<p> Table of Contents</p><p>Page Number 1. Philosophy 2 2. Mission Statement 2 3. Non – Discrimination Policy 2 4. USDA Statement 2 5. Days of Operation 2 6. Licensing & Compliance with State Regulations 2-3 7. Registration Information 3 8. Arrival and Departures Procedures 3 9. Persons Authorized to Pick Up Your Child 4 10. Child’s Medical Statement 4 11. Clothing 4 12. Enrollment and Ratios 4-5 13. Fees/Payments 5-6 - Fee Determination - Registration Fees - Billing - Absent Days - Withdrawal - Collections - Late Fees - No Show Fees 14. Discipline and Discipline Techniques 6-7 15. Dismissal of Child 7 16. Emergencies and Accidents 7 17. Insurance 7 18. Gum, Candy and Toy Policy 7 19. Outdoor Play 8 20. Swimming Activities 8 21. Health/Communicable Disease Policy 8-9 22. Meals 9 23. Medications 9 24. Safety of Children 9-10 - Field Trips - Aerosol Cans - Water Safety - Smoking 25. Naptime 10 26. Open Door Policy 10 27. Parent Involvement 11 28. Parent/Guardian Grievance Policy 11 29. Parent Questionnaires 11 30. Transition Policy 11-12 31. Parent Roster 12 32. Staff Requirements/In-Service Trainings 12 - Staff Requirements - Manager Requirements 33. Typical Daily Schedule 12 34. Ages and Stages Questionnaire Screening Policy and Procedure 13 35. Ages and Stages Questionnaire Screening Referral Policy and Procedure 13 36. Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment Policy and Procedure 13</p><p>1 Revised August 2015 Notes/Questions 14</p><p>Welcome To Learn ‘N Play of Wooster</p><p>This handbook will help explain the program and answer many of your questions. Please feel free to call us at any time with questions you may have. Learn ‘N Play of Wooster is a non-profit childcare facility that has been in operation since 1973. The tuition fee structure is supported by donations from the United Way of Wayne & Holmes Counties, grants and private contributions. Reimbursements are also accepted from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. 1. Philosophy</p><p>Learn ‘N Play is dedicated to optimal care and development of children in the childcare center with education, socialization and emotional growth as its primary function.</p><p>2. Mission Statement</p><p>Our mission is to serve the community with a wide spectrum of high quality, developmental care for children. This mission is based on the philosophy that care should be affordable, available to a diverse population of children and should contribute to a strong healthy family environment.</p><p>3. Non-Discrimination Clause</p><p>Learn ‘N Play of Wooster affirms its commitment to comply with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Part 80, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Sub-Part B, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. The center makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to insure that no person on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability be excluded from participation in program services or be subject to discrimination under activities sponsored by Learn ‘N Play of Wooster. </p><p>4. USDA Statement…And Justice for All</p><p>This facility is operated “In accordance with the Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202)720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer”. </p><p>***Reasonable accommodation – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, sub part B Definition: A recipient is required to make “reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified handicapped applicant or employee unless the recipient can demonstrate that the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the program.</p><p>5. Days of Operation</p><p>Hours - The center is open year-round, Monday – Friday from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM, except for the following Holidays; New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Other closures may be scheduled at the discretion of the Management and the Board of Directors.</p><p>Inclement Weather - In the event of inclement weather the center will attempt to remain open for parents who need to report to work. Poor road conditions, power outages or other extreme conditions will be evaluated for possible closings. Announcement of closings will be broadcast over WQKT 104.5 FM and Fox 8 News.</p><p>6. Licensing & Compliance with State Regulations</p><p>2 Learn ‘N Play of Wooster is legally licensed and governed by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. The center’s licensing record is posted with the center’s license in the front office, along with the copies of current and past compliance reports from the Department of Jobs & Family Services and reports from the Wayne County Health Department. The center is licensed for 88 children (38 children under 2 ½ Years of Age and 50 over 2 ½ Years of Age). The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services issue the center a license, which is posted in the reception office. Upon request, the laws and rules governing childcare in the state of Ohio are available for review. You may call the Department of Jobs and Family Services to report any suspected violation by the center of Chapter 5104 of the Revised Code or Chapter 5101:2-12 of the Administrative Code. The toll free number is on our license. Compliance report forms, complaint investigation reports and evaluations from building and fire department inspections are available for review from ODJFS. The Bureau of Child Care and Development’s website is: http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/childcare.stm. All staff members are required by law to report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child. 