<p> Headteacher Finance Officer All Maintained Schools</p><p>This matter is being dealt with by Nick Baggett Direct Line: 01865 797138 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01865 783160</p><p>For your attention and action</p><p>Dear Colleague,</p><p>SAP Closedown 2014-15 Introduction and Briefing</p><p>I write with reference to the SAP accounts closedown process for maintained schools, the tasks generally replicate the processes being undertaken each month by schools. This information is being issued to enable schools to plan and maximise staff time over the next few months as we move to the end of the financial year.</p><p>Although the end of term 4 is 27 March 2015 the school’s accounting period will continue to be open until 31 March 2015. You are strongly advised to complete the closedown tasks by the earlier date rather than leave them until the end of the actual month.</p><p>As in previous years the need for school to generate accruals has been reviewed and the amount involved is now considered almost immaterial to either schools individually or the local authority’s overall accounts. With the exception of a supply teacher accrual for March 2015 work (estimated at about £400k for all schools) no other accruals will be raised and no accrual return will be requested from schools. Other local authority sections supplying services to schools will again be asked to ensure that their charges are processed into school SAP accounts before end of the financial year or carried over into next year (2014- 15). For schools scheduled to convert to academy status in the period 1 February to 1 April 2015 inclusive, due to accounting procedures adopted to calculate school balances to be transferred to the academy no supply teacher accrual will be made.</p><p>Given the above, it is expected that the schools balances will be compiled and confirmed on early in May 2015. Schools will, of course, have access to their SAP records and will be able to include a near accurate 2014-15 balance in their budget plans for 2015-16, long before confirmation of the figures by the local authority. The guidance below is based on the monthly processes referred to above and annotated with specific guidance and clarification. </p><p>In addition to the actions you need to undertake in SAP you are also required to make the following returns:</p><p>* Capital return - A capital return pre-populated from your SAP account will be sent to you around on 17 March. Schools will be asked to confirm the figures and return to [email protected] by return but no later than 23 March 2015. More on this will follow nearer the time. * A return for Leasing Expenditure, Details of Vehicle Purchases and Disposals during 2014-15 has been circulated with this letter (the format is an Excel workbooks) and is to be return to [email protected] by 20th March 2015. You do not need to wait until year end to submit these forms. Once all transactions have been recorded schools can complete and send these forms into the Centre. </p><p>Guidance notes relating to individual returns will be included within the Excel workbooks. Where schools do not have anything to report on the returns a “NIL” response by e-mail is still required. </p><p>* Local Expenditure Accounts - A separate local expenditure account return will be required and separate instruction will be issued by the local authority’s Banking Services Manager. Schools will be required to provide a reconciliation statement of the account at the end of March along with a copy of the account’s statement for 31 March 2015. </p><p>With schools and the local authority required to comply with Whole of Government Accounting the time scale for these returns and closedown remains challenging – 27 March 2015 (see above) but not later than 31 March 2015, returns identified above need to be submitted by 20 March 2015. As usual this date is influenced by the timing of school holidays and that further work is to be undertaken by the local authority’s Finance Team so that information can be included within the local authority’s accounts. </p><p>Key Points</p><p>There are several points concerning the returns and closedown I should again like to bring to your attention.</p><p>1. Please use the appropriate e-mail address as they are specifically set up for specific purposes. The e-mail addresses are [email protected] and [email protected]. Where schools miss the deadline, or errors have occurred, the local authority (LA) may be required to make its own adjustments to comply with accounting policies and closedown instructions. This may cause some additional work within the school as you may need to provide a reconciliation statement between your SAP figures and those published in Section 251 Outturn statement. PLEASE ENSURE WHEN SUBMITTING CLOSEDOWN PAPERWORK A SCHOOL CONTACT IS PROVIDED WITH A TELEPHONE NUMBER. </p><p>2. Any paperwork supporting the returns should also be e-mailed. 