<p> BOG 4-13 ― 1</p><p>American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance </p><p>National Associations/Research Consortium Transition Committee Interim Report to President and CEO on April 1, 2013</p><p>Committee Charge The committee is to articulate how the functions of each national association and the RC will integrate within the unified organization and to determine the functions to be done by staff and members. The committee is also asked to recommend an implementation plan and timeline. Recommendations are requested by April 1, 2013. </p><p>Committee Members Angela Lumpkin, Chair; Rosie Barretta (AAPAR); Lori Dunn (BOG); Kim Graber (RC); Mary Ann Laverty (NDA); Steve Mitchell (NASPE); Bill Potts-Datema (AAHE); Sharon Shields (NAGWS); Cheryl Richardson (AAHPERD Senior Director of Programs); Chris Neumann (Interim Executive Director, AAPAR)</p><p>The committee conducted its work through four conference calls (November 29, 2012; January 30, 2013; February 27, 2013; and March 29, 2013), interviews with members and non-members, consultations with leaders in the national associations and research consortium, significant input from headquarters staff in the prioritization of programs, products, and services (PPS), and electronic communications. The committee submitted interim reports to President Cucina and CEO Roetert on February 1 and March 4 and this final report. </p><p>The committee developed these criteria for evaluating existing PPS: relatedness to mission; successfully meets an identified need; importance to members; evidence of success in meeting its stated purpose; revenue potential; effective use of human capital; available elsewhere; comments. Based on input from AAHPERD members, national association and research consortium leaders, headquarters staff, and members of this committee, lists of PPS that should be continued were developed. These lists were further revised using this prioritization process: Prioritized List #1 Continue these PPS because they make essential contributions to AAHPERD’s new mission and vision Prioritized List #2 Continue these PPS because while contributing to AAHPERD’s new mission and vision, they are not as essential; possibly could be combined with similar work from other former national associations or the research consortium Prioritized List #3 Would like to see these PPS continued but are the least essential because they would contribute less to AAHPERD’s new mission and vision The prioritized lists from the research consortium and national association are provided in this report at the end. </p><p>After considering the use of councils as a possible structure, the committee decided the best way for AAHPERD to operate for at least the upcoming year or possibly two years would be through interim steering committees. Figure 1 illustrates this recommendation. Five overarching categories were identified (i.e., convention; professional development; publications; partnerships; and advocacy). Underneath these categories, groupings of PPS across multiple national associations and the research consortium were used to classify the essential work of AAHPERD along with “other” in each category for any needed additions. The rationale for recommending interim steering BOG 4-13 ― 2 committees is that within each category and subcategory the expertise of staff and members would be utilized to complete the work. For example, within certifications, representatives across all appropriate areas, such as physical education, physical activity, school health education, sport, and research, would be needed (i.e., members would find a home where they could make contributions) to help ensure continuation of certifications aligned with the mission and vision of AAHPERD. A similar association of all members with their interest areas could occur during the transition period of one to two years. Evolving from these interim steering committees more formal structures, such as special interest groups or councils, could evolve as needed to help achieve AAHPERD’s mission and vision. The National Association/Research Consortium Transition Committee wishes to express appreciation to everyone who helped it complete its work. Respectfully submitted, Angela Lumpkin, chair, on behalf of the Members of the National Association/Research Consortium Transition Committee</p><p>Prioritized Lists Research Consortium List #1: Research Fellow Program (program) Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (product) McCloy