<p> Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education</p><p>Annual Standard and Quality Report and Establishment Improvement Plan </p><p>Establishment Oban High School</p><p>OLI Area 2017-2018 Session</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>1. Our Establishment Context 2. Our Vision, Values and Aims 3. Summary of our Self Evaluation Engagement Process 4. Review of our Progress for Session 2016-2017 5. Our Evaluation of our Capacity for Continuous Improvement 6. Our Priorities for Improvement in Session 2017-2018 7. Our Action Plans for Improvement 8. Action Plan Summary for our Stakeholders</p><p>SIGNATURES</p><p>5/6/17 Head of Establishment Peter Bain Date</p><p>Education Officer Kathryn Wilkie Date</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 1 1. Establishment Context</p><p>At Oban High School we seek to embrace the rich heritage and culture of the area whilst promoting a progressive, inclusive and holistic approach to education. Our vision and values permeate every aspect of school life. The school has 19 partner primary schools and has one of the largest geographical catchment areas in Scotland, catering for pupils from remote rural and island areas and large numbers of urban pupils. The pupils from nine islands stay in the school hostel throughout the school terms. Our catchment contains areas of deprivation between Decile 2 through to Decile 9 of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Approximately 30% of our pupils have additional support needs. To ensure a fully inclusive pastoral support structure, we have merged our severe and complex needs facility with both behaviour and learning support departments and inter-linked these across a full time Guidance structure. Our Clan System is central to our vision and values and was highly praised by the HMIe. The core purpose of the clan system is to promote the concept of “family” and supporting each other; though competitive spirit also remains prominent as shown in our annual Highland Games and clan competitions throughout the year. Our pastoral support is also structured around the clans, with pupils coming together in assemblies and in tutor classes in clans. The assemblies are led by pupil Clan leaders, thus allowing them valuable leadership experience. We seek to use every opportunity to provide wider opportunities for our pupils, in and out of lessons. We celebrate staff collegiality and embrace a talent management philosophy through a number of opportunities to develop staff leadership. All staff are expected to lead some aspect of whole school improvement and development. In order to provide the necessary qualifications, skills and experiences to equip our youngsters for life and work after school, we deliberately provide one of the broadest curriculums in Scotland. It is a policy which ensures a very high level of positive destinations for our pupils. We have a good and developing record in promoting and celebrating wider achievement as evidenced by the number of pupils that take part in a very wide range of activities in and beyond school, many of which are recognised by certification (e.g. Saltire, YASS, UKCC). Our young people make an impressive contribution to the wider life of the school community and are encouraged to take on leadership roles throughout the school. Leadership activities include involvement in the Senior Pupil Leadership Team (SPLT) in leading Clan Assemblies; leading the Pupil Council; running charity events; school events and representing the school at civic events both locally and nationally. The pupils were and continue to be co-authors of our curriculum. The SPLT lead groups of prefects on a weekly basis but also co-opt other pupils from across the school on an on-going basis. Wider achievement is also a key element in the senior phase of our curriculum with an extensive range or vocational opportunities being provided through our well established “Pathways Programme”. This Programme, which Education Scotland uses as a model of good practice, is delivered in partnership with a wide variety of local businesses and partner Primary schools allowing senior pupils the opportunity to gain valuable experience on a weekly basis in a profession or industry that they wish to pursue after leaving school. We have three “Schools” within Oban High which provide a higher and more specialist level of education in particular fields as well as providing greater breadth and opportunity across both the junior and senior curriculum. We believe all three “Schools” have a positive impact on future career progression; talent development, attainment, attendance, confidence and discipline Working in partnership with the Scottish Rugby Union, our School of Rugby curricular programme is centred on the development of the whole child. The sport lends itself to developing leadership, fitness, responsibility, discipline, respect and sportsmanship. It also provides an opportunity for our students to excel in the sport whilst providing a pathway to represent the school, community, region and their country. Our School of Traditional Music utilises the experience and skills of nationally and inter-nationally renowned musicians to mentor, support and nurture the talents of our pupils who have a passion for traditional Scottish music. It provides our youngsters with the opportunity to develop their talents, both in terms of their instrument and in concert performances, to the point where they can either choose a career as professional musicians directly after school. Working in partnership with Ballet West, our School of Dance gives pupils an opportunity to receive specialist dance tuition within the curriculum. The provision has had a positive impact on pupils' broader school life. Pupils themselves have spoken about it improving their confidence and having great pride in being part of Oban High School. Feeling valued and building strong relationships with staff and peers has really helped our pupils develop a positive attitude to school in general. Our annual dance show was incredibly well attended this year too, and was an excellent opportunity to showcase the pupils’ skill.