7. Registration Information</p><p>Pre-registration interview- the director or designated staff member shall interview each child and parent/guardian prior to enrollment. This information is required to be updated annually. </p><p>We are required by law to have the following forms on file prior to admission in the office: 1. Identification and Permission 2. Personal information 3. Child Enrollment and Health Information 4. Tuition Agreement Contract 5. Parent Review Statement 6. Child’s Medical Statement 7. Child’s Immunization Report(within 30 days) 8. Authorization to Administer Medicine (if needed) 9. Medical Care Plan (if required for medical care to be administered) 10. Child and Adult Food Program Enrollment & Income/Eligibility Forms 11. If applicable, a copy of custody agreement, separation, divorce, or restraining orders 12. Swimming Activities 13. Field Trip/Routine Trips/Bus Stops for other programs</p><p>Center Required Forms 1. Photograph Consent 2. Communications/Records Release 3. Financial Disclosure/Verification of Income 4. ASQ Permission Form</p><p>8. Arrival & Departure Procedures</p><p>Do not leave a child unattended in the vehicle while dropping off or picking up a child from the center. Parents and/or guardians that do so are subject to charges by the local law enforcement agencies. Learn ‘N Play staff has a system governing the arrival and departure of each child and their presence throughout each day. Arrival – You must bring your child into the center and sign him/her in noting the time of arrival. Any special instructions about the child may be given to the teachers when signing in. Parents must escort their child to the proper classroom upon arrival. If using the Electronic Child Care System you must swipe your card to register your child’s arrival to the center. Departure- Your child must be signed out, again noting the time of departure. Only the parents, or an individual who has been authorized by the parent, may sign out the child. The child may be released to a non-custodial parent or to a person with a duly authorized court document signed by the custodial parent or other appropriate authority. Official court document must be on file to prevent the release of the child to a non-custodial parent. If using the Electronic Child Care System you must swipe your card to register your child’s departure from the center.</p><p>Children leaving the center for a program such as a part time Head Start or for public school during the day will be taken by a staff member to the bus stop and written out on the class roster. If using the Electronic Child Care 3 Revised August 2015 System the parent or guardian must swipe the card the next day to record the departure before swiping the child in for the new day. Children arriving to the Center from Other Programs: At times it may be necessary for a child to arrive at the center from another program (Example: Child arrives after a part time Head Start program). If a child is scheduled to arrive and does not, we will first contact the parent to confirm that the child is scheduled to be at the center that day, and then contact the program that they are to have arrived from. We will then consult with the parent to determine further action. For this reason, it is very important that parents contact the center when their child is not going to be attending.</p><p>9. Persons Authorized To Pick Up Your Child</p><p>At the time of enrollment, parents must provide the center with names of persons authorized to pick up their child. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the center of any changes in the names of authorized persons. We will release children to authorized persons only. Staff will check photo ID’s of anyone they do not recognize. Please let people know about this ahead of time so they bring a picture ID and they are not offended. The children’s safety is our priority. If someone other than an authorized person is to pick up your child, please notify us in writing, or tell us when you drop your child that day. In case of an emergency, call the center before the child leaves. We will release your child to authorized persons only with photo identification. Staff will not release children to anyone, including parents, who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Emergency contacts will be called to transport the child home. The police will be notified if necessary.</p><p>10. Child’s Medical Statement</p><p>Each child attending the center must be examined by a licensed physician prior to the date of admission or within thirty (30) days after the date of admission and examined annually thereafter. The examining physician must affirm that the child has had the immunizations required by the State Department of Health. Immunization requirements may be waived by the administrator for religious reasons upon submission of the parent or guardians written request for exemption, or for medical reasons upon submission of a request for exemption in the form of a statement signed by a licensed physician. The parent or guardian’s request and administrator’s waiver shall be kept on file at the center for review by the state representative, upon request. The waiver request shall be updated annually by the parent or guardian and signed by the administrator. </p><p>11. Clothing</p><p>Casual play clothing is recommended since children will paint and work with a variety of materials that may/will soil clothing. Please avoid expensive clothing and avoid pants, shirts and skirts that have difficult belts and fasteners. Children must also wear sturdy shoes for play. Sandals must have a back strap and opened toes are discouraged. Sneakers are the preferred shoes. State licensing requires we provide outside play everyday weather permitting. Children will play outside when the temperature is twenty-five degrees or above and wind chill factors are not present. Dress your child for the weather and for outdoor play. We will have outside play unless it is raining. In the winter you should dress your child with a heavy coat, mittens, hat and boots. Please bring a pair of shoes to change out of the boots in the winter weather. Be sure to mark your child’s name in their clothing. A change of clothing including socks, underwear, shirt and pants should be left in your child’s cubby in the event of a toileting accident or spill. These articles of clothing should be exchanged with the changing of the seasons to accommodate for growth and the weather. Children should not wear dangly earrings, necklaces or bracelets to the center. These articles of jewelry could cause serious injury to your child during play.