<p> BCHS</p><p>Barren County High School 507 Trojan Trail Glasgow, KY 42141 Phone: (270) 651-6315 Fax: (270) 651-9211 www.barren.kyschools.us MISSION: “The Mission of Barren County High School is to enable all students to reach their full potential in a caring environment by providing a strong academic foundation and advance opportunities in all areas” MOTTO: “Inspiring Excellence”</p><p>Administration</p><p>Principal: Mr. Brad Johnson ([email protected]) Trojan Academy Principal: Mr. Warren Cunningham ([email protected]) Barren CountyAssistant Principal: Ms Trina Rickard ([email protected]) Barren County Magnet Principal: Letitia Hughes ( [email protected] ) Barren County Assistant Principal: Mr. Daryl Murphy ([email protected]) Sophomore-Senior Counselor (A-K): Mrs. Jill Leftwich ([email protected]) Sophomore-Senior Counselor (L-Z): Ms. Angie Frazier ([email protected]) ECE/Special Programs Counselor: Ms. Carrie Bunch ([email protected]) Freshmen Counselor: Mrs. Nicole Jones ([email protected])</p><p>Site-Based Council Members</p><p>Lauren Simmons, Teacher ([email protected]) Rose Marie Grice, Teacher ([email protected]) Rex Rush, Teacher ([email protected]) Lorie Crowe, Parent Steve Chapman, Parent</p><p>Student Name ______</p><p>1 Programs, Clubs, and Extra Curricular Activities</p><p>Academic Program Social Studies Team FBLA at ATC Club Applied FBLA at BCHS Special Science/TSA FCA Olympics Art Club FFA STLP Band Fishing Club Swimming Baseball Football Tennis Basketball Foreign Track BETA Club Language Club Trojan Bowling Golf Ambassadors Broadcasting GreenTeam VICA Cheerleading HOSA Volleyball Chorus Pep Club Volunteer Class Officers Prom Program Co-Op Committee Y Club Cross Country Quiz Bowl Yearbook Staff Dance Team Team Youth Service Drama Club SADD Center Exchange Soccer Student</p><p>School Song</p><p>Fight on for ole BC Fight on, fight on to victory Our Alma Mater dear Looks up to you Fight on and win for ole BC Fight on to victory Fight on.</p><p>2 School Calendar 2016-2017</p><p>August 9 Opening Day (no students)</p><p>August 11 First day for Student s September 5 Labor day-schools closed</p><p>October 3-7 Fall Break-schools closed November 7 In service-no students November 8 Election Day-schools closed November 23-25 Thanksgiving break-closed December 19 thru Christmas break-schools January 2 closed January 16 MLK Day-schools closed February 16-17 BETA-schools closed March 10 In service- no students March 31 In service- no students April 3-7 Spring Break May 19 Last day for students May 22 Closing day-no students </p><p>Possible make up days will be November 23, February 16,17 March 10, March 31 , April 7, May 23,24,25,26 30,.31</p><p>3 STUDENT HANDBOOK</p><p>The faculty, staff and administration would like to welcome you to Barren County High School & Barren County High School - Trojan Academy. (Trojan Academy being a small learning community of Barren County High School will fall under the same policies, procedures and rules as the high school & from this point forward when Barren County High School is referenced it refers to both) The purpose of our school is to develop self-reliant, responsible, self-disciplined, and well-educated young adults.</p><p>We believe that Barren County High School should provide a comprehensive program of educational experiences designed to serve the interests, goals, and abilities of all students. Therefore, we need some common guidelines to create and maintain an atmosphere of teaching and learning.</p><p>Barren County High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sex, or disabilities in its treatment of students.</p><p>School day pictures and senior pictures must be from contracted photographer to appear in the yearbook.</p><p>RULES AND REGULATIONS Each teacher or staff has the authority and responsibility to correct any student at any time, anywhere, while the student is under the jurisdiction of the school. 1. Once a student boards a bus, he/she is the responsibility of the school; such responsibility ends when the student is delivered to the regular bus stop at the end of the day. Drivers are considered on school property when the vehicle is on the property of any school in the Barren County System. (After boarding a school bus, students must ride bus to and from school.) 2. K.R.S. 158.150 – Possession of or use of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages on school property or during school-sponsored activity may result in student expulsion, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution. 3. K.R.S. 438.050 – Possession of tobacco products, matches, e-cigs, vapor pens,or lighters or use of tobacco products is prohibited by students of Barren County High School, including school sponsored activities. 4. K.R.S. 158.150 – Use of profanity or vulgarity is strictly prohibited. 