<p> VALENCIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE</p><p>GEB 1011 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS</p><p>CRN 20598 – SYLLABUS AND COURSE OUTLINE – SPRING, 2010 Course Description: Fundamentals of business organization and procedures to acquaint student with management, business terminology, organization and control of large and small business</p><p>Course Textbook: Understanding Business (Edition 8) Nickels, McHugh & McHugh Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None Lab: None Meeting Room: 11–349 Day: Wednesdays Time: 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm Instructor: Richard Randolph Phone: 407-668-6466 email: [email protected] Office: Instructor is available before and/or after class upon request and by appointment. Important Dates: Term (Start and End Dates) January 11 – May 2, 2010 Withdrawal for "W" Grade March 26, 2010 Classes End April 25, 2010 Final Withdrawal April 25, 2010 Final Examination April 28, 2010 – 6:00 pm to 8:45 pm Grades Due May 3, 2010 (9:00 am) Classes Do Not Meet (no labs or testing centers available) January 18, 2010 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day February 19, 2010 – VCC Learning Day / Faculty Work Day March 8 – 14, 2010 – College Closed for Spring Break MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this course, Students should be able to: Identify, interpret, and understand the concepts of how the supply and demand of products/services affect consumer behavior, manufacturing decisions, and the pricing of goods (The Business Environment). Identify and explain the differences between the three common forms of business ownership (Starting and Growing a Business). Recognize and explain the principal functions of management (Managing for Quality and Competitiveness). Explain the process of determining human resource needs and the steps to best match people and the desired business outcomes (Creating the Human Resource Advantage). Identify and explain the four “Ps” of marketing (Marketing: Developing Relationships). Identify and explain the functions of basic accounting, banking, and finance (Financing the Enterprise). TOPICS COVERED The Business Environment Starting and Growing a Business Managing for Quality and Competitiveness Creating the Human Resource Advantage Marketing: Developing Relationships Financing the Enterprise GEB1011 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS – CRN 20598 COURSE SYLLABUS, SPRING, 2010 Page 2 of 5 COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Reading Reaction Report: (200 points possible) As an outside assignment, you are asked to submit a written paper known as a “Reading Reaction.” The purpose of this paper is to allow you to expand your knowledge and exposure to Business concepts and apply what you have learned to “real world” experience. Your paper should follow the following format: 1. All work must be typewritten. It may be 1-1/2 or double spaced. Be sure your name appears on your paper, number your pages, and be sure to identify your Reading source. 2. Your total submission must cover seven to ten (7 to 10) pages. 3. The task is to select one of the books listed below, read it, then write a “Reaction” report. You may select a book not on this list with my approval. If you have any question on the appropriateness of your alternate book, bring in a copy and we can discuss it together. 4. Write a report in which the first portion (about one quarter to one third of the total paper; that is, about 2–3 pages) is a summary, recap, or synopsis of the book. The remainder of the paper will be your reaction to the book. In this portion – the real substance of your work – you are to integrate your knowledge of Business, your “real world” experience, and give a thoughtful discussion of the subject matter of the book. Give this section some serious thought. Ask yourself how the points in your book apply in real life. What might support the ideas presented in the book? Or what might cause it not to work? How would the book’s topic work if you applied it at your current or a former workplace? How might it be improved? What would prevent the idea from being effective? What are your personal feelings on this subject? I want to see that you have given this subject serious and personal thought for this paper. 5. Due Date: On or before Wednesday, April 7, 2010. 6. If you have questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to ask. Reading Reaction Books FISH!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen C. Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, and John Christensen Heroz: Empower Yourself, Your Coworkers, Your Company by William Byham and Jeff Cox The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber The One Minute Manager by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment: How to Improve Productivity, Quality, and Employee Satisfaction by William Byham and Jeff Cox Why Employees Don’t Do What They’re Supposed To Do and What To Do About It by Ferdinand F. Fournies Others by Instructor approval I will place copies of each of these books on reserve in the Library. You may check it out for up to two (2) weeks. Manage your time!