Temple .Beth El 10 70 orc~ard Ave~ Providencl! , R. • 1• ,. •· THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. XLVI. No. 38 NOVEMBER 30, 1962 32 PAGES GJC Campaign Total Difficult Situation Worsens For Reaches $565.000 100,000 Algerian Jews In France sell or rent businesses or homes The 1962 campaign of the PARIS - The annual r ise in Algeria have found that pos­ General Jewish Committee of joblessness in France in the winter, and the Algerian sibility blocked by the Algerian has reached $565,000, It was decree nationalizing property decree. The FSJU has accel­ reported today by Merrill L. there abandoned by fl eeing Eu­ erated a fund-raising cam­ Hassenfeld. ceneral cam­ r opeans, has considerabiy paign to provide some of the paicn chairman. worsened the already difficult families in most serious dif- Mr. Hassenfeld has Just situation !or the estimated 100,- 1\culties with the immediate returned from Israel where 000 Algerian J ewish refugees necessities of life. he participated In a United in France, it was reparted here Chief Rabbi J acob Kaplan of Jewish Appeal mission to r ecently by the Fonda Social France reported in London this that country. Because of the Juif Unlf\ e, the major French week that 24 rabbis from Al­ increased needs of Israel and MAX ALEXANDER J ewish welfare agency. geria had already been placed the UJA, Mr. Hassenfeld The agency reparted that the in the refugee-swollen J ewish said he Is appealing to every­ number of welfare cases already communities of Fra nce as spi­ one who has .not yet made reparted. as we ll as the num­ ritual leaders. Dr. Kaplan made To Retire As Executive Director a pledge or contribution to ber of jobless and inadequately his repart at a meeting of the the GJC 1962 campaign to housed refugges h ad risen con­ Standing Committee of the After 40 Years Serving ·Others do so. siderably in recent months, and Conference of European Rab­ By Wanda Howard of all Lutheran children but Another all-day report would continue to increase. bis. He said also that various meetlnr has been scheduled Come next Spr ing, a wonder­ found anti-Semetism there The annua l rise in unemploy­ French J ewish communities practically nil. He was excused for Tuesday at GJC head­ ment has h it hard at refugees had increased the number of ful "" young" man w111 step out quarters. Mr. Hassenfeld of the public limelight after during classtime for their re­ whose small savings or govern­ J ewish religious and other per­ ligious hour and It was accep­ urged all workers to cover ment grants have been exhaus­ sonnel to meet the needs. giving forty years to helping their remaining ca rds and others. ted as a matter of course. ted, and who are unable to More than $750,000 to and His religious training was re­ to report the results at that find work or other means of North African J ewish r efugees That friendly dedicated gen­ time. tleman is Max Alexander who ceived a t Slegen which was the suppart. in France was pledged to the w111 be retiring as executive di­ nearest J ewish Synagogue and Refugees who had hoped to recently formed Emergency Aid rector of the J ewish Home For was a three mile hike every Fund of the Standing Confer ­ The Aged of Rhode Island after Saturday and Sunday. ence on European J ewish Com­ serving this social institution Arriving in Detroit In 1923 , New England Day School PTA munity Services. for more than 18 y~ars. Mr. Alexa nder lived there for Mr. Alexander can look back a year doing odd jobs and To Hold Annual Convention then moved to Chicago, where on half of his working lifetime Rabbi Akiva Egozi, dean of Springf\eld Hebrew Day School; spent helping older folks here h e became a supervisor at a J ewish orphanage !or four the Providence Hebrew Day New Haven Hebrew Day School ; in Rhode Island with much sat ­ School, will be a main speaker H1llel School of Lynn ; North lsfMtion for standards and years. There he joined the J ewish Social Service Bureau. a at the annual convention of Shore Hebrew Academy of conditions at the Home have the New England Day School Ma lden ; Yesh iva Lubavitz of improved tremendously. family welfare agency, and be­ came a child guidance worker PTA to be h eld Sunday, Dec. Worcester ; Lowe ll Day School; More important he has given until 1933 when he became head 9, at the Providence School Bi-Cultural Day School of the aging a modern philosophy of the Old Age Department for from 10 A.M. to 5 P .M. Stamford. of staying ""young" with creep­ the J ewish S .S.B. Representa tives and delegates Mrs. Ea rl Novich