3. Your school’s Consistent Financial Report (CFR) will be generated centrally by local authority’s Corporate Finance Team, agreeing the figures to the local authority’s published Section 251 figures. </p><p>4. As part of the local authority’s overall accounts International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) regulations require schools accounts to reflect the cost of any annual leave outstanding at the end of the financial year. Likewise an adjustment will need to be made for any flexi time, time off in lieu or other time due to staff which will be taken in the following financial year. It is expected that these adjustments will continue to be made at an aggregate level not directly into schools accounts. No return is required from individual schools. </p><p>5. All transactions generated by schools into SAP must be processed by 31 March 2015. Any transactions entered in SAP after that date must be recorded in the 2015-16 SAP accounts. </p><p>6. Although in SAP a period 13 (and possibly 14 and 15) relating to 2014-15 will be opened from 1 April 2015, schools are not permitted to make any entries in this period 13 (or subsequent period) without prior agreement from local authority’s Finance Team. It is unlikely any agreement will be given but if it is any actual transaction will be undertaken by local authority’s Finance Team. </p><p>It is important that all those within schools responsible for closedown read and fully understand the guidance notes and any implications before beginning any of the identified closedown tasks. </p><p>Hopefully based on the above and the guidance notes that follow you will appreciate that there is little additional work related to closedown other than the routine monthly tasks currently being undertaken by you. </p><p>I hope the above and notes are straightforward but if you have any problems or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your named Schools Support Section finance officer (telephone number 08442642204). </p><p>Nick Baggett Education Finance Manager Education Support Services Oxfordshire County Council Unipart House, Oxford, OX4 2GQ Telephone (01865) 797138 E-mail [email protected] SAP School Closedown 2014-15</p><p>As in previous years the majority of the closedown work required within SAP will already have taken place when running your monthly processes. </p><p>Attached is an updated monthly processes document showing the deadline dates within the old year for running your year-end checks. In addition to the normal monthly processes you are required to submit the following returns to the “Technical Finance” e-mail so that the Centre can reconcile and close your schools SAP accounts:</p><p> Capital Return – This return will be pre-populated from your capital accounts within SAP. You must ensure you have correctly posted your capital transactions within the accounts. This separate analysis is required to enable the capital accounts to be reported correctly on the local authority’s balance sheet. Schools will be required to verify the figures and return it before the end of March. A separate letter as to what can and cannot be charged to Devolved Capital and what checks a schools must make on their capital spending has been circulated separately to all schools along with this letter. Please review its contents and take appropriate action. Accruals return – again not required. Please note that the local authority will accrue for supply teacher costs. Food with Thought (FwT) and QuEST Cleaning Services costs relating to March 2015 will, where applicable be processed into SAP prior to the end of the year. Schools need do nothing. Leasing and Vehicle returns. All school must make these returns even if the return is “NIL”. No entries are posted into individual school SAP accounts for any of the data entered on these forms. Deadline 20 March 2015. No Annual Leave return is required for 2014-15.</p><p>No return for the balances held on the EDxxxxNON node is required. All balances will be directly lifted from SAP, transferred to the balance sheet and then from the balance sheet reinstated to the new financial year 2015-16.</p><p>Once all schools SAP accounting entries have been confirmed and processed the necessary final accounting adjustments will be made within each school’s SAP accounts with the transfer of balances to your school’s reserves held on the local authority balance sheet being the last entries.</p><p>Transactions made into the 2014-15 accounts after the 31 March 2015 will be moved to the new financial year 2015-16. </p><p>KEY DATES </p><p>DATE WHO ACTION</p><p>End of School Undertake and process all month end tasks as required each month DATE WHO ACTION</p><p>16 to 20 All February Holiday February 2015 From 23 School To review and clear parked documents on a weekly basis until year end Feb 2015 By end of Corporate Supply accruals posted to school accounts. Estimates based on April 2014 actual. Feb 2015 Finance From 2 School Review outstanding commitments and clear as necessary March 2015 6 March All Last date for submitting recharges involving schools accounts, processing in to SAP by 2015 12 March School Last date for input to SAP of recharges to and between SAP schools using transactions 11 March Z1 or Z4. 2015 Transaction facility (recharge input) locked from after this date until 21 April) All outstanding recharges (not authorised in SAP) deleted on 31 March. 13 March Banking Upload of February procurement card transactions in to SAP 2015 Services 17 to 19 School Pre-populated Capital return to be sent to all schools from the centre. Schools should March validate their capital return figures and return to Centre by 23 March 2015 17 March School Last date for raising purchase orders for goods or services to be received by 31 March 2015 2015 20 March School Last date for SAP schools to enter "Old Year" invoices. 