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 2 1. Establishment Context</p><p>In addition to securing pupils a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications, we are also committed to providing effective and timely support to ensure that our pupils leave Oban High School with a positive destination. This is evidenced through our positive destination figures which have been consistently above the national and local authority averages by 2% in each of the last 4 years. We also have a successful record when it comes to ensuring pupils secure a university place with typically between 30-35% doing so. Although our figures for pupils moving onto further education is below the national average this can often be due to our rural nature and is offset by the extremely high employment rate we have with 35-40% of pupils going straight into work compared with the national average of around 20% for the last 4 years. A wide range of vocational work based learning is undertaken in Oban High School, which is provided by 95 different employers, giving pupils the opportunity to select placements which they find relevant. Work experience is also used to personalise the timetables of pupils who are experiencing significant problems in engaging with mainstream education.</p><p>2. Our vision, values and aims We at Oban High School believe that the school has a responsibility to ensure that all our youngsters achieve the best possible qualifications. </p><p>We also believe that we need to nurture and develop their social, emotional and vocational knowledge and skills to enable them to achieve their full potential throughout their lives.</p><p>We are committed to providing the highest quality educational experience for all of our pupils, which is effective, enjoyable and rewarding – through:</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 3 2. Our vision, values and aims</p><p>1. Creating a learning environment which encourages challenge, high expectations and high achievement for all.</p><p>2. Taking account of individual learning styles and believing that there is no limit to learning.</p><p>3. Providing opportunities for our young people to develop their personal and social skills.</p><p>4. Working in partnership with our parents/carers and community to teach our young people the duties and responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic society.</p><p>5. Developing our curriculum to take account of the changing needs of our young people.</p><p>3. Summary of our self-evaluation engagement process</p><p>Participants Engagement Details Staff (teaching and non-teaching) Staff are encouraged to become reflective practitioners, use of the PRD to engage with the suite of GTCS standards, which is also referred to throughout the year. Every fortnight each department is required to look at an individual quality indicator from HGIOS4 as a way of understanding standards. Every teacher is required to use INSIGHT throughout the year to take forwards the DIPs and the SIPs (Whole school exercises are carried out in September and March).</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 4 Participants Engagement Details All PTs are required to carry out 10 minute learning episodes each day. All staff are given professional learning activities and active learning tasks as an opportunity to understand standards. All staff are actively encouraged to attend opportunities to engage with others, departmentally, across primary and secondary sectors as well as regionally and nationally to look outwards and forwards improve their reflection on their practice. There is a consistent Departmental Meeting format to ensure that issues are tackled consistently. Ethos, learning and Teaching, Learning. There are regular opportunities to seek the views from all staff, from Monday morning meeting minutes; qualitative and quantitative surveys. Working groups and committees are also participatory opportunities. There is a self evaluation template which is also used for some departments, who need additional support in their improvement planning journey. Non teaching staff are also encouraged to participate in the self evaluation and reflection in the school. Weekly meetings take place which encourages support staff to reflect on what does it take to be a good teaching assistant, and how to support pupils effectively. At a middle management level, there are many opportunities for PTs to work collaboratively, and reflectively to engage with areas for improvement in the school. Some examples are curriculum, My Time etc.</p><p>Regularly seek the views of parent council, through engagement in parent council meetings. In addition, we have developed a parental involvement strategy which ensures that parents are jointly planning for decisions which we Parent Council are moving forward with. </p><p>Pupils We actively encourage participation in pupils engaging in our self evaluation process at all levels through the school. School Captains meet the head teacher weekly to discuss ideas, and development issues. SPLT meet with the Depute weekly to discuss the same and feedback the views of the pupil councils they run. In addition, all development areas in the school require consultation from pupil focus groups. For example the </p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 5 Participants Engagement Details new school developments, the curriculum, parental engagement, PEF funding, My Time. All pupils answer a qualitative survey about our Guidance support, and this has been undertaken every year for the last six years, which is then used to inform improvements for coming years.