5. K.R.S. 158.150 – Willful defiance of the authority of the teachers or administrators may lead to suspension or expulsion, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution. 6. K.R.S. 158.150 – Assault or battery (or the threat of such) of students or school personnel constitutes cause for strict discipline, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution. 7. K.R.S. 161.190 – Insult or abuse of any teacher constitutes cause for strict discipline, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution. 8. K.R.S. 159.150 – Absence or tardiness without valid reason for more than three days constitutes truancy. Six days constitutes habitual truancy and constitutes cause for court action. 9. Playing any game of monetary chance is prohibited. 10. K.R.S. 159.150 – Any dangerous weapons are subject to confiscation and are thus prohibited and cause for strict discipline, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution. 11. Tardiness is defined as not being inside the classroom or assigned place when the tone starts to sound. 12. Any audio or electronic gaming device (i.e. IPods, Radios, Nintendo etc.) are not to be used, turned on or visible during or in class</p><p>4 13. No petitions may be circulated at school. Secret clubs or organizations are prohibited. 14. School officials must approve sale of any articles. 15. No student should be in the corridors without a hall pass during the regular school day. 16. Any clothing and accessories (jewelry, belt buckles, necklaces, etc.) with obscene pictures, confederate flags or sayings alluding to drugs, alcohol, sex or violence (including wrestling) are not permitted at Barren County High. 17. Fighting on school property is strictly prohibited and cause for strict discipline, alternative placement, and/or legal prosecution.. 18. All student cars must be parked in the marked spaces of the student parking lot and the student should report directly to school. (No loitering in cars.) No parking on grass. All student cars must display a parking permit. Drivers shall use one exit lane when exiting from the parking lot. No smoking in parking lot or school property. Violations will result in loss of driving privilege. 19. No student shall be dismissed early from school without permission from the Principal or his/her legal guardian. 20. Late arrivals must check in through the office for an admit slip and will be referred to a principal for a discipline form. Student must not miss more than half of a class period to be counted present. 21. Dismissal for work at public places will not be made until 3:00 p.m. unless in school programs. 22. Students are forbidden to leave school to patronize restaurants and return to school or bring meals to others during the school day or have non-students bring meals to them. 23. Students desiring to ride a different bus or desiring to get off at a different location other than normal must bring a note from a parent and/or guardian with the student’s name and grade, where the students is getting off, and a number where the parent and/or guardian can be reached included in the note. Students must bring the note to the front office to secure a bus note, have it approved by a principal and present the note to the bus driver. Buses will not stop in Glasgow unless emergency circumstances warrant the stop. 24. No personal locks are to be used on permanent lockers. 25. Student lockers, cars or personal belonging may be searched by the principal or his designee if there is reasonable cause to do so. Each student is responsible for his/her locker and lock. Permanent lock numbers can be changed. Locks damaged by putting paper in latch will cost students $7.50, if replacement is necessary. 26. Student must pay for damaged or lost textbooks. Any debts at the close of the year will result in schedules being withheld and no grade cards being sent. Any seniors who have debts will not receive a diploma Students who have not provided payment for school fees and debts owed to the school will be made available to the sponsor of the function. Students must present payment for those fees and debts prior to being permitted to purchase a ticket for the function.</p><p>27. After a student is absent/tardy from school they must present a note that is written, dated and signed by his/her parent/guardian, or physician explaining the reason for the absence. Notes must be presented within three (3) days of the student’s absence in order for the absence to be considered excused and shall include the date of and reason for absence. Make-up work shall be permitted for excused absences only. Students having excused absences shall be allowed the same number of days to complete make-up work/tests, as they were absent (i.e. student missed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday then they have 3 days to make-up work/tests). It is the student’s responsibility to contact each teacher </p><p>5 regarding make-up assignments and schedule a time before, during, or after school 28. Attendance will be verified in homeroom each attendance month (every 20 school days). This will be the last opportunity to address any errors in attendance documentation 29. Visitors are not allowed unless approval is secured through the office. After approval from the office, all visitors must wear a visitor’s pass. 30. Periodic fire and emergency drills will be conducted. Students must follow the instruction of the teacher, and leave the building immediately. 