WJEC GCSE Design and Technology (Food)

WJEC GCSE Design and Technology (Food)

<p>WJEC GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition 2014 linear specification English centres are required to follow the Linear specification. Welsh centres can choose between the Linear and Unitised specifications. The content of the Unitised and Linear specifications are exactly the same.</p><p>1: Nutrition, Diet and Health Throughout Life Candidates should be able to: Link to Food – a fact of life and BNF resources: Dietary Guidelines and Food Choice Energy and nutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=0&siteId=19&sectionId=75 Identify and understand current dietary guidelines as set by Diet and health: government targets. Investigate and explore eating patterns http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=75&siteId=19&sectionId=81 and analyse the implications of present day eating trends on A healthy varied diet: health – fast food, cook-chill food, ready meals, convenience http://nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/healthyeating/a-healthy-varied-diet foods and prepared of partially prepared, e.g. stir fry packs. Nutrients: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/nutrients Nutrients Nutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=240 Identify the micro and macro nutrients and state their sources, Interactive activity – macronutrients: functions and the implications of dietary deficiency or excess on http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? health. siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=249 Interactive activity – micronutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=248 Videos – macronutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/VideoActivity.aspx? siteId=20&sectionId=84&contentId=507 Nutrients: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/nutrients What are nutrients? http://nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/basics/what-are-nutrients Terminology Nutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=240 Understand current nutritional terminology – EARs, RNIs, DRVs. Interactive activity – macronutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=249 Interactive activity – micronutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=248 1 Videos – macronutrients: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/VideoActivity.aspx? siteId=20&sectionId=84&contentId=507 Nutrients: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/nutrients What are nutrients? http://nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/basics/what-are-nutrients Energy Balance Energy: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=239 Understand how energy is measured and consider value of Interactive activity – energy foundation: foods and evaluate food in relation to energy content and http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? individual needs. siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=250 Interactive activity – energy extension: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? siteId=19&sectionId=75&contentId=251 Energy and energy balance: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/energy Nutritional Needs of Individuals Diet and health: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=75&siteId=19&sectionId=81 Understand the relationship between diet and health A healthy varied diet: (i) demonstrate knowledge of present day diet related illnesses http://nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/healthyeating/a-healthy-varied-diet – coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, diverticulitis, obesity Nutrition through life: and dental caries http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/life (ii) apply knowledge of nutritional requirements of different Healthy eating for vegetarians and vegans: groups within a multi-cultural society – age and gender, http://nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/healthyeating/vegan-and-vegetarian pregnant women, vegetarians, low income and those with Risk of disease: eating disorders http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/disease (iii) recognise that special diets exist – coeliacs, lactose Food allergy and intolerance: intolerance, anaemia http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/allergy</p><p>Apply and demonstrate nutritional understanding to develop and produce suitable food items for an intended purpose. Food commodities Functional properties of food: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=306 Understand the role of food commodities, use, apply and Interactive activity - Functional properties of food: demonstrate nutritional understanding to develop and produce http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? suitable food items for an intended purpose. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=310 mywellbeing: 2 Use, where opportunities exist, ICT, to gather, collate and http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=83&siteId=19&sectionId=102 interpret relevant nutritional data which can be used for Explore food: specific diets and menu planning. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=102&siteId=20&sectionId=115</p><p>2: Factors Affecting Consumer Choice Candidates should be able to: Link to Food – a fact of life and BNF resources: Factors Affecting Consumer Choice Lifestyle: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=81&contentId=275 State why people eat and identify the reasons for food Food and farming: preferences. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=92&siteId=19&sectionId=92</p><p>Show an understanding of the many different factors that affect people’s choice of food – low income, cost, age, lifestyles, social/economic/environmental factors, religion, cultural and racial diversity and media influence.</p><p>Apply costing when making food selections taking into account ingredients, preparation, cooking method and time. Current Food Developments Lifestyle: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=81&contentId=275 Consider the impact of current developments on food choice, Food and farming: health and lifestyle, e.g. organic foods, genetically modified http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=92&siteId=19&sectionId=92 foods, functional foods, ethical foods – fair trade foods, farm Smart Foods: assured foods, nano foods http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=20&sectionId=85&contentId=368 Functional foods: Identify and evaluate a variety of new food products, and justify http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/foodfacts/functional-foods conclusions on their suitability for inclusion in family meals. For Healthy sustainable diets: example, alternative proteins, smart foods and other http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/sustainability developments Nanotechnology: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/nanotechnology/what-is-nanotechnology Packaging Food packaging and labelling: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109&contentId=568 Identify a range of packaging materials used domestically and evaluate their fitness for a variety of purposes, e.g. packed meals, cooking and storage. Consider the use of recycled, biodegradable and sustainable materials and their effects on the environment.