Text Determination A common place name Map coordinates (X/Y or Longitude/Latitude), or a point on the integrated map The system shall have the capability of searching for a Street Address Mandatory Enter Text street address. Data entry fields containing an address shall follow the NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model (71-003), Street Address Section 3.5 (GIS Database Model Layers) and should, at Mandatory Enter Text a minimum, include the data elements contained in the Site/Structure Address table. The complete street address may consist of: A numeric street number (up to five digits) One or two character directional prefix (i.e. E, W, N, S, NE, SW, etc.), The street name (alpha or numeric or a combination of both) with the possibility of multiple words within the name, i.e. La Salida Street Address Mandatory Enter Text Del Sol), with a maximum of 50 characters The street type (using United States Postal Service Standards for Street Abbreviations) One or two character directional prefix (i.e. E, W, N, S, NE, SW, etc.) that may come before or after the street type Community Name (full name or abbreviation) The system shall provide the ability to enter a unique Street Address building and unit number to clearly identify the Mandatory Enter Text location (e.g. 100 West Ave., Bldg. 2, Unit 1). The telecommunicator shall be able to enter the street Street Address Mandatory Enter Text address with less than the complete street address. Proposals shall indicate the minimum number of Street Address Mandatory Enter Text characters required to perform verification. Proposals shall describe the verification process that is Street Address performed by the system (i.e. partial name match, Mandatory Enter Text soundex, etc.). If the entry can be resolved as a unique address record, Street Address the complete street address shall be displayed on the Mandatory Enter Text call entry screen.</p><p>25 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e If the entry cannot be immediately resolved because more than one street address could qualify, the telecommunicator shall be prompted with a list of any Street Address Mandatory Enter Text possible match to select from. The proposal shall indicate how the telecommunicator must select an entry from the list of possible matches. If the entry could not be resolved as possibly matching Street Address any address record, the system shall search for the Mandatory Enter Text street name only without the street number. If one or more street names match the entry, the Street Address telecommunicator shall be prompted with the possible Mandatory Enter Text matching streets. When the telecommunicator selects the intended street Street Address name, the valid address ranges shall be displayed for Mandatory Enter Text that street. Alias Street Location entry shall also be possible by use of an alias Mandatory Enter Text Names street name. Alias Street The alias street name may be used in place of any street Mandatory Enter Text Names name in the previous sections. Alias Street When the location is verified, the alias name shall be Mandatory Enter Text Names converted to the actual street name Alias Street There shall be no limits to the number of aliases Mandatory Enter Text Names entered for a street name. The ALI location transferred from the 9-1-1 system may contain a street type abbreviation other than those Alias Street considered acceptable to the CAD system. The CAD Mandatory Enter Text Types system shall be able to verify these locations using an alias street type listing. Alias Street When verified, the alias street type shall be converted Mandatory Enter Text Types to the correct street type. Alias Street Proposals shall indicate at what point in the call entry Mandatory Enter Text Types process the location verification can or does occur. Alias Street A telecommunicator shall be able to verify a location Mandatory Enter Text Types without being required to enter an event. Alias Street The verification process shall take no more than three Mandatory Enter Text Types (3) seconds to return a location. The system shall have the capability of searching for an Intersections Mandatory Enter Text intersection of two streets with either street listed first. The complete name of each street of the intersection may consist of a numeric a directional prefix (i.e. E, W, Intersections Mandatory Enter Text N, S), the street name, the street type, and a directional suffix.</p><p>26 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall allow the entry of multiple intersections of the same two streets, with appropriate Intersections Mandatory Enter Text notification to the telecommunicator that there are multiple intersections with the same streets. The telecommunicator shall be able to enter the Intersections intersection with less than the complete street name of Mandatory Enter Text either street. Proposals shall indicate the minimum number of characters of each street required to perform Intersections Mandatory Enter Text verification and any limitations regarding which street is listed first on the entry screen.</p><p>If the entry can be resolved as a unique intersection, the Intersections Mandatory Enter Text intersection shall be displayed on the call entry screen. If the entry cannot be immediately resolved because more than one intersection could qualify, the Intersections Mandatory Enter Text telecommunicator shall be prompted with a list of possible matches to select from. The proposal shall indicate how the telecommunicator Intersections Mandatory Enter Text must select an entry from the list of possible matches. Commonplace The system shall have the capability of searching for a Mandatory Enter Text Name commonplace name. Commonplace The commonplace name shall have the capacity to be at Mandatory Enter Text Name least 50 characters long. Commonplace Each commonplace name shall be associated to one or Mandatory Enter Text Name more validated street addresses or intersections. The complete street address may consist of a numeric Commonplace street number (up to five digits), a directional prefix Mandatory Enter Text Name (i.e. E, W, N, S), the street name, the street type, and a directional suffix. Commonplace The telecommunicator shall be able to enter the Mandatory Enter Text Name commonplace name with less than the name. Commonplace Proposals shall indicate the minimum number of Mandatory Enter Text Name characters required to perform verification. Proposals shall describe the verification process that is Commonplace performed by the system (i.e. partial name match, Mandatory Enter Text Name soundex, etc.). In cases where the commonplace name is several words, such as Potomac Mills Mall, the system shall Commonplace retrieve the location regardless of which word is Mandatory Enter Text Name entered by the telecommunicator, such Potomac, Mills, or Mall. This search shall not require multiple database entries for the same commonplace name.</p><p>27 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e If the entry can be resolved as a unique commonplace Commonplace name, the complete commonplace name and the street Mandatory Enter Text Name address shall be displayed on the call entry screen. If the entry cannot be immediately resolved because Commonplace more than one commonplace name could qualify, the Mandatory Enter Text Name telecommunicator shall be prompted with a list of possible matches to select from. Commonplace The proposal shall indicate how the telecommunicator Mandatory Enter Text Name must select an entry from the list of possible matches. For commonplace names where there are many entries, Commonplace such as Seven 11, the telecommunicator shall be able to Mandatory Enter Text Name enter part of the street name with the commonplace name to further refine the common place search. Interstate The system shall have the capability to search for Mandatory Enter Text Highways locations on the interstate highways. These locations shall include mile or kilometer Interstate markers, exits, direction of travel, on-ramps, off-ramps, Mandatory Enter Text Highways overpasses, underpasses and commonplace names. Additionally, the system shall have the capability of accepting locations on the High Occupancy Vehicle Interstate (HOV) lanes, which are separate from the main Highways: interstate lanes. The HOV lanes lie between the main Mandatory Enter Text HOV lanes and alternate direction of travel depending on the time of day. Access to the HOV lanes may be different than to that of the main interstate lanes. The system shall have the capability to search for Rivers locations on rivers. These locations shall include buoy Mandatory Enter Text markers, bridges, and commonplace names. The system shall have the capability to search for locations on railroads. These locations shall include Railroads Mandatory Enter Text mile or kilometer markers, crossings, and commonplace names. Subdivisions, Business The system shall have the capability to search for Centers, subdivisions, business centers, trailer parks, apartment Mandatory Enter Text Trailer Parks, complexes and parks. Apartments Address Upon selection of a street, a valid address range shall be Mandatory Enter Text Ranges displayed. When such as location is selected, a listing of streets Street Names Mandatory Enter Text within that location shall be displayed.</p><p>28 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e Subdivisions, The system shall alert the telecommunicator to provide Business a suite or apartment number for multiple unit Centers, Mandatory Enter Text structures such as office buildings or apartment Trailer Parks, buildings. Apartments Map The system shall allow event location entry by Mandatory Enter Text Coordinates longitude/latitude or State Plane X/Y coordinates. Map This entry shall be able to be performed in either the Mandatory Enter Text Coordinates HH:MM:SS or decimal format. If the coordinates entered are within 100 feet of a valid Map address or street range, that information shall be Mandatory Enter Text Coordinates included in the verification return as an estimated address (EST). The system shall allow the telecommunicator to enter Point on a Map an event location by using the pointing device to click Mandatory Enter Text on a point on the map. The system shall convert the point click to a Map longitude/latitude or State Plane X/Y coordinate, and Mandatory Enter Text Coordinates display the information in accordance with the map coordinate event entry requirements above. The telecommunicator shall be able to move a location Map Icons icon to a new location, which shall update the call entry Mandatory Enter Text screen to the new location. The telecommunicator shall be provided a quick and easy method of classifying any telephone call that does Telecommunic not result in the entry of an event. Examples include ator Activity Mandatory Enter Text informational calls; non-emergency calls on 9-1-1, Tracking mistaken calls to 9-1-1, and calls for officers or fire personnel. Determining The system shall store all service agency and response Response area assignments in events and the system’s audit log Mandatory Enter Text Agency and file. Service Area Determining The system shall validate the location of new event Response against the system’s geodatabase to verify the location Mandatory Enter Text Agency and is within the service area handled by theECD. Service Area Determining The system shall identify the new event’s location and Response event type, and use the system’s geodatabase to Mandatory Enter Text Agency and identify the appropriate service agencies that need to Service Area handle the event.</p><p>29 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e If so configured, the system shall identify the Determining appropriate service agencies to handle an event, and Response use the system’s geodatabase to determine the Mandatory Enter Text Agency and appropriate response area(s) within each agency’s Service Area service area. The system shall provide a method for users to Determining manually enter/assign the appropriate service agencies Response and response areas to events if the event’s location Mandatory Enter Text Agency and cannot be validated against the system’s geodatabase Service Area or if the validation process results in the assignment of an improper service agency or response area. Determining The system shall use the service agency and response Response to notify the appropriate telecommunicators that they Mandatory Enter Text Agency and must process an event. Service Area Determining The verification process shall return to the Response telecommunicator the following depending on the type Mandatory Enter Text Agency and of search: Service Area All Searches Determining Fire response area/first due station Response Law reporting district, beat, area Mandatory Enter Text Agency and Census tract/sub-census tract Service Area Occupancy type Street Address Determining Low address cross street Response High address cross street Mandatory Enter Text Agency and Subdivision/business park name Service Area Road type (paved, dirt, construction) Determining Intersection Response Subdivision/business park name Mandatory Enter Text Agency and Hundred block of each street Service Area Road type (paved, dirt, construction) Commonplace Name Determining Street address Response Low address cross street Mandatory Enter Text Agency and High address cross street Service Area Subdivision/business park name Determining All of the data returned shall be saved as part of the Response event record and be displayed to the telecommunicator Mandatory Enter Text Agency and upon event display. Service Area</p><p>30 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e If the location entered by the telecommunicator cannot Location be verified (i.e. location is in another jurisdiction), the Mandatory Enter Text Override telecommunicator shall have the capability to override the verification process. If the verification is overridden, the telecommunicator Location shall have the ability to manually enter the law beat or Mandatory Enter Text Override fire response area; or click the area of the location on the mapping screen. Location The system shall provide the ability to enter a reason Mandatory Enter Text Override for an overridden location. The system shall provide the ability to display the Incident incident location in relation to other active incidents on Location Mandatory Enter Text the system’s tactical map display during the CAD event Displayed entry process. Locations in Some locations in other jurisdictions shall be verifiable Other Mandatory Enter Text in the system. Jurisdictions If a telecommunicator attempts to enter a call in one of Locations in these other jurisdictions, a visible warning shall be Other displayed alerting the telecommunicator to this fact and Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictions providing the transfer telephone number for that other agency. Locations in The telecommunicator shall be able to forward the Other event to the telecommunicator even though it is in the Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictions other jurisdiction. Display of The system shall display event data on the monitor Incident / Mandatory Enter Text after being selected by the telecommunicator. Event Data Display of All event data shall be accessible to the Incident / Mandatory Enter Text telecommunicator. Event Data The system shall enable tabs to be used to allow the Display of telecommunicator to select supplemental history about Incident / Mandatory Enter Text the incident (e.g. premise history, past event history, Event Data hazards, persons of interest). Display of The system shall automatically display updates to the Incident / Mandatory Enter Text event for the telecommunicator. Event Data The system shall provide updated information that is Display of easily discernible from the previously read data (e.g. Incident / Mandatory Enter Text newest information on the top, different font/color Event Data text).</p><p>31 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall present an audible and/or visual Display of indication to the telecommunicator when an event is Incident / Mandatory Enter Text updated by another source such as another Event Data telecommunicator, or a field unit. The system shall provide, upon receipt of an update, a Display of method of ease, such as an ‘Update’ button, for the Incident / Mandatory Enter Text telecommunicator to retrieve the event that has been Event Data updated. Display of The ‘Update’ button shall be clearly visible when an Incident / update is available. Reverse video or a bright color Mandatory Enter Text Event Data background to the button can accomplish this. Display of The system shall remove events from the event display Incident / as they are closed by the telecommunicator, without Mandatory Enter Text Event Data additional interaction from the telecommunicator. The system shall provide the capability to record Update supplemental information updates in the event as it is Mandatory Enter Text Incident Status received from callers, field resources and other sources. Update The system shall retain a copy of any information Mandatory Enter Text Incident Status updated prior to the update for audit purposes. Update The system shall provide a method to update the actual Mandatory Enter Text Incident Status event type versus the reported event type. Event Types Event The event type code entered by the telecommunicator Type/Situatio shall be validated against a user-definable list of event Mandatory Enter Text n Reported - type codes. General Event If an event type is changed on an active event, the Type/Situatio system will allow for a comment as to the reason for the Mandatory Enter Text n Reported - change, which will be placed in the event record. General Multi-Agency / The system shall have the ability to create an event for Multi- user-defined multi-agency events and transfer the Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional event to the appropriate agency dispatch position(s). Capability Multi-Agency / The system shall have the ability to create a linked Multi- event for each required agency and transfer the Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional event(s) to the appropriate dispatch position(s) when Capability an event involves more than one agency.</p><p>32 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall have the capacity to create a multi- jurisdictional response; for example, should Jurisdiction Multi-Agency / X determine that Jurisdiction Y resources are needed on Multi- the scene, the telecommunicator shall have the ability Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional to forward/copy the event without re-entering the Capability event information to the appropriate telecommunicator in Jurisdiction Y based on CAD recommended or dispatched units. Multi-Agency / The system shall provide the ability to create and Multi- transfer an event for dispatch even though the event is Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional in another jurisdiction. Capability Multi-Agency / The system shall provide the ability to transfer an Multi- active event to another agency within the system Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional without closing the CAD event within the originating Capability agency. Multi-Agency / The system shall provide the ability to link cross- Multi- jurisdictional events using agency-definable Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional parameters. Capability Multi-Agency / The system shall update the originating jurisdiction’s Multi- event information if the telecommunicator in the Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional receiving jurisdiction updates or supplements the Capability event. Multi-Agency / The system shall have the ability to create agency- Multi- definable recommendations for cross-jurisdictional Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional responses and automated messaging based on user- Capability definable parameters. Multi-Agency / The system shall provide the ability to identify other Multi- jurisdiction addresses and alert the CAD user with the Mandatory Enter Text Jurisdictional jurisdiction’s name and contact information. Capability The telecommunicator shall have the capability of Event Types displaying a pick list of event types and selecting a valid Mandatory Enter Text event type from the list. By default, each event type shall be configured to Event Types automatically route the event to a functional Mandatory Enter Text dispatching position or multiple positions The telecommunicator shall be able to manually Event Types forward any event type to any telecommunicator, Mandatory Enter Text regardless of discipline. Each event type shall be configured with the priority of Event Types Mandatory Enter Text the event.