2015 20 March School Closedown Leasing and Vehicle returns submission deadline 2015 Central Last date expected for estimated charges for Food with Thought - Adult and Pupil Staff meals, QuEST Cleaning and Sickness Insurance Reimbursements posted in SAP. Accruals should not be raised by schools for these items. School Deadline for submission/processing of Imprest claims for inclusion in 2014-15 accounts </p><p>23 March School Deadline for return of Pre-populated Capital return to Corporate Finance 2015 School Schools to review their monthly processes and make necessary adjustments within their accounts. School Last day for banking income into Lloyds Bank accounts, not using SAP cash receipting School SAP schools to review parked documents and clear (authorise or delete) by 31 March 30 March All Schools April Holiday – 10 April 2015 Central All remaining internal recharges raised in relation to SAP schools using Z1 and Z4 31 March Staff/School transactions deleted if not approved by this date (most likely effective date 27 March). 2015 School Last date for input of debtor invoices to be credited in 2014-15 Schools School Last day for banking income using SAP Cash Receipting should School Last effective day of period 12. Schools cannot make any changes to their accounts use 27 after this date and therefore all monthly processes must be completed by the end of the March as day. final date School Last chance for school to review remainder on monthly processes and resolve any issues. 1st April School Period 13 opens but not to be accessed by schools. 2014 All New financial year 2014-15 begins. DATE WHO ACTION</p><p>Corporate For 2014-15 accounts, Corporate Finance will begin their reconciliations of the school Finance accounts. </p><p>Adjustments will be made to the schools accounts for the following: Clearing EXCODES – If school have not cleared the EXCODES group we will make adjustments to ensure these items appear within the schools reporting Capital postings – If schools have not performed their monthly processes to clear revenue postings against capital cost centres and capital postings against revenue cost centres we will make adjustments to balance the accounts to issued figures. Movement to reserves and third party balances. These will be posted to the central control accounts to ensure they do not appear on schools reports. Any other adjustment that is requested by the Finance Business Partner – CEF. 3 April School Last day for procurement card holders to check and reconcile their March 2015 2015 transactions on RBS SDOL. March transaction will be posted into SAP within the NEW financial year. 6 April Central March 2015 procurement card transactions from RBS SDOL uploaded into SAP within 2015 Staff the NEW financial year. 17 April Corporate Outstanding commitments from the old year 2014-15 are rolled forward to the new year 2015 Finance 2015-16. 20 April Corporate Work commences on the schools CFR returns for 2014-15. 2015 Finance 24 June Corporate Schools balances 2014-15 reported to Schools Forum 2015 Finance 17 July Corporate Estimated date for submission of Consistent Financial reporting (CFR) returns for 2014- 2015 Finance 15 to DfE. Annex A – SAP Monthly/Year End Processes</p><p>Introduction Every month there are processes that are to be performed in SAP to ensure the school’s account is up to date and this is the basis of sound financial management. The User Guide below summarises these processes and where appropriate it links to other user guides that are listed on the Intranet.</p><p>On the first working day of every month the appropriate team at the local authority (Customer Services) closes the previous months posting period and opens the IMPORTANT current period. As a result it is important that certain processes are performed in SAP prior to month end.</p><p>1. Enter all It is good practice to ensure that all invoices and credit notes are entered into the Invoices and system before the posting period is closed so that they are reflected in the budget Credit Notes monitoring.</p><p>Any invoices or credit notes that relate to the previous month that are entered once the period is closed will show in the budget monitoring reports for the next period.</p><p>The user guides for entering invoices and credit notes can be found under:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/accounts-payable</p><p>The deadline for period 12 revenue invoices being posted into SAP is 20 March 2015. For capital invoices the deadline is 13 March 2015. 2. Check Workflow messages should be checked on a daily basis, especially at month end. Workflow If a non-order invoice is entered in one month and the workflow is authorised in the Messages next month, then the invoice will post in the current month because the posting period for the month it was entered is closed. The user guides for workflow can be found under: Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable / Workflow Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/node/397</p><p>Workflow messages should be resolved by the 27 March 2015 (last day of term) or 31 March 2015 (at the latest) to ensure transactions appear in the old financial year. For messages relating to capital the deadline is 13 March 2015. </p><p>3. Check for If a Purchase Order has been created and placed on “Hold” instead of saving, this Held Purchase will be displayed as a commitment against the cost centre but no workflow is Orders generated until the PO is saved. To review purchase orders on hold for the school, follow the instructions in the following user guide: Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable / Purchasing Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/node/399</p><p>4. Review The ZOCC-Blocked invoice report should be run on a weekly basis as it lists all Blocked items that the school have processed and have been blocked for payment. Invoices To run the blocked invoice report, follow the instructions in the following user guide: Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable / Vendors Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/vendors 5. Reconcile Any cheque payments and direct debits that have been made from the local & Top up the expenditure bank account will not be reflected in SAP until you top up the account. Local It is therefore, important that you process a top up and have it authorised before Expenditure the end of the month so that the expenditure is reflected in budget monitoring. Account To top up the local expenditure bank account, follow the instructions in the following user guide: Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable / Payment Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/payment</p><p>This is not a solution to processing and payment of late capital invoices into 2014-15. Capital accounts transactions will be fixed as at 13 March 2015, any late transactions will be recoded to the school’s revenue account and will count against the school’s balance. </p><p>Local Expenditure Account top ups should be performed by the 20 March 2015 to ensure transactions appear in the old financial year. A reconciliation of the account up to and including 31 March 2014 supported by a copy of the bank statement at that date will be required by the local authority’s Banking Services Manager. 6. Check all Any cash or cheques received at the school must be entered via the Cash income has Receipting transaction and banked prior to month end in order to ensure that the been posted balances are shown in the budget monitoring reports for this period. into SAP and banked To enter payments via Cash Receipting, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Cash Receipting Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/node/396</p><p>If you are expecting funds and have not received them it is possible that the money has been paid into the County Main Fund Account instead of your Direct Credit Account. </p><p>To review unclaimed income in the County Main fund, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Cash Receipting</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/node/396</p><p>All cash receipting relating to the old year should be completed on or before the 31 March 2015 (last day of financial year). No capital income is to be banked into the capital account after the 13 March 2015. If absolutely unavoidable and needed, schools should bank monies to revenue and show in year-end figures as a committed balance. 7. Review Procurement card transactions should appear on The Royal bank of Scotland Procurement system (SDOL – Smart Data On Line), Transactions will appear immediately on Card the system. These should be reviewed on a regular basis and the general ledger Transactions code should be updated and where appropriate, the VAT element of the payment should be shown separately. </p><p>Statements are usually issued by the bank on the 27th of each month and accessed on-line. </p><p>A monthly expenditure report with tax should be printed from the SDOL and signed by an authorised manager and filed with paper copies of all the receipts. A reminder for this to be carried out will be e-mailed by the Banking Services team on the 10th of each month.</p><p>A user guide for the SDOL system can be found on the Intranet under:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Procurement Cards</p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/procurement-cards</p><p>Procurement card transactions will be automatically transferred into SAP (2 to 3 weeks after the statement date). If required the cost centre that has been debited can be changed by raising a journal.</p><p>To raise a journal on SAP, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Journal and Internal Recharges </p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/journals-and-internal- recharges</p><p>March 2015 procurement card transactions from SDOL will be uploaded into SAP within the NEW financial year. 8. Review Any payments made into the Local Credit Account are automatically swept into a payments default cost centre and general ledger account that has been nominated by the from the Local school. These transactions should be reviewed, and if required, they should be Credit journaled to a more appropriate cost centre and general ledger code. Account Please note that you will not receive a monthly bank statement for this account if no transactions have gone through the account.</p><p>To display a list of transactions that have been posted please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>On Step 1 enter the default Cost Centre for Local Credit Account transfers and on Step 2 enter the default general ledger code into the Cost Element field.</p><p>To raise a journal on SAP, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Journal and Internal Recharges </p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/journals-and-internal- recharges</p><p>Any journals posted to recode Local Credit Account transactions must be completed by 27 March 2015 (last day of term) or on or before the 31 March 2015 (last day of financial year). 9. Checking If anyone has made postings to a General Ledger code that is not part of the CFR, Excodes then these will be shown under Excodes on the Position to Date reports. It is (Postings important that these transactions are reviewed and journaled, as required, before against non the end of the month to ensure that the budget monitoring is accurate. CFR General Ledger To display a list of transactions that have been posted please refer to the following Accounts) user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>On Step 1 enter your top level Cost Centre group, e.g. EDxxxxALL and on Step 2 enter the Cost Element Group EXCODES.