
<p> A STUDY TO ASSESS DISTRESS, WELLNESS AND ORGANISTIONAL ROLE STRESS AMONG MBA TRAINEES IN SELECTED COLLEGES IN BANGALORE”</p><p>PROFORMA FOR REGISTRATION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION</p><p>ARUNA RAJ PSYCHIATRIC NURSING</p><p>KTG COLLEGE OF NURSING BANGALORE, KARNATAKA.</p><p>RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES BANGALORE, KARNATAKA. PROFORMA FOR REGISTRAION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION</p><p>1 1 NAME OF CANDIDATE MS. ARUNA RAJ AND ADDRESS M.SC. NURSING 1ST YEAR KTG COLLEGE OF NURSING, HEGGANAHALLI, BANGALORE 2 NAME OF THE KTG COLLEGE OF NURSING, INSTITUTION HEGGANAHALLI, BANGALORE.</p><p>3 COURSE OF STUDY AND M.SC. NURSING 1ST YEAR, SUBJECT PSYCHIATRIC NURSING</p><p>4 DATE OF ADMISSION TO COURSE </p><p>5 TITLE OF THE TOPIC “ A STUDY TO ASSESS THE DISTRESS , WELLNESS AND ORGANISATIONAL ROLE STRESS AMONG MBA TRAINEES IN SELECTED COLLEGES IN BANGALORE”</p><p>6. BRIEF RESUME OF THE INTENDED WORK Introduction The word stress is derived from the latin word “stringere”, meaning to draw tight. Different situation & circumstances in our personal life & in our job produce stress. From the view point of physical science the phenomenal of stress are evident in all materials when they are subject to “force, pressure, strain or strong front”. Every material steel rock or wood has its own limit upto which it can withstand stress without being damaged. Similarly human being can tolerate certain level of stress. Stress is highly individualistic in nature. Some people have high level of stress tolerance for stress & thrive very well in the face of several</p><p>2 stress in the environment. In fact some individual will not perform well unless they experience a level of stress which activates & energizes them to put forth their best result.1 For every individual there is an optimum level of stress under which he or she will perform to full capacity. If the stress experience is below the optimum level, the individual gets bored, the motivational level of work reaches a low point & it result to. Careless mistakes, forgetting to do things, & thinking of things other than work, during the work hours & also lead to absenteeism which may ultimately lead to turnover. If on the other hand, stress experience is above the optimum level, it leads to too many conflicts with the supervisor or leads to increase of error, bad decisions & the individual may experience insomnia, stomach problems & psychosomatic illness. The present world is fast changing & there are lots of pressures and demands at work stress refers to the individual reaction to the disturbing factors in the environment. 1 Workplace stress is harmful physical & emotional response that occurs, When there is poor match between the job demands & the capabilities, resoures, or need of the workers. Stress is a prevalent & costly problem in today’s work place. About one third of the trainees report high level of stress. Evidences also suggest that stress is the major turnover in organisations.2 Stress related disorder encompress a broad array of conditions including psychological disorders (eg. Depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder) and other type of emotional strains (eg. Dissatisfaction, fatigue, tension etc.) maladaptive behaviors. (eg. Aggression, substance abuse) and cognitive impairment (eg. Concentration & memory problem). In turn these condition may lead to poor work performance or even injury. Job stress is also associated with various biological reaction that may lead ultimately to compromise health such as cardio vascular diseases or in extreme cases death.3 Although importance of individual difference cannot be ignored, scientific evidences suggest that certain working conditions are stressful to most of people such evidences argues for a greater emphasis on working conditions as the key source of job stress & for job redesigning as a primary prevention strategy. 1 Researches & social commentators have pointed out that computers & communication revolutions have made companies more efficient & productive</p><p>3 than ever before. This boon in the productivity however, has caused, higher expectations & greater competitions putting more stress on the trainees. 1 </p><p>6.1 NEEDS OF STUDY Job or occupational stress is something we all face as trainees and we all handle it differently. It is a mismatch between the individual capabilities and organisational demands. Also it is the mismatch between the expectations of both Individual and organisation stress not only affects physical, psychological & financial balances of a trainee but also organization well. Desired results cannot be expected from trainee who are burnt out, exhausted or stressed. As they loose their energy, occuracy & innovative thinking. By this, organisation may loose more working days there by a decrease in productivity & increase in cost of company. By vertue, some jobs are highly stressful like army, police and fire services etc. Some are relatively moderate viz service sector & health care industry etc. In the present days scenario, MBA & BPO companies jobs are termed as more competitive & stressful. The national institute for occupational safety & health (NIOSH), part of the us Department of Health & Human services, pose a threat to the health of workers and the health of organisations.4 Pre Occupation with tight work schedules offering time bound business solutions to varied and complex problems within deadlines etc are a typical work life characteristic of trainees. Enhansing the strength of individual internal resources such as hardiness & self esteem are assumed to act a buffer while</p><p>4 encountering any stressful event in training period. Unreasonable job demands with tight dead lines, fear of making mistakes, undue blame, lack of participation in decision affecting their work, difficulty in getting adjusted to team work are the some common stressor among MBA trainees. The aspect of internal competencies that were found to have a significant influence on psychological health are (a) the ability to manage emotion & cope with stress, (b) the drive to accomplish personal goals in order to actualize one’s inner potential & lead to a more meaningful life and (c) the ability to verify feelings & thinking. 