<p> MPS</p><p>MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME </p><p>IN POLITICAL SCIENCE</p><p>Assignment for the year 2011-2012</p><p>(For M.A. II Year Courses)</p><p>School of Social Sciences Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 M.A. IInd Year (Political Science) OPTIONAL COURSES</p><p>Dear Student,</p><p>Starting this academic session, you will have to do only one Tutor Marked Assignment for each of the courses in the Master’s Degree Programme in Political Science. Each assignment has descriptive and short category questions. Descriptive Category Questions (DCQs) are meant for writing essay type answers, with an introduction and a conclusion. These are intended to test your ability to describe your understanding/knowledge about the topic in a systematic, to-the-point and coherent manner. Short Category Questions (SCQs) require you to first analyse the topic in terms of arguments and explanations and then write the answers in a concise manner. They are meant to test your understanding of the concepts and processes, and your capacity to critically anlyse them. </p><p>Before you attempt the assignments, please read the instructions carefully provided in the Programme Guide. It is important that you write the answers to all the TMA questions in your own words. Your answers should be within the approximate range of the word-limit set for a particular section. Remember, writing answers to assignment questions will improve your writing skills and prepare you for the term-end examination.</p><p>This booklet has assignments of all II year courses in Political Science. Do the assignments of only those courses for which you are enrolled and leave the rest.</p><p>Submission:</p><p>You need to submit all the assignments within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. The completed assignments should be submitted as per the following schedule. </p><p>Session Last Date of To be Sent Submission For July, 2011 Session March 31, 2012 To The Coordinator of the For January, 2012 Session September 30, 2012 Study Centre allotted to you</p><p>Please obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. If possible, keep a Xerox copy of the assignments with you.</p><p>The Study Centre will return the assignments to you after they are evaluated. Please insist on this. The Study Centre has to send the marks to the SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.</p><p>2 GUIDELINES FOR DOING ASSIGNMENTS</p><p>We expect you to answer each question as per guidelines mentioned in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:</p><p>1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.</p><p>2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion.</p><p>Make sure that your answer:</p><p> a) is logical and coherent;</p><p> b) has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs, and</p><p> c) is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and presentation.</p><p>3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit.</p><p>Wishing you all the best,</p><p>3 COURSE: INDIA AND THE WORLD (MPSE-001) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-001 Assignment Code: MPSE-001/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Indo-US relations during the cold war were full of stress and strain. Discuss. </p><p>2. Examine India’s historical ties with Central Asia and bring out the importance of that region for India in contemporary times. </p><p>3. Critically examine the Indian initiatives to strengthen arms control and disarmament within the United Nations framework. </p><p>4. Briefly describe the role of governmental and non- governmental organisations in the promotion and protection of human rights.</p><p>5. Describe the mechanisms and institutions that play an important role in shaping India’s foreign policy. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.</p><p>6. a) Describe the characteristics of South Asian regional state system. b) The Indian preference for a middle way has a long tradition. Comment. </p><p>7. a) What are the areas of cooperation and discord in India-South Africa relations? b) Analyse the impact of MNCs on host nations.</p><p>8. a) Describe the key elements of India’s nuclear policy and doctrine. b) Describe the economic and strategic importance of West Asia for India.</p><p>9. a) Write a short note the Simla Agreement of 1972. b) Briefly describe the areas of discord in the India-European Union relations. </p><p>10. a) What are the core assumptions of the realist approach. What, according to the advocates of this approach are the core areas of concern for Indian foreign policy? b) Comment on the issues related to trade and investment in the international economic order. 4 COURSE: STATE AND SOCIETY IN LATIN AMERICA (MPSE-002) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-002 Assignment Code: MPSE-002/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer any five questions. Attempt at least two questions from each section about 1000 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Discuss the major circumstances that led to the independence movements of Latin America.</p><p>2. Discuss the rise and fall of pampas as 'food basket' for the European countries during 1853-1930?