</p><p>33 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall allow a telecommunicator to modify Event Types the event type and provide new/updated response plan Mandatory Enter Text information/suggestions based on the new event type. The telecommunicator shall be able to increase or Event Types decrease the priority, as necessary, without having to Mandatory Enter Text change the event type. Event Type Event type entry shall also be possible by use of an Mandatory Enter Text Alias event type alias. Event Type An unlimited number of aliases shall be permitted for Mandatory Enter Text Alias each event type. Event Type When the event type alias is validated, the correct event Mandatory Enter Text Alias type shall be substituted. The system shall provide the ability to create and Event Type maintain incident screening menus or prompts that can Mandatory Enter Text Alias be used to aid the telecommunicator in determining the appropriate incident/event type code. Duplicate The system shall check every event entry for possible Entry Mandatory Enter Text duplicate events Checking Duplicate The system shall store all transactions resulting from Entry the duplicate event detection process in the system’s Mandatory Enter Text Checking audit log. The system shall identify, during the creation, of an Duplicate event whether the event is a possible duplicate of an Entry Mandatory Enter Text active CAD event or an event recently closed; and the Checking system shall notify the telecommunicator of the results. The system shall check, as configured by the System Duplicate Administrator, by exact street address, street address Entry block range, or geo-coordinates, the location of each Mandatory Enter Text Checking new event to determine whether another duplicate event exists. Based on system parameters set by the administrator, Duplicate either all matching events shall be presented to the Entry Mandatory Enter Text user or only those events with the same or similar Checking event type. The system shall check, as configured by the System Duplicate Administrator, within a pre-defined search radius of the Entry Mandatory Enter Text location of each new event, to determine whether Checking another event exists within the search radius. Duplicate The system shall allow an authorized user to change the Entry duplicate event search parameters (e.g. distance, exact Mandatory Enter Text Checking street address match only, street address block range).</p><p>34 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e The system shall present the user with the following information for each potential duplicate event if Duplicate potential duplicates are located: Entry Event number Mandatory Enter Text Checking Event type Location of the event Status of the event The system shall allow the user the ability to create a Duplicate new event and link the event to the primary event Entry record; or, to merge any new information contained in Mandatory Enter Text Checking a duplicate event into the main event record associated with the identified duplicate CAD event. The system shall allow the telecommunicator to re- Duplicate open closed CAD events that are duplicates of a new Entry event, add additional information to the re-opened CAD Mandatory Enter Text Checking event records, and, if necessary, re- route them back through the dispatch process. Duplicate The system shall, based on agency policy, restrict users Entry from changing or deleting any previously entered data Mandatory Enter Text Checking contained in re-opened closed CAD events. Duplicate The system shall cross-reference duplicate events to Entry the primary event records, leave both events open, or Mandatory Enter Text Checking abandon processing of the duplicate event. The system shall provide a feature where the location Alarm of an alarm can be retrieved by the number displayed Mandatory Enter Text Processing on the enunciator panel, if the ECD monitors alarm enunciator panels. Protocol-Driven Instructions Automated The system shall be capable of a decision tree-based Mandatory Enter Text protocols protocol system within the CAD system. Automated The questions from this program or other questions Mandatory Enter Text protocols shall be user-definable in the system. When a telecommunicator enters a particular event Automated type, the pre-defined questions and expected responses Mandatory Enter Text protocols shall be displayed on the event entry screen. Automated As the telecommunicator answers the questions, the Mandatory Enter Text protocols system will determine if a response criterion is met. Automated When the criterion is met, the event shall be forwarded Mandatory Enter Text protocols to the appropriate telecommunicator for processing. The telecommunicator shall continue to answer any Automated other critical questions and any relevant instructions Mandatory Enter Text protocols shall be displayed.</p><p>35 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e As the additional questions are answered, the answers Automated shall be supplemented to the event record and the Mandatory Enter Text protocols telecommunicator notified. The system shall capture the time that each question is Event Entry Mandatory Enter Text answered for later analysis. Emergency Medical The system shall allow for the integration of a third- Dispatch party emergency medical dispatch or other incident Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / triage program. Incident Triage Emergency Medical Dispatch The system shall allow for customization based on the Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / needs of the agency (e.g. medical direction, operations). Incident Triage Emergency Medical The system shall guide or prompt the Dispatch telecommunicator through defined forms based on the Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / information provided by the caller. Incident Triage The system shall assist the telecommunicator in Emergency identifying the: Medical Type of incident (i.e. law enforcement, fire, EMS, Dispatch multi-agency) Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / Resources needed [e.g. law enforcement, Incident ALS/BLS, engine(s), extrication] Triage Level of response (e.g. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta or Echo) Emergency Medical The system shall provide the capability to allow a unit Dispatch to be dispatched to the incident as soon as the address Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / is confirmed and the nature of the incident is Incident determined. Triage Emergency Medical The system shall prompt the telecommunicator to Dispatch provide pre-arrival instructions to the caller or Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / responding unit(s). Incident Triage</p><p>36 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e Emergency The system shall recommend a change, based on the Medical information obtained and entered into the program, in: Dispatch Response priority (e.g. upgrade or down grade Mandatory Enter Text (EMD) / to emergent, non-emergent) Incident Resources required (i.e. law enforcement, fire, Triage EMS) Involved Person Information Screen The system shall be capable of collecting the following information about each individual associated with an Involved event: Person Age Height Mandatory Enter Text Information Date of birth Name Screen Eye color Operators license Hair color number Involved The system shall initiate an automatic query, upon Person entry of information about an individual associated Mandatory Enter Text Information with an event. Screen Involved If the name only is known, then a name query shall be Person initiated to local files capable of performing a lookup Mandatory Enter Text Information based only on a name. Screen Involved If the minimum required fields contain enough data for Person state and federal queries, then the system shall initiate Mandatory Enter Text Information queries to local, state and federal databases. Screen Involved Person The system shall return all responses from local, state, Mandatory Enter Text Information and federal databases to the data entry originator. Screen Involved The system shall bring positive responses (e.g. possible Person “hits”) that require a review by the originator to the Mandatory Enter Text Information attention of the originator through the use of audible Screen and visual indicators. Involved Vehicle Information Screen Involved Vehicle The system shall return all responses from local, state Mandatory Enter Text Information and federal databases to the data entry originator. Screen</p><p>37 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complianc Functionality Description e e Involved The system shall bring positive responses (e.g. “hits”) Vehicle that require a review by the originator to the attention Mandatory Enter Text Information of the originator through the use of audible and visual Screen indicators. Involved The system shall be capable of collecting the following Vehicle information about each vehicle associated with an Mandatory Information event: Screen License plate Primary vehicle License plate state color License plate type Vehicle Enter Text License plate year Identification of expiration Number (VIN) The system shall initiate an automatic query to local, Involved state and federal databases, upon entry of information Vehicle about a vehicle associated with an event, using the Mandatory Enter Text Information following guidelines at a minimum: Screen License plate number and license plate state VIN and vehicle make The system shall initiate a cascaded query, upon receipt of a response from the department of motor vehicles Involved containing the name of the registered owner of the Vehicle vehicle, to local, state and federal databases, to check Mandatory Enter Text Information the wanted status, Screen driver’s license status, and other statuses of interest about the registered owner.</p><p>38 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>39 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>DISPATCH ENTRY</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Routing Events to Pending Queue/Dispatch Position Once the complete or partial event information is entered, the routing of that Normal event to the appropriate telecommunicator Mandator Enter Text Transfer shall be automatic; however, the y telecommunicator may override that routing to send the event to any dispatch position. The telecommunicator shall be provided a Normal visible message verifying that the event was Mandator Enter Text Transfer forwarded and also display the event number y assigned. After entry of a verified location and call type, the telecommunicator shall be able to forward a high priority call, such as a person not Mandator Fast Transfer Enter Text breathing, to the telecommunicator using a y fast transfer method, preferably a function key. The system shall provide the capability to create an event, assign a unit, and close the Mandator Fast Transfer Enter Text event with a disposition without going through y the dispatch process steps. The system shall provide the capability to flag Mandator Fast Transfer an event as an “Advised Event” separate from Enter Text y the incident type/nature code. After the transfer, the telecommunicator shall Mandator Fast Transfer be able to continue with the event entry Enter Text y without having to reopen the event. Event Pending Incidents forwarded to the telecommunicator Mandator Queue Event Enter Text shall be listed in a pending event queue. y Priority The order of events in the pending queue shall be user-definable by setting the sort order by: Priority Event Pending Time in pending queue Mandator Queue Event Enter Text Event type y Priority Jurisdiction Unit Beat or Station Event Pending The colors for each priority shall be user- Mandator Enter Text</p><p>40 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Queue Event definable. y Priority Ability to Route to a The system shall be capable of routing an </p><p>Decision event to a decision dispatch position that will Importan Enter Text Telecommunic dispatch resources. t ator Ability to The system shall route the event (once the Route to a decision telecommunicator has dispatched the Mandator Decision event to the appropriate resources) to another Enter Text y Telecommunic telecommunicator that takes responsibility for ator the event from that point forward. Ability to The system shall be able to route events to the Route to a appropriate decision telecommunicator (when Mandator Decision multiple “decision telecommunicators” exist) Enter Text y Telecommunic based on parameters configured by the System ator Administrator. The system shall be able to route to the Ability to appropriate radio telecommunicator (when Route to a multiple radio telecommunicators exist to Mandator Decision Enter Text handle the remainder of the event) based on y Telecommunic the actions by the decision telecommunicator ator and/or predicated by event type and location. Alert of The telecommunicator shall be given an Mandator Telecommunic audible and visible alert that an event has been Enter Text y ator added to the pending queue. Alert of The volume, pitch and duration of the audible Mandator Telecommunic alert shall be user-definable based on the Enter Text y ator priority of the event. Response Recommendations Recommendati on to the Retrieval of an event from the pending queue Mandator Enter Text Telecommunic shall be possible with a single keystroke. y ator Events in the pending queue shall be ordered Recommendati in one or more of the following factors: on to the Mandator Priority Enter Text Telecommunic y Time in queue ator Event type Recommendati The telecommunicator shall be able to retrieve on to the Mandator any event from the pending queue by the use Enter Text Telecommunic y of a pointing device or command. ator</p><p>41 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Upon retrieval of an event from the pending Recommendati queue, the telecommunicator shall be on to the Mandator provided a recommendation of units to Enter Text Telecommunic y respond to the event (based on the above) ator within three (3) seconds. Response recommendations must be user definable based on: Recommendati Event type Premise on to the Mandator Geographic hazards Enter Text Telecommunic y response area Unit ator Occupancy capabilities type Specific address The system shall provide the capability to dispatch a fire and/or EMS station to an Station Mandator incident regardless of the number of units or Enter Text Dispatch y personnel that station has assigned to it or on duty. The system shall provide pre-release or pre- alert functionality to alert stations and units to Pre-Release or Mandator new incidents and the corresponding address Enter Text Pre-Alerting y and/or location prior to the event being dispatched. The system shall recommend resources, when Dispatch the resource requirement is changed, based Mandator Resource upon agency defined procedures, workload Enter Text y Decision balancing, unit capability, and proximity of the resources. Update The system shall detect and alert the Mandator Assigned telecommunicator when a reduction in Enter Text y Resources dispatched resources is required. Update The system shall recommend readjusted Mandator Assigned resources that meet the requirements of the Enter Text y Resources incident. Update The system shall record the modifications to Mandator Assigned the event when changed by the Enter Text y Resources telecommunicator. Update The system shall record any changes to Mandator Assigned Enter Text assigned resources as an update to the event. y Resources Update The system shall provide the capability to Mandator Assigned recommend additional resources based on Enter Text y Resources response plans and/or local policies. Update Cross Staffing – the system shall allow for units Mandator Enter Text</p><p>42 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Assigned within a station to be cross-staffed. y Resources Update Cross-staffed units shall go out of service when Mandator Assigned one of the units is dispatched on an event, or Enter Text y Resources goes available on the radio/air. Update Cross-staffed units shall return into service Mandator Assigned Enter Text when the units return into station. y Resources The system shall allow the assignment of units Mandator Assign Units by using drag-and-drop and point-and-click Enter Text y pull- down menus. The system shall re-queue the event that has Mandator Assign Units had all units removed, but has not been Enter Text y handled. The system shall recommend a unit that is Mandator Assign Units unavailable only if SOP permits units to be Enter Text y pre-empted for a higher priority event. The system shall provide the ability to assign Mandator Assign Units one or more units to an incident with a single Enter Text y command. The system shall provide the ability to dynamically, and without user intervention, Mandator Assign Units change the unit recommendation if relevant Enter Text y incident information changes (i.e. type, location, alarm level). The system shall provide the ability to notify Mandator Assign Units users that the unit recommendation has Enter Text y changed. The system shall provide the ability to cancel a unit from an assignment: If the cancelled unit Mandator Assign Units Enter Text is the only unit assigned, then the event will be y returned to the pending event queue. The system shall provide the ability to assign Mandator Assign Units or add multiple units to an event with a single Enter Text y command. The system shall provide the ability to assign a Mandator Assign Units Enter Text single unit to multiple events. y The system shall provide the ability to hold an Mandator Assign Units Enter Text event for a specific unit. y The system shall allow the telecommunicator Mandator Assign Units to override the system recommended units Enter Text y and assign other units. Assign Units The system shall allow the telecommunicator Mandator Enter Text</p><p>43 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce to assign any valid field unit to an incident even if that unit is not currently logged on to y the system. The system shall notify the telecommunicator and confirm that the correct unit has been Mandator Assign Units Enter Text assigned if a unit assigned to an incident is not y logged on the system. Resource recommendations shall allow for multiple units within a station to be able to Mandator Assign Units Enter Text handle specific types of incidents in order of y preference of the users. Multiple The system shall allow a telecommunicator to Simultaneous Mandator hold or stack events to a busy unit, as well as Enter Text Incidents to y units that are in-service. Single Unit If a unit is on an assignment, when the unit Unit clears its assignment, then the system shall Mandator Enter Text Assignment notify the telecommunicator the unit is y available. Unit The system shall provide the agency a method Mandator Enter Text Assignment to define what events can be held. y Unit The system shall notify the unit that it is being Mandator Enter Text Assignment held when an event is placed on hold. y Unit The system shall allow several events to be Mandator Enter Text Assignment placed on hold for a single unit. y Unit The system shall allow an event to be held for Mandator Enter Text Assignment a unit that is not yet logged on. y Unit The system shall record in the history of the Mandator Enter Text Assignment event when an event is placed on hold. y The system shall apply timers to all held Unit events and alert the telecommunicator when a Mandator Enter Text Assignment held event has exceeded the allowable time in y a held status. The system shall provide telecommunicators Unit Mandator with the ability to pre-empt a unit and Enter Text Assignment y dispatch the unit to another event. If all units are removed from the original Unit Mandator event, then it shall be placed in the pending Enter Text Assignment y events monitor. Unit The system shall NOT limit the ability of the Mandator Enter Text Assignment telecommunicator to assign another unit to the y incident or for field units to self-dispatch (assign) themselves to an event that has been </p><p>44 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce placed on hold, if permitted by agency policy. Strike Teams – the system shall allow for Unit Mandator individual units to be added to a strike team Enter Text Assignment y identifier The units added to a strike team shall no Unit longer be listed in the active unit list or active Mandator Enter Text Assignment event list, but shall be listed under the strike y team Unit Units contained within a strike team shall Mandator Enter Text Assignment receive log entries for the strike team. y When the strike team is disbanded, the Unit Mandator individual units shall resume their normal unit Enter Text Assignment y identifier and functions. Unit Dispatchers shall be able to exchange units on Mandator Enter Text Assignment events to avoid crossing paths. y The system shall provide the ability to Scheduled Mandator automatically schedule an event for future Enter Text Events y dispatch. The system shall allow scheduled events to be Scheduled Mandator created by entering an event or by sending a Enter Text Events y message. Scheduled The system shall be capable of displaying a list Mandator Enter Text Events of all scheduled events. y The system shall provide the ability for Scheduled Mandator authorized users to activate a scheduled event Enter Text Events y at any time. The system shall send a message to the Scheduled Mandator appropriate users when the scheduled activity