5 Stress, in essence, is a feeling of doubt about being able to cope, a perception that the resources available do not match the demands made. When it persists, stress can cause physical & psychological ill health and adversely affect social functioning. Job stress has become a common & costly problem, leaving few workers untouched. Not all stress is bad, learning how to deal with & manage stress is critical to maximizing job performance, staying safe on the job, and maintaining physical & mental health. Survey of the literature on job stress reveals that there are a number of factors related to job, which affect the behavior of the trainees and as a result of it, normal life is disturbed. 4 </p><p>5 6.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dohrenwend B.P. conducted a study on role of adversity & stress in psychopathology in 2000. According to him environmental adversity is important in the occurrence of not only of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but also of other type of psychopathology, including major depression, alcoholism, substance use disorders, antisocial personality disorder and no specific disorder stress. Dohernewend developed a basic proposition that the likeliness of onset of the above types of disorder increases with two factors (i) the proportion of the individual’s usual activities in which uncontrollable negative changes takes place following a major negative event; and (ii) how central the uncontrollable negative changes are to the individual important goals and values. 6 Robinson M.D. conducted study on reactive & prospective functions of mood: its role in linking daily experiences & cognitive well being in 2000. According to him daily life events influence the affective and cognitive components of well being (WB). Results from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of undergraduates showed that life events are closely related to mood states, mood states are closely related to cognitive wellness. And mood states appear to serves as the nexus through which changing life circumstances affect cognitive wellness. These results are consistent with mood mediation model, which assumes that mood states serves as a reactive index, and proves a hedonic summary of recent life experience. The role of available internal and environmental resources has also been considered. However, specific studies on organizational role stress with special emphasis on MBA professionals are rare. 7 Stroke & kite Conducted a study on stress cognition & human performance in 2001. According to them there are no psychological stressors in any absolute, objective sense. Specifically any pattern encountered elicits a prepared physiological responds. According to them stress is an agent, circumstance situation or variable that disturbs the normal functioning of the individual. Specifically they concluded that each individual has response component within a</p><p>6 greater somatovirtual response. Organistion that directs resource allocation based on the situational circumstances. 8 C. Mimura, & Dr. P. Griffiths Conducted study on the effectiveness of current approach to workplace stress management in 2002. According to them effectiveness of current approaches to working place stress management for professional was assessed through systematic review seven randomized trials & there prospective cohort studies assessing the effectiveness of stress management programmes were identified & reviewed. The quality of research identified was weak. There is more evidence for the effectiveness of programme based on providing personal support than environmental management to reduce stressors. 9 Anthony D Lamontagne & Amber M Louie had Conducted a study on workplace stress in professional in 2003. According to them worklod, leadership management style, professional conflict have been the main source of distress. Lack of reward & shift working may also now been displace some of the other issues in order of ranking. Individual must be supported better but this is hindered by lack of understanding of how sources of stress very between different practice areas, lack of predictive power of assessment tools and a lack of understanding of how personal &workplace factor interact. Stress intervention measures should focus on stress prevention for individuals as well as tackling organizational issues. 10</p><p>Kristana Gyllensten & Stephen Palmes Conducted study on Role of Gender in workplace stress in 2005. According to them the stressors include multiple roles, lack of career progress & discrimination of stereotyping. The aim of this review was to evaluate the research relating to the role of gender in the level of workplace stress. A further aim was to review literature relating to the stressor of particulars relevance to working women. The results were indicating that the women reported higher level of stressor than the men. The current review indicating that the evidence regarding the role of gender in workplace stress & stressors inconsistent. 