</p><p>Volunteers working in school Departmental managers engage and seek views of volunteers who are working in their area. We have a significant and growing number of local community partners who provide destination related work experience placements for our pupils. We seek annual feedback from these local partners and adapt our in school ‘Pathways’ qualification suite based upon the information. We invite our community business and third sector partners into our school to share information and work with pupils. Feedback from this shapes our planning process for pathways into staged interventions. We involve parents, carers, pupils and wider community partners in regular consultation process. Community Partners We monitor our pupils contribution to our community and recognise this positive impact through the attainment of Saltire Awards. We work collaboratively with our partners to create individual learner pathways. We use the Facebook polls questionnaire facility to consult with our community partners. As part of the U.C.P process we evaluate the success of school and partner pupil supports.</p><p>The effectiveness of our primary transition programme is evaluated every year, and improvements are built into the strategic planning each year. Local Cluster Strategic cluster planning meetings also take place with primary colleagues to take a strategic approach towards self evaluation in respect to primary secondary transition. There is also a local numeracy cluster group which is engages in frequent self evaluation for improvement.</p><p>Local Authority Regular meetings with Quality Improvement manager to discuss a range of pertinent educational issues related to Our Children Their Future.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 6 Participants Engagement Details Also participate in the DYP and Ops for All group and the associated self evaluation. Head Teacher and Deputes also attend working groups/ Committees.</p><p>Self evaluation is integral to how we work within our community and is an ongoing feature of school life. Due to the variety of ways we undertake self evaluation, our staff have a shared understanding of This is measured in a variety of ways, wellbeing assessments, INSIGHT data analysis, analysis using SEEMIS </p><p>Overall impact of stakeholder data on attendance, exclusion, school tracking and monitoring data. engagement The school has had a focussed attention on monitoring and evaluating learning and teaching, which is evidenced through our professional learning approach, which encourages staff to be reflective.</p><p>4. Review of Progress for Session 2016-2017 – Leadership and Management</p><p>OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY HGIOS?4 - QI 1.3 Leadership of Change – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Developing a shared vision, particularly in literacy and numeracy values and aims relevant to the achievement for all Teacher school and its community Use performance information to secure Professionalism Closing the attainment gap between improvement for children and young people Parental the most and least disadvantaged Strategic planning for Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. continuous improvement are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young Implementing improvement and positive destinations and achieve success in people’s health and wellbeing. School Improvement change life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Improvement in employability skills </p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 7 community engagement Information and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. Strengthen leadership at all levels</p><p>Establishment Priority – Leadership of Change Progress and Impact: Most staff understand the social context of the school. The school vision and values statement clearly supports the four contexts for learning in the school, for example Scottish Studies and the international baccalaureate work. Our clan and pastoral system is designed to support a positive and inclusive ethos our curriculum is designed to ensure that our pupils get the best and broadest set of qualifications they can. Our opportunities for celebrating personal success and achievement in the school is celebrated through our clan points system and our Saltire and volunteering awards. Our qualification framework supports personal achievement and the breadth of the wider curriculum also does this. As a result of a year long emphasis on professional learning, a significant improvement to the level of commitment to change which results in improvements for learners has been achieved. All staff are clear of the school strengths and areas for development which can be used for a clear rationale for future improvement. Senior leaders have created conditions for support and change. As a school, we make opportunities for practitioner to have systematic opportunities to review and refresh their pedagogical practice.</p><p> Young people in the BGE are familiar with the wellbeing indicators and these are an integral feature of school life. We are making progress towards utilizing outdoor spaces effectively, and pupils have the opportunity to participate in experiences throughout the school year, through the Duke of Edinburgh programme, outdoor education and trips. Next Steps To continue to try to high expectations of all learners, SLT will set targets for learners to ensure that there is a consistently high expectation for all learners. To continue to develop capacity and for developing leadership for staff and middle managers.