</p><p>3 Food Labelling Food packaging and labelling: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109&contentId=568 Demonstrate knowledge of the Food Labelling Regulation and Food and labelling facts: current food labelling guidelines and their effect on consumer http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/foodfacts choice.</p><p>3: Nutritional, Physical, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Foods in Storage, Preparation and Cooking Candidates should be able to: Link to Food – a fact of life and BNF resources: Analysing Food Functions Functional properties of foods: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=306 Demonstrate scientific awareness and have basic and have Interactive activity – Functional properties of food: basic understanding of the nutritional, physical, chemical and http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? sensory properties and characteristics of food in relation to siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=310 preparation and cooking techniques used in the home – heat Food function cards: transfer, vitamin loss, colloidal systems, denaturation, http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=20&sectionId=85&contentId=317 gelatinisation, thickening, aeration, emulsification, coagulation Smart Foods: and caramelisation. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=20&sectionId=85&contentId=368 Functional foods: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/foodfacts/functional-foods Food and the Senses Sensory evaluation: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=308 Use evaluation techniques as a means of identifying the sensory Interactive activity – The senses: characteristics of foods in order to make informed choices – http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? hedonic ranking, rating, triangle test, star profile and siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=379 candidates’ own initiatives. Cooking methods Cooking: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=83&siteId=19&sectionId=108 Understand and demonstrate why food is cooked, the range of Coking club: cooking methods and how cooking methods used in the home http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=108&siteId=20&sectionId=82 (moist dry and microwave) affect the quality of dishes – Food life skills: nutritional, sensory, consistency, palatability. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=82&siteId=20&sectionId=80 Preservation Food hygiene and safety: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=307 Understand why food needs to be preserved and investigate Interactive activity – Food hygiene: methods used in the home that prolong food quality and the http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? affect of these on sensory qualities of food. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=311 Food packaging and labelling:</p><p>4 http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109&contentId=568 Additives Food packaging and labelling: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109&contentId=568 Identify the main categories of additives used in food Food manufacturing: production and evaluate their function and role. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109&contentId=567 Food and labelling facts: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/foodfacts Menu planning Functional properties of foods: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=306 Apply and demonstrate knowledge of the functions of food Interactive activity – Functional properties of food: ingredients in the planning and developing of menus. http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=310 Food function cards: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=20&sectionId=85&contentId=317 Smart Foods: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=20&sectionId=85&contentId=368 Functional foods: http://nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/foodfacts/functional-foods Developing and Modifying Recipes Explore food: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=0&siteId=20&sectionId=115 Develop, adapt or modify recipes through practical work. Cooking: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=83&siteId=19&sectionId=108 Coking club: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=108&siteId=20&sectionId=82 Food life skills: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=82&siteId=20&sectionId=80</p><p>4: Food Hygiene and Safety Legislative Issues in Design and Technology Link to Food – a fact of life and BNF resources: Candidates should be taught to: Food spoilage Food hygiene and safety: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=307 State the types of food spoilage that can occur and explain the Interactive activity – Food hygiene: microbiological changes that take place – yeasts, moulds, fungi, http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? enzymes and bacteria. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=311 Food processing: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109</p><p>5 Health, Safety and Hygiene Food hygiene and safety: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=307 Recognise the importance of a high standard of hygiene and the Interactive activity – Food hygiene: techniques required for the safe handling of food when http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? purchasing, storing, preparing and cooking. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=311 Food processing: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109 Risk assessment Food hygiene and safety: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=307 State and explain current legislation – the Food Safety Act and Interactive activity – Food hygiene: Food Hygiene Regulations and other current food hygiene http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? standards and regulations. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=311 Food processing: Demonstrate knowledge of the role of statutory agencies that http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109 monitor Food Hygiene Standards and ensure that food is fit for consumption, i.e. Environmental Health Departments and the Food Standards Agency. Process, Manufacture and Storage Food hygiene and safety: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Sheet.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=307 Know and understand the methods used for food storage, Interactive activity – Food hygiene: cooking and reheating in the home in relation to temperature http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/CreatorActivity.aspx? control; control, chilling, freezing, microwave ovens. siteId=19&sectionId=83&contentId=311 Food processing: http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?siteId=19&sectionId=109</p><p>6</p>

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