</p><p>12. Enrollment and Ratios</p><p>State and federal licensing govern Learn ‘N Play of Wooster. Our maximum number of children allowed on site at one time is 88 children. State guidelines set the ratio of one (1) adult to the following number of children:</p><p>* Infants Under 12 months = 1:5 12 months to 18 months of age = 1:6 * Toddlers 18 months – 2 ½ years of age = 1:7</p><p>4 * Toddlers 2 ½ years to three years of age = 1:8 * Preschool age children who are three years of age = 1:12 * Preschool children who are 4 or 5 years of age = 1:14. * School children that are less than 11 years of age = 1:18</p><p>Ratios for toddlers and preschoolers may be doubled for 2 hours at naptime as long as all children are resting quietly on their cots and enough staff are in the building to meet the regular required staff/child ratio if there is an emergency. </p><p>The maximum group sizes are as follows: 10 Infants Under 12 Months 12 Infants 12 Months-18 Months 14 Toddlers 16 2 ½ - yr. olds 20 Preschoolers 10 PreK/ Schoolage children</p><p>When there is a combination of age groups of children, the age of the youngest child will determine the staff/child ratio.</p><p>13. Fees/Payments</p><p>Fee Determination- Because we receive funding from the United Way of Wayne & Holmes Counties, grants and private donations, we are able to offer a sliding fee scale for childcare. Verification of income must be provided prior to enrollment. The family’s annual gross income will be used to determine fees. All parent/guardians are asked to sign a financial disclosure form and pay the twenty-five ($25.00) dollar registration fee. Public Funded Child Care recipients must pay the parent/provider fee determined by the Public Funded Child Care Program each week. </p><p>Fees will be re-evaluated annually and adjusted if there is a change in income. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the center of any income or house hold changes that occur prior to the annual re-evaluation. </p><p>Registration Fee- There is a non-refundable $25.00 registration fee charged for the first child enrolled in the center, each additional child in the family is $10.00 if registered at the same time. It is payable prior to the child’s first day of enrollment.</p><p>Billing- Weekly fees must be prepaid. You will pay for your child care services no later than the Friday of the week before care. Child care services will not be provided if services have not been pre-paid. </p><p>You must provide the center with a schedule of your child care needs for the next week and pay for those services in advance. We will provide each family with a calendar for the month. You will need to fill in the dates you will need child care and return it to the office. We will calculate your bill for each upcoming week by the information you give us on the calendar. If your schedule changes regularly you will need to provide us a schedule of your weekly/bi-weekly work schedule.</p><p>Example One: If your regular child care schedule is Monday – Friday and does not change week to week you will pay for those hours/days by Friday the week in advance. </p><p>Example Two: Your work schedule varies week to week. You must provide the center with your work schedule as soon as possible so we may calculate your next weeks billing.</p><p>Example Three: Public Funded families will start paying their parent/provider fee by Friday prior to the week of service. </p><p>If your schedule changes from what you turned in, you must call the center no later than 9:00 AM to report your child off for that day. Failure to call your child off will result in loss of credit for your next billing. In the event of a change </p><p>5 Revised August 2015 in your schedule and you call off your child we will credit your account for the following week. No child care will be provided if you have not prepaid for your services.</p><p>Absent Days – Each family is issued fifteen absent days per year per family (no matter if they have one child or five children). These fifteen days include vacations, sick days, and any other day the family’s child(ren) are scheduled to be in attendance and is absent. On days the center is closed, those days will not count against the absent day policy. In order to accurately charge families for the absent days parents must provide the center with a calendar of scheduled days the child will be in attendance. Failure to provide the center with a schedule of your child’s schedule will result in being charged for a full week. Failure to call your child off will forfit one absent day per child in the family. After all fifteen absent days are used you will be charged your daily rate for all further days missed.</p><p>Withdrawal – Two weeks’ notice prior to withdrawal of a child from the center is requested. All fees must be paid upon withdrawal of a child from the center.</p><p>Collections- If there has been no payment made towards a client’s outstanding balance in 10 (ten) days, a letter will be sent to the client indicating that the account is past due and will be turned over to a collection agency if payment is not received in full. Late fees and/or an interest rate of 2% per month (24% APR) will be charged until your account is paid in full. </p><p>We are required to notify the Ohio Job and Family Services if a program participant is delinquent on payment of their tuition fees and any other charges for late payment etc. The account will also be turned over to a collection agency when in arrears. </p><p>Late Pick-Up Fee Policy- The center closes at 5:30 PM. Any parent or authorized person arriving after 5:30 PM will be charged a $1.00 (one dollar) per minute late fee, regardless of when you arrive after 5:30 PM. The electronic swipe machines will be used to determine sign in/out times. The late fee must be paid immediately upon pick up of your child, or payable upon arrival to the center the next morning. If the late fees are not paid, the child will not be accepted for daycare. WARNING – If after a reasonable length of time without parents contact notifying of a late pickup an attempt will be made to contact the emergency contacts for the child. Notification to police and/or children services will be made if all attempts to make contact with the family are unsuccessful. </p><p>No Show Fee – Failure to call your child off will result in loss of credit for your next billing. In the event of a change in your schedule and you call off your child we will credit your account for the following week. No child care will be provided if you have not prepaid for your services</p><p>14. Discipline and Discipline Techniques</p><p>All Staff, Volunteers and Parents while participating or working at the programs for Learn ‘N Play will follow the State of Ohio Rule 5101:2-12-22 and the policies of Learn ‘N Play. We consider discipline to be a means of training children to respect rules as well as a way to help the child establish self-control and learn about respect for others and their property. Children will be given verbal redirection and an explanation of there misbehavior. On the third incident the child will be removed from the problem area. A child will be removed immediately from the problem area for a time out if he/she is hurting him/herself, other children, destroying property, or totally losing control of their behavior. At the end of the time out the teacher and child will discuss the situation to help the child understand the problem and find alternatives for her/his behavior. Under no circumstances do we spank, hit or humiliate a child for punishment. Physical restraint (holding by teacher or director) will only be used to keep a child from seriously hurting him/her self or someone else.</p><p>Discipline Techniques</p><p>1. Guiding the child before the problem develops 2. Offer reasonable choices to the child 3. Ignore inappropriate behavior whenever possible. (This will not be a possibility when any child’s safety is in danger.) 4. Redirecting the child to more appropriate behavior and activities. 6 5. Discussion with the child privately about his/her actions and feelings, and other ways he/she could have handled the situation. 6. Providing an opportunity for a time-out away from the group or situation. This should be no longer than one minute for each year of the child’s age. 7. Restrain the child with care until he/she has regained control of him/herself. 8. Meetings will be scheduled between the parent(s), teaching staff and director to discuss in detail the child’s behavior. An appropriate behavior plan will be developed between the center and the parent/guardian. 9. In cases of extreme behavior there may be a period during which the child is requested not to attend the center. 10. If all reasonable efforts have been unsuccessful, the parent will be contacted to pick their child up from the center and dismissal procedures will be started.</p><p>Under no circumstances will the following ever occur from any staff member or volunteer. Abuse, endanger or neglect children Utilize cruel, harsh, unusual, or extreme techniques Utilize any form of corporal punishment (hit, spank, slap or shake a child) Ask one child to discipline another child Use physical restraints to confine a child Place child in locked room Confine children to equipment such as cribs or high chairs Humiliate or subject a child to profane language or other verbal abuse Discipline a child for failure to eat or toileting accidents Use methods which humiliate, threaten, or frighten a child Subject children to profane language or verbal abuse Withhold food, rest or toilet use as a means of discipline Make derogatory or sarcastic remarks about children or their families Punish an entire group of children due to the unacceptable behavior of one or a few Isolate and restrict children from all activities for an extended period of time</p><p>15. Dismissal of a Child</p><p>The Board of Directors of Learn ‘N Play gives the Executive Director permission to exclude or drop from enrollment children whose behavior is seriously detrimental to the groups functioning. The Board requires that parent/guardian conferences be held and when possible the child be observed by a non-staff consultant before exclusion from the program.</p><p>16. Emergencies and Accidents</p><p>In the event of a general emergency; this includes threats to the safety of the children due to environmental situations or threats of violence, natural disasters such as fire, tornado, flood and loss of basic utilities such as power, heat or water, parents or guardians will be contacted as soon as it is safe to do so. Utility outages are evaluated for the ability to provide the necessary care and comfort for the children before contacting parents and closing the center. If a serious accident occurs, we will make every attempt to contact the parent/guardian. In the event we cannot contact the parent/guardian, we will contact the person(s) designated on the emergency form. Please keep emergency contacts updated. There is at least one staff person trained in First Aid/CPR available in the facility at all times. There is a first aid kit in each classroom, staff lounge and the office. Emergency phone numbers are kept in the office by the receptionist phone and electronically on all center computers. In case of serious injury, the center’s medical and dental plan will be put into effect. First aid will be administered. Emergency medical service will be called and the parent/guardians notified. The child may be transported to a medical facility by any of the following: parent/guardian, a parental alternate or emergency medical service. The child’s medical record and emergency transportation authorization will accompany them. The center is required to complete an incident report and give a copy to the parent/guardian anytime emergency medical </p><p>7 Revised August 2015 measures are taken. Incident reports are also completed and a copy is given to the parent/guardian for minor incidents or injuries such as bumps, cuts and scrapes.</p><p>17. Insurance</p><p>All children enrolled are covered by an insurance policy that helps to pay for injuries at daycare, and while participating in any daycare activity. This policy is not 24-hour coverage.</p><p>18. Gum, Candy, Videos and Toys</p><p>Please do not allow your child to bring candy or gum to daycare. Have your child dispose of gum and candy before entering the building. Children may not bring toys from home to daycare. They are allowed to bring a book to share with the class at story time if they choose. Be sure to notify your child’s teacher if you have brought a book to share.