<p>1 6-26-2016 Revised</p><p>Place Orders Place</p><p> change.</p><p> agreement when there is a site coordinator or contact information information contact or coordinator site a is there when agreement</p><p>Current NOCTI customers only need to complete a testing testing a complete to need only customers NOCTI Current Note:</p><p> http://www.nocti.org/Webinar.cfm</p><p>Attend a Site Coordinator Training webinar (strongly recommended) - - recommended) (strongly webinar Training Coordinator Site a Attend 7.</p><p> materials. materials.</p><p> for test administration, view score reports, and access resource resource access and reports, score view administration, test for</p><p>Access the Client Services Center to place orders, pick up user codes codes user up pick orders, place to Center Services Client the Access 6.</p><p> to a password protected Client Services Center. Center. Services Client protected password a to</p><p>Receive a welcome email from NOCTI with account details and access access and details account with NOCTI from email welcome a Receive 5.</p><p>Email/Fax the completed testing agreement to NOCTI. NOCTI. to agreement testing completed the Email/Fax 4.</p><p> signatures and position titles. position and signatures</p><p>Complete the Testing Agreement, being sure to include appropriate appropriate include to sure being Agreement, Testing the Complete 3.</p><p> www.nocti.org/GettingStarted.cfm at . .</p><p>Download a Testing Agreement and review the NOCTI Security Policy Policy Security NOCTI the review and Agreement Testing a Download 2.</p><p>Designate a Site Coordinator ( Coordinator Site a Designate 1. Information: ). teachers cannot serve in this role this in serve cannot teachers</p><p>Become a NOCTI Customer NOCTI a Become Ordering Test</p><p>55.7% Cut-Score: Exam</p><p>Questions:</p><p>110 questions 110 of Number</p><p>Session preference is designated at the time orders are placed. are orders time the at designated is preference Session</p><p> Two 60-minute sessions 60-minute Two</p><p> One 2-hour session 2-hour One</p><p>This assessment can be administered in: administered be can assessment This</p><p>Multiple Session Administration Session Multiple</p><p>Total Administration Time: 2 hours 2 Time: Administration Total Exam: of Duration</p><p>$13.00 Cost: Exam</p><p> http://www.nocti.org/PDFs/JobReady/1203_General_Management.pdf</p><p>To view the competencies tested in this exam, go to the following link: following the to go exam, this in tested competencies the view To Blueprint: Exam</p><p> http://www.nocti.org/ Link:</p><p>NOCTI Agency: Testing</p><p> Multiple-Choice Only Multiple-Choice</p><p> NOCTI Pathway Assessment Pathway NOCTI</p><p>NOCTI General Management Assessment (Test Code: 1203 Version: 01) Version: 1203 Code: (Test Assessment Management General NOCTI Exam: Credentialing</p><p>Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship 06.41610 </p><p> 06.41500 Legal Environment of Business of Environment Legal 06.41500</p><p> 07.44130 Introduction to Business and Technology and Business to Introduction 07.44130</p><p> for the End-of-Pathway Assessment: End-of-Pathway the for Entrepreneurship</p><p>Students must successfully pass the following three courses in order to sit to order in courses three following the pass successfully must Students Pathway: Career</p><p>Business Management & Administration & Management Business Area: Cluster Assessment Information Sheet Information Assessment</p><p>1 6-26-2016 Revised</p><p> Internet Explorer 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 for Windows Windows for 11.0 or 10.0, 9.0, Explorer Internet</p><p>Internet Browsers Supported Supported Browsers Internet</p><p> http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/</p><p> display properly. It can be downloaded at at downloaded be can It properly. display</p><p> items may have interactive components that require Flash to Flash require that components interactive have may items</p><p> is strongly recommended as some assessment some as recommended strongly is Flash Adobe</p><p> 1024 x 768 resolution is highly recommended highly is resolution 768 x 1024</p><p> Pentium II-350 MHz processor processor MHz II-350 Pentium</p><p> 128 MB RAM MB 128</p><p>Windows Update feature on your local machine. local your on feature Update Windows</p><p> packs and updates can be obtained at no charge by using the the using by charge no at obtained be can updates and packs</p><p> current with service packs and updates. All necessary service service necessary All updates. and packs service with current</p><p> Windows XP SP3 or higher, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 8 Windows or 7 Windows Vista, higher, or SP3 XP Windows</p><p>Windows Systems: Windows</p><p> technology staff well in advance of testing. of advance in well staff technology : Specifications</p><p>Center. Site Coordinators should share the