<p> Connel Community Council Minutes of the Meeting of Connel Community Council held in Connel Village Hall on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 at 7.30 pm</p><p>1.Present CC Sandy Dunlop (Chair); CC Les Stewart (Secretary); CC Lorne Nelson (Treasurer); CC Harry Powell; CC Sam Leddy; Cllr. Elaine Robertson; Cllr. Duncan MacIntyre; Murdoch MacKenzie; Ruth MacKay; Claire Grierson; CC Jim Grout; Cllr. Iain MacDonald; CC David Gibson; CC Mike Harrison; Ann Buchanan; Jackie MacInnes; Mark Steward. (CC = Community Councillor). Apologies: PC Alison Simpson; CC John Anderson; Helen Anderson; Stephen Thomas; CC Helen Long; Cllr. Louise Glen-Lee. Adrian Beard.</p><p>2. Police Report None. Sandy said he had attended a recent meeting in Oban where the Chief Inspector and Area Commander, Brian Auld, gave a review of Policing in his patch. Sandy said it was mainly a presentation of crime statistics in Oban Lorn North and South. There were some surprising results, particularly in the number of assaults and in drugs cases. Cllr. MacIntyre said that there was to be an increase in officer numbers on the street and that a different shift pattern is being tried. Sandy confirmed that Connel Community Policing is now managed from Taynuilt - PC Alison Simpson.</p><p>3. Proposal for a 14 X 100m cage (circumference) Rainbow Trout Farm and feed Barge, at Sailean Ruadh, Loch Etive, by Dawnfresh Farming Ltd Mark Steward, the Council’s Marine and Coastal Manager had been invited to give an overview of this potential major development on the Loch. Mark explained that the company, who already operate cages on the Loch, had asked for an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Screening and Scoping Opinion from the Council. This opinion has now been given to Dawnfresh. The proposed trout farm is significantly larger than any of the existing 5 trout farm sites in Loch Etive and would produce more trout than all the existing sites put together. The Council’s initial view is that a new development of this size is only likely to gain approval if it was to be part of a wider rationalisation or consolidation of existing sites across the loch, where benefits would arise from modification or removal of sites elsewhere. Mark concisely explained the process, which is complex, and outlined the consultations which have already taken place with statutory consultees, SEPA, SNH, Marine Scotland Science and the Planning Authority, Historic Scotland, the District Salmon Fishery Board and others. The full correspondence with Dawnfresh, the Screening and Scoping Opinion, the comments from the Consultees and other information is all on the Council Planning Website. A link is available on the Community Council website under PLANNING. Sandy asked about lighting of the cages and the barge. Mark said it was an issue for the Northern Lighthouse Board. Sandy said it was the potential need for bright lights in an otherwise ‘dark’ area that concerned him. Jackie MacInnes raised the question of wild fish and sea lice but Mark said that the brackish water in Loch Etive meant that sea lice was not a serious problem. Sandy suggested that the abandonment of the mussel farming sites might lead to a huge expansion in applications for new fin fish farms. However, Lorne explained that mussel farming enterprises were simply fallowed at the moment and he fully expected them to resume when conditions improved. It was agreed that Connel CC would join with Taynuilt and Ardchattan and try to arrange a meeting with Dawnfresh to understand better what the company intends to do. Sandy thanked Mark for his helpful input. Mark left the meeting.</p><p>4. Minutes of the last Meeting 8 May 2012 5. Matters Arising None Approval of the Minutes was proposed by Harry and seconded by Jim. </p><p>6. Treasurer’s Report Jim Grout had asked R A Clement CA’s to audit the CC accounts. Clements have asked for further information which Les will supply. The accounts, when completed, and approved by the Council, will allow us to ask for the additional Council grant of 10p per elector - about £30/35 in our case. Marion Fisher has bought three half barrel tubs and placed two at the Church corner and one in front of the Secretary’s house! Marion and Les will look after these tubs and Les said that it would be good to increase the number of tubs but only if people could be found who would water and weed them. He asked for people to volunteer to do this. The CC will provide the necessary funds. Marion had also organised the Jubilee Gala Day, which had been successful. She plans to do something similar next year and the CC agreed to help again with the costs.</p><p>7. Roads a) Village i) Advertising Boards Les said that it was now 18 months since the Council and Transport Scotland had embarked on devising a protocol for controlling roadside advertising, but nothing had happened. He felt that it was wrong for commercial enterprises to place signs illegally and urged the Council and TS to come up with a solution. Cllr. MacIntyre said it was extremely difficult. Cllr. Louise Glen-Lee had asked a local estate agent who was using lamp standards as an advertising medium, to remove their signs. This had now been done. ii) Community Payback Scheme The village seats have been returned to their sites and look good. The Falls of Lora seat will be tackled later as it cannot be removed from its bolts. The railing up to the Station is being re-painted as is the railing outside the Church Hall. The work on the Falls of Lora Viewpoint has ‘stumbled’ but Les said he had contacted Yeomans at Glensanda who