Enter Text Events y occurs. Scheduled The system shall support location override for Mandator Enter Text Events scheduled incidents. y</p><p>45 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>EVENT ACTIVITY</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Geo-Fencing The system shall provide geo-fence creation tools that Enter Geo-Fencing allow the use of polygons, circles, ellipses, and Mandatory Text rectangles. The system shall display details about a resource to aid Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory in identification, location and purpose. Text The system shall facilitate the creation of multiple, Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory coexisting, overlapping geo-fences. Text The system shall support unique geo-fence names and Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory each geo-fence in the system shall be visually distinct. Text The system shall generate an alert whenever a vehicle or Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory resource enters and/or exits a geo-fence. Text The system shall include alerts that consist of: Unique visual and audible identification Resource identification Geo-fence Identification Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory Current resource position Text Time stamps of entry and exit of geo-fence areas Ability to clear alerts and history from view while maintaining historic records as needed The system shall include standard GIS functions, such as exportation of parcel Information, data fields, and Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory historic records from geo-fence in agency based required Text formats. The system shall be able to alert personnel though Enter Geo-Fencing Mandatory technologies such as text messaging or email. Text The system shall provide the ability to create, manage Enter Geo-Fencing and record geo-fence areas to track the entry and/or exit Mandatory Text of GIS based resources. The system shall provide informative and manageable Enter Geo-Fencing alerts to appropriate personnel through visual and Mandatory Text audible representation. Notification Systems Messaging The system shall be capable of TCP/IP communication, Enter Subsystem using industry-standard messaging protocols such as Mandatory Text Interfaces SMS and SMTP. Messaging The system shall provide the capability of pre-formatted Enter Subsystem messages, especially to paging and other handheld Mandatory Text Interfaces devices. </p><p>46 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Messaging The system shall create (automatically) an alphanumeric Enter Subsystem Mandatory page for selected CAD incidents. Text Interfaces Messaging The system shall allow a telecommunicator to initiate an Enter Subsystem Mandatory alphanumeric page for any paging group. Text Interfaces Messaging The information sent in the page shall be configurable by Enter Subsystem the agency and shall generally contain the incident Mandatory Text Interfaces number, type of incident, and location of the incident. Messaging The system shall provide an administrative mechanism Enter Subsystem Mandatory to define paging groups. Text Interfaces Messaging The system shall include multiple message types, Enter Subsystem including email, Be On The Lookout (BOLOs), Mandatory Text Interfaces notifications, tactical command chat rooms, and others. The system shall provide a capability to format and send messages using just-in-time information, such as incident dispatch information, BOLOs or emergency Messaging weather alerts, and configurable triggers for these Enter Subsystem Mandatory messages (e.g. incident type, assigned resources or Text Interfaces location) for configurable recipients (i.e. send the chief a page when a specific incident type occurs at a specified location). Messaging The system shall ensure that messaging interfaces make Enter Subsystem Mandatory use of the CAD address book. Text Interfaces The CAD address book shall allow for defining the types Messaging of devices recipients are able to receive messages on; Enter Subsystem and, shall have the ability to define a default device, as Mandatory Text Interfaces well as what devices (one, some or all) to receive messages on by day/time/response mode. The system shall provide the ability to include Messaging attachments associated with the message that can be Enter Subsystem downloaded and viewed by operators and recipients. Mandatory Text Interfaces Ideally, CAD should provide a capability to view common industry-standard multimedia file-types. Messaging The system shall have the ability to interface to public Enter Subsystem awareness messaging systems. Desirable Text Interfaces</p><p>47 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall have the ability to interface to Messaging emergency notification systems, community notification Enter Subsystem messaging, and other standalone systems available to be Desirable Text Interfaces activated by ECD or through local emergency management. Messaging The system shall enable the System Administrator to Enter Subsystem Mandatory define the rules for automatic event notifications. Text Interfaces Messaging The system shall provide the ability to create messages Enter Subsystem that are retained in the system and sent at pre-specified Mandatory Text Interfaces times. Messaging The system shall provide the ability to maintain a log of Enter Subsystem Mandatory all messages processed by the system. Text Interfaces Messaging The system shall allow the user to send and store Enter Subsystem messages to other users, groups, positions, or mobile Mandatory Text Interfaces devices. Messaging The system shall allow a message to be sent to multiple Enter Subsystem Mandatory recipients and/or groups. Text Interfaces Messaging Enter Subsystem The system shall log all sent messages. Mandatory Text Interfaces Messaging The system shall provide the ability to create and Enter Subsystem maintain automatic reminders of scheduled activities Mandatory Text Interfaces (e.g. radio tests): Daily User-defined (e.g. 30 minutes, 15 minutes, first day Weekly of the month) Multiple Monthly activities or reminders per Annually time slot Messaging The system shall interface with fire station, law Enter Subsystem Mandatory enforcement, and EMS status and alerting systems. Text Interfaces The system shall allow a message to be sent to multiple Enter Contact List Mandatory recipients and/or groups. Text Enter Contact List The system shall be able to log all sent messages. Mandatory Text The system shall provide an emergency contacts list, to Enter Contact List Mandatory include: Text</p><p>48 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Contact Zip name Telephone numbers Street Relationship address User-defined/configurable City fields State Fire Station The system shall be interfaced into all user agency’s fire Enter Alerting Mandatory station alerting systems. Text Systems Fire Station The system shall provide data that will activate relays in Enter Alerting Mandatory the fire station alerting system to be able to: Text Systems Play a voice broadcast over the public address system of event information. Turn on lights in specific zones in the fire station Open apparatus bay doors Turn off power/gas to cooking appliances Activate visual event displays (i.e. colored lights, marquee signs, etc.) Hard Copy The system shall generate (automatically) information Enter Printers and send to a designated “rip and run” printer. Desirable Text The system shall support “rip and run” printing via IP network using protocols, such as Internet Printing Hard Copy Enter Protocol (IPP), Line Printer Daemon (LPD), and Hewlett- Desirable Printers Text Packard Printer Job Language (PJL), and via facsimile transmission based on operational requirements. LMR System Enter The system shall interface with tone encoder systems. Mandatory Paging Text MDT The system shall alert units via MDT if the vehicle is so Enter Mandatory Notifications equipped. Text The system shall have the capability to send Alpha alphanumeric paging through either a local commercial Enter Numeric Mandatory paging provider or a state or local government paging Text Paging system. Alpha The system must be capable to send in standard TAPI Enter Numeric paging and/or SMS texting formats, and allow for Mandatory Text Paging multiple providers to be used. Alpha The system shall support alphanumeric paging via TAP, Enter Numeric Mandatory WCTP, SMTP, and SNPP. Text Paging Alpha The system shall support sending SMS messages either Enter Numeric directly via cellular modem or using a common carrier’s Mandatory Text Paging SMTP interface. </p><p>49 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Alpha The pages shall be sent automatically based on the event Enter Numeric Mandatory or upon command executed for a unit by an operator. Text Paging If sent by command, the operator shall be able to enter a Alpha free form text message of up to 180 characters or send Enter Numeric Mandatory an event summary including the ability to cut and paste Text Paging information from the event record. Alpha The format of the event summary (whether sent Enter Numeric Mandatory automatically or by command) shall be user definable. Text Paging Alpha The criteria for the automatic paging shall be user Enter Numeric Mandatory definable based on any of the following items: Text Paging Unit type of Event type a dispatched unit (initial or modified) Working Location fires Law beat / All Reporting district dispatched Fire first due incidents station / box Units on- Stations or duty units dispatched Type of Time of Day staffing (career or and Day of Week volunteer - fire only) Be On the Look Out Entry (BOLO) Any operator shall be able to display and complete a Enter Mandatory BOLO entry screen. Text The system shall provide a BOLO structure to include all necessary information such as the nature of the BOLO, Enter priority, date, range of effectiveness, subject and/or Mandatory Text vehicle information, hazard information, and contact information. The system shall allow narrative fields for additional Enter Mandatory information. Text Upon completion of this screen, it shall be forwarded to Enter one or more telecommunicators and placed into the Mandatory Text pending queue. Upon broadcasting the look out, the lookout shall be time Enter Mandatory stamped and cleared from the queue. Text</p><p>50 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall provide the means for BOLO information to be easily searchable, printable, and have Enter the ability to automatically populate on an incident sheet Mandatory Text referencing any particular name, address, or vehicle information. Adding Units to an Event Pre- Assignment of The telecommunicator shall be able to pre-assign Enter Mandatory Incidents to incidents to units. Text Units Pre- Assignment of The pre-assigned incidents shall be “stacked” under the Enter Mandatory Incidents to unit in priority order. Text Units Pre- The telecommunicator must be able to remove any of the Assignment of Enter incidents that have been pre-assigned without having to Mandatory Incidents to Text clear all of the pre-assigned incidents. Units Pre- The telecommunicator must also be able to assign the Assignment of Enter unit to any of the pre-assigned incidents regardless of Mandatory Incidents to Text priority. Units Units may report their own incidents to the Unit Initiated telecommunicator such as vehicle stops, suspicious Event (Self- vehicles, parking enforcement, etc. The Enter Mandatory Initiated) telecommunicator shall be able to enter these self- Text initiated incidents either by a command or the format call entry screen. Unit Initiated All of the same event information shall be provided for Enter Event (Self- these incidents as any other event, such as law beat and Mandatory Text Initiated) reporting district, etc. Unit Initiated The source of the event shall be identified as having been Enter Event (Self- Mandatory self-initiated. Text Initiated) If a unit is enroute to another event when a self-initiated Unit Initiated event is created, the telecommunicator shall be alerted Enter Event (Self- Mandatory and have the option to “stack” the original event until the Text Initiated) self-initiated event is complete. Unit Initiated A rerouted unit shall be automatically reassigned to the Enter Event (Self- Mandatory original event. Text Initiated) Greater The telecommunicator shall be able to add an additional Enter Mandatory Alarms alarm response to an event using a single command. Text</p><p>51 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Adding Units by The telecommunicator shall be able to request the Enter Mandatory Recommenda system to recommend any number of additional units. Text tion Adding Units by Units shall be recommended as additional units in the Enter Mandatory Recommenda same way as an initial dispatch. Text tion Adding Units The telecommunicator shall be able to add units to an Enter that are Self- event that have decided to respond to the event on their Mandatory Text Assigned own. Adding Units The status change shall be tracked different from an Enter that are Self- ordinary dispatch to recognize that the unit was not Mandatory Text Assigned requested and was self-dispatched. Adding Units The telecommunicator shall be able to place the unit into Enter that are Self- a responding or arrived status at the same time as Mandatory Text Assigned adding the unit to the event. Adjustable Enter Dispatch The system shall allow for adjustable dispatch levels. Mandatory Text Levels Adjustable The system shall allow for an unlimited number of Enter Dispatch Mandatory dispatch levels. Text Levels Adjustable The system shall allow for a user-defined naming Enter Dispatch Mandatory convention for the dispatch levels. Text Levels The system shall enable adjustable dispatch levels to be Adjustable individually activated (e.g. a fire response plan would Enter Dispatch Mandatory change to Level 2 and an ALS response would change to a Text Levels Level 3, or all plans could change to a defined level). Adjustable The system shall have an easily viewable method to Enter Dispatch Mandatory review current dispatch levels. Text Levels The system shall alert the telecommunicator when the Adjustable required number or types of units are not dispatched Enter Dispatch Mandatory (e.g. one law unit to a domestic call instead of two, or two Text Levels fire engines to a commercial fire instead of four). The system shall recognize the resources and capabilities Enter Mutual Aid of the host agency’s own units and those of neighboring Mandatory Text agencies. The system shall allow for custom mutual aid Enter Mutual Aid agreements, including business rules for utilization, and Mandatory Text recognize various levels of response/mutual aid. </p><p>52 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall recommend the use of other agency Enter Mutual Aid resources based on parameters within the mutual aid Mandatory Text agreements. The system shall allow for custom automatic aid Enter Automatic Aid Mandatory agreements, including business rules for utilization. Text The system shall recognize various levels of Enter Automatic Aid Mandatory response/automatic aid. Text The system shall recommend the use of other agency Enter Automatic Aid resources based on parameters within the automatic aid Mandatory Text agreements. Channel The system shall have a table of radio channels/talk Enter Mandatory Designations groups. Text The system shall allow each radio channel or talk group Channel Enter to be used for tactical purposes to be flagged as such in Mandatory Designations Text the CAD system. The system shall allow each radio channel or talk group Channel defined in the CAD system to have an associated list of Enter Mandatory Designations the agencies whose units have those radio channels or Text talk groups on their radios. The system shall allow the radio channels or talk groups Channel Enter used for tactical purposes to be ranked according to the Mandatory Designations Text order in which they are assigned. The system shall track the maximum number of Channel Enter concurrent incidents that may be specified for each radio Mandatory Designations Text channel or talk group. The system shall include a flag indicating a requirement Channel Enter for the automatic assignment of a tactical radio channel Mandatory Designations Text that can be set for each incident type in the CAD system. The system shall assign a tactical radio channel available Channel Enter to units upon the dispatch to an incident requiring the Mandatory Designations Text automatic assignment of a tactical radio channel. The system shall allow the telecommunicator to Channel Enter manually flag or assign one or more tactical radio Mandatory Designations Text channels or talk groups to an incident. Channel The system shall track the release and reassignment of Enter Mandatory Designations radio channels/talk groups. Text The system shall release the tactical radio channels/talk Channel groups assigned to an incident when that incident has Enter Mandatory Designations been cleared and make the tactical radio channels/talk Text groups available for other incidents. </p><p>53 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall be able to, upon assignment of a tactical radio channel or talk group to an incident, direct the Channel radio system to have the radios associated with units Enter Mandatory Designations assigned to the incident to be automatically switched to Text that tactical radio channel/talk group (if the radio system provides this capability). The system shall be able to, upon clearing an incident of which a tactical radio channel/talk group has been assigned and the release of the channel or talk group has Channel Enter occurred, direct the radio system to have the radios Mandatory Designations Text associated with units assigned to the incident to automatically revert to their previous channel or talk group selection. The system shall be able to record which radio channels Channel Enter were patched together for an incident including start and Mandatory Designations Text end times. Event/Case Numbers Assignment of A unique incident number shall be assigned to every Enter Event/Case Mandatory event entered into the system. Text Numbers Assignment of All events shall also receive a unique case number based Enter Event/Case on jurisdiction and/or discipline (law, fire, EMS, Public Mandatory Text Numbers Works, etc.). Assignment of The telecommunicator shall also be able to manually Enter Event/Case assign a unique case number based on jurisdiction Mandatory Text Numbers and/or discipline (law, fire, EMS, Public Works, etc.). Assignment of The system shall have the optional ability to assign Enter Event/Case additional case numbers to each unit responding to the Mandatory Text Numbers incident. The system shall assign an agency-specific report (i.e. Assignment of case) number—if a report is required, and if required by Enter Event/Case Mandatory agency policy—in addition to the CAD incident/event Text Numbers number, before the event data is transferred to the RMS. The system shall allow for both the CAD Event Number Assignment of and the Agency Report Numbers to be fully configurable Enter Event/Case Mandatory (e.g. “1 to n,” “mmddyyxxxx,” “mmddyyhhmmssxxx,” Text Numbers “FY12xxxxxx,” “2012- mmdd-xxxxx”). The system shall coordinate the assignment of RMS Assignment of incident/case numbers through a jointly used, shared list Enter Event/Case Mandatory by the RMS and CAD system or through a list maintained Text Numbers in the CAD system. </p><p>54 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Assignment of The system shall give the option, for an EMS response, a Enter Event/Case separate patient care report (PCR) number to each Mandatory Text Numbers patient at the incident. The system shall provide the ability for the Assignment of telecommunicator to retrieve the RMS incident number Enter Event/Case Mandatory at any point during the event or after the incident has Text Numbers been closed. On-Going Event Activity Modifying The telecommunicator shall be able to add to any part of Enter Incidents, the call record either by a command or using the Mandatory Text General formatted entry screen except time entries. The system shall provide the ability to enter unlimited Enter Mandatory narrative/comments with text wrap-around feature. Text Proposals shall describe any record locking that could Enter prevent telecommunicators or telecommunicators from Mandatory Text modifying the call record simultaneously. The telecommunicator shall be alerted to any modifications or additions to incidents they are Enter Mandatory responsible for handling. This alert may consist of Text placing the event in inverse video on the status monitor. No position shall be permitted to delete entries made to Enter Mandatory the system. Text The system shall add audit records to the event history Enter or store audit records in the CAD system’s audit log file Mandatory Text in chronological order The system shall provide a complete historical audit of Enter all event activity (e.g., comments, unit status changes, Mandatory Text license plate information, field updates). The system shall store old entry