<p> GWEHELOG FAWR COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>Minutes of Meeting No 309 Wednesday 30th October 2013</p><p>Present Chair Cllr. Simon Carbury, Cllr. Paul Frampton, Cllr. Maggie Godwin, Cllr. Tony Sargeant Cllr. Steve Hoselitz and Cllr. Judith Bayliss</p><p>Members of the Public County Councillor Val Smith and 6 members of the public </p><p>1. Apologies for absence Cllr. Charles Kirby</p><p>2. Declarations of interests Item 8.1a Cllr Steve Hoselitz </p><p>3. Minutes of Previous Meeting</p><p>Meeting 308 held on Wednesday 18th September 2013 at 8pm. Cllr. Simon Carbury asked the Councillors if it was their wish that he sign the minutes. This was proposed by Cllr. Paul Frampton and seconded by Cllr. Tony Sargeant. All in attendance agreed and the minutes were signed by the chairman Cllr. Simon Carbury.</p><p>4. Matters arising from the minutes</p><p> a. Standing Orders. 1. ‘Any Other Business’ item to be reinstated into the Agenda – open to Councillors and members of the public – The Chair will decide whether an item raised under Any Other Business is to be discussed at that meeting or added to the agenda for a future meeting. Proposed Cllr. Paul Frampton, seconded Cllr. Judith Bayliss. 2. Meeting date now also the last Wednesday in August – leaving December the only month that the Council do not meet. Proposed Cllr. Maggie Godwin, seconded Cllr. Tony Sargeant 3. The date for the January meeting to be the last Wednesday in January. If anything urgent between the November and January meeting – an additional meeting will be held at the discretion of the chair. Proposed Cllr. Maggie Godwin, Seconded Cllr. Paul Frampton (Items 1-3 Changes require amendments to the Standing Orders – ACTION Cllr. Paul Frampton – ready to adopt at next meeting) 4. Minutes to be distributed to councillors at earliest opportunity following monthly meeting. ACTION: Clerk</p><p> b. Gwehelog CC Website – Clerk to pursue. ACTION: Clerk</p><p> c. Impact of MCC Devolution of Services - Meeting with Raglan CC – 2nd October attended by Cllr. Simon Carbury and Cllr. Paul Frampton. A report on this meeting was provided by Cllr. Paul Frampton, the meeting was called by the Clerk of Raglan Community Council over concerns on the devolution of services and impact to the Community Councils, particularly services and amenities they may be asked to take over due to pressure on County Council budgets. A consultation process is underway, due to the minimal precept of Gwehelog Community Council it was felt very little the Community Council could undertake, in particular considering the cost implications (economies of scale) and lack of skill and expertise. </p><p>Page 1 of 8 Signature Date d. Bus shelters update – The clerk reported that she was awaiting a letter from Mark Youngman, Transport Policy and Compliance manager for MCC confirming that MCC will take on responsibility for the bus shelters at Cold Harbour and Hall Inn, at the request of the Community Council. The Community Council are aware that as a result of reduction on budget for MCC, there are no guarantees to future replacement of the shelters, however the conditions of the shelters is such, that such an eventuality should not occur for some time. A debate was had over this condition, and it was agreed that if and when the bus shelters may require replacement, the Community Council could look at reinstating their interest, and would be no different to their current responsibility for maintenance and replacement through wear and tear. Proposed to continue transfer of ownership to MCC - Cllr. Maggie Godwin, seconded Cllr. Judith Bayliss. </p><p>5. Neighbourhood Watch Report The OWL email notifications as listed in the Clerks report were summarised by the chair and added to the box: </p><p>6. County Councillor Report by Cllr. Val Smith</p><p>Last Monday’s public meeting at County Hall, Usk to consider the County Councils financial situation (reduction in budget) was very well attended, although the issue of the potential closure of Usk Library dominated discussions.