</p><p>3. Explain the system of indentured labor in Guyana and Trinidad. </p><p>4. Explain the main characteristics of political traditions in Latin America. Analyse its relevance to the contemporary Latin American political process.</p><p>5. Discuss the major political and economic factors responsible for adopting inward development strategy in Latin American Countries.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>1. Explain the main features of populist movements in Latin America. </p><p>2. Explain the theories of secularism relevant to the modern Latin American societies.</p><p>3. Discuss the on the Peasant and the Land Rights Movements in Latin America.</p><p>4. Explain the political democracy in Latin American Society.</p><p>5. Examine the nature of military in Latin America.</p><p>5 COURSE: WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT (From Plato to Marx) (MPSE-003) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-003 Assignment Code: MPSE-003/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Discuss Aristotle’s theory of revolution.</p><p>2. Write an essay on Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’. </p><p>3. Examine Edmund Burke’s critique of natural rights and social contract.</p><p>4. Describe the salient features of Bentham’s political philosophy.</p><p>5. Discuss J.S Mill’s views on equal rights for women.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>Write a short note on the following in about 250 words each:</p><p>6. a) Hegel’s dialectical method b) Hegel’s theory of freedom of the individual </p><p>7. a) Marx’s theory of alienation b) Dictatorship of the Proletariat</p><p>8. a) Relevance of Western Political Thought b) Plato’s scheme of education</p><p>9. a) St. Thomas Aquinas’s views on the law and the state b) Thomas Hobbes on right and duties of the Sovereign</p><p>10. a) Rousseau’s critique of civil society b) Kant’s concept of perpetual peace</p><p>6 COURSE: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN MODERN INDIA (MPSE-004) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-004 Assignment Code: MPSE-004/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Write an essay on modes of reformist thought in British colonial India.</p><p>2. Examine Jyotiba Phule’s role as a social revolutionary.</p><p>3. Describe the Hindu Nationalism of V.D. Savarkar.</p><p>4. Comment on Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s views on Hindu-Muslim Unity.</p><p>5. Discuss E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker as a social reformer.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>Write short notes on the following in about 250 words each:</p><p>6. a) Philosophical foundations of M. K. Gandhi’s political perspective b) Gandhi’s views on the relationship between religion and politics</p><p>7. a) Nehru’s scientific temper b) Nehru’s theory of culture</p><p>8. a) B.R. Ambedkar’s ideological orientation b) Ambedkar’s views on social justice and supportive polity</p><p>9. a) Rabindranath Tagore’s critique of nationalism b) Tagore’s differences with Gandhi</p><p>10. a) Communist Party of India before independence b) M.N. Roy and Radical Humanism</p><p>7 COURSE: STATE AND SOCIETY IN AFRICA (MPSE-005) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-005 Assignment Code: MPSE-005/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section about 1000 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Discuss the origins and spread of Islam in Africa.</p><p>2. Examine the impact of the two world wars on Africa.</p><p>3. Discuss the major challenges to Nationalism and Integration in Africa.</p><p>4. Briefly discuss the impact of Globalisation on Africa’s Economic development.</p><p>5. Explain the factors responsible for the emergence of Authoritarian Regimes in Africa.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>1. Describe the various features of International Economy in Africa.</p><p>2. Write a note on Non-Aligned Movement in Africa.</p><p>3. Describe the salient features of Ethnicity and Nationalism.</p><p>4. Briefly explain the factors responsible for violence in Africa.</p><p>5. Explain the factors influencing the 19th Century Indian migration to African colonies.</p><p>8 COURSE: PEACE AND CONFLICT STUDIES (MPSE-006) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA)</p><p>Course Code: MPSE-006 Assignment Code: MPSE-006/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100</p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Critically analyse the role of the state in managing conflict and promoting peace in society. 2. What is revolutionary war? How does it differ from civil war? 3. Briefly describe the different methods of resolving conflict at inter-state level. 4. Assess the peacemaking and peacekeeping roles of the United Nations with suitable examples. 5. Describe the major elements of the Gandhian approach to peace. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. a) Feminist approach has broadened the concept of security. Explain? b) What do you understand by structural violence? </p><p>7. a) Examine the relationship between resource scarcity and conflict b) Describe the basic motivations of inter-state conflict as analysed by Kenneth Waltz. </p><p>8. a) What is a limited war? How is it different from a general war? b) Briefly describe the basic assumptions of Functionalism. </p><p>9. a) Analyse Gandhi’s attitude towards war. b) What do you understand by the concept of human security? </p><p>10. a) What are the key issues confronting peace researchers in recent times? b) Describe the core features of the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention.</p><p>9 COURSE: SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND POLITICS IN INDIA (MPSE-007) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-007 Assignment Code: MPSE-007/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Discuss the meaning and composition of social movements. 2. Critically evaluate the structure-function approach to study social movements.</p><p>3. Discuss the relationship between social movements and democracy. 4. Analyse the impact of globalisation on farmers. 5. Discuss the nature of relationships among state, market and social movements. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. Write notes on the following in about 250 words each: a) New social movements b) Limitations of the BSP</p><p>7. Answer the following questions in about 250 words each: a) Politics of reservation b) Women and social movements</p><p>8. Comment on the following in about 250 words each: a) State’s response to the regional movements b) Issues in the trade unions</p><p>9. Anlyse the following in about 250 words each: a) Fisher Folks’ organisations b) Appico movement</p><p>10. Discuss the following in about 250 words each: a) Relative Deprivation theory b) Relationship between social movements and democracy</p><p>10 COURSE: STATE POLITICS IN INDIA (MPSE-008) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-008 Assignment Code: MPSE-008/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Critically examine the main features of state politics in India since the 1980s. 2. Discuss the Marxian framework to analyse state politics. 3. Discuss the reasons for the breakdown of the Congress System. 4. Analyse the role of caste in elections. 5. Write an essay on the agrarian transformation in India. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. Write notes on the following in about 250 words each: a) Identity politics in India. b) Post-Modernist framework.</p><p>7. Answer the following questions in about 250 words each: a) Tension areas in Union-states relations. b) Limitations of electoral politics.</p><p>8. Comment on the following in about 250 words each: a) Cooperative societies. b) Impact of privatisation on the working class.</p><p>9. Anlyse the following in about 250 words each: a) Self-determination movements. b) Development as freedom.</p><p>10. Discuss the following in about 250 words each: a) Water disputes. b) Linguistic minorities and state politics.</p><p>11 COURSE: CANADA: POLITICS AND SOCIETY ASSIGNMENT (MPSE-009) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-009 Assignment Code: MPSE-009/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Questions carry 20 marks each. Answer in your own words. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Analyse the basic features of Canada’s economy tracing its development from a rural economy to one of most industrialized countries. </p><p>2. Describe the powers, functions and position of judiciary in Canada. 3. Evaluate the Critical elements that have pressurized greater decentralization in Canada’s federal system? 4. Describe the main characteristics of Canadian Party system. 5. Write an essay on the nature and importance of Women’s movement in Canada. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. Evaluate the efforts made by Canada’s Federal Government to deal with Quebec’s separatist movement. </p><p>7. Describe the factors that have been responsible for growth of regionalism in Western Provinces of Canada. </p><p>8. What safeguards have been provided by the Constitution of Canada for protection of minorities? </p><p>9. Analyse Canada’s trade and economic relations with Asian Countries especially with Japan and China. </p><p>10. How have India-Canada relations developed from 2001 onwards? Do you see any challenges for further cooperation between the two countries? </p><p>12 COURSE: EUROPEAN UNION IN WORLD AFFAIRS (MPSE-011) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-011 Assignment Code: MPSE-011/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Questions carry 20 marks each. Answer in your own words. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Analyse the main characteristics and shortcomings of the treaties of Amsterdam and Nice. 2. Describe the Powers, functions and importance of the European Parliament. 3. Describe the main provisions of the treaty of the European Constitution and the difficulties it has faced in its ratification. 4. Why Europe has adopted a common currency? What are its advantages and international role? 5. Analyse the role of France in creation and development of European Union. </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. Critically evaluate European Security and Defence Policy. </p><p>7. Evaluate European Union Policy towards Eastern Enlargement and the problems involved in that. </p><p>8. Analyse European Union’s relations with China. </p><p>9. What you think are prospects of India – European Union strategic partnership? </p><p>10. “Regionalism is an inbuilt tendency of globalization process”. Discuss with reference to European Union’s position on trade and globalization? </p><p>13 COURSE: STATE AND SOCIETY IN AUSTRALIA (MPSE-012) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-012 Assignment Code: MPSE-012/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section about 1000 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. What are the main features of the Australian society? Give your critical views. </p><p>2. Critically examine the process of colonization in Australia.