<p> Page 14,311</p><p>REGULAR MEETING SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY September 28, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. Oakdale, New York</p><p>Present: James F. Gaughran, Chairman Patrick G. Halpin, Secretary Jane Devine, Member Errol D. Toulon, Jr., Member Mario R. Mattera, Member</p><p>Jeffrey W. Szabo, Chief Executive Officer</p><p>The meeting was also attended by Counsel T. Hopkins; and by Messrs. Celiberti, Durk, Finello, Kilcommons, Kuzman, Litka, Motz, O’Connell, Pokorny, Reinfrank, Torres and by Mmes. Kenda, Lyon,Mancuso, Simson and Trupia</p><p>Booklets containing detailed information for all Agenda items were distributed to each Member, Executive Staff and Counsel to the Authority. </p><p>At 5:30 p.m. Chairman Gaughran called the meeting to order. </p><p>Mr. Gaughran opened the meeting for public comment. No one wished to address the Board at this time.</p><p>Mr. Szabo introduced Donna Mancuso, the Authority’s Director of Administration, who gave a presentation regarding the Authority’s Employee Development Program. September 28, 2015 Page 14,312</p><p>Mrs. Mancuso stated that it has been Mr. Szabo’s goal to put more emphasis on employee development. The Authority has implemented St. Joseph’s College Management Classes and improved its tuition reimbursement policy. Mr. Szabo wanted it taken to the next level with individualized career planning. Employee development leads to engaged employees, which leads to greater productivity. It also has a tie into succession planning which the Authority needs to invest in its employees to be certain that we keep leadership roles into the future. Mr. Szabo and the Board members thanked Mrs. Mancuso for a job well done on this project.</p><p>Mr. Gaughran then presented the minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 2015, for approval. On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 24, 2015, were approved. </p><p>Mr. Szabo referred to contracts scheduled to expire shortly, and he recommended that the Authority exercise its option to extend these contracts in accordance with the letters of recommendation. On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (292-09-2015) RESOLVED, To extend for a one-year period beginning January 1, 2016, Contract 7139 for furnishing and delivery of liquid caustic soda with H. Krevit & Company, Inc. of New Haven, Connecticut, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of the contract.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (293-09-2015) RESOLVED, To extend for a one-year period beginning January 1, 2016, Contract 7141 for maintenance and repair of meter interrogation devices with JPW Associates of Audubon, New Jersey, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of the contract.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (294-09-2015) RESOLVED, To extend for a one-year period beginning September 28, 2015 Page 14,313</p><p>December 1, 2015, Contract 7148 for towing service for Authority vehicles, eastern and western zones with Hendrickson Emergency Service Inc. of Islandia, New York, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of the contract.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (295-09-2015) RESOLVED, To approve a change order allowing for payment of up to Twenty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three and 35/100 Dollars ($26,873.35) to procure Operators and Contractors Professional Liability Policy without a third-party claim over exclusion.</p><p>Mr. Szabo then reviewed Contracts 7234, 7240, 7241, 7243, 7255 through 7261, 7263 through 7265, 7267 through 7269 and he recommended that these contracts be awarded/rescinded/rejected in accordance with the letters of recommendation. On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (296-09-2015) RESOLVED, To reject the single bid received under Contract 7234, for furnishing and delivery of pressure seal cut-sheet mailer laser forms and miscellaneous forms; contract will not be rebid.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (297-09-2015) RESOLVED, To terminate the contract award to Dejana Truck & Utility Equipment Co., Inc. of Kings Park, New York, without penalty, for Item 2 under Contract 7240 for supplying and installing aluminum utility bodies, due to manufacturing issues; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That the low bid for Item 2 under Contract 7240 submitted by North American Equipment Upfitters Inc. of Londonberry, New Hampshire, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents and totaling Eighty-One Thousand Sixteen Dollars ($81,016), be and hereby is accepted; and be it </p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (298-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid for sites 1 through 15 under Contract 7241 September 28, 2015 Page 14,314</p><p> for painting of various pump station buildings, submitted by Site Service Group of Bohemia, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents and totaling Seventy-Seven Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Dollars ($77,670), be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (299-09-2015) RESOLVED, To reject single bid received under Contract 7243 for repainting and repair work of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Systems at various Authority owned properties during the one-year period beginning October 1, 2015. Contract will be rebid.