Invocation Was Given by Mayor Stiles, Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation Was Given by Mayor Stiles, Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

<p> 23</p><p>January 11, 2006 </p><p>A Regular Meeting of the Borough Council convened in the Borough Hall at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Stiles presiding.</p><p>Invocation was given by Mayor Stiles, followed by the pledge of allegiance.</p><p>Mayor Stiles noted that the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act have been met by the filing and posting of the Annual Notice. </p><p>Councilpersons Davis, Laury, Schalick and Schneider answered to the roll call. Absent – Stemberger and Harz.. </p><p>Motion Davis, seconded Laury that the last regular meeting and all subsequent meetings be approved and that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with. Motion carried.</p><p>Committee reports were made at this time: Streets, Property, Public Safety and Water.</p><p>Mr. Herb Roeschke, County Board of Health, Health Officer and Anne Marie Ruez presented the BRFSS Survey for Salem County. There was a question and answer session along with the distribution of “A Public Health Guide to Emergency Planning”.</p><p>Jose’ Cardona, Chair of the Land Use Board addressed Council on their opinion on how flexible the Land Use Board needed to be on the 80 Foot frontage for building lots. He also informed Council that the Master Plan needed to be reviewed every six years. </p><p>Betty Graham addressed Council on the way she was notified on not being re-appointed as the Dog Registrar for 2006. Mayor Stiles apologized for not notifying her sooner. She accepted his apology. </p><p>Councilwoman Laury called up for second reading an Ordinance entitled:</p><p>ORDINANCE 2006-1</p><p>2006 SALARY ORDINANCE Clerk presented affidavit of publication, motion Schalick, seconded Davis that the affidavit be received and filed. Motion carried.</p><p>Motion Davis, seconded Schalick that the Clerk read the Ordinance by title only and that the public hearing be held thereon. Motion carried.</p><p>Clerk read following ordinance by title only:</p><p>ORDINANCE 2006-1</p><p>2006 SALARY ORDINANCE</p><p>BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, County of Salem, and State of New Jersey as follows: 1. For the year 2006 and succeeding years thereafter, the salaries, wages and fees for the respective offices and positions are as hereinafter set forth: A. ADMINISTRATIVE (1) Mayor $3,168.00 per year (2) Councilmen 1,986.00 per year (3) Administrator 500.00 per year 24 (4) Municipal Clerk 12,975.00 per year (5) Deputy Clerk 100.00 per year (6) Chief Financial Officer 13,192.00 per year (7) Deputy Treasurer 450.00 per year (8) Tax Collector 9,833.00 per year (9) Deputy Tax Collector 10.00 per hour (Not to exceed $1,000) (10) Assessor 8,827.00 per year</p><p>(11) Custodian Borough Hall 5,042.00 per year</p><p>(12) Clerical - not more than 6.15 per hour</p><p>(13) Assistant to Municipal Clerk $1,607.00 per year</p><p>B. LAND USE</p><p>(1) Zoning Administrator 2,678.00 per year (2) Housing Officer 2,678.00 per year (3) Land Use Board Secretary 2,207.00 per year</p><p>C. PROTECTION POLICE DEPARTMENT (1) Captain 40,435.20 per year (19.44 per hour) (2) Sergeant (Additional $1.00 per hour above Patrolman 1st Class Rate per hour)</p><p>(3) Patrolman 1st Class 15.63 per hour</p><p>(4) Traffic Control Officer 10.74 per hour (5) Police Department Overtime Pay Rates A. Court appearances (officer off duty) 35.00 B. Full-time employees are entitled to one personal day per year. C. In the event one or more of the below-listed members of the Police Department works on a Borough of Elmer designated holiday, to wit: New Year’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas, then that officer shall be paid as follows: (a) Captain - In addition to his regular salary, the sum of 29.16 per hour (b) Sergeant 24.95 per hour (c) Patrolman 1st Class 23.45 per hour OTHER (1) Emergency Management Coordinator 1,285.00 per year</p><p>(2) Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator 750.00 per year (3) Fire Code Official 4,634.00 per year (4) Assistant Fire Code Official 16.32 per hour (Not to exceed $3,000.00) (5) Crossing Guards 14.46 per day</p><p>(6) Crossing Guard Supervisor 25 (Additional $3.50 above Crossing Guard Rate per day)</p><p>(7) 2nd & Chestnut Street Crossing Guard 21.42 per day D. WELFARE (1) Secretary Board of Health 100.00 per year (2) Registrar of Vital Statistics 536.00 per year (3) Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 2,781.00 per year (4) Alternate Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 1,530.00 per year (5) Animal Registrar 600.00 per year E. WATER DEPARTMENT (1) Collector 7,610.00 per year (2) Deputy Collector 10.00 per hour (Not to exceed $1,000.00) (3) Chief Financial Officer 9,920.00 per year (4) Deputy Treasurer 100.00 per year (5) Water Clerk 6.15 per hour (6) Clerical - not more than 6.15 per hour (7) Municipal Clerk 9,920.00 per year (8) Assistant Superintendent 8,582.00 per year (In addition, $20.00 per meter to repair, check or an extended water mark-out.) (9) Water Meter Reader 2,672.00 per year 2. The following shall be compensated on a fee basis: A. Solicitor, B. Engineer, C. Auditor, D. Dog Warden, E. Land Use Board Solicitor.