I. Eligibility for Athletic Participation

I. Eligibility for Athletic Participation

<p> POLICIES AND PROCEDURES</p><p>I. ELIGIBILITY FOR ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION</p><p>A. All students participating in intercollegiate athletics should download the forms necessary for obtaining a physical examination at Brevard College. The Assumption of Risk, Medical History, Medical Treatment Authorization, New Athlete Letter, Parental Permission to Treat, Sickle Cell Trait Information, Health Insurance Information forms and enlarged copy of primary insurance cards (front and back), must be received by the Brevard College Athletic Training Staff prior to each student-athlete being approved for a physical examination. These forms must be submitted by June 1.</p><p>B. All first-time student athletes and transfer student athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics must have a physical examination performed by or approved by a Brevard College team physician (s) before being permitted to participate in any athletically related activities on an individual or team basis. (Practice, weight training, conditioning, etc.)</p><p>C. All first year student-athletes who have sustained any injuries five years prior to being a team candidate are required to report these injuries to the Athletic Training Staff and team physician (s). ANY MEDICAL RECORDS FOR INJURIES SUSTAINED IN THE PREVIOUS FIVE YEARS MUST BE PROVIDED.</p><p>D. The team physician(s) may re-examine and change the student athlete’s status at any time.</p><p>E. Returning student-athletes participating in intercollegiate athletics must have an updated medical history examined by the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer before being permitted to participate in any athletically related activities on an individual or team basis. (Practice, weight training, condition, etc.)</p><p> i. Returning student-athletes who have had any infectious diseases, other serious illnesses, injuries, or surgery during the previous calendar year must report these problems to the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer and team physician (s) prior to participation to determine the need for a pre-participation physical.</p><p>F. Failure to report such injuries or illnesses relieves Brevard College of all liability, in the event that the student-athlete sustains a subsequent injury or re-injury to the </p><p>1 affected part, provided the original injury was a contributing factor to the subsequent injury in the opinion of the team physician (s).</p><p>G. A pregnancy policy has been established for the protection of women student- athletes. Please refer to the Athletic Training portion of the BC Tornados website to view this policy. You may also contact the BC Athletic Training department for a copy of the policy.</p><p>H. Loss of any paired organ (i.e.: kidney, testicle, etc.) shall disqualify one from participating in any intercollegiate team sponsored by the Brevard College Athletic Department unless the team physician (s) deems otherwise and so states with what sports the student-athlete may participate.</p><p>I. A schedule for physical examinations for all student-athletes will be provided to the head coach of each sport. This provides more than adequate notice. If the student- athlete fails to attend this scheduled physical examination a make-up examination must be arranged by the student athlete through the Athletic Training Staff. This rescheduling is the responsibility of the student-athlete and must be completed before athletic participation. The student-athlete assumes the financial responsibility for payment of this make-up physical examination.</p><p> i. Acceptable cancellation of original scheduled physical examinations will be considered if the Athletic Training Staff is contacted a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled exam.</p><p>J. Subsequent late starters or walk-ons, who report after the scheduled exam dates, will be responsible for scheduling their pre-participation physical with the Athletic Training Staff on a priority basis as determined by the Head Athletic Trainer.</p><p>K. Prospective student-athletes who are invited to tryout with a Brevard College athletic team must provide a physical examination completed in the previous 6 months. Final approval for a tryout must be obtained from the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer based on the prospective student-athlete’s physical examination.</p><p>II. LIABILITY</p><p>The Brevard College’s liability for medical expenses resulting injuries and illness for student-athletes is contingent on adherence to the following guidelines.