PREMIER AUCTION GALLERIES FINE ARTS, PERIOD FURNITURE & DECORATIVE ARTS DECEMBER 15th, 2013 AT 11:00A.M. LOT TITLE LOW HIGH START NOTES SOLD 1001 Blue Decorated Floral 2 Gallon Stoneware Jug 300 450 100 1002 Whites Utica NY. Blue Decorated Stoneware Jug 300 450 100 1003 Deep Blue Decorated Stoneware 2 Gallon Jug 200 350 75 1004 Blue Brushed Flower Decorated Stoneware Jug 200 350 75 1005 Lyons Blue Slip Ware Brushed Decorated Jug 150 300 75 1006 West Troy Pottery NY Blue Decorated Jug 150 250 50 1007 Stoneware Spotted Slip Glaze Decoration Jug 150 250 50 1008 I.M. Mead Ovoid Form 3 Gallon Stoneware Jug 200 300 75 1009 J. Fisher Lyons NY 2 Gallon Advertising Jug 100 150 50 1010 Providence R.I. Signed Stoneware Jug 100 200 40 1011 Williams And Reppert Blue Stenciled Crock 250 450 100 1012 A. Conrad New Geneva 2 Gallon Preserve Jar 150 250 75 1013 Hamilton & Jones Blue Decorated Storage Jar 125 225 35 1014 Blue Decorated Rare Size Table Butter Churn 300 600 125 1015 Blue Decorated Storage Crock Out Of Round 100 300 40 1016 Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro Cream Pot 200 400 75 1017 Whites Utica NY. Decorated With Running Bird 200 400 75 1018 J. Fischer Co. & Lyons Decorated Stoneware 150 200 50 1019 Ottoman Bros. Edwards NY. Decorated Crock 150 250 50 1020 Blue Decorated 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 150 250 50 1021 Blue Decorated 5 Gallon Stoneware Crock 150 250 60 1022 Blue Decorated 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 125 225 40 1023 Blue Decorated 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 150 225 50 1024 Blue Decorated 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 150 225 50 1025 West Troy Pottery Blue Decorated Cake Crock 150 225 50 1026 Ovoid Form Blue Decorated Storage Jar Crock 150 225 50 1027 Advertizing 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 200 300 50 1028 Two Whites Utica NY. Blue Decorated Crocks 125 200 40 1029 Advertizing 3 Gallon Stoneware Crock 150 250 50 1030 Blue Decorated Stoneware Storage Jar 150 250 50 1030a Stoneware 4 Gallon Crock Jug With Ring Handle 60 120 25 1030b The Withrow Oriole Wicker Baby Carrier Go-Cart 150 225 60 1030c Hamilton & Jones 6 Gallon Stoneware Crock 300 450 150 1030d Early 12 Drawer Spice Cabinet Late 19th. C. 125 175 50 1030e F. Woodworth Vt. Stoneware 2 Gal. Butter Churn 175 250 75 1030f Quarter Sawn Oak Four Stacking Bookcase 400 750 250 1030g Quarter Sawn Oak Four Stacking Bookcase 400 750 250 1030h Quarter Sawn Oak Four Stacking Bookcase 400 750 250 1030i Quarter Sawn Oak Four Stacking Bookcase 400 750 250 1030j Mission Oak Quarter Sawn Stacking Bookcase 250 350 150 1031 Stoneware Cobalt Blue Decorated Crock 150 250 50 1032 Victorian Cherry One Drawer Stand With Gallery 125 225 50 1033 Ovoid Stoneware Crock Jug Blue Brush Marks 125 225 40 1034 Victorian Cherry One Drawer With Gallery 125 225 50 1035 Brown Slip Ware Glaze Stoneware Crock Jar 100 150 40 1036 M.Woodruff Courtland & Co. Decorated Crock 200 400 100 1037 A.P. Donaghho And Other Storage Jar Crocks 100 150 30 1038 Stoneware Jugs One Stamped Strasburg VA. 200 300 75 1039 Three Stoneware Storage Jar Crocks 100 150 30 1040 Stoneware Blue Decorated Three Gallon Crock 150 225 50 1040a Fulper Bros Flemington NJ 5 Gallon Crock 200 350 100 1040b Stoneware Blue Decorated Three Gallon Crock 150 250 75 1040c Stoneware Blue Decorated Jar Crock And Bottles 100 150 40 1040d A.J. Buttler Decorated Stoneware Lidded Crock 250 350 75 1040e. Stoneware 3 Gallon Crock #3 In A Blue Circle 40 80 20 1041 Turkish Spinning Wheel With Boxwood Parts 75 300 50 1042 Alkaline Drip Glazed Stoneware Vessels 100 200 40 1043 Country Bench Late 19th. C. Beark's Co. Pa ? 