information, with the appropriate date, time, operator ID, and console stamps Enter Mandatory if the new entry replaces existing information in the Text event record. The system shall enable the audit information to be Enter retrieved and printed in both summary and detailed Mandatory Text formats when incident information is displayed. The system shall create a permanent audit trail for all Enter information recorded related to an event, whether or not Mandatory Text that information is later modified or deleted. The system shall support ease of entry for supplemental Enter event information and changes to existing event Mandatory Text information. </p><p>55 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall allow the user to display a Enter supplemental data entry screen by specifying either the Mandatory Text event number or a unit assigned to the event. The system shall allow the user to display a data entry screen to change information previously entered into a Enter Mandatory CAD event by specifying either the event number or a Text unit assigned to the event. The system shall provide agency-definable visual and audible alerts to notify field units and other appropriate Enter CAD system users, including users of systems interfaced Mandatory Text to CAD such as Mobile Data Computers, of event changes and supplemental information. The system shall allow the user to update any field in the event record (except user-designated fields, such as Enter application-generated times and date stamps, operator Mandatory Text identification information, ANI/ALI information, and CAD position that completed a CAD transaction). The system shall document all changes and supplemental Enter Mandatory information in the event history. Text The system shall provide an event update/change data Enter Mandatory entry screen. Text The system shall allow the user to update or change a Enter unit’s most recent event by entering the unit’s Mandatory Text identification or any unit that is currently assigned. The system shall require confirmation from the user Enter Mandatory when attempting to update any field in a closed event. Text The system shall provide the user with acknowledgment Enter that an update to a CAD event record was successfully Mandatory Text completed. The system shall allow the user to supplement and/or Enter Mandatory change active events. Text The system shall allow the user to supplement and/or Enter change any field of a closed event without having to Mandatory Text change the state of the event. The system shall capture every time stamp associated Enter with each unit’s response and status change related to Mandatory Text the incident. The system shall capture all status changes and their Enter times for statistical and research purposes (e.g. out of Mandatory Text service versus in service to calculate “lost unit hours”). </p><p>56 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Automatic Driving The system shall present the destination address visually Enter Mandatory Directions / for validation and acceptance. Text Routing Automatic The system shall provide a route that considers current Driving Enter impedances (e.g. road closures, road construction, Mandatory Directions / Text accidents, disable vehicles) Routing Automatic The system shall provide a route that considers speed Driving Enter limits, traffic lights, stop signs, and other traffic control Mandatory Directions / Text variables. Routing Automatic Driving The system shall provide a visual map that presents the Enter Mandatory Directions / entire route. Text Routing Automatic The system shall provide a visual map that centers the Driving unit and presents a configurable radius around the unit Enter Mandatory Directions / (i.e. feet, miles, meters), and provides turn-by-turn Text Routing navigation. Automatic The system shall provide consistent route re-evaluation, Driving Enter and visually present alternate routes based on estimated Mandatory Directions / Text drive time without interfering with current route. Routing Automatic Driving The system shall provide a directions list from unit Enter Mandatory Directions / current location to destination. Text Routing Automatic Driving The system shall present visual and audible warnings Enter Mandatory Directions / about travel impedances. Text Routing Automatic The system shall allow authorized field units to create Driving Enter and clear impedances, which may be used for directing Mandatory Directions / Text other units. Routing Automatic Driving The system shall account for one-way roads, highway Enter Mandatory Directions / overpasses, and other considerations that impact safety. Text Routing</p><p>57 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Automatic The system shall include traffic weights that are Driving Enter considerate of time-of-day, day-of-week, and day- of-year Mandatory Directions / Text to account for rush hour and holiday congestion. Routing Automatic Driving The system shall store suggested route and route taken Enter Mandatory Directions / for future evaluation. Text Routing Automatic Driving The system shall provide configurable forms that allow Enter Mandatory Directions / resizing, on-off, and night/day modes. Text Routing Automatic Driving The system shall provide configurable audible alerts and Enter Mandatory Directions / voices that can be enabled and disabled. Text Routing Automatic Driving The system shall provide a manual entry interface for Enter Mandatory Directions / non-CAD driven use. Text Routing Automatic The system shall prevent audible alerts from interfering Driving Enter from other system notifications that may impact unit Mandatory Directions / Text safety. Routing Automatic Driving The system shall allow for tracking of train Enter Mandatory Directions / schedules/locations that result in blocked crossings. Text Routing Automatic Driving The system shall allow for tracking of train AVL data to Enter Mandatory Directions / factor blocked crossings. Text Routing The system shall alert (automatically) the Bypassed telecommunicator in the case of a unit becoming Enter Mandatory Units available that is closer to an event in which the currently Text assigned unit is still in route and farther away. The system shall notify the telecommunicator when a Post-Dispatch response reevaluation is appropriate based on AVL data Enter Response Re- (i.e. units that should be considered for an event and Mandatory Text evaluation units that could be cancelled if those under consideration are assigned to the event). Modifying the Two methods shall be provided for modifying the Enter Mandatory Location location of a unit or event. Text</p><p>58 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The first shall verify the new location. If the new location Modifying the Enter changes the firebox, law beat or jurisdiction, the Mandatory Location Text telecommunicator shall be alerted. The second method shall not verify the new location. During pursuits, the telecommunicator may need to Modifying the update a location several times a minute based on Enter Mandatory Location information provided by the field units. These locations Text may or may not verify, but verifying each location change cannot slow the telecommunicator down. The system shall provide the ability to note responding Secondary apparatus has arrived “in staging,” which may be a Enter Incident Mandatory remote secondary address associated with the primary Text Location incident location. The system shall provide the ability to change a unit’s Secondary location from the primary address to a secondary Enter Incident Mandatory address without clearing the unit from the incident or Text Location CAD record. Secondary The system shall log a date/time stamped record of the Enter Incident Mandatory change in the event. Text Location The system shall have the ability to accurately track the Add destination of all units assigned to a particular incident Enter Destination Mandatory within the event, and to allow these locations and Text Locations activities to change throughout the incident. The telecommunicator shall have the option to view System Enter system entries in the remarks section, or to hide them Mandatory Entries Text from the event screen. This shall be accomplished by a check box on the event Enter Mandatory screen. Text Adding Event The telecommunicator shall be able to enter additional Enter Mandatory Remarks remarks to any open or closed event. Text If more than one telecommunicator is handling an event, Adding Event (i.e. a law telecommunicator and a fire Enter Mandatory Remarks telecommunicator), the additional remarks shall be Text forwarded to both telecommunicators. Adding Event The telecommunicator shall not have to update two Enter Mandatory Remarks separate incidents. Text Telecommunicator shall group the remarks so that if multiple telecommunicators are updating a single event, Adding Event Enter the telecommunicator can follow each Mandatory Remarks Text telecommunicators' entry without having them intermixed.</p><p>59 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Narrative The system shall provide the ability to recognize Field Enter character patterns and automatically fill in expanded Mandatory “Shorthand” / Text text. Auto Text Narrative The system shall the ability to expand (automatically) Field Enter the shorthand into a full description and save it into the Mandatory “Shorthand” / Text narrative. Auto Text Narrative Field The system shall allow the agency to add agency-specific Enter Mandatory “Shorthand” / shorthand terms and their expansions. Text Auto Text Each modification shall be tracked capturing the change Modification Enter that was made, who made the change/addition and when Mandatory Tracking Text the change/addition was made. The system shall recognize (through native or third- Enter Move Ups party software) resource gaps that will likely result in Mandatory Text response performance under prescribed standards. The system shall recommend units to move up to Enter Move Ups Important address those identified gaps. Text The system shall initiate move ups based on user defined Enter Move Ups Important manual or automated logic processes. Text The system shall build multiple system status plans (e.g. System Status by hour of day, day of week) that define the levels of Enter Important Management resource availability and which posts/stations. The Text system shall be prioritized for coverage. The system shall monitor, on a continuous basis, each System Status plan in effect and alert the telecommunicator if the plan Enter Important Management goes “out of compliance” (i.e. units not in their proper Text position). System Status The system shall include the capability for multiple plans Enter Important Management by unit resource type. Text The system shall log the following information for all entries into the event: Position (terminal) Date Update ID Enter Time Mandatory Incident Data Action performed Text User ID (or note if Any notes action was system associated with generated) action Update The system shall display additional event information to Enter Mandatory Incident Data the telecommunicator for action. Text</p><p>60 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall allow, at any time, additional incident Update Enter information to be added to the event, both prior to and Mandatory Incident Data Text after closing the incident. Update The system shall allow the user to display the added Enter Mandatory Incident Data comments in reverse chronological order. Text The system shall provide the user the option of Update Enter specifying the event to update by entering the call sign of Mandatory Incident Data Text any assigned unit or by entering the incident number. The system shall permit multiple users, including MDT- Update Enter equipped field resources, the ability to simultaneously Mandatory Incident Data Text update information to the event. The system shall provide controls when two or more CAD users attempt to update the same field in the event. For example, in the event that User A is saving modifications to a field, and that field has been modified Update Enter by another user since User A retrieved the event, the Mandatory Incident Data Text application shall notify User A that the field that is being modified has been changed since User A retrieved the record and confirm that User A wants to continue with the update. The system shall provide the ability for multiple CAD Update Enter users to simultaneously add incident information to an Mandatory Incident Data Text active or closed event. The system shall provide the ability to add supplemental Update Enter information to closed incidents based on assigned user Mandatory Incident Data Text rights. The system shall notify the entering party that the Update incident being updated has been closed. This will allow Enter Mandatory Incident Data the entering party to reopen the incident for re-queuing Text to dispatch if necessary. The system shall provide the ability to update the event Update Enter by specifying the incident/event number or the call sign Mandatory Incident Data Text of assigned units. Display The system shall notify the appropriate CAD users via Enter Additional visual and/or audible indication when information is Mandatory Text Incident Data added or changed to an event. Display The event screen shall display all event/unit times Enter Additional Mandatory within the same window. Text Incident Data Display The system shall provide a separate notification for each Enter Additional Mandatory entry made. Text Incident Data</p><p>61 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall provide the ability to visually Display differentiate text notes in the event added by different Enter Additional Mandatory operators for the same incident (i.e. color and/or CAD Text Incident Data user identification). Display The system shall display additional event data with the Enter Additional Mandatory newest information displayed first. Text Incident Data Display The system shall display additional event data with the Enter Additional newest information displayed in differently formatted Mandatory Text Incident Data text (e.g. color, font, formatting, such as bold, or italics). Display The system shall provide the ability to view all additional Enter Additional Mandatory event data at one time. Text Incident Data Display The system shall provide the ability to automatically Enter Additional notify users monitoring or displaying the event that Mandatory Text Incident Data information has changed. Display The system shall provide the ability to dynamically, and Enter Additional without user intervention, display changes to an event as Mandatory Text Incident Data they occur based on assigned user rights. Single Discipline The system shall provide the ability to add another Incident to a Enter agency’s resources to an event. Mandatory Combined Text Discipline Incident Single Discipline Incident to a The system shall provide the ability to assign an agency Enter Mandatory Combined specific incident/event number to the event. Text Discipline Incident Single Discipline Incident to a The system shall provide the ability to link added agency Enter Mandatory Combined records with the initial event. Text Discipline Incident Single Discipline Incident to a The system shall provide the ability to share incident Enter Mandatory Combined information across multiple linked records. Text Discipline Incident</p><p>62 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Single Discipline Incident to a The system shall provide the ability to track the added Enter Mandatory Combined resources for the duration of the incident. Text Discipline Incident The system shall be able to store, and easily retrieve, a Request file for standardized and ad hoc supplemental resources Enter Supplemental Mandatory that may be recalled and requested as needed for Text Resource services not available from the public safety agencies. The system shall make request and “dispatch” of said Request resources on the basis of the unique type of service Enter Supplemental needed, the geographic proximity to the site of the Mandatory Text Resource needed service, or a rotation of the unique service providers of a given type—or, a combination of methods. Request The system shall be able to create a unique or Enter Supplemental Mandatory supplemental unit designation in real time. Text Resource The system shall be able to record the activities of Request unique or supplemental units in the same manner in Enter Supplemental Mandatory which agency response units are tracked and their Text Resource activities recorded. The system shall allow for agency-configurable non- agency units to be recommended, such as the closest Request towing company recommendation when a unit is Enter Supplemental Mandatory dispatched to an accident event type. The Text Resource recommendation will take into account the rotation of towing companies. Request The system shall store, and provide for easy retrieval, a Supplemental Enter list of authorized providers of unique or supplemental Mandatory Resource Text supplies or services. Rotation List Request Supplemental The system shall provide multiple sources of contact for Enter Mandatory Resource each authorized vendor. Text Rotation List Request The system shall be able to display the list of authorized Supplemental service providers based upon geographical proximity to Enter Mandatory Resource the site of need, by rotation, or by agency preference Text Rotation List based upon contractual agreement. </p><p>63 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Request Supplemental The system shall record the transactions that occur with Enter Mandatory Resource supplemental or unique resources. Text Rotation List Notify Supplemental The system shall provide the ability to contact the Enter Mandatory Resource supplemental resource. Text Service Notify The system shall provide dispatch information by the Supplemental Enter telecommunicator about the incident to which the Mandatory Resource Text resource is requested to respond. Service Notify Supplemental The system shall provide the ability to record the Enter Mandatory Resource availability of the entity to provide its services. Text Service The system shall provide the ability to select a Notify supplemental resource. Supplemental Enter If a resource is unavailable, or unable to respond in a Mandatory Resource Text reasonable time frame, then the user shall contact the Service next listed resource until one is found that is available. Notify A supplemental service that cannot be contacted or Supplemental informs the agency of its inability to respond within a Enter Mandatory Resource prescribed time the system shall be considered Text Service unavailable to provide the service. Enter and Update The system shall provide the ability to create a record of Enter Supplemental Mandatory the supplemental service request. Text Service Record Enter and Update The system shall accommodate selection from the Enter Supplemental provided list either at random, by geographic proximity Mandatory Text Service to the site of need, or by rotation. Record Enter and Update The system shall trigger the next provider in the Enter Supplemental rotation, when selected by rotation and upon creation of Mandatory Text Service the record. Record</p><p>64 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Enter and Update The system shall process the rotation regardless of the Enter Supplemental Mandatory requested resource’s ability to respond. Text Service Record Timers and Milestones The system shall have, and allow configuration of, multiple timers based on unit status and CAD incident Enter Timers Mandatory type, such as time on a particular call, time since last Text check-in, and time at the hospital or jail. The system shall have, and allow configuration of, timers Enter Timers for CAD system events, such as a priority one call Mandatory Text overdue to be dispatched. The system shall allow for operators to manually place a Enter Timers Mandatory timer alert on an event or a unit. Text The system shall minimally include “down to the second” Enter Timers Mandatory timestamps (e.g. hhhh/mm/ss). Text The system shall allow configurable timers (i.e. Enter Timers Mandatory ‘hh:mm:ss’, ‘mm:ss’, or ‘ss’). Text User Defined The system shall be equipped with predefined timers Enter Mandatory Status Timers that can be configured by the System Administrator. Text User Defined The system shall provide the ability for the System Enter Mandatory Status Timers Administrator to create customized definable timers. Text User Defined Enter The system shall record timer activity to the event log. Mandatory Status Timers Text User Defined The system shall produce both visual and audible alerts Enter Mandatory Status Timers to the telecommunicator when a timer is triggered. Text Based on the event type, the system shall establish Enter Event Timers timers that, upon expiration, shall alert the Mandatory Text telecommunicator both audibly and visibly. A command shall be provided to reset timers or Enter Event Timers Mandatory manually set their duration for any event. Text The volume, pitch and duration of the audible alert shall Enter Event Timers Mandatory be