</p><p>Wales Audit Office came to scrutinize progress of scrutiny within MCC, frank session. (County Councillor Val Smith is a member of Strong Communities Scrutiny Committee)</p><p>Decided to sit in on children and young people scrutiny and adult’s scrutiny committees, more input, but poor member attendance. Good presentation to members on domestic abuse.</p><p>Presentation on 21st Century schools, CC Val Smith confirmed she had visited the new Dewstow Primary School, very pretty and new, a plaza design (open plan). </p><p>The Community Health Council had a joint full council meeting with Aneurin Bevan Health Trust.</p><p>Attended Police Community engagement workshop – summary by Cllr. Steve Waring of Llanbadoc Community Council (in box).</p><p>Fire Service Benevolent Fund event held.</p><p>Recycling group continues to work.</p><p>Usk School held AGM last week, great improvement</p><p>Next Prison liaison meeting 4th November. </p><p>New cattle market opening 29th November </p><p>7. Rural Forum Meeting Report </p><p>Report on the Rural Forum meeting attended by Cllr. Tony Sargeant on 10th October, 7.30pm Raglan School. A summary of Community Led plans, very successful in Raglan, however it was felt not appropriate for the Community of Gwehelog and to investigate other ways of Community Engagement. ACTION: Clerk to agenda. It was also raised that more affordable housing was needed in Raglan. </p><p>8. Highway Matters </p><p>Page 2 of 8 Signature Date 8.1. Highway Correspondence</p><p> a. Gwehelog Bridleway closure RE: 012285 and Issue No 10995. Bridleway drainage works Gwehelog 134 – members of the public present commented on this subject and a public discussion was held. Gwehelog Fawr Community Council awaiting response to email from their clerk sent to Ruth Rourke on 22nd October. Requested that County Councillor Val Smith, contact Countryside Department expressing concern that their clerk’s correspondence of Oct 22nd had not been acknowledged or issues addressed. Gwehelog Community Council seek assurance that no works will be permitted or carried out on or adjacent to Bridleway, until ALL issues have been satisfactorily resolved with all parties, await response from Ruth Rourke first, then this may require a special meeting with MCC and relevant parties. Concerns raised over whether permission had been granted to run scaffolding business from the property. ACTION: County Councillor Val Smith . b. 27/09 – Gill Hazard, Highways Response to monthly Highways report - Gwehelog cc 012221 27-9-13. Cllr. Paul Frampton provided an update.</p><p> c. 10/10 Reported Japanese Knot weed opposite Hall Inn, Gwehelog E: 012409 Beaumont Gwehelog Community Council – referred to attention and response of MCC area engineer, on list to be sprayed.</p><p>8.2 Highway Report</p><p>Cllr. Paul Frampton prepared local Highway report to submit to MCC. </p><p>R61 Llancayo Road</p><p>1. Surfacing has pushed out opposite ‘Hilcote’. Thank you for rectifying</p><p>2. Brick chamber obstructing road at ‘Hunters Lodge’. Thank you for rectifying</p><p>3. Diversion signs still in place along surfacing route.</p><p>C215.2 Bank Road</p><p>Road edge collapsed below ‘Ty Hafod’. Presenting danger. Photograph attached</p><p>C215.5 Pant-y-Rheos Road</p><p>1. Between C215.2 and R61. Road haunch collapsed. Dangerous 200mm depression. Below ‘Walnut Tree’ LHS</p><p>2. Adjacent Village Hall. Centre of road heaving. Thank you for rectifying </p><p>C215.13 Ty- Freeman Road (raised by member of the public present)</p><p>Would you please side, expose and empty gullies on the LHS from the jcn. with R62 to jcn. C215.12 (Factory Rd.) to prevent flooding down Factory Road.