<p> E4 E4</p><p>EXCURSIONS POLICY Te kaupapa haerenga</p><p>BASIC COMMITMENT We are committed to providing safe excursions for children as they learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places, and things (Te Whāriki). During excursions, the safety of children and adults will be provided, by ensuring that the Association and all kindergartens/ centres have appropriate policies and procedures that require the safety of children to be paramount, and ensure that Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, the Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 and other relevant legislation is complied with.</p><p>(a) Registered Early Childhood Teacher means: An early childhood trained and registered teacher. (b) Adults means: Teachers, teacher aide, parent helpers or other adults who have a designated role or providing education and care to children and are included in required adult: child ratios. (c) Excursions mean: (i) being outside the licensed premises whilst receiving education and care (ii) does not include an outing for the purposes of emergency evacuations, drills or receipt of urgent medical attention.</p><p>AIM 1 To ensure that appropriate safety practices are in place for kindergarten/centre excursions.</p><p>This aim will be achieved as follows:</p><p>1. Teachers following the “Steps for Teachers to Plan Excursions” (Appendix 1).</p><p>2. Public transport vehicles being used where possible.</p><p>3. Complying with Child Restraint Regulations that require all children under 5 must be properly restrained by an approved child restraint when travelling in cars. (Child Restraints Fact Sheet Appendix 9).</p><p> a) When private transport is being used, ensuring that all drivers sign the Excursion Permission Form declaration. (Appendix 4)</p><p>4. Ratios of children to adults will be maintained as follows: For the following excursions the following maximum child/adult ratios apply:</p><p> a) Where children are entering the water as part of a water safety programme, there must not be more than one child to one adult. 1:1.</p><p> b) Where children have access to open water, there must not be more than two children to one adult. 2:1.</p><p> c) When travelling in a car, there must not be more than three children to one adult. 3:1.</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 2</p><p> d) When travelling in a bus, there must not be more than four children to one adult 4:1.</p><p> e) When children are required to cross a road, there must not be more than 5 children to one adult 5:1.</p><p>For all other excursions teachers will use their professional judgement taking into account risk assessment and management, to set children to adult ratios for excursions within the following Child/Registered Early Childhood Teacher ratios of not more than 5:1 under 2’s or more than 10:1 over 2’s. Parents/whanau will be used to make up the required adults to regulatory adult/child ratio requirements for the excursion and in the kindergarten/centre.</p><p>NB: If the adult child ratio that is required for the excursion cannot be achieved and maintained for the duration of the excursion, the excursion will not proceed.</p><p>5. On all excursions, including walking excursions with a few children, there must be at least two adults, including one teacher except in the following circumstances.</p><p>One teacher without another adult may take up to 8 over 2’s and 4 under 2’s for an activity within 30 metres of the licensed area of the kindergarten or centre providing the group on the excursion is in view of another teacher.</p><p>6. Each child on the excursion must be assigned to an adult who will be responsible for that child from when they leave the Kindergarten until they return to the Kindergarten.</p><p>7. All adults on the excursion are made aware of who is responsible for the First Aid Kit and where it can be accessed.</p><p>8. A responsible person will remain in attendance at the kindergarten/centre, when all teachers are on an excursion, to provide information for parents and children who are not taking part in the excursion and answer the telephone. This person must be supplied with the information outlined in Appendix 5 attached.</p><p>NB: If there is no responsible person available to be left at the kindergarten/centre then the excursion will not proceed.</p><p>9. Children will only be allowed to enter the water when on excursions, if all the following conditions are met:</p><p> a) The excursion is part of a planned water safety programme, run in liaison with a New Zealand Water Safety Council.</p><p> b) Each child is to be closely supervised at all times by the adult who has responsibility for that child.