100 200 50 1044 Stoneware Blue Stripped Wax Seal Jars 100 200 40 1045 Late 19th. American Cigar Roller Pressing Mold 60 120 30 1046 Mid 19th C. Painted Settee American Ca. 1850 400 800 100 1047 Late 19th. Oak Tilt Top Breakfast Table 150 250 75 1048 Mid 19th C. Pennsylvania Sorting Table/Drysink 100 225 75 1049 Late 19th. Pembroke Hepplewhite Style Table 200 400 100 1050 Country Mammies Bench Rocker Ca. 1860's 175 250 150 1051 Hand Painted Toile Tray Of Roses. Ca. 1940/50s 50 75 20 1052 Country Pine And Yellow Poplar Drysink 200 300 75 1053 Americana Decoupage Document Box 200 300 50 1054 J.P. Coats Oak Six Drawer Spool Cabinet 350 450 150 1055 Hand Painted Toile Tray Of Fruit On Stand 150 250 50 1056 French Carved Lace Cane Footstool Ca. 1900's 60 90 25 1057 Titled A Sail By The Moonlight Print # 1578 75 125 25 1058 Fancy 12 Arm Brass Chandelier With Prisms 250 350 50 1059 Collection Of Little Books With Embossed Covers 100 150 50 1060 French Needlepoint Footstool Ca. 1940's 40 80 20 1060a Great Carved 1/4 Sawn Oak Spindle Back Chairs 600 200 1060b After Edmund Adler (Austrian) 1876-1965 300 600 100 1060c Claw Foot 1/4 Sawn Oak Dinning Table 5/Leaves 200 300 50 1060d G. Demontreaux Garden Party Oil Painting 200 350 50 1060e Set Of Six Oak C.F. Chairs Matching To Lot 1061c 120 160 50 1060f Rare Salesman Sample Large Farm Wagon 550 750 250 1060g Antique Wooden Wagon With Wire Spoke Wheels 400 600 200 1060h Primitive Diminute Paint Decorated Wheelbarrow 400 600 200 1060i Rare Janesville Coaster Childs Pull Wagon 250 325 125 1060j Antique Larco Coaster Wooden Wagon 200 300 75 1060k Silver Over Bronze Signed Raised Relief Plaque's 400 600 200 1060l Antique Child Pull Carriage With Reversible Back 125 175 50 1060m Quarter Sawn Round Oak Table W/2 Leaves 250 350 100 1060n Antique Child Pull Cart - Seat Facing Backward 125 175 50 1060o Vintage Diminutive All Wood Wagon ''SPECIAL'' 40 75 20 1061 Large Cast Metal And Glass Claw Feet 40 80 20 1062 Six Art Deco Fleur De Lis Curtain Rod Ends 40 80 15 1063 Two Vintage Woodworking Planes 100 200 30 1064 Ornate Cast Iron Tall Legs For Table Or Bench 40 80 20 1065 Art Deco Curtain Rods And Wall Brackets 40 80 15 1066 Carbine And Kerosene Miners Lamps Ca. 1900's 75 125 25 1067 Epplesheimer Tin Rabbit Chocolate Candy Mold 75 125 30 1068 Early Santa Clause Chocolate Candy Molds 100 250 40 1069 Early Tin Santa Clause Chocolate Candy Mold 75 125 25 1070 Chocolate Candy Radio And Lamb Head Molds 100 150 35 1071 Seed Bin Country Store Display 8 Door Cabinet 300 500 100 1072 Vintage Molding Woodworking Planes Signed 150 250 60 1073 Country Oak 8 Drawer Spice Cabinet Ca. 1880's 100 150 40 1074 Three Screw Arm Plow Planes - Boxwood Nuts 200 450 100 1075 Primitive Country High Back Splash Drysink 250 450 125 1075A Carved Oak Mantle Clock Time And Strike 125 175 50 1075B Victorian Walnut Shelf Mantle Clock Ca. 1875 125 175 60 1075C Carved Oak Regulator Clock Ca. 1900's 125 175 40 1075D Victorian Carved Walnut Shelf Mantle Clock 100 150 40 1075E Victorian Carved