are offering help from their staff. A meeting will take place next week to see how they can help. Yeomans have already agreed to supply 20 tons of gravel for paths and the Forestry Commission have offered two picnic tables. Japanese Knotweed is back everywhere. Richard Green (Comm.Payback Manager) has a small supply of the chemical needed to kill JK and hopes to tackle an area on the sea frontage soon. Cllr. MacIntyre said he would contact West Cowal CC to see how they have funded their attack on JK. Sandy raised the problem of parking at the Viewpoint. People are using the car park as a Park & Ride facility which is not really its purpose. It was agreed that we would obtain some ‘tactfully’ worded signs that might encourage drivers to consider the tourists who should be the primary users of the car park. Cllr Duncan MacIntyre offered to find out who owned the car park and Cllr Elaine Robertson said she might have details from the Scottish Water discussions some years ago. iii) Gully Collapse - Village Shop Graham Stone, Council Roads Department, had reacted promptly to our request to repair the broken gully outside the village shop. The repair is very basic but will be fixed permanently next week. The Council had also filled in some of the deep potholes in Grosvenor Crescent. Les had thanked Graham Stone. iv) CORE PATHS i) Grosvenor Crescent: Proposed New Path NP012 Harry Powell had already submitted a detailed objection to this New Path on the grounds that it was not suitable for bicycles or buggies, but mainly because, in his opinion, the designation was unnecessary. The existing Core Path C164(c) was perfectly suitable and the obvious route to and from the village. Harry had discussed his objection with other property owners in Grosvenor Crescent most of whom agreed with his conclusion which was to continue to support the status quo; a pedestrian right of way. Harry asked the CC to support the objection. Ann Buchanan, (Strathaird), speaking in support of the New Core Path, raised the possibility of the Right of Way (which it currently is designated) being withdrawn. Cllr Iain MacDonald spoke of similar difficulties in North Connel. At length, and because there seemed to be no consensus, it was agreed that the secretary should try to arrange a site meeting with Douglas Grierson, Access Officer. All interested parties will be invited. ii) Black Lochs C177 There was a brief discussion on the above. Mike Harrison suggested that the Community Council ‘objects to the objection’. The Community Council supports the creation of this Core Path and would also support the potential diversion in front of Lailt in order to minimise the concerns expressed by the occupier. v) SNH Tyndrum to Oban Recreational Route We received a study on the economic benefits of a new recreational route between Tyndrum and Oban, commissioned by SNH. SNH are seeking representatives on a Steering Group and have invited Community Councils to become involved. It was thought that this was a very long term project. However, Murdoch Mackenzie felt that this path might be part of the Pilgrim Way and Les asked if anyone from the Church might be interested in taking up the SNH offer. (Subsequent to the meeting, Bill Harvey, Session Clerk, St Oran’s agreed to become involved in the Steering group and Les has advised SNH ). b) A85 Trunk Road and A828 The works on the bridge had been completed with minimum disruption. The bridge will need to be closed again to replace the high voltage cable - a date is still to be fixed. c) The Cycle Path - Caledonia Way John Lauder (Sustrans) had been invited to attend the Meeting but was unable to come. He will visit us to discuss the route through Connel, possibly in September.</p><p>7 Dark Sky Insufficient time left to discuss this. For September Agenda.</p><p>8 Plans and Planning a) There have been no planning applications affecting the village since the last meeting. b) Wind Turbine Applications. The Ardconnel application has been withdrawn. The Planners have asked us if we wish to comment on the Glen Lonan application. Generally speaking, residents seem to be against visually intrusive wind farms but it is recognised that each application needs to be treated on its own merits. This subject was discussed at the meeting on 13 March but, again, there was no real consensus and therefore the Community Council cannot put forward an opinion. Sandy said that the CC has been invited to a meeting on Wind Farms at Musdale Farm and that he and Les would attend. Jackie MacInnes asked if it would be possible for maps of the whole area from Loch Awe to Oban to be produced showing existing and potential windfarm sites. Secretary will arrange for the next meeting. </p><p>9 Achaleven School Fiona Fergusson had advised that things were progressing well at the school. An Induction Day had taken place and everything was on course for 4 children to attend the school in the new term next month. </p><p>10. Connel Community Questionnaire Insufficient time left to discuss this. For September Agenda.</p><p>11. AOCB Les queried the need for all four Councillors to attend each CC Meeting, feeling it was a waste of resources. This is currently being discussed by the Councillors themselves who recognise the problem. Other items not discussed include: 1) Oban Broadband upgrade 2) Argyll & Bute Community Health 3) Connel Surgery - Website</p><p>Date of next Meeting 11 September 2012 Village Hall at 7.30 pm </p><p> [email protected] </p><p>Chairman: Sandy Dunlop 710565 Secretary: Les Stewart 710425</p>
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