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 8 4. Review of Progress for Session 2016-2017 – Learning Provision</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 2.3 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Learning, Teaching and Assessment – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Learning and engagement particularly in literacy and numeracy achievement for all Teacher Quality of teaching Use performance information to secure Professionalism Closing the attainment gap between improvement for children and young people Parental the most and least disadvantaged Effective use of assessment Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young Planning, tracking and monitoring positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. life Performance Improvement in employability skills Ensure high quality partnership working and Information community engagement and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. Strengthen leadership at all levels</p><p>Establishment Priority – Learning, Teaching and Assessment Progress and Impact: The professional learning of staff has progressed from the professional learning communities which were established two years ago. Staff have been focusing on the areas of their own personal development, which have related to improving aspects of learning and teaching. This year, the emphasis on professional learning has been completed focused on improving learning and teaching and assessment and moderation in the BGE. Professional learning sessions have been led by the school Assessment and Moderation Facilitators, and a collegiate approach to improvement of learning and teaching has taken place, building capacity at departmental and individual teacher level. As a senior leadership team, we have used data more effectively and have identified pupils who are in targeted groups, such as low SIMD, risk of disengagement, in the low or top percentile from CAT. We have tracked pupils every month to ensure that they are on target and worked with departments to put in place interventions if they are not.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 9 Next Steps To ensure that our assessment approaches are matched to the needs of our learners. To ensure that tracking and monitoring is well understood, and used effectively to secure improved outcomes for all learners, including those who are our most deprived children. To ensure that teachers have well developed skills of data analysis which are focused on improvement. To ensure that lessons have pace and challenge and are matched to the needs of all learners.</p><p>4. Review of Progress for Session 2016-2017 – Successes and Achievements</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 3.1 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Wellbeing√ particularly in literacy and numeracy. achievement for all Teacher Use performance information to secure Professionalism Fulfilment of statutory duties Closing the attainment gap between improvement for children and young people Parental the most and least disadvantaged Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. Inclusion and equality are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young </p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 10 positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. Strengthen leadership at all levels</p><p>Establishment Priority – Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion Progress and Impact: Respect me and Trend Micro Pilot are two strategies which are in the process of being embedded. Young people in the BGE are familiar with the wellbeing indicators and these are an integral feature of school life. We are making progress towards utilising outdoor spaces effectively, and pupils have the opportunity to participate in experiences throughout the school year, through the Duke of Edinburgh programme, outdoor education and trips and learning on Mull and other places.</p><p>Next Steps To ensure the whole learning community has a shared understanding of wellbeing and children’s rights, through continued development of the Respect Me agenda. To use the wellbeing web in senior school to ensure that staff, children and young people know, understand and use the wellbeing indicators as an integral feature of school life. To ensure that all staff and partners take due account of the legislative framework related to wellbeing, equality and inclusion. We will develop opportunities for our children and young people to become knowledgeable about equalities and inclusion and feel able to challenge discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance. Particularly through thematic approaches in curricular areas.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 11 4. Review of Progress for Session 2016-2017 – Successes and Achievements</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 3.2 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Raising attainment and achievement – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Attainment in literacy and particularly in literacy and numeracy. numeracy achievement for all Teacher Use performance information to secure Professionalism improvement for children and young people Closing the attainment gap between Attainment over time Parental the most and least disadvantaged Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. Overall quality of learners’ are ready to succeed Assessment of achievement Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. Equity for all learners life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver Strengthen leadership at all levels destinations for all young people.</p><p>Establishment Priority – Raising attainment and achievement Progress and Impact: The school’s literacy attainment is good and the numeracy attainment is improving. Destination data is positive and systems are in place and effective in targeting school leavers who are at risk of disengagement.