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (300-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7255 for Fire Island building repairs and improvements at various well field sites during the one-year period beginning November 1, 2015, submitted by More Contracting & Consulting, Inc. of Port Jefferson Station, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents and totaling One Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($139,550) be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and carried with one abstention by Dr. Toulon, it was (301-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7256 for maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment at the Authority’s Laboratory, Hauppauge and the Authority’s Administration building, Oakdale, submitted by Emcor Services New York/New Jersey, Inc. of Long Island City, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents and totaling Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($230,425) be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (302-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid for Items 1, 4 through 6 under Contract 7257 for furnishing and delivery of 2016 vehicles, submitted by Otis Ford Inc. of Quogue, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on September 28, 2015 Page 14,315</p><p> estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Two Hundred Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars ($212,884), be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That the low bid for Items 2-3 under Contract 7257 submitted by Van Bortel Ford Inc. of East Rochester, New York, on the same basis and totaling One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Nine Dollars ($185,809), be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute these contracts on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (303-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7258 for electrical work at the Fresh Pond Road chemical treatment and control building, Amagansett, Town of East Hampton submitted by MMJ Electrical, Inc. of St. James, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Seventy-Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Six Dollars ($74,686), be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute these contracts on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (304-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7259 for construction of a 20” x 10” diameter well (No. 2), approximately 410 feet deep, Douglas Avenue well field, Northport, Town of Huntington, New York from A.C. Schultes, Inc. of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey be withdrawn in accordance with their request in a letter dated September 14, 2015; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That the second low bid under Contract 7259 submitted by R & L Well Drilling LLC of Islip, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Three Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($355,800), be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (305-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7260 for furnishing and delivery of motor starter control panels during the one-year period beginning September 28, 2015 Page 14,316</p><p>November 1, 2015, submitted by Electrical and Electronic Controls Inc. of Brewster, New York, be rejected and considered as non-responsive to the specifications; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That the low responsive bid under Contract 7260 submitted by Dave Heiner Associates of Parsippany, New Jersey, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling One Hundred Three Thousand Five Hundred Seventy- Seven Dollars ($103,577), be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (306-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the single bid under Contract 7261 for furnishing and delivery of handheld sub meter global positioning unit and MAP/GIS, submitted by Waypoint Technology Group LLC of Albany, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($19,975), be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (307-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7263 for furnishing and installation of team insert valves 4” to 12” during the one-year period beginning October 1, 2015, submitted by ZC Utility Services LLC d/b/a Carner Brothers of Roseland, New Jersey, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Three Hundred Twenty-Eight Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($328,425) be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute these contracts on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (308-09-2015) RESOLVED, To reject the single bid received under Contract 7264 for furnishing and delivery of one used street sweeper as it did not meet specifications.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (309-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid for Group VI (electronic flow meters) Items 1 through 5 under Contract 7265 for furnishing and delivery of cold water service meters September 28, 2015 Page 14,317</p><p> during the period September 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016, submitted by Neptune Technology Group, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Forty Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($40,750) be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (310-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid under Contract 7267 for furnishing and delivery of spread spectrum radios and miscellaneous equipment during the one-year period beginning November 1, 2015, submitted by Score Engineering, Inc. of Lexington, Massachusetts, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Forty Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($40,895) be and hereby is accepted; and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (311-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid for Items 1 through 5 under Contract 7268 for furnishing and delivery of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and various electrical control equipment during the period beginning October 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016, submitted by Systems Integrated Inc. of Orange, California, on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Thirty Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars ($30,796) be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That Item 6 (pole clamps) under Contract 7268 is being withdrawn by low bidder, East Coast Metallic Tubing & Hardware of Ronkonkoma, New York, as it would not be cost effective/profitable for them to proceed with the single item awarded; the items will be purchased on a request for quotation basis; and be it </p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (312-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the low bid for Items 1 through 7, 10 through 18 under Contract 7269 for furnishing and delivery of delivery of butterfly valves and operator replacement parts during the period October 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016, submitted by Raritan Valve & Automation, Inc. of New Brunswick, New Jersey, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Sixty-Eight Thousand Eight September 28, 2015 Page 