</p><p>19. Outdoor Play</p><p>The center is required to provide infant, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children who are in attendance four or more hours per day outside play time weather permitting. Children will not be allowed to play outside in threatening weather, extreme temperatures cold and heat, extremely high humidity, wind chills and temperatures below 25 degrees and icy conditions. The playground area shall at all times be secured by a fence either natural or by other barriers protected by traffic, animals and foreign objects and rubbish. Please help assure this by keeping all gates closed upon entrance and exiting. All outside equipment will be checked prior to use for any damage including cracks, holes, splinters, sharp points, loose bolts and any tripping hazards. Outdoor equipment shall have a protective material on the ground and under all play equipment. The material shall be pea gravel, natural mulch, wood chips, synthetic mats or rubber made for this purpose. During times of inclement weather each class will have opportunities for indoor large muscle activities.</p><p>20. Swimming Activities</p><p>Children will have the opportunity to swim in the summer months, weather permitting. Children swim in kiddy pools on the playground when the outside temperature is 71 degrees or higher. Children will not be permitted to swim without the Swimming Activities Permission Slip completed and signed by the parent or guardian. Teachers will directly supervise each kiddy pool in use. Children choosing not to swim will be supervised by an extra staff person if needed. Any off site water play activities will follow the State of Ohio Childcare Regulations including a signed Field Trip Permission Form.</p><p>21. Health/Communicable Disease Policy</p><p>The centers Health/Communicable Disease Policy is posted on the Parent Board in the office and in each classroom. This policy is strictly enforced for the protection of the other children and staff in the center. </p><p>Health Checks- Upon arrival to the center, the teachers have been trained to recognize the common signs of communicable disease and illness. It is best for a sick child not to attend daycare. If you suspect your child may be ill, please arrange for other childcare, as we do not have the facilities to care for ill children.</p><p>Children may not attend if they exhibit one or more of the following:</p><p>- Has a fever or has had a fever of 100 degrees or more during the previous 24 hours - Has a cold with a heavy nasal discharge or, complains of sore throat, complains of earache, stomach pain or painful urination - Diarrhea three (3) or more times in a 24-hour period - Has constant cough - Conjunctivitis (pink eye) - Redness of the eye with a thick yellowish discharge or sticky eyelids - Symptoms of any communicable disease - Parasites- suspicion of lice, pinworm, scabies, or any other parasite infection</p><p>8 - Rashes that itch, blisters, seep, and/or complain of stiff neck, enlarged glands or any of the above</p><p>The mildly ill child- If your child is mildly ill, but does not have any of the above symptoms, he/she can come to the center. The mildly ill child will be cared for within the child’s group and will be observed for any signs and symptoms of worsening conditions. </p><p>Communicable disease- The staff is trained in signs and symptoms of illness and in hand washing and disinfecting procedures. They will not report to work if they have any of the symptoms of a communicable disease. </p><p>The staff is trained through the local Health Department or a registered nurse and must be re-trained every three (3) years. The “Child Day Care Centers Communicable Disease” chart is posted in the commons area of the center. A complete copy of the communicable disease chart is kept with the State Licensing regulations. </p><p>The following will cause immediate isolation and dismissal from the childcare center:</p><p>- Diarrhea (more than three loose stools in 24-hour period) - Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face - Difficult or rapid breathing - Yellowish skin or eyes - Conjunctivitis - Temperature of 100 degrees or more, and/or in combination of any other signs - Untreated infected skin patches - Unusually dark urine and/or grayish stool - Complain of stiff neck - Vomiting - Parasites non-treated or treated with evidence of existence remaining</p><p>A child with any of the above conditions will be isolated from other children and parents will be notified to pick up their child. Children may return to the center after an illness, if they have been free from the above symptoms for 24 hours, and/or under doctors’ approval. Please notify the center if your child has a contagious disease. A notice will be posted in each class and on the entrance door.</p><p>22. Meals </p><p>Please do not bring food for your child to the center. We will provide your child with meals that meet our licensing regulations. Weekly menus are posted in the reception area and are available upon request. Changes in the menu will be posted as necessary. Meals and snacks- A government approved breakfast, hot lunch and snacks are provided each day. Please inform us if your child has problems with certain foods, a medical statement from your physician will be necessary to provide your child with substitute foods at mealtime. No food from home will be permitted for your child’s mealtime or snack. Our lunch served meets 1/3 recommended daily allowance and includes foods from bread, meat, milk and two (2) foods from the fruits and vegetables groups. Snack served is foods from two (2) of the four (4) food groups. Special occasion snacks are permitted, but must be pre-approved. Enough must be brought in for each child in your child’s class. Please do not send food with your child unless approved. The food at the center is planned to meet standards of nutrition set by the Child and Adult Care Food Program of the State of Ohio Department of Education.</p><p>23. Medications</p><p>Special Medications and Diets- We are not permitted by law to give your child any medications (prescription or non- prescription) or a special diet without a doctor’s or dentists signed permission. You as a parent/guardian will need to sign our “Authorization to Administer Medicine” form (JFS01217) giving staff permission to administer medicine or a special diet. Medication must be in the original container with the label, prescription name, exact dosage, times to be given, and doctor or dentist’s name. Some health conditions and/or 9 Revised August 2015 medications require a health plan to be completed and possible training by the parent for the staff. Please expect to spend time with your child’s teacher and/or other staff members to make sure we have the necessary paperwork and instructions to take care of your child’s health condition properly and safely.