</p><p>R62 Usk – Raglan Road (raised by member of the public present)</p><p>Low overhanging branches are obstructing high sided vehicles through New Barn Wood</p><p>Overhanging trees Wainfield Lane (raised by member of the public) – to be investigated by Cllr. Paul Frampton ACTION: Cllr. Paul Frampton </p><p>Page 3 of 8 Signature Date 9. Planning Matters</p><p>9.1 Planning Correspondence and Agendas</p><p>NEW DATE as cancelled on 8th OCTOBER 2013 AT 10.00 </p><p>TO HOLD A LOCAL INQUIRY INTO THE APPEAL BY T CLEARY AGAINST THE ENFORCEMENT NOTICE ISSUED BY MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL RELATING TO AN ALLEGED BREACH OF PLANNING CONTROL, NAMELY THE MAKING OF A MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE OF THE LAND AT PREN-Y-DERWEN, GWEHELOG, USK, NP15 1QX, COMPRISING THE SITING OF A MOBILE HOME USED FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES, WITHOUT THE GRANT OF PLANNING PERMISSION </p><p>New date 11th December 10am, COUNTY HALL, RHADYR, USK, NP15 1GA notified by phone call – Guy Delemere.</p><p>9.2 Planning Applications</p><p>DC/2013/00876 Planning Permission - Proposed change of use from former stable/store to candle making business (B1 use). Neath House, Gwehelog. NP15 1GH VOTE 6: For. 0: Against, 0: Abstain. Recommendation Approval ACTION: Clerk to inform MCC </p><p>DC/2012/00811 – Appeal against a decision - White House, Gwehelog, Usk, NP15 1RE Proposed alterations and extension to existing outbuilding (former cottage) to form annexe as well as demolition and replacement of existing outbuildings to provide new storage barn facility ancillary to the main dwelling. Appeal to retain red brick building, as plans changed from original submission. Council agreed with applicants. ACTION: Clerk to send written representation to Planning Inspectorate. Supporting appeal against condition to demolish red brick building.</p><p>9.3 MCC Enforcement Cases -/ New and closed cases</p><p>ONGOING - E13/212 Land at Llancayo, Usk, Monmouthshire, Alteration of access </p><p>Email 01/10 - No new or closed cases</p><p>10. Correspondence</p><p>10.1 Correspondence Feedback</p><p> a. A449 Boundary Sign - Permission from Welsh Government to install a permanent Monmouthshire sign on the A449 to replace the temporary one that has been in place since the Ryder Cup. The sign face can now be ordered and hopefully installed toward the end of October. b. Usk, MCC Community Events – Report from Meeting 28th October – County Councillor Val Smith to send list of 37 items being reviewed under budget reductions. ACTION: County Councillor Val Smith ACTION: Cllr. Simon Carbury to forward email received following meeting c. Save Usk Library – Action Group – email 12/10 d. Mazars – Completion of external audit and invoice – Displaying Notice to conclusion of audit and Annual Return for 14 days</p><p>10.2 Clerks Report</p><p>MCC Correspondence Page 4 of 8 Signature Date 17/09 - MOD Community Covenant 17/09 - Police and Crime Commissioner's Partnership Fund 19/09 - NOTICE OF INDIVIDUAL CABINET MEMBER DECISIONS - 25TH SEPTEMBER 2013 19/09 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 27/09 20/09 – Tony Wallen - Boundary Sign A449 Northbound Wentwood 24/09 - Rural Forum – Minutes (July) and agenda (Oct) – Last meeting Thursday 10th October 2013 @ 7.30pm 24/09 - MCC Operations: B4235 - between Shirenewton (picnic site) and Chepstow 24/09 - Planning Committee Site Inspections - 30th September 2013 25/09 – Update on MCC Operations: B4235 - between Shirenewton (picnic site) and Chepstow 25/09 – Mark Youngman - Have you say on a regional bus network strategy 26/09 - CABINET MEETING - 2ND OCTOBER 2013 27/09 - Have your say on a regional bus network strategy 27/09 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 04/10 27/09 – Gill Hazard, Highways - Gwehelog cc 012221 27-9-13 30/09 – Shaun Pritchard - RE: 012285 Gwehelog Bridleway Closure 01/10 - Community Events - Need your help 01/10 – CONFIDENTIAL - Enforcement Lists 01/10 – Mark Youngman, Monmouthshire Bus Guide 03/10 - NOTICE OF INDIVIDUAL CABINET MEMBER DECISIONS - 9TH OCTOBER 2013 04/10 - Community Events - residents invited to talk about county's future 04/10 - Usk Event 28th October 6.30-8.30pm USK County Hall - NEW POSTER - Community Events - Need your help – posters displayed and on website 04/10 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 11/10 04/10 - Email survey to Town and Community Councillors – Development Control Team – Council response required, requested extension to deadline 11/10 04/10 - SPECIAL CABINET - 10TH OCTOBER 2013 07/10 - SE WALES HAUC/CO-ORDINATION 07/10 - Monmouthshire Countryside Service Community Engagement Strategy – Workshop - Tuesday 15th October at the Shirehall in Monmouth (Court Room 2), from 2pm to 4pm – how to provide access to the countryside 10/10 Gill Hazard, Highways – Response to Japanese Knot Weed opposite Gwehelog Village Hall E: 012409 Beaumont Gwehelog Community Council 10/10 Shaun Pritchard - Issue No 10995. Bridleway drainage works Gwehelog 134. 11/10 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 18/10 11/10 - Community Events – Reminder from Debbie McCarty - USK 28th October 6.30- 8.30 County Hall 11/10 Ruth Rourke - Drainage works on Bridleway at Gwehelog Issue 10995 17/10 - CENTRAL MONMOUTHSHIRE AREA COMMITTEE - 23RD OCTOBER 2013 17/10 - INDIVIDUAL CABINET MEMBER DECISIONS - 23RD OCTOBER 2013 18/10 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 25/10 18/10 – Copy of response letter to Truedy Baker from Ian Blomeley, MCC enforcement officer – Re. Drainage works on bridleway Gwehelog 134. 23/10 – PHONE CALL – Guy Delemere. New date for Public enquiry re. Pren-y-Derwen. 11th Dec 10am. COUNTY HALL, RHADYR, USK, NP15 1GA (cancelled from 8th October) 24/10 Gareth Plumb, MCC planning, Consultee email for DC/2012/00811 appeal against a condition 24/10 (POSTAL) Details of Planning Application DC/2012/00811 – appeal against a condition 24/10 - Community Event Monday 28th October - Venue Change 24/10 (POSTAL) Monmouthshire County Council Emergency Contacts Directory – confirmation of correct information 25/10 - Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext) - w/e 01/11 25/10 – David O’Leary - Change of Venue for the Usk Community Engagement Event, 28th October 2013, Now at Glan Yr Afon Hotel</p><p>Page 5 of 8 Signature Date 28/10 - MCC Operations A466; Tintern 28/10 MCC Operations - Nevill Street, Abergavenny 28/10 DC/2013/00876: Quinells Candles. – Confirmation that application does not include sales at the site 29/10 Greggs funding opportunity 29/10 Gill Hazard - RE: 012409 Beaumont Gwehelog Community Council, Tree/Hedge Officer Martyn Evans, this has been put on the schedule to be sprayed. 