user-definable. Text Based on the unit’s status, the system shall have timers Enter Unit Timers that, upon expiration, shall alert the telecommunicator Mandatory Text both audibly and visibly. Enter Unit Timers These timers shall be user definable. Mandatory Text The volume, pitch and duration of the audible alert shall Enter Unit Timers Mandatory be user-definable. Text</p><p>65 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Certain event milestones shall be tracked by the system Enter Milestones Mandatory and be user-definable. Text A command executed by the telecommunicator shall Enter Milestones mark the occurrence and the time of the milestone on the Mandatory Text event record. Unit based milestones, such as first unit arrival, shall be automatically captured when the unit status command is executed. The milestones include: Receipt of call Event entered for Fire declared under dispatch control First dispatch of Fire declared out event Patients extricated First unit enroute from a vehicle or responding to Notifications event Enter Milestones conducted (entered for Mandatory First unit arrived Text each notification) at the scene Evacuation declared First pumper All clear announced arrived at the scene after evacuations First medic arrived All clear announced on the scene after search First at patient or Greater alarms setup to make fire Last unit cleared attack event Fire found to be working Unit Status Tracking Event Related All status changes to a unit while assigned to an event Enter Mandatory - General shall be referenced to that event. Text Status commands shall be representative of the status Event Related Enter change such as “AR” for arrived on the scene or “CL” for Mandatory - General Text cleared the scene. Unit Status The system shall prohibit unit status transitions that do Enter Transitions Mandatory not conform to the policies of the agency. Text Matrix</p><p>66 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Receipt of call Last clear of scene Event entered for dispatch Last unit cleared Held for a specific event Emergency unit traffic only requested Required Dispatch (may occur more than Status Responding once) Enter Changes – Arrived on the Establish whether Text Law scene primary unit (shall Available on scene default to first unit on No additional scene) or back-up unit response required Incident command First suspect Clear of the event Transport Disposition When a unit is added to an event, the system shall allow the telecommunicator to add a location/function that the Enter Mandatory unit is assigned to, i.e. 1st and Main, Incident Command Text Post, perimeter, etc. Status At a minimum, the following shall be unit/event status Enter Changes – Mandatory changes within the system: Text Fire/EMS Dispatch Staging Acknowledge At the patient Enroute Transporting to the Arrived on the hospital scene At the hospital Available on Incident command scene Clear of the event Enter Additional status commands shall be user-definable. Mandatory Text Non-Event The current status of units shall be tracked even when Enter Mandatory Related the unit is not assigned to an event. Text Non-Event The unit in these statuses may or may not be available to Enter Mandatory Related respond to other incidents Text Non-Event The following shall be non-event-related status changes Enter Mandatory Related within the system: Text</p><p>67 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Available in Quarters/Station Available on Eating Radio Roll Call Available on Other Administrative Pager Duties Available on MDT Warrant Service Available on Criminal Investigation Scene/Assignment Directed Patrol Out of service Break (with variable Training reasons) Court Changed Beat Assignment Desk Duty Assigned to a detail Non-Event Enter Additional status commands shall be user-definable. Mandatory Related Text When a unit is dispatched on an event, its staffing level Non-Event Enter and last known location shall be saved as part of the Mandatory Related Text unit’s event record. Transfer/ The telecommunicator shall be able to relocate units Enter Apparatus either as a result of an event or not to another station or Mandatory Text Relocation any point within the jurisdiction. Transfer/ The system shall recommend that unit from its new Enter Apparatus Mandatory location. Text Relocation Transfer/ Fire station alerting systems shall use the new location if Enter Apparatus the unit has indicated Available in Quarters at that new Mandatory Text Relocation location. Transfer/ Relocation commands shall include a time delay field Enter Apparatus that will allow the telecommunicator to input an elapsed Mandatory Text Relocation time before the unit will reach the new location. Transfer/ Transfers conducted as a result of an event shall be Enter Apparatus referenced to that event and appear differently on the Mandatory Text Relocation status monitor than non-event relocation’s. Exchanging The telecommunicator shall be able to easily exchange Enter Units on Mandatory units, with the units exchanging status only, not location. Text Event Squad/Shift The system shall allow an entire law squad/shift to be Enter Mandatory Activation activated at one time. Text</p><p>68 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce When a request is made to activate a squad, the system Squad/Shift Enter shall display the units that are defined as usually being Mandatory Activation Text assigned to that squad. The person entering the squad/shift shall be able to edit the list of units there are typically assigned to that Squad/Shift Enter squad/shift (user definable), enter the beat assignments Mandatory Activation Text for each unit, and place the activated units into any status. By default the system shall place activated units into a Squad/Shift roll call status. The system must allow a unit to be Enter Mandatory Activation assigned a beat through the activation process that is Text already on an event. Squad/Shift A unit that is assigned to an event but not activated shall Enter Mandatory Activation remain in their previous status. Text The system shall provide an expeditious means for the Enter Off Duty Units Mandatory telecommunicator to add an off duty unit to an event. Text The off duty unit may act as the primary unit, a back-up Enter Off Duty Units Mandatory unit or be self-initiated on an event. Text The unit’s event record shall denote that the unit was off Enter Off Duty Units Mandatory duty at the time of the event. Text Redirecting The telecommunicator shall be able to redirect units or Units/Inciden Enter incidents from the system default to any other law Mandatory ts Between Text telecommunicator. Districts Redirecting Units/Inciden When redirected, the unit shall remain in its new Enter Mandatory ts Between location until redirected back to its original location. Text Districts Exception The system shall identify and require an exception in any Enter Reason case when user defined response time standards are not Mandatory Text Tracking met. Exception The system shall establish a System Administrator- Enter Reason defined list of exception reasons established for each Mandatory Text Tracking CAD time interval. Tow Requests/Rotations The system shall be capable of providing multiple Enter Tow Rotation agencies with tow rotation schedules of multiple tow Mandatory Text providers. The telecommunicator shall be able to query the system Enter Tow Rotation as to the next tow company to be called for each tow Mandatory Text area. Upon use of a tow company, the system shall move to the Enter Tow Rotation Mandatory next company for the next tow in that area. Text</p><p>69 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall also allow a tow company to be placed Enter Tow Rotation on suspension from the tow rotation and be Mandatory Text automatically reinstated at a particular date and time. When a tow company is used, the towed vehicle log entry Enter Tow Rotation Mandatory screen shall be automatically displayed. Text The telecommunicator shall be able to enter multiple Enter Tow Rotation Mandatory towed vehicles for the selected tow company. Text If the tow is associated to an event, the tow entry shall be Enter Tow Rotation Mandatory associated to the event. Text If the tow company is unavailable, the telecommunicator Enter Tow Rotation shall be able to bypass that company and retrieve the Mandatory Text company from the list. Tows at All positions shall be able to enter information regarding Enter Officer’s Mandatory vehicles towed at the law department’s request. Text Request Enter The information captured shall include the following: Mandatory Text Location vehicle was towed from. Identification of Make, model, person entering the tow style, color, year Vehicle owner and license for the name/address vehicle Date and time towed Vehicle Related case number Identification Name of towing number company Unit requesting VIN Number (9 digits) the tow Tows All positions shall be able to enter information regarding Enter performed by Mandatory vehicles privately towed. Text Others Tows The information captured shall include the following: Mandatory</p><p>70 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Whether the vehicle Location vehicle is operable. was towed from. Name, telephone Make, Model, Style, number and address Color, Year and of the towing License for the company performed by vehicle Enter The name of the Others Vehicle Text towing company’s Identification insurance Number Date and Time Name of person Towed calling tow VIC Number (9 information digits) Retrieval of All positions shall be able to retrieve information Enter Tow Mandatory regarding all tows by entry of one command. Text Information Retrieval of The information shall be retrievable by location, make, Enter Tow model, year, license, VIN, tow company, date and time, or Mandatory Text Information any combination of search criteria. Update The system shall allow the ability to divide the response Supplemental Enter area into multiple zones, based on user- defined criteria, Mandatory Resource Text to ensure a quick response to the request. Tracking Resource The system shall make recommendations for resources Enter Mandatory Tracking to prevent any one entity from being favored. Text The system shall allow cancellation of or bypassing the Resource recommendation, returning the skipped company to be Enter Mandatory Tracking placed back in the rotation either at the bottom or top of Text the rotation, depending on the circumstances. The system shall provide the ability to skip a suggested Resource resource, capturing the reason for the exception and Enter Mandatory Tracking placing the resource either back at the top of the queue Text or at the bottom, based on the reasoning. The system shall provide the ability to create and Resource Enter maintain rotating and non-rotating service provider Mandatory Tracking Text information (i.e. towing companies). Multi-Discipline and Out of Jurisdiction Responses Requesting The telecommunicator shall be able to forward an event Assistance Enter that they are handling to another telecommunicator Mandatory from Other Text without having to re-enter the event. Agencies</p><p>71 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce Requesting The telecommunicator shall be able to reclassify the call Assistance Enter type and add remarks before sending the call to another Mandatory from Other Text telecommunicator. Agencies Notification of Telecommunicators shall be notified of changes to events Enter Status Mandatory by a visible indicator. Text Changes Dispositions Determine The system shall provide the ability to change the event Enter Incident / Mandatory status as the situation evolves or a resolution is achieved. Text Event Status Event The MDT interface shall allow the field user to enter one Enter Mandatory Dispositions or more event dispositions. Text The MDT interface shall allow the field user to update Event Enter the event in CAD and make that data available to the Mandatory Dispositions Text RMS. Upon clearing an event, the telecommunicator shall be Event Enter able to enter a disposition of the event and a situation Mandatory Dispositions Text found at the scene. The System Administrator shall be able to configure the Event Enter system to make the entry of a disposition code a Mandatory Dispositions Text requirement for the event to be closed or not. Event The disposition code and situation-found code shall be Enter Mandatory Dispositions from a user-definable table. Text The telecommunicator shall also be able to add Event Enter comments with the disposition, but it shall not be a Mandatory Dispositions Text required field. Event Each event shall allow an unlimited number of such Enter Mandatory Dispositions codes. Text The system shall provide the capability for a mobile unit Event Enter to enter one or more dispositions when clearing from a Mandatory Dispositions Text CAD event. The system shall allow the user to append a disposition Event Enter code and comments to events that are not assigned any Mandatory Dispositions Text resources. The telecommunicator shall also be able to assign a user- Event definable clearance code to identify those incidents of Enter Mandatory Dispositions special interest to the law department, such as juvenile Text related, report taken, gang related, etc. </p><p>72 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importan Complian Functionality Description ce ce The system shall include a multiplication factor for each disposition when multiple instances of the same Event Enter disposition apply (e.g. 10 traffic summons written could Mandatory Dispositions Text be recorded using a single disposition of “traffic summons issued,” times 10). Event The CAD system shall NOT require a disposition if agency Enter Mandatory Dispositions policy does not require the use of dispositions. Text Event The system shall ensure all changes to the event are Enter Mandatory Dispositions time/date stamped. Text Event The system shall notify the CAD user attempting to add Enter Mandatory Dispositions information to a closed event that the event is closed. Text Event The system shall provide the ability to add comments to Enter Mandatory Dispositions an event without reopening the original event. Text Event The system shall provide the ability to reopen an event Enter Mandatory Dispositions by incident number, location, or unit ID. Text Event The system shall provide the ability to reopen closed Enter Mandatory Dispositions events and assign units. Text The system shall provide the ability to open a closed Event Enter event as a new event using information from the old Mandatory Dispositions Text event, but with new time stamps. </p><p>73 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>REPORT GENERATION/DATA ANALYSIS</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce Determine The system shall provide the ability to Report Mandator automatically transfer incident/event data relevant Enter Text Functional y to external RMS or reporting systems. ity Determine The system shall be able to determine, based upon Report Mandator incident type and/or disposition, whether an Enter Text Functional y agency report is required. ity Determine Report The system shall accommodate either a push or pull Mandator Enter Text Functional of incident/event data from/to the RMS. y ity Supervisor y Functions - The shift supervisor shall be able to monitor the Mandator Call Enter Text processing of any calls. y Process Monitorin g The System Administrator shall be able to define any authorized user with the ability to automatically be alerted to any of the following calls: Calls that takes longer than a user-defined Supervisor amount of time to enter. y Officer or Unit needs assistance calls. Functions - High priority calls Mandator Call Incidents pending longer than a user-defined Enter Text y Process amount before dispatch. Monitorin Other incidents of interest defined by call g type. Upon notification of certain types of incidents, the supervisor shall be prompted with a checklist of required actions, such as notifications on a SWAT activation or homicide.</p><p>74 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce The system shall provide the ability for a CAD supervisor, or another telecommunicator with Dispatch appropriate system permissions, to observe the Mandator Supervisor Enter Text activity of a given telecommunicator including the y Support pending events queue, active events, available units list, and map. The system shall enable a supervisor, or another Dispatch telecommunicator with appropriate system Mandator Supervisor Enter Text permissions, to co-dispatch the units under the y Support control of another telecommunicator. The system shall have the ability to add additional Dispatch telecommunicators “on-the-fly” for one or more Mandator Supervisor services (law enforcement, fire service, and/or Enter Text y Support EMS), either globally or for predetermined geographical areas. Communic ations The shift supervisor shall be able to research the Mandator Enter Text Activity activity within theECD. y Analysis</p><p>75 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce This analysis shall include the following information: Number of 9-1-1 calls answered Number of other calls answered Number of calls entered into the system Number of fire and rescue incidents dispatched Number of law incidents dispatched Number of cellular calls answered Number of 9-1-1 hang-up calls processed by the center Number of 9-1-1 hang-up calls dispatched to the law Mandator Enter Text Time distribution of call processing times by y priority Time distribution of call dispatching times by priority Time distribution of call entry times by priority Average of call processing times by priority Average of call dispatching times by priority Average of call entry times by priority Number of calls entered for each EMD protocol Cross tabulation of call types dispatched against situations found Communic The System Administrator shall be able to define ations any authorized user with the ability to produce this Mandator Enter Text Activity analysis for any time and date range or for the y Analysis current day. Communic ations The analysis may be produced for all personnel, an Mandator Enter Text Activity individual shift, or for an individual person. y Analysis Reporting All provided reports shall be saved in a format Requireme readable by the ad-hoc report generator to permit Mandator Enter Text nts - an authorized user to modify the reports as y General necessary. The system shall be able to produce a report calculating the amount of, percentage of or average Time on Mandator time units spent on any time interval of an event Enter Text Incidents y (i.e. the total time spent on incidents or the average time spent on the scene.) </p><p>76 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce This report shall permit the selection of all units, Mandator Enter Text only primary units, or only back-up units. y Event The system shall be able to produce a report of Mandator Exception Enter Text incidents that may have a mistake in them. y Reports The criteria from this report shall include the following: Times out of sequence (i.e. arrived before Time on Mandator dispatched) Enter Text Incidents y Beat/Fire Box/Station missing Any overrides of the location verification occurred Ad Hoc The system shall provide an ad hoc report Mandator Report generator that is graphical and requires no Enter Text y Generator programming knowledge. Ad Hoc The report generator shall allow authorized users Mandator Report to develop and save for later reuse reports on event Enter Text y Generator or unit data. The report generator must have the capability of Ad Hoc performing cross tabulations, time series reports Mandator Report Enter Text and time and date calculations (i.e. response time y Generator calculations). If the proposed report generator is a third party Ad Hoc software package, the proposal shall include its Mandator Report Enter Text name, the version number and any available y Generator literature. Ad Hoc Any third-party software shall be included in any Mandator Report Enter Text maintenance agreement. y Generator CAD The system shall include standard reports that Manageme Mandator simultaneously use date, time, location, and/or Enter Text nt incident type search parameters for report y Reporting definitions. CAD The system shall include the capability of Manageme Mandator customizing standard reports and for creating user- Enter Text nt y defined reports. Reporting CAD The system shall provide access to all reports to the Manageme Mandator user, subject to permissions, from within the CAD Enter Text nt y system. Reporting</p><p>77 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce CAD The system shall include reports in the CAD Manageme security/permissions function (i.e. individual Mandator Enter Text nt reports can be made available/unavailable based on y Reporting a user’s security profile). The system shall provide all reports to users, CAD subject to permissions, regardless of the application Manageme Mandator used to create user-defined or custom reports (i.e. Enter Text nt y internal to the CAD system or via a third- party Reporting reporting or analysis tool). CAD The system shall