</p><p>3. Vacation Pay/Policy:</p><p>A. Full-time employees:</p><p>1-5 years of employment 10 days 6-15 years of employment 15 days 16+ years of employment 20 days B. There is no requirement that vacation days be taken consecutively. C. Vacation may be used to cover unpaid sick leave or any unpaid days off, except days as a result of disciplinary action. D. All vacation is subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor. E. No more than one week of vacation may be carried over from one calendar year to the next, and must be used by June 1 of that year. 4. Sick Leave - Full-time Employees: A. Employees are entitled to five paid sick days, of which five can be carried to the following calendar year up to a maximum of 15 accumulated sick days at any time. B. Employees will not be reimbursed for carried-over or unused sick time upon the conclusion of their employment. 5. Bereavement Leave - Full-time Employees. A. The employee shall receive time off with pay from the date of death until subsequent interment for immediate family members, which shall include spouse, child, parent, brother, sister (inclusive of both step- and/or half-), as well as mother-in-law and father-in-law. B. The employee shall receive one day with pay for the following family members: brother-in- law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, or grandparents. 26</p><p>C. Employees shall only be paid for bereavement days taken if they were actually scheduled to work on those days. 6. Overtime: A. Overtime must be approved by the appropriate Borough Council Chairperson, except in an emergency. 7. The salaries, wages and compensations set forth herein shall become effective on January 11, 2006. 8. If any section or provision of this Ordinance shall be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be in valid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof. 9. All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, heretofore adopted and that are inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. 10. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its final passage, adoption and publication in the manner prescribed by law.</p><p>Mayor Stiles announced that the public hearing on the above Ordinance to be open.</p><p>Opportunity having been given to those who wished to speak for or against the Ordinance, it was moved by Davis, seconded Schneider that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried.</p><p>Clerk presented the following resolution:</p><p>FINAL RESOLUTION</p><p>WHEREAS, an Ordinance entitled 2006 SALARY ORDINANCE was introduced and passed first reading on December 14, 2005, and</p><p>WHEREAS, public hearing has been held thereon;</p><p>NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, County of Salem, and State of New Jersey, that an Ordinance entitled 2006 SALARY ORDINANCE be finally adopted and that notice of its adoption be published in the Elmer Times in accordance with law.</p><p>Motion Davis, seconded Schalick that the resolution be adopted as read. Ayes –Davis, Laury, Schalick and Schneider. Nays – None. Motion carried.</p><p>The following resolution was presented:</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>2006 TEMPORARY BUDGET GENERAL FUND Number 18-06 (See Page 26 a)</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>2006 TEMPORARY BUDGET WATER Number 19-06 (See Page 26 b)</p><p>27</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>DEBT SERVICE TEMPORARY BUDGET Number 20-06 (See Page27 a)</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>A RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF ELMER RE: AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BY THE BOROUGH OF ELMER AND THE BOROUGH OF ELMER FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING AID FOR FIRE OR OTHER EMERGENCIES Number 21-06</p><p>WHEREAS N.J.A.C. 5:75a-2.2 (A) requires that each municipality or fire district in the State of New Jersey, as the case may