<p>VIII - Crisis of Confidence</p><p>Operation Frequent Wind (6.1.12.D.12.e)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on Watergate Lesson Objective (Essential Question) What is the psychological impact of defeat? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Grasp, Implement, Ensue, Plight, Emanate</p><p>Notes and Lecture President Nixon’s resignation wracked America His pardon made matters worse Grasping for good news President Ford implemented Operation Babylift Disaster struck Operation Frequent Wind didn’t help The evacuation of Saigon turned into a logistical nightmare Neither did the plight of the Boat People</p><p>YouTube Video - Ford Pardons Nixon September 8, 1974 (5:56) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL0j_CN7dpw</p><p>Web Article - C5 Crashes in Vietnam during Operation Babylift http://www.super70s.com/Super70s/Tech/Aviation/Disasters/75-04-04(C5Vietnam).asp What was Operation Babylift? Why did the military oppose Operation Babylift? Why wasn’t the C-5A Galaxy the right plane for the job?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Air Crash Investigation ~ S07E05 Operation Babylift Pt 3 (16:41) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfV9o-AA4ls</p><p>Saigon Evacuation by Marines - 30 Years Later (3:59) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUsq8T_Xvu0</p><p>Web Articles - The Story/USS Kirk/The Untold Story - http://usskirk.com/?page_id=56 Why two heroic actions was the USS Kirk involved with during the evacuation of Saigon?</p><p>Remembering the Fall of Saigon and Vietnam’s Mass Boat People Exodus http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/30/remembering-the-fall-of-saigon-and-vietnam-s-mass- boat-people-exodus.html What does Carina Hoang remember about the last day at the American Embassy? Why was it so difficult to survive after the fall of Saigon? How did she manage to get out of Vietnam? What did she have to endure before being awarded refugee status by the U.N.?</p><p>YouTube Article - 6/24/79 The Island (7:15) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw3Vm3fe4Jg</p><p>Web Article - *Boat People SOS: From Rescue at Sea to Katrina http://www.aspaonline.org/global/V36N1_BoatPeopleSOS_Nguyen.pdf What were the three major waves of boat people? What was the initial mission of Boat People SOS (BPSOS)? What are local (Camden) BPSOS offices involved with today?</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which President Ford agonizes over reports on the evacuation of Saigon.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz on Operation Frequent Wind Extension Activity - Film - Heaven and Earth (1993) Moon Hoax (6.1.12.C.12.a)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on Operation Frequent Wind Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Why does myth making characterize every age of exploration?</p><p>Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Lunar, Hoax, Torment, Authenticity</p><p>Notes and Lecture Watergate established a distrust of government The nation was susceptible to conspiracy theory In 1974 Bill Kaysing published We Never Went to the Moon The lunar landings had been filmed in a studio Stanley Kubrick was linked to the project His Apollo Mission films kept money pouring into NASA They eliminated the Soviets as a serious rival in space Capricorn One (1978) gave a boost to the hoax theory The theory was not at all appreciated by Buzz Aldrin</p><p>YouTube Video - Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Footage (7:28) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrpjwpfixX4</p><p>Web Articles - 2.09: The Wrong Stuff - Wired http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/2.09/moon.land_pr.html What was Bill Kaysing’s opinion of the lunar landings? Why did he come to this conclusion? What was his explanation for how NASA was able to pull it off? Why do millions of Americans doubt the authenticity of the lunar missions? Why wasn’t NASA surprised about the denial and myth making to the lunar adventure?</p><p>Clacius Bibliography - The Kubrick Article - Moon base Clavius http://www.clavius.org/bibkubrick.html How was Stanley Kubrick persuaded to direct the first three moon landings? Where did the shooting take place? How were the Apollo 11 and 12 missions staged? Why did NASA release Kubrick from his commitment to make an Apollo 13 film? What production problems did Kubrick encounter in filming the moon landings? What problem did he solve that had prevented a real moon mission from taking place?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Capricorn One (1978) Trailer 3:13 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKbwdTCL8rA</p><p>Capricorn One (1977) Full Sci-Fi Movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yArdeNNlYvg</p><p>Web Article - *Moon Stalker - gershkuntzman http://gershkuntzman.homestead.com/files/moon_stalker.htm Who is Bart Sibrel? How did he torment former astronauts? How did he lure Buzz Aldrin to a fancy hotel on Rodeo Drive? What is the reporter’s opinion of Sibrel?