<p>FACULTY-LED STUDY ABROAD PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Global Engagement welcomes proposals for faculty-led study abroad programs from individual instructors. </p><p>STEPS TO COMPLETING A PROPOSAL</p><p>STEP 1: Submit the following items to the Committee on International Education </p><p> a. Committee on International Education (CIE) Proposal Form</p><p>Once given confirmation of approval, continue to STEP 2.</p><p>STEP 2: Complete the items below in the proposal submission checklist and submit to UCSC Study Abroad ([email protected]). </p><p>STUDY ABROAD PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST</p><p>A. Study Abroad Proposal B. Program Safety Information C. Department Approval Form D. Budget Worksheet E. Division of Responsibilities Form F. Syllabi supporting the courses you are planning to teach (Please attach)</p><p>STEP 3: Study Abroad will review the proposal submission and follow up if additional information is needed.</p><p>SUMMER PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE</p><p>The purpose of this timeline is to provide faculty program leaders with a framework of the processes involved in the development of a faculty-led study abroad program.</p><p>STEP 1: Submit CIE Proposal Form by Thursday, June 1, 2017 to Becky George at [email protected]</p><p>Submissions reviewed and Study Abroad notify faculty of proposal status by June 15, 2017.</p><p>JUNE – AUGUST: Completion of STEP 2</p><p>Faculty Leaders & Study Abroad will meet to: Develop a detailed budget including all program costs (housing, excursions, transportation, etc) Review itinerary, activities, excursions and cost estimates Determine program dates and travel details Identify prerequisites, selection process, application requirements Determine marketing/Recruitment plan</p><p>Faculty Leaders: Develop a detailed itinerary: day by day class, lectures, activities, academic field trip and/or cultural excursions For promotional materials and website, provide:</p><p>1 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package o A one-paragraph program description o Photo o Course information: title/number/units, description, link to syllabus, & GE/major substitutions Discuss recruitment ideas with department manager and department advisers</p><p>Study Abroad Create student budget, including program & estimated fees Develop promotional materials and website page</p><p>SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER</p><p>Finalize itinerary and logistical needs Study Abroad contact program provider and/or vendors to create contacts for payment approval</p><p>Faculty Leader: Attend Study Abroad Fair to promote program</p><p>Faculty Leaders & Study Abroad: Design and implement informational sessions Outreach to campus advisors, departments and colleges Communicate with interested students and direct them to the application portal</p><p>Study Abroad: Finalize application portal and make available online Work with Business Services to establish financial accounts to charge students and process program invoices Early outreach to interested students to apply for a passport and satisfy pre-requisites</p><p>JANUARY – MARCH</p><p>Schedule Pre-Departure Orientation for May Final marketing push and student application deadline</p><p>MARCH – EARLY JUNE Faculty Leader & Study Abroad: Review applications Conduct student interviews – if needed Host Pre-Departure Orientation</p><p>Study Abroad: Course enrollment to Admissions Program budget and student participation list to Financial Aid Enroll students in UC Traveler’s Insurance & HTH Worldwide Collect any outstanding paperwork from students Select students into program via database Verify students have completed health clearance</p><p>POST-PROGRAM</p><p>Faculty Leader Submit receipts and supporting documentation Meet with Study Abroad upon return for debrief Submit class evaluations and grades</p><p>Study Abroad Program evaluation conducted</p><p>2[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] FACULTY-LED STUDY ABROAD PROPOSAL REVIEW CRITERIA</p><p>Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:</p><p>>> Marketability</p><p> Program should not directly compete with similar program offerings Faculty has outlined a realistic and thoughtful recruitment plan Program courses meet major/minor/GE requirements</p><p>>> Budget </p><p> The program is reasonably affordable for UCSC students Entities requiring advanced international wire/credit card payments will sign agreements with UCSC</p><p>>> Logistics (accommodations, transportation, scheduling, getting around, etc.)