Lecture/Breakfast (program) Researcher’s Toolkit (program) AAHPERD Research Grant Program (program) RC Business Meeting (program) Topical calls for grants (program) Graduate Student Forum (program) Poster Social (program) Graduate Student Research Award (program) Research Tracks (product) Online Service Form (service) RC Code of Ethics (service) Student Poster Session (program)</p><p>List #2: District AAHPERD Collaborative Programming (program) Weiss Lecture (program) – NOTE: The RC has endowment funds to support this lecture RC Distinguished Service Award (program) Research Writing Award (program) Scholar podcast interviews (program) Physical Activity Today (product) Internships (service) Researcher’s Wiki (service) Paid webinars on research education topics (program)</p><p>List #3: BOG 4-13 ― 3</p><p> McKenzie Lecture (program) RQES Lecture (program) Past Presidents’ Function (program) Undergraduate Student Research Award (program) RC Facebook fan page (service)</p><p>NAGWS List #1: UNCG/PAGSWA Past Presidents Breakfast Rachel Bryant Lecture Guiding Woman in Sport Member Social Pathfinder Awards Honor Award Nell Jackson Award A Century of Women's Basketball Eating Disorders Among Athletes: Theory, Issues, Going Forth: Women's Leadership Issues in Higher Edu Women in Sport: Issues and Controversies, 2nd Edition Game Face: What Does a Female Athlete Look Like? More Than a Game: One Woman's Fight-Gender Equity Map of Your Future What Words Inspire You? The Hidden Faces of Eating Disorders & Body Images Generations of Title IX Women as Leaders in Sport: Impact and Influence Strength in You Women and Sports in the United States Let Me Play 100 Fantabulous Firsts in Women's Sports Special Sports Package Title IX 2005 Game Face: What Does a Female Athlete Look Like? Gazette Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal NAGWS Centennial Lapel Pin NAGWS Business Card Holder What Words Inspire You? Notecards g' Logo NAGWS Fleece S,M, L, XL, 2XL NAGWS New Logo Lapel Pin NAGWS Logo Picture Frame NAGWS Baseball Cap Title IX Tool Box, Volumes I & II Backyards and Beyond Toolkit Backyards and Beyond Poster Equity in the Gym: Coed PE Game Face Poster – Pitcher BOG 4-13 ― 4</p><p> Game Face Poster – Runner Game Face Poster – Batter Game Face Poster – Kayak Game Face Poster – Swimmer Game Face Poster – Weightlifter NAGWS Centennial Video Title IX Implications for Women in Sport & Education Internships Professional Development National Girls and Women in Sport Day Wade Trophy: Women's Basketball Coaches Association title nine University of Tennessee Center for Sport and Peace UNCG Program for Advancement of Girls and Women in Sport and Physical Activity Facebook Twitter Women Coaching Women A model for Sports(Woman)ship Women in Sport Playing by the Unwritten Rules Putting One's Game Face On: Media Representations of Female Athletes Mission Accomplished: Using Sport to Bring Women Together in the Middle East</p><p>List #2: President's Awards Parents and Educators Title IX Team (P.E.T.T.) Pr NAGWS Guide to Internships Making Her Mark: Firsts and Milestones in Women's Sports Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports Ensuring the Health of Active and Athletic Girls and Women Shattering the Glass: Remarkable History-Women's Sports Title IX @ 35 For Girls Only Landmark, Get Set Go! Standing Tall: A Memoir of Tragedy and Triumph Sandy Slade: Beyond Basketball g' Logo NAGWS T-Shirt NAGWS Logo T-Shirt S, M, L, XL NAGWS Logo Stemless Wineglass Set New Logo NAGWS Golf Shirt- S, M, L, 2XL NAGWS Volleyball Scoresheets Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal CD Collection Your Next Steps Backyards and Beyond Tots and Timeouts, Issues facing Pregnant Student Athletes Why Hazing is never acceptable. A position Paper Black Female Athletes as the Ultimate Other: Breaking Free from the Controlling Images</p><p>List #3: NAGWS Research Grant BOG 4-13 ― 5</p><p> NAGWS Maglite and Compass Set</p><p>NASPE List #1: Physical Best Health-Fitness Specialist Certification</p><p> Physical Best Health-Fitness Instructor Certification</p><p> Assessment with FITNESSGRAM</p><p> Get SMART with Physical Best</p><p> Instructional Practices: Elementary/Secondary/K-12 Physical Education</p><p> Director of Physical Activity Certificate Program</p><p> Assessment Strategies: Elementary/Secondary/K-12 Physical Education</p><p> Teaching Dance: Elementary/Secondary K-12 Physical Education</p><p> PE Metrics: Elementary/Secondary/K-12 