</p><p> c) The activity takes place in a controlled environment, such as a swimming pool or a safe slow moving area of water that can be easily supervised.</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 E4 E4 10. Ensuring that at least one teacher holding a current First Aid Certificate is on the excursion. If enrolled children are remaining at the kindergarten/centre during the excursion, there is a registered teacher (person responsible) with a current first aid certificate remaining at the kindergarten/centre.</p><p>11. Teachers must record checking the roll to ensure that all children who are signed in for the excursion are present before they leave the kindergarten, when they leave the destination of the excursion, and when they arrive back at the Kindergarten. Either the daily sign in sheet or the permission sheet that has been checked to the sign in sheet must be used for this purpose.</p><p>12. Spontaneous walks approved by parents on the child’s enrolment form;</p><p> Have a Risk Analysis approved for walking excursions to that destination. Are approved by the Head Teacher/Supervisor and recorded on the Spontaneous Walk Record. (Appendix 6) Are included on the ‘Regular Walks List’ used to advise parents of regular walks that they give permission for on the enrolment form.</p><p>AIM 2 To ensure that appropriate documentation is in place for kindergarten/centre excursions.</p><p>This aim will be achieved as follows:</p><p>1. a) Each planned excursion being approved by the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Advisory Teacher on the Permission for Excursions Form (Appendix 2) with a Risk Analysis Form (Appendix 3) before parents/caregivers are notified.</p><p> b) For each regular Spontaneous Walk have a Risk Analysis approved by the Association on file.</p><p>2. Written Parent Approval being obtained for the following: a) The child/adult ratios for all excursions or activities outside the kindergarten/centre. - For Spontaneous Walks on the Enrolment Form - For planned Excursions from the parent/whānau/caregiver</p><p> b) Excursion Using Transport - Written parental/whānau/caregiver permission being obtained for each excursion before travel begins on Excursion Permission Form. The Association form must be used when using cars or buses that include the ratio for the excursion. (An electronic copy of the form is available from the Association Office to list the children’s names from the Infocare/APT system.)</p><p>APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1 Simple Steps for Teachers to Plan Excursions. APPENDIX 2 Fax Form - Permission for Excursions APPENDIX 3 Risk Management Planning Template APPENDIX 3A Theatre Royal APPENDIX 3B Fire Station APPENDIX 3C Nelson Intermediate Gym APPENDIX 3D Saxton Sports Complex APPENDIX 3E Natureland Park Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 4 APPENDIX 3F Modellers Pond at Tahunanui APPENDIX 3G Bush Walk APPENDIX 3H Rock Pools APPENDIX 3I Transition to School visit by car APPENDIX 4 Drivers Declaration Form APPENDIX 5 Information for responsible person that is left at the centre APPENDIX 6 Spontaneous Walks Record APPENDIX 7 Child Restraint Fact Sheet Pamphlet</p><p>REFERENCES: Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 (HS17,18) Excursion Permission Forms (Kindergarten Forms File)</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 17 JUNE 1998 Last Reviewed: July 1999. July 2000, November 2002, June 2003, June 2005, March 2008, May 2009, September 2009, August 2011, February 2012, April 2013.</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 E4 E4 APPENDIX 1 STEPS FOR TEACHERS TO PLAN EXCURSIONS When planning to extend children’s learning, and a Teacher identifies that an excursion is appropriate, then the following steps should be taken: (Tick off as you complete / plan for each step) 1. Complete the Risk Analysis by filling out or amending an existing Risk Analysis Form (Appendix 3) As you do this, decide on: Educational value Destination Date Commencing Time Finishing Time Type of Transport (Public Transport preferred) Plan Safety Route - walk/drive the route/visit before trip Adult: Child Ratio What Parent written consent will be obtained for (Adult: Child Ratio/Transport) Adult left at Kindergarten Check availability of venue or destination Discuss the excursion with the Head Teacher. 2. Apply for approval from a Senior Education Advisor or the Chief Executive Officer by faxing the Permission for Excursions (Appendix 2) and a completed Risk Analysis form. 3. Notify parents of the excursion where possible giving at least 4 days notice. Obtain signed permission prior to the commencement of the excursion for: 1* The Adult: Child ratio and the type of Transport being used. (Appendices 6 & 7). (An electronic version of these forms is available from the Association Office.) 