</p><p>Next Steps: Update literacy and numeracy strategies. Use data to set subject attainment targets for departments Promote skills for learning, life and work across mainstream learning experiences Utilise PEF to improve the chances for the most disadvantaged.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 12 5. Our overall evaluation of our establishment’s capacity for continuous improvement:</p><p>HGIOS?4 Quality Indicator School self-evaluation Inspection evaluation</p><p>Developing a shared vision, values and aims. 1.3 GOOD Leadership of change Strategic planning for continuous improvement GOOD Implementing improvement and change GOOD Learning and Engagement 2.3 SATISFACTORY Learning, teaching and assessment Quality of Teaching SATISFACTORY Effective use of Assessment SATISFACTORY Planning tracking and monitoring WEAK WELLBEING 3.1 GOOD Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion FULFILMENT OF STATUTORY DUTIES GOOD INCLUSION GOOD ATTAINMENT IN LITERACY AND NUMERACY 3.2 GOOD (VERY GOOD LITERACY AND GOOD Raising attainment and achievement NUMERACY) ATTAINMENT OVER TIME SATISFACTORY OVERALL QUALITY OF LEARNERS’ ACHIEVEMENT GOOD</p><p>EQUITY FOR ALL LEARNERS GOOD</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 13 5. Our overall evaluation of our establishment’s capacity for continuous improvement:</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 14 6. Priorities for improvement in the current year 2017-2018</p><p>Main driver of priority: Alignment to: Self- OCTF Developing in Evaluation Education Our A&B Number NIF HGIOS?4 Wellbeing Partnership Faith Priority School Scotland Children, Business QI Wheel Working (denominational Review Report Their Future Outcomes establishments) VSE Self Strengthen B031 x 1.3 All Leadership evaluation leadership BO32 1 and and HMIE at all levels x Management report</p><p>Self Raise B019 x 2.3 Learning evaluation educational 3.2 Achieving achievement 3.1 x 2 Provision for all</p><p>Self Equip young BO19 x 3.2 All evaluation people to BO21 3.1 secure and Successes and sustain x positive 3 Achievements destination and achieve success in life</p><p>Developing in 4 Faith</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 15 7. Action Plan – Priority Number 1 – Leadership and Management</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 1.3 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Leadership of change – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Developing a shared vision, particularly in literacy and numeracy. values and aims relevant to the achievement for all Teacher school and its community Use performance information to secure Professionalism improvement for children and young people Closing the attainment gap between Parental the most and least disadvantaged Strategic planning for Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. continuous improvement are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young Implementing improvement and positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. change life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver Strengthen leadership at all levels destinations for all young people.</p><p>What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>1 Review Vision, values and aims – include staff, pupils, parents, OHS and the community have ownership of the vision, values and aims. local community and partner primaries. This aspirational vision underpins OHS continuous and the school community works together to turn this vision into a reality.</p><p>2 Developing the strategic role of senior staff to ensure that all All staff are confident to initiate change and are committed collectively in members of our school community can contribute to our plans the process of change. for continuous improvement.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 16 What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>3 We continually reflect on and develop our practice taking Strategies in place to monitor and evaluate the impact of changes on account of self evaluation and vision for continuous outcomes for learners and the work of our school. improvement. 4</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 17 Action Plan – Priority Number 1 – Leadership and Management</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints 1 P Bain – Further March 2018 Vision, values and Staff Various meetings develop a clear aims discussed at Pupils understanding of the various meetings Parents social, economic and between August 2017 Partner primaries cultural context in and March 2018 Community groups which children, young people and their families work towards sharing our vision and values with partners and our cluster primary schools. 2 SLT working with Ongoing Checkpoints SLT Monthly meetings between SLT and middle middle managers to August 2017 Middle Managers managers influence and lead November 2017 All Staff Weekly meetings between middle managers the strategic direction February 2018 and staff and pace of change May 2018 in the school 3 Building capacity Ongoing August 2017 All staff Professional learning session (Twilight, In- within staff to use November 2017 service) professional reflection February 2018 Assessment and moderation resources. and development to March 2018 influence change in the school community to impact on the outcomes of our learners</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 18 Action Plan – Priority Number 1 – Leadership and Management</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints 4 5</p><p>Evidence of Impact on learners (success measures) - How do we know that outcomes for learners have improved?