<p>School Management Plan</p><p>Bletchington Public School 2012 – 2014 Bletchington Public School School Management Plan – 2012 to 2014</p><p>School Identified Priority Areas 2012 – 2014 Schools Portfolio – Strategic Priority Areas 2012 – 2014 Literacy Literacy & Numeracy Numeracy Engagement & Attainment Curriculum Leadership & Management Student Support Aboriginal Education Community Curriculum Leadership & Management Organisational Effectiveness Engagement School Context: Bletchington Public School is one of six public primary schools in Orange and is situated in the north of Orange where there is a lot of growth. Bletchington is a proud member of the pre2 learning community. The school has a steady and current enrolment of 576. There is a 10% Aboriginal student population. The school operates teaching and learning programs for K -6 and plays a pivotal role in the local community. It caters for the broad socio-economic background of students and has considerable parent contribution through an active P and C. The school has 4 Assistant Principals and a non-teaching Deputy Principal. The school provides extensive opportunities for its students in the areas of sport, excursions, public speaking and continues to broaden students’ cultural knowledge through visiting performers and providing opportunities for students to experience the world beyond. The school runs a quality leadership program and intensive welfare programs for students with PBL underpinning the structure. The school has just recently participated in the National Partnership on Low SES School Communities Initiative. In 2011 a major rebuilding program was completed which saw the opening of a new library, hall, administration block and MDR classrooms. Major issues facing the school or community: nominated transfer of a teacher, staff morale and Principal is into their 20th year of Principalship and commenced at the school at the beginning of the 2012 school year.</p><p>Intended Outcomes (3 year horizon, developed from School Priority Areas 2012 – 2014) Improved literacy outcomes for all students Improved numeracy outcomes for all students Improved understanding of National Curriculum through ongoing professional dialogue, leadership and implementation in classrooms ALL students supported to achieve their learning goals through explicit quality teaching and systematic, relevant & meaningful planning Increased opportunities for the community to become genuinely engaged in all areas of school life Improved levels of communication, positive relationships, staff participation & commitment to maintain the focus on high quality education Improved student learning outcomes & engagement through staff being confident 21st century teachers to meet the needs of students as 21st century learners</p><p>Principal: Date: Endorsed by School Education Director: Date: </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 2 School Identified Priority Summary of School Management Plan Targets Area/s To increase the 3 year average of Year 5 students in Bands 7& 8 in reading from 29% in 2011/12/13 to 31% in 2014 & 33% in 2014 To decrease the 3 year average% of students in the bottom 2 bands (Band 3-4) in Yrs 5 in reading from 24% in 2011 (23% in 2012) to 21% in 2013. (Achieved, actual in 2013 was 16% To 19% in 2014 Literacy To maintain the results of Yr 3 students in Literacy over the last 3 years at or above state average (achieved) To improve the average growth between Yr3&5 in reading by increasing the % above expected growth rates* Increase K-2 reading benchmark 3 yr av. for all grades. Kinder 79% to 80%; Yr1 from 71% to 75%; Yr2 88% to 90% To maintain the results of Yr 3 students in Numeracy over the last 3 years at or above state average (achieved) To increase the 3 year average of Year 5 students in Bands 7& 8 in numeracy from 18% in 2011, 23% in 2012 (actual 19%), to 23% in 2013 ( achieved 23%) to 26% in 2014 Numeracy To decrease in the 3 year average of Yr 5 students in Bands 3& 4 in numeracy from 23% in 2011 to 19% in 2012 (actual 23%) & 19% in 2013 (actual was 20%) to 17% in 2014 To improve the school’s growth of Year 5 students meeting average scaled score growth in numeracy (3 year average) from 77% in 2011 to 82% in 2012 (actual was 79%) to 82% in 2013 (achieved 83%) to 85% in 2014 Increased understanding of English & Maths curriculum through professional dialogue, collaborative Curriculum – “know the planning & professional learning content & how to teach it” Improved student learning through curriculum differentiation (standard 2 NPST) Review of core curriculum units to incorporate NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum Establish regular opportunities for school based professional learning focusing on the quality of teaching & learning in classrooms (FoL) Consistent practices and practices in place to support ALL students learning needs through the Learning Support Team & individual plans Student support All planning to support student learning in classrooms Maintain, implement & monitor procedures to support teachers manage problem behaviours in all school settings Explicitly teach behaviour expectations through the PBL program</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 3 School Identified Priority Summary of School Management Plan Targets Area/s Provide a range of opportunities for members of the school community to become involved in various school activities Community Raise parental understanding of specific school programs through information sessions Increased