be, prepare, adopt and maintain a local mutual aid plan; and</p><p>WHEREAS such Local Mutual Aid Plans must be based upon the planning criteria, objectives, requirements and concepts of operation essential for the implementation of all necessary and appropriate or remedial measures to be taken in response to emergency incidents in the Borough of Elmer; and </p><p>WHEREAS the Borough of Elmer Fire Department recognizes that in case of fire or other emergency, it may need to request the aid of the fire department and/or departments from another municipality or fire district; and</p><p>WHEREAS response plans have been developed by the Fire Chief that call for the response of resources from outside of the jurisdiction of the Borough of Elmer Fire Department; and</p><p>WHEREAS the Mutual Aid Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “A” constitutes the Local Mutual Aid Plan for each municipality or fire district in the State of New Jersey is required to adopt under and pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:75A-2.2 (a); and</p><p>WHEREAS entry into the Mutual Aid Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “A” is in the best interest of the Borough.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, as follows:</p><p>1. That the Mayor and three (3) Borough Fire Chiefs be, and the same hereby are, authorized, and directed, to execute the Mutual Aid Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “A.”</p><p>2. That a copy of the Mutual Aid Agreement shall be filed with the Borough Clerk, and maintained on file. </p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>RESOLUTION FOR THE OFFICE OF THE WATER COLLECTOR FOR THE YEAR 2006 Number 22-06</p><p>WHEREAS, the Borough of Elmer is able to set policies and procedures for the office of the Water Collector that allows for the best fiscal interest of the municipality, 28</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Water Collector, is hereby authorized and directed to the following:</p><p>WATER (A) Interest on water accounts shall be 8% on the first $1,500 of the delinquency and 18% on all subsequent delinquency until the account is paid in full. All accounts have a 10 day grace period during each quarter when taxes are due.</p><p>(B) A tax sale of all delinquent accounts for the 2005 Municipal Taxes will be held in January, 2006.</p><p>(C) Delinquent tax accounts in the amount of +/- $5.00 may, at the discretion of the tax collector be canceled prior to the tax sale. </p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>MUNIDEX, INC. CONTRACT Number 20-05 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council that the Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement with Munidex, Inc. for Software Support for the year 2006.</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>PLANNING BOARD ESCROW FUND Number 24-06</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED that the Escrow Fund Deposit made pursuant to Article IV, Section 2.30 of the Land Development Ordinance by Authur Saunderlin (Applicant) for Variance Application Fee (Purpose of Deposit e.g. Site Plan Application) in the amount of $150.00 be distributed and paid as follows:</p><p>$ 150.00 To: KSA</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>LOUISE BREEZE CROSSING GUARD SUBSTITUTE Number 25-06</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, County of Salem and State of New Jersey that Louise Breez be appointed as Substitute Crossing Guard for a term beginning January 11, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006.</p><p>BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this be charged to Crossing Guard: Salary & Wages in the 2006 Budget.</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>PLANNING BOARD ESCROW FUND Number 26-06</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED that the Escrow Fund Deposit made pursuant to Article IV, Section 2.30 of the Land Development Ordinance by Harold and Marjorie Hofmann (Applicant) for Minor Subdivision (Purpose of Deposi 29 e.g. Site Plan Application) in the amount of $87.50 be distributed and paid as follows:</p><p>$ 87.50To: Telsey & Puma</p><p>RESOLUTION </p><p>JANUARY TRANSFERS Number 27-06</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, County of Salem, and State of New Jersey that the following transfers be made in the appropriation reserves for the year 2005.