</p><p>EVALUATION PROCESS Your grade for the course will be earned through Point values for each are as follows:</p><p>Item Number Value Each Total Value Examinations Three (3) 100 points each 300 points Chapter Quizzes 15 (top 15 of 18) 20 points each 300 points Reading Reaction Assignment One (1) 200 points 200 points Final Examination One (1) 200 points 200 points Total Points for the Course: 1,000 points GEB1011 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS – CRN 20598 COURSE SYLLABUS, SPRING, 2010 Page 3 of 5 Your total accumulated points for assignments, quizzes and business plan will constitute your course grade. Your grade will be based on the successful completion of all the course requirements. Your grade will be assigned according to the following scale: 90–100% = 900 to 1000 points = A 80–89.9% = 800 to 899.9 points = B 70–79.9% = 700 to 799.9 points = C 60–69.9% = 600 to 699.9 points = D 59.9% or lower = 599.9 or lower = F</p><p>CLAST and VALENCIA STUDENT COMPETENCIES This course reinforces CLAST and Valencia Student competencies as outlined on pages 116–120 of the 2009-10 VCC College Catalog. </p><p>WITHDRAWAL AND ATTENDANCE POLICY A student may withdraw at any time before the withdrawal deadline for the semester by filing a withdrawal form in the Records Office and receive a “W” for a grade. After this date, if a student withdraws or is withdrawn by the professor for excessive absence or other reasons, the professor will assign a withdrawal of “WP” (Withdrawal Passing) or “WF” (Withdrawal Failing), based upon the student’s academic achievement in the class as of the last date of attendance. Excessive absences mean three (3) consecutive or nonconsecutive missed classes. A “W” or “WP” will not be calculated in the grade point average. If a student fails to take the required Final Exam, the Instructor will assign a grade of “F”.</p><p>CLASSROOM POLICIES Student Conduct and Responsibility — Expected Student Conduct Valencia Community College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia Community College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook. By enrolling at Valencia Community College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by all Valencia rules of conduct. This information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook (pages 199–205) or at the following link: http://www.valenciacc.edu/generalcounsel/policydetail.cfm?RecordID=180. 1. Valencia’s attendance policy is that a student will be present for all class meetings. After two (2) absences, a student will receive an excessive absence notice and must schedule a conference with the instructor immediately. A student will be withdrawn after three (3) absences. 2. Tardiness is unacceptable class behavior. Class begins at the scheduled time and is over when the instructor dismisses class. Leaving early without prior permission will result in an absence. Continual tardiness will be viewed as absences and treated as such. Two (2) occurrences of being tardy will equal one absence. 3. Makeup Policy for Examinations and All Other Assignments: All tests must be taken on or before dates assigned. No makeup tests are available without explicit consent of the instructor, which will only be granted in case of documented extreme emergency. It is college policy that makeup exams are given for jury duty and military service. Make-ups for scheduled tests must be requested before the test date GEB1011 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS – CRN 20598 COURSE SYLLABUS, SPRING, 2010 Page 4 of 5 and are subject to approval of the instructor. The Final Exam must be taken on the date published for final exams. A student is responsible for all material covered during absences. 4. Academic Honesty Policy: Each student is required to follow the College policy regarding academic honesty. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research and self-expression. Any act of academic dishonesty will be handled in accordance with College policy as set forth in the Student Handbook and Catalog. Students must do their own work; there are no exceptions. Students who plagiarize or cheat in any way risk dismissal from class and expulsion from the college. 5. Communication: Students must have and use an active Atlas account. Course materials, supplemental materials and links to outside resources will be posted in the “My Courses” tab area for this course. Students must check their Atlas e-mails regularly as to not miss any important messages from the professor. Missed messages via Atlas or any other medium (in-class, etc.) may affect your grade and are the responsibility of the student. 