CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. 5-01-233 FOR DANONE WATERS 6F NORTH AMERICA DANNONNATURAL SPRING WATERBOTTLING FACILITY SISKlYOU COUNTY EFFLUENT MONITORING The discharge of bottle rinse/floor wash w~tewater to the leachfield shatl b'e monitored as follows: Type of Sampling Parameter Units Sample Freg!!ency Flow gallons per day Flow meter Daily Specific Conductance f..Lmhos/cm Grab Weekly1 Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 Grab Weekly' pH units Grab Weekly' Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 Grab Weekly' Total Coliform Organisms MPN/100 ml Grab Weekly' PrioritY Pollutants-Metals f..Lg/1 Grab Annually Priority Pollutants-Organics jlg/1 Grab Annually I The sampling frequency may be reduced to monthly after one year of sampling upon approval of the Executive Officer. GROUND WATER MONITORING Piezometers Each of the Piezometers within the leach field shall be monitored for depth to groundwater from the surface as follows: Type of Measurement Parameter Units measurement Frequency Depth beneath surface feet Visual Weekly --..,_ ' WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREivfENTS ORDER NO. 5-01-233 -2- DAN ONE WATERS OF NORTH AMERICA NATURAL SPRING WATER BOTTLING FACILITY SISKIYOU COUNTY Monitoring Wells (MW-1, MW-2,.MW-3) Prior to sampling or purging, equilibrated groundwater elevations shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 foot. The wells shall be purged at least three well volumes until pH and electrical conductivity have stabilized. Sample co1lection shall follow standard analytical method protocols. Groundwater monitoring shall include, at a minimum, the following: Type of Sampling Parameter Units Sample Freguency Groundwater Elevation feet Measurement Quarterly Specific Conductance J.Lmhos/cm Grab Quarterly Total Dissolved Solids mg/1 Grab Quarterly pH units Grab Quarterly Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 Grab Quarterly Total Coliform Organisms MPN/100 ml Grab Quarterly Priority Pollutants-Metals J.Lg/1 Grab Annually Priority Pollutants-Organics J.Lg/1 Grab Annually LEACHFIELD MONITORING The leacbfield shall be visually monitored on a weekly basis. Leacbfield monitoring will consist of visual inspection of the leachfield and nearby area for the presence of wet areas or groundwater seepage. Leachfield monitoring results shall be included with all monthly monitoririg reports. STREAM GAUGE MONITORING The Discharger shall install a stream gauge on Big Springs Creek and report gauge readings at least weekly. The stream data shall be submitted with the monthly monitoring report. t) ·., . , WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS ORDER NO. 5-01-233 DANONE WATERS OF NORTH AMERJCA NATURAL SPRING WATER BOTTLING FACIUTY SISKJYOU COUNTY REPORTING Monitoring results shall be submitted to the Regional Board by the 1st day of the second month following sample collection, (i.e., the January Report is due by 1 March). Quarterly and annual monitoring results shall be submitted by the l st day of the second month following each calendar quarter and year, respectively. In reporting the monitoring data, the Discharger shall arrange the data in tabular f~mn so that the date, the constituents, and the concentrations are readily discernible. The data shall be summarized in such a manner to illustrat~ clearly whether the discharge complies with waste discharge requirements If the Discharger monitors any pollutant at the locations designated herein more frequently than is required by this Order, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the discharge monitoring report form. Such increased frequency shall be indicated on the discharge monitoring reporl form. The Discharger may also be requested to submit an annual report to the Board with both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. Any such request shall be made in writing. The report shall discuss the compliance record. If violations have occurred, the report shall also discuss the corrective actions taken and planned to bring the discharge into full compliance with the waste discharge requirements. The Discharger shall have available for Board inspection data that includes the monthly volume pumped from DEX-6 and the monthly voiume delivered to the bottling facility from Mossbrae Springs. All reports submitted in response to this Order shall comply with the signatory requirements of Standard Provisions D.6. 