31. Fireworks of any form are prohibited at school. 32. Theft will result in restitution, disciplinary action, or court.</p><p>DETENTION</p><p>Students serving detention will have one week to serve. The detention will be instituted for a period of 1 hour in the afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or in the morning in the front office from 6:55 to 7:55. Students are to report to detention at 3:00 pm. Students must furnish their own transportation home. Accumulation of excessive detentions may result in suspension. If the students cannot provide their own transportation they are subject to other consequences including Alternative Class. Detention Rules 1. No talking, getting out of seat, etc. 2. Students must bring their own books and supplies. 3. Students must be on time. 4. Students must work on schoolwork while in detention (No Sleeping). 5. Leave the room clean and free of paper, garbage, etc. 6. Do not write on desks, walls, etc.</p><p>IN-SCHOOL ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM</p><p>Alternative class is a classroom within the high school where students are in strict confines in the room, under a teacher’s supervision. Not only will they be required to keep up with what is missed in the regular classroom; they must work at all times. They will be allowed to talk only to the teacher. Any student breaking any of the strict rules of the AC will have another day added. Refusal to serve or work in AC results in suspension. Students assigned to the Alternative Class will not be allowed to participate or practice in extra curricular activities. Refusal to serve AC will result in suspension and court referral.</p><p>SUSPENSION</p><p>A student who has been in violation of a severe clause rule, committed serious offenses, or violated local, state, or federal laws may be suspended from school. Length of the suspension will be determined by the school authorities and will reflect the offense committed. Parents or guardians will be notified in writing or in person of the action taken. A suspended student shall not be on school property or at any school sponsored event or activity. A grade of zero (0) will be given for the classes missed while suspended. A student and his/her parents will have to agree upon a more satisfactory conduct with the administration before the student is readmitted to school.</p><p>ALTERNATIVE TO SUSPENION</p><p>A student who has been in violation of a severe clause rule, committed serious offenses, or violated local, state, or federal laws may be suspended from school. Length of the ATS </p><p>6 will be determined by the school authorities and will reflect the offense committed. Parents or guardians will be notified in writing or in person of the action taken. An ATS student shall not be on school property or at any school sponsored event or activity. Students will not be counted unexcused while attending ATS. Work will be sent over to ATS & or will be made up when sent back.(see excused absence policy) A student and his/her parents will have to agree upon a more satisfactory conduct with the administration before the student is readmitted to school.</p><p>AUTHORITY OF FACULTY AND STAFF MEMBERS</p><p>All faculty and staff members of this school have authority over all students. A student is under the authority of the school and its employees while the student is in school, on the way to and from school, and during all school sponsored activities, whether they are at BCHS or at another school. This school will not tolerate any mass disruption or disturbances by the student body in any form for any reason. Disruptions of the learning environment will result in disciplinary action Substitute teachers require the same respect, as does the regular teacher. All substitutes have the same authority as the regular teacher and any disrespect or lack of cooperation with the substitute will be dealt with in a strong disciplinary manner.