</p><p>24. Safety of Children</p><p>The childcare staff member assigned to supervise a child or a group of children shall be responsible for their safety. To ensure children’s safety, medical emergency, and dental emergency plans are posted in each classroom. There will be a staff member on duty at all times trained in First Aid/CPR, Communicable Disease and Child Abuse and Detection. The center follows the guidelines for the safety dictated by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, and all personnel receive a copy.</p><p>This policy includes the following: - No child shall ever be left alone or unsupervised at any time. - A working telephone is available in the Receptionist area and Manager’s office. - Fire and Severe Weather drills are held monthly. Procedures for fire and severe weather related emergencies are posted in each classroom, including the diagram of evacuation. Children are instructed on directions and procedures and the reasons for the drills and weather alerts. - At no time shall any firearms be allowed on the premises by anyone except the local law enforcement agents. This is in compliance to Ohio Law.</p><p>Field Trips- Field trips and community walks are a part of our curriculum at the center. For events that occur away from the center, we require parents to sign a permission slip for each event in order for their child to attend. The only exception will be for walks around the centers block, which an ongoing routine permission form signed by the parent or guardian will be required.</p><p>Identification and safety precautions are taken on all trips away from the center and a staff person trained in First Aid/CPR will accompany the class on all trips. Whenever your child’s class leaves the center, each child will wear an identification tag, which list the centers name, address, and phone number in the event the child becomes lost. Required equipment to be taken on each trip away from the center includes:</p><p>- First Aid kit - Copy of each child’s Emergency Transportation Authorization and Medical Records.</p><p>If children are transported by vehicle, each child must be wearing a safety restraint appropriate for age and weight. A second adult will be present in the vehicle whenever children are transported by the center. No child shall be left alone in a vehicle at any time. The driver of any vehicle transporting children shall be at least eighteen years of age and hold a valid driver’s license in accordance to the Ohio laws. The center will not use Staff or Parent vehicles.</p><p>Aerosol Cans- The use of aerosol cans is strictly prohibited when children are in attendance at the center. </p><p>Water Safety- Parents must sign a special permission form for all swimming activities and must indicate on that form if the child is a swimmer or non-swimmer. A minimum of two adults will accompany the children to the pool and remain in the pool with the children. Children will only swim at municipal pools when lifeguards are on duty. Children must follow all safety rules of the pool and facility and stay together as a group. Whenever there is a non-swimmer in the group, all children will swim in the shallow end. No child will be allowed in the deepest end of the pool. </p><p>Smoking - No Smoking shall be on the premises by anyone according to Ohio Law: chapter 3794 of the ORC. Parents and employees shall extinguish all smoking materials thirty (30) feet from the entrance to the main gates to the center.</p><p>25. Nap Time </p><p>The center provides a rest period daily for all children in attendance for five hours or more in a day’s time. Children enrolled in the center shall have their own cot, resting mat and blanket. Any child after one (1) hour who has not fallen asleep shall be provided the opportunity to engage in quiet activities.</p><p>10 26. Open Door Policy</p><p>The residential parent or legal guardian of a child enrolled in the center shall be permitted unlimited access to view their child during normal hours of operation of the center for the purpose of contacting the child, evaluating the care provided by the center, evaluating the premises of the center, or other purposes approved by the Manager. Upon entering the premises, the residential parent/guardian shall notify the Manager, teachers, or designee of his/her presence in the building. According to Ohio Revised code, 5104-11, a non-residential parent is permitted unlimited access to the program during normal hours of operation for the same purpose as the residential parent. However, the access of the non-residential parent is subject to any documented agreement made between the parents and the court ordered custody/visitation papers that may limit that access. Parents with custodial arrangements fill out a “Child Custody” form explaining custody and visitation status and agree to provide the program with a copy of their court ordered custody visitation papers. These papers must be on file before any staff person can actively prevent the non-residential parent from having contact with their child (if court ordered). Parents need to give the center a copy of their custody papers as soon as possible. These must be kept in the child’s file at the center.</p><p>27. Parent Involvement</p><p>Parent/Guardian Visits- Our door is always open and you are encouraged to visit at any time. Please notify the Agency of your presence. Parent Conferences - Throughout the year your child’s developmental level is evaluated by his/her teacher. Following the evaluation, you will have the opportunity to share in the results with your child’s teacher. You are encouraged to share any concerns you have about your child with your child’s teacher or the Manager. </p><p>28. Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure</p><p>Any parent or guardian who has a complaint concerning any aspect of care has the right to file a grievance according to procedures outlined in this policy. No parent/guardian or child will be discriminated against, harassed, intimidated, or suffer any reprisal as a result of filing a grievance or participating in the investigation of a grievance. If a parent or guardian feels he/she or their child is being subject to any of the above, the parent/guardian has the right to appeal directly to the Manager. Parents or guardians should attempt to resolve the problem informally with the Agency Administrator as soon as possible. If a solution cannot be reached, the parent/guardian may present a formal grievance, in writing, to the Manager. All complaints will be handled in a timely manner. As a goal, this center will attempt to resolve any complaints in twenty (20) working days from the time of initiation. If an extension of the time limit becomes necessary, all involved parties will be notified in writing. If the parent/guardian is not satisfied with the written disposition of his/her grievance, or if no decision has been rendered within five (5) working days after the presentation of the grievance, he/she may file the grievance in writing to the Board of Directors with ten (10) working days after the disposition or ten (10) working days after the grievance was originally presented, whichever is first. Within ten (10) working days after receiving the grievance in writing the board shall indicate to the parent/guardian the disposition of the grievance in writing. The agency shall keep all documentation of the findings and actions taken as a result of the investigation. A toll free number is listed on the center’s license for the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services to report suspected violations of Chapter 5104. of the revised code of the administrative code.</p><p>29. Parent Questionnaires</p><p>Twice a year you will be asked to evaluate our program. We will send you a questionnaire and ask you to be open and honest in your responses. These may be filled out anonymously. We also ask you to share your concerns as they arise.</p><p>30. Transition Policy</p><p>Transitioning into, within or out of a new Early Care and Education setting can be exciting, fun and full of questions or concerns. Transitioning into our program for the caregiver involves filling out an enrollment packet for each child, meeting our Administrator, Agency Manager, Teachers and other staff members. A tour of our center is conducted before your child’s first day and we provide multiple opportunities to answer any questions you may have. The child is invited to participate during the tour, to visit their new classroom, meet some of their classmates and to meet their 11 Revised August 2015 teachers. During this time the teachers will get a chance to meet the child and discuss any questions with the caregiver. Transitioning within our program happens at specific ages of the child. These ages are 18 months, 2 ½ years, 3 ½ years and 4 ½ -5 years. The caregiver is notified by the Administrator before transitioning starts, is given paperwork from the Administrator to fill out and asked to sign up for a Transition Conference. The paperwork includes the Transition Letter, Transition Activities form, Classroom and Individual Child Annual Goals form and the JFS 01511 Family Information form. The JFS 01511 Family Information form is filled out by the caregiver responsible for the child. The Transition Activity and the Classroom and Individual Child Annual Goals forms are filled out by the teachers and caregiver together during the Transition Conference. Notified withdrawal from the center helps the child, the caregiver and the teachers with transitioning out of our program. With a notification, teachers and caregivers will be able to discuss information that should be shared with the child’s new teachers. It also provides an opportunity for teachers and caregivers to develop activity ideas for the child to help them say goodbye to classmates and learn about what to expect from where they are going. Transitions take place over a period of 2 weeks. Parents are provided with a transition schedule when transitioning starts. As the transition schedule follows, the child will transition from their current classroom to their new classroom for specific durations of the day. Each day throughout the 2 week transitioning process, the transition visits to their new classroom become longer in duration until they are fully transitioned. After the 2 weeks of transitioning the child is considered fully transitioned to their new classroom. During this transition time, the activities listed on the Transition Activity form are conducted along with other activities to help welcome your child and you to their new classroom. Transitioning for Preschoolers going to Kindergarten in the fall is an important process as well. During the spring and summer months our preschool teacher may contact you to gather information on how the Kindergarten registration is going. During this transition time, the activities listed on the Transition Activity Form are conducted along with other activities to help prepare your child and you for Kindergarten. Completing the transition and documentation process during any type of transition is vital in ensuring a smooth and successful transitioning experience for the child, the caregivers and the teacher. </p><p>31. Parent Roster</p><p>The center will secure from each parent a signed statement indicating whether or not they wish their name included on the center roster. This roster will only be available to parents of children at their request. </p><p>32. Staff Requirements/In-Service Trainings</p><p>Learn ‘N Play of Wooster makes every attempt to hire persons with Early Childhood, Elementary Education or equivalent training and experience. In the event a staff person is hired without the required trainings, the Manager will work with that staff person to secure all required trainings required by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. Staff requirements - All staff must hold a high school diploma or equivalent. All childcare staff are required to complete twenty (20) hours of in-service training in child development or early childhood education, child abuse recognition and prevention, first aid, prevention, recognition and management of communicable diseases and continuing education every two years. Administrator Requirements - The Administrator shall be present on the premises for at least one half of the center hours of operation. In the absence of the director a designated staff person shall serve as the person in charge. The Administrator is responsible for the Health and Safety of all children at the center. This