14,318</p><p>Hundred Seventy Dollars ($68,870) be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That the low bid for Items 8 through 9 under Contract 7269 submitted by Eagle Control Corp. of Yaphank, New York, on a unit-price basis as stipulated in the bidder’s proposal and calculated on estimated quantities indicated in the contract documents, totaling Three Thousand Nine Hundred Ten Dollars ($3,910), be and hereby is accepted; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute these contracts on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>Mr. Szabo referred to two requests regarding special service agreements. After further explanation of details on each, and on motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (313-09-2015) RESOLVED, To extend Agreement No. 1433 with Airgas USA LLC of Oakland, New Jersey, for bulk Argon delivery for the Authority’s Laboratory for a one- year period beginning August 1, 2015; at the same terms and conditions of the current agreement, and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (314-09-2015) RESOLVED, To accept the proposal of Plante & Moran, PLLC of Southfield, Michigan, submitted in response to the Authority’s Request for Proposal No. 1471 to provide consulting services to perform the Authority’s Information Technology Department Organizational Assessment in the aggregate total amount of Eighty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($87,000); and that any Member and/or the Chief Executive Officer be and hereby is authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the Authority.</p><p>The Members reviewed several requests regarding finance. After further explanation of details on each, and on motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (315-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the issuance of Eighty-Five Million Dollars ($85,000,000) of Senior Lien Bonds; and the authorization of the issuance of Seventy- Five Million Dollars ($75,000,000) of Bond Anticipation Notes pursuant to attached Supplemental Resolution.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was September 28, 2015 Page 14,319</p><p>(316-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the issuance of Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000) of Senior Lien Bonds to retire Series 2013 Bond Anticipation Note of Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000) due January 2016, pursuant to attached Supplemental Resolution.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (317-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the issuance of 2015 Senior Lien Refunding Bonds not to exceed One Hundred Twenty Million Dollars ($120,000,000) for the advance refunding of Series 2006A and 2007A bonds of approximately One Hundred Fifteen Million Dollars ($115,000,000), pursuant to attached Supplemental Resolution.</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (318-09-2015) RESOLVED, To approve the Annual Investment Report for fiscal year ending May 31, 2015.</p><p>The Members reviewed several resolutions to be included in applications to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. After much discussion, on motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (319-09-2015) RESOLVED, To construct Well No. 4 at the Evergreen Drive Well Field, 11.97-acre site, located on the north side of Evergreen Drive, 615.50’ southwest of Depot Lane, Cutchogue, Town of Southold; to equip the well with one (1) electrically- driven, deep well turbine pump, motor; piping, electrical controls and miscellaneous appurtenances; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That application be made to the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York and that said application may be executed by any Member of the Authority, its Chief Executive Officer, or its Chief Engineer.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (320-09-2015) RESOLVED, To construct Well No. 2B at the Bridgehampton Road Well Field, 13.947-acre site, located on the north side of Montauk Highway and Buckskill Road and the east side of Cove Hollow Road, Jericho, Town of East Hampton; to equip the well with one (1) electrically-driven, deep well turbine pump, motor; piping, electrical controls and miscellaneous appurtenances; and be it September 28, 2015 Page 14,320</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That application be made to the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York and that said application may be executed by any Member of the Authority, its Chief Executive Officer, or its Chief Engineer.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (321-09-2015) RESOLVED, To construct two new wells at the Authority-owned Deerfield Road Well Field, 2.45-acre site located on the east side of Deerfield Road, approximately 100 feet south of Deerwood Path, Noyac, Town of South Hampton; to equip each well with one (1) electrically-driven, deep well turbine pump, motor; piping, electrical controls and miscellaneous appurtenances; and be it</p><p>FURTHER RESOLVED, That application be made to the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York and that said application may be executed by any Member of the Authority, its Chief Executive Officer, or its Chief Engineer.</p><p>Mr. Szabo referred to a request regarding a main extension. After further explanation of details, and on motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (322-09-2015) RESOLVED, To establish a surcharge for Mount Sinai Coram Road-2, in the amount of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-One Dollars ($12,581) covering 559 feet of water main.</p><p>Mr. Szabo referred to several requests regarding equipment. After further explanation of details, and on motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (323-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the purchase of 8 software upgrade packages for PC Technicians used to program the GE Fanuc PLCs used in all SCADA Remote Terminal Units throughout the Authority from AutomaTech, Inc. of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the amount of Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars ($6,780).