29/10 Planning Committee - 5th November 2013 29/10 Planning Committee - 5th November 2013 – supplementary planning committee agenda 29/10 Mark Youngman – Reply, confirming letter in the post re transfer of ownership of bus shelters from Community Council to MCC</p><p>OVW Correspondence </p><p>17/09 - Electoral Review Programme 2014 18/09 - CC Water Annual Review Wales 2012-13 19/09 - Electoral Reviews Programme 2014 20/09 - TRAINING Module 4 - understanding the Law - BARRY 25-09-13 20/09 - TRAINING Module 2 - The Councillor - CARMARTHEN 30/09/13 20/09 - TRAINING Module 4 - Understanding the Law - UNDY, CALDICOT 03/10/13 20/09 - TRAINING Module 8 - Introduction to Community Engagement – Usk 3/10/ 24th September (Postal) – One Voice Wales Monmouthshire/Newport Area Committee meeting (Thursday 17th October), meeting minutes from 11th July and Monmouthshire Charter – proposed action plan relating to charter (draft copy) 25/09 - TRAINING Module 1 / The Council in USK 08/10/13 25/09 - TRAINING Various SOUTH WALES 01/10 - Training courses for week commencing 8th October 2013 03/10 - Planning Training - £400 per council – places cold be available on another council’s course. 08/10 – TRAINING - Health & Safety - BARRY 24-10-13 10/10 – TRAINING - Module 10 / Chairing Skills - BARRY 28-10-13 10/10 – TRAINING - Module 11 / Community Emergency Planning - USK 16-10-13 14/10 Training Courses in South Wales for OCTOBER 2013 16/10 Badger Vaccination Grant, open for applications 16/10 Fire Cover Review 16/10 OVW Annual Conference Update 17/10 Letter to Chief Planning Officers in Wales: Mobile Infrastructure Project - Information for Planning Services 17/10 Invitation for Nominations - St David's Awards 18/10 Appointment of Chemist / Pharmacologist and Criminologist Members to the Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse 18/10 Financial Regulations 22/10 Training Courses in South Wales for OCTOBER 2013 22/10 Consultation on the introduction of a table valuation system for TB compensation 22/10 Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee - advanced notification of Committee Consultation 23/10 Isolated Communities 23/10 Phone call – survey on use of £500 Welsh Government funding for website development 25/10 Statement by the Minister for Natural Resource and Food: The 5th report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its implications for Wales 25/10 Natural Resource Management E-Bulletin 4 - October 2013. 25/10 TRAINING- Module 11 / Community Emergency Planning - BARRY 30-10-13 25/10 TRAINING- Module 10 / Chairing Skills - USK 06-11-13 25/10 The Ombudsman's Casebook - Issue 14 25/10 Training Programme 2014 28/10 TRAINING- Module 4, Understanding the Law - USK 12-11-13</p><p>Page 6 of 8 Signature Date 29/10 Wales Remembers 1914-1918 29/10 TRAINING - Module 10 / Chairing Skills - CWMBRAN 13-11-13 29/10 Welsh Government Nature Funding</p><p>Other Correspondence</p><p>17/09 and 19/09 Adrian Edwards, Clerk to Raglan CC – Agenda for meeting on 2 October 18/09 GWENT POLICE - Community Engagement Workshop - Monmouthshire POLITE REMINDER – Attended by Cllr. Val Smith 19/09 South Wales Fire & Rescue Service - South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Reassure Public over Industrial Action 19/09 Adrian Edwards (Raglan Clerk) Silk Commission Devolution of powers to the Welsh Assembly 20/09 Home Start, Monmouth - Home-Start Monmouthshire Stakeholder Survey 20/09 Mazars – Completion of external audit and invoice – to display Notice to conclusion of audit and Annual Return for 14 days. 25/09 County Cllr. Val Smith - South Wales Fire & Rescue Service - South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Supports Electrical Fire Safety Week 26/09 Usk & Raglan Diary November Issue – Clerk responded with date of meeting in Nov and no meeting in Dec 27/09 Capita - Delivering Sustainable Services for Older People in Wales – 1 day National conference, Cardiff 29/09 - Nicola Edwards, Wales GSI Gov. - The Public Service Workforce: Consultation on draft guidance and directions which include a Code of Practice on Workforce 01/10 – Sarah Lakeman, Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales draft Annual Report, February 2014 02/10 Prostate Cancer awareness