provide a data exporting capability Manageme Mandator in a format acceptable (e.g., Excel, XML, CSV, ASCII Enter Text nt y delimited file, text)to the System Administrator. Reporting Linking an The system shall provide the ability to record Audio File multiple types of incoming media types and Mandator Enter Text to a CAD associate them with the CAD event record for easy y Event retrieval. Linking an The system shall provide the ability to add Audio File Mandator additional types of data to this association as they Enter Text to a CAD y are developed. Event Linking an Audio File The system shall provide the ability to associate a Mandator Enter Text to a CAD CAD incident with audio logging/recording. y Event Linking an The system shall allow the user to open a window Audio File Mandator to support streaming multimedia feeds (i.e. video Enter Text to a CAD y and audio). Event Linking an Audio File The system shall allow users to start, stop, pause, Mandator Enter Text to a CAD and rewind the multimedia feed. y Event</p><p>78 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce The system shall allow for adequate start/stop capabilities: If the multimedia feed is stopped or paused for less than 30 seconds and then restarted, Linking an then the multimedia feed shall start where Audio File Mandator the stop or pause occurred. Enter Text to a CAD y Stopping or pausing the data stream for up Event to 30 seconds shall not cause the loss of the data. There shall be at least a 30-second cache of the multimedia data stream. The system shall allow multimedia data to be Linking an recorded into an event history; or, otherwise allow Audio File the recording of streaming media to a separate data Mandator Enter Text to a CAD repository with appropriate information that would y Event allow the users to easily match multimedia files with specific incidents. Linking an The system shall allow authorized users to Audio File Mandator start/stop the recording process by the use of Enter Text to a CAD y graphic command buttons or function keys. Event Linking an The system shall support the resizing of the Audio File Mandator multimedia window and the auto-resizing of the Enter Text to a CAD y video display portion of the window. Event Linking an The system shall interface with a separate audio Audio File Mandator recording device to include linking an event to the Enter Text to a CAD y appropriate recording(s). Event Map and GIS Analysis The system shall support either directly or, through an easily invoked (i.e. seamless) third-party Mapping Importan mapping tool, the creation of thematic maps; for Enter Text Analytics t example, a map showing the relative crime rate in each law enforcement district/zone. The system shall support either directly or, through an easily invoked (i.e. seamless) third-party Mapping mapping tool, the creation of automatic pin maps; Importan Enter Text Analytics for example, the system shall produce a map t showing the location of all auto thefts that occurred during the last two months. </p><p>79 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functiona Importa Complian Description lity nce ce The system shall support either directly or, through an easily invoked (i.e. seamless) third-party Mapping mapping tool, the creation of spatial data Importan Enter Text Analytics aggregation; for example, generate crime rates by t district statistics by aggregating individual crimes occurring in each district. The system shall support either directly or, through Mapping an easily invoked (i.e. seamless) third-party Importan Enter Text Analytics mapping tool, the creation of trend t analysis/forecasting. The system shall access other RMS informational Mapping files to accommodate the needs and requirements Importan Enter Text Analytics of the crime analysis function and display this t information using “pin mapping” techniques.</p><p>80 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>SYSTEM MAINTENANCE</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Administrati ve Functions - Data The data required for the proposed system shall be Mandator Enter Conversion - converted from the existing CAD system. y Text Existing CAD System The system shall validate all locations entered into Geodatabase Mandator Enter or processed by the CAD system against the CAD Maintenance y Text system’sgeodatabase. The system shall provide an interactive, GUI-based Geodatabase address matching tool for assisting users to Mandator Enter Geodatabase determine the location of incidents that do not have y Text Maintenance an exact geodatabase match for their initially- entered location. Geodatabase The system shall be capable of determining X/Y Mandator Enter Geodatabase coordinate values that represent the location of y Text Maintenance incidents whose locations have been validated. Geodatabase The system shall be capable of displaying Mandator Enter Geodatabase coordinates anywhere on the map with pointing y Text Maintenance device hovering over. Geodatabase The system shall support coordinate-based Mandator Enter Geodatabase operations including X/Y, Lat/Lon, and United y Text Maintenance States National Grid (USNG) The system shall make possible integration of the Geodatabase CAD system’s geodatabase with Global Positioning Mandator Enter Geodatabase Satellite (GPS), AVL, and Automatic Person Location y Text Maintenance (APL) systems. The system shall support X/Y coordinate-based Geodatabase geographic searches for such things as nearby Mandator Enter Geodatabase hazardous materials, duplicate incidents, and y Text Maintenance premises information at or near an incident’s location. The system shall be capable of importing geographic boundary information (e.g. station Geodatabase Mandator Enter boundaries, jurisdictional boundaries, reporting Maintenance y Text districts, response zones, neighborhoods, precincts) from GIS and other geographic data sources. </p><p>81 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall be capable of importing topologically structured street networks and other Geodatabase Mandator Enter linear features (e.g. rivers, streams, utility right of Maintenance y Text ways, bus routes) from GIS and other geographic data sources. The system shall be capable of importing point data Geodatabase (e.g. landmarks, parcel address points, business Mandator Enter Maintenance locations, retail store address points, fire hydrants) y Text from GIS and other geographic data sources. The system shall be capable of importing other types of geographic data (e.g. park boundaries, Geodatabase Mandator Enter rectified aerial photography, trailer parks, Maintenance y Text apartment complexes) from GIS and other geographic data sources. The system shall include location databases such as Geodatabase Mandator Enter hazards, general premises information, street Maintenance y Text closures, and other user-definable GIS type data. The system shall support parcel-level GIS Geodatabase Mandator Enter information and use this information for Maintenance y Text address/location validation. The system shall support multiple layers of information; for example, the storage of building Geodatabase Mandator Enter footprints, aerial photographs and other images (i.e. Maintenance y Text pictures of specific buildings) that are associated with specific areas and addresses. The system shall maintain the CAD system’s Geodatabase Mandator Enter geodatabase while the system is live and Maintenance y Text operational. The system shall support boundary assignments (i.e. determining the response zone and jurisdiction Geodatabase Mandator Enter for each incident) in real time by processing the Maintenance y Text incident’s X/Y coordinates against the response polygons and/or address point file. Geodatabase The system shall support duplicate incident checks Mandator Enter Maintenance based upon the location of the incident. y Text All incidents located within the CAD system’s Geodatabase Mandator Enter duplicate incident search radius shall be checked as Maintenance y Text potential duplicates. The system shall include interactive tools for Geodatabase Mandator Enter validating the accuracy and completeness of the Maintenance y Text geodatabase. </p><p>82 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall be able to support different search distance criteria for different types of incident Geodatabase situations and hazards (e.g. a search radius of 300 Mandator Enter Maintenance feet will be used for hazardous conditions, and a y Text search radius of 1,320 feet will be used to identify potentially duplicate incidents). Geodatabase CAD System Administrators shall be able to modify Mandator Enter Maintenance these search distance parameters. y Text Geodatabase CAD users shall have the ability to select the unit of Mandator Enter Maintenance measurement necessary (feet versus meters). y Text The system shall generate an audible and/or visual Geodatabase Mandator Enter alert when any potential duplicate incidents are Maintenance y Text identified. The system shall include the capability for manually Geodatabase editing and entering any geographic data required Mandator Enter Maintenance by, or imported into, the system’s GIS (given the y Text appropriate user permissions). ARCInfo GIS The system must be able to use ARCInfo GIS data Mandator Enter System either in native form or after conversion. y Text Maintenance of the geographical database shall be Geographical graphical and have the capability of adding street Database Mandator Enter segments, editing segments, assigning alias names, Maintenance y Text adding common place name and adding hazard - General information. Geographical Database Addition of the intersection information shall be Mandator Enter Maintenance automatic with the entry of a street segment. y Text - General Geographical Modification made to the geographical database Database shall be immediately available to the system and not Mandator Enter Maintenance require an extensive reloading or recreation of the y Text - General database. Mapping Display and The mapping display and location verification Mandator Enter Location process shall utilize the same geographical data file y Text Verification or be created from the same data file. Process All additions, modifications, or deletions to driving Administrati tables (i.e. call types, dispositions, unit designations, ve Mandator Enter etc.) shall be immediately available to the system Maintenance y Text and not require an extensive reloading process or the restarting of the system.</p><p>83 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Database The database of the proposed system shall require Mandator Enter Maintenance little or no routine maintenance. y Text - General Proposals shall describe all routine maintenance Mandator Enter necessary for the database. y Text Proposals shall provide an expected life cycle for Mandator Enter Life Cycle each major component of the recommended y Text hardware platform. This recommendation shall include when the ECD Mandator Enter Life Cycle should expect to have to upgrade the system. y Text Upgrade capabilities and limitations must be clearly Mandator Enter Life Cycle identified. y Text The cost proposal must include the yearly Mandator Enter Life Cycle maintenance and system support (license fees) y Text costs for the proposed hardware. Configuring the System The system shall enable authorized System Configuratio Administrators to configure the CAD system to meet Mandator Enter n the requirements of the agencies using the system y Text Parameters by creating and modifying CAD configuration parameters. The system shall enable authorized System Configuratio Administrators to modify CAD configuration Mandator Enter n parameters without the requirement for y Text Parameters programmer or other support from the manufacturer of the CAD system. Configuratio The system shall include functionality for table Mandator Enter n driven and directly modifiable functionality by y Text Parameters authorized System Administrators. The system shall include functionality for Configuratio interactive, menu-driven, GUI-based tool that allows Mandator Enter n authorized administrators to easily update and y Text Parameters modify parameters. The system shall include functionality for on-line Configuratio help that lists all of the available options for a Mandator Enter n configuration parameter, and a description of the y Text Parameters impacts resulting from changing the parameter to each of its available options. The system shall include functionality for Configuratio modifications to CAD configuration parameters Mandator Enter n when the CAD system is active without having to y Text Parameters shut the entire CAD system down or restart it. </p><p>84 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall include functionality for modifying agency and user specific workflows, such as when Configuratio and under what circumstances an event is Mandator Enter n automatically routed from a telecommunicator to a y Text Parameters telecommunicator and which users (e.g. telecommunicators, supervisors) receive system- routed events. Configuratio The system shall allow for multiple agencies and Mandator Enter n disciplines within the system, each having its own y Text Parameters unique configurations. The system shall include functionality for specifying Configuratio the agencies that will be included in the CAD Mandator Enter n system, along with their attributes (e.g. fire y Text Parameters department, volunteers, law enforcement agency). Configuratio The system shall include functionality for specifying Mandator Enter n and modifying the type of resources available in the y Text Parameters system. Configuratio The system shall include functionality for specifying Mandator Enter n the incident types that will be processed by the y Text Parameters system. The system shall include functionality for entering Configuratio and modifying dispatch policies that specify the Mandator Enter n type of resources that are dispatched to specific y Text Parameters incident types. The system shall include functionality for Configuratio configuring different system dispatch policies for Mandator Enter n each incident type, priority and agency using the y Text Parameters system. The system shall include functionality for specifying Configuratio the type of alerts and timers available in the system Mandator Enter n and their specific attributes (e.g. on/off, time y Text Parameters interval, triggers, display features). The system shall include functionality for entering Configuratio and modifying the type of dispositions, priorities, Mandator Enter n and other event-related parameters of the CAD y Text Parameters system. The system shall include functionality for specifying Configuratio the starting point and formats of case numbers Mandator Enter n created by the CAD system for each agency using y Text Parameters the system. </p><p>85 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall include functionality for specifying Configuratio the sort order, layout, color, font, and other Mandator Enter n appearance and operational attributes of the CAD y Text Parameters system’s windows and menus. Configuratio The system shall include functionality for modifying Mandator Enter n the look and feel of CAD workstations. y Text Parameters The system shall include functionality for modifying the look and feel of the tactical map display Configuratio available in the system (e.g. setting up the graphic Mandator Enter n information appearing at different zoom levels, y Text Parameters predefined zoom levels for different incident types, icons). The system shall include functionality for modifying Configuratio the display and functional characteristics of CAD Mandator Enter n system queues (e.g. pending incident queue, y Text Parameters incident queue, active incident queue, stacked incidents queue). Configuratio The system shall include functionality for modifying Mandator Enter n the display and functional characteristics of the CAD y Text Parameters system’s resource recommendations. The system shall include functionality for modifying the display and functional characteristics of Configuratio interfaced systems and gateways (e.g. 9-1-1 call Mandator Enter n interfaces, paging and other responder alerting y Text Parameters interfaces, NCIC and other criminal database interfaces, mobile computer system). Information Requests to The system shall have interface(s) with criminal and Mandator Enter Local, State vehicle databases as defined by each agency. y Text and National Databases Information Requests to Database queries shall be searchable by date/time Mandator Enter Local, State ranges. y Text and National Databases Information Requests to When a query is made on a vehicle registration, the Mandator Enter Local, State registered owner shall also be queried y Text and National automatically from the appropriate database. Databases</p><p>86 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Information Requests to Returns from database queries shall be kept in a Mandator Enter Local, State separate location from the telecommunicator y Text and National comment/remark field. Databases Information Requests to Returns from database queries shall be excluded Mandator Enter Local, State from print formats unless specifically requested. y Text and National Databases Premise Information The system shall allow the entry of premise Mandator Enter - Entry of information regarding a location. y Text Information Premise The system shall provide the ability to enter a Information Mandator Enter premises location by address, cross street or - Entry of y Text latitude/longitude. Information Premise The system shall provide the ability to capture, Information Mandator Enter maintain or interface to specific premises - Entry of y Text information types for operators: Information Hazardous Warrants materials Alarms Protective Hazardous orders, sexual conditions offenders Lock codes Fire pre-plans Dangerous animals Other user-defined Handicap premises fields/information Emergency contact Electronic information attachments (e.g. images, files) Unit safety Premise The system shall provide the ability to automatically Information Mandator Enter create (i.e. upon closing of an incident) premises - Entry of y Text history based on pre-determined criteria. Information The system shall provide the ability to define valid Premise date ranges for time-limited premises information Information Mandator Enter at a given location (i.e. information valid between - Entry of y Text start date and end date), and to notify supervisor of Information pending expiration dates. </p><p>87 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall provide the ability for supervisors Premise to delete premises information for a given address Information Mandator Enter or location based on expiration date and/or time of - Entry of y Text record, with prompted review prior to deletion (i.e. Information minimum of five years, on-line storage). Premise The system shall provide the ability to define Information Mandator Enter criteria for automatic premises information purges - Entry of y Text and activate or deactivate this feature. Information Premise The system shall provide the ability to verify that Information Mandator Enter premises warning or hazard information has not - Entry of y Text been affected by changes to the geodatabase. Information Premise The system shall provide the ability to view Information premises information for a specific Mandator Enter - Entry of suite/apartment/unit, or to view all premises y Text Information information for an entire building. Premise The system shall provide the ability to automatically Information Mandator Enter embed premises information into the event history - Entry of y Text at the time the event is created. Information Premise Premise information shall be automatically Information retrieved at location verification by individual Mandator Enter - Entry of apartment/suite/room number or by the primary y Text Information address for that location. Premise Information The system shall create a permanent record of the Mandator Enter - Entry of premises information in the event history. y Text Information The system shall provide (or interface to) a Premise “cautions” file to contain information pertaining to Information dangerous individuals possibly residing at that Mandator Enter - Entry of location or near proximity, and exceptional persons y Text Information at the location, such as an emotionally disturbed person. Premise Information This shall include a caution type category and free Mandator Enter - Entry of form narrative. y Text Information Premise Information Mandator Enter The caution type shall be searchable. - Entry of y Text Information</p><p>88 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Premise Information Supervisory positions shall have the authority to Mandator Enter - Entry of enter the premise records. y Text Information Premise Information The system shall have additional fields available Mandator Enter - Entry of that are user definable. y Text Information Premise The system shall enable all required data for direct Information Mandator Enter input, to be uploaded, or to be loaded via a live - Entry of y Text interface