</p><p>A. INJURIES OR ILLNESS: The student-athlete is responsible for reporting all athletic injuries or illnesses associated with the practice, competition or athletically related activity as soon as possible to a Brevard College Certified Athletic Trainer. The Certified Athletic Trainer will bring these problems to the attention of other medical care providers as necessary and proper authorizations for referrals will be completed. Initial medical treatment must be within 90 days of the date of the accident.</p><p>B. In the event of an injury or illness occurring as the result of an athletic injury, the athlete may transported and/or treated by local medical care facilities and necessary medical attention dispensed. BREVARD COLLEGE IS NOT FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE for any medical expense incurred, but Brevard College will file </p><p>2 with their secondary insurance carrier after the student-athlete’s primary insurance has been processed.</p><p>C. TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION: The athletic training room hours will be posted with each sport season. Appointments are available when arranged in advance as well. Treatments will be available to all student-athletes; however, the in-season student-athletes will have priority for treatment. Failure of an injured student-athlete to keep treatment and/or rehabilitation appointments will be interpreted as his/her unwillingness to cooperate with little desire to return to early athletic competition. The coach will be informed of a student-athlete that fails to keep scheduled appointments. There will be no treatments and/or rehabilitations during home athletic events.</p><p>D. REFERRAL FOR CONSULTATION: If, in the opinion of the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer, a student-athlete should be referred to the team physician (s) or another medical specialist for consultation due to an athletic injury, the following procedures must be followed: i. The supervising Certified Athletic Trainer will make an appointment with the consultant.</p><p> ii. The supervising Certified Athletic Trainer will complete a referral form.</p><p> iii. This referral from must be completed by the consultant and returned to the athletic training room by the student-athlete.</p><p> iv. The supervising Certified Athletic Trainer will make arrangements for transportation if personal transportation is not available.</p><p>E. REFERRAL FOR MAJOR INJURIES OR ILLNESS: If the team physician is of the opinion that a student-athlete should be referred for possible surgery due to an athletic injury, the following will occur: i. The team physician or attending physician will contact the student- athlete’s parents, guardian, and/or spouse and discuss the medical problem and make recommendations with proper authorization. ii. If the team physician or attending physician is not available, the parent/guardian, and/or spouse will be contacted by the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer, who will discuss the case. He/she will inform them that team physician or attending physician will contact them as soon as possible.</p><p> iii. All follow-up medical care will be carried out under the direction of the team physician (s) or the physician of their choice.</p><p>NOTE: BREVARD COLLEGE IS NOT FINANICALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MEDICAL EXPENSES BUT WILL DISCUSS THE SECONDARY INSURANCE POLICY WITH THE INVOLVED PARTIES IF NECESSARY. Brevard College’s insurance policy is an EXCESS policy with certain limitations.</p><p>F. PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: Brevard College and Brevard College’s insurance carrier will not be financially responsible for any injuries or illness 3 sustained prior to a student-athlete’s release for participation on any intercollegiate team.</p><p>G. OUT-OF-SEASON: Brevard College and Brevard College’s insurance carrier will not be financially responsible for injuries or illness when the student-athlete is not actively engaged in a formal, official practice, game or athletically related activity during a competitive season. Official dates of in-season practice are controlled by the N.C.A.A. and are available from the head coach of your sport. Charges as the result of injury or illness from a non-athletic related activity must be incurred by the student-athlete.</p><p>H. HEALTH SERVICE CHARGES: Charges incurred by the student-athletes as a result of in-season athletic injuries will be filed with Brevard College’s insurance carrier after the student-athlete’s primary insurance is applied. Expenses associated with other injuries and all general illnesses (medication, laboratory work, etc.) are the responsibility of the student-athlete and his/her parents or guardians.</p><p>I. OUTSIDE CONSULATIONS: If the student-athlete and/or parents/guardian, and/or spouse prefer to seek other medical care of their choice, the following guidelines are in effect. The Athletic Department will: i. Assume no financial responsibility for any expenses incurred.</p><p> ii. Not render any follow up medical care.