Purpose: Provide Genetic Analysis of a Herds Current Service Sires

Purpose: Provide Genetic Analysis of a Herds Current Service Sires

<p> PROLSIR COMMAND Purpose: Provide genetic analysis of a herds current service sires ***Important: PROLSIR command must be run prior to any analysis with regards to service sires</p><p>Service Sires by Lactation-Last 90 Days Command: SUM ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR ESCE ESCR GO4 BY LACT GO4 DSLH=1-90</p><p>Service Sires by Stud-Last 90 Days Command: SUM ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR ESCE ESCR GO4 BY CSTUD FOR DSLH=1-90</p><p>GLSIR Command Purpose: Provides genetic analysis of a herds current service sires (Longer version of PROLSIR) ***Important: PROLSIR command must be run prior to running the GLSIR command or individual commands within GLSIR</p><p>Graph Estimated LNM$ of Service Sires during the past 270 days Command: GRAPH ELNM BY DSLH FOR DSLH=1-270 CSTUD>0 GO4\R BY CSTUD</p><p>Service Sires by Lactation-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR ESCE ESCR GO4 BY LACT FOR DSLH=1-30</p><p>Service Sires by Lact-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EPTAT EUDC EFLC GO4 BY LACT FOR DSLH=1-30</p><p>Service Sires by Stud-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR ESCE ESCR GO4 BY CSTUD FOR DSLH=1-30</p><p>Service Sires by Stud-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EPTAT EUDC EFLC GO4 BY CSTUD FOR DSLH=1-30</p><p>Service Sires by LSIR-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR ESCE ESCR GO4 BY LSIR FOR DSLH=1-30</p><p>Service Sires by LSIR-Last 30 Days Command: SUM ELNM EPTAT EUDC EFLC GO4 BY LSIR FOR DSLH=1-30 PROFILE Command Purpose: Provide genetic analysis of the cows and heifers currently within the herd ***Important: PROFILE command must be run prior to any analysis with regards to herd genetics. </p><p>Genetic Averages by Lactation Command: SUM ELNM EMILK EFAT EPTN ESCS EPL EDPR BY LACT GO4</p><p>Genetic Averages by Supplier Command: SUM AGE ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR BY CSTUD GO4</p><p>GENES Command (GENES REPORT) Purpose: Genes Report will provide a genetic evaluation of the cows and heifers along with an evaluation of how cow performance is doing in relation to herd genetic levels ***Important: PROFILE command must be run prior to running the GENES command or individual commands within GENES</p><p>Genetic Averages by Lactation Command: SUM ELNM EMILK EFAT EPTN ESCS EPL EDPR BY LACT GO4</p><p>Genetic Averages by Supplier Command: SUM AGE ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR BY CSTUD GO4</p><p>Graph Estimated LNM$ by AGE Command: GRAPH ELNM BY AGE GO4\RX84 BY LCTGP</p><p>Cow Value Summary Command: COWVAL\3 </p><p>Graph-Cow Value by Estimated LNM$ Command: GRAPH CWVAL BY ELNM LACT\ZRY2000 GO4 LACT>0</p><p>Averages for Sire LNM < $250 Command: SUM ELNM CWVAL 305ME LGSCC DOPN FOR DIM>80 L00 GO4 ELNM<250 BY LCTGP</p><p>Averages for Sire LNM > $250 Command: SUM ELNM CWVAL 305ME LGSCC DOPN FOR DIM>80 LACT>0 GO4 ELNM>250 BY LCTGP</p><p>Averages for Sire not in Database Command: SUM ELNM CWVAL 305ME LGSCC DOPN FOR DIM>80 L00 GO=0 BY LCTGP Events for Lact=1, Estimated LNM$ < 250 Command: EVENTS FOR LACT=1 GO4 ELNM<250\N6B</p><p>Events for Lact=1, Estimated LNM$ > 250 Command: EVENTS FOR LACT=1 GO4 ELNM>250\N6B</p><p>Events for Lact>1, Estimated LNM$ < 250 Command: EVENTS FOR LACT>1 GO4 ELNM<250 \N6B</p><p>Events for Lact>1, Estimated LNM$ > 250 Command: EVENTS FOR LACT>1 GO4 ELNM>250 \N6B</p><p>ME305 by Sire PTA for MILK Command: GRAPH ME305 BY EMILK LACT\R GO4</p><p>Production Averages for Estimated Milk < 750 lbs Command: SUM EMILK 305ME CWVAL FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 ME305>0 BY LCTGP FOR EMILK<750 GO4</p><p>Production Averages for Estimated Milk >750 lbs Command: SUM EMILK 305ME CWVAL FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 ME305>0 BY LCTGP FOR EMILK>750 GO4</p><p>Production Averages for Sire not in Database Command: SUM EMILK 305ME CWVAL FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 ME305>0 BY LCTGP FOR GO=0</p><p>Graph Log Score by Estimated SCS Command: GRAPH LGSCC BY ESCS LACT\R GO4 LGSCC<>0</p><p>Log Score for Estimated SCS > 2.9 Command: SUM ESCS LGSCC FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 BY LCTGP F ESCS>2.8 GO4</p><p>Log Score for Estimated SCS ≤ 2.9 Command: SUM ESCS LGSCC FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 BY LCTGP F ESCS<2.9 GO4</p><p>Log Score for Sire not in Database Command: SUM ESCS LGSCC FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 BY LCTGP FOR GO=0</p><p>Days Open and Times Open for Preg Cows, EPL ≤ 1.0 Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN FOR LACT>0 RC>4 BY LCTGP GO4 EPL<1.0</p><p>Days Open and Times Open for Preg Cows, EPL > 1.0 Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN FOR LACT>0 RC>4 BY LCTGP GO4 EPL>.9</p><p>Days