Physical Education</p><p> Physical Best Gets FITT</p><p> Curriculum Development: K-12 Physical Education</p><p> PETE Conference</p><p> National Coaching Conference</p><p> NASPE E-Learning Webinar Series 2012-13</p><p> NASPE E-Learning Webinar Series 2011-12</p><p> Celebration of Professional Excellence</p><p> Hall of Fame Banquet</p><p> Elementary PE Day</p><p> Secondary PE Day</p><p> Coaching Education Day</p><p> Academy Forums</p><p> Hall of Fame</p><p> Teacher of the Year Award</p><p> Joy of Effort</p><p> Major of the Year BOG 4-13 ― 6</p><p> Ross Merrick National Recognition</p><p> Margie R. Hanson Elementary Physical Education Distinguished Service Award</p><p> Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award</p><p> Physical Education Teacher Education Honor Award</p><p> Helen M. Heitmann Curriculum and Instruction Young Scholar Award</p><p> Channing Mann K-12 Physical Education Administrator of the Year Award</p><p> Athletic Director of the Year Award </p><p> Research Grant Program</p><p> National Physical Education and Sport Week</p><p> SPEAK Out! Day</p><p> PE2020 Products Active Start: A Statement of Phys Activity Gdlns birth-age 5 Appropriate Instruction and Practical Guidelines for Middle School Physical Education 3rd Ed. </p><p> Appropriate Instruction and Practical Guidelines for Elementary Physical Education 3rd Ed.</p><p> Appropriate Instruction and Practical Guidelines for High School Physical Ed 3rd Ed.</p><p> Appropriate Practices in Movement Program for Young Children Age 3-5</p><p> Concepts and Principles of Physical Education 3rd Ed</p><p> Meeting the Physical Education Needs of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder</p><p> Movement-Based Learning for Children: Academic Concepts and</p><p> Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education</p><p> National Standards & Guidelines for Physical Education Teach Education, 3rd Ed.</p><p> PE Metrics: Assessing the National Stand, 1-6 Elem NEW! 2010</p><p> PE Metrics: Assessing the National Stand, 1-6 Secondary School</p><p> Physical Activity & Sport for the Secondary School Studens 6th ed</p><p> Physical Best Activity Guide: Elementary, 3rd Ed</p><p> Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle & High School, 3rd Ed</p><p> Physical Education for Lifelong Fitness, 3rd Ed</p><p> Smart PE Moves for MS Students: Ready-to-Use Lesson Plans & BOG 4-13 ― 7</p><p> Supersized PE: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Teaching Overwe</p><p> Assessing and Improving Fitness in Elementary Physical</p><p> Assessment for Everyone: Modifying NASPE Assessments</p><p> Assessing Motor Skills</p><p> Assessment Series - Creating Rubrics for Physical Education</p><p> Assessment Series - Standards-Based Assessment of Student Le</p><p> Game Plan: Lesson & Unit Planner for Elem & MIdd PEducators</p><p> Principles of Safety in Physical Education and Sport, 4th Ed</p><p> Quality Physical Education Standards and Guidelines -- Elementary-Level Package</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessment in Games Teaching</p><p> Assessment Series - Authentic Assessment of Physical Activit</p><p> Liability & Safety in Physical Education and Sport, 2nd Edit</p><p> Quality Physical Education Standards and Guidelines -- Middle School Package</p><p> Quality Physical Education Standards and Guidelines -- High School Package</p><p> Quality Physical Education Standards and Guidelines -- K-12 Package</p><p> 101 Tips for Beginning Teachers of Phys Ed (Packs of 50)</p><p> 101 Tips for Healthy Student - Athletes (50pk)</p><p> 101 Tips for Increasing Physical Activity (50/pk)</p><p> Opportunity to Learn Standards for Elementary PE 3rd ed</p><p> Opportunity to Learn Standards for High School PE 3rd ed</p><p> Opportunity to Learn Standards for Middle School PE 3rd ed</p><p> 101 Tips for Implem a Compreh Schl Physcl Actvty Prgrm 50pk</p><p> 101 Tips for Youth Sport Coaches (pk 50)</p><p> National Standards for Physical Education Poster</p><p> Assessment Series - Portfolio Assessment for K-12 Physical E</p><p> Teaching Games for Understanding in Physical Education</p><p> NASPE News</p><p> Strategies: A Journal For Physical And Sport Educators BOG 4-13 ― 8</p><p> Teacher Toolbox</p><p> Coaches Toolbox</p><p> Physical Education Teacher Evaluation Tool</p><p> Difference Between Physical Activity and Physical Education</p><p> Teaching Large Class Sizes in Physical Education</p><p> Comprehensive School Physical Activity