</p><p> iii. Not allow the student-athlete to participate until the following conditions have been met:</p><p>1. Receive a detailed written report and other required medical records from the attending physician (s). This must include a written release for practice and/or competition within the student-athlete’s specific sport.</p><p>2. The student-athlete demonstrates full skills and abilities necessary to compete in their selected sport.</p><p>3. THE STUDENT-ATHLETE IS EXAMINED AND CLEARED FOR FULL PARTICIPATION BY A BREVARD COLLEGE TEAM PHYSICIAN (S).</p><p> iv. The guidelines above are in effect for any student-athlete who seeks medical care for an off-season, non-athletic injury as well. III.AUTHORIZATION FOR MEDICAL SERVICES</p><p>A. PARENTAL INSURANCE INFORMATION: A Student Athlete Health Insurance Information form must be downloaded for completion by the student-athlete and his/her parents/guardian. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO THE ATHLETIC TRAINING STAFF BEFORE YOUR SON/DAUGHTER WILL BE CLEARED FOR ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION. Please provide all the information requested; a partially completed form will not be accepted.</p><p>4 B. HOSPITALIZATION AND MEDICAL PAYMENT POLICY: Brevard College policy requires that the student-athlete possess coverage by a family or personal medical policy and to utilize such insurance to make primary payment of all hospital and medical expenses. Any remaining balances after an applicable insurance policy will be submitted to secondary insurance by the Athletic Training Staff. This applies only to athletic related injuries. </p><p>C. ATHLETIC INJURY CLAIM FOLLOWING PROCEDURE</p><p>1. The student-athlete must report an accident or injury to the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer as soon as possible.</p><p>2. The student-athlete will complete Part 1 of the claim form obtained from the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer.</p><p>3. The supervising Certified Athletic Trainer will complete the remaining portions of the claim form and submit the completed form to NAHGA claims services.</p><p>4. The student-athlete will bring all medical bills and Explanation of Benefits (EOB’s) to the supervising Certified Athletic Trainer to submit.</p><p>5. Once a claim is submitted, NAHGA will communicate with the student-athlete through their permanent home address indicating what information they have received and what information is still needed. All documentation must be brought to the Athletic Training Room as soon as possible.</p><p>6. Brevard College is not financially responsible for any medical expenses. The insurance process is often timely; therefore if the threat of bills going to a collection agency is present, it is recommended that you pay the bills and wait for a re-imbursement so that the credit of the student- athlete and/or their parents/guardian is not adversely affected. D. DISCONTINUED COMPETITION, EXHAUSTION OF ELIGIBILITY, OR GRADUATION: Arrangements for the care of injuries requiring medical attention following the student-athlete’s discontinuation of competition, completion of eligibility, or graduation must be made prior to the occurrence of the above mentioned events. Authorization is obtained by procuring a referral form authorizing the necessary medical care from the Athletic Training Staff. The Post Participation Physical Form must be completed within fourteen days of the above events.</p><p>E. DEFERRED MEDICAL CARE: Arrangements for medical care which has been postponed for whatever reason (academic conflict, surgery schedule, etc.) must be made within two weeks of the completion of the student-athlete’s competitive season. The Post Participation Physical Form must be completed within two weeks following the completion of the NCAA competitive season.</p><p>5 F. EMERGENCIES: In instances of emergency where a member of the Brevard College Athletic Training Staff cannot be contacted, the student-athlete should make an attempt to contact one of the coaches of their specific sport or the Director of Athletics. If the injury is not life threatening and the student-athlete is ambulatory he/she should report to the Athletic Training Room as early as possible the following day.</p><p> i. If the injury is increasing in severity or becomes life threatening, the student-athlete should report to the Emergency Room of Transylvania Community Hospital and contact a Certified Athletic Trainer or one of the staff members listed above as soon as possible.</p><p>IV. PRACTICE OR GAMES PARTICIPATION</p><p>A. Decisions of the availability of a student-athlete for practice or game competition shall be the responsibility of the team physician (s) and/or supervising Certified Athletic Trainer.</p><p>V. ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES</p><p>A. Student-athletes are permitted all available services provided by the Athletic Training Staff as long as the student-athlete adheres to the above athletic injury and medical policy and remains a member in good standing of a Brevard College intercollegiate athletic team. Athletic Training services cease upon the exhaustion of intercollegiate eligibility by each student-athlete, unless continuing care of an existing injury is needed. VI. BREVARD COLLEGE ATHLETIC TRAINING FORMS A. Assumption of Risk B. Medical History Form C. Medical Treatment Authorization D. Parental Permission to Treat Minors E. Sickle Cell Trait Information F. Student Athlete Health Insurance Information </p><p>6 BREVARD COLLEGE SECONDARY INSURANCE POLICY The purpose of this letter is to clarify the current policy regarding insurance coverage for student-athletes at Brevard College. All students must have primary medical insurance and/or be covered under their parents’/guardians’ policy. All students are required to provide proof of primary insurance. Tuition for full time students includes a secondary student coverage which will coordinate coverage with your personal primary plan. Proof of primary coverage is required of all students. (Brevard College Catalog 2007-2008, p. 18)</p><p>Please complete fully the Student Athlete Health Insurance Information Form and return it to the Athletic Training Department. This form must be on file with the Athletic Training Department PRIOR to your son or daughter’s first team function. NO athlete is eligible to participate in any intercollegiate athletic activity until this form is completed and returned to us. It is also REQUIRED that a photocopy of your primary insurance card be attached to the form (front and back side of the card). Failure to complete this requirement will make all medical bills your financial responsibility. We have information available on a variety of primary insurance plans and will be glad to assist you with this information upon request if you need to purchase primary insurance.</p><p>BREVARD COLLEGE SECONDARY INSURANCE POLICY QUICK FACTS</p><p>- This is an EXCESS plan. This means that any other valid and collectible insurance coverage must consider charges before this plan. The parents/students are financially responsible until such time as the claim is determined to be eligible under the terms and conditions of the policy. - The Athletic Accident and Athletic Related Conditions Expense benefits provide coverage for all student athletes participating in a Covered Event. A Covered Event only includes intercollegiate sport activities that are scheduled, supervised and sponsored by Brevard College. It does NOT include independent or off season conditioning or intramurals. - Claim Forms must be submitted within 180 days from the date of injury or they will be denied. Bills and Explanation of Benefits must be submitted within 12 months from the date of service or they will be denied. - All bills and Explanation of Benefits must be submitted to the Athletic Training Department to ensure proper claim handling. - Injuries must be reported to the Athletic Training Staff at the time of accident or onset of symptoms. - Initial medical treatment must occur with 90 days of the injury date. - The student athlete has 24 months from the date of injury to receive medical treatment. Benefits expire after 24 months. - Injuries resulting to NATURAL teeth are covered under this plan for natural teeth only. - If a student is covered by an HMO, PPO or similar arrangement they must obtain pre-authorization or a referral form from their managed care provider, except in cases of a true emergency where treatment is required within 24 hours. - If you have any other questions or concerns please contact the Athletic Training Department at (828) 884-8316 or (828) 884-8272.</p><p>7 Brevard College Athletic Training Room Rules</p><p>1) You MUST sign in every time you come in for treatment and rehab 2) No Cleats or Dirty Clothing 3) No Electronics (i.e.- cell phones, MP3 players) 4) If possible change clothes and shower before coming in 5) No Food or Drink at any time 6) Put things back where you found them 7) Nothing leaves the training room without the permission of an ATC 8) This is a medical facility, if you wouldn’t do it in a doctor’s office, don’t do it here 9) You are responsible for any equipment that is lent to you, loss or damage to such equipment will be your financial responsibility 10) Shirts and shorts are required at all times 11) Profanity will not be tolerated 12) You MUST see an ATC before going to see a doctor, there is a form you have to take with you 13) NO TOBACCO 14) We expect respect, give it and you will get it back 15) No self treatments 16) It is the athlete’s responsibility to report injuries and illnesses as soon as they occur</p><p>Athletic Training Room hours are posted. There are no treatment/rehabilitations during home events. In-season athletes have priority during afternoon hours.</p><p>8</p>

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