<p> CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>Attachment B CCMS FUNCTIONALITY</p><p>Each proposer must complete this form by rating the capabilities of its proposed CCMS against each detailed requirement listed using the Capability Value scoring provided in Table 1. Each proposer must provide a written, supporting narrative for each requirement scored with a Capability Value of 1.</p><p>Capability Value Table 1 – Capability Values 0 Functionality Not Provided: Proposed CCMS does not meet requirement 1 Functionality is Provided: Proposed CCMS meets the requirement</p><p>Table 2 – System Functionality Item # Requirement Capability Narrative Value 1 Proposed CCMS must use email to facilitate automated notification with participants and system users to efficiently keep people informed of events, tasks, etc. 2 Proposed CCMS must provide capability to report on any one, or a combination of data fields, in tablature or graphing format. 3 Proposed CCMS must maintain a searchable database of the data for the City for 3 years after the term of the agreement. 4 Proposed CCMS must be operating system and web browser agnostic, and accessible from Internet connected computers, smartphones, and mobile devices. 5 Proposed CCMS must be a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution with zero requirements for City to acquire any additional on premise technology hardware and software. 6 Proposed CCMS must comply with Publicly Identifiable Information (PII) requirements outlined at http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm? DOCN=7872 7 Proposed CCMS must provide method for Tracking Completion of Training 8 Proposed CCMS must provide method for tracking participants who entered training 9 Proposed CCMS must have capacity and performance capability to support at least 700 participant records. Please specify if the solution has any limitations. 10 Proposed CCMS must provide data encryption; during transit and at rest 11 Proposal must provide SMS text messaging capability to facilitate notifications to participants</p><p>Any proposal with a Compatibility Value of 0 for Item 9 or Item 18 will be disqualified as non-responsive.</p><p>Attachment B-1 12 Proposed CCMS must have invoicing capability for training services 13 Proposed CCMS must have the capability to manage participant records and information, including the ability to upload documents, images, and other electronic files in multiple formats (i.e. *.pdf, *doc, *xls, *.txt, *.jpg, etc.) 14 Proposed CCMS must tie O*NET Codes to training activities 15 Proposed CCMS must have the capability to send email and/or SMS text reminders for users to meet/contact their participants every 30 days 16 Proposed CCMS must provide capability to populate Outlook 2016 email client with predefined meetings, schedules, etc. 17 Proposed CCMS must have the capability to assign a Unique Program Identifier to each participant 18 Proposed CCMS must not store and transmit participant data outside of the lower 48 states of the United States of America</p><p>Any proposal with a Compatibility Value of 0 for Item 9 or Item 18 will be disqualified as non-responsive.</p><p>Table 3 – Required CCMS Fields Item # REQUIREMENT Capability Narrative Value 19.1 Grant Number</p><p>19.2 Eligibility Date</p><p>19.3 Approval Date</p><p>19.4 City of Residence</p><p>19.5 Social Security Number</p><p>19.6 Date of Birth</p><p>19.7 Race</p><p>19.8 Gender (Drop down menu)</p><p>19.9 Number in Family</p><p>19.10 Individual with a Disability</p><p>19.11 Category of Disability</p><p>19.12 Number of Children with a Disability CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>19.13 Category of Disability</p><p>19.14 Number of Children </p><p>19.15 Ages of Children</p><p>19.16 Education Status (drop down menu)</p><p>19.17 Highest Grade Completed at Program Entry (drop down menu) 19.18 Eligible Veteran Status</p><p>19.19 Employment Status at Program Entry (drop down menu) 19.20 Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry</p><p>19.21 Number of Weeks Not Employed Prior to Enrollment During the Prior 26 Weeks 19.22 Incumbent Worker</p><p>19.23 Underemployed Worker</p><p>19.24 Unemployed for 27 or More Consecutive Weeks</p><p>19.25 Unemployed for 27 non-consecutive weeks during the past year? 19.26 Looking for work during the last four weeks? </p><p>19.27 Other conditions for long-term unemployment eligibility? 