Walnut Calendar Clock 125 175 50 1076 Victorian Walnut Gentleman's Chest Ca. 1860 150 250 50 1077 Victorian Cherry One Drawer Stand Ca. 1870's 150 225 60 1078 Rare Primitive Barley Fork And Rake Ca. 1860's 150 250 90 1079 Victorian Cherry One Drawer Stand Ca. 1870's 100 200 50 1080 Period Cherry Sheraton Chest With Panel Sides 300 500 100 1081 Limoges Hand Painted Dragon Handle Pillow Vase 125 135 40 1082 Copeland Spode Indian Tree Tureen & Under plate 250 500 75 1083 Coalport Adelock Set Of 7 Dinner Plates 150 250 35 1084 Meissen/Germany Figurines In Polychrome Paint 250 350 75 1085 R.S. Prussia Hand Painted Floral Bowl Unsigned 100 150 30 1086 Victorian Bristol Hand Painted Vase & Pitchers 100 200 40 1087 Collection Of R.S. Prussia Porcelains 75 150 25 1088 Large Oriental Gold Gilt Decorated Bowl Mid. 20th. C. 70 140 30 1089 Lenox Celeste Partial Dinnerware Set 59 Pc,s 125 175 50 1090 Victorian Hand Painted Enameled Bristol Vases 125 175 50 1090a Leslie Cope American Impressionist (1913-2002) 500 800 300 1090b Oil On Board Signed Hungarian Imressionist 600 800 400 1090c Signed Parson American Impressionist 20th .C. 300 1200 100 1090d Leslie Cope American Impressionist (1913-2002) 500 800 300 1090e Leslie Cope American Impressionist (1913-2002) 350 500 200 1090f Grain Painted Blanket Chest With Two Drawers 750 1500 350 1090g Rare Branded Monterey Prohibition Bar/ Server 300 1500 3000 1090h Rare Cast Iron Uncle Sam Salesman Sample 2500 4000 750 1090i Württemberg Germany Ikora Vases 300 450 150 1090j Early Lift Top One Drawer Blanket Chest 250 350 100 1091 Carved Victorian Marble Top Sideboard Ca. 1875 900 1800 400 1092 Meissen Cobalt Blue Gilded Floral Charger/Bowl 400 600 125 1093 Forrest Bess (American, 1911-1977) 15000 25000 2500 1094 Meissen Cobalt Blue Gilded Floral Charger 300 500 100 1095 Victorian Walnut Two Piece Cupboard Ca.1860's 500 800 250 1096 Victorian Ogee Deep Well Walnut Round Frame 60 90 25 1097 Howard Miller 42'' Oak Gallery Clock 250 350 50 1098 Porcelain Hand Painted Plate With Grapes 60 90 25 1099 Victorian Ogee Deep Well Walnut Round Frame 60 90 25 1100 Victorian Ogee Deep Well Walnut Round Frame 60 90 25 1101 Meissen/Germany Figural Candelabra Base 100 200 35 1102 Early Stars Stripes Cranberry Barber Bottle 100 250 50 1103 Early Daisy & Fern Cranberry Barber Bottle 100 150 50 1104 Early Vaseline Vic't Stripped Barbers Bottle 100 150 50 1105 Dresden German Figural Dancing Couple 150 250 50 1106 Early Painted Folk Art Rabbit With Basket 400 700 200 1107 Art Glass Artist Signed Nelsea Vase Ca.1900 300 600 75 1108 Early Cranberry Vic't Stripped Barbers Bottle 125 225 50 1109 Art Nouveau Mont Joye Cameo Glass Vase 200 350 50 1110 Lladro Figurine #5500 Prayerful Moments 125 225 35 1111 German Shell Dish With Winged Cherubs 100 150 25 1112 German Swan Planter With Winged Cherub 100 200 40 1113 German Polychrome Porcelain Figural Group 600 800 300 1114 Pair Capo Di Monti Classical Vase / Urns 100 150 35 1115 Meissen "Full Green Vine Wreath" Coffee Set 300 600 300 1116 Villeory & Boch Luncheon Set Design 1748 150 250 50 1117 Chinese Painted Enamel Mini Teapot With Bowl 60 90 20 1118 Antique French Champlevé Enamel Inkwell 200 300 75 1119 Antique French Champlevé Enamel Inkwell 200 350 75 1120 China Blau Partial Tea Set 150 300 50 1121 19th.
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