</p><p>To raise a journal on SAP, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Journal and Internal Recharges </p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/journals-and-internal- recharges</p><p>Any journals posted to recode EXCODE transactions should be completed on or before the 31 March 2015. Failure to do so will result in these items being recoded to an appropriate CFR category as part of the CEF closedown processes. 10.Check that Any spend/income from the capital cost centres should be coded to one of the Capital following capital GL Codes: expenditure has been 87001 – Acquisition of land and existing buildings coded to the 87002 – New construction, conversion and renovation correct GL codes 87003 – Vehicles, plant, equipment and machinery 87004 – Information and communication (ICT) 90101 – Schools Capital Income 90102 – Schools Capital Voluntary or Private Income 90103 – Schools Revenue Contributions to Capital Before 13 March, to check for mis-postings run the ZOX_SCH_CCPOS – Schools Position to Date (CC) report for Cost Centre Group EDxxxxDFC and Cost Element Group CFR. The report should only show postings against the Capital GL codes. If other GL codes are listed then the expenditure should be journaled. Before 14 March, to check that the capital GL codes haven’t been used against other cost centres, run the same report and enter EDxxxxALL in the Cost Centre Group and SCHCAP in the Cost Element Group. Only the capital cost centre should be displayed. If other cost centres are listed then the expenditure should be journaled. This process must be completed before the 13 March 2015. The Centre will issue a pre-populated Capital return to schools to check on or about 20 March 2015. Any transactions posted against capital gl accounts after the 13 March 2015 will be treated as revenue expenditure unless prior agreement has been obtained via the “Technical Finance” e-mail address. NB revenue contributions to capital shown against 90103 - Schools Revenue Contributions to Capital must be offset against the 85000 – CERA gl account within your revenue cost centres. If your accounts do not balance you will be required to correct the entries by posting journals. Please contact the Schools Support Helpline if you are unsure of what action to take. 11. Review During the course of a financial year, a school might find costs relating to staff postings that posted to incorrect cost centres or to their old (FMS6) 6 digit cost centre (EDxxxx have been where xxxx is the school's DfE number). There are two possible reasons for this: made to the old 6 digit 1. The cost relates to a previous financial year or Cost Centre 2. The data for a member of staff's post is incorrect and therefore the cost centre (where the staff salary charges are allocated) might require correcting. </p><p>If the cost relates to the previous financial year (e.g. pay awards, retrospective changes such as grade, hours and absences etc) SAP will post the cost to the cost centre where that member of staff was allocated at that time. For example, if EDnnnn27 was for staff costs in the previous financial year and it is now Geography, then any staff costs relating to the previous financial year will appear within what is now the Geography cost centre.</p><p>The school must journal the costs to the correct cost centres. </p><p>If it appears that a member of staff's post data is incorrect, please contact your representative in PEI who will be able to check the staff record. If changes are agreed, email a payroll query form (.doc format, 35Kb) giving all relevant details to correct the mis-posting (as retrospective periods are locked in SAP) and include information to prevent any future problems. The requested changes will result in the mis-posted charges being moved automatically to the new correct cost centre from an agreed date. Any costs prior to the agreed date which need to be redistributed can be done by the school through a journal.</p><p>To display a list of transactions that have been posted to the old 6 digit cost centre, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>On Step 1 enter EDxxxx in the Cost Centre field.</p><p>To raise a journal on SAP, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Journal and Internal Recharges </p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/journals-and-internal- recharges 12. Review If you have changed your schools’ structure and have decided you no longer need postings one of your cost centres it will be moved into the cost centre group EDxxxxX. against blocked Cost If the cost centre has had payroll transactions posted to it at any point over the last Centres 3 years the cost centre cannot be blocked. If a cost centre is not blocked, postings can still be made to it. It is therefore advisable to check any postings against these cost centres on a monthly basis and journal them appropriately.</p><p>To view your school’s’ Cost Centre Structure on SAP, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Master Data</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/master-data</p><p>Enter EDxxxxALL into the Cost Centre Group field.</p><p>To display any actuals entered against a blocked cost centre, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting</p><p>Link </p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>Run the report for periods 1 to 12 and enter EDxxxxX in the Cost Centre Group field. The report should be run for plan version 11. </p><p>Any journals posted must be completed on or before the 31 March 2015 for Revenue spend and 13 March 2015 for Capital. Any balances left on these cost centres will not be corrected as part of the CEF closedown processes and may result in your schools end of your reporting not balancing to your reported Section 251 balances. 