19.28 Work Eligibility Status </p><p>19.29 Alien Certification Number </p><p>19.30 Low Income Status at Program Entry</p><p>19.31 Receives or in the past 6 months has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past 6 months has received cash payments under a federal, state, or local income based public assistance program 19.32 Receives or in the past 6 months has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past 6 months has received assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 19.33 Receives or in the past 6 months has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past 6 months has received assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program </p><p>Attachment B-3 19.34 Receives or in the past 6 months has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past 6 months has received assistance through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program 19.35 Youth living in a high-poverty area </p><p>19.36 Received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income for the six month period prior to application for the program involved that, in relation to family size, does not exceed the poverty line 19.37 Received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, for the six month period prior to application for the program involved that, in relation to family size, does not exceed 70 percent of the lower living standard income level (LLSIL) for an equivalent period 19.38 Homeless individual or Child/Youth</p><p>19.39 Disabled and whose own annualized income does not exceed the higher of the poverty line or 70% of the LLSIL, but is a member of a family whose income does not meet this requirement 19.40 Poverty Level For Family Size </p><p>19.41 70% LLSIL for Family Size</p><p>19.42 100% LLSIL for Family Size </p><p>19.43 Self Sufficiency Income Level for Family Size (450%) 19.44 English Language Learner at Program Entry</p><p>19.45 Date of Program Entry</p><p>19.46 Income Calculations</p><p>19.47 Includable Income </p><p>19.48 Excludable Income </p><p>19.49 Total Income </p><p>19.50 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (yes or no)</p><p>19.51 TANF Recipient (yes or no)</p><p>19.52 Number of Months on TANF/AFDC Cash Assistance</p><p>19.53 Food Stamps (yes or no) CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>19.54 Subsidized housing (yes or no)</p><p>19.55 Currently receiving Subsidized Child Care (Child Care Voucher)? 19.56 Currently receiving Social Security Disability (SSDI)? 19.57 Received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at any time in the past? 19.58 Parenting Youth (yes or no)</p><p>19.59 Are you the parent of a child receiving TANF Assistance? 19.60 Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry (drop down menu) 19.61 Type of Crime(s) (Dropdown Menu)</p><p>19.62 Length of Sentence</p><p>19.63 Date of Release</p><p>19.64 Substance Abuse </p><p>19.65 Contact Information</p><p>19.66 First Name</p><p>19.67 Middle Initial</p><p>19.68 Last Name</p><p>19.69 Address</p><p>19.70 Address 2</p><p>19.71 State</p><p>19.72 Zip Code</p><p>19.73 Country</p><p>19.74 Email</p><p>19.75 Phone</p><p>19.76 Phone 2</p><p>19.77 Facebook</p><p>Attachment B-5 19.78 LinkedIn</p><p>19.79 Service Type</p><p>19.80 Date of First Case Management and Employment Service 19.81 Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training</p><p>19.82 Received Training</p><p>19.83 Work Readiness Classes</p><p>19.84 Job Club</p><p>19.85 Date Completed or Withdrew from Training</p><p>19.86 Occupational Skills Training</p><p>19.87 Distance Learning</p><p>19.88 Support Services - Transportation</p><p>19.89 Support Services - Child Care</p><p>19.90 Support Services - Clothing</p><p>19.91 Support Services - Rent/Utility Assistance</p><p>19.92 Support Services - Tools</p><p>19.93 Support Services - Medical</p><p>19.94 On-the-Job Training</p><p>19.95 Most Recent Date Received Work Experience Opportunities 19.96 Type of Work Experience</p><p>19.97 Support Services - Other</p><p>19.98 Incentives</p><p>19.99 Comprehensive Assessment</p><p>19.100 Initial Assessment</p><p>19.101 Job Search and Placement Assistance CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>19.102 HeadStart Enrolled</p><p>19.103 Date of HeadStart Enrollment</p><p>19.104 HeadStart Location</p><p>19.105 Development of the IEP</p><p>19.106 Follow-up Services</p><p>19.107 Text Boxes for Each Service for Description</p><p>19.108 Case Management</p><p>19.109 Career Guidance</p><p>19.110 Adult Education and Literacy Activities</p><p>19.111 Job Referrals</p><p>19.112 Pre-Vocational Services</p><p>19.113 Enrollment Notes</p><p>19.114 Contact Information Snapshot</p><p>19.115 EEO Notification</p><p>19.116 Wages</p><p>19.117 Employer Name</p><p>19.118 Employer Name 2</p><p>19.119 Employer Name 3</p><p>19.120 Employer Address</p><p>19.121 Employer Address 2</p><p>19.122 Employer Address 3</p><p>19.123 Employer Phone Number</p><p>19.124 Employer Phone Number 2</p><p>19.125 Employer Phone Number 3</p><p>Attachment B-7 19.126 Employer Email</p><p>19.127 Employer Email 2</p><p>19.128 Employer Email 3</p><p>19.129 Case Notes</p><p>19.130 Attained recognized educational, occupational certificate, credential, diploma, or degree? 