</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (324-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the purchase of chemical reference standards for the Laboratory from AccuStandard Incorporated of New Haven, Connecticut, for a one-year period beginning October 1, 2015, in an amount not to exceed Thirty Thousand</p><p>September 28, 2015 Dollars ($30,000). Page 14,321</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (325-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize Rapid Applications Development, (RAD) of Encinitas, California, to provide on-call support to maintain the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) custom code as needed during the one-year period beginning October 1, 2015, for a cost not to exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000). </p><p>On motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (326-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize Rapid Applications Development, (RAD) of Encinitas, California, to perform maintenance service on the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), during the one-year period beginning October 1, 2015, for the total cost of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($17,500).</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (327-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the purchase of analytical chemicals and supplies for the Laboratory from Restek Corporation of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, for a one-year period beginning October 1, 2015, in an amount not to exceed Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000). On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and carried with one abstention by Dr. Toulon, it was (328-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the purchase of a used road sweeper from the Village of Lake Grove in the amount of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (329-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the purchase of miscellaneous equipment for fuel storage tanks for all three generator sites for installation by the Authority from Henrich Equipment Co. in the amount of Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-Two and 43/100 Dollars ($5,282.43).</p><p>The Members referred to several requests regarding meetings, training and conferences. After further explanation of details, and on motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin, and unanimously carried, it was (330-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the attendance of Joseph Roccaro, Water</p><p>September 28, 2015 Quality Engineer, at the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference in Salt Lake City, Page 14,322</p><p>Utah, from November 15 through November 19, 2015, for a total approximate cost of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($2,650).</p><p>On motion made by Mr. Halpin, duly seconded by Mrs. Devine, and unanimously carried, it was (331-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize James Touchet, Vincent Lautato and Brad Feldman from the GIS Department to attend the Annual Northeast Arc Users Group Conference in Burlington, Vermont from November 8 to November 11, 2015, at a total cost of Three Thousand Two Hundred Seventy and 25/100 Dollars ($3,270.25) covering all three attendees.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, and unanimously carried, it was (332-09-2015) RESOLVED, To authorize the attendance of Judith Jakobsen, Pine Barrens Policy and Planning Manager, at the Backyards and Beyond Conference, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from October 21 through October 24, 2015, at an approximate cost of One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-One Dollars ($1,871).</p><p>Mr. Szabo reviewed the original invoices to be paid from the Operating Fund, and on motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and unanimously carried, it was (333-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the following invoices be paid from the Operating Fund:</p><p>Dvirka & Bartilucci $6,867.50 Gannett Fleming Engineers, PC 7,538.50 O’Connor, O’Connor, Hintz & Deveney, LLP 870.00 Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson LLP 6,519.50 Sobel Law Group, LLC 25,023.09</p><p>SEQRA REVIEW Where applicable, the foregoing resolutions, unless otherwise noted, will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment within the meaning of Section 8-0109 of the Environmental Conservation Law.</p><p>The Members scheduled their next regular meeting for Monday, October 26, 2015, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Administration Building in Oakdale. September 28, 2015 Page 14,323 At 6:31 p.m., on motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin and unanimously carried, it was (334-09-2015) RESOLVED, That the Members go into an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and labor negotiations.</p><p>The meeting was again called to order at 7:25 p.m.</p><p>On motion made by Mrs. Devine, duly seconded by Mr. Halpin and unanimously carried, it was (335-09-2015) To promote Christine DeSerio from Chemist II to Assistant Supervising Chemist at an annual salary of Fifty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($58,000) effective upon her resignation from the Union.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera and unanimously carried, it was (336-09-2015) To promote Michael O’Connell from Acting Director of Production Control to Director of Production Control at an annual salary of One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($137,000) effective immediately.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera and unanimously carried, it was (337-09-2015) To promote Paul Kuzman from Acting Director of Construction Maintenance to Director of Construction Maintenance at an annual salary of One Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($145,000) effective immediately.</p><p>On motion made by Dr. Toulon, duly seconded by Mr. Mattera, and carried with two abstentions by Mr. Gaughran and Mrs. Devine, it was (338-09-2015) RESOLVED, To ratify the termination of Mark Dominic Petrone, Engineering Analyst, effective September 15, 2015.</p><p>September 28, 2015 Page 14,324</p><p>As there was no further business to be considered, on motion made by Mr. Mattera, duly seconded by Dr. Toulon, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.</p><p>______Patrick G. Halpin, Secretary</p><p>September 28, 2015</p>
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