person shall handle all concerns and emergencies with the Executive Director and has full authority to make the necessary decisions in the Director’s absence. The Administrator shall hold a high school diploma, associate’s degree or higher in the field of early childhood and two years’ experience in the field. The Administrator shall also hold current first aid/CPR, Child Abuse and Recognition, and Communicable Disease training. Executive Director Requirements - The Director is responsible for the overall well-being of the agency and the children and families served. This person shall handle all concerns and emergencies with the Administrator. All staff shall pass a complete physical stating they are free of communicable disease including tuberculosis, and physical and mentally fit to work with children. </p><p>33. Typical Daily Schedule</p><p>5:30 – 7:45 am Arrival/Free Play</p><p>12 7:45 – 8:30 am Breakfast (times posted in the office for each class) 8:30 – 10:30 am Group Time (educational activities) & Center activities and exploring 10:30 – 11:30 am Outside play, large motor activities, stories, music, small group activities 11:15 – 12:00 pm Lunch (lunch times for each class are posted in the office) 12:00 – 2:30 pm Nap/Quiet time 2:30 – 3:15 pm Snack 3:00 – 4:00 pm Center activities/exploring & outside play when weather permits 5:00 – 5:30 pm Departure ***The typical daily schedule may vary according to each age group and teacher planning. Parents may request a copy of enrolled child’s classroom Daily Schedule. Classroom schedules vary based on the developmental needs of the classroom. </p><p>34. Ages and Stages Questionnaire Screening Policy and Procedure</p><p>The Step Up to Quality Coordinator prepares and distributes the Ages and Stages Questionaire to the lead and assistant teachers. They are administered to each child within 60 days after their 1st day at the center and again annually in October. The teacher administered ASQ is conducted in a day to obtain the best possible snapshot of the child's developmental status. The caregiver ASQ is handed out by the child's teacher with a brief verbal explanation. A written explanantion “What is ASQ-3” is provided with the ASQ sent home. The caregiver ASQ typically has a 2 week deadline to be completed and returned. Caregivers are verbally reminded by their child's teacher to return the ASQ by the date given. If the caregiver does not return the ASQ by the deadline then there is formal written documentation stating the childs name and date of birth, teacher signature and Step Up to Quality Coordinator signature. Form is attached. (Ages and Stages Questionnaire Reminder Documentation Form) After ASQs are scored by the SUTQC or Administrator, opportunities are provided to the caregiver to set up a time and meet with the teachers to discuss results. The ASQ results are discussed after the scoring of an ASQ and at Parent-Teacher Conferences. Results may be discussed at other times at the request of the caregiver, who can at the time of the request, make an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher. Results from the ASQ assist teachers in structuring lesson plans and daily activities to help meet each child’sindividual learning and developmental needs. All ASQs, reminder forms, referrals and other screening related materials are filed in the child’s Screening and Assessment Folder located in their classroom.</p><p>35. Ages and Stages Questionnaire Screening Referral Policy and Procedure</p><p>A referral is a written form providing information to caregivers seeking further testing or assistance for their child’s developmental needs. The Child Referral Information Form provides options including the child’s physician, Help Me Grow and Tri-County Education Services. Referrals are written after both the teacher administered ASQ and the Parent administered ASQ are completed, scored and discussed during a conference. If during the conference the decision is made that the caregiver would like information on additional resources then a referral will be written. A referral can be written at the request of the caregiver anytime as well. Any follow-up of the referral is handled and discussed between the child’s teacher and primary caregiver. The referral form is obtained from the front office, signed by the caregiver and then a copy is made. The original goes to the caregiver and the copy gets filed in the child’s assessment and screening folder. ll ASQs, reminder forms, referrals and other screening related materials are filed in the child’s Screening and Assessment Folder located in their classroom.</p><p>36. Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment Policy and Procedure</p><p>Teaching Strategies GOLD is an ongoing assessment system that follows a child from birth to kindergarten during the child’s enrollment in our program. </p><p>13 Revised August 2015 Lead and assistant teachers observe, evaluate and record each child’s developmental progress during the 4 progress checkpoints annually as they pertain to the Objectives for Learning and Development. Progress checkpoints are as follows:</p><p>Progress Checkpoint 1-March 1-21st Progress Checkpoint 2-June 1-21st Progress Checkpoint 3- September 1-21st Progress Checkpoint 4-December 1st-21st</p><p>Teaching Strategies GOLD results are shared with the child’s caregiver during Parent Teacher Conferences which are held twice a year or at the request of the caregiver or teacher. Results from the Teaching Strategies GOLD Child Assessment Portfolio and Child Assessment Portfolio Summary Form assist teachers in structuring lesson plans and daily activities to help meet each child’s individual learning and developmental needs. These documents are prepared by office staff and placed in each child’s Screening and Assessment Folder in their classroom. Each year, a new Teaching Strategies GOLD Child Assessment Portfolio and Child Assessment Portfolio Summary Form are provided for every child at the center to go along with previous years assessments. All Teaching Strategies GOLD Child Assessment Portfolios, Child Assessment Portfolio Summary Forms and other assessment related materials are filed in the child’s Screening and Assessment Folder located in their classroom.</p><p>Notes/Questions</p><p>14</p>
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