</p><p>OFF LIMIT AREAS 1. Gymnasium dressing rooms unless your class is meeting in P.E. class 2. Gymnasium to all students until 7:40 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m. and during morning break unless supervised by a school official 3. Mechanical room, janitors’ closets, cooking area of kitchen, stairwells 4. Buses during the school day 5. Teachers’ offices, teachers’ workrooms, behind counter in office area 6. Auditorium and lobby of auditorium is off limits except for a class or meeting 7. Student parking lot from 8:00-3:00</p><p>DRUGS AND ALCOHOL</p><p>See Board of Education Policy Handbook for more information. In addition to board policy there is an extra curricular participation policy. First violation of the policy shall be suspension from participation in interscholastic games, and extra curricular activities for fourteen (14) school days. Second violation of the extra curricular activities participation policy shall be a suspension from participation in extra curricular activities for the remainder of his/her school eligibility.</p><p>YOUTH SERVICE CENTER</p><p>Barren County High School’s Youth Services Center offers various educational/ support groups to students. These groups are completely voluntary. If for any reason a parent should object to the student’s participation in these groups, please contact the YSC.</p><p>CLASSROOMS</p><p>Each student is expected to have books, paper, pencil and supplies for all classes. Teachers may assign seats at any time. Teachers, not the tone, will dismiss the class.</p><p>HALL PASSES</p><p>Students in the hall after the tardy bell has sounded must have a valid hall pass issued by the appropriate teacher. Students are expected to take care of personal business between classes.</p><p>7 VISITOR POLICY</p><p>Any visitor to the school must sign in at the front office and remain there to meet with a student or staff member, unless the principal or her designee grants permission for that visitor to enter into other areas of the building. Visitors must leave ID in office and obtain a visitor tag</p><p>CARE OF BUILDING AND GROUNDS</p><p>Any person who willfully or negligently destroys or mars school property shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action including the requirement to pay in full for the damage.</p><p>LOCKERS AND SEARCHES</p><p>Lockers are the property of the school and are subject to school regulation and supervision. A student, his/her locker, and/or vehicle will be searched only when there is just and reasonable cause.</p><p>COURSE CHANGES</p><p>There will be no course changes. Course changes will only be made because of scheduling errors or inappropriate placement as determined by the principal and guidance counselor.</p><p>CAFETERIA</p><p>All students may deposit money into their lunch account. Money in lunch accounts may be used to purchase lunch only for the student to whom the account is assigned. Students may not charge over $6.50 per semester. NO charges will be accepted after Thanksgiving (first semester) or Spring Break (second semester). All charges must be paid before Christmas break (first semester) or May 1 (second semester). Cafeteria Rules: 1. Deposit all litter in the proper containers. 2. Return all plates and utensils to the dishwashing area. 3. Leave the table and area around you clean. 4. Do not leave the cafeteria for any reason without permission from the staff on duty. 5. The Food Service Division of the state Department of Education regulations requires that no vending machine service for students be available until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunchroom period. Violations of these will result in appropriate assertive discipline.</p><p>STUDENT VALUABLES</p><p>Do not bring large amounts of money, radios, cameras, CD’s and valuables to school. Do not share a locker. Keep track of your personal possessions at all times. Do not give out the combination to your locker. Do not leave money or valuables in the locker room during P.E. unless you lock them up. Students are responsible for their personal property.</p><p>8 FIRE DRILL</p><p>In order to secure a speedy and safe exit from the building in a fire or a drill, the following rules should be observed: 1. Walk, do not run, keep moving, and do not try to save personal belongings. 2. Do not talk; be prepared to take instructions from firemen and teachers. 3. The first two students to reach the door should hold it open for others. 4. Close all windows before leaving, if possible. 5. Do not re-enter the building until given notice by the administration.</p><p>ATTENDANCE</p><p>When it is necessary to miss school, you should follow the outlined procedure:</p><p>Have your parent, guardian or doctor write an excuse giving your name, date of absence and reason for absence.</p><p>If a student presents a false or altered excuse not issued by parent/guardian or doctor, the student will be subject to appropriate action, such as suspension or Alternative Class. 1. Excuse notes should be left in the basket in the front office of high school or Trojan Academy. 2. A student’s absence/tardy will remain unexcused until the excuse note is presented. 