</p><p> Program can run in compliance with UCSC Travel policies Students and faculty are staying together in accommodations whenever possible, or very close by Faculty will accompany students during all program-related activities Accommodations offer separate male and female housing if needed Program builds in down time for students Contracted services for transportation are insured and licensed If faculty leader does not speak host country language, circumstances or special arrangements such as the following should hold true: o The destination is very touristic and English is readily spoken as a second language o An accompanying staff/faculty speaks the host country language o Contracted on-site staff will provide support</p><p>>> Staffing and Workload of Study Abroad</p><p>>> Health and Safety Risks</p><p> When possible, accommodations have 24/7 reception Logistical providers, travel agents, etc. are reputable and able to sign agreements with UCSC Travel Warning destinations are off limits or must be approved through a more thorough approval process Activities on program are covered by insurance </p><p>>> University's Exposure to Legal Liabilities</p><p> Activities, services, or providers of a questionable nature should be avoided</p><p>3 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package A. STUDY ABROAD PROPOSAL </p><p>This is a fillable Word document form that allows you to type directly into the cells below. </p><p>Please reference “Instructions for A. Study Abroad Proposal” as you complete this proposal. Program and Faculty Overview</p><p>1. Tentative Program Title: </p><p>2. Has this program been offered at UCSC before? How frequently do you plan to lead this program? Are there other faculty in your Department that could also lead this program in future years? 3. Program Start Date: 4. Program End Date:</p><p>5. If this program has an on-campus component, please give a brief description. </p><p>6. Please confirm that you will be on campus for the entirety of the academic year of the proposed program. </p><p>7. Please confirm that you will be available by email during the summer of the proposal. </p><p>8. Faculty Name: 9. Faculty Cell Phone:</p><p>10. Department Chair Name: 11. Department Chair Email:</p><p>12. Dean Name: 13. Dean Email:</p><p>14. Additional Traveler #1 Name: 15. Additional Traveler #1 Email:</p><p>16. Additional Traveler #2 Name: 17. Additional Traveler #2 Email:</p><p>18. Additional Traveler #3 Name: 19. Additional Traveler #3 Email:</p><p>Student Information</p><p>4[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] 20. I this program for UCSC Students only? If not, who would this program be open to?</p><p>21. Anticipated Student Enrollment: Rationale for student enrollment expectations: </p><p>22. Who will be eligible to apply for the program and on what criteria will students be selected for participation? Is there a minimum GPA requirement? </p><p>Course Information </p><p>Course Title: Course Name # of Required or Language of CCI and Number: Units: Optional? Instruction: Approval?*</p><p>23. </p><p>Pre-requisites: Fulfill General Education, Major, or Minor requirements? Anticipated weekly class schedule: Other Information: </p><p>24. </p><p>Pre-requisites: Fulfill General Education, Major, or Minor requirements? Anticipated weekly class schedule: Other Information: </p><p>5 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package *If no CCI (Committee on Courses of Instruction) Approval, please indicate the date submitted or the date you plan to submit to CCI for approval. It is the responsibility of the faculty to obtain CCI approval for all UCSC Faculty-Led study abroad Program course offerings. Course must have approval by December 15, 2017. Program Description</p><p>25. Describe the detailed program itinerary, schedule, and logistics (or include in a separate document).</p><p>26 . Will you collaborate with a host institution abroad? If yes, what is your relationship to the host institution?</p><p>27. Please describe your international experience (teaching, research, travel, etc.), group leadership skills, and language skills relevant to the destination(s).</p><p>28. Brief program description addressed to student (2-3 paragraphs). This language will be used to generate your brochure materials and website. </p><p>29. Faculty are primarily responsible for the recruitment. What is your plan for publicizing the program and recruiting students? Indicate what—if any—limitations your academic workload in the quarters leading up to the program will have on your ability to outreach.</p><p>30. Please provide any other useful information about your proposed program that we may need to know.</p><p>INSTRUCTIONS FOR: A. STUDY ABROAD PROPOSAL </p><p>5. If you have an on-campus component to the course, please indicate the dates students may be involved in course-related work before and after travel. Please explain briefly what the on-campus component will entail, especially as this may contribute to the course’s overall contact hours. Please note that any coursework related to the program must fall during the official summer session’s calendar if any portion of the program will be taught at UCSC.</p><p>6. Please note that Faculty must be on campus during the fall, winter, and spring quarters leading up to the program for proposal processing and recruitment activities. If you are planning to be on leave/sabbatical, we will be happy to consider your proposal for the following academic year. </p><p>7. If you will be physically gone from UCSC during the summer one year in advance of your program, you must be available by email to work with Study Abroad for crucial proposal development.