Package</p><p> Top 10 Reasons for Quality Physical Education</p><p> School Physical Education Program Checklist 2009</p><p> Integrating Physical Activity into the School Day Services CDC/DASH Cooperative Agreement ProLink</p><p> Hershey Track and Field Program</p><p> ING Run for Something Better School Award Program</p><p> Skate in School</p><p> Physical Education is an Academic Subject Paper</p><p> Quality Physical Education Resource Brief</p><p> PYFP Webinars</p><p> Shape of the Nation Report</p><p> Strategies Advocacy in Action Column</p><p> Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) Policy Continuum</p><p> The Difference Between Physical Education and Physical Activity Resource Brief</p><p> Physical Education Programs Being Cut! Resource Brief</p><p> Advocating for Quality Physical Education</p><p> Advocacy 101 Webinar</p><p> Waivers & Exemptions Resource Brief</p><p> NCATE </p><p> NCACE</p><p> Code of Conduct for Physical Educators 2011 BOG 4-13 ― 9</p><p> Coach's Code of Conduct, 2009 </p><p> NASPE Code of Ethics for Professionals in Higher Education, 2009</p><p> Physical Education is Critical to Educating the Whole Child 2011</p><p> Appropriate Uses of Fitness Measurement 2010</p><p> Lifetime Athletic Development Position Statement NEW 2013</p><p> Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs, 2008 </p><p> What Constitutes a Highly Qualified Physical Education Teacher, 2007</p><p> Opposing Substitution and Waiver/Exemptions for Required Physical Education, 2006</p><p> Physical Activity Used as Punishment and/or Behavior Management, 2009</p><p> Recess for Elementary School Students, 2006</p><p> Recommended Requirements for Coaching Education & Experience Position Statement NEW 2013</p><p> Guidelines for Participation in Youth Sport Programs: Specialization Versus Multiple-Sport Participation, 2010</p><p> Guidelines for After School Physical Activity and Intramural Sport Programs, 2001 List #2: Programs Let’s Get Moving: Physical Activity for Children Ages 3-5 Integrating Technology: K-12 Physical Education </p><p> Technology II: Applications for Physical Education Instruction</p><p> Save My PE Program!</p><p> Coaching Education Webinar Series</p><p> Changing The Game: Making Physical Education Safe and Inclusive for LGBT Students</p><p> C&I Breakfast</p><p> All Academy Symposium</p><p> National Sportsmanship Award </p><p> Past Presidents' Unsung Hero</p><p> Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award</p><p> Lolas E. Halverson Motor Development Young Investigator Award</p><p> Ruth B. Glassow Biomechanics Honor Award BOG 4-13 ― 10</p><p>Products Flash Fitness & the Incredible Physical Activities On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! A Guide for Beginning Physical Ed</p><p> Using Technology in Physical Education 7th Edition</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessing Concepts: Secondary Biomechani</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessing Student Outcomes in Sport Educ</p><p> Coaching Issues & Dilemmas: Character Building Through Sport</p><p> Games Stages and Assessment</p><p> 101 Tips for Family Fitness Fun (English) [pks of 50)</p><p> 101 Tips for Family Fitness Fun (Spanish) ( 50 per pack)</p><p> 101 Tips for Teaching Nutrition Concepts in PE (pks of 50)</p><p> Assessing Gymnastics in Elementary School Physical Education</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessing Dance in Elementary Physical E</p><p> Developing School Site Wellness Centers</p><p> Fun With National PE Standards Wall Poster</p><p> Navigating the Program Evaluation Process for PETE &</p><p> Physical Activity for Children: A Statement of Guidelines fo</p><p> Physical Educator's Guide to Succ Grant Writ, 2nd NEW</p><p> Self- and Peer-Assessments for Elementary School Physical Ed</p><p> Strength Training for Children and Adolescents</p><p> Active Kids and Academic Performance Elementary (100 pk)</p><p> Active Kids and Academic Performance Secondary (100 pk)</p><p> Appropriate Instructional Practice Gdlns for Higher Edu Phys</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessment in Outdoor Adventure Physical</p><p> Assessment Series - Assessment of Swimming in Physical Educa</p><p> Assessment Series - Elementary Heart Health: Lessons & Asses</p><p> Assessment Series - Video Tools for Teaching Motor Skill Ass</p><p> Academy Scoops</p><p> Guidelines for an Introductory Undergraduate Course in Physical Education Teacher Education BOG 4-13 ― 