from RMS(s). Information The system shall be capable of integrating with a Premise third-party syndromic surveillance/tracking Information application. (Syndromic surveillance uses health- Mandator Enter - Entry of related data that precede diagnosis and signal a y Text Information sufficient probability of a case or an outbreak to warrant further public health response.) The system shall have the capability to retrieve Retrieval of information about a premises and the Mandator Enter Information surrounding/adjacent area as an automatic function y Text during the creation of an event. When a location is entered the telecommunicator Retrieval of Mandator Enter shall be able to display the premise information for Information y Text the location, with or without entry of an event. Premise information associated to an event location Retrieval of Mandator Enter must be retrievable from any position after the Information y Text event has been entered. The system shall have the capability to retrieve Retrieval of Mandator Enter information about a premises and the Information y Text surrounding/adjacent area as an ad-hoc query. The system shall display historical incident Retrieval of information based on a configurable date range pre- Mandator Enter Information set by the systems administrator, and according to y Text local SOP. The system shall display historical incident Retrieval of information based on a configurable geo-area range Mandator Enter Information pre-set by the systems administrator, and according y Text to local SOP. The system shall display historical incident Retrieval of information based on a configurable date range pre- Mandator Enter Information set AND geo-area range pre-set by the systems y Text administrator, and according to local SOP. </p><p>89 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Hazard The system shall allow the entry of hazard Mandator Enter Information information regarding a location. y Text Supervisory positions shall have the authority to Hazard Mandator Enter enter these hazard records while remaining logged Information y Text into the system. When a location is entered or a 9-1-1 call is received, the telecommunicator shall be notified of Hazard Mandator Enter any hazard information entered for that location or Information y Text within a user definable radius of that location, with or without entry of an event. This radius shall be defined at the time of entry of Hazard Mandator Enter the hazard and could range from 1000 feet to only Information y Text that location. Hazard information associated to an event location Hazard Mandator Enter must be retrievable from any position after the Information y Text event has been entered. Fire Protection The system shall allow the entry of fire protection Mandator Enter Systems Out systems that are out of service and all hydrants. y Text of Service/ Hydrants When a location is displayed for dispatch by a fire Fire and rescue telecommunicator, the Protection telecommunicator shall be alerted to any fire Mandator Enter Systems Out hydrant out of service in the immediate vicinity or y Text of Service/ to any fire protection systems which are out of Hydrants service for the location of the event. Fire Protection A log of all out service hydrants or systems shall be Mandator Enter Systems Out retrievable without having to enter an event. y Text of Service/ Hydrants The system shall allow the entry of burning and Burn/Blast Mandator Enter blasting permits for any location within the ECD Permits y Text agency areas. When a location is entered, the telecommunicator Burn/Blast Mandator Enter shall be alerted to any burning or blasting permits Permits y Text within a user-defined radius of the location. Burn/Blast A log of all burning and blasting permits shall be Mandator Enter Permits retrievable without having to enter an event. y Text Hydrant The system shall track fire hydrants, including: Mandator Enter Location and location, service status, recent test date, flow y Text Status rate, and main size. </p><p>90 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Hydrant The system shall display hydrant locations and Mandator Enter Location and related info on the map. y Text Status Hydrant The system shall indicate (automatically) the closest Mandator Enter Location and hydrants to fire calls for service. y Text Status Hydrant The system shall record, and display, with hydrant Mandator Enter Location and information, alternative water sources (e.g. ponds, y Text Status creeks). Previous When a location is entered, the telecommunicator Event shall be able to display a listing of incidents of Mandator Enter Information, certain types occurring at that location during the y Text Exact past year. Location Previous Event The list shall include both law and fire incidents and Mandator Enter Information, be sorted by chronology, priority, or call type. y Text Exact Location Previous Event The telecommunicator shall be able to change the Mandator Enter Information, sorting method with the list displayed. y Text Exact Location Previous Event Previous event information associated to an event Mandator Enter Information, location must be retrievable from any position after y Text Exact the event has been entered. Location The telecommunicator shall also be able to display a Surrounding listing of incidents for certain types from the Mandator Enter Area surrounding area that have occurred in the previous y Text seven days. Surrounding The types of incidents to be displayed shall be user- Mandator Enter Area definable by call type. y Text Surrounding The list shall include both law and fire incidents and Mandator Enter Area be sorted by chronology, priority, or call type. y Text Surrounding The telecommunicator shall be able to change the Mandator Enter Area sorting method with the list displayed. y Text Previous event information associated to an event Surrounding Mandator Enter location must be retrievable from any position after Area y Text the event has been entered.</p><p>91 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall identify areas with no or Rural Water Mandator Enter inadequate water supply for fire suppression Supply y Text operations. Rural Water The system shall have the ability to modify the Mandator Enter Supply response based on hydrant availability. y Text Fire The system shall identify structures with no or out- Mandator Enter Protection of-service fire protection systems. y Text Systems Fire The system shall have the ability to modify the Mandator Enter Protection response based on fire protection system y Text Systems availability.. In addition to the occupancy types listed above, the Other Areas Mandator Enter following area types may also drive the fire and Types y Text rescue response recommendations: Interstate highways Railroad tracks Rivers When the telecommunicator has completed the Possible entry of the event, the system shall prompt the Mandator Enter Duplicate telecommunicator that the event being entered is a y Text Processing possible duplicate if another event is occurring in its immediate area and is of a similar call type. Possible The call type shall either match exactly or match a Mandator Enter Duplicate user definable number of characters. y Text Processing The telecommunicator may forward the call as a Possible new event, go back to the entry screen, store the Mandator Enter Duplicate information entered with the original event, or y Text Processing display the details of the possible duplicate incidents. The telecommunicator shall be able to by-pass the Possible duplicate call process and forward a new event even Mandator Enter Duplicate though it may otherwise trigger as a possible y Text Processing duplicate. Possible For duplicate incidents that are entered as new Mandator Enter Duplicate incidents, a command must be provided to relate y Text Processing the two incidents. Some calls entered in the system will not require any response and are entered solely for Administrati administrative purposes. A telecommunicator shall Mandator Enter ve Entries be able to “file” these calls, such as misdials to 9-1-1 y Text or citizen complaints, without having to forward them to a telecommunicator. </p><p>92 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce These event records shall be clearly identified as Administrati Mandator Enter administrative so that they may be filtered of ve Entries y Text reports. Table The system shall include CAD tables that are Mandator Enter Maintenance maintained using entry windows. y Text The system shall include CAD table maintenance Table Mandator Enter entry windows that have context-sensitive, field- Maintenance y Text level help. The system shall enable changes made to CAD Table tables to become immediately effective and shall not Mandator Enter Maintenance affect overall CAD system availability nor require y Text any CAD system down time. The system shall allow agencies to define additional Table Mandator Enter data elements based on their operational Maintenance y Text requirements. The system shall provide the ability for tables to be Table Mandator Enter defined to support the maintenance of the following Maintenance y Text CAD objects, including, but not limited to: Run Agencies cards/response BOLOs, plans including Service types (i.e. location, person, law enforcement, and vehicle fire, EMS) Clearance/disp osition codes Skills(personnel) Hazards SOPs Hydrants Units Enter Incident/event Unit attributes Text types (e.g. ALS, BLS, Hurst Fire stations tool) Memos Unit statuses (i.e. dispatched, enroute, Messages (e.g. arrived, cleared) canned, scheduled) Unit types (e.g. patrol car, Notifications motorcycle, engine, Personnel ladder, pumper) Rosters Vehicles Run Cards/Response Plans The system shall allow for dynamic and fixed/static Mandator Enter response plans. y Text</p><p>93 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Mandator Enter The system shall allow for unlimited alarm levels. y Text The system shall allow for the use of primary and Mandator Enter secondary capabilities. y Text The system shall allow for assignment to be by Mandator Enter resource type, capability and equipment (e.g. y Text thermal imager). The system shall allow for the use of personnel Mandator Enter capabilities (e.g. personnel with Spanish speaking y Text ability). The system shall allow for the use of resource groups made up of individual units [e.g. a Hazmat Mandator Enter (hazardous material) group made up of several y Text units and dispatched as a single “Hazmat team” (i.e. single unit)]. The system shall allow for the use of premises- Mandator Enter based or address-based response plans. y Text The system shall allow for the use of AVL systems Mandator Enter for selecting units. y Text The system shall support multiple agency response Mandator Enter plans. y Text The system shall allow for unit assignment based on Mandator Enter time or distance to the incident. y Text The system shall allow for adjustable plans that are Mandator Enter based on time of day, day of week or range of any of y Text the identified timelines or dates. The system shall provide the ability to redirect Mandator Enter assigned resources to a higher priority event based y Text on agency-defined criteria. The recommended units shall be displayed in colors Mandator Enter denoting their current status or staffing level. y Text The telecommunicator shall be able to modify this Mandator Enter recommendation, as necessary. y Text The system shall provide the ability to override the Enter event priority for each agency. Text The recommendation shall be saved as part of the Mandator Enter event record. y Text The telecommunicator shall be able to dispatch all Mandator Enter of the recommended or modified units with a single y Text keystroke. Stacked The telecommunicator shall be able to place the Mandator Enter Events retrieved event on hold without dispatch (stacking). y Text</p><p>94 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall provide a warning notification of any stacked events generated at an administrator- Stacked Mandator Enter configured time. Any position can review current Events y Text stacked events, retrieve a partial stacked event, and complete the stacked event entry. The number of partial events that can be stacked by Stacked Mandator Enter a single position shall be an administrator- Events y Text configurable system parameter. Closest Unit The system shall be able to recommend the closest Mandator Enter Dispatch unit of appropriate type based on: y Text The response plan for that geographic area. Their proximity to the event using the street network. The appropriate unit type and staffing levels. The appropriate unit capabilities. Time penalties on units and/or street network. Any restrictions on the street network: weight limits, road widths, etc. The calculation of the closest unit shall be based on Closest Unit Mandator Enter the actual distance on the road network and shall Dispatch y Text not be a direct radius from the location of the event. Unit status configuration shall allow for a unit in any Closest Unit Mandator Enter particular status to be recommended (or not Dispatch y Text recommended) for an event if they are closest. The system shall automatically log a unit’s last Closest Unit identified location until such time the unit has made Mandator Enter Dispatch contact with the system to manually update the y Text location. The system shall provide the capability to close out Closest Unit the event record without assigning a resource, if it is Mandator Enter Dispatch determined that an event does not require the y Text assignment of a resource(s). Event types on divided highways shall be capable of Interstate recommending units from the opposite direction of Mandator Enter Highways travel, not necessarily the closest unit via the street y Text network. Special The system shall define special dispatch area types Mandator Enter Dispatch and assign each a unique identifier. y Text Areas</p><p>95 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall assign a special dispatch area type Special to CAD geodatabase addresses, intersections, and Mandator Enter Dispatch blocks for each service agency (e.g. law y Text Areas enforcement, fire, EMS, utility). Special The system shall specify a non-standard response Mandator Enter Dispatch for a location identified with a special dispatch area y Text Areas type. The system shall define non-standard responses as Special being applicable only during certain days of the Mandator Enter Dispatch week and/or times of the day (i.e. window for y Text Areas utilization). Special The system shall provide the capability that if one Mandator Enter Dispatch or more windows are defined but none of them are y Text Areas applicable, then the standard response is employed. Access to Standard Operating Procedures The system shall provide the ability to store and Importan Enter easily retrieve SOPs for the ECD. t Text The system shall provide a SOP tool to prompt the user to ask for additional information, perform Importan Enter certain tasks, or relay critical information to t Text responding units or other responders. The system shall provide a method where the retrieval of relevant SOPs are accessible from the Importan Enter event information window and associated with the t Text location, incident type, unit, or special skilled personnel responding. Agency- Specific The system shall be able to store SOPs that are Incident/Loc associated with incident types, properties and/or Importan Enter ation/Unit units. t Text Standard Operating Procedures The system shall make these SOPs available for viewing and/or transmitting when an associated incident type is encountered, the response is to a Importan Enter specific location with unique response/operational t Text requirements, and/or specialized units are assigned to the incident. The system shall include more sophisticated functionality (e.g. alert and check off of tasks, Importan Enter notifications made, or other issues capable of being t Text tracked). </p><p>96 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Unit Configuration Unit Number Each unit shall be assigned a unit number and unit Mandator Enter and Types type. y Text Unit Number The unit number can be up to 8 alphanumeric Mandator Enter and Types characters. y Text The telecommunicator shall be able to recommend Unit/Crew Mandator Enter units based on the unit’s or crew’s special Capabilities y Text capabilities. Unit/Crew These special capabilities shall be in addition to the Mandator Enter Capabilities unit type. y Text The telecommunicator shall be able to recommend a Units with unit as two different types of units. As an example, a Mandator Enter Two Unit “quint” may be recommended as either a pumper or y Text Types a ladder truck. Response plans shall be able to substitute units of Substituting Mandator Enter similar types, i.e. a medic substituting for an Units y Text ambulance. Substituting This capability shall be user definable for any unit Mandator Enter Units types based on the call type. y Text The telecommunicator shall be able to recommend one of several different types of units. Some “ Or” Unit response recommendations require one or two or Mandator Enter Recommend three different unit types to respond. As an y Text ations example, a medical event may require the response of a pumper, a rescue squad or a ladder truck whichever is closest. The system shall account for the number of Cross- qualified personnel available in a station, and Mandator Enter Staffing determine the best possible resource allocation y Text from that station at any given moment. The system shall utilize any combination of Cross- Mandator Enter dedicated or contingent staffing to most Staffing y Text appropriately utilize resources. The system shall give the option to account for the qualifications of personnel—such as fire apparatus Cross- driver/operator, EMS certification, and rescue Mandator Enter Staffing certification—to establish the best possible y Text resource allocation based on prioritized needs for the response. </p><p>97 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall take, based on a single shared crew Cross- assigned to multiple pieces of apparatus, the Mandator Enter Staffing remaining piece(s) of apparatus out of service, y Text when one piece of apparatus is assigned to an event. The system shall recommend the closest units to an Cross- event; however, the system shall supplement any Mandator Enter Staffing unstaffed units with staffed units so that a full y Text complement of staffed units is recommended. The system shall recommend units from the station Cross- Mandator Enter as staffed equal to the number of crews available at Staffing y Text that station. Staffed vs. The system shall provide the ability to dynamically Mandator Enter Unstaffed document that a unit is staffed or unstaffed before y Text Units or after it is assigned to an incident. Units shall have the ability to be associated with other units, in so far that when one unit is Tandem Mandator Enter dispatched to an event, the tandem unit is added to Units y Text the event, but does not count towards the filling out of the response. Additional The system shall provide a means to assign multiple Mandator Enter Attributes attributes to units. y Text Additional The system shall provide a means to assign multiple Mandator Enter Attributes attributes to personnel. y Text Additional The system shall provide a means to search for units Mandator Enter Attributes or personnel attributes “on the fly”. y Text Additional The system shall provide a means to assign Mandator Enter Attributes resources to multiple units (i.e. shared crews). y Text The system shall allow for customization based on the needs of the agency. (e.g. incident address, Unit response type, assignment, resources required, Mandator Enter Rotation unit-on-task-time, unit utilization, time of day and y Text proximity if you have multiple available companies with the capability required). The system shall make unit response Unit Mandator Enter recommendations based on the configuration of Rotation y Text rules defined by the agency. Conditional The system shall have the capability to code the Mandator Enter Availability conditional availability of units. y Text of Units The system shall be able to prioritize an incident Conditional and recommend the type of units based on the Mandator Enter Availability prioritization of that event and the current status of y Text of Units the unit. </p><p>98 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Conditional The system shall have a unit recommendation Mandator Enter Availability feature with the flexibility to be overridden by the y Text of Units telecommunicator. Conditional The system shall include the various statuses Mandator Enter Availability needed for unit readiness or during patient care. y Text of Units Conditional The system shall add parameters to the incident Mandator Enter Availability that relate to the response priority (i.e. lights and y Text of Units siren or non-emergency mode). Conditional Mandator Enter Availability The system shall show if a unit is BLS or ALS. y Text of Units Conditional The system shall allow for multiple transports by Mandator Enter Availability the same unit on