opportunities for teachers to effectively engage with parents in a positive and regular way Develop and implement a communication strategy to enhance how we use digital technology to communicate with our community Improved structures and processes to ensure consistent communication procedures with staff, parents, community & students are transparent, respectful where they each have opportunities for genuine consultation & are valued in the process Develop & implement explicit and clear role statements for all staff ensuring everyone is aware of their Leadership & Management responsibilities Expand opportunities for across stage engagement to raise staff morale and ensure that ‘school culture is ‘everyone’s business’ To develop procedures and processes that support a performance and development culture Increased engagement of students as reflected in days lost to suspension, decrease in office referrals Engagement Increased engagement of Stage 3 students involved in e2a project, Stage 2 students through student centred learning activities & ES1/S1 students through the L3, TEN, TOWN & iPad programs * writing in blue indicates an update for Improve understanding of 21st century teaching & learning through teacher professional learning 2013, green for 2014 Review management structures in all school settings for ensuring students are engaged in learning & interacting positively in the playground through the PBL program</p><p>School Identified Priority Area: Literacy Instructional Leader: Di Esterbauer Intended Outcome/s: Improved literacy outcomes for all students Targets: To increase the 3 year average of Year 5 students in Bands 7& 8 in reading from 29% in 2011/12/13 to 31% in 2014 & 33% in 2014 To decrease the 3 year average% of students in the bottom 2 bands (Band 3-4) in Yrs 5 in reading from 24% in 2011 (23% in 2012) to 21% in 2013. (Achieved, actual in 2013 was 16% To 19% in 2014 To maintain the results of Yr 3 students in Literacy over the last 3 years at or above state average (achieved) To improve the average growth between Yr3&5 in reading by increasing the % above expected growth rates* Increase K-2 reading benchmark 3 yr av. for all grades. Kinder 79% to 80%; Yr1 from 71% to 75%; Yr2 88% to 90% 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 1.1 Review the Staff identify specific areas for support Diana, Craig Global $3200 implementation R2L mentors in place to support staff of Reading to Expectations for implementation established </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 4 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Learn to decide Comprehension & thinking skills to better engage on effective students strategies to support teachers Maintain the L3 TPL undertaken and classrooms set-up to $5200 (global) program with implement L3 1.2 Eve Resources ES1 – Kinder $5000 (P&C) classes Participate & Develop a strategy for L3 (ES1S1) implement the Visit L3 schools trialling L3 in Yr1 1.3 Eve, Craig L3 program Yr 1 Implement DEC endorsed L3 in Yr1 $20,800 through PL (Lit/Num TIED) Ongoing Term schedule for TPL developed & implemented professional Opportunities for lesson observations & collaborative 1.4 learning R2L - planning Diana, Craig school based & Targeted S3 staff involved for full PL external training $3200 TPL Digital literacy, Digital literacy incorporated into stage and staff TPL to support TPL meetings the successful Lessons & programs incorporate digital literacy implementation activities (multi modal/media & digital texts) Kerri, Di & Mitch Global (Tied of e2a in Stage 3 1.5 funds) with support also Kerri, Di & Mitch $2000 for Stages ES1- S2 teachers to support 21st century teaching TPL for teachers Evidence in teaching programs with curriculum TPL undertaken, teaching practice ‘tweaked’ in differentiation in differentiate the curriculum AP’s literacy to Tied TPL 1.6 extend gifted & ($1500) talented students in classrooms 1.7 Library program Evidence in program & lessons Kerri to incorporate </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 5 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 multi-modal digital texts into program (new English syllabus) * writing in blue indicates an update for 2014 & green for 2014</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 6 School Identified Priority Area: Numeracy * writing in blue indicates an update for 2013 & green for 2014 Instructional Leader: Ian Jones Intended Outcome/s: Improved numeracy outcomes for all students Targets: To maintain the results of Yr 3 students in Numeracy over the last 3 years at or above state average (achieved) To increase the 3 year average of Year 5 students in Bands 7& 8 in numeracy from 18% in 2011, 23% in 2012 (actual 19%), to 23% in 2013 ( achieved 23%) to 26% in 2014 To decrease in the 3 year average of Yr 5 students in Bands 3& 4 in numeracy from 23% in 2011 to 19% in 2012 (actual 23%) & 19% in 2013 (actual was 20%) to 17% in 2014 To improve the school’s growth of Year 5 students meeting average scaled score growth in numeracy (3 year average) from 77% in 2011 to 82% in 2012 (actual was 79%) to 82% in 2013 (achieved 83%) to 85% in 201 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Implement Specific areas for review identified recommendation K-6 S&S refined and expectations about program s from Maths established & implemented 1.1 Ian, Craig, Jo P Support Team Evaluation in 2012 Implement Teach specific strategies as identified by research – research based TEN & TOWN quality teaching S2/3 participate in TOWN practices & $18,000 (NP programs in Jo P, Ian Tied) 1.2 Maths as per Belinda $14,000 recommendation (global) s from review – Maths Matters, TOWN & TEN Ongoing Opportunities for collaborative work to include lesson collaboration for study & planning through Focus on the Learner, school based PL all staff as part Jo P, Di E, Ian Time for ongoing professional dialogue & planning for of school based $11,000 (FoL quality K-6 programs 1.3 professional global) learning around quality teaching of syllabus – Focus on the Learner (FoL)</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 7 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 TPL for executive TPL undertaken and staff with Targeted areas identified NAPLAN & Teachers in Yrs 2-6 using Smartdata to support Ian, Jo P Smartdata to 1.4 teaching practice target specific areas, questions for focused teaching Digital Digital numeracy incorporated into stage and numeracy, TPL to staff TPL meetings support the Improved staff understanding, confidence to successful better utilise IWB’s, v/c & ICT to support the implementation teaching of numeracy Kerri, Ian, Jo P 1.5 of e2a in Stage 3 with support also for Stages ES1- S2 teachers to support 21st century teaching TPL for teachers Evidence in teaching programs with curriculum TPL undertaken, teaching practice ‘tweaked’ in differentiation in differentiate the curriculum numeracy to 1.6 Ian $1500 Tied TPL extend gifted & talented students in classrooms Participate in Students engaged in pre2 Maths programs pre2 Maths 1.7 Mitch projects each term Continued TEN TPL incorporated into daily practice implementation PL for identified teachers $12000 from 1.8 & review of TEN Belinda, Eve region ‘13 program in ES1/S1</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 8 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Participate in Employment of a ILNNP coordinator to facilitate National S3 targeted support & K-6 TPL Partnerships ILNNP program 1.9 Craig, Jo P $111,500 (NP) targeting numeracy in Stage 3 & K-6 TPL</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 9 School Identified Priority Area: Curriculum ~ “Know the content & how to teach it” (Standard 2) Instructional Leader: Jo Mader Intended Outcome/s: Improved understanding of National Curriculum through ongoing professional dialogue, leadership and implementation in classrooms Target/s: Increased understanding of English & Maths curriculum through professional dialogue, collaborative planning & professional learning Improved student learning through curriculum differentiation Review of core curriculum units to incorporate NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum Establish regular opportunities for school based professional learning focusing on the quality of teaching & learning in classrooms (FoL) 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Opportunities for National Curriculum included in TPL meeting schedule professional throughout the year Diana, Natalie & dialogue of the Key staff participate in TPL to support ? Craig Australian implementation of NC – PLLPP ‘Implementing $4000(TIED 1.1 Curriculum using Educational Change’ TPL) ? BOS, DEC All staff complete The Learner & the New Math Diana, Kerri & websites through Curriculum (CLIC); Teaching for the New s Craig school based TPL Curriculum Review of core Staff released when syllabi become available curriculum units Maths programs to incorporate new syllabus to incorporate in Review of Science S&S and PD/H/PE light of National Curriculum. Kerri, Diana Collaborative 1.2 $1500 Global planning to Maths Team incorporate Mitch & Kerri aspects of English & Maths curriculum</p><p>1.3 TPL for teachers Evidence in teaching programs AP’s $2000 (TIED to include TPL undertaken, evidence that teachers are AP’s TPL) curriculum differentiating the curriculum differentiation in programming of core units adjusted to align </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 10 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 with National English & Maths Parent Workshops undertaken Diana, Craig 1.4 workshops to inform about NC Participate in Staff engaged in pre2 projects around NC pre2 projects to promote understanding of Kerri $5000 (TIED 1.5 English and TPL) Maths to assist with implementation TPL around TPL around cultural awareness training cultural undertaken awareness to Evidence in programs ensure authentic Diana & Mitch 1.6 perspectives are included in AP’s curriculum planning & teaching 1.7</p><p>* writing in blue indicates an update for 2013 & green for 2014</p><p>School Identified Priority Area: Student Support Instructional Leader: Ian Jones Intended Outcome/s: ALL students supported to achieve their learning goals through explicit quality teaching and systematic, relevant & meaningful planning Target/s: Consistent practices and processes in place to support ALL students learning needs through the Learning Support Team and implementation of individual plans All planning to support student learning in classrooms</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 11 Maintain & implement procedures to support teachers manage problem behaviours in all school settings Explicitly teach behaviour expectations through the PBL program 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Expectations Executive attend meetings & communicate back to about executive stage teams Ian involvement in Communication strategy developed to inform 1.1 LST & their role staff via Nuts & Bolts as advocates for stage Refine the Regular meetings, minutes