13.Review The Cost Centre Commitment Line Item report (KSB2) should be run on a regular Outstanding basis and any commitments that have been outstanding for several weeks should Commitments be investigated. If a revised delivery date is known this should be updated on the purchase order. This is particularly important at year end as any outstanding commitments are rolled forward into the new financial year but they will not display on the KSB2 report for the new financial year unless the delivery dates are updated. The commitments, will, however, display correctly on the budget monitoring reports. To display outstanding commitments, please refer to the following user guide:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting</p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>Some items may show a monetary balance but the quantity is zero which indicates that all of the items have been received. This will be because the items on the invoice have been discounted and the remaining balance is still shown against the cost centre. </p><p>The balance can be removed by ticking the “Final Invoice” checkbox on the purchase order. If this task is not performed then the commitments included in budget monitoring will be overstated.</p><p>Commitments should be reviewed before the 31 March 2015 for Revenue and 13 March 2015 for Capital. Outstanding commitments will be rolled forward to the new year on or around the 17 April 2015.</p><p>14.Review 1 If any payments have been processed using this account (X000009999) then it is time vendor important that you check the Vendor Line Items report (FBL1N) to ensure that the payments payment has cleared. If the vendor address has been entered into the wrong fields then the payment will block. Contact the Accounts Payable team via email for them to update the address details. Please refer to the following user guide for further information: Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Accounts Payable / Vendors Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/vendors 15.Check A parked document is an accounting document that is awaiting authorisation via Parked SAP Workflow. The parked document list will show non-order invoices and Documents internal recharges that are awaiting authorisation. In addition, this report will also show any journals that have been entered and completed instead of saved. Parked journals will not go through SAP Workflow so they must either be deleted by the school and re-entered correctly, or if they are correct a call should be raised with the ICT Service Desk for the SAP Competency Centre to post them. There are several ways in SAP to list parked documents for a school. The following user guide is believed to be the quickest and easiest. Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Reporting Link http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/reporting</p><p>Issues with parked documents should be resolved on or before the 31 March 2015 for Revenue and 13 March 2015 for Capital.</p><p>16. Check Payroll transactions are shown in SAP two working days before month end Payroll (expected date 25/26 March 2015). If any errors are found in the postings they should be communicated to the Pay and Employment team so that they can be corrected in the next payroll run. </p><p>Schools’ must not raise journals in SAP to correct payroll errors unless they relate to back pay, see step 12 for further information.</p><p>Please refer to the following user guide for further information:</p><p>Schools / SAP Support for Schools / Using SAP / Payroll Transactions</p><p>Link</p><p> http://schools.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/payroll-transactions Monthly/Year End Checklist</p><p>Finance Officer Inputting Data Transaction code Date 1 Supplier Invoices & Credit Notes input FB60 – Non Order invoices and approved? FB65 – Non Order Credit memos MIRO – Purchase Order Invoices MIRO – Credit Memo or Subsequent Credit related to Purchase Orders 2 Check workflow messages SBWP – SAP Business Workplace 3 Check for Held Purchase Orders ME23N 4 Review Blocked Invoices ZOCC_BLOCKED 5 Reconcile and top up Local FB60 – Non Order Invoices(choose Expenditure Account the Vendor number for the School’s Local Expenditure Account) 6 Ensure that income has been input ZCR_Paying_in_slip through Cash Receipting & banked 14 Review 1-Time Vendor payments FBL1N 15 Check Parked Documents and chase FBV3 where necessary Bursar / Finance Manager / Head Transaction Code Date 2 Review Workflow for outstanding SBWP – SAP Business Workplace Purchase Orders, Internal Recharges and Non-order invoices 7 Review Procurement Card RBS SDOL system Transactions – statements issued 27th monthly 8 Review payments received via the KSB1 Local Credit Account 9 Check Excodes for postings to non- KSB1 - run for Cost Element Group: CFR accounts EXCODES 6 Review unidentified income in the FBL3N County Main Fund. 10 Check capital expenditure coding ZOX_SCH_CCPOS 11 Review postings against the old 6 digit KSB1 cost centre 12 Check postings on blocked cost ZOX_SCH_CCPOS centres 13 Review Outstanding Commitments KSB2 16 Run the Payroll and Position to Date PC00_M08_DRL_COSTOBJ reports in SAP and compare to and School’s records for Personnel. Notify ZOX_SCH_CCPOS the Pay and Employment team of any errors or corrections required.</p>
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