setup information with with information setup the share should Coordinators Site Center. Software</p><p>Complete computer setup information is available at the Client Services Services Client the at available is information setup computer Complete Computer Required</p><p>Proctor Guide for Online Administration Online for Guide Proctor</p><p> Testing URL provided at the Client Services Center and in the the in and Center Services Client the at provided URL Testing</p><p>Administered using QuadNet, NOCTI’s online administration system. administration online NOCTI’s QuadNet, using Administered : Format Testing</p><p> test administration. administration. test</p><p>Provide a copy of the Proctor Guide to the designated proctor prior to to prior proctor designated the to Guide Proctor the of copy a Provide 3.</p><p>Client Services Center. Services Client</p><p>Review the Proctor Guide for Online Administration located at the the at located Administration Online for Guide Proctor the Review 2.</p><p> students or students in a similar educational setting. setting. educational similar a in students or students</p><p> administered are prohibited from proctoring the online tests for their own own their for tests online the proctoring from prohibited are administered</p><p>Instructors teaching in the content area for which the assessment will be be will assessment the which for area content the in teaching Instructors</p><p>NOCTI Security Policy Excerpt Policy Security NOCTI</p><p>Select Proctors following NOCTI’s Security Policy. Security NOCTI’s following Proctors Select 1. : Guidelines</p><p>Site Coordinators: Site Proctoring</p><p> passwords.</p><p>Access the Client Services Center to retrieve user codes and and codes user retrieve to Center Services Client the Access 6.</p><p>Site Coordinators receive email notification when orders are processed. are orders when notification email receive Coordinators Site 5.</p><p>Orders for online assessments are processed in two business days. business two in processed are assessments online for Orders 4.</p><p>Credit card or purchase order is required at the time of order. of time the at required is order purchase or card Credit 3.</p><p>State Customized (Georgia Customized). Customized). (Georgia Customized State</p><p>Choose the type of assessment being ordered: Job Ready, Pathway, Pathway, Ready, Job ordered: being assessment of type the Choose 2.</p><p>Site Coordinators place orders online at the Client Services Center. Services Client the at online orders place Coordinators Site 1. Assessment Information Sheet Information Assessment</p><p>1 6-26-2016 Revised</p><p> [email protected] Email:</p><p>Telephone Number: (404) 657-8307 (404) Number: Telephone Area: Curriculum</p><p>Name: Delda Hagin Hagin Delda Name: for Contact GaDOE</p><p> [email protected] Email:</p><p>Telephone Number: (404) 657-6279 (404) Number: Telephone : Credentialing</p><p>Name: Mamie Hanson Mamie Name: for Contact GaDOE</p><p> or 800-334-6283 or [email protected] Scoring: Support, Technical General,</p><p> or 800-334-6283 or [email protected] Ordering:</p><p>Specific Inquiries Specific</p><p>Email Address: Address: Email [email protected]</p><p>Telephone Number: 800-334-6283, ext. 258 ext. 800-334-6283, Number: Telephone</p><p>Title: Outreach Coordinator Outreach Title: : Contact</p><p>Name: Lisa Brauher Lisa Name: Agency Testing</p><p>Year round availability round Year Availability: Test</p><p> http://testing.nocti.org before planning large scale use of tablets. of use scale large planning before http://testing.nocti.org</p><p>2010. Please use our online practice test (Try the Testing System) at at System) Testing the (Try test practice online our use Please 2010.</p><p>This site supports most Android tablets and iPads manufactured since since manufactured iPads and tablets Android most supports site This</p><p>Mobile Devices Mobile</p><p> Firefox</p><p> Safari</p><p>Internet Browsers Supported Supported Browsers Internet</p><p> http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/</p><p> properly. It can be downloaded at at downloaded be can It properly.</p><p> may have interactive components that require Flash to display display to Flash require that components interactive have may</p><p> is strongly recommended as some assessment items items assessment some as recommended strongly is Flash Adobe</p><p> G3 Processor G3</p><p> 128 MB RAM MB 128</p><p> OS X version 10.3.9 or higher or 10.3.9 version X OS</p><p>Mac Systems: Mac</p><p> versions that support CSS3. CSS3. support that versions</p><p>Note: This website works best in IE 9/10/11, Chrome or Firefox Firefox or Chrome 9/10/11, IE in best works website This Note:</p><p> Google Chrome 18 or higher higher or 18 Chrome Google</p><p> Firefox 11 or higher higher or 11 Firefox Assessment Information Sheet Information Assessment</p>
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