6. Class Disruption: Anything that is deemed disturbing to the students or instructor will not be allowed during class time. This includes any disturbance that is created from a device (cell phone, PDA, iPod, etc.) or personally made by the student. If a disturbance occurs, the violator will have five (5) points deducted from their final course grade for each occurrence. . Please silence all communication devices before class begins. . Laptops are permitted in class for class-related work only. Valencia ID cards are required for LRC, Testing Center, and IMC use. No other form of ID at those locations will be accepted. Possession and use of a Valencia ID is mandatory to obtain these services. Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based upon appropriate documentation of disabilities (West Campus SSB 102, ext. 1523). Technology / Software Required — Due to the electronic structure of this course, you may need to use the following software (both PC and Mac platforms are supported): • Microsoft Word (word processor) (NO alternates or substitutes are acceptable!) • Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) • PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer Computer/Equipment Use Policy: Use of computers in the Business, IT, and Public Service classrooms at Valencia Community College is restricted to those activities designated by the instructor to enhance the class materials. Any other use is strictly forbidden. Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to: • Use of computer to send E-mail or access Internet sites not specifically assigned in class. • Use of computer for job, internship, homework or other activities not assigned in class. • Modifying any hardware or software system configuration or setting. • Activities not in accordance with the Valencia Student Code of Conduct Use of computers in the departmental open lab is limited to those activities involved with preparing homework or coursework in this department and is subject to the same restriction as listed above. Computer use is remotely monitored; any student using computers inappropriately may be subject to dismissal from class or banishment from the lab. Subsequent offense may be sent to the campus administration for further disciplinary action. GEB1011 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS – CRN 20598 COURSE SYLLABUS, SPRING, 2010 Page 5 of 5</p><p>SBM 1000 – Small Business Management CRN 20598 – Course Outline* – Spring, 2010</p><p>Meeting Class Contents Reading and Assignments Due Date * Week 1 Welcome, Introductions, Course Overview / Syllabus Chapter 1 January 13 What is a business? The Business Environment Week 2 Economics and Global Business Chapters 2 & 3 January 20 Chapter Quizzes 1, 2 & 3 Week 3 Entrepreneurship Chapters 5 & 6 January 27 Chapter Quizzes 5 & 6 Week 4 Ethics and Social Responsibility Chapter 4 February 3 Exam #1 Exam #1: Chapters 1 – 6 Week 5 Principles of Business Management and Organizing Chapters 7 & 8 February 10 Chapter Quizzes 4, 7 & 8 Week 6 Management continued: Production and Operations Chapters 9 & 10 February 17 and Leadership and Motivation Chapter Quizzes 9 & 10 Week 7 Management continued: Human Resources Chapters 11 & 12 February 24 Management Chapter Quizzes 11 & 12 Week 8 Management continued; Exam #2: Chapters 7 – 12 March 3 Exam #2 Week 9 College Closed – Spring Break March 10 Week 10 Marketing: Customer Focus, Research and the Chapter 13 March 17 Marketing Mix Chapter Quiz 13 Week 11 Marketing continued: Pricing and Distribution (Place) Chapters 14 & 15 March 24 Chapter Quizzes 14 & 15 Week 12 Marketing continued: Promotion and Selling Chapter 16 March 31 Exam #3 Exam #3: Chapters 13 – 16 Week 13 Finance: Accounting, Financial Statements and Chapter 17 April 7 Ratio Analysis Chapter Quizzes 16 & 17 Reading Reaction Report Due Week 14 Finance continued: Financial Planning – Short-term Chapter 18 April 14 and Long-term Week 15 Review for Final Exam Chapter Quiz 18 April 21 Week 16 Final Exam April 28 If a student fails to take the required Final Exam, the The Final Exam must be taken on 6:00 pm to professor will assign a grade of “F.” the date published for final exams. 8:45 pm To receive credit for a course for which you are registered, you must take the final examination. It is your responsibility to know when and where the final examination is scheduled and to be present and on time. You may be absent from a final examination or deviate from the examination schedule only with approval by the professor and the appropriate provost. If you do not attend the final examination and do not have an approved absence, you will receive an F for the course.</p><p>*DISCLAIMER: This Course Outline may be altered at the instructor’s discretion during the course of the term. It is the responsibility of the Student to make any adjustments as announced. In-class and written notice shall be provided regarding any changes made to the syllabus.</p>
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