11</p><p>Miller, Greyling, Cooper Lu, Sparks & Specton Conducted study on occupational stress in 2005. A cross cultural study of occupational stress including participants from south Africa, UK, USA & Taiwan. The participants consisted of 822 manager and date was collected using the OSI-2 considering the sample or a whole it was found that there were differences in strains with females</p><p>7 experiencing significantly lower level of psychological & physical wellbeing compared to man. The author point out that the limitation of finding is that they come from the combination of four different data sets. As almost no difference between men & women were found on work stressors. The authors concluded that the research did not find support for gender difference in occupational stress. 12 Spielberges & Reheiser Conducted study on Role of Gender in workplace stress in 2005. In this 1781 working adult were taken for measuring gender differences in occupational stress using the job stress survey (JSS) in American University & corporate settings. The JSS is a reliable measure of stress & it is a useful tool to measure occupational stress as it investigate both the perceived severity & the frequency of the thirty stressor. The number of men & women were relatively equal, although almost twice as many males were in the higher occupational group. It was found that there were no significant differences in the overall stress levels for the two gender, although occupational level was highly significant with managerial professional participants reporting more frequency of the stressors compared to clerical or maintenance workers. 13 Nowier Mohanmed Al-Anzi Conducted study on workplace environment & its impact on employee performance in 2009. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between personality work environment performances & the outcome variables performance & commitment. Also to discuss the key factors in employee’s workplace environment that impact gently on their level of motivation & performance. Also to asses the effect of employee health on their work performance. The research design is a basic research & it is field survey through self administered questionnaires. Primary data are collected through survey. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze the data. Content analysis procedures are used to determine relationship between subjects answers. Total 200 employees from 7 department are selected. Research finding support the existence of an important link between a good physical working environment & the performance of a company. Thus the quality of a working environment has a strong influence on the productivity& profitability. 14 Srivastav & Avinash Kumar has Conducted a study on job stress & stress management in 2010. According to them the nature of role of stress has been investigated. It is revealed that role stress experienced in the company under study is not homogenous, but heterogenous. With the exception of role erosion, prominent role stressors are not uniform throughout the company, they vary across </p><p>8 the groups. Since each role stressors result from specific kind of problem encountered by the role occupant during the course of his or her role performance. The findings of this study are of strategic importance as they can lead to formulation of a contingency model for enhancing organizational performance & effectiveness. 15</p><p>6.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT “A study to assess the distress, wellness and organization role stress among MBA Trainees Of Selected Colleges in Bangalore. 6.4 OBJECTIVES </p><p>1. To identify the strategies that can be employed to manage work related stress. </p><p>2. To determine the various factors influencing stress among the MBA professional in Karnataka. </p><p>9 3. To find the organizational coping strategies that are adopted by the MBA professionals. 6.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS DISTRESS:- The condition of being in need of immediate assistance WELLNESS:- A state of acceptance or satisfaction with our present condition. </p><p> ORGANISATIONAL ROLE STRESS:- It refers to the conflict & tension due to the roles being enacted by a person at any organization at any given point of time. TRAINEES :-Someone who is being trained</p><p>6.6 ASSUMPTIONS</p><p>1. Various factor like distress, wellness & organisational Role stress will affects the managerial qualities of MBA professionals </p><p>2. Personal & professional stressor will exert cumulative effect on the individual. </p><p>6.7 6.7 HYPOTHESIS:- </p><p>H1 – There would be significant positive relationship of subjectively experience distress and organizational role stress and significant negative relationship of wellness with distress and organisational role stress among MBA Trainees.</p><p>H2- The subjectively experienced distress, wellness and organizational Role stress among MBA Trainees would differ significantly between the male and females. 6.8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research approach:- </p><p>10 Quantitative research approach. Research study design:- Non-experimental descriptive design. Research Variables:- Independent variable- Distress, wellness and organizational role stress Dependent Variable- Trainees.</p><p> Research Setting:- Selected Colleges of Bangalore</p><p> Inclusion criteria:- MBA Tainees belonging to the various Colleges of Karnataka are taken. Trainees who are under stress were taken Trainees who are willing to participate. Trainees above 25 years of age. </p><p> Exclusion criteria:- Trainees with hearing, visual & speech defect. Trainees with other psychiatric illness. </p><p> Population:- All Trainees in selected Colleges of Bangalore. Sample:- </p><p>101 MBA Trainees including 60 men & 41 women.