19.131 Date of Attainment</p><p>19.132 Type of recognized educational, occupational certificate, credential, diploma, or degree received 19.133 Employed</p><p>19.134 Not Employed</p><p>19.135 Hours per Week Worked</p><p>19.136 Benefits</p><p>19.137 Hourly Wage</p><p>19.138 Success Story</p><p>19.139 Performance Measures</p><p>19.140 Total Participants Served</p><p>19.141 Total Participants Enrolled in Education or Training Activities 19.142 Total Number of Enrolled Receiving Child Care Services 19.143 Total Participants Completing Education or Training Activities 19.144 Total Participants Who Complete Education or Training Activities And Receive a Degree or Other Credential 19.145 Total Number of Unemployed Participants who Obtain Employment After Training Completion 19.146 Total Number of Incumbent Worker Participants that Advanced into a New Position After Training Completion 19.147 Total Number of Those Participants Employed at Enrollment Who Received a Wage Increase After Training Completion 19.148 Median Earnings CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>19.149 Target Population Year 1</p><p>19.150 Target Population Year 2</p><p>19.151 Target Population Year 3</p><p>19.152 Target Population Year 4</p><p>19.153 Incumbent Population Year 1</p><p>19.154 Incumbent Population Year 2</p><p>19.155 Incumbent Population Year 3</p><p>19.156 Incumbent Population Year 4</p><p>19.157 Target Population Subtotal</p><p>19.158 Combined Total</p><p>19.159 Target Population Earnings Year 1</p><p>19.160 Target Population Earnings Year 2</p><p>19.161 Target Population Earnings Year 3</p><p>19.162 Target Population Earnings Year 4</p><p>19.163 Incumbent Population Earnings Year 1</p><p>19.164 Incumbent Population Earnings Year 2</p><p>19.165 Incumbent Population Earnings Year 3</p><p>19.166 Incumbent Population Earnings Year 4</p><p>19.167 Alerts to Case Manager for Contact</p><p>19.168 Case Manager Name</p><p>19.169 Partner Program Name</p><p>19.170 Co-Enrolled Programs</p><p>19.171 Other Reasons for Exit</p><p>19.172 Accountability Exit Status</p><p>Attachment B-9 19.173 Reincarerated (yes or no and date)</p><p>19.174 Medical Exclusion (explanation)</p><p>19.175 Death (explanation)</p><p>19.176 Gap in Service (explanation)</p><p>19.177 Date Entered Gap in Service</p><p>19.178 Date of Program Exit</p><p>19.179 Start Date for Activity</p><p>19.180 End Date for Activity</p><p>19.181 Completed Activity</p><p>19.182 Unsuccessful Completion of Activity</p><p>19.183 Leveraged Services</p><p>19.184 Leveraged Dollar Amount</p><p>19.185 Cost of Service</p><p>19.186 Total Cost of Services</p><p>19.187 Supervisor Approval for Enrollment (checkbox)</p><p>19.188 Date of Supervisor Approval</p><p>19.189 Quality Assurance Monitoring Date 1</p><p>19.190 Quality Assurance Monitoring Date 2</p><p>19.191 Quality Assurance Monitoring Date 3</p><p>19.192 Quality Assurance Monitoring Date 4</p><p>19.193 Quality Assurance Review Initials 1</p><p>19.194 Quality Assurance Review Initials 2</p><p>19.195 Quality Assurance Review Initials 3</p><p>19.196 Quality Assurance Review Initials 4 CITY OF PHOENIX Community & Economic Development Department CLIENT CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES RFP – RFP CED16-CMS </p><p>19.197 Case Note Date Entered (default system generated)</p><p>19.198 Case Note Reference Date</p><p>19.199 Total Number of Customers who Received Child Care Services through Grant Funds 19.200 O*NET Title</p><p>19.201 O*NET-SOC</p><p>19.202 CIP</p><p>19.203 Status (drop down menu)</p><p>19.204 In-Progress</p><p>19.205 Training Provider Name</p><p>19.206 Training Provider Address</p><p>19.207 Training Provider Phone Number</p><p>19.208 Training Provider City</p><p>19.209 Training Provider State</p><p>19.210 Training Start Date</p><p>19.211 Training End Date</p><p>19.212 Text Field for each Service Type</p><p>19.213 Provider Name</p><p>19.214 Provider Address</p><p>19.215 Provider Phone Number</p><p>19.216 Provider City</p><p>19.217 Provider State</p><p>19.218 Barriers (drop down menu)</p><p>19.219 Date of Most recent Measurable Skills Gains: Training Milestone 19.220 Date of Most recent Measurable Skills Gains: Skills Progression</p><p>Attachment B-11 19.221 Incumbent Workers Retained Current Position</p><p>19.222 Incumbent Workers Advanced into a New Position with Current or New Employer in the 1st Quarter after Completion 19.223 Incumbent Workers Retained Current Position in the 2nd Quarter after Completion 19.224 Incumbent Workers Advanced into a New Position with Current or New Employer in the 2nd Quarter after Completion 19.225 Incumbent Workers Retained Current Position in the 3rd Quarter after Completion 19.226 Incumbent Workers Advanced into a New Position with Current or New Employer in the 3rd Quarter after Completion</p>
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