afternoon – Friday 8th November (Fwd. by Cllr. Val Smith) 07/10 Welsh Government - Community and Town Councils Welsh Government News 9/10 Copy of letter sent by Truedy Baker to Ian Blomeley, enforcement officer, MCC Re: Drainage Gwehelog, Bridleway 12/10 Alison Irvin, forwarded by Olivia Beaumont - Save Usk Library Action Group 14/10 GAVO Weekly Burst 16/10 Save Usk Library Poster 16/10 Capita conference - Creating Effective, Holistic Services for Older People in Wales 18/10 GAVO - Grantfinder, Idox Solution - Funding update 21/10 GAVO - Community Coordination 22/10 Keep Wales Tidy - Tidy Wales Awards and other news 22/10 Capita Conferences 18th Nov Cardiff - Embedding Literacy and Numeracy Across all Curriculum Subjects OCTOBER 2013 (POSTAL) Support for Urdd National Eisteddfod 2014 - Meironnydd OCTOBER 2013 – Report on Police Community Engagement workshop held on 24 September, by Llanbadoc Community Councillor Steve Waring OCTOBER (POSTAL) Clerks and Councils Direct – November 2013 issue 28/10 South Wales Fire Service Monthly Newsletter (Fwd. by County Councillor Val Smith) 28/10 Capita Housing Reform Wales Conference - Jan 14, Cardiff 29/10 HMPS – Reminder - Prison Council Liaison Meeting 4th November 2pm</p><p>OWL</p><p>23/09 Neighbourhood watch – Home safety survey 25/09 Undy Area - film night 26/09 Make it difficult for the burglar 06/10 Neighbourhood Watch: Monmouthshire Transport buses at Usk College. 10/10 Neighbourhood Watch: Information Wanted - Abergavenny Market Trader had an amount of collectable coins taken from his vehicle 11/10 Neighbourhood Watch: Prison Absconder re-appeal for information.</p><p>Page 7 of 8 Signature Date 16/10 Neighbourhood Watch: Burglaries 23/10 Neighbourhood Watch: Usk Civic amenity Site crime 23/10 Neighbourhood Watch: NW PCC Survey 26/10 Neighbourhood Watch: NHW PCC Survey</p><p>Correspondence from the Clerk</p><p>18/09 Email to Adrian Edwards, Raglan CC Clerk – confirming Cllr. Paul Frampton’s attendance to ‘devolution of services’ meeting 21/09 Email to Gill Hazard – Highways Pro Forma from meeting on 18/09 28/09 Email to Gill Hazard - Gwehelog Bridleway Closure (forwarded to Shaun Pritchard) 10/09 Phone call to Shaun Pritchard – Gwehelog Bridleway Closure 10/09 Email to Gill Hazard – Reporting Japanese Knot weed, opposite Hall Inn 17/10 Email to Ruth Rourke – Bridleway drainage works Gwehelog 134 – requesting info 22/10 Email to Ruth Rourke - Bridleway drainage works Gwehelog 134 – recommending mediation by Community Council 22/10 Email to Neil George – pursuing WG grant 24/10 Email to Mark Youngman – Requesting transfer of ownership of bus shelters</p><p>11. Finance</p><p>11.1 Responsible Finance Officer Report Passbook Balance £2839.41 passbook checked and balance confirmed and a copy of the Councils accounts distributed to individual councillors.</p><p>11.2 Clerks Expenses £30.00 invoice withdrawal slip presented. Proposed Cllr. Paul Frampton and seconded Cllr. Tony Sargeant. ACTION: Clerk</p><p>11.3 Other Expenses</p><p>Invoice Mazars audit fee £72.00 invoice, withdrawal slip presented. Proposed Cllr. Paul Frampton and seconded Cllr. Maggie Godwin ACTION: Clerk</p><p>Date of next meeting 27th November 2013</p><p>There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.03pm</p><p>Yours faithfully</p><p>Olivia Beaumont, Clerk</p><p>Items in Box</p><p>1. Accounts 2. MCC Emergency Directory contact details 3. Clerks and Councils – November issue 4. OWL emails 5. 2014 Eisteddfod 6. OVW local meeting minutes 7. Notice of Public meeting – Pren-y-Derwen 8. Usk Library Action Group 9. Gwent Police Community Engagement Workshop – Cllr. Steve Waring’s report.</p><p>Page 8 of 8 Signature Date</p>
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