</p><p>3. Discuss immigration formation of identity and Citizenship Rights in Australia.</p><p>4. Write the following in your own words: a) Multinational Policy b) Australian Aboriginal Identity</p><p>5. Identify the major and minor parties in Australia.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>6. Write the following in your own words: a) Pressure Groups b) Rise of Nationalism in Australia</p><p>7. Critically examine the restructuring of the Australian economy.</p><p>8. Examine the welfare state tradition in Australia. </p><p>9. Describe the women’s work participation in Australia.</p><p>10. Trace the birth and growth of Indian Diaspora in Australia. </p><p>14 COURSE: AUSTRALIAS FOREIGN POLICY (MPSE-013) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MPSE-013 Assignment Code: MPSE-013/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section about 1000 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Describe the importance of studying Australia’s Foreign Policy. </p><p>2. Describe the major determinants of Australia’s Foreign Policy.</p><p>3. Write the following in your own words: a) Role of Parliament in foreign policy formulation in Australia b) Australia’s International Trade and its impact on domestic economy.</p><p>4. Explain the impact of globalization on Australia?</p><p>5. Describe the changing the nature of relations between China and Australia in the post Cold War era.</p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>1. Examine the nature of Australian economic relations with United States.</p><p>2. Examine Australia’s Economic relations with ASEAN.</p><p>3. Write the following in your own words: a) India-Australia relations after the end of Cold War b) Australia-Indonesia relations.</p><p>4. Explain the diversity and disparities between Australia and its neighbour’s in the South Pacific. </p><p>5. Write the following in your own words: a) Australia and the Indian Ocean b) Pattern of Immigration</p><p>15 COURSE: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES (MED-002) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MED-002 Assignment Code: MED-002/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section about 1000 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. </p><p>SECTION – I</p><p>1. Explain concept of sustainable development and economic and social inequities.</p><p>2. Discuss the various principles of carrying capacity for Sustainable Development. </p><p>3. Explain the Environmental Legislation and its implementation in Indi for Sustainable Development.</p><p>4. What are the indicators of inequitable growth and its important on Sustainable Development.</p><p>5. Explain the following in your own words: a) WTO on Environment and Sustainable development b) Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) </p><p>SECTION – II</p><p>1. Examine the main features of Rio Earth Summit in 1992.</p><p>2. Explain the Regional initiatives have been taken for Environmental protection.</p><p>3. Explain the various civil society initiatives for the protection of Environment and Sustainable development.</p><p>4. Discuss the role of scientific and Traditional knowledge for Sustainable development.</p><p>5. (a) Poverty and Sustainable Development. (b) Innovation and Industry</p><p>16 COURSE: GLOBALISATION AND ENVIRONMENT (MED-008) TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) </p><p>Course Code: MED-008 Assignment Code: MED-008/ASST/TMA/2011-2012 Marks: 100 </p><p>Note: - The Assignment is based on the entire course. All questions are compulsory. Marks for the questions are shown within brackets on the right hand side. - Please answer in your own words, do not copy from the course material. ------1. Discuss the relationship between Globalization and climate change. (10)</p><p>2. Answer the following in your own words: (10) a) Floods b) Droughts</p><p>3. Explain the impact of Wars on environment. (10)</p><p>4. Explain as to how the technology concerns are related to the Environmental standards. (10)</p><p>5. Comment on the following: (10) (a) World Trade Organisation (WTO) (b) International Monitory Fund (IMF)</p><p>6. Answer the following in your own words: (10) a) Swadhyaya Movement b) Chilka Bachao Movement </p><p>7. Write short note on the following concepts: (10) a) Mining Project in (Srilanka) b) Enron Power Project (Nepal)</p><p>8. Explain the following in your own words: (10) a) Sustainable Food Security b) Green Business</p><p>9. What do you understand about the decision making structures of Indian Bio-diversity Conservation. (10)</p><p>10. Explain the following in your own words: (10) a) Right to Clean Environment b) Environmental concern in Developing Countries</p><p>17</p>
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