</p><p>FROM TO AMOUNT</p><p>Telephone: OE Electric: OE $ 601.00</p><p>RESOLUTION</p><p>RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONTRACTS WITH CERTAIN APPROVED STATE CONTRACT VENDORS FOR CONTRACTING UNITS PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-12a Number 28-06</p><p>Whereas, the Borough of Elmer, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-12a and N.J.A.C. 5:34-7.29(c), may by resolution and without advertising for bids, purchase any goods or services under the State of New Jersey Cooperative Purchasing Program for any State contracts entered into on behalf of the State by the Division of Purchase and Property in the Department of the Treasury; and</p><p>Whereas, the Borough of Elmer has the need on a timely basis to purchase goods or services utilizing State contracts; and</p><p>Whereas, the Borough of Elmer intends to enter into contracts with the attached Referenced State Contract Vendors through this resolution and properly executed contracts, which shall be subject to all the conditions applicable to the current State contracts; </p><p>Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Borough of Elmer authorizes the Purchasing Agent to purchase certain goods or services from those approved New Jersey State Contract Vendors on the attached list, pursuant to all conditions of the individual State contracts; and</p><p>Be, It Further Resolved, that the governing body of the Borough of Elmer pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30- 5.5(b), the certification of available funds, shall either certify the full maximum amount against the budget at the time the contract is awarded, or no contract amount shall be chargeable or certified until such time as the goods or services are ordered or otherwise called for prior to placing the order, and a certification of availability of funds is made by the Chief Finance Officer; and</p><p>Be It Further Resolved, that the duration of the contacts between the Borough of Elmer and the Referenced State Contract Vendors shall be from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006.</p><p>Referenced State Contract Vendors</p><p>Commodity/Service Vendor State Contract #</p><p>Portable Radios Motorolo, Inc. 53804</p><p>30</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Davis that all the resolutions be adopted as read. Ayes – Davis, Laury, Schalick and Schneider. Nays – None. Motion carried.</p><p>The following Ordinance was introduced by title only:</p><p>FIRST RESOLUTION</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Elmer, County of Salem, and State of New Jersey, that an Ordinance entitled BOROUGH OF ELMER WATER SERVICE RATE ORDINANCE be adopted on first reading, that hearing thereof be held on February 8, 2006, at 7:30 p.m., Borough Hall, Elmer, New Jersey, and that Notice of Final Hearing, be published in the Elmer Times, in accordance with law.</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Davis that all the resolutions be adopted as read. Ayes –,Davis, Laury, Schalick and Schneider. Nays – None. Motion carried.</p><p>Clerk presented Bond Number B1015963 in the amount of $300,000 for Darla J. Timberman, Chief Financial Officer and Bond Number B1015959 in the amount of $20,000 for Darla J. Timberman, Chief Financial Officer/Water Department effective January 1, 2006 and ending January 1, 2007.</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Davis that the Bonds for Darla J. Timberman be received and filed. Motion carried. Letter of resignation for Ted Perian, Police Officer, effective December 31, 2006 was presented by the Clerk. </p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Schneider that the resignation letter be accepted. Motion carried.</p><p>Report from Tax/Water Collector, Joanne Marone,for the month of December 2005 was presented.</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Schalick that the report be received and filed. Motion carried.</p><p>Clerk and Mayor’s mail for the month of January, 2006, was presented and read.</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Davis that the correspondence be received and filed. Motion carried.</p><p>Treasurer’s Reports for the month of December 2005, were presented and read.</p><p>Motion Laury, seconded Davis that the reports be received, filed and spread full upon the minutes. Motion carried. (Treasurer’s Reports – See Pages 53 a )</p><p>The following bills were presented and read: (See pages 53 b )</p><p>Moved Davis, seconded Laury that the bills be paid and charged to their respective accounts. Ayes –Davis, Laury, Schalick and Schneider Nays - None. Motion carried.</p><p>There being no further business, it was moved by Laury, seconded by Davis that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.</p><p>______January 11, 2006 Beverly S. Richards, RMC Borough Clerk </p><p>31 19</p>

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