3. Students are allowed 3 parent notes each semester. After 3 parent notes (absences and/or tardies), students must have a doctor’s excuse for any absences. ex. 1 absence + 2 tardies or 2 absences + 1 tardy or any other combination of 3 total per semester. 4. Students accumulating excessive absences (as defined by board policy) will be subject to court action. 5. Students must obtain prior approval from the principal or his designee for school activities. 6. Make-up work/tests shall be permitted for excused absences only. Students having excused absences shall be allowed the same number of days to complete make-up work/tests, as they were absent (i.e. student missed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday then they have 3 days to make-up work/tests). It is the student’s responsibility to contact each teacher regarding make-up assignments and schedule a time before, during, or after school. 7. After attendance has been verified in homeroom at the end of each month, it cannot be changed. Students are responsible for reporting discrepancies at that time. </p><p>Each parent, guardian, or other person residing in the state and having custody or charge of any pupil between the ages of six and eighteen shall send the pupil to a regular public school for the full term unless the child is legally exempt from school. The parent or guardian shall keep the pupil in regular attendance.</p><p>State law and Barren County Board of Education Policy require all students to attend school every day school is in session. Attendance is checked in first period class and all subsequent classes.</p><p>Legal References KRS 159.010 Compulsory Attendance KRS 159.030 Exemption from Compulsory Attendance</p><p>9 TARDIES AND EARLY DISMISSALS</p><p>A student will be considered to be tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned room when the tardy tone sounds. No student shall be dismissed early from school without permission from the Principal or his/her legal guardian. Students are not allowed in the halls during the last 20 minutes of the school day without a school designated escort.</p><p>CHECKING OUT AND LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS</p><p>A student is not permitted to leave the building or the school grounds at any time during the school day without permission from the principal or assistant principal. If a student must leave the building or grounds because of illness, driver’s test or emergency, his or her parent or guardian must contact the school office prior to being checked out. The assistant principal (or designated person) must talk with the parent on the phone or in person before a decision is made as to whether work missed will be excused or unexcused. Students are expected to miss only the portion of the day required to attend a funeral, take a driver’s test, or see doctors. A check out form signed by the principal’s designee must be completed before the student leaves the building. Leaving without completing the form will be considered “leaving school without permission” or “skipping” and the consequences will apply. Someone other than the custodial parent/guardian may pick up students if that person’s name is on file in the attendance office. The authorization form must be completed by the custodial parent/guardian and shall list all those people who may pick up the student.</p><p>EXCEPTIONS</p><p>A student may be released to a person with lawful authority to take custody of the student i.e., a police officer with a warrant. In such case, the student’s parent shall be notified at the earliest opportunity.</p><p>SMOKING</p><p>KRS 438.050 expressly prohibits tobacco products,e-cigs, vapor pens etc. on school grounds at any time students are present. For this reason, no smoking is allowed. This policy includes all forms of tobacco and violation of this policy will result in AC, suspension, or other action as necessary. Any student found using or possessing tobacco products on school property will also attend a TFT (Tobacco Free Teens) program which will be facilitated by Youth Services Center staff. It will be conducted from 3:00- 4:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Failure to complete program will result in doubling the suspension.</p><p>FIGHTING--THREAT OF FORCE OR VIOLENCE </p><p>Any student fighting or having a threat of force or violence violation will attend Teen Anger Management Program (T.A.M.), which will be facilitated by the Youth Services Center staff. It will be conducted from 3:00-4:00 on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Failure to complete program will result in doubling the discipline offence. </p><p>SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Any student who violates severe clause rule or is found to be guilty of severe misconduct may be removed from any office or organization or activity with which they are involved.