</p><p>YouTube Video - Buzz Aldrin Punches Bart Sibrel after Being Harassed by Him (1:46) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2oz4ab</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Buzz Aldrin responds to questions about a moon landing hoax?</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on Moon Hoax Extension Activity - The Truth Behind the Moon Landings -Conspiracy Documentaries (1:07:29) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA4feWKNSiA POW/MIA (6.1.12.D.12.e)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on Moon Hoax Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Why must there always be a Hanoi Jane? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Divisive, Rationale, Hostilities, Reveal, Pledge</p><p>Notes and Lecture The last divisive aftereffect of Vietnam was the POW By 1970 their safe return was the rationale to continue hostilities Jane Fonda challenged reports of their ill treatment In some circles she is still referred to as Hanoi Jane POW/MIA families feared the worst Memory bracelets and POW/MIA flags appeared At war’s end, Operation Homecoming brought 591 home John McCain revealed stories of life at the Hanoi Hilton Rolling Thunder pledged to bring the last one home</p><p>YouTube - Jane Fonda: Anti-War Speech & Interview on Vietnam War (19:55) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLvnDXZZ5u0</p><p>Web Article - Operation Barbarella http://www.lrb.co.uk/v27/n22/rick-perlstein/operation-barbarella What is the Jane Fonda cult? Why was she considered dangerous by the Nixon Administration? What was Operation Barbarella? How did the hard line POWS look upon their captivity? How did they look upon their younger comrades who were openly critical of the war? How did Jane Fonda explain her controversial visit to North Vietnam?</p><p>YouTube Video - Deer Hunter - Russian Roulette Scene (2:54) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE_zqVPr4HI</p><p>Web Articles - *The Story of the POW/MIA Flag http://www.historynet.com/the-story-of-the-powmia-flag.htm What is the National League of Families? What prompted Mrs. Michael Hoff to suggest a POW/MIA Flag? What New Jersey company did she contact to create it? What did Newt Heisley attempt to capture in his design for the flag?</p><p>YouTube -Vietnam War - POWs Return (2:04) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irMa2eO41Z4</p><p>John McCain, Prisoner of War: A First Person Account http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2008/01/28/john-mccain-prisoner-of-war-a-first-person-account How was John McCain taken prisoner? What happened to him immediately after his capture? What was the quiz he was forced to undergo? Why weren’t there any amputees in the prison hospital? What saved McCain’s life?</p><p>YouTube Video - Bring the Last One Home (POW-MIA Song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2T3Qxw5VK4</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Jane Fonda responds to her characterization as Hanoi Jane.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on POWMIA Extension Activity - Documentary Pure History Specials - Prisoners of War Betrayal (50:11) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGmBGBbXrQE The Vietnam War Memorial (6.1.12.D.12.e)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on POW/MIA Lesson Objective (Essential Question) What is the proper way to memorialize a war’s fallen heroes?</p><p>Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Collective, Endure, Reflection, Reckoning</p><p>Notes and Lecture Over 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War Those who returned were not always greeted by supportive crowds Vietnam veteran Jan Scruggs was deeply upset by the nation’s collective amnesia He became determined to see that their sacrifice was remembered Scruggs founded the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The Fund chose Maya Lin to design a national Memorial Completed in 1982, it endured as much controversy as the war itself Lin saw it as a quiet place meant for personal reflection and reckoning Critics referred to it as a black gash of shame The Monument touched off a national movement of support </p><p>YouTube Video - Thank You for Your Service (A Moment of Truth) 2:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j02zmZ2Y3U</p><p>Web Article - His Dream Was to Heal a Nation with the Vietnam Memorial http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20099074,00.html When did Jan Scruggs’ obsession with building the Vietnam War Memorial begin? What obstacles did he and his coworkers have to overcome? What kept him going?</p><p>Web Research – Kristal Sands - Jack Magazine (Maya Lin’s Wall: A Tribute to Americans) http://www.jackmagazine.com/issue9/essayksands.html Why were some people critical of Maya Lin’s selection to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? Why was she upset about plans to add a statue and flag to the memorial? Why is the walk along the Wall’s sidewalk so emotional? Why did she choose black granite for the memorial? Why didn’t she list the names on the wall alphabetically?