will extend ing age. As one of the first profes­ expected to attend will be from greetings in behalf of the Lad­ While standards were con­ siona lly trained social workers the P rovidence Hebrew Day ies Association of the Providence stantly being ra ised to meet to enter the institutional field, School; Yeshiva of Hartford; Hebrew Day School and Dr. the physical needs at the Home, he became in 1938 superinten­ Beth David of Waterbury; Beth - Harry Elkin will extend greet­ another element came into be­ dent of the Home for Aged J acob Academy of Chelsea ; ings in behalf of the Bureau ing there that Mr. Alexander (Continued on Page 10) Maimonides School of Boston: of J ewish Educa tion of Prov­ can lay claim to. idence. The arts were encouraged. Into being came painting and 'Can Converted Jew Remain Under the chairmanship of ceramics. Classes in these media Mrs. Lewis Korn, the commit­ Were started and participated tee working on the program ar­ in by many of these oldsters Jewish National' Is Question rangt> ments include: Mesdame! who have found in this outlet Leonard Bellin, Samuel Bres­ To Be Honored - Mrs. Archi­ a "soul sa tisfying" expression. Placed Before Israeli Court nick, Harry Bornstein, Harry bald Silverman will be honor­ This project came into exis­ JERUSALEM-The question vast flle of other sources, con­ Blazar, Joseph Fishbein, Sam­ uel Flescher , Joseph Dubin, ed at an 80th Birthday Dinner tence because of Mr. Alexan­ of whether a Jew can remain tended that the apostate not Josif Kapp, Maurice Gereboff, Tribute on Sunday at Temple der's philosophical belief that a Jewish national after con­ only abandons the Jewish re­ Earl Novich, Maurice Sternbach Emanu-EI. The Dinner is "" man does not live for bread version to another faith has ligion but also his people and a-nd Miss Nettie Simon. sponsored by the Rhode Is­ alone." bee placed before Israel's Su­ h ence separates himself from Reser vations for the lunch­ land Council of the Jewish Mr. Alexander was born in preme Court for judgement. the J ewish people for whom, eon at 12 :30 P .M. may be made. National Fund. Germany on March 21 , 1898, The specific case Involves an and only for whom, the Law and was graduated from the order to the Israel Ministry of Return was enacted. Jewish Teachers' T r a i n i n g of the Interior to show cause He said that the State of School at Muenster, Westphalia, why Israeli citizenship under Israel could not tell the Jews In 1917 after completing a six­ the Law of Return should not of the world that a Jew who year course in five years in an be granted to ""Brother Daniel," converted to Christianity re­ accelerated program due to the who, as Oswald Refelsen, con­ mained a Jew from the point first World War. verted to Christianity in 1942 of view of belonging to the He was drafted Into the in Poland. The plaintiff came Jewish people. Kaiser's Army that year, first to Israel in 1959 and now lives The convert's attorney argc.­ serving as a balloonist and lat­ In a Carmellte monastery in ed that the term ""Jew" does er transferring to the front Haifa. not mean identification of reli­ line to the metereology depart­ gion and nation and nationality ment until the signing of the Testimony Indicated that the and that the Law of Return did Teen-Age World . Pages 25, 26, 27, 28 Armistice in 1919. Ministry had been w1lllng to not stipulate that the term Although his group worked grant him naturalization as an ""Jew" means one professing the Mordecai Shapiro Page 26 about three miles behind the Israeli but he insisted that cit­ Jewish religion. In 1948, the fighting front, Mr. Alexander izenship be given him specifi­ attorney said, the Brother said that bombings and firings cally under the Law of Return. Daniel even wanted to take The Nereids .... .. Page 30 were prevalent all around him. He contended that his .. Jew­ part in Israel's War of Inde­ Once a shrapnel a foot long ish nationality," was not af­ pendence but was not permit­ "Like A Fairy Tale" .- . Page 31 struck his bed, just moments fected by his conversion. For ted to do so by his Catholic after ·he left it. nearly five hours, the five Jus­ order. After the war, he became a tices listened to arguments of Refeisen comes from a Pol­ teacher at a children's orphan­ the contending attorneys before ish traditional Jewish family Columnists age In Paderbom, Germany, a courtroom filled to capacity and has a brother in a kib­ and worked in this capacity by an audience which Included butz.
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