</p><p>Students involved in school-sponsored activities are expected to be exemplary citizens and representatives of Barren County High School.</p><p>10</p><p>LUNCHES Each day a type a lunch will be served. Each item may be bought as an a la carte as well as a complete meal. A complete meal must consist of three items, but not more than six items. Students who qualify may be eligible for either free or reduced meals. You may apply for free or reduced meals at any time during the year. Free lunches consist of at least three items. You will have to pay for fewer than three items.</p><p>GRADING SCALE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS A=90-100 Sophomore = 5 credits B=80-89 Junior = 12 credits C=70-79 Senior = 18 credits D=60-69 Graduate = 26 credits and must attend a F=Below 60 minimum 8 semesters I=Incomplete NG=No Grade Grade cards are given in homerooms 1st & 3rd nine weeks. They are mailed home at the end of each semester (2nd & 4th nine weeks). Tutoring is available – Check with School Counselor for more information.</p><p>SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the curriculum and are designed to be educational as well as entertaining. They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the students be respectful. In live entertainment the performers are very conscious of their audience. Talking, whispering, whistling, stomping feet and booing are discourteous. Yelling is appropriate only at pep rallies.</p><p>AFTER SCHOOL HOURS Students should not be on school property after 3:30 p.m. unless supervised by pre-arranged specific school personnel such as teachers, coaches/directors, club sponsors, etc. </p><p>GRADUATION No student shall be permitted to participate in graduation exercise until he/she has fulfilled all graduation requirements.</p><p>DRIVING TO SCHOOL See Board Policy</p><p>A LTERNATIVE SCHOOL The Barren County Board of Education is affiliated with an Alternative School. This school creates another step for students who fail to adjust and/or obey the rules and/or regulations of the regular classroom. Once a student has progressed through the assertive discipline program or commits a serious discipline infraction at the traditional school level, he/she may be referred to the Alternative School for a minimum of one semester as opposed to possible long-term suspension or expulsion. A student may also be sent to the Alternative School for any of the following reasons: Continuous unacceptable behavior Exhibits poor academic performance Referred through a pre-board hearing Court action</p><p>OUT OF DISTRICT/18 YEAR OLD STUDENTS</p><p>11 A student who lives outside the Barren County School District or is 18 years old must sign a contract that states he/she will abide by school rules, have 96% attendance, maintain 2.5 GPA and not have any absences without a valid excuse. Students who do not meet the requirements of the contract may be withdrawn from school.</p><p>DRESS CODE The purpose of the dress code is to create a positive learning environment for all students. Students need to be dressed comfortably but neat. Their bodies should be appropriately covered. Clothing should fit appropriately. 1. Dress and appearance that distracts from the proper decorum and smooth operation of the school and attainment of the educational goals of the community will not be permitted. 2. Shorts and skirts must be at or below the knees while standing. 3. Jeans/pants/shorts/skirts with ragged holes showing skin must be at or below the knees 4. All shirts/dresses must have at least a 3 inch strap over the shoulder. 5. The following items are inappropriate for school and not allowed: a. Spaghetti straps, halter tops, cut-out shirts, tube tops, strapless tops, strapless dresses, racer-back tops. b. Shirts that expose the midriff, back or cleavage. c. Exposed undergarments d. Sagging pants or shorts e. Caps, hats, bandannas, hoods f. Sleepwear, house shoes or slippers g. Chains or jewelry that may be perceived as dangerous or as a weapon h. Clothing that advertises or identifies (directly or indirectly) the use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol; obscene or suggestive language that promotes lewd, dangerous behavior; confederate paraphernalia or promotion of hate crimes</p><p>If any type of clothing is worn in the building that leads to confusion or misunderstanding, the administration will make the final decision as to the clothing’s appropriateness. Disciplinary action will be taken for non-compliance/defiance.