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Jan C. Scruggs (10:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j02zmZ2Y3U</p><p>Vietnam Vets Never Expected (3:29) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp0LYc4IHnY</p><p>*History of the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial http://www.njvvmf.org/history-of-njvvmf Where did the idea for the Memorial originate? Who designed the Memorial? Describe the artist’s design for the memorial. What is the Memorial’s companion piece? What is the significance of this addition?</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Jan Scruggs reflects on his national recognition as the Wall Guy.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on the Vietnam War Memorial Extension Activity - Film - In Country (1989 The Killing Fields (6.2.12.A.5.d)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on the Vietnam War Memorial (1982) Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Why do we remain oblivious to holocaust? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Disastrous Witness, Fateful, Chaos, Ponder</p><p>Notes and Lecture Vietnam was not our only embarrassment in Southeast Asia Our bombing of Cambodia had disastrous results It enabled the Khmer Rouge to come to power in 1975 The Khmer Rouge turned the calendar in Cambodia to year zero They instituted a reeducation program for the city people Dith Pran was a Cambodian caught up in the chaos of the fall of Phnom Penn The Killing Fields is his story of survival It is also a story with tragic consequences Pran would become the powerful voice for the ghosts of the Cambodian Killing Fields</p><p>Web Articles - Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/04/khmer-rouge-cambodian-genocide-united-states/ What order did President Nixon deliver to Henry Kissinger concerning Cambodia in 1970? What was the effect of this order upon Cambodia’s civilian population? How did this order contribute to the Khmer Rouge’s rise to power?</p><p>Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/p/pran-cambodia.html Why did many Cambodians welcome it when the Khmer Rouge came to power? Why were their tactics so effective? Why did the Khmer Rouge single out the city people for reeducation? What was hypocritical about the Khmer Rouge?</p><p>The Death and Life of Dith Pran - Sydney H. Schanberg (5-18) http://faculty.kirkwood.edu/ryost/hist201/Holocaust/Cambodia/Schanberg1980part1.pdf What fateful decision did Sydney Schanberg make as Americans evacuated Phnom Penn? What happened when the Khmer Rouge entered the city? What happened to Schanberg and two other Western journalists? How did Dith Pran save their lives? Why did Dith Pran leave the embassy and head for his home town of Siem Reap?</p><p>Revisiting Haing Ngor’s Murder: Killing Fields Theory Won’t Die http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/21/local/la-me-ngor-murder21-2010jan21 What controversy surrounds the death of Dr. Haing Ngor?</p><p>*Dith Pran, Survivor of Cambodian Horror, Faces Cancer with Serenity http://blog.nj.com/ledgerarchives/2008/03/dith_pran_survivor_of_cambodia.html What is Dith Pran’s attitude towards his illness? What does he refuse to do? What does he consider to be a possibility for the cause of his illness? How does a Cambodian look upon the body? What does he hope to gain from his illness?</p><p>YouTube Video - The Last Word: Dith Pran (7:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y541yRMDaiE</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Dith Pran ponders surviving the Cambodian holocaust. </p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on the Killing Fields Extension Activity - Film - The Killing Fields (1984) The Man Who Changed the World (6.2.12.A.6.c)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on the Killing Fields Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Why are we surprised when the chickens come home to roost? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Nationalize, Eradicate, Haven, Dissent, Clerical</p><p>Notes and Lecture In 1951 Mohammed Mosaddeq was elected Prime Minister of Iran He attempted to nationalize the oil industry BP and the CIA overthrew him in 1953 They returned the Shah to power SAVAK was developed to support him and eradicate communism The only haven for dissent was the Islamic mosque In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini led a clerical revolt His militant Islam singled out the United States as the enemy It would foster terrorism and the events of 9/11</p><p>Web Articles - An Anti- Democracy Foreign Policy: Iran http://fff.org/explore-freedom/article/antidemocracy-foreign-policy- What was at the root of Iranian hatred towards the United States? Why was Mohammad Mossadegh unacceptable to the British and American governments? What was Operation Ajax?