circulated processes and Implement modules for ESES procedures as Parental consultation when developing & Ian, Julie B part of the ESES reviewing LSP’s Ian, Julie $2000 (ESES 1.2 initiative e.g. Ian tied) Learning Support Plans (LSP’s), National Disability, census Develop PLP’s in place & reviewed following consultation practices to with parents better support Aboriginal $10,000 (Tied 1.3 Ian, Diana students through Norta) the implementation of PLPs Review Gifted & Policy reviewed and modified to reflect current Talented Policy practice to ensure 1.4 strategies are in Kerri place to identify, engage & support students 1.5 Review & refresh Procedures & programs in place to support Craig, PBL team $3000 + the PBL program teachers manage problem behaviours in class & to address on the playground Mitch & Diana identified issues Modify procedures for reporting playground – consequences, incidents – develop card & implement</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 12 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 awards, data, communication Investigate how Sentral welfare used by staff to manage discipline to better utilise incidents Sentral database Database to better track students as they to record PBL progress through BPS Ian, Mitch & Craig data, track 1.6 student records Ian, Diana &Craig using the continuum & reporting student achievement Literacy support NAPLAN and school based data supports programs programs Eve implemented – 1.7 Investigate better utilising PLAN program Reading for K-6 Eve $3000 (Tied) Recovery, STLA implemented</p><p>School Identified Priority Area: Community Instructional Leader: Eve Blore Intended Outcome/s: Increased opportunities for the community to become genuinely engaged in all areas of school life and ways we can improve home-school communication</p><p>Target/s: Provide a range of opportunities for members of the school community to become involved in various school activities Raise parental understanding of specific school programs through information sessions Increased opportunities for teachers to effectively engage with parents in a positive and regular way Develop and implement a communication strategy to enhance how we use digital technology to communicate with our community</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 13 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Implement, Review Term 1 K-6 Parent Information sessions well review & modify supported. Intro Welcome BBQ Leadership Team how we better Implement findings from survey of newsletter Craig communicate Class lists indicate positive contact with parents each AP’s 1.1 with parents term with the Communication strategy developed – digital Tech Team $1500 expectation that technology – Smartphone apps, Facebook it is a whole school practice Review our Staff consultation then implementation of reporting to parent/teacher/student interviews parents Increase participation through these strategies to look interview processes at parent/teacher/s 1.2 tudent Craig, Ian interviews as a K-6 practice with clear expectations of the aim/rationale Continue to seek Website updated regularly guidance & Research quality websites to improve ours advice to $2500 + 1.3 Craig, Mitchell improve the $2500(P&C) school website & newsletters P&C support Staff support for P&C projects and initiatives & school programs vice verse 1.4 through Craig resourcing and provide input 1.5 Participate in School community participate in pre2 projects Kerri, Craig pre2 projects aimed at supporting </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 14 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 parents</p><p>1.6 Parent Community/parent workshops well supported and Craig, Kerri & Di workshops well received around curriculum, PBL & ICT 1.7 Parent support Ongoing support for Performing Arts, sporting and S2 AP for performing cultural programs arts, sporting and cultural programs Implement Introduce a blog through website pertaining recommendati to Maths ons from W’shops for TEN & TOWN held Maths Review to improve communication of maths to community: Refer above showcase 1.8 ideas to support families; overview of Maths units; dictionary of terms & assessment schedules DEC Implement ideas from PL course Communicating with community Eve 1.9 * writing in blue $1500 indicates an update for 2013 & green for 2014 School Identified Priority Area: Leadership and Management Instructional Leader: Craig Booth</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 15 Intended Outcome/s: Improved levels of communication, positive relationships, staff participation & commitment to maintain the focus on high quality education through a shared belief that all students are capable of successful learning Target/s: Improved structures and processes to ensure consistent communication procedures with staff, parents, community & students are transparent, respectful where they each have opportunities for genuine consultation & are valued in the process Review, refine & implement systematic management structures and practices for HR, WH&S, finance, policy development and professional learning to develop leadership capacity Expand opportunities for across stage engagement to raise staff morale and ensure that ‘school culture is ‘everyone’s business’ To develop procedures and processes that support a performance and development culture 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Establish clearly Roles & responsibilities statements are developed & defined roles and