</p><p>12 BARREN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL DISCIPLINARY POLICY AC=ALTERNATIVE CLASS; ATS=ALTERNATIVE TO SUSPENSION; ALC=ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL OFFENSE 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE Absences See Attendance Policy</p><p>Amorous Behavior 1 Detention 2 Detentions 3 detentions 1 Day AC</p><p>Cell Phone or 1 Detention 1 Day AC 1 Day ATS 2 Days Audio/Electronic Confiscated Confiscated Confiscated ATS GamingNote: FailureDevices to surrender(Parents cell may phone to(Parents school may (Parents may Confiscated Visiblepersonal or Audible will result inpick 1 day phone suspensionpick phone up pick phone up (Parents may During Class Time up in in principal’s in principal’s pick phone up without approval of principal’s office after office after in principal’s teacher office after 3:00) 3:00) office after 3:00) 3:00) Cheating Discretion of Teacher (See also Untruthfulnes s) Defiance 1 Day AC 2 Days AC 2 Days ATS AC, ATS, Suspension, Court</p><p>14 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE Destruction of Restitution School Property and Possible Court Action</p><p>Disrespect 1-3 Days AC 2-5 Days AC 3-6 days ATS</p><p>Disrespect w/ 2-3 Days AC 23-6Days ATS 3-6 Days ATS profanity Disrespect with 3-5 days Discretion of profanity or Suspension Principal, aggression toward or ATS possible court staff member referral Disruptive 1 Detention 2 detentions 1 Day AC 1 Day ATS</p><p>Dress Code warning & 1 Detention & 2 detentions & 1 Day AC & Violations Change Change Change Change Failure to Serve 1 Day AC 1 Day ATS 1 Days ATS 1 Days ATS Detention Fighting or 3 days ATS 5days ATS or alternative Instigating a Fight or Suspension and placement Alternative placement,Suspension Court Referral, Expulsionor Hearing,Court T.A.M.Referral Program and or or Expulsion</p><p>Forgery 1 Day AC 2 Days AC 1 Days ATS</p><p>15 16 17 OFFENSE 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE 1ST 22NDND 33RDRD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH Skipped Single OFFENSE1 Day AC OFFENSEOFFENSE2 Days AC OFFENSEOFFENSE2 Days ATS OFFENSEATS, ALC, OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE Class AC, Referral NoHorseplay Permit 15 DetentionDays No 102 DetentionDays No 301 DaysDay ACNo toNo1 DayDPP, Driving ATS Court Skipped Numerous Driving2 Days AC Driving2 Days ATS DrivingATS, ALC, InappropriateClasses 1 Detention 2 Detention 1AC, Day Referral AC 1 Day ATS disposal/removalNot in Assigned 1-2Restitution Detentions 1Restitution Day AC 2toRestitution Days DPP, AC Court ATS,Restitution ALC, or ofSleeping utensilsArea inin/from Class 1 Detention 1 AC 1 ATS Suspension Obscenecafeteria Gestures, 1-3 Detentions 1 Day AC 2 Days AC ATS, ALC, Cursing,SurpassIncorrigible ClassroomProfanity 11 Day Detention AC 1 Day1 Day ATS AC AC,2 Days ALC, AC AC,Court ALC, ConductDiscipline Suspension, ATS OutTardies of assigned to Class 5 DaysWarning No 10 1Days Detention No ATS151 Days Detention or Court No 20Days1 Day NoAC No1 Day Driving ATS Referral to No Driving to parkingAnd/orLack schoolofarea 1 DetentionDriving 2 Drivingdetentions Driving1 AC Driving1ATS 3 ATS DPP School Cooperation ThreatPossession of force of or Suspension1 Day AC and 2 SAT ATS, ALC, dangerousLeft Classviolence weapon w/out 1-3ExpulsionParticipate Detentions in 1Participate Day AC in 1 DaySuspension, ATS AC, ATS, or permission TeenHearing Anger Teen Anger Expulsion Suspension LeftPossession School w/out of 1-2Management10 Days Days AC 2Expulsion ManagementDays ATS 2Hearing, ATS No Court AC, ATS, Drugspermission and/or Suspension 5 DaysProgram No 10Hearing ProgramDays No Driving ALC, Court AlcoholTheft includingDriving1 to 3 Day 3Driving to 5 Day 5-10 Days CounselingAC. ATS ATS RecklessMisbehavior Driving on Assigned5 Daysrestitution NoSeat Assigned10 Daysrestitution NoSeat 154-5 Days restitutionDays No Off Off20 AllDays Buses No No Driving Bus Driving1 AC and/orDriving 1-3 DrivingBus Driving Throwing Objects 1-3 Detentions Days1 Day off BusAC 2 Days AC AC, ATS, Sale Misuseor Transfer of of 1Expulsion Day AC 2 Days AC ATS,Suspension ALC, Suspension Computer/Internet/DrugsTobacco and/or WarningHearing1 day ATS of Computer2 Days ATS AC,Computer3 Referral Days ATS to 4 Days ATS 5 Days ATS Expulsion Violation(PossessionalcoholE-mail ComputerParticipate in PrivilegesParticipate in DPP,ParticipatePrivileges Court in Final Notice Suspension Hearing or Use of Tobacco PrivilegesTFT Program CanceledTFT Program for CanceledTFT Program for Participate in Court or related products) being Canceled Semester. Year. TFT Program Referral Untruthful 1-3 Detentions 1 Day AC 1 Day ATS</p><p>OFFENSE 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE OFFENSE</p><p>14 Wearing or having Warning and 1 Detention 2 Days 1 Day AC a cap, bandanas, must remove Confiscated detention Confiscated toboggan, het etc. item (Student may Confiscated (Parents may pick them up (Student may pick them up in principal’s pick them up in principal’s office) in principal’s office) office after school) NOTICE: SEVERE CLAUSE MAY BE APPLIED AT ANY LEVEL. </p><p>15 16</p>
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