</p><p>*Iran’s feared SAVAK: Norman Schwarzkopf’s Father Had greater Impact on Middle East Affairs http://www.ibtimes.com/irans-feared-savak-norman-schwarzkopfs-father-had-greater-impact-middle- east-affairs-976502 What was SAVAK? What role did Herbert Schwarzkopf and Mossad play in its creation? What was SAVAK’s greatest achievement? How was SAVAK viewed in the eyes of the Iranian public?</p><p>Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 89, the Unwavering Iranian Spiritual Leader (Pages 3) http://www.nytimes.com/1989/06/04/obituaries/ayatollah-ruhollah-khomeini-89-the-unwavering- iranian-spiritual-leader.html?pagewanted=4 What sort of government did the Ayatollah Khomeini advocate? Why was he upset with the Shah of Iran? What was he involved with in the early 1960s that led to his exile? Why was it a mistake to exile him? What took place in January, 1978 that set the stage for his return?</p><p>YouTube Video - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Returns Triumphant to Iran - February 1, 1979 (5:43) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1PdGQzADkE</p><p>Web Article - Why Carter Admitted the Shah http://www.nytimes.com/1981/05/17/magazine/why-carter-admitted-the-shah.html?pagewanted=1 What decision did President Carter make on October 21, 1979? What influenced his decision? How did militant students in Tehran react to his decision?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 (ABC News Report from 11/11/1979) 10:03 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8bC1DEYbI4</p><p>9/11 Timeline (4:45) - http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks/videos/911-timeline</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which the Ayatollah Khomeini explains his disdain for the United States.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on the Man Who Changed the World Extension Activity - Film - Let’s Roll - The Story of Flight 93 (55:41) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GUrUQN0m79o Dazed and Confused (6.1.12.D.3.e)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on the Man Who Changed the World Lesson Objective (Essential Question) What is the danger of freedom? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Ultimate, Significant, Transformation, Rampant </p><p>Notes and Lecture Some compare the 1970s to Rodney Dangerfield It’s an era that gets no respect Tony Manero, its’ Ultimate Face, was nowhere, going no place Drug use was rampant Its contributions were limited to polyester and disco Others consider the 70s a significant period of social transformation The most total since the industrial revolution Its’ pursuit of freedom destroyed respect for authority There was no truth or easy answers…God was dead Joe Namath told us to never trust anybody over thirty He was the Establishment’s worse nightmare</p><p>YouTube Video - No Respect (:21) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwu-6GxBHN4</p><p>Web Articles *Saturday Night Fever Movie Review (1977) Roger Ebert http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-saturday-night-fever-1977 What are the two central themes of Saturday Night Fever? How does Stephanie describe Tony Manero? How does Roger Ebert describe John Travolta’s performance? Why was Gene Siskel so taken with Saturday Night Fever?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Cheech and Chong: Up in Smoke Funniest Scene Uncut (9:17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCXqbjo6cb0</p><p>Bee Gees - Saturday Night Fever (John Travolta) 3:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LnqWQnbvjuQ</p><p>How the 70s Changed America - TIME http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,39559,00.html What does the author of this article say he would do if ordered to return to the 70s? How does David Frum maintain that the 70s left America?</p><p>One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Baseball - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI_4HtIJYDM</p><p>Web Article - The Sweet Life of Swinging Joe http://www.si.com/nfl/2014/09/25/sweet-life-swinging-joe-joe-namath-celebrity-and-new-york-city What question did young Joe Namath pose? What was he for New Yorkers? How did he differ from the stars who went before him:?</p><p>YouTube Video - Joe Namath: A Football Life - The Guarantee (6:46) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riMTb36G84A</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which John Travolta explains the essence of Tony Manero. </p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on Dazed and Confused Extension Activity - Film - Saturday Night Fever (1977) Politics and Sports (6.1.12.A.12.a)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on Dazed and Confused Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Can international sport ever be apolitical? Agenda</p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Resurrect, Apolitical, Fervor, Pawn, Permeate</p><p>Notes and Lecture Sports served to resurrect America’s self esteem The Olympics were never meant to be apolitical They were now a Cold War battlefield Russian athletes lost their humanity Moments of glory evoked displays of patriotic fervor Athletes became pawns in a game of international diplomacy Athletic Cold War extended beyond the Olympics Cries of USA, USA permeated the world of professional wrestling</p><p>Web Article - Classic 1972 USA vs. USSR Basketball Game http://espn.go.com/classic/s/Classic_1972_usa_ussr_gold_medal_hoop.html What changed on the morning of September 10, 1972? What controversy surrounded the game’s final seconds? How did sportswriter Gary Smith explain the call and protest? What did Mike Bantom later say about the situation? What did Doug Collins?