</p><p>9. We will only call your U.S. cell phone in case of emergencies prior to departure (e.g. a delayed cash advance)</p><p>21. Your rationale for anticipated student enrollment may include reasons such as your access to a sizable pool of students through your quarterly teaching (please also include roughly how many students you teach across your course load); your department’s willingness to promote your program; your relationships with other departments/groups across campus that are willing to promote your program, etc. </p><p>27. If you have knowledge and expertise on logistics (housing, tours, transportation etc.) in the destination(s), please indicate so. Provide relevant contact information for any partner institutions or logistical providers you may have. If, on the other hand, you need assistance in identifying facilities, housing, logistical support, etc., please notify Study Abroad so that we can provide our services.</p><p>6[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] 28. Study Abroad will design and print the program brochures. If you have high quality photos of the destination, please send them separately in an email attachment.</p><p>7 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package B. PROGRAM SAFETY INFORMATION</p><p>When it comes to assessing risk and security, it must be stressed that no country is void of risk. As you complete the following section, it cannot be stressed enough that you be thorough. Please fill out this form using information directly from the U.S. Department of State website (travel.state.gov) and Center for Disease Control (cdc.gov). At both websites, simply look up your destination(s). After carefully reviewing your destination(s), copy the information to this proposal.</p><p>If your destination is under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning, you must also review the Travel Warning for additional restrictions and risks and include them in the questions below. Go here to check if there is a Travel Warning and review it if there is one: http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/alertswarnings.html. </p><p>Failure to complete and provide detailed safety information for your application will delay the approval of your proposal. </p><p>1. What are the specific health and safety concerns identified by the U.S. Department of State (travel.state.gov) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.gov) for your destination? Be very thorough in your response. Review every category identified in the Country-Specific Information page for both websites. If your destination is under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning, you must also review the Travel Warning for additional restrictions and risks and include them in your response.</p><p>2. Describe the strategies you will take to mitigate each of the identified concerns in the above question. The U.S. Department of State and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention often include strategies to mitigate the concerns it reports on. These will be the guidelines that you and accompanying students will follow to help stay safe and minimize risk. Please also include general risk mitigating strategies that are specific to your travel location, such as (feel free to copy these verbatim into your response): • Never travel alone at night • Implement a buddy system • Avoid situations in which you may be isolated or stand out as a potential victim • Lower your personal profile • Avoid displaying indicators of wealth • Maintain awareness of your surroundings • When you reach your destination, lock your passport in a safe place and only carry a copy with you (Note, certain countries require you to always carry your original passport. Check with travel.state.gov website or the local Embassy) • Always keep others informed of your whereabouts • Avoid food and water from unsanitary sources • Discuss your international travel with a physician before your departure • No swimming at a closed beach or without a lifeguard present</p><p>8[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] 3. Please give all forms of possible transportation that might be used during your program. Provide details for all in- country movements, including daily transportation requirements, possible company names of transportation services, and describe how these services were selected. Please note that Global Engagement and any host university may also assist with this. </p><p>4. Are there physical requirements? (High altitudes, abundant walking, hill climbing, etc.)</p><p>5. Please describe your prior experience in the destination country.</p><p>6. Will Non-UCSC individuals travel abroad with you? If yes, please describe who they are (name, phone and email), their relationship to you and role they will have.</p><p>7. Address of the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate You can locate this information on the U.S. Department of State Country Specific Information website.</p><p>8. Name, address, and phone number of nearby hospital(s) if known. If not known, GE will assist with these details. </p><p>9. Emergency phone numbers abroad for your destination(s). Please reference this U.S. Department of State document: https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/students-abroad/pdfs/911_ABROAD.pdf </p><p>10. Do you plan to turn on international service for your personal cell phone or would you rather arrange for a rental phone? Please note that all Faculty/Additional Staff should have cell phones with international calling capabilities while abroad.