the same incident (e.g. a mass y Text of Units casualty incident). Hospital Status / The system shall track hospital diversion status and Availability hospital bed availability, and provide hospital Mandator Enter and Hospital transport recommendations. y Text Recommend ation The system shall have the ability to track EMS Patient Mandator Enter patients from the scene to their destination or Tracking y Text disposition. Patient The system shall include the ability to capture Mandator Enter Tracking patient-identifying information. y Text The system shall meet Federal HIPAA (Health Patient Mandator Enter Information Portability and Accountability Act) Tracking y Text requirements for data security where appropriate. The system shall allow the telecommunicator to Strike group units into a task force or strike team (i.e. Team / Task Mandator Enter virtual unit). The virtual unit must have the ability Force y Text to expand or collapse to identify specific units Designations assigned. Strike Team / Task The system shall track (individually) all resources in Mandator Enter Force the system’s database. y Text Designations Strike The system shall also make a record that the Team / Task Mandator Enter resources were part of a virtual unit so the virtual Force y Text unit response data can be easily retrieved. Designations</p><p>99 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce The system shall provide the capability to create Mandator Enter Rostering rosters (i.e. assign personnel to a vehicle or position y Text to facilitate on/off duty transactions). The system shall allow the telecommunicator to Mandator Enter Rostering adjust the rosters and/or assignments (i.e. on-the- y Text fly, during shifts, and above normal complements). The system shall warn the telecommunicator if a Mandator Enter Rostering resource complement is below minimum. y Text The system shall contain a 2-way, real-time Mandator Enter Rostering interface to auto populate roster information in y Text CAD. The system shall allow for multiple alphanumeric Mandator Enter Rostering paging addresses for each personnel and unit. y Text The system shall provide scheduling capabilities to Mandator Enter Scheduling include pre-assignment of personnel to shifts, y Text platoons, beats , etc. The system shall allow the telecommunicator, with Mandator Enter Scheduling proper permissions, to make adjustments to y Text scheduling “on-the-fly” and/or during shifts. Mileage The system shall capture beginning and ending Mandator Enter Tracking mileage for individual units. y Text The system shall provide a visual and audible error Mileage indication to the user upon failure to enter Mandator Enter Tracking beginning or ending mileage based on event type or y Text unit status. The system shall provide a method of integration Mileage Mandator Enter with an AVL system for increased accuracy and Tracking y Text efficiency. The system shall use GIS/mapping to supplement driving directions based on shortest route Mileage beginning and ending address locations, with regard Mandator Enter Tracking to environmental factors such as time of day, y Text weather conditions, train schedules, and road/bridge blockages. The system shall include the use of intuitive Mileage Mandator Enter interfaces that facilitate mandatory entry based on Tracking y Text given event types or processes. Mileage The system shall provide an interface to billing and Mandator Enter Tracking reporting components. y Text The system shall provide the ability for an Mileage Mandator Enter authorized user to manually override an entry by a Tracking y Text telecommunicator or supervisor. </p><p>100 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionalit Importa Complia Description y nce nce Mileage The system shall record the overridden information Mandator Enter Tracking in an audit log. y Text Vehicle/Unit The system shall account for the number of Mandator Enter Change personnel currently staffed on the unit. y Text The system shall allow system supervisors and other authorized users the ability to modify vehicle Mandator Enter and resource capabilities, as required, without y Text adversely impacting the system (i.e. without having to shut the system down). The system shall allow easy modifications to unit Mandator Enter crew capabilities to accommodate frequent changes y Text throughout the day. The system shall track units having multiple Mandator Enter capabilities and attributes. y Text The system shall reflect these units with multiple Mandator Enter types (e.g. a Quint, pumper, or ladder). y Text The system shall recommend resources based on the appropriate type (e.g. a “Quint” type fire Mandator Enter apparatus may be recommended as either a pumper y Text or a ladder truck). The system shall allow the dynamic entry of Mandator Enter personnel staffing specific units/apparatus. y Text The system shall allow the staffing module to be Mandator Enter accessed from the field by authorized users to y Text dynamically reflect changing assignments. The system shall allow for tracking vehicle ID in addition to unit radio call sign (e.g. a given vehicle Mandator Enter may be referred to as “Unit 1” one day and a y Text different vehicle the next day. </p><p>101 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>ANCILLARY SYSTEMS</p><p>Functionali Importa Complian Description ty nce ce Communication Center / PSAP Relocation The system shall meet National PSAP industry Mandator Enter Text best practices and CJIS requirements. y The system shall account for replacement or the movement of any necessary existing Mandator Enter Text equipment including base computers, y terminals, network, and personnel. The system shall account for a data-backup Mandator Enter Text plan. y The system shall account for coordination of external inputs to the CAD system from third- Mandator Enter Text party vendors (e.g. telephone, data, 9-1-1) for a y minimal loss of functionality. The system shall provide for access to a copy of Mandator the production system through the backup or Enter Text y disaster recovery environments. CAD Catch- The system shall have the ability to manually Mandator Enter Text Up open and create an event sheet. y The system shall provide the ability to log the CAD Catch- Mandator entering individual’s information and time of Enter Text Up y entry. The system shall provide the ability for all information to be entered without any CAD Catch- Mandator restrictions, and times/dates changed to reflect Enter Text Up y the actual time that notice of the event was received. The system shall denote the manually entered CAD Catch- Mandator event so there is a record that the event was Enter Text Up y not entered when it was actually received. The system shall provide ability to manually CAD Catch- designate the “starting” incident number (i.e. Mandator Enter Text Up the last incident +1 for the starting number y once the system is restarted). The system shall allow for simultaneous CAD Catch- Mandator automatic and manual entry without Enter Text Up y degradation. The system shall include all the information in CAD Catch- Mandator back entered records that a live incident/event Enter Text Up y sheet should require. </p><p>102 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complian Description ty nce ce Incident Command Support The system shall be able to support the functions of the National Incident Management Mandator ICS Support Enter Text System (NIMS) and to provide data to support y NIMS-required reporting from an RMS. The system shall provide the ability to track Mandator ICS Support Enter Text roles, tasks and situation reports. y The system shall provide NIMS functions Mandator ICS Support directly or through an interface with an Enter Text y external system. The system shall interface to user-identified Mandator ICS Support Enter Text incident command software. y Interface with a Records Management System The system shall provide the ability to RMS automatically transfer CAD system event data Mandator Enter Text Interface relating to an incident to an RMS for use by the y agency. The system shall provide the ability to transfer data prior to the normal chronological transfer RMS point to provide the public safety responders Mandator Enter Text Interface with an RMS incident number when needed, y and if this method is required to retrieve an RMS incident number. Interface with a Mobile Data System CAD Event Mobile data users shall be able to immediately Mandator Enter Text Information display any CAD event or unit data. y Mapping Mobile data users shall be able to display maps Mandator Enter Text Information showing the location of incidents. y Mapping The mapping information shall provide Mandator Enter Text Information directions or routes to mobile data users. y If authorized by system security, mobile data Access to users must be able to search and retrieve Criminal Mandator criminal information for the same national, Enter Text Information y state and local law enforcement databases used System by the operators within the Center. Access to Criminal The functionality provided to the mobile users Mandator Enter Text Information shall be the same as the users in the Center. y System</p><p>103 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complian Description ty nce ce Access to System security must allow search types to be Criminal Mandator limited by terminal identification and user Enter Text Information y identification. System Digital dispatching allows the Digital telecommunicator to pre-assign incidents to a Mandator Dispatching Enter Text field unit that will be displayed on their mobile y data terminal. Digital Field units shall be able to display a list of Mandator Enter Text Dispatching pending incidents assigned to that unit. y As the incidents are handled, the field unit Digital Mandator clears the event without the involvement of the Enter Text Dispatching y telecommunicator. The mobile data users shall be allowed to enter Unit Status all status changes including, but not limited to: Mandator Tracking enroute, responding, arrived at scene, set up, at Enter Text y patient, at hospital, fire under control, fire out, clear, on the air, and in quarters. The most used of these shall be programmed to Unit Status Mandator function keys, the other may be status Enter Text Tracking y commands. Unit Status The mobile data users must also be allowed to Mandator Enter Text Tracking self-initiate incidents such as vehicle stops, etc. y Automatic The system shall be able to accept location Vehicle information passed through the mobile data Mandator Enter Text Location system from an automatic vehicle location y (AVL) system. The system should utilize a polling system Automatic based on last known speed and time since last Mandator Vehicle Enter Text update to request the location information y Location from the AVL system. The system shall provide the ability for CAD users to drill down into the details of summary Automatic incident and resource data, and have the ability Mandator Vehicle Enter Text to configure what data is displayed, as well as y Location how it is displayed in terms of layout, font, font size, and colors. Automatic The system shall provide a day/night mode for Mandator Vehicle Enter Text mobile users. y Location Automatic The system shall provide an integrated mobile Mandator Vehicle Enter Text mapping client. y Location</p><p>104 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complian Description ty nce ce Automatic The system shall provide incident and resource Mandator Vehicle management and monitoring capabilities Enter Text y Location through the in-car mapping solution. The system shall provide the ability to view real-time AVL data for user-selected units from Automatic the mobile client, and the ability to interact Mandator Vehicle Enter Text with the units identified on the map display. y Location This capability shall include messaging and other unit-related functionality. Automatic The system shall provide drive directions from Mandator Vehicle the current location to a dispatched incident Enter Text y Location (or any selected location). Automatic The system shall provide mobile search Mandator Vehicle capability for resources and personnel by type Enter Text y Location of vehicle, status and location. Automatic The system shall enable mobile users to search Mandator Vehicle Enter Text for incidents and locations. y Location Automatic Field users shall be able to change their Mandator Vehicle responsible response zone without Enter Text y Location telecommunicator intervention. Automatic Warning tickets generated from a MDT shall be Mandator Vehicle Enter Text able to be printed from an in-vehicle printer. y Location Automatic The system shall interface to [Automated Mandator Vehicle Enter Text License Plate Reader (ALPR) software. y Location Automatic The updated location shall be displayed on the Mandator Vehicle Enter Text mapping status display. y Location Interface with a System Status Management System The system shall either provide an internal SSM System Status Management (SSM) system, or Enter Text Interface provide an interface with a third-party SSM system. The SSM system shall make recommendations SSM to the telecommunicator for post assignments Enter Text Interface based on user defined posting plans and routing via the street network. The SSM shall track and display units identified SSM by the systems administrator through the AVL Enter Text Interface system.</p><p>105 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Functionali Importa Complian Description ty nce ce SSM The detailed tracking of units on a CFS shall be Enter Text Interface stored for later review. SSM The SSM system shall display the open posts Enter Text Interface based on the posting plan. The SSM system shall update recommended SSM posting assignments based on units coming Enter Text Interface available in the system.</p><p>Web-Based Executive Dashboard The system shall have an option to display an Executive Mandator executive dashboard on monitors in Enter Text Dashboard y administrative offices. The executive dashboard shall contain, at a minimum, the following data: Executive Crime statistics for past Mandator Enter Text Dashboard day/week/month/year y Current status of units Current list of events The system shall also have the option for a Public public dashboard, displaying non-sensitive Importan Enter Text Dashboard information. t The public dashboard shall contain, at a minimum, the following data: Public Public crime statistics for past Importa Enter Text Dashboard day/week/month/year nt Current list of events</p><p>106 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Field Supervisory Functions Field Field supervisors shall be able to review the Supervisor activity of units within their control. Mandatory Enter Text Functions Field They shall also be able to redirect incidents Supervisor pre-assigned to their units through digital Mandatory Enter Text Functions dispatching to other units under their control. Field Field supervisors shall be able to display a list Supervisor of all pending incidents on the system. Mandatory Enter Text Functions Field Whenever the list of pending incidents is Supervisor displayed by the field supervisor, it shall be Mandatory Enter Text Functions logged in the system audit file. The system shall provide access to MDT functions authorized to the field level within Field each function by system administrations down Supervisor Mandatory Enter Text to the role level (i.e. a patrol officer may not Functions have access to some functions that a street sergeant may have). The system shall be capable (depending on agency policy) of providing silent dispatch Field orders to a mobile unit, in addition to providing Supervisor the unit with details of the event, pre-plan Mandatory Enter Text Functions information, patient information, premises history information, and other types of relevant information. The system shall enable the mobile unit to, if authorized, self-initiate incidents, self-dispatch Field incidents from a queue, change its status, query Supervisor Mandatory Enter Text CAD and RMS information, and query local and Functions national databases, such as wanted-person checks. Field The system shall be able to have summary Supervisor incident and resource monitoring capability. Mandatory Enter Text Functions Field The system shall provide the ability for street Supervisor supervisors in multi-agency, multi- Functions jurisdictional environments to choose what Mandatory Enter Text agencies or areas within individual agencies they wish to monitor. </p><p>107 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>TRAINING REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Importanc Complian Functionality Description e ce Train the Initial training for all existing employees shall Trainer - be provided using the “train-the-trainer” Mandatory Enter Text Initial methodology. Training Proposals shall describe the types of training Train the classes that will be conducted, the number of Trainer - persons that can be trained in each session, and Mandatory Enter Text Initial the total number of hours required for each Training person to be trained. An electronic copy (Microsoft Word or Training PowerPoint format) of all training materials Documentatio including student and instructor materials used Mandatory Enter Text n by the respondent are to be delivered to the ECD upon conclusion of the training. Training The training schedule shall provide for rotating Schedule/Loc Mandatory Enter Text shift operations. ation Training All training, insofar as possible, is to be Schedule/Loc Mandatory Enter Text conducted on-site. ation Training Proposals shall indicate any special Schedule/Loc requirements needed for the training room Mandatory Enter Text ation (large monitors, etc.). Training If offsite training is proposed, then the related Schedule/Loc cost for that training shall be estimated (such as Mandatory Enter Text ation travel and lodging). Training shall be provided by the respondent Support for all personnel supporting the operation of the Mandatory Enter Text Training system. At a minimum, this training shall include the following areas: A management overview System manager Support Administrative table maintenance Mandatory Enter Text Training Geographical reference data maintenance Database maintenance Technical support staff</p><p>108 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complian Functionality Description e ce Training System - A training system must be provided. Mandatory Enter Text General The operation of training system must mirror Training the operation of the live system, but must not System - Mandatory Enter Text adversely impact the live system performance General or data integrity. Training An event entered on the training system shall System - not be assigned an event number or included in Mandatory Enter Text General performance reports. Training The training system may be an exact copy of the System - Mandatory Enter Text live system running on a totally separate server. General The training system must provide simulation of Interface the live system interfaces Mandatory Enter Text Simulation (i.e. 9-1-1 and criminal systems). The records to be displayed through the Mandatory Enter Text simulation shall be user definable. The system shall include a training environment that accurately mirrors the live environment, including all tables and administrative configurations, and allows for CAD Training telecommunicators and telecommunicators to Mandatory Enter Text Environment train on specific services (i.e. law enforcement, fire service, and/or EMS) and on pre- configured geographic areas identical to that of the live environment. The CAD system’s training environment shall be CAD Training clearly identifiable as the training environment Mandatory Enter Text Environment (e.g. “TRAINING” prominently displayed on the screen). The system shall have a separate E9-1-1 test CAD Training connection or canned script E9-1-1 information Mandatory Enter Text Environment and provide realistic training regarding incoming E9-1-1 data. The system shall be able to be used, operated, CAD Training started up, shut down, and updated to match Mandatory Enter Text Environment the live application without affecting the live environment. </p><p>109 | P a g e EXHIBIT D – CAD TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX</p><p>Importanc Complian Functionality Description e ce The system shall be able to be used to test modifications and updates to the live CAD CAD Training application prior to implementing the Mandatory Enter Text Environment modifications and updates in the live environment. The system shall have a separate E9-1-1 test connection or separate test mobile connection CAD Training of E9-1-1 information (i.e. wire line, cellular, no Mandatory Enter Text Environment record found, and VoIP) and shall provide realistic training regarding incoming E9-1-1 data. The respondent shall provide initial and CAD Training ongoing maintenance costs for the CAD training Mandatory Enter Text Environment environment (and separate test environment if requested) in the proposed system cost section. </p><p>110 | P a g e</p>
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