4. During the excursion the following must be complied with: A responsible person is in attendance at the kindergarten/centre and has the relevant information form. (Appendix 5) Adult: child ratios maintained. The responsibility for each child is assigned to adults for the entire excursion in accordance with the ratios. Before leaving on the excursion, check that all children signed in that day are signed for on the excursion permission form. If going on an excursion with a small group of children, either make a list of the children going on the excursion, or photocopy the sign in sheet prior to departure and highlight the children going on the excursion. A roll call and a head count must be taken and recorded before the children leave the Kindergarten, when they leave the destination, and when the children return to the Kindergarten. Child Restraint Regulations. (Appendix 7) Taking a cellphone. Taking a First Aid Kit. Taking Medication that any individual child may need. Taking the following items if they are likely to be required depending on the weather and location of the excursion: Sunhats Sunblock Lotion Drinking water (if unavailable at location) Toilet paper</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 E4 E4 5. Once you have returned, evaluate the excursion and note any comments on your Risk Analysis Form.</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 APPENDIX 2 FAX TO ASSOCIATION 5484 720 PERMISSION FOR EXCURSIONS</p><p>Send to Association Office prior to informing the Parents of the Excursion, including a Risk Analysis.</p><p>KINDERGARTEN/CENTRE: ______</p><p>Teacher in Charge of Excursion</p><p>WHERE:______</p><p>TYPE OF TRANSPORT:______</p><p>RATIO: ______NO OF CHILDREN ATTENDING</p><p>DATE/S OF TRIP______</p><p>TIMES: START______FINISH______</p><p>RATIONALE FOR TRIP/EXCURSION: ______</p><p>______</p><p>WHO IS LEFT AT KINDERGARTEN/CENTRE:______</p><p>If you cannot maintain the Adult:Child ratio for the duration of the excursion, the excursion must not proceed. ------</p><p>Approval Given:______Date:______SEA/CEO Signature</p><p>Required Actions for this trip Written Parent Consent Risk Analysis form required into Office. Driver’s Declaration Forms collected by Teacher. Head Teacher has checked all required documentation for excursion Comments:</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12-16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 E4 E4 APPENDIX 3 Risk Management Planning for Excursions</p><p>Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide a simple yet effective process for managing risks when taking children on excursions. </p><p>The purpose of risk management is to anticipate and mitigate risk so that children are not harmed.</p><p>A key part of the plan is assigning responsibility for each element to specific people.</p><p>The process for managing risks is as follows: For Example: 1. Identify risks. (e.g. sunburn)</p><p>2. Manage them: a. Eliminate and/or (e.g. stay in the shade) b. Isolate and/or (e.g. wear appropriate clothing) c. Minimise (e.g. apply sunblock)</p><p>3. Rate the remaining level of each risk once the management plan is developed.</p><p> a. Acceptable a.i. Unlikely to occur (Proceed) a.ii. Minor consequences if it does occur (Proceed)</p><p> b. Unacceptable – Do not proceed – try improving the management of risks! b.i. Likely to happen and b.ii. Significant consequence (harm including distress, injury, discomfort, anxiety or reduced health status).</p><p>The management plan will focus on 3 key areas: 1. Knowledge and skills needed in advance. (First aid, health status of children, knowledge of venue) 2. Things to take. (First aid kit, mobile phone) 3. Things to do. (Take a roll, check sunhats are being worn)</p><p>Note 1. Common excursions have pre-written risk management plans. 2. These should be added to if necessary on the day i.e. because of the weather on the day, or because of the needs of the children in the group. 3. If an additional risk is identified for one of the common excursions please share that information with your SEA so that we can update the templates for everyone.</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12- 16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13 E4 E4 Risk Management Template</p><p>Risk Management Knowledge & Things to Things to do Who? Strategies Skills take</p><p>Copyright © Nelson District Kindergarten Association 2012 - not to be disseminated to organisations outside the Association’s Kindergartens, Centres and management contracts. D:\Docs\2017-12- 16\043745fbd1d0b470a34dcce98905536b.docx04/13</p>
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