</p><p>11. Do you anticipate NOT having regular access to phone or email communication?</p><p>12. If you anticipate NOT having regular access to phone or email communication, how do you plan to communicate?</p><p>13. Name, phone number, and email address of main local contact(s) abroad:</p><p>9 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package 10[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] C. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL FORM</p><p>Program Title: </p><p>Travel Location(s): </p><p>Travel Dates: </p><p>Name of Faculty: </p><p>Name(s) of Additional Faculty/Staff (if applicable):</p><p>All faculty-led program proposals must include support from the departmental chairs as part of the Program Proposal for Faculty-Led programs. Proposals cannot be processed without this signature. </p><p>By signing below, Department leadership is indicating support and approval of the study abroad program and its academic goals. Further, by signing below the Department is indicating their understanding of the following:</p><p>1) The responsibilities for a Faculty Leader are vastly greater and much more demanding than those of a faculty, staff, or student leader on campus. Directors are often called upon to deal directly with student conflicts, both minor and grave medical and emotional health issues, acts of crime by or against students, binge drinking and other issues. These responsibilities are around the clock. By signing below, the department chair and dean are assuring that they believe the designated faculty member is capable of and suited to these sorts of responsibilities. 2) Certain destinations carry more risk than others, Study Abroad will use its resources to assess risk of a potential site, but we believe it to be vitally important for the leadership of the department or college to be aware of, and approve, the locations, scope and activities of the programs offered by its faculty, staff or students with regard to the safety of the participants of this program. 3) Department Managers will submit courses to be offered in the summer.</p><p>11 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package Department Chair’s Name Signature Date</p><p>12[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] D. BUDGET WORKSHEET The categories listed below are common expenses. However, each Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program is different. Please provide costs and estimated expenses you have acquired for the categories relevant to your proposed program. Skip irrelevant categories. Add any needed categories in the “Other” sections. Please use USD only for this worksheet. </p><p>Program Title: </p><p>Program Start & End Dates: </p><p>Program Faculty: </p><p>Name(s) of Additional Faculty/Staff: </p><p>Faculty & Additional Faculty/Staff - Various Costs Total Costs Estimated Cost of Airfare*</p><p>Subtotals</p><p>Faculty $ Additional Faculty/Staff $</p><p>$ Non-Air Travel</p><p>Total Domestic for Faculty ** (to/from airport–describe your preferred method $ of transport below)</p><p>Total Foreign for Additional Faculty/Staff (taxis, bus, train, etc.–describe $ below)</p><p>$ Meal Expenses*** $ Other (please describe below) $</p><p>* Estimated cost of airfare must be based on dates of the program. If Faculty choose to arrive early or depart late for personal reasons, they will be responsible for covering any increased difference in cost. ** For UCSC Travel policies on calculating domestic mileage, rental cars, shuttles, etc. see UCSC Travel. *** Please leave blank. Study Abroad will calculate meal allowance based on rates determined by the Department of State.</p><p>Various Student Costs Total Costs Meals</p><p>Number and type (i.e. breakfast, lunch, or dinner) of meals to be included for each student Per Student $ $ Transportation $</p><p>13 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package Description of train, subway, bus, passes, etc. to be used Per Student $ Airfare</p><p>Per Student $ $ Other (visas, ID cards, etc.) $</p><p>14[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Faculty & Additional Faculty/Staff - Lodging* Total Costs</p><p>Location #1: Number of Nights x Number of Faculty/Staff Subtotals Single Room Per Night $ $ </p><p>Location #2: Number of Nights x Number of Faculty/Staff Single Room Per Night $ $</p><p>Location #3: Number of Nights x Number of Faculty/Staff Single Room Per Night $ $</p><p>Location #4: Number of Nights x Number of Faculty/Staff Single Room Per Night $ $ $ Other (please describe below) $</p><p>* Faculty and Staff are expected to stay in the same accommodations as students for risk mitigation and safety purposes. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.</p><p>Fixed Costs Total Costs</p><p>Course Materials and Supplies (please describe below)</p><p>$</p><p>Classrooms/Facilities Rentals (please describe below)</p><p>$</p><p>Guest Speakers (please describe below)</p><p>$</p><p>Group Excursions (admission fees, included meals, tours, etc. – please describe below)</p><p>$</p><p>Group Transportation (airport transfer, bus rentals, etc. – please describe below)</p><p>$ 15 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package Other (gratuity, gifts to host partner, orientation expenses, etc.)