11</p><p> Suggested Job Interview Questions for Prospective Physical Education Teachers 2009</p><p> Undergraduate Guidelines for Exercise Physiology</p><p> Minimum Competencies in Undergraduate Motor Development</p><p> Undergraduate Guidelines for Biomechanics</p><p> Guidelines for Teaching Undergraduate Sport Sociology </p><p> Guidelines for Teaching Undergraduate History of Physical Education and Sport In a Physical Education Teacher Education Program</p><p> Minimum Competencies for Teaching Undergraduate Sport Philosophy</p><p> It Can Be Done! Achieving a Healthy School Environment for Students Project Report Services Grants & Funding Resource Brief Highly Qualified Physical Education Teachers Resource Brief</p><p> NASPE GR Statistics Webpage</p><p> NASPE State Legislative Report</p><p> Recess Resource Brief</p><p> Reducing School Physical Education Programs is Counter-Productive to Student Health and Learning and to our Nation's Economic Health</p><p> Professional Development Resource Brief</p><p> COSMA</p><p> Eligibility Criteria for Adapted Physical Education Services, 2010</p><p> Appropriate Use of Instructional Technology in Physical Education, 2009</p><p> A Coach's Guide to Parental Roles and Responsibilities in Sport, 2009</p><p> A Philosophical Position on Physical Activity and Fitness for Physical Activity Professionals, 2009 </p><p> Sexual Harassment in Athletic Settings, 2000</p><p> Initial Guidelines for Online Physical Education, 2007 List #3: Programs Active Gaming and Interactive Fitness Introduction to Physical Best</p><p> Instructional Models in Standards-based Physical Education BOG 4-13 ― 12</p><p> Implementing a Fitness for Life Course</p><p> NASPE General Session</p><p> Sport Management Day</p><p> Sport Management Outstanding Achievement Award</p><p> Athletic Director Presidential Hall of Fame Award </p><p> Project Inspiration</p><p> Sport and Exercise Psychology Dissertation Award Products Never Play Leapfrog with a Unicorn: K-5 Physical Activities Roadblocks to Quality Physical Education</p><p> Assessment Series - Preservice Professional Portfolio System</p><p> Beyond Activities: Elementary Edition</p><p> Beyond Activities-Secondary Edition</p><p> Fit Kids, Smarter Kids</p><p> National Coaching Report</p><p> PE-4-ME: Teaching Lifelong</p><p> Estimated Probability of Competing in Athletics Beyond the High School Interscholastic Level</p><p> Through a Child's Eyes</p><p> Eye Safety At-a-Glance Protecting Your Child's Vision in Sports</p><p> Kids in Action Brochure Services Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) This Week in Baseball</p><p> NASPE Public Policy Agenda</p><p> Reprints & Permissions Resource Brief</p><p> NASPE Federal Legislative Roundup</p><p> Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES)</p><p> Appropriate Maximum Class Length for Elementary Physical Education, 2008</p><p> Program Orientation for High School Sport Coaches, 2005 BOG 4-13 ― 13</p><p> Rights and Responsibilities of Interscholastic Athletes, 2003</p><p> Choosing the Right Sport and Physical Activity Program for Your Child, 2009</p><p> College/University Physical Activity Instruction Programs: A Critical Piece in the Education of Young Adults, 2007</p><p> Availability and Access to AEDs, 2011 AAPAR List #1: Continuation of all Adapted Aquatic programs and certifications as it applies to inclusion and diversity of all populations. This also includes water exercise and water rehab. Water Safety programs (swimming) need to be continued, as well as, incorporating Safety and First Aid. Collaboration should be emphasized with school programs, as aquatic activity is a viable activity for numerous abilities and disabilities. Swimming and aquatic activities has been considered under AAPAR as it is an activity that can be included across the lifespan and has numerous applications, not only swimming, but all water sports and activities Council on Aging and Adult Development: Workshops: This council feels that current Workshops programs are extremely valuable for training members and non-members. “With the increase of the aging population and the need for qualified professionals to work with this segment of our population, this workshop/program should be paramount and of more importance than the assessment given by the AAPAR staff.” The Council stated the program is in need of updating. AAPAR staff ranked these programs low and this council has cited lack of support by AAPAR staff for several years. CAAD Symposium: Aging research is growing and expanding and the need to share is imperative. It illustrates AAPAR’s vision and importance related to a lifetime of fitness and physical activity. Awards: Herbert DeVries Research and Young Researcher Award, Ray A Ciszek and the Rosabel Koss Honor award need to be continued to support those working in the areas of adult /aging health and fitness. (We) are… hopeful that the mission of CAAD and its focus on the older adult population and physical activity will not be dismissed nor forgotten .. it is one of our (AAPAR’s) most important groups to serve and this population continues to grow. Council on Facilities & Equipment: Continues to publish and update publication on Facilities Planning and Design: “Ask the Expert” sessions continues to draw large audiences at National conferences with questions from elementary, secondary education professionals as well as others involved in designing specialized physical activity facilities. Many experts contribute to this publication. This group has plans to launch the Journal of Facility and Design as an on-line publication. This will be scholarly research based journal to assist professionals. Measurement and Evaluation Council: OF most importance were the M & E Symposium, the Keynote breakfast, MPEES Reviewer of the Year, M & E Lifetime Achievement, M & E Honor Award and M & E Grad student grant. MPEES journal (Measurement in Physical Education & Exercise Science) needs to continue. MPEES is now a journal that all AAHPERD members can access online. Safety & Risk Management Council: Continue these because they make essential contributions to AAHPERD’s new mission and vision: Retain all five SRM awards as these are cost effective methods (no honorariums involved) to recognize, encourage, disseminate, and support direct fulfillment of AAHPERD’s new Mission Statement: To advance professional practice and promote research related to health. physical education (PE) , physical activity (PA), and sport. If the AAHPERD Annual Conference is retained; also retain the Annual SRM Council Meeting as BOG 4-13 ― 14</p><p> this is a cost effective approach to direct fulfillment of AAHPERD’s new Mission Statement through the collaboration and planning of SRM research and professional practice related to PE, PA, and sport. Retain the Safety Notebook Newsletter as a cost – effective (electronic distribution to members and compilation in hardcopy available for purchase) direct fulfillment of the new AAHPERD Mission Statement: To advance professional practice and promote research related to PE, PA, and sport.</p><p>List #2: Traditional textbooks: Although a well received and highly acclaimed publication, several larger publishers now duplicate the content of these texts. Legal Concepts in Sport: A Primer, 3rd Edition (302-10204). Sport, Physical Activity and the Law, 3rd Ed. (302-10204). </p><p>List #3: None listed</p><p>NDA List #1: Honor Society – Nu Delta Alpha</p><p> Publications</p><p>List #2: None listed</p><p>List #3: None listed</p><p>AAHE List #1: Health Education Standards List #2: None listed</p><p>List #3: None listed In discussing ways to complete these PPS, the committee agreed that grouping these into categories, such as convention and professional development, might help the Board of Governors, staff, and leaders allocate human and fiscal resources going forward. Figure 1 BOG 4-13 ― 15</p><p>Interim Steering Committees for Completing Programs, Products, and Services Mj</p><p>Professional Mj Convention Mj Mj Development Mj Publications Mj Partnerships Mj Advocacy Mj</p><p>JOPERD Mj Mj Let's Mj Program Mj Certification Mj Mj Position Mj Editorial Mj Move! Mj Planning Mj Papers Mj Board Mj Active Mj Conferences Mj Schools Mj Special Mj National Mj RQES MjMj Girls and Mj Events Mj Grants Mj Presidential Mj Editorial Mj Women Mj Board Mj Youth Mj Awards and Mj Fitness Mj in Sport Mj Workshops Mj Day Mj Recognitions Mj MPEES MjMj Program Mj Mj Editorical Mj Mj Online Mj Speak Mj Other Mj Mj Board Mj Jump Mj Educational Mj Rope for Mj Out Day Mj Programs Mj Mj Heart Mj on the Mj WSPAJ MjMj Hill Mj Mj Editorial Mj Standards Mj Mj Board Mj Head Mj Start Mj Other Mj Mj NCATE Mj Mj Strategies Mj Centers for Mj Editorial Mj Disease Mj Board Mj NCACE MjMj Control Mj Collaboration Mj Commission Mj Books Mj Mj on Sport Mj UNCG / MjMj Management Mj PAGSWA Mj Accreditation Mj Other Mj Mj</p><p>Other Mj Mj Other Mj</p>
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