Tatura Children’s Centre Policy Manual 2021 “Tatura Children’s Centre acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live and recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and the Community. We pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging” Tatura Children’s Centre is a child safe organisation and is commited to the safety of all children and young people. We have zero tolerance for child abuse and aim to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment where all children can flourish. TABLE OF CONTENTS POLICY Page NQS Nat Law Nat Reg TCC Philosophy 6-7 7.2.1 QA 7- SERVICE MANAGEMENT 8 Background Information 9 6,7 173 Hours of operation and Services provided 10 6,7 173 Media 11-12 6,7 Governance- TCC Committee of Management 13-18 7.3 161, 174 118, 117A- Determining the Responsible person\Nominated supervisors 117C, 150 present, TCC’S Educational Leader appointment and assessment of criminal histories QA1- EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM & PRACTICE 19 168 73-76 National Quality Framework Overview- Q.I.P 20 6,7 168 73-76, 254 TCC’s Early Childhood Curriculum and Routines 21 1-7 168 73-76 QA 5- ACCESS TO CARE 22 157 Confidentiality, Privacy and Records 23-24 7.3 175 181-183 Priority of Access 25 6,7 84, 157,183 Social Justice- Inclusion, equity, reducing discrimination 26 1 Enrolment process for families 27 6.1 175 158, 161, 162, 177 Waiting List 28 6 Review of Care – Non working parents 29 6 Orientation process for families 30 6.1 QA 7- FEES- SERVICE MANAGEMENT 31 Collection of Fees 32 7.3 Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 33 7.3 Fees during absences 34 7.3 Late departure fees 35 7.3 Outstanding fees and Debt collection 36 7.3 Financial Hardship 37 7.3 QA 6- COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS WITH 38 73, 75-76, 80, FAMILIES & COMMUNITIES 86, 99, 102, 111, 157, 168, 171, 173 Acceptance and refusal of authorisations 39 2 165,167, 99,158- 170, 171 159,176, 168 Change of details 40 2 Termination of childcare place-Cease of care 41 6,7 Delivery and collection of children 42 2.2.1 99, 168 Late collection of children 43 6,7 Transition of children between rooms 44 6,7 Family Law\Custody Rights 45 2 Communication 46 5,6 Engaging TCC in our Aboriginal & Torres Straight Cultures 47 1 (RAP) Parental concerns and complaints 48 7.3 168 Not in care children- siblings and toddlers 49 6,7 QA 5- RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHILDREN AND 50 155 QA 3- PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS Interactions with children 51 5 155, 156 Inclusion Support 52-53 3,5 113-115 Indigenous, Torres Strait Islander and cultural 54 3,5 113-115 Routines and Transitions for Learning 55 1,2 Natural environments & sustainability 56 1, 3 Physical Active play, outdoor environments, learning spaces 57 2,3 103, 113,114 Animals 58 2 Revised March 2021 To be Reviewed March 2022 or as needed Page 2 POLICY Page NQS Nat Law Nat Reg Excursions and Incursions 59-61 2.2.1 167 99-102 Safe items from home 62 5,6 Safe Transportation of children for excursions 63-68 2 170,175 4(1), 102B, 102C, 102D, 168(2)(ga), 4(1),100, 101(2)(d), 102(4) Water play and safety (inc safety around water activities) 69 2.2.1 168 QA 2- CHILDREN’S SAFETY- HEALTH AND 70 77-102 WELL BEING Nutrition, food beverages, dietary requirements 71-73 2.1.3 77-80-162 Food Safety Information (storage and heating of food\drink) 74-76 2.1.3 77-84 Healthy Achievement Program- Healthy Together Victoria 77 2.1.3 77-80 Bottle Feeding 78 5.1 78 Breast Feeding and Brest milk 79 2.2 78 Dental and Oral Health Care 80-82 2.2 78 Behaviour guidance management and biting 83-85 5.1, 5.2 166 155,156 Nappy changing\Toilet training 86 2.1.2 109, 112 Sleep and rest for infants and children 87 2.1.2, 167 81 Safe comfortable sleep/rest/relaxation/SIDS 2.3.1 Asthma 88-90 2.1 167 90-92 Anaphylaxis and Allergy Management 91-104 2.1 167 90-92 Dealing with Medical conditions & management(incident, 105-106 2.1.1 174 85-87, 177- injury, trauma and illness) 2.1.2 178, 183, 90-91 QA 2- CHILDREN’S SAFETY- CHILD PROTECTION 107 Child Protection & Reportable conduct scheme 108-126 2 & 7 171, 174 84 Child Safe environment & Child Safe Standards 127-136 2 & 7 171,174 84 TCC Code of conduct 137-138 2 & 7 171, 174 84 TCC Child Safe Statement 139 2 & 7 171, 174 84 QA 2- CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND SAFETY 140 77-98 Health & Hygiene-Cleaning of toys, furniture, equipment, hand 141-143 2.3, 7.1 103-110 washing, change mats and before meal times Dangerous products 144-145 2.3, 7.1 106 Dealing with Infectious diseases and control 146-148 2.3, 7.1 4,88, 168 Coronavirus covid19 Management 149-158 2 & 7 167 HIV\AIDS and Hepatitis 160-163 2.3, 