</p><p>1 A revised vision values and aims for the opening of the new school which are collaboratively agreed with all partners.</p><p>2 Quality assurance meetings which are held monthly are minute and action is observed in classes. </p><p>3 Observation of classes and assessments completed by pupils will show an improvement in pace and challenge at all levels. </p><p>4</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 19 7. Action Plan – Priority Number 2 – Learning Provision</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 2.3 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Learning, teaching and assessment – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Learning and engagement particularly in literacy and numeracy. achievement for all Teacher Use performance information to secure Professionalism Quality of teaching Closing the attainment gap between improvement for children and young people Parental the most and least disadvantaged Effective use of assessment Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young Planning, tracking and positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. monitoring life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver Strengthen leadership at all levels destinations for all young people.</p><p>What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>1 Assessment – the assessment and moderation strategy is The long term strategy sees assessment which is clearly matched to the embedded in practice. The Evidence for Learning App is used needs of all learners. across departments. 2 Tracking and Monitoring – we use the data from insight and Early identification of issues and appropriate interventions put in place. Complete Digital Solutions (CDS), as well as SEEMIS data from teachers. 3 Data analysis from teachers – teachers are trained to use Teachers use the data to improve outcomes for all learners. insight and the data from CDS to inform their practise. 4 Pace and challenge in lessons Pupils are leading their own learning and that of others, and lessons have appropriately challenging levels of work. 5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 20 Action Plan – Priority Number 2 – Learning Provision</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints 1 Alison MacDonald June 2018 – final August, November, Assessment and All staff year of three year February, May Moderation Facilitators process 2 Alison MacDonald Ongoing Monthly evaluation All SLT All staff All PTG 3 Alison MacDonald Ongoing August, November, Principal Teachers February, May 4 Alison MacDonald Ongoing Monthly evaluation SLT 5</p><p>Evidence of Impact on learners (success measures) - How do we know that outcomes for learners have improved?</p><p>Assessment – pupils learning will be recorded and recognised and they will learn from feedback from teachers how to improve. We 1 will see an improvement in exit data from the BGE and an increase in results at National Level.</p><p>Tracking and Monitoring – we will be able to identify and support appropriately learners at all stages of the school, to ensure that theu 2 know how they are progressing and how to improve.</p><p>Teachers are aware of the data on each learner and they use this to ensure that pupils they are appropriately challenging and 3 supporting learners at all stages.</p><p>Through observation, staff can see that pupils are leading their own learning and that of others. 4</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 21 7. Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 3.1 OCTF NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Wellbeing particularly in literacy and numeracy. achievement for all Teacher Use performance information to secure Professionalism Fulfilment of statutory duties Closing the attainment gap between improvement for children and young people Parental the most and least disadvantaged Inclusion and equality Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. are ready to succeed Assessment of Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver Strengthen leadership at all levels destinations for all young people.</p><p>What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>1 Respect Me Working group to establish the school strategy School wide policy produced and shared. paper. Seniors will have the lessons developed taught in My Pupil evaluation of the lessons. Time. Juniors will have the lessons taught in PSEd lessons</p><p>2 School to establish a “safe space” – which should be a drop-in Feedback from pupils (include in evaluation survey of Respect Me) area that will be manned by prefect volunteers. 3 Respect Me Launch by working group should include school- Reduced number of bullying incidents recorded over 3 months Aug – Oct. wide posters being shared, the policy, lessons, “safe space” Checked using Click + Go Reporting and compare to recorded in period established, training identified for perpetrators as a sanction Easter to June.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 22 What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p> initially. 4 S4 pupils to publicise and raise awareness of the training at a Benchmark of parental awareness taken from survey that evening. P7 induction evening. 5 S4 pupils roll out the programme to S2 and P7 pupils. Check using Click + Go Reporting reduced number of incidents that include internet and electronic means of communication.</p><p>6 Develop opportunities for all age groups to become leaders/involved in discussions/decisions. (S3 Junior Clan Leaders) 7 Using “Pupil Attitudes to Self & School” data we should develop more effective and targeted strategies to improve attainment and achievement for those children and young people facing challenges such as LAC, LAAC, Young Carers, low SIMD and ASN. Have a measurement/data on equity of engagement of pupils in the life of the school.