7 September 2001 (Date) JFR:DCW ATTACHi'VIEl'l"T A .. .... I *• ..... .Jl . DAl~O:N""E WATERS OF NORTH Al\1ERICA 1\tiT. SHASTA BOTTLING PLANT SISKIYOU COUNTY Section 9, T40N, R4W, MDB&M Mt.. Shasta City USGS 7 .5' Quad Scale: 1 inch =2,000 feet (approximately) ....... ( ) Attachment B ·· --··--··---- Of'f'lCE & WAREHOUSE GAASSED AREA ,. Sl01mwoter Pond DANONE WATERS OF NORTII AMERICA MT. SHASTA BOTTLING PLANT SISKIYOU COUNTY SITE DIAGRAM Scale: 1":= 230 ft -.., I j INFORMATION SHEET ORDER NO. 5-01-233 DANONE WATERS OF NORTH AMERICA DANNON NATURAL SPRINGWATER BOTTLING FACILITY SISKIYOU COUNTY GENERAL INFORMATION Danone Waters ofNorth America owns and operates the Dannen Natural Spring Water Bottling Facility, (Assessors Parcel No. 037-140-010), immediately to the north of the City ofMt. Shasta (City) in Siskiyou County in Section 9, T40 N, R4W, MDB&M. The Discharger has requested waste discharge requirements to discharge up to 72,000 gallons per day (gpd) of bottle rinse water from an existing water bottling facility, and an additional36,000 gpd from a proposed expansion, to a proposed subsurface leachfield. Discharges of bottle rinse water to the proposed leach field require issuance ofWaste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) from the Board and compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Since no previous CEQA document was completed for the facility, the Board is acting as the Lead Agency under CEQA. Site Description The Dannen site encompasses approximately 250 acres and is located in Siskiyou County, at an approximate elevation of3,660 feet above mean sea level. The site comprises 20 parcels, four of which have been partially developed as part of the bottling facility construction. The actual water bottling site encompasses approximately 18 acres located on the south side of Ski Village Drive where approximately 10 acres are occupied by the actual facility, roads and driveways, and parking areas. P&M Cedar Products fonnerly owned the facility site and operated a lumber mill from approximately 1958 to 1990. Much of the existing site was used for mill operations including paved areas, roads, and cleared areas. Existing Facility and Current Operations The existing water bottling operation consists of a natural spring water bottling facility and associated support facilities (parking lots, water tanks, etc.). The water bottling facility's source of spring water is a single production well, located on the northern portion of the Dischargers property that draws water from the Big Springs aquifer. Depth to water within the Big Springs aquifer ranges from 46 to 240 feet below ground surface (bgs). The water bottling facility also bottles water originating from Mossbrae Spring in Dunsmuir. Water from Mossbrae Spring is trucked to the bottling facility for bottling using 6,200-gallon potable water truck trailers dedicated to hauling spring water. The Discharger receives approximately 24 truck deliveries per week from the Mossbrae location, totaling approximately 148,800 gallons of water per week. The Discharger presently operates two bottling lines and current water bottling production at the facility requires a groundwater pumping rate of approximately 60 gallons per minute (gpm) per bottling line, with a periodic maximum rate of 150 gpm per bottling line during the spring and summer months. Groundwater withdrawals of up to 150 gpm are episodic in nature and ...... ( I INFORMATION SHEET ORDER NO. 5-01-233 -2- DANONE WATERS OF NORTH AMERlCA DANNON NA lURAL SPRING WATER BOTILING FACILITY SISKIYOU COUNTY individually occur for no more than a constant 8-hour period. Because the bottling lines do not operate on a continuous basis, the average annual pumping rate is slightly less than 120 gpm over the entire year for the existing facility (two bottling lines). The projected aruJ.ual average draw per bottling line is approximately 20.5 million gallons (62.9 acre-feet) for the current facility. The Discharger has stated that over the next 5 years the operations could be expanded by one additional bottling line. If the additional bottling line were added the average pumping rate would be about 180 gpm with a maximum rate of 450 gpm. WASTEWATER SQURCES AND CHARACTERISTICS Water Bottling Water bottling operations consist of water processing, blow molding of plastic bottles, washing bottles, and filling bottles with processed water. Water processing includes proprietary micro­ filtration, ozonation, and ultraviolet treatment. Approximately 12 percent of individual bottle volume of ozonated water is flushed through the bottle to wash the bottles clean of any residue left from the blow molding process. A very small volume of spillage and floor wash is also mixed with the bottle rinse wastewater. The Report of Waste Discharge describes the discharge as follows: Constituent Production Well Bottle Rinse Water Floor Water Specific Conductance 93 J.Lmhos/cm 95 J,Lrnhos/cm 113 J.Lmhos/cm Total Dissolved Solids 130 mg/1 100 mg/1 140 mg/1 PH 7.2 7.2 6.9 COD 64 mg/1 Acetone 109 J.Lg/1 Arsenic, Total 1.2 J.Lg/1 1.2 J.Lg/1 2-Butanone 11 J.lg/1 Zinc, Total 29 J.Lg/1 Analyses of the production well water, bottle rinse water and floor water for priority pollutant metals and organics indicated no other constituents were detected. Equipment Cleaning Cleaning operations are performed on the bottle filling water lines within the facility using clean­ in-place (CIP) procedures. The CIP procedure consists of a 300-gallon tank to which the cleaning chemicals are added. The CIP process involves introducing a cleaning solution called "oxonia" into the system.
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