</p><p>$</p><p>16[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Student - Lodging* Total Costs Expected Student Enrollment: </p><p>Location #1: Number of Nights Subtotals</p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms $</p><p>Location #2: Number of Nights </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms $</p><p>Location #3: Number of Nights </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms $</p><p>Location #4: Number of Nights </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms </p><p>Occupancy (single, double, triple, etc.) Per Room, Per Night $ Number of Rooms $ $ Other (please describe below) $</p><p>*It is recommended that lodging estimates include 1 single room to account for possible uneven number of males/females.</p><p>17 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package E. DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES OVERVIEW</p><p>FACULTY LEADER REPONSIBILITIES</p><p>Pre-Departure: Develops course(s) and secures campus course approvals as necessary, and confirm department support. Develop program proposal in collaboration with Study Abroad (including overall budget, detailed itinerary, location, accommodation, classroom facilities, safety, excursions, etc.) Attend Faculty Leader trainings and read all materials related to trainings. Recruit student participants, attend campus Study Abroad Fairs, & coordinate with Study Abroad staff on informational sessions. Work with Study Abroad on selection process. Assist Study Abroad in finalizing arrangements with overseas vendors or third party providers if necessary. Assist Study Abroad with and participate in the mandatory Pre-Departure Orientations.</p><p>While Abroad: Meet group upon arrival in-country. Serve as main contact for in-country logistics. Confirm group’s safe arrival with Study Abroad by email within first 24 hours. Provide on-site orientation to students. Local safety precautions should be addressed. Accompany students on all program activities, teach & coordinate with overseas faculty/lecturers, and evaluate student coursework. Oversee arrangements for health, safety & security of participants. Be available to students 24/7 in case of emergency. Report incidents to Study Abroad and complete incident report form. Ensure wellbeing of students, including resolution of any housing or other on-site issues. Makes on-site payments as budgeted, maintaining clear records and receipts of all expenditures. Will not travel away (by car or bus) from the main location of the program while program is in progress – independent travel should be undertaken before or after the official program dates never during “free” time on the program.</p><p>Post Program: Complete Program Evaluation Form upon return from the program, which will be provided by Study Abroad. For all first-time programs, faculty should meet with Study Abroad to have an in-depth conversation about the program. Participate in re-entry programming organized by Study Abroad if applicable. </p><p>Accompanying Faculty Guests If faculty are thinking of having a guest and/or family member on the program, you must consult with the Study Abroad office in advance. </p><p>STUDY ABROAD RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>Pre-Departure: Conduct proposal workshops for faculty and assist in the development of proposal details & logistics. Conduct Faculty Leader trainings & seminars. Finalize program budget and determine enrollment targets. Advertise program & keep content current on website & social media. Coordinate campus info sessions with faculty. 18[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Develop application process, collect application materials, and select students into program, including course enrollment. Coordinate with campus units to update student status as needed (Financial Aid, Registrar, SHC, Colleges, Housing, etc.). Work with faculty to finalize arrangements with overseas vendors (e.g. housing, classroom space, etc.) or with third party providers. Develop and monitor completion of participant pre-departure requirements (e.g. visas, health clearance, waivers, etc.). Organize group flight/travel arrangements for students, if applicable. Enroll students in supplemental health insurance. Registrar group with the U.S. Department of State.</p><p>While Abroad: Maintain contact with faculty regarding any problems or updates abroad. Serve as first point of contact for any emergencies. Coordinate emergencies with on campus units. Pay program expenses as budgeted and disperses program funds to faculty leader. Be available to students or faculty 24/7 in case of an emergency.</p><p>Post Program: Reconcile post-program accounting within 30 days of program end date. Organize re-entry programming for participants. Administer and collect student surveys, course evaluation and program report, and share with faculty and oversight committee for future program recommendations.</p><p>Faculty Leader: I acknowledge that I have read and understood my duties and responsibilities as outlined above.</p><p>Name: ______</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>19 05/2017 Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Package</p>
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