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 23 Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints 1 Claire Smith & Shona Aug – Oct 17 Feedback from pupil Respect Me Working Time to develop the lesson evaluation Penfold Oct 17 evaluation group sheets. sheets of lessons. My Time Teachers Teaching resources developed to deliver the PSEd Teachers principles. (Guidance staff) Pupils S1 – S6 2 Claire Smith & Shona Aug – Oct 17 Feedback from pupil Prefect volunteers Time to develop the Respect Me evaluation Penfold Respect Me evaluation Respect Me working survey survey Dec 17. group Pupils (S1-S6) 3 Claire Smith & Shona Aug 17 C&G reports on L Lawson Reports available to monitor and compare Penfold incidents based on number of incidents at checkpoints timescale. throughout the year. Checkpoint 1 run report June 17 Checkpoint 2 run report Oct 17 4 Lee Dott & Amy Inglis June 7th 7/6/17 – checkpoint Parents Trend Micro Pilot leaflets & posters. use parental evaluationS4 trained pupils. of the evening as A Inglis to facilitate pupils feedback. on the display rota. 5 Lee Dott & Amy Inglis June 2017 to Sept – Checkpoint 1 Rockfield & Park Reports available to monitor and compare March 2018 Nov – Checkpoint 2 primaries trained S4 number of incidents at checkpoints Feb – Checkpoint 3 pupils Lee Dott & Amy throughout the year filter by cyber/electronic. Inglis. 6 Neil Mitchell S3 Clan Leaders inAug – Checkpoint 1 SPLT 1 Application form place by end of Dec – Checkpoint 2 N Mitchell; 2 Interview training time. June 2017 P Bain; </p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 24 Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints Head Boy & Head Girl</p><p>7 Louise Lawson & S1-S3 to have Analyse data in Nov Pupils 1 GL assessment suite of programs Alison MacDonald completed PASS Repeat process Technicians 2 Technicians time to set up computers assessment by annually to include ICT teachers 3 Time for BOS studies to examine the data Oct. new cohort Louise Lawson and link it to existing tracking data for Alison MacDonald individuals and cohorts</p><p>Evidence of Impact on learners (success measures) - How do we know that outcomes for learners have improved? Compare individual well-being webs from those completed March 2017 to those completed in Oct 2017. Data analysis should show the improved impact with more pupils feeling safe, nurtured and achieving with increased scores in these areas. 1</p><p>Data from PASS assessment in Oct 2017 should be compared with data from PASS assessment in Oct 2018. The analysis and comparison should show improved attitudes to self and school. 2</p><p>3 4</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 25 7. Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Raising attainment and achievement</p><p>HGIOS?4 - QI 3.2 NIF DRIVER NIF PRIORITY Raising attainment and OCTF achievement – Themes: Raise educational attainment and School Leadership Improvement in attainment, Attainment in literacy and particularly in literacy and numeracy. numeracy achievement for all Teacher Use performance information to secure Professionalism Attainment over time improvement for children and young people Closing the attainment gap between Parental the most and least disadvantaged Ensure children have the best start in life and Engagement children. Overall quality of learners’ are ready to succeed Assessment of achievement Equip young people to secure and sustain children’s progress Improvement in children and young positive destinations and achieve success in School Improvement people’s health and wellbeing. Equity for all learners life Performance Ensure high quality partnership working and Information Improvement in employability skills community engagement and sustained positive school leaver Strengthen leadership at all levels destinations for all young people.</p><p>What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>1 Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy: School to update the Strategy in place Literacy Strategy and implement. Insight Data is positive</p><p>2 Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy: School to update the Strategy in place. Numeracy Strategy and implement. Insight Data for Level 4 improves</p><p>3 Attainment over time: Improve total tariff points for individual learners against their CAT Utilising Data: The school SLT will set pupil attainment targets predictors across all subject areas in the senior phase. 4 Attainment over time: Staff predictions and estimates about how pupils are achieving becomes more accurate.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 26 What are we going to do now? Measures of Success Specific actions related to priority </p><p>Senior Management will involve Subject PT’s in monthly tracking meetings with PT Guidance 5 Overall quality of learners achievement: Analysis of review.</p><p>The school will pilot an expansion of Prefect roles.</p><p>6 Equity for all Learners: Analysis of PEF strategy.</p><p>Following consultation, the school to develop and implement an improving choices for everyone strategy 7 Equity for all Learners: For pupil absence we need to develop a System in place system to ensure learners can access the materials and Feedback from families is positive. resources they need to catch up on learning. 8 Equity for all Learners: The school to further develop skills for Didbook analysis shows increased use. Didbook analysis shows that the learning, life and work across mainstream subject areas. quality of entries improves MyWow analysis shows increased activity and CV completion.