7.1 Immunisation, ‘No jab No Play’- educators and children 164 2.3, 7.1 162 Sun Protection 165-167 2.2.1 167 100,113,114, 168 Clothing, comfort and spare clothes 168 2.1, 7.1 168 Occupational health and safety 169-170 2.3, 7.1 168 Safety checks & maintenance of buildings & equipment 171-174 2.3, 7.1 168 Drugs, alcohol, illegal substances 175 2 167 60 EMERGENCY- First Aid administration, and evacuation 176-179 2.2.2 85-102 procedures regarding children, educators, students, volunteers. Debriefing on Emergencies 180 2 97-98 Visitors within the Centre 181 2 170 165 Active Supervision 182-183 2.2.1 165,167,1 101,176,166, 74162 168 Technology and Media (ipads, computers, laptops) 184-185 2 QA 4- STAFFING ARRANGEMENTS- EDUCATOR 186 169 SECTION Educator ratios 187 3 169 355-357,360, 301 Police checks| Working with children checks 188 4.2 170 358,359 Assessment, Criminal, Responsible Peron’s in Charge 189 7 169, 171 150 Revised March 2021 To be Reviewed March 2022 or as needed Page 3 POLICY Page NQS Nat Law Nat Reg Employment of Early Childhood educators. Recruitment, 190-191 4, 7 125 Induction and Orientation Code of conduct\Australian Code of ethics 192-195 4.2 168 Social Networking 196-191 7 Professional development and Appraisals 198-199 3,4. 7.2.2 136, 136 Equal opportunity and Affirmation Action 200-201 4,7 Educator and Child Mental health and wellbeing 202-204 Sexual Harassment\workplace bullying 205-207 7 Drugs, Tobacco and alcohol 208-210 2.2.1 60, 82 Internet and email 211-214 7 Professional Childcare Standards 2020 215-217 7 Workcover\Worksafe 218-220 2 Grievance and disciplinary procedures 221-223 4,7 Educator concerns and complaints 224-225 7 174 Work experience\Volunteers|Students 226 4.2 120-149 Educators with children in care 227 7 QA 7- OFFICE- LEADERSHIP & SERVICE 228 MANAGEMENT Centre expenditure policy 229-230 7 Facebook (TCC page and personal) 231-233 7 Early Childhood Abbreviations 234 7 Policy review system (Lists all policies which have been 235-237 7 168, 172 either review or have been added. Also includes hand written notes on policies currently in consoltation stage All TCC Policices highlighted are as per the National Regulations All TCC Policies highlighted are as per National law Act Revised March 2021 To be Reviewed March 2022 or as needed Page 4 TCC PHILOSOPHY Revised March 2021 To be Reviewed March 2022 or as needed Page 5 Our Vision “High quality care in an educational play based environment” Our Mission: To ensure education, care, curriculum, practice and decision making at the Tatura Children’s Centre reflects the following fundamentals: • Reggio Emilia- Inspirations, Practices and Principles • The National & Victorian Early Years Frameworks- Practices, Principles and Outcomes • Education and Care Services National Regulations and National Law We implement an emergent curriculum and provide exceeding quality programs for children from birth through to six years of age. We acknowledge the important role the educators, family, children, environment and Community plays in our service. We are always striving to improve to ultimately facilitate a high standard of early childhood education and care for our Community. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and we pay our respects to the elders, past, present and emerging by embedding Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander practices, policies and activities within TCC. The below principles are used to guide our programs and curriculums. Emergent curriculum & Project work: An emergent curriculum is one that builds upon the interests of children. Topics for learning experiences are captured from conversations with children, through community, or family events, as well as the known age appropriate interests of children. We view all children as competent, resourceful individuals who are encouraged to direct their own learning. Projects are the emergent, ideas and interests which arise from the children. Projects may last one week or may continue throughout the year. Throughout a project, educators help children make decisions about materials needed and the direction of the experience. Through our emergent curriculum children are learning what they want to learn with the help of their parents, educators and community. Collaboration: Collaborative group work, both large and small, is considered valuable and necessary to advance cognitive development. Children are encouraged to talk, compare, negotiate, hypothesize and problem solve through group work. Within the Reggio Emilia approach, different approaches toward the same investigation are all valued, and thus children are given access to many tools and media to express themselves.
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