</p><p>YouTube Videos - 1972 Olympic Gold Medal Basketball Issues and What Happened to the Medals (16:41) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwZuPi4cbyg</p><p>Rocky IV - Apollo Creed vs Ivan Drago (5:35) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdx9geh510E</p><p>Web Article - College Kids Perform Olympic Miracle - https://espn.go.com/classic/s/miracle_ice_1980.html How did Dave Ogrean describe the American victory at Lake Placid? What turned it into a national celebration? How did the victory affect Mike Eruzione? How did the Americans look upon the Russian skaters? Why did Americans love the 1980 Olympic hockey team?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Final Minute of the Miracle on Ice (1:56) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYscemhnf88</p><p>April 12, 1980 US Boycotts Olympics (2:13) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7bEdc5uivI</p><p>Web Article - *Carol Blazejowski Was a Trailblazer in Women’s Basketball http://njmonthly.com/articles/jersey-living/trailblazer-3/ What do basketball enthusiasts consider Carol Blazejowski to be? What were some of her athletic accomplishments leading up to her selection for the 1980 Olympic team?</p><p>You Tube Videos - Hacksaw Jim Duggan in The South’s Gonna Do It Again (3:35) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmSSS6YA0b0</p><p>Hulk Hogan vs Nikolai Volkoff - WWF Title Flag Match (11:29) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20qawh_hulk-hogan-vs-nikolai-volkoff-wwf-title-flag-match_sport</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Hulk Hogan explains the importance of his character to the wrestling fans of the early 1980s.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on Politics and Sports Extension Activity - Film - Miracle On Ice (1981) The Bonfire of the Vanities (6.1.12.D.16.c)</p><p>Do Now Assignment Review Material for Quiz on Politics and Sports Lesson Objective (Essential Question) Is greed good? Agenda </p><p>SAT Words of the Day: Meritocracy, Seduce, Mellow, Lampoon, Apostasy</p><p>Notes and Lecture The 80s gave birth to a full blown market culture Life revolved around a philosophy of whoever dies with the most toys wins Money never sleeps However, the new Me Generation saw life as more than making money They believed that meritocracy would change the world Some aging activists were seduced by its appeal They embraced the greed is good philosophy of Gordon Gekko Jerry Rubin remarked that money mellowed out my radicalism He and like-minded baby boomers were lampooned for their apostasy Others, like Abbie Hoffman refused to sell out</p><p>Web Article - What Is Market Culture? http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/market-culture List and define the four main types of corporate cultures. What are the arguments for and against a market culture?</p><p>YouTube Videos - Ben Affleck’s Boiler Room Speech (4:46) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EMEnkaRPHl8</p><p>Gordon Gekko Greed Is Good Speech (:45) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEaJYeRpl1g</p><p>Web Article - The Yuppie America’s Economic Savior http://search.aol.com/aol/search? enabled_terms=&s_it=comsearch&q=jerry+rubin+the+first+yuppie&s_chn=prt_main5 Jerry Rubin came to endorse America as a meritocracy. What is a meritocracy? What Yuppie characteristics enabled them to change the world by example? Why should Yuppies feel good about themselves?</p><p>You Tube Video - George Carlin - Whining Baby Boomers (2:23) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1Sal6N5OiE</p><p>Web Article - A Troubled Rebel Chooses a Silent Death http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20120175,00.html What did Abbie Hoffman die surrounded by? Why did he take pride in being a member of the Woodstock nation? Why didn’t he dwell on the past? What upset him most about the yuppie culture? What did his friend Paul Kantner say that he died of? Why did Jerry Rubin lament his death?</p><p>YouTube Video - The Big Chill - Heard It Through the Grapevine (4:20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0KbKONipqg</p><p>Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk Write a first person narrative in which Abbie Hoffmann explains his refusal to adopt the yuppie lifestyle.</p><p>Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on the Bonfire of the Vanities Extension Activity - Film - Wall Street (1987) </p>
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