implemented responsibilities Executive develop plan for area of responsibility statements for Minutes developed promptly and available for relevant Craig executive, staff 1.1 teaching and non- teaching staff. Executive team Ensure minutes of Stage Leaders meetings are taken and made available for staff Establish effective Structures in place & decisions communicated functioning teams Genuine consultation= staff support to lead and guide 1.2 management of Craig key projects e.g. WHS, Finance, ICT, PBL Actions/decisions Agenda items/minutes for Nuts & Bolts reflect this recommended by key groups (e.g. LST, PBL, Craig 1.3 Executive, Stage, ICT, P.Arts, WHS) are communicated with staff 1.4 Leadership Leadership learning opportunities established Craig $3000 (TIED learning & each term TPL) capacity </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 16 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 development through professional dialogue and TPL using DEC’s PLLD & CLIC programs Review schools Procedures reviewed, modified & implemented policy and Professional Learning Plans reflect standards procedures to EARS/TARS yarns linked to PL support better support the Craig 1.5 PARS/EARS/TARS Craig processes using AP’s Craig National Professional Standards for Teachers Ensure Stage team minutes opportunities for Professional dialogue in staffroom professional dialogue around the quality of Craig, Stage 1.6 teaching & supervisors learning are included at each stage team meeting Implement Procedures developed & implemented procedures for Exec & teachers using the Framework quality teacher feedback using Craig & leadership 1.7 $2500 the Australian team Performance. & Devel. Framework 1.8 Opportunities for Staff valued and happier in the workplace Leadership team ALL staff to National School Improvement Tool used to guide Craig</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 17 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 engage in open conversations about culture and genuine conversations in the workplace around culture Develop culture TPL around standards as part of own where development through individual PL plans supervision & Incorporate GROWTH coaching model coaching focuses on N PS Craig 1.9 for Teachers $2500 (TPL) using the Leadership Team Australian Performance & Development Framework School Identified Priority Area: Engagement Instructional Leader: Kerri Parkes Intended Outcome/s: Improved student learning outcomes & engagement through staff being confident 21st century teaching to meet the needs of students as 21st century learners</p><p>Target/s: Increased engagement of students as reflected in days lost to suspension, decrease in office referrals Increased engagement of Stage 3 students involved in e2a project, Stage 2 students through student centred learning activities & ES1/S1 students through the L3, TEN, TOWN & iPad programs Improve understanding of 21st century teaching & learning through teacher professional learning Review management structures in all school settings for ensuring students are engaged in learning & interacting positively in the playground through the PBL program 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 1.1 Review & refresh Classroom behaviour strategy in all classrooms Craig $3000 the PBL program Staff using common PBL language PBL team PBL team to ensure staff Consequences revisited & implemented PBL team are supported, Data reflects improved behaviour students know expectations & </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 18 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 consequences for their actions Embed 21st Opportunities for teaching staff in ES1, S1 & S2 to visit century classrooms (L3, TEN, TOWN, e2a) teaching e2a plan developed, implanted & reviewed strategies in S3 HOT strategies in T&L programs & practice classes as part of the e2a project & Kerri K-4 through $4000 (TIED 1.2 student centred Diana, Kerri & TPL) learning in Craig programs like L3, TEN & TOWN, authentic daily use of IWB (level 3/4) Participation in Staff participate in pre2 programs for own TPL 1.3 2 Kerri the pre projects and to support student engagement 1.4 Support staff Team teaching & modelling undertaken $2000 who have Kerri, Mitch identified the need for ICT support TPL around 21st TPL staff meetings – and follow-up through in- 1.5 century learning class mentoring Kerri $4000 & teaching TPL to support Evidence in teaching programs & classroom Stage supervisors quality practice curriculum 1.6 differentiation in teaching practice & programs Better utilise Increased usage V/C facilities regularly for video the video excursions 1.7 Craig & Kerri $1000 conferencing facilities </p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 19 2014 Resource Timeframe Responsibilit Allocation & Number Strategies Indicators 201 201 201 y Funding Source 2 3 4 Engage students Outstanding production performed in this Parental & student satisfaction surveys performing arts supporting band & choir programs experience Helen M, Kerri $3000 through: Ian 1.8 participation in K-2 & primary productions review of band & choir </p><p>Environmental Plan established through consultation team established Students engaged in environmental projects * writing in blue to develop garden indicates an 1.9 Amanda, Craig plan & guide update for 2013; future projects to green 2014 engage students</p><p>Bletchington PS School – School Management Plan Version: 4/03/2014 Page 20</p>
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