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 27 Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Raising attainment and achievement</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints 1 A Jackson May 2017- Checkpoint 1June 17: N Mitchell PEF May2018 strategy in place All Departments Library</p><p>Checkpoint 2 Nov 2017: Progress of strategies adopted.</p><p>Checkpoint 3 May 2018: Review, report and update strategy. 2 A Johnstone May 2017- Checkpoint 1June 17: L Lawson PEF May2018 strategy in place All Departments</p><p>Checkpoint 2 Nov 2017: Progress of strategies adopted.</p><p>Checkpoint 3 May 2018: Review, report and update strategy 3 P Bain June 2017 Monthly: Check SLT CAT SEEMis tracking data All Departments</p><p>Checkpoint 1 June 2017: Check consistency of target setting across the clans.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 28 Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Raising attainment and achievement</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints</p><p>4 P Bain June 2017-April Monthly: Departmental SLT SEEMis 2018 progress PTGs All Departments Checkpoint 1 Dec 2017: Progress across the whole school</p><p>Checkpoint 2 April 2018: Pre exam analysis 5 N Mitchell May 2017- Checkpoint 1 June SLT Staffing for Prefect Training Day May2018 2017: successful PTGs recruitment All Departments</p><p>Checkpoint 2 October 2017: seek feedback on engagement & impact</p><p>Checkpoint 3: Feb 2018: post UCAS engagement. 6 P Bain May 2017 – April Monthly: Pupil SLT PEF 2018 progress All Departments</p><p>Checkpoint 1 June 2017: Target groups </p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 29 Action Plan – Priority Number 3 – Successes and Achievements: Raising attainment and achievement</p><p>Specific Lead Timescale for Monitoring and Those involved Resources including Action Responsibility completion evaluation including partners Pupil Equity Funding checkpoints identified accurately</p><p>Checkpoint 2 September 2017: All PEF resources in place.</p><p>7 D Ainscough June 2017 – MarchCheckpoint 1 October L Lawson Resources to be identified 2018 2017: strategy in place.PTGs All Departments Checkpoint 2 Dec 2017: Strategy being used.</p><p>Checkpoint 3 March 2018: Obtain feedback and data. 8 N Mitchell May 2017- PTGs MYWOW May2018 All Departments Skills Development Scotland</p><p>Evidence of Impact on learners (success measures) - How do we know that outcomes for learners have improved? 1 Insight data will show that literacy attainment is in line or above our virtual comparator. 2 Insight data will show that numeracy attainment is improving over time. A spreadsheet will be created showing actual attainment crosschecked against CAT predictors. This will enable us to see the impact 3 on attainment and identify successes and areas for development.</p><p>4 Insight data will show improved attainment for all learners over time.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 30 Feedback from local employers is obtained informally by the 16+ teacher every year and improvements such as universal Pathways attainment of the Customer Service Award are implemented based upon this. Data about the quantity of information contained in 5 MYWOW will also be available next session.</p><p>6 A review for our ICE strategy will demonstrate a positive and effective impact on attainment. This session, Physical and Mental health significantly affected the attainment of several pupils. The desired outcome is that the Guidance survey and feedback from families should demonstrate clearly that we are meeting pupils’ needs. Furthermore, should the 7 intervention break down, early identification and alternative strategies may be put in place more timeously and this will be evident in the UCPs. Insight data will continue to show a positive snapshot of destination information. 8 The Opportunities For All minutes will show that interventions are effective for those pupils not identified as in a destination or insight.</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 31 8. Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders eg Parent Council, Pupils, Community Partners</p><p>Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or Lead Number Priority Timescales observable responsibility Target setting for pupils will be consistent and based on sound AC Targets set data. We will then be able to target pupils who are by June underachieving. 2017. Monthly tracking 1 Leadership and There will be an improved leadership capacity in our middle AC Improveme Management managers. nts evident by June 2018</p><p>Professional learning improves the pace, challenge and quality of AMD Programme learning and teaching. in year 2 of 3 year cycle taking up to August 2019 We have robust assessment and moderation procedures in place. AMD Programme Learning Provision in year 2 of 2 3 year cycle taking up to August 2019 We use data to target specific groups of pupils to ensure they meet AMD Monthly their potential. checks</p><p>3 Successes and Our learning community has a shared understanding of rights. LL Respect Me Achievements plan implemente</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 32 d in August 2017 Staff use the wellbeing indicators in daily practice. LL Beginning August 2017 Pupils’ health and wellbeing, engagement and participation has LL Beginning improved, and we have data to show this. August 2017 Overall attainment will improve, as will outcomes in literacy and NM/LL Beginning numeracy. August 2017 The experience of our most deprived pupils will improve NM Beginning academically. August 2017 Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or Lead Number Priority Timescales observable responsibility</p><p>4 Developing in Faith</p><p>5</p><p>Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 33 Argyll and Bute Council: Community Services: Education – Annual Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan 34</p>
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