Open and Times Open for Preg Cows with Sire ID not in Database Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN FOR LACT>0 RC>4 BY LCTGP FOR GO=0 Calf Table for Lact = 1; Estimated Daughter Stillbirth Rate > 5% Command: EVENTS\3 FOR LACT=1 EDSB>5 EDSB>0 GO4</p><p>Calf Table for Lact = 1; Estimated Daughter Stillbirth Rate < 6% Command: EVENTS\3 FOR LACT=1 EDSB<6 EDSB>0 GO4</p><p>Calf Table for Lact > 1; Estimated Daughter Stillbirth Rate > 5% Command: EVENTS\3 FOR LACT>1 EDSB>5 EDSB>0 GO4</p><p>Calf Table for Lact > 1; Estimated Daughter Stillbirth Rate < 6% Command: EVENTS\3 FOR LACT>1 EDSB<6 EDSB>0 GO4</p><p>Graph DOPN by Estimated DPR for Pregnant Cows Command: GRAPH DOPN BY EDPR LACT\ZRY300 GO4 LACT>0 RC=5-6</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact=1 – Negative DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT=1 GO=1 EDPR<0 \ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact=1 – Positive DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT=1 GO4 EDPR>0 \ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact=1 – Sire ID not in Database Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT=1 GO=0 \ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact>1 – Negative DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT>1 GO4 EDPR<0\ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact>1 – Positive DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT>1 GO4 EDPR>0\ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate, Lact>1 – Sire ID not in Database Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT>1 GO=0\ED280</p><p>Days Open, Times Open, and Heat Interval for Lact=1, Negative DPR Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN HINT GO4 FOR LACT=1 EDPR<0</p><p>Days Open, Times Open, and Heat Interval for Lact=1, Positive DPR Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN HINT GO4 FOR LACT=1 EDPR>0</p><p>Days Open, Times Open, and Heat Interval for Lact>1, Negative DPR Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN HINT GO4 Lact>1 EDPR<0</p><p>Days Open, Times Open, and Heat Interval for Lact>1, Positive DPR Command: SUM DOPN TOPEN HINT GO4 Lact>1 EDPR>0 Events for Negative DPR Command: EVENTS FOR LACT>0 GO4 EDPR<0\N6B</p><p>Events for Positive DPR Command: EVENTS FOR LACT>0 GO4 EDPR>0\N6B</p><p>GENESSH Command (Shortened Genes Report) ***Important: PROFILE command must be run prior to running the GENESSH command or individual commands within GENESSH</p><p>Genetic Averages by Lactation Command: SUM ELNM EMILK EFAT EPTN ESCS EPL EDPR BY LACT GO4</p><p>Genetic Averages by Supplier Command: SUM AGE ELNM EMILK ESCS EPL EDPR BY CSTUD GO4</p><p>Cow Value Summary Command: COWVAL\3 </p><p>Graph-Cow Value by Estimated LNM$ Command: GRAPH CWVAL BY ELNM LACT\ZRY2000 GO4 LACT>0</p><p>Averages for Sire LNM < $250 Command: SUM ELNM CWVAL 305ME LGSCC DOPN FOR DIM>80 L00 GO4 ELNM<250 BY LCTGP</p><p>Averages for Sire LNM > $250 Command: SUM ELNM CWVAL 305ME LGSCC DOPN FOR DIM>80 LACT>0 GO4 ELNM>250 BY LCTGP</p><p>Production Averages for Estimated Milk < 750 lbs Command: SUM EMILK 305ME CWVAL FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 ME305>0 BY LCTGP FOR EMILK<750 GO4</p><p>Production Averages for Estimated Milk >750 lbs Command: SUM EMILK 305ME CWVAL FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 ME305>0 BY LCTGP FOR EMILK>750 GO4</p><p>Graph Log Score by Estimated SCS Command: GRAPH LGSCC BY ESCS LACT\R GO4 LGSCC<>0</p><p>Log Score for Estimated SCS > 2.9 Command: SUM ESCS LGSCC FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 BY LCTGP F ESCS>2.8 GO4</p><p>Log Score for Estimated SCS ≤ 2.9 Command: SUM ESCS LGSCC FOR LACT>0 DIMTD>30 BY LCTGP F ESCS<2.9 GO4 Graph DOPN by Estimated DPR for Pregnant Cows Command: GRAPH DOPN BY EDPR LACT\ZRY300 GO4 LACT>0 RC=5-6</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate – Negative DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT>0 GO4 EDPR<0\ED280</p><p>21 Day Pregnancy Rate – Positive DPR Command: BREDSUM FOR LACT>0 GO4 EDPR>0\ED280</p><p>Additional Notes</p><p>You may notice that in all of the commands within PROFILE, GENES, and GENESSH, they contain the commands of either: GO4, GO=1 or GO=0. The purpose of these is as follows:</p><p> GO4 and GO=1: These two commands are actually the same and are interchangeable. The purpose of including GO4 or GO=1 in command statements is to ensure that we are only analyzing cows and heifers within the herd that have a sire ID in the database. If we didn’t use GO4 or GO=1, then our sorts would include both animals with a sire ID and without a sire ID.</p><p> GO=0: The purpose of including GO=0 in command statements is to ensure that we are only analyzing cows and heifers within the herd that DO NOT have a sire ID in the database. If we didn’t use GO=0, then our sorts would include both animals with a sire ID and without a sire ID.</p>

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