</p><p> Sampling technique:- Purposive sampling technique.</p><p>11 7. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION Data Collection tools:- General Health questionnaire to assess the stress level in professional </p><p> Selection of tools:- Tool was developed by the researchers under the guidance of guide & experts after deep study & review of journals, articles, books & internet search. Questions were formulated to assess the stress level. Description of tools:- There are different versions of GHQ scales are available. GHQ-12, GHQ-20, GHQ-28,GHQ-30. In this study GHQ-28 is used to assess the stress level. Scoring:- Questionnaire was formed on GHQ 28 scale in which 28 questions will be asked & one point will be given for each question higher score indicate a greater probability of psychiatric distress. Total score that exceeds four out of 28 suggest probable distress. Validity of tools:- </p><p>The content validity of the tool is established in consultation with guide and experts from the field of psychiatric nursing and biostatics. </p><p> Data Collection procedure:- A formal permission was taken from the Principals of Colleges in Bangalore. Total 101 subjects were selected for the study as per the criteria of selection. Explanation was given regarding the study to the people under</p><p>12 study. Informed consent was taken. Then, Close- ended questionnaire was distributed & collected after 10-15 minutes .The duration of study was six weeks. </p><p> Ethical issues:- Informed consent from all subjects was taken. Confidentiality of the information of subjects was maintained. </p><p> Try out:- The data collection procedure was tried out on 101 subjects & data collection procedure was found feasible. Plan for data analysis:- Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for analysis of data. Descriptive analysis presented as percentage, frequency and mean. Inferential analysis presented as correlation coefficient. </p><p>13</p><p>8. ETHICAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE</p><p>(Under Ethical Clearance Committee) We are hereby granting the permission to Ms. Aruna Raj 1st year M.Sc. (N) KTG College of Nursing, Bangalore “To conduct the study on Various MBA Trainees working in Selected Colleges in Bangalore. She has selected the topic- “A study to assess the distress, wellness & organisational role stress among MBA Trainees”.</p><p>FURTHER SHE IS INFORMED ABOUT THE FOLLOWING:-</p><p>1. She should not disturb the trainees at their working time. </p><p>2. She should not harm the study subjects during the course of data collection or intervention. </p><p>3. Informed consent should be obtained from the study subjects. </p><p>4. She should maintain the confidentiality & anonymity of the subjects & information gathered. </p><p>9. REFERENCES</p><p>1. A study on stress management-Document transcript (www.slidershare.net/arunspeaker)</p><p>2. abcdefgh NIOSH (1999) stress at work. US National Institute for occupational Safety & health. DHHS Publication No. 99-101</p><p>14 (en.wikipedia.org)</p><p>3. “NIOSH Work organization & stress Related Disorder. US National Institute for occupational safety & health. Retrieved 2007 (en.wikipedia.org)</p><p>4. R. Lakshminarayan A study on “an overview of strategic planning to combat job stress”. International journal of Research in commerce & management. 2005 (http://www.iitk.ac.in/)</p><p>5. S.Subramanian & M. Vinoth kumar A study on “Hardiness Personality, self esteem & job stress among MBA professional.” Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology). (October 2009, volume-35 special Issue, 48-56) (medind.nic.in)</p><p>6. .Dohrenwen, B.P. The role of Adversity & stress in psychopathology some evidence & its implications for theory & research. Journal of health & social Behavior. (2000).</p><p>7. RobinsonMD.The reactive &Prospective functions of mood its role in linking daily experience & cognitive wellbeing.Cognition & emotion(2000) </p><p>8. Stroke & kite “A study on stress, Cognition & human performance ,A litratue review & Conceptual frame work (2001) </p><p>9. . P. Griffiths & C.Mimura “ A study of The effectiveness of current approach to workplace stress management”. An evidence based literature review.</p><p>15 (Volume-60,Issue-1,2002.) (oem.bmj.com)</p><p>10. Anthony D. Lamontagne & Amber M louie “A study on workplace stress in professional. A literature review. 2003 (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.) </p><p>11. Kristania Gyllensten & Stephen Palmer “A Study on Role of Gender in workplace stress “.A critical literature review(2005) ) (http://www.choixdecarriere.com/ 12.Miller, Greyling, Cooper. Lu, Sparks & Specton. A study on “Occupational Stress” (2005) (http://www.choixdecarriere.com/)</p><p>13. Spielberges & Reheiser. A study on “Role of Gender in workplace stress”. A critical Literature review. (2005) (http://www.choixdecarriere.com/)</p><p>14.Nowier Mohanmed Al-Anzi A study on “workplace Environment & its impact on employee performance”. (2009) (http://www.masterstudies.net/)</p><p>15.Srivastav, Avinash Kumar “A study on Job stress Analysis & stress management Analysis.” (Issue-June 2010, Volume-18, Date 06/01/2010.) (medind.nic.in) 10. Signature of Candidate :</p><p>11. Remarks of the Guide :</p><p>12. Name & Designation of : 12.1 Guide :</p><p>16 12.2 Signature :</p><p>12.3 Co-Guide (if any) :</p><p>12.4